dark capitalism

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dark capitalism

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

OK fellas
In response to @Pixel--Dude and his evil of capitalismthreadI decided to make this
That overweight sanctimonious socialist is going to spit out his latte when he sees this!!!
Dont take it personally fella
Cmon now
But yeah you should be grateful for the privelige you have living in a progressing western country
You get all the comforts most ppl get to enjoy and its all thanks to capitalism....
Some ppl are going to die
Thats just how shit works
But remember the weak will die and the strong prosper!!!
The weak are meat and the strong must eat!!!
We are overpopulated as it is so why should we give a f**k if ppl want to become homeless vaigrants sucking dick for crack!
Or if ppl wanna eat shit food and watch talk shows all f***ing day thats their choice.....
There are plenty of charity that offer help to these losers and they never take it coz they prefer to be homeless and get free handouts
But got some advice on how to survive fellas
I call it dark capitalism
It involves bending the rules a little bit to make things better for urself....
Coz nobody is gonna do this for you
Grow some balls and start a business venture that is dark capitalism
For example my high stakes poker games!!
This is how you get ahead
You dont be weak and do ur little week routine for a bum paycheck like a castrated little no balls man baby!!
You grab life by the fuckin balls and you go out there and you make money even if that means bending the rules!!!
The mafia did it with bootlegging and rigging horse races and shit like that and they became respectable business men who made friends in politics
Pablo escobar even ran for president of colombia and he had full support of the ppl coz of what he did for them!
These fellas were dark capitalists
Like I am but Im much more softcore than these fellas are!!!

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Re: dark capitalism

Post by Lucas88 »

CaptainSkelebob wrote:
November 6th, 2022, 2:07 pm
I call it dark capitalism
It involves bending the rules a little bit to make things better for urself....
Coz nobody is gonna do this for you
Grow some balls and start a business venture that is dark capitalism
For example my high stakes poker games!!
This is how you get ahead
You dont be weak and do ur little week routine for a bum paycheck like a castrated little no balls man baby!!
You grab life by the fuckin balls and you go out there and you make money even if that means bending the rules!!!
The mafia did it with bootlegging and rigging horse races and shit like that and they became respectable business men who made friends in politics
Pablo escobar even ran for president of colombia and he had full support of the ppl coz of what he did for them!
These fellas were dark capitalists
Like I am but Im much more softcore than these fellas are!!!
I actually agree with you. I find it funny how some proponents of capitalism - particularly the smug Anglo puritan types - rattle on about how people supposedly have a moral obligation to devote their whole lives to relentless work and even to enjoy it when in reality capitalism itself is a completely amoral system with the sole imperative of making profit for one's own rational self-interest. Those sanctimonious buttfucks can go suck a dick!

The people at the top understand that their economic system is completely amoral and break all kinds of rules to gain an advantage and make even bigger profits. They know that the rules were invented only for the clueless serfs at the bottom of the hierarchy whose function is simply to serve those above them. In light of this redpill truth, it makes much more sense for the awakened to adopt this same mentality for themselves and do all they can to game the system and make as much money as they can through nonlegal activities. I'm talking about the dodgy side businesses that many people have, but I personally draw the line at cultivating or selling drugs - I hate drugs and think that drug dealers are scumbags (with the exception of those who only sell PEDs for sports and physical training). Making significant amounts of money quickly through nonlegal means is the best way to go about things in a capitalist economy if you want to live a good life, enjoy nice things and live on your own terms. It's much better than spending most of your waking hours working a shitty slave jerb for some capitalist douchebag who makes you call him "boss" and still barely having enough to live. Do you want to make a good life for yourself or do you want to remain a miserable serf toiling incessantly for a pittance? The rules of the system are just for the humble serfs who are dumb enough to buy into them. Conventional forms of morality are just slave moralities concocted by the elites to keep the same humble serfs in line.

