Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Winston »

I don't understand something. If its safer and more stable to keep your money in gold and silver then why doesn't everyone do that? There must be some risk or drawback right? Otherwise everyone would do it. What's the drawback or disadvantage?
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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Light »

Winston wrote:
June 23rd, 2020, 10:16 pm
I don't understand something. If its safer and more stable to keep your money in gold and silver then why doesn't everyone do that? There must be some risk or drawback right? Otherwise everyone would do it. What's the drawback or disadvantage?
There's no drawback or disadvantage except perception. It's more difficult to sell gold and silver. They also aren't accepted at stores or markets in most nations. They have a premium to buy over the metal price. It costs more to buy smaller weights of gold and less to buy 1 oz, 30g, 50g, 100g and above.

Most people say the drawbacks are they do not pay dividends, earn interest, or grow. That's true but in reality there is no interest rate that will be higher than inflation, currency printing, and protect against a rapid devaluation of a currency.

The UK in the 1990s
The Euro after the Financial Crisis of 2008
The Russian Ruble in 2014 and then another slight drop to its lows of 2014 again in 2020

Iran, Venezuela, Argentina, and Zimbabwe are some nations without stable currencies because of mass inflation or hyperinflation or America's economic warfare

Germany during the Weimer Republic and then again after WWII

Expats abroad should save in gold. It helps them with a policy of dedollarization and avoid FATCA because gold is off the books. American expats have Tax Returns, FBAR, and FATCA reporting requirements.

Some people also say that gold and silver can lose value. Once again that is only perception. The amount of dollars you will get for gold could decrease but somewhere else in the world it might be increasing in that currency.

Gold is the best for savings large amounts and most countries don't have a VAT on gold. Many countries have a VAT on silver so it makes gold more popular in most nations.

Estonia is great for silver because they have no VAT on silver but gold is the most popular in Europe. Silver is popular among ordinary people in America and I heard it is also popular in China especially among the Chinese who can't afford gold. Gold is the best to save because it is more stable than silver and easier to sell and has less of a premium compared to silver.

Gold is a finite universal currency and commodity.

The dollar is a national currency with infinite supply and decreasing value the more time goes on like all national currencies.
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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Winston »

I asked Rock recently if it's a good idea now to put all your money into gold since an economic collapse may be coming because of the global pandemic. His reply on WhatsApp:


"It’s absolutely not true in general. History disproves that. Gold bugs (those who love gold bars) are conspiracy theorists of the financial world.

In last 50 years, gold has grossly underperformed most major assets the majority of the time and often does worse than even cash. History post WWII proves that.

I had very low weighting in gold. How much money have those who invested in gold since Taco first recommended it made? History does not repeat exactly. Better to be be extremely diversified across currencies, equities around world, bonds from government treasuries to high yield, commodities, and some gold and other precious metals (less than 5% or total portfolio). Also add crypto these days. Shemp sounds like wise investor."
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Post by Winston »

gmm567 wrote:
November 13th, 2009, 12:04 pm
The dollar might collapse-- true. You might want to keep some of your money in the Euro.

The problem with gold is you have to store it, and you might not be getting 100% pure gold.

I would stay away from philipiino gold merchants, only deal with people in the US or Europe.
I was gonna convert to Euro years ago, but that would have been a bad decision. The Euro has gone down too and the conversion compared to the dollar has gone down, so I would have lost money had I done that.

Do you mean if you buy gold, it will be physical gold that you will have to store or hide somewhere? And could be lost or stolen?

What about gold funds and gold stocks and brokerage gold, as Rock mentioned above? How would you know if gold funds and stocks are real and backed by real gold? How do you know they aren't a scam? Can you go to a vault and verify if they are backed by gold somehow? I heard that all the gold at Fort Knox is gone and can't be verified, so the gold at Fort Knox is a scam now right?
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Post by Winston »

Dr. Strangelove wrote:
September 24th, 2007, 1:16 pm
Also, even though he has a lot of money, Stefan has no ability to truly enjoy life. He's lived in Hawaii for 2 or 3 years and never once went to a beach or even went to Honolulu. He can't have any fun nor does he care. In that sense, he is like a sociopath. And a total party pooper as well. He doesn't even want to celebrate his own birthday and discourages others from celebrating their birthdays too, except for his fiancee when he was courting her with money and threw a big party for her. What a party pooper huh?
You f***ing little scumbag. This is what you say about one of the precious few people on this planet who actually befriended you -- or tried his best? You turn around and condemn him? After he finally saw who and what you are, even after he went against the common knowledge of dozens of people who have watched your crap and exploits for years? He TRIED to help you out, and he DID SO. Then you turn around, as was 100% predictable, and treat him like this? You, the same little piece of shit who laughed in the face of ALINA in Russia, a naive young girl who agreed to marry you, only to have you sneer at her and laugh at her pain when she saw you kissing yet another Russian whore?

