Trump interview

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Re: Trump interview

Post by publicduende »

69ixine wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 11:56 am
if The taliban,could defeat the soviet union with 'Allaah's'real help,and they did do it thru Allaah's help as the book signs of arrahman shows,we can do it with anunakki help.

like the forces of good,the thule combat league,the evil taliban had miraculous feats in battle like bullets deflecting,bombs raining down from the sky after a 'du'a'and others,and The israelites had the same miraculous feats in battle that the Yahweh UFO gave them during their genocide of the anunakki's children in the near east.

I believe our gods(actually Vril bodied ascended aryan aliens) will help us,like their god helps them,and our magic is more powerful than theirs anyway.

one of the best things we can do is create secret societies that develop our occult abilities,with certain ZP subliminals we can already develop the third eye and remote viewing aswell as astral travel quickly and easily,let alone things like hemisync,and we can make such technology for ourselves with the tech experts on our side,and get guidance aswell as doing rituals to stop the satanic and jewish curses on humanity,preventing them from waking up.

the 'elites'can do nothing if the collective masses refuse to join their militaries or if those militaries turn on them.
I read somewhere that the entire alt-archeology or alt-paleontology movements that built up in the 70s had a slightly "messianic" connotation. In the US you had Zecharia Sitchin and David Hatcher Childress, two authors I loved reading as a teenager. We also had an Italian equivalent, Peter Kolosimo.

I can't speak for Sitchin and Hatcher Childress but what I read was that Peter Kolosimo was a solid acolyte of Marxism. He wrote his books with an energy and a sense of excitement as if he truly believed that the Anunnaki, or whoever else made us, were an ethereal version of the omnipotent State andn that they could visit us again to save us. You could the same theme in several cults born duiring those years, including Scientology and the Raelianism.

This was in the 70s, when the works of these Authors was still fresh and, in a way, relevant. Fast forward 40-50 years laters and have the Elohim, Enlil and Enki, the Dragons and the Hyperboreans, has anyone with more power than a f***ing Rothschild ever come down to help us? Radio silence.

Maybe the Deus ex Machina will descend when they will decide that the world is too f***ed up for us to something about it. Maybe we're 10 years or 100 years early. I say the world is quite shitty enough as it is.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by Lucas88 »

publicduende wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 10:20 am
69ixine wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 8:11 am
the elites are Tzaddikim,their freemasonic puppets and the 6 families that own blackrock ,their puppets.

Once you eliminate the jewish issue from the earth,humanity is free.
The elites exist @69ixine, but they're not all Jewish. Even after removing all thew Jewish people in any role of power, there would still be millions of evil people in roles of power, including dark royalty families not even you would have ever heard of.

What you call the "Jewish issue" is simply mankind's "free will" issue.
I always find this type of argument - i.e., "It's not just the Jews; it's other groups of elites as well!" - quite short-sighted and missing the point. Sure, there are individuals of non-Jewish ethnicity involved with the New World Order and its covert enslavement and plundering of the nations and so the statement is technically correct (even though a lot of the "Gentiles" allied with the "globalist elite" often turn out to have partial Jewish ancestry like Obama or are otherwise crypto-Jews), but the point here is that it is a certain Jewish elite that has spearheaded the whole conspiracy, even if that Jewish elite has cozied up to certain Gentile elites and formed alliances and now counts many unscrupulous non-Jews among its ranks -- non-Jews who now happen to be fervently devoted to same Jewish/Zionist cause.

The truth is that the same Jewish elite has always used a unique parasitic infiltration/subversion strategy which goes back all the way to the Old Testament. The Nevi'im (prophecy books) in particular outline this parasitic infiltration/subversion strategy, "foretelling" that the Jews will be dispersed throughout the nations and then at the end of time will be called back to Israel by Yahweh and come to take possession of the entire earth and all of its wealth in the "Messianic Age". These "prophecies" serve as a blueprint for their infiltration, subversion and world domination agenda. Their tools are conquest of finance, usury and seizure of wealth through bankrupting their enemies. The Jewish elite has been playing the long game for centuries, going all the way back to Babylonia and then employing this same strategy with great success in Europe and other parts of the world.

Meanwhile, the Talmud goes into far greater detail with regard to how Jews should regard all non-Jews as enemies and cattle and should seek to swindle or otherwise harm Gentiles (the religion and culture itself promotes extreme in-group tribalism and blatant hostility towards all other groups) while the Kabbalah teaches that only Jewish souls originate from the Divine Light while all other souls emerge from the dark side of creation or the Sitra Achra as it is called in Hebrew and must therefore be destroyed once the Messiah comes at the end of time. Today Chabad-Lubavitch is the most important Kabbalist organization and its elite members have great influence in politics behind the scenes. Its members are Jewish religious fanatics and they are driving forward the New World Order and attempting to fulfill their own religious "prophecies" by exercising their influence in the material world (its rabbis are now teaching that the current Russia-Ukraine war is the fulfillment of Gog and Magog, which must take place before the Messiah can come). This group, in conjunction with other powerful Jewish organizations and hubs of Jewish power, is attempting to create the biblical/Kabbalistic Messianic Age of Jewish world domination and Gentile enslavement on Earth.