Capitalism is just a dog-eat-dog gangster system ruled by financial and industrial mafias. That's the redpill truth. Within such a system it is better to adopt gangster attitudes ourselves and do what it takes to gain an advantage for oneself and one's loved ones. Fcuk being poor, fcuk sacrificing most of your time and vital energy to a jerb that you hate, fcuk being an incel, fcuk taking shit from asshole bosses and coworkers, while criminal elites at the top of the system live like kings! Most people don't break the rules because they're scared of getting caught, don't have the cojones or are otherwise brainwashed by artificial moral notions and hoax slave religions which threaten people with hell and such. But those who are redpilled on capitalism and society know how things are.

You don't even have to be a bad person! You can still be nice to people, contribute to society in meaningful ways, donate money to charities and help out people in need. How's that grab ya, fellaaa? :lol:
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Re: dark capitalism

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
November 6th, 2022, 4:58 pm
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
November 6th, 2022, 2:07 pm
I call it dark capitalism
It involves bending the rules a little bit to make things better for urself....
Coz nobody is gonna do this for you
Grow some balls and start a business venture that is dark capitalism
For example my high stakes poker games!!
This is how you get ahead
You dont be weak and do ur little week routine for a bum paycheck like a castrated little no balls man baby!!
You grab life by the fuckin balls and you go out there and you make money even if that means bending the rules!!!
The mafia did it with bootlegging and rigging horse races and shit like that and they became respectable business men who made friends in politics
Pablo escobar even ran for president of colombia and he had full support of the ppl coz of what he did for them!
These fellas were dark capitalists
Like I am but Im much more softcore than these fellas are!!!
I actually agree with you. I find it funny how some proponents of capitalism - particularly the smug Anglo puritan types - rattle on about how people supposedly have a moral obligation to devote their whole lives to relentless work and even to enjoy it when in reality capitalism itself is a completely amoral system with the sole imperative of making profit for one's own rational self-interest. Those sanctimonious buttfucks can go suck a dick!

The people at the top understand that their economic system is completely amoral and break all kinds of rules to gain an advantage and make even bigger profits. They know that the rules were invented only for the clueless serfs at the bottom of the hierarchy whose function is simply to serve those above them. In light of this redpill truth, it makes much more sense for the awakened to adopt this same mentality for themselves and do all they can to game the system and make as much money as they can through nonlegal activities. I'm talking about the dodgy side businesses that many people have, but I personally draw the line at cultivating or selling drugs - I hate drugs and think that drug dealers are scumbags (with the exception of those who only sell PEDs for sports and physical training). Making significant amounts of money quickly through nonlegal means is the best way to go about things in a capitalist economy if you want to live a good life, enjoy nice things and live on your own terms. It's much better than spending most of your waking hours working a shitty slave jerb for some capitalist douchebag who makes you call him "boss" and still barely having enough to live. Do you want to make a good life for yourself or do you want to remain a miserable serf toiling incessantly for a pittance? The rules of the system are just for the humble serfs who are dumb enough to buy into them. Conventional forms of morality are just slave moralities concocted by the elites to keep the same humble serfs in line.

Capitalism is just a dog-eat-dog gangster system ruled by financial and industrial mafias. That's the redpill truth. Within such a system it is better to adopt gangster attitudes ourselves and do what it takes to gain an advantage for oneself and one's loved ones. Fcuk being poor, fcuk sacrificing most of your time and vital energy to a jerb that you hate, fcuk being an incel, fcuk taking shit from asshole bosses and coworkers, while criminal elites at the top of the system live like kings! Most people don't break the rules because they're scared of getting caught, don't have the cojones or are otherwise brainwashed by artificial moral notions and hoax slave religions which threaten people with hell and such. But those who are redpilled on capitalism and society know how things are.

