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Big Core Flaws in Our "Sacred Democracy" that America NEVER Dares to Discuss

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Big Core Flaws in Our "Sacred Democracy" that America NEVER Dares to Discuss

Post by Winston »

Big Core Flaws in Our "Sacred Democracy" that America NEVER Dares to Discuss

As we've all seen, this 2020 Election fiasco shows just how flawed our "sacred" democracy is. The news media keeps referring to "our sacred democracy" yet democracy itself is inherently flawed in many major ways. Why does the media never talk about this or bring on someone who can (like moi)? Why do they always TELL you what to think but never encourage you to think for yourself? Someone should ask them that. Here are several key flaws with democracy and why it doesn't work.

1. Democracy means "rule of the majority". The majority of people are mediocre and always will be. No different from 2000 years ago. Therefore, democracy is "rule of the mediocre" not the rule of the wisest or smartest. Basic logic. In contrast, the great philosopher Plato said that Socrates preached that the rulers should be those with the most wisdom and virtue and have the highest ethics, as he outlined in "The Republic". That makes a lot more sense than being ruled by the mediocre masses, and is true of a society as well as of the inner constitution of a man.

2. Democracy assumes every vote and every opinion has equal weight and value. This is obviously not true. Some people are wise and smart, and some are stupid and foolish. To make smart opinions equal to dumb opinions is an obvious fallacy and mistake. So this is one of the core false assumptions of democracy. Plus the founding fathers obviously did not want everyone to vote. They only wanted men to vote and only men with income who pay taxes. Not just anyone. The dumb US media never tells you that of course. Democracy would work better if only smart people with no criminal record were allowed to vote. If there was some system to weed out dumb people and make sure that only wise people vote, then the system would work a lot better of course. But that suggestion is blasphemy in the US of course.

3. Democracy presupposes that "the majority are always right". This is a false assumption as we all know, because the majority are often wrong, especially since the majority are not very bright and mediocre at best. This is especially true in a large country like America. Also, most people are gullible and easy to deceive and manipulate. Therefore the best deceivers can control the politics in a democracy. This means the best smooth talkers and charmers win elections, not the smartest or brightest or wisest or the most moral people. There are no controls in place against this or any checks and balances.

4. There are no checks or balances in a democracy, or against corruption. What is the majority are WRONG? What if the majority votes to suppress or harm the minority? What's to protect the minority, even if it's only 49 percent vs 61 percent? What if the majority is crazy or mad? Majority rule is essentially mob rule, and mobs are not rational or controlled. Especially in America where people tend to have toxic personalities and are immature and delusional, as opposed to Switzerland where people are more mature and rational and therefore democracy works better there.

5. There is nothing in a democratic system to prevent corruption, such as bribery and lobbying on behalf of powerful interests to buy up politicians. As we all know, politicians are "bought and paid for" in America and thus compromised. They are not free to do what's right and follow their conscience or even free to be honest, hence they cannot truly serve their people. Hence politics is all show and no substance. Everyone can feel that at some level. So there's no point in participating in politics. It's all fake and the average person has no voice. What would work better would be if there were no politicians and everyone voted directly on the issues without any parliamentary intermediary, like in Switzerland. That would eliminate the corruption and special interests. But alas, that only seems to work in small countries like Switzerland, large countries are another matter and far more complex.

Corruption is allowed to run rampant in the USA and has only gotten worse in the last decades. Even former mafia men like Michael Franzese say that America is far more corrupt now than it was in the 60's and 70's. So sadly, "freedom" in America only means the "freedom to exploit and control and suppress others". Especially in the US system where the US Constitution is no longer truly adhered to, and the system is hijacked by a criminal syndicate with a private central bank printing the money supply, and an IRS organization, both of which are unconstitutional and against what the founding fathers set up. In contrast, in a monarchy the monarch is usually wealthy and cannot be bribed, so he does not succumb to corruption, and can do what's right in accord with his conscience, and do what's best for his country.

6. The founding father John Adams said that the US Constitution only works for a society of people with good morals and virtues. Not for a wicked, degenerate society full of people who only care about themselves and are mean-spirited and toxic. This makes sense. However, US democracy assumes that democracy works all the time regardless of whether a society is moral or amoral. This is flawed because it means that even if a society is composed of mostly evil people or bad people, that it still works and is still the best form of government. No one has to tell you how flawed and wrong that is. Yet the US media and its propagandists never consider this. They never think at all it seems. They are just dumb robots.

