Poverty Is Not An Accident

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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Cornfed wrote:
July 6th, 2019, 8:37 pm
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
July 6th, 2019, 7:07 pm
And that's why you'll stay poor.
I'm not actually terribly poor now by local standards (admittedly low)....
But sure you are! Any white male of your age who lives as lowly an existence as you is poor in my book. Everything from whining about your sucky life to seeking business advice on forum like this gives you away as unmistakable poor white trash, the type of which I sneer at on the street.

But that’s ok if you don’t agree. You’ll know I’m right when you’re too old to flip burgers and reality comes tumbling down upon you like a ton of bricks.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Ghost wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 8:15 am
Poverty is not an accident in the same way that negros, boomers, and negro boomers receiving gibs is not an accident.
Of course neither is an accident. You have to be actually talented and then work your ass off until you no longer have to work. These are foreign concepts to idiots.

Ever since white men had to compete in the job market with non-white men, the left behind losers of the game have been severely butthurt because they see "others" out-performing them. That has to be a blow to the ego, but smart white men get over it instead of blaming it on some fictitious Jewish master plan. The real reason is you just suck.
Ghost wrote: There are now millions of disenfranchised men who just a few decades ago would have been adept and productive. The number of homeless is increasing. The jobs being created are largely minimum wage, temporary, and H1B jobs.
Just because some men are plain DUMB does not make them disenfranchised (and I get the sense you don't even know the actual definitions of that word). Get off your ass, get a clue, and start making money instead of being a whiny, white male loser.
Ghost wrote: Self-determination can work, but not when there's an 800lb gorilla being forced onto your back.
That 800 lb gorilla is their ineptitude, nothing more. If you are not where you wanted to be at this point in your life, THE PROBLEM IS YOU MORON!
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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by CannedHam »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
July 6th, 2019, 3:37 pm

Convicted felon or not, in this job market, you are an unmitigated moron if you can't find gainful employment. Employers are begging for workers and they are scraping the bottom of the barrel to bring people on.

But for idiots, lame excuses are easier than actually putting forth the effort to make something of oneself. Newsflash: Your life sucks because of YOU and for no other reason. You can't make everyone understand that, but some people deserve to just suffer their fate.
A few days ago I went to Target with my wife. In the parking lot there was a homeless vagrant going around asking for money. About 20 feet away there was a huge sign that said "NOW HIRING, STARTING $13/hour". My (Chinese) wife asked: if he needs money, why not just work at Target?? :? Every highway exit ramp is now infested with these increasingly violent turds. 10 years ago I rarely ever saw any. Tent cities are popping up so they can sit around doing drugs and drinking all day. All while employers are struggling to hire reliable workers. I believe even Home Depot around here now starts employees at $14-15/hour. So get a starter job, work 40 hours/week and go to school in the evenings/weekends to get into a trade, nursing, or IT. After one year you can usually start working in those professions making a living wage and bootstrap your way up from there.

The US must be the absolute easiest place to work your way out of poverty if you are motivated and determined. You want to see real poverty? Go to India - someone born into poverty in one of the lower castes is absolutely f***ed for life. "Poor" people in the US get free schooling until high school, housing assistance, welfare, food stamps, medicaid, tax credits for the poor, politicians that "fight" for them in congress, and probably a million other things. In what country do people in poverty own cars, cell phones, TVs, have an air conditioned apartment, etc.?

Poor people need to wake up realize that politicians are not their friends. It's in their (usually democrats) best interest to have a large % of the population dependent on the government. And unfortunately that dependency usually removes any incentive to bust ass and move upwards.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Ghost wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 10:21 am
That would be a good system of hard work paying off. It's mythical these days. But that would not be gibs, which is what I was talking about.
There are people working hard and reaping the benefits every day, even white men. You're just too stupid and untalented to partake. So people reaping the rewards of their hard work and investment seems like gibs to you. I understand your feelings on this. I really do....
Ghost wrote: That's the thing though - minorities aren't competing. They consistently need help and still do worse than white men. If they were competing, they would not need affirmative action, special scholarships just for them, and the rest of that nonsense. The entire system is now noncompetitive.
For you it is non-competitive, I agree. That's because you CAN'T compete and never will.

During my career, I would routinely see white male attorneys get whipped around like rag dolls in court by minority (Black, Asian, Indian, Females, etc) attorneys. I would also see white males get demolished in sales metrics by minority colleagues. I would also see white males get overwhelmed by complex criminal cases that would get taken over by minorities and brought to quick resolution because the white males could not think out of their little boxes. Then I began to see white males crying like sissies on forums like this bemoaning the fact that they can't get ahead in life because more successful minorities ruined life for them. :lol:

So with real life in mind, it is only the top 10% of white males that are competing (mainly high IQ Jews or blue blood WASPS) and the rest languish only to get finished off by their wives in divorce.
Ghost wrote: The real reason you get gibs is because you're a nigger-boomer.
As in baby boomer? I am Generation X :lol: I just was able to stop working extremely early because I ran circles around numbskulls like you during my career days.
Ghost wrote: It can mean more than being deprived of the right to vote, if that's what you mean. Although that usage would work too since white men don't get a real vote anymore.
I said DEFINITIONS as in plural you moron. It does not fit neatly enough into the context of what you were trying to say and you came off as even more of an idiot.
Ghost wrote: I'm doing all right myself. But I have to put in effort for mine - I don't get daddygov gibs like you do. You project too much.
No you're not! Get real! You are the typical white male loser who blames his failures on others. You would fail overseas too if you asked me.
Ghost wrote: You're such a loser and the stench permeates the site whenever you launch your haughty, hollow tirades. The funniest part is that everyone sees it - except you.
:lol: I'm sure I seem haughty to you, but that's just because I look down on the likes angry, poor, shiftless white guys who hate to see people doing better than they are. 8)

Don't bother trying to live the good life abroad. You're clearly too broken to ever get to where you want.