You are a human maggot.
Wow you must have been from the WooWeasel Group and like to see the worst in everyone don't you? lol

FYI I NEVER did anything wrong to Stefan. You can ask anyone who knows me. I am very innocent, nice, kind and harmless and would never hurt a fly. If I get into a fight with someone, you can be sure that THEY started it, not me. I only retaliated. That is a fact I will swear to, because God knows it's true. I never start shit with people. I don't pick fights. I'm an old soul and wise and good natured, and would never do that. You can see that in my posts here too.

I told you long ago that back in 2007, Stefan simply had no more use for me. But he tried to torture me about it by not giving me any work, then blaming me for not working, which is insane and nonsensical. I've had bad bosses and managers before, but no one would do that. If a company has no more work for you and doesn't need you, they just lay you off and part on amicable terms. And if you were a long time employee there, they may give you a severance payment. But with Stefan, I was just an independent contractor and friend. If he had no more use for me, we could have just parted as friends amicably. But that's not his way. He loves to bring out the worst in people and drag them into the mud in a hatefest. That's just his nature. I swear to God. I've seen him do that with everyone. You could be Jesus or Buddha, and he'd do that to you too. Doesn't matter who you are.

Some people simply see the worst in others and ACTIVELY try to BRING OUT the worst in others too. We all have a dark side, at least most of us do. So anyone who wants to can step on our toes and actively TRY to bring out the worst in us to justify their hatred of us and for humanity. Some misanthropes do that. It's very TOXIC and DEMONIC of course. But it may be subconscious too, meaning people like that do not consciously know what they are doing. We are all blind to our own faults, and only others can see them clearly. Yes that includes Stefan and me too.

However, keep in mind that Stefan has done this to virtually EVERYONE he knows for a while, he brings out the worst in them, and uses that to justify his hatred of them, which he has a propensity to do. If he met you and hung out with you long enough, Dr. Strangelove and PatriaTexefor, he would do the SAME to you too. Guaranteed 100 percent. So if he does that to everyone, and then to me too, then it's nothing personal. It doesn't reflect badly on me. Just like if the rain pours on everyone, and it pours onto me too, then that doesn't reflect badly on me cause it's not my fault of course. Comprende? This is simple logic.

If you ask most people who know me in real life, they will tell you that I have a good vibe and am likable. They will not see the worst in me or project the worst in me like those of the WooWeasel Group and Stefan did. So the majority do not see me as a bad person. Many see me as odd and eccentric of course, because I'm on a different wavelength and a freethinker, but not a bad person.

Now that was the Stefan back in 2006/2007. I don't know if today he has changed or improved himself. I certainly hope he's changed for the better now. I'm sure being very analytical, and left brained, he has made many improvements to his life and self. After our falling out, we did become friends again for a while, and hung out sometimes. But I haven't talked to him in a few years, because he likes to have long drawn out conversations and debates in circles and talks your ear off, and likes to have one sided conversations where I am the listener and he is the talker, lol, and I just don't have time for that right now. Talking to him is kind of draining still, because he is still arrogant, always thinks he's right about everything, never admits he's wrong, and wants others to always listen to him. So I can only take him in small doses, even when we are on friendly terms. Some people are just like that. You can only take them in small doses. I'm sure you all know people that are like that.