You don't even have to be a bad person! You can still be nice to people, contribute to society in meaningful ways, donate money to charities and help out people in need. How's that grab ya, fellaaa? :lol:
Why do you always say you agree with him? Captain strikes me as a guy that tries WAY too hard to be a stupid asshole with every shitty tough guy post he puts up on here to get a reaction. He talks so much trash it's pathetic at this point. Everyone doesn't want to bend the rules to get ahead, that's like telling me I should go out into the world and exploit mutha fuckers to get ahead in like which is what the majority of people are guilty of doing. You're agreeing with a dipshit trash talker. Some people work low pay jobs because they may not have a choice, you have people who are sick, old, or don't want to do any wrong or harm which all illegal activities will require you to do some form of if you want to profit a large amount. People like me have had learning, mental, and physical disabilities most of my life. You have to take advantage of people both the good and the bad if you want to play the system, otherwise drug dealers wouldn't deal drugs, and Onlyfans females wouldn't exploit men with low self esteem which would be illegal if it were the other way around with men exploiting women like that to get wealthy off their misery. They would view it the same as if you were exploiting minors if men were doing this to women and racking in massive profits off of it.

The People at the top break the rules because they have wealth and power that ALLOW THEM TO DO IT. You just go out and exploit kids just because some asshole Billionare Jew prick is doing and see which one of you is going to get busted and locked up for life. Look how much shit they get away with in the world that no ordinary person would. How they can not pay taxes and avoid prison time but any ordinary person will be harassed and threaten if they didn't. Captain is a f***ing try hard moron, you can't do everything that someone else is doing to achieve success. He also doesn't know a damn thing about life or society or why people put up with jobs they hate. If he did he wouldn't be shit talking so much. He's just a callous jackass that want attention for being a online tough guy.

I mean he brings up the Mafia, and talks about politics. Who cares wtf the Mafia did, half of those men also got arrested and murdered, did you forget about that Cap? Even Epistien had friends in Government, hell Bill Clinton came to his Island a few times as did a whole lot of other powerful people. But he probably did something to expose other elites and they got mad with him so they decided to turn on him. But I doubt he was busted because he had that Island, they always knew he had it and decided to cover their own asses. The point is, corrupted people who get away with criminal conduct and have corruptible allies in powerful positions that support and ALLOW them to break the rules.

And I think you're wrong on this one Lucas because some people are afraid of getting caught, and some people do have moral beliefs that keep them from doing things they know isn't right just to get ahead. I'm not going to go out into the world breaking laws and putting myself at risk listening to some stupid online keyboard warrior that probably works a shit job himself to get by. You have a lot of criminal men sitting in jail because they tried to play the system. When all that drug money gets confiscated, guess who gets it? The Government.

They'll let a guy commit crimes, make millions in profit off illegal goods then when they feel he's made enough money they bust his ass and take all his shit for themselves. One thing people fail to realize is that the law serves the federal government, not the people. The Elites own the federal government. You just try to bribe your way out of a crime in the U.S. and the only thing that will lead to is you serving more time. Only in some absolute third world country where cops will take bribes would that even work, but no amount in the U.S. would get you off. They'll take the money and THEN lock your ass up. Cap acts like Hollywood is real life. Seems like everyone ignores that one word, CONSEQUENCES. Unless you are Bill Gates, you aren't immune to Consequences. Bill Gates got away with murdering people in Africa, and now he tried to encourage the same shit everywhere else. But is he being held on trial for what he did? No.

Working crap jobs is ass, but being locked up or murdered is even worse. The people at the top can get away with that stuff consequence free because they have power, wealth, and influence. Billionaires do a lot of things the average man would be imprisoned for if caught. The people at the top break all these rules because they are immune unless they do something to piss off one of their own. If Epistien never did that, he'd still on his Island right now f***ing that vulnerable grade A underage ass until his final days on earth. But because he was probably all up in the spotlight about what he was doing, his own kind sold him out. As long as you don't do anything to jeopardize the rest of the "mafia" they could care less wtf you do. This is leverage no ordinary man will ever have to just do whatever he wants because the Elites are free to do it. The Elites have to only follow one rule...Don't f**k over the clan. Follow that one rule and the world is yours to do what you will with it. That's why only drug dealers in the ghetto do time, drug dealers among the Elite class don't despite they are distributing the same destructive shit. But it's easier to go down to some hood neighborhood and bust them vs busting a bunch of frat boys at Harvard with the same crap in their possession.
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Re: dark capitalism

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 6th, 2022, 6:59 pm
Why do you always say you agree with him?
I don't always say that I agree with him. If I remember correctly, today's discussions on the amoral nature of capitalism and the rationality of breaking the rules to get ahead are the first time that I've expressed agreement with something that Skelebob has said. In fact, I don't think that I've ever explicitly agreed with him before.