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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

Ghost wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 10:21 am
......The funniest part is that everyone sees it - except you.
I don't see it so count me out. :+1: Contrarian only comes back here to remind himself that if he were to be coerced
to return to the U.S. of Gay permanently, he'd be relegated to a homeless shelter. The way you guys show your
a.s.s to him empowers him, and I cannot blame him. You guys should be celebrating that he's happier abroad, you un-
fettered c*nt you; that's suppose to be the modus operandi of this site! WTF is wrong with you, dude?? I see why
most greats left this site: NorthAmericanguy, Rock, the Asian guy from California that played the accordion and harmonica in Mexico and got MX girls there, AmericanInMexico, the guy with Doc Brown from Back to the Future icon, Ladislav, zboy1 (we almost met in Hong Kong but situations came up), Steve55 (we met in person - he ages well for a White guy, former HA member kai9892 (I'm not mentioning him as a great) and I met Steve55 in Dallas TX, and kai9892 wasn't too crazy about me - most Blacks don't like me anyway), etc. (I apologize to anybody I missed that left this site).
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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 12:55 pm
relegated to a homeless shelter.....
That or an insane asylum :mrgreen:
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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by Cornfed »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 11:39 am
Ghost wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 10:21 am
That's the thing though - minorities aren't competing. They consistently need help and still do worse than white men. If they were competing, they would not need affirmative action, special scholarships just for them, and the rest of that nonsense. The entire system is now noncompetitive.
Aren't they, though? I see plenty of statistics of the average Asian American out-earning the average white American by quite a bit
Of course. The situation is that the Anglo-Jewish banksters are running the show and they bring in coolie labor to replace upper-earning whites because coolies are easier to control, so of course in the short term coolies are going to be handed more money than the whites they have displaced. In any case, when Americans refer to minorities they are generally referring to loser POS populations such as blacks and females. The only jobs they would be given on merit is pushing up the daisies from a pine box, but instead it is legally mandated that they be hired. If you are in a class that people are forced to hire, you know you are garbage and can’t compete.
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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by Cornfed »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 12:24 pm
I just was able to stop working extremely early because I ran circles around numbskulls like you during my career days.
You mean by doing things like passing the diplomatic service test that you used to crow about all the time? The one I rolled out of bed and passed in half and hour which you probably had to practice for for months? That is running rings around your competition?

Face it, you accomplished nothing, which is why you had to work for the government. The reason you were hired was to provide a buffer between the assholes at the top and the talented humans who might be a threat to them. It was your obvious wretched worthlessness that allowed you to receive gibs - the very opposite of merit. If you weren’t worthless the elite would have seen you as a threat and not hired you. You pretending to be successful is like a child putting on his father’s clothes and pretending to be a tycoon or something. The fact that the regime enables this farce by handing you looted money does not make it any less ridiculous.
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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by Cornfed »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 1:11 pm
I've seen a lot of immigrants working two or three or more jobs at the same time, constantly working overtime, saving their asses off, investing, you name it
Yes it is a real race to the bottom in terms of quality of life expectations, which is what the elite want of course.
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Post by Ghost »

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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Cornfed wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 1:33 pm
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 12:24 pm
I just was able to stop working extremely early because I ran circles around numbskulls like you during my career days.
You mean by doing things like passing the diplomatic service test that you used to crow about all the time? The one I rolled out of bed and passed in half and hour which you probably had to practice for for months? That is running rings around your competition?

Face it, you accomplished nothing, which is why you had to work for the government. The reason you were hired was to provide a buffer between the assholes at the top and the talented humans who might be a threat to them. It was your obvious wretched worthlessness that allowed you to receive gibs - the very opposite of merit. If you weren’t worthless the elite would have seen you as a threat and not hired you. You pretending to be successful is like a child putting on his father’s clothes and pretending to be a tycoon or something. The fact that the regime enables this farce by handing you looted money does not make it any less ridiculous.
No profession is of value to people who have no value. :lol:

Haters are a man's biggest fans, they just have not come to terms with it yet. And you, Cornfed, are my biggest fan on this site. You read each of my posts. You comment on most of them. You memorized my personal history (not realizing that certain, key details were changed so I can't be doxxed) so you can bring it up again and again on the forum. You hate my leisurely way of life, and you loathe my income streams and deride them as gibs.

For all the problems you have with me, I am quite sure you would switch life circumstances with me in a second, while I would rather be dead than live under yours!
Last edited by Contrarian Expatriate on July 7th, 2019, 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poverty Is Not An Accident

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Ghost wrote:
July 7th, 2019, 2:12 pm
This comes across as made up, just like everything else you post. Heck, I'd be inclined to believe some of it if even a little didn't contradict everything I've seen....
And which would be those contradictions, or do you not have a grasp of what that term means also?

I maintain that losers who think they should be doing better than you deserve to stay losers. You're a case in point.
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