7. Democracy has never worked in history. It's always been unstable and only a transition period, for example between a republic and oligarchy, as in the case of ancient Rome and America too. See here to learn why: . It's never worked in ancient Greece where it was first invented, but turned out to be a failure, just as it is now in America. So obviously it cannot be the best form of government, nor is it sacred, as American media and propagandists claim, because it was never a good system to begin with for the above reasons.

8. Democracy also tends to lead to big government, which requires more taxes to fund itself and never likes to shrink back again. The reason for this is that in a democracy, people tend to vote themselves benefits and services from the government, due to their selfish nature and self-interest, which require more government agencies and offices to be built, which in turn grows the size of government more and more until it becomes like a giant octopus or monster. At that point, it will require more and more taxation and public funding in order to sustain itself, like a giant monster does, in order to thrive and prosper, and hence will never want to shrink back to the small size that it should be under a Libertarian society like Thomas Jefferson envisioned.

That's what you see in the US today unfortunately. In order to justify public funding, each government agency must make itself useful and that means controlling you more and more and taking away more and more of your freedoms and rights, and also instating more and more unnecessary rules and regulations. It's all a vicious cycle that stems from a flawed system that never should have been allowed to grow in the first place.

It was a mistake it seems that the founding fathers did not foresee this and install any laws in place to prevent this. Because Thomas Jefferson's aim was to establish a Libertarian government only, which protects your fights and liberties but doesn't try to control you or tell you what to do, as long as you don't hurt others or the environment of course. But of course, the founding fathers were only human, not gods, so they could not have forseen everything.


To learn why democracy doesn't work and never has, not in ancient Greece or modern America, and why a republic is better and more stable, and what the founding fathers intended, see this great video by the John Birch Society:

Now, you might have heard many liberals and academics say that "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for the others" as though democracy were the least of all evils. I don't really agree with that though. My ideal form of government would be like what Plato and Socrates outlined in the book "The Republic" with wise philosopher kings as the ruling class. Such as Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman Emperor, for example. I'm not sure if that's ever been tried before though, or how that would work in reality. But it makes solid sense and is true of a man's internal composition as well, because if a man is ruled by wisdom rather than emotion or desire, it's definitely better for him in the long run and leads to better mental and physical health.

The Republic with a US Constitution that the founding fathers of America established was definitely better than the sham "democracy" or oligarchy rather to put it more accurately, that America has today. As every aware person knows, even if democracy were a good system, there's no true democracy in America, only an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy. Or rather what we have is a "democracy of corporations" not of the people. The people get to vote of course, but it doesn't matter because their choices are preselected by the oligarchs and their opinion controlled by the mainstream media, which in turn is controlled by the oligarchs too.

So it's all a sham for the most part and totally corrupt, with those at the top being untouchable and unaccountable, so they can get away with anything. In other words, might makes right, which is true today as it was in all of history. Therefore it seems, overall the less government the better, that's the key and what the wise founding fathers wanted. As the Libertarian G. Edward Griffin said, "The rule of thumb is, in any policy or decision, the option with LESS government, not more, is usually better."

A Libertarian small government like Thomas Jefferson wanted can be a good thing. But as John Adams said, that only works with a population with good morals and virtues, not a selfish degenerate populace. Also Americans tend to not like centralized control like the federal government in DC, they prefer more states power and states rights, that's why Jefferson was opposed to centralizing federal power in DC like Alexander Hamilton wanted. Either way, I'm sure that would be better than the monster system that we have now in America.

Some say that the US Constitution was written only for an agricultural society, not an industrial one, so it doesn't work well for the modern world. That is a complex issue of course. But regardless, the rule of thumb, as G. Edward Griffin said, is that less government and less slavery, the better, and that means economic slavery too, not just big government. People should be less dependent on money and paying bills so they aren't pressured to become rich and make lots of money, as if that was the sole purpose for living and the only reason God put us on Earth. A parasitic system that involves economic slavery does not feel natural and doesn't feel like a good thing. So some sort of reform definitely needs to be made to it. I'm not saying total freedom or anarchy is the answer either, there has to be a healthy balance between all extremes.