I said that I agree with him today because it happens to coincide with a particular reflection that I've been having lately. Understanding how corrupt and amoral the system is already, and recognizing that things are only getting harder for many ordinary people as the (((global elite))) pushes us into ever greater levels of destitution, the most rational thing for people to do is to engage in dodgy side activities wherever possible in order to make more money on the side and outside of the realm of taxation. The system itself is amoral from top to bottom, after all. I'm not talking about serious gangbanger shit that's just stupid. I also despise anything to do with drugs. In my own predominantly working-class town, I see many people making money through various nonlegal activities, more along the lines of piracy and that kind of stuff, less serious stuff. I don't really blame those people. I guess it's better than being poor and relying on a shitty low-paid jerb that doesn't even pay enough to live. Companies don't give a rat's ass about their employees and in many cases don't even want to pay them a basic living wage. The system is wholly amoral. That's the redpill truth. And, in light of that, I understand Skelebob's argument with regard to breaking the rules.

I hate the system as much as you do. I think that the world that we live in is a veritable dystopia. I therefore see its hypocritical rules as meaningless.
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Re: dark capitalism

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
November 6th, 2022, 8:42 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 6th, 2022, 6:59 pm
Why do you always say you agree with him?
I don't always say that I agree with him. If I remember correctly, today's discussions on the amoral nature of capitalism and the rationality of breaking the rules to get ahead are the first time that I've expressed agreement with something that Skelebob has said. In fact, I don't think that I've ever explicitly agreed with him before.

I said that I agree with him today because it happens to coincide with a particular reflection that I've been having lately. Understanding how corrupt and amoral the system is already, and recognizing that things are only getting harder for many ordinary people as the (((global elite))) pushes us into ever greater levels of destitution, the most rational thing for people to do is to engage in dodgy side activities wherever possible in order to make more money on the side and outside of the realm of taxation. The system itself is amoral from top to bottom, after all. I'm not talking about serious gangbanger shit that's just stupid. I also despise anything to do with drugs. In my own predominantly working-class town, I see many people making money through various nonlegal activities, more along the lines of piracy and that kind of stuff, less serious stuff. I don't really blame those people. I guess it's better than being poor and relying on a shitty low-paid jerb that doesn't even pay enough to live. Companies don't give a rat's ass about their employees and in many cases don't even want to pay them a basic living wage. The system is wholly amoral. That's the redpill truth. And, in light of that, I understand Skelebob's argument with regard to breaking the rules.

I hate the system as much as you do. I think that the world that we live in is a veritable dystopia. I therefore see its hypocritical rules as meaningless.
Yeah well what illegal activities can someone does to make enough to live off of? Because the only illegal activities I know of that pay a lot is stuff you can get locked up for or killed over. I understand how hard everything is and we live in these desperate times. But the people are always talking about their right to bare arms. Yet nobody is doing anything either. I don't know of any less serious methods to making a living. All I know is the serious stuff is how people get wealthy, but their inability to quit while they are ahead is how they get caught, jailed, or murdered. If not selling drugs, then its illegal weapons, or Dark Web type stuff. I don't know, I hate work...Even the low pay jobs rarely call me for an interview.
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Re: dark capitalism