So keep in mind that what I said above is the Stefan I knew in 2006 and 2007, and may not apply to him today. I don't know. But I just wanted to clarify that. The feud we had before was toxic and unnecessary yes, so I don't wish to bring it up again, it's better to put it behind us, but I just wanted to explain what happened in case anyone - either for me or against me - wanted to know what happened, or especially anyone wants to try to use it against me, which would be wrong.
Jack wrote:
September 27th, 2007, 6:40 pm
You f***ing little scumbag. This is what you say about one of the precious few people on this planet who actually befriended you -- or tried his best? You turn around and condemn him? After he finally saw who and what you are, even after he went against the common knowledge of dozens of people who have watched your crap and exploits for years? He TRIED to help you out, and he DID SO. Then you turn around, as was 100% predictable, and treat him like this? You, the same little piece of shit who laughed in the face of ALINA in Russia, a naive young girl who agreed to marry you, only to have you sneer at her and laugh at her pain when she saw you kissing yet another Russian whore?
I just don't understand how anyone could be defending Stefan(unless you are him). I don't know whether or not any of the stories I hear about him and Winston are true, because I wasn't there. The only thing I know for sure about Stefan, is what I've heard him say on this board. And all I've seen, is a foul mouthed baby who can't get along with another human being for two seconds. I've seen someone who joins a forum under multiple names to torment a bunch of people, most of which he doesn't even know.

Based on what I know about his character, I wouldn't blame anyone for condemning him.
Good observation Jack. See my full explanation above. It's the truth I swear.
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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Winston »

Ok so I guess gold on the market has gone up and down. But i get the sense that Taco buys gold not for its market value, but to hoard in some bunker or shelter in the event of a doom and gloom apocalypse right? Lol.

He claims that gold bars protects you from hyperinflation and economic recession. Is that true?

I think he means hoarding physical gold bars. Not gold funds on the stock market right?

So basically he is preparing for some apocalyptic end of the world scenario where all money is worthless and only gold and assets have value right? Lol
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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Winston »

Is this true that gold and precious metals will knock out the US dollar?

What do you think of this website about how to crash proof your money with precious metals? If this is true why doesn't everyone do it? Why doesn't Warren Buffet recommend it?

#1 All-Time Bestseller Reveals How to Crash-Proof Your Portfolio With Precious Metals

How to purchase physical gold and silver including which specific bullion coins and bars you should own and 10 mistakes to avoid.

The hit book that made Michael Maloney a global authority on precious metals, and helped millions save their portfolios, is now available as FREE ebook.

This 276-page guide is loaded with strategies for investing in precious metals and navigating today’s extreme market volatility. It's a must-read. Inside, you'll learn:

- How to purchase physical gold and silver including which specific bullion coins and bars you should own and 10 mistakes to avoid.

- Essential history of economic cycles and how they impact your rate of return... in plain English.

- How to stop inflation and currency debasement from eroding your life's savings.

- What causes economic crises and how to future cataclysmic events on the horizon.

- Why precious metals are the ultimate form of insurance.

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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by josephty2 »

If you have achieved a world record at preventing thieves, then you must understand them very well. You must be like castle walls. Then invest in gold and silver. If you can 100% guarantee in not having it stolen (good luck) then its a wise investment.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

It's hard to tell whether gold and silver is real or not. Many of them can be scams.

Better to invest in Stocks and Real Estate and put the rest of your money under your mattress.
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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by fschmidt »

glanmit wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 1:08 pm
I think it is better to invest money in some stocks
Yes, or a stock index fund if you can't be bothered to pick stocks. I have VT, a world stock index fund.
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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

fschmidt wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 3:15 pm
glanmit wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 1:08 pm
I think it is better to invest money in some stocks
Yes, or a stock index fund if you can't be bothered to pick stocks. I have VT, a world stock index fund.
I don't really buy Vanguard's stocks because their dividend is very low. I have both MAIN and TSLY
Main is quite stable and gives out decent dividends. TSLY is bit risky, but it's dividend is more than/less than 50% per year.

I'm not sure about gold/silver because too many fakers.
And Bitcoin is not backed up by real companies, so Bitcoin is very volatile and unsafe.
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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Moretorque »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 4:17 pm
fschmidt wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 3:15 pm
glanmit wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 1:08 pm
I think it is better to invest money in some stocks
Yes, or a stock index fund if you can't be bothered to pick stocks. I have VT, a world stock index fund.
I don't really buy Vanguard's stocks because their dividend is very low. I have both MAIN and TSLY
Main is quite stable and gives out decent dividends. TSLY is bit risky, but it's dividend is more than/less than 50% per year.