I'd like to leave you with this. When I was a kid, I asked my dad "What's the difference between the Democrats and Republicans?" His answer was, "Democrats believe that government should help the people. Republicans believe that people should help themselves." That's a great short succint answer that highlights the major ideological difference I think, between true conservatives and progressive liberals, without politics that is.
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Re: Big Core Flaws of Our "Sacred" Democracy that America NEVER tells you about

Post by Winston »

What do you guys think of the 8 big core flaws of our "sacred democracy" that I outlined above, which the US media never tells you about? Do you guys agree or disagree? Anything that you wanna add?
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Re: Big Core Flaws of Our "Sacred" Democracy that America NEVER tells you about

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

What you written is bit long.. Yeah I agree with the 8 big core flaw of our "Sacred Democracy".
I got nothing else to add except democracy could work when you get a homogeneous population of like minded, similarly educated people that lives in a similar cultural/social environment/cluster or canton, doesn't have a big population (only few hundred thousand to a million), a neutral country, and has similarly level of wealth like Switzerland. Just like how "communism" only works within small tribal groups or villages, but not for big empires like the Soviet Union.
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Re: Big Core Flaws in Our "Sacred" Democracy that America NEVER tells you about

Post by Winston »

It looks like @fschmidt was right that a Republic or Democracy cannot work without good religious morals and values.

Image ... thers.html

John Adams in a speech to the military in 1798 warned his fellow countrymen stating,

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Benjamin Rush, Signer of the Declaration of Independence said.

"[T]he only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be aid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments. Without religion, I believe that learning does real mischief to the morals and principles of mankind."

Noah Webster, author of the first American Speller and the first Dictionary said,

"[T]he Christian religion, in its purity, is the basis, or rather the source of all genuine freedom in government. . . . and I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable in which the principles of that religion have not a controlling influence."

Gouverneur Morris, Penman and Signer of the Constitution.

"[F]or avoiding the extremes of despotism or anarchy . . . the only ground of hope must be on the morals of the people. I believe that religion is the only solid base of morals and that morals are the only possible support of free governments. [T]herefore education should teach the precepts of religion and the duties of man towards God."

Fisher Ames author of the final wording for the First Amendment wrote,

"[Why] should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book? Its morals are pure, its examples captivating and noble. The reverence for the Sacred Book that is thus early impressed lasts long; and probably if not impressed in infancy, never takes firm hold of the mind."

John Jay, Original Chief-Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court,

"The Bible is the best of all books, for it is the word of God and teaches us the way to be happy in this world and in the next. Continue therefore to read it and to regulate your life by its precepts."

James Wilson, Signer of the Constitution; U. S. Supreme Court Justice,

"Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is divine. . . . Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other."

Noah Webster, author of the first American Speller and the first Dictionary stated,

"The moral principles and precepts contained in the scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. . . All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible."

Robert Winthrop, Speaker of the U. S. House,

"Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled either by a power within them or by a power without them; either by the Word of God or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible or by the bayonet."

George Washington, General of the Revolutionary Army, president of the Constitutional Convention, First President of the United States of America, Father of our nation,

"Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society."

Benjamin Franklin, Signer of the Declaration of Independence

"[O]nly a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
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Re: Big Core Flaws in Our "Sacred" Democracy that America NEVER tells you about

Post by Winston »

Just made a blog post out of this. ... cracy.html

Some funny memes about our "sacred democracy".



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Re: Big Core Flaws in Our "Sacred" Democracy that America NEVER tells you about

Post by MrPeabody »

Your core flaws were the reason the founders decided to model the constitution as a republic instead of a democracy, with distribution of power and checks and balances. Americans have never been particularly moral. Look at all the mega rich evangelists who use religion to enrich themselves. Their followers aren’t moral, just stupid. America is functionally more of a plutocracy. Money rules everything. As Aristotle pointed out, democracy is unstable and gravitates to one of the other forms of political control.
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Re: Big Core Flaws in Our "Sacred Democracy" that America NEVER Dares to Discuss

Post by Winston »

Interesting new independent film called "Jones Plantation" about the sham and scam of American democracy told using a slave plantation as am allegory and microcosm of the USA and all its lies and manipulation of its people. As the film says, we all live on the Jones Plantation, so this film is relevant to all of us. Please share this film with everyone you know. We need more films like this. Here is Matt McKinley's review of it below. ... lm-review/

Here is the website where you can buy the film for only $10.