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Lucas88 wrote:
November 6th, 2022, 4:58 pm
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
November 6th, 2022, 2:07 pm
I call it dark capitalism
It involves bending the rules a little bit to make things better for urself....
Coz nobody is gonna do this for you
Grow some balls and start a business venture that is dark capitalism
For example my high stakes poker games!!
This is how you get ahead
You dont be weak and do ur little week routine for a bum paycheck like a castrated little no balls man baby!!
You grab life by the fuckin balls and you go out there and you make money even if that means bending the rules!!!
The mafia did it with bootlegging and rigging horse races and shit like that and they became respectable business men who made friends in politics
Pablo escobar even ran for president of colombia and he had full support of the ppl coz of what he did for them!
These fellas were dark capitalists
Like I am but Im much more softcore than these fellas are!!!
I actually agree with you. I find it funny how some proponents of capitalism - particularly the smug Anglo puritan types - rattle on about how people supposedly have a moral obligation to devote their whole lives to relentless work and even to enjoy it when in reality capitalism itself is a completely amoral system with the sole imperative of making profit for one's own rational self-interest. Those sanctimonious buttfucks can go suck a dick!

The people at the top understand that their economic system is completely amoral and break all kinds of rules to gain an advantage and make even bigger profits. They know that the rules were invented only for the clueless serfs at the bottom of the hierarchy whose function is simply to serve those above them. In light of this redpill truth, it makes much more sense for the awakened to adopt this same mentality for themselves and do all they can to game the system and make as much money as they can through nonlegal activities. I'm talking about the dodgy side businesses that many people have, but I personally draw the line at cultivating or selling drugs - I hate drugs and think that drug dealers are scumbags (with the exception of those who only sell PEDs for sports and physical training). Making significant amounts of money quickly through nonlegal means is the best way to go about things in a capitalist economy if you want to live a good life, enjoy nice things and live on your own terms. It's much better than spending most of your waking hours working a shitty slave jerb for some capitalist douchebag who makes you call him "boss" and still barely having enough to live. Do you want to make a good life for yourself or do you want to remain a miserable serf toiling incessantly for a pittance? The rules of the system are just for the humble serfs who are dumb enough to buy into them. Conventional forms of morality are just slave moralities concocted by the elites to keep the same humble serfs in line.

Capitalism is just a dog-eat-dog gangster system ruled by financial and industrial mafias. That's the redpill truth. Within such a system it is better to adopt gangster attitudes ourselves and do what it takes to gain an advantage for oneself and one's loved ones. Fcuk being poor, fcuk sacrificing most of your time and vital energy to a jerb that you hate, fcuk being an incel, fcuk taking shit from asshole bosses and coworkers, while criminal elites at the top of the system live like kings! Most people don't break the rules because they're scared of getting caught, don't have the cojones or are otherwise brainwashed by artificial moral notions and hoax slave religions which threaten people with hell and such. But those who are redpilled on capitalism and society know how things are.

You don't even have to be a bad person! You can still be nice to people, contribute to society in meaningful ways, donate money to charities and help out people in need. How's that grab ya, fellaaa? :lol:
Yeah fella!!!
You seem to f***ing get it my son!! :twisted:
You gotta break the rules!! You gotta grow some balls and get into dark capitalism!!
The world has always been run like a mafia!!!
Its our job to know our place
Dark capitalism is the answer
No sense in upsetting the apple cart now
The mafia knew it!!!
They carved power for themselfs
Arnold rothstein is my great anscestor I swear!!!
He was a dark capitalist who rigged horse races and played high stakes poker games like I do!!!!
He got all the old mobsters rich thru bootlegging
They also got into casinos
When I was at LA playing the crap tables fella I imagined myself as some big mafia gangster badboy!!!
The solution is dark capitalism
Not running about in the jungle with a our cocks out and cow shit all over our faces making indian noises like kids!
It isnt to cry about how hard capitalism is
Coz it brings ppl a lot of comforts
Why did you start talking about fuckin charity and all that gay shit for???
I never give to charity coz I dont enable worthless eaters!!
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Re: dark capitalism

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

@WanderingProtagonist who the f**k pissed on ur bonfire???
Why you calling me out fella???
I done fuckin nothing to you!!!
Just enjoying free speech....
If you cant handle my truths then its tough tittys :lol:
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