Common Law Courts and the way forward

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Common Law Courts and the way forward

Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Jester put a comment over here…I thought I would start a new thread.

viewtopic.php?t=13654&start=0&postdays= ... highlight=


“Once all your court cases have been dismissed, and there are no more proceedings, then please continue this thread and feel free to brag. Until then, while there are still proceedings or filings or cases or whatever, involving you, your name, your UCC code, or whatever, please do not post anymore. You are selling something you have not proven. â€￾

This video PROVES that my strawman recapture worked. Any man can do this in the English speaking world. And note the date was November 26th 2009. So please do not make up lies like I have not PROVEN what I have done. I have PROVEN it in court as well as to the entire membership of two federal guvments. Australia and Ireland. ... 8&mid=1230 ... 8&mid=1229


We have LOTS of other men who have faced down judges in a similar fashion. Some times they throw them in jail anyway because we do not have remedy for the crimes yet.

The next thing that we need to PROVE is that having caught David Dunkley committing a crime we can actually take his property off him via our OWN COURTS. There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between defending ones property and getting stolen property back and compensation for it. The MBA is able to defend any mans property today in the English speaking world by moving assets to Switzerland. Once we get the world passport accepted we will also be able to offer the service of getting the man out of his criminal country as well.

Men who refuse to defend their property from the criminals in their guvment now deserve everything they get. The remedy has been published for more than 18 months. As far as “sellingâ€￾? Everything I have done is published for FREE. The only thing I am selling is MBA as it had to be put onto a commercial basis because men are such scum they will not help a brother in need 99.9% of the time. And that is what I call scum. Look around you. You know LOTS of men who are in great need. Are YOU helping any of them?

“Just try to stop thinking you're the only one. â€￾

I am well aware I am not the only one.

“No, Peter. I think you have a risky plan. Stop trying to goad grown men through name-calling. It's a pathetic tactic.â€￾

I already asked politely and more than TEN THOUSAND MEN have said no to DOING THEIR DUTY. So I will call men cowards if they are not willing to sit on juries. If you do not like me doing so I really do not care Jester.

To sit on a jury and to fairly and justly extend the protection of the law to someone who claims it is, in my opinion, the DUTY of every father on a land. The FATHERS of the land need to keep their eyes out for criminals and to make sure criminals are brought to justice. The FATHERS have, in my opinion, the OBLIGATION, to extend the protection of the law to those who ask for it.

If you disagree that a man has the OBLIGATION to extend the protection of the law to ALL people on this land who claim it then feel free to make that case. For if a man has no OBLIGATION to do that then his fellow men have NO OBLIGATION to give him the same protection of the law. And when there is NO OBLIGATION to extend the protection of the law to men you get men taking the law into their own hands AS THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO DO.

No man has a right to tell another man he has NO PROTECTION OF THE LAW and also NO RIGHT TO DEFEND HIMSELF.

When men take the law into their own hands you get dead people. Lots and lots of dead people. Mostly women and children because they are the majority of the population in the first place. When men KNOW that no one will stand up to them and hold them accountable for their actions SOME MEN commit crimes. Sometimes very bad crimes. We have seen this all through human history.

The rule of law is the FIRST thing needed to live in peace. There is NOTHING more important than the rule of law to live in peace. And the most important law is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This "golden rule" has been around for thousands of years and cross over virtually all cultures. You can find it everywhere you look pretty much.

And for f***s sake Jester.

“Only an idiot follows a stranger blindly.â€￾

What kind of idiot talk is that? I am a public figure and have published all my work. There are THOUSANDS of others who have performed the redemption process. Perhaps hundreds of thousands. I even pointed you to the US redemption site. Also on my CAF site and in the book I have link HUNDREDS of hours of video as well as linked to books and other researchers so YOU CAN DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

I am not asking ANYONE to FOLLOW ME. I have specifically said I do NOT want anyone to “followâ€￾ me. I have specifically said that I am putting information out there for men to consider FOR THEMSELVES and to THINK for themselves and to CHOOSE WHAT THEY WILL DO.

I do tire of your blatant mis-representations of what I have said.

Now. For those who live in the USA. There are people who are already working on restoring the republic. You can find them here. They already have courts up and running. They already have treaties with 80 other countries according to them.

I am not too sure as to the veracity of this group as Tim Turner has come in for some criticism. But there are also OTHER groups very active in the US.

Lastly. What I and MANY others are proposing is COMMON LAW COURTS.
Last edited by PeterAndrewNolan on May 3rd, 2012, 6:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Common Law Courts and the way forward

Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Here is Shaefer Cox on common law courts.

This is FAIRBANKS ALASKA he is talking about. Last time I heard that was considered in the USA. ... fault.aspx

And here is Robert Menard who is starting common law courts in Canada.

What I am proposing with CAF is that FATHERS have an OBLIGATION to create courts to offer the protection of the law to OTHER FATHERS.

What I am proposing in MBA is a system of law outside guvment jurisdiction based on the jury trial.

I like Jesters notion that the jury trial is something that could ever be considered "following a stranger blindly".

Jury trials have been around for some time now....a couple of thousands years. I was born in 1964.....the jury trial can HARDLY be called MY IDEA.

And by the way. In a proper jury trial there is no judge and there are no lawyers. The jury is the judge and people speak for themselves.

You can tell you are in a court of a criminal cartel if you see a judge or a lawyer present. The criminal cartel is called "The Law Society".
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