Great review on IMDB:
The Best Way to Start Unlearning the Belief that Enslaves Our Minds

Jones Plantation is a FUN movie. Give it ten minutes and you'll be gripped. It is also a FUNNY movie. The cartoonish characters (particularly one with a trendsetting moustache) will make you laugh and smile again and again. But wait... How can I say all this in such a nonchalant way, if this film is about nothing less than slavery? Well, that is because it is not really about slavery. Or is it?

You see, Jones Plantation IS, of course, a movie, and if you enjoy a cool story with memorable characters (including the villain of all villains) and a fast-paced, unpredictable plot, you will enjoy it. But it is also MUCH MORE than a movie. It is an unlearning activator. It uses the well-known power of the allegorical technique, boosted by the remarkable effectiveness of humor, to kickstart the questioning process that enables you to realize the deepest truth about ownership, that is, that YOU OWN YOURSELF, totally and unconditionally. You may say: "Duh! What are you talking about? I already know that I own myself, totally and unconditionally!" But is that really so?

This film will show you, in a way that you'll find impossible to deny, that the worst tyrants in the world are NOT the ones who enslave their subjects by brute and obvious violence. No, the most formidable oppressors are actually the ones who know best how to MANIPULATE the most valuable, precious property on the entire planet: the human mind. In fact, the greatest slavers are NOT the ones who enslave others, but the ones who artfully persuade others to enslave THEMSELVES. As anti-apartheid activist Stephen Biko famously wrote, "the most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."

Using the immensely powerful medium of storytelling, and benefitting from a brilliant, highly original script, the Jones Plantation will demonstrate to you how evil REALLY works in this world. In fact, it illustrates how true evil has ALWAYS operated, and, regrettably, how it will CONTINUE to operate until a critical mass of individuals learns and fully assimilates the most consequential lesson in life: that you, and you alone, are your own master, and that anything in your life -- ANYTHING -- that contradicts this self-evident reality is a LIE, a deception, a scam that can and will end up enslaving your mind. You may now retort: "But I AM my own master!" OK, then grab the popcorn, watch this movie and find out what happens to your view of the world. An unlearning activator, indeed.

As you will realize after watching it, you have NEVER seen a film like this before. One reason for this is that the film speaks a truth that lies outside the spectrum of acceptability of the ideologically-constrained Hollywood system. This is why a project like this could only come from an independent producer, with total freedom to say what had to be said.

The budget for this one was so small that I can only marvel at the quality of the final product. Director Andrew Treglia and his team did a truly outstanding job, using the very limited resources they had available (the entire pre-production was done by Treglia, he didn't meet the actors before the shooting, no rehearsals, the shooting was finished in less than three weeks, etc.) and still managing to create a great-looking movie that is destined to become a cult classic. So, if some people rate this movie negatively just because it doesn't have a blockbuster-level production... well, I will just say that some people may need to review their review criteria.

The original script for the movie was written by none other than Larken Rose, a living legend in true freedom circles. After finishing the movie, if you start asking yourself questions that you have never asked yourself before (and it's difficult for me to imagine how this can fail to happen), I urge you to check out Larken's books and videos. They will greatly help you to finish the process that the Jones Plantation triggers.

If I must criticize something about the movie, I would have to say that the initial release does not include closed captions, something that would be helpful to all the people who speak English as a second language (one in five people in the US, about one billion people worldwide). That being said, we really need subtitles (and perhaps even dubbings) for the movie in all languages so it can be watched by everyone all around the world. Yes, I truly think that spreading the timeless and countryless message of the Jones Plantation is THAT incredibly important.

And this brings me to the most important point. Being an indie production with no money left to spend on promotion, the reach of the movie is almost entirely dependent on word-of-mouth marketing. So, if you like the film, PLEASE tell the world about it! I can only dream about what could happen if hundreds of millions of minds were to begin questioning the edifice of lies that the Jones Plantation masterfully exposes.

Lastly, I don't really know how the movie will continue to be distributed in the coming months, but however you end up watching it, if you find the movie valuable, PLEASE consider supporting its producers in whatever way you can (I will get the awesome Jones Plantation Official Flag, which was designed in 5 minutes by Treglia and is the most truthful flag that I have ever seen!). This is how we will continue to get truly disruptive, potentially world-changing movies like this one.

In sum, just remember: we are all free now, working right here, on the glorious Jones Plantation.
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