I'm not sure about gold/silver because too many fakers.
And Bitcoin is not backed up by real companies, so Bitcoin is very volatile and unsafe.
The entire system is fake, when was the last time the US or other countries ran surpluses ? Real Estate is already totally inflated, not to say the commie can't inflate it more and most of the companies in stocks are all fake and propped up with the fake money by them as well. Precious metals should have their day soon especially if you are invested in US notes, it looks like hyper inflation and soon. By the way Vangaurd is just a shell company owned by the central bankers, the entire system is nothing more than a counterfeiting con job as that is what communism really is..
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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Moretorque wrote:
September 19th, 2023, 10:26 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 4:17 pm
fschmidt wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 3:15 pm
glanmit wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 1:08 pm
I think it is better to invest money in some stocks
Yes, or a stock index fund if you can't be bothered to pick stocks. I have VT, a world stock index fund.
I don't really buy Vanguard's stocks because their dividend is very low. I have both MAIN and TSLY
Main is quite stable and gives out decent dividends. TSLY is bit risky, but it's dividend is more than/less than 50% per year.

I'm not sure about gold/silver because too many fakers.
And Bitcoin is not backed up by real companies, so Bitcoin is very volatile and unsafe.
The entire system is fake, when was the last time the US or other countries ran surpluses ? Real Estate is already totally inflated, not to say the commie can't inflate it more and most of the companies in stocks are all fake and propped up with the fake money by them as well. Precious metals should have their day soon especially if you are invested in US notes, it looks like hyper inflation and soon. By the way Vangaurd is just a shell company owned by the central bankers, the entire system is nothing more than a counterfeiting con job as that is what communism really is..
I want YOU to lead the people to overthrow the Central Bankers. :)
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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Moretorque »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 19th, 2023, 10:28 am
Moretorque wrote:
September 19th, 2023, 10:26 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 4:17 pm
fschmidt wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 3:15 pm
glanmit wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 1:08 pm
I think it is better to invest money in some stocks
Yes, or a stock index fund if you can't be bothered to pick stocks. I have VT, a world stock index fund.
I don't really buy Vanguard's stocks because their dividend is very low. I have both MAIN and TSLY
Main is quite stable and gives out decent dividends. TSLY is bit risky, but it's dividend is more than/less than 50% per year.

I'm not sure about gold/silver because too many fakers.
And Bitcoin is not backed up by real companies, so Bitcoin is very volatile and unsafe.
The entire system is fake, when was the last time the US or other countries ran surpluses ? Real Estate is already totally inflated, not to say the commie can't inflate it more and most of the companies in stocks are all fake and propped up with the fake money by them as well. Precious metals should have their day soon especially if you are invested in US notes, it looks like hyper inflation and soon. By the way Vangaurd is just a shell company owned by the central bankers, the entire system is nothing more than a counterfeiting con job as that is what communism really is..
I want YOU to lead the people to overthrow the Central Bankers. :)
They have their point of view which is the cattle need to be treated as such, if you over throw them more than likely it will kill most people in modern societies because the system will come down hard but that is what it appears they have planned anyway for depopulation.
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Re: Is it wiser & safer to store your money & assets in gold & silver?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Moretorque wrote:
September 19th, 2023, 10:41 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 19th, 2023, 10:28 am
Moretorque wrote:
September 19th, 2023, 10:26 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 4:17 pm
fschmidt wrote:
September 18th, 2023, 3:15 pm

Yes, or a stock index fund if you can't be bothered to pick stocks. I have VT, a world stock index fund.
I don't really buy Vanguard's stocks because their dividend is very low. I have both MAIN and TSLY
Main is quite stable and gives out decent dividends. TSLY is bit risky, but it's dividend is more than/less than 50% per year.

I'm not sure about gold/silver because too many fakers.
And Bitcoin is not backed up by real companies, so Bitcoin is very volatile and unsafe.
The entire system is fake, when was the last time the US or other countries ran surpluses ? Real Estate is already totally inflated, not to say the commie can't inflate it more and most of the companies in stocks are all fake and propped up with the fake money by them as well. Precious metals should have their day soon especially if you are invested in US notes, it looks like hyper inflation and soon. By the way Vangaurd is just a shell company owned by the central bankers, the entire system is nothing more than a counterfeiting con job as that is what communism really is..
I want YOU to lead the people to overthrow the Central Bankers. :)
They have their point of view which is the cattle need to be treated as such, if you over throw them more than likely it will kill most people in modern societies because the system will come down hard but that is what it appears they have planned anyway for depopulation.
So What do you want people to do? Continue to be a Cattle? You kept on talking about how everything is the Central Bankers fault, but overthrowing them will result mass deaths? Which is it, bro? :?
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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