A certain Jewish elite is at the forefront of the NWO conspiracy and has been from the beginning, even if individuals from countless other ethnic groups have collaborated with them for the enslavement and destruction of humanity. In my opinion, all collaborators of the NWO deserve to be mercilessly destroyed regardless of their ethnicity, but we shouldn't forget that the Jewish elite/Zionists/Kabbalists are the conspiracy's foremost architects.

Gentile elites have consolidated their power and built empires throughout history - often in very brutal and expansionist terms -, but the Jewish elite is completely unique in its parasitic infiltration/subversion strategy as well as its religious/cultic/occultist vision of the whole world as something to be subjected to its own nation (i.e., Israel) and all other groups being deserving of utter destruction in some fictitious future age of its incoming Messiah. There is no other group like the Jews.
publicduende wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 6:40 am
I don't know if I would put it in "spiritual wars" terms, or in terms of Aryans vs Jews. The situation is more complex than that. The elites are not only transnational but also trans-ethnic and trans-racial. TPTB are rooted in China, in Africa and, of course in Germany and the Scandinavian societies who you seem to look up to as models of spiritual purity.
The Kabbalists including those of Chabad-Lubavitch definitely see things in terms of a "spiritual war". I've been studying the teachings of the enemy for a while now. Kabbalist rabbis often openly teach that Israel is at war with Edom, Amalek, etc. (denominations for Gentiles or certain Gentile nations in the Kabbalah), that Yahweh is working to destroy Israel's enemies, that Jewish souls are on a mission to bring about the Tikkun Olam (i.e., the destruction of the Gentile world and its subjugation to Israel), and that they themselves develop their psychic faculties and are being guided by spiritual entities which they call "Seraphim".

What does the typical Gentile do? He is either a passive agnostic who aimlessly indulges in the excesses of the material world or a Christian who retardedly prays to Jesus the crucified Jew for the manifestation of the "kingdom" or "New Jerusalem" on Earth. Lol! He unwittingly gives his psychic energy to the Jewish/Kabbalistic cause!

Indeed, Christianity and Islam prohibit all occult knowledge and practice. That stuff's only for high-level Kabbalist adepts who wish to subjugate us. They want Gentiles disarmed and defenseless.

Unfortunately, almost all forms of authentic Gentile occultism have been destroyed because of the proliferation of Christianity and Islam (both Judaism for Gentiles). No wonder Gentiles have been so easily defeated and subjugated by the Jews. They no longer have any occult systems of their own or otherwise have adopted watered-down Kabbalah-based occult systems for themselves and therefore have no means of affecting the world through occult techniques. Meanwhile, the Kabbalist rabbis are constantly performing all kinds of Torah rituals for the materialization of their own agenda. Mmmmmmmm. :?
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Re: Trump interview

Post by Lucas88 »

69ixine wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 4:23 am
We have not 'lost',we just need to follow the example of the thule society and thule combat league which defeated bigger well trained better equipped jewish armies by using runes,occult power and not being christian and thus stuck with kabbalistic curses and the failure that comes with that.We need to start our own secret occult societies which ban jews with even 1% jewish blood from joining.

the rabbis fear this most,didn't you watch the video @publicduende ?

Enkism is retarded jewish bs because they worship the beings of the grimoire.

I only worship aryan masters and amerindian spirits.
Enkism is not Jewish. The Abrahamists simply stole all of the original Pagan gods (gods who in many cases trace their origin to societies that existed long before Judaism), demonized them in the most slanderous manner and inserted them into their corrupt grimoires. But that doesn't mean that those gods are Jewish or from the Kabbalah. Abrahamism has a tendency to plagiarize and corrupt earlier Pagan teachings.

Enkism's mantras are all Sanskrit or otherwise Pagan but never Hebrew. They're not like JoS with its "reverse Torah rituals". Pffff. Moreover, Enkism is one of the very few spiritual communities that offer any substantial quantity of authentic occult practices. I've done the meditations, mantras for opening the chakras, etc. and I can tell you that they're extremely effective and give tangible results.

But what about the guy from Hyperborean Research? While his content is certainly well-researched and interesting, can he teach you how to do the occult practices for yourself? Or is he simply an armchair theorist?
publicduende wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 12:35 pm
I read somewhere that the entire alt-archeology or alt-paleontology movements that built up in the 70s had a slightly "messianic" connotation. In the US you had Zecharia Sitchin and David Hatcher Childress, two authors I loved reading as a teenager. We also had an Italian equivalent, Peter Kolosimo.

I can't speak for Sitchin and Hatcher Childress but what I read was that Peter Kolosimo was a solid acolyte of Marxism. He wrote his books with an energy and a sense of excitement as if he truly believed that the Anunnaki, or whoever else made us, were an ethereal version of the omnipotent State andn that they could visit us again to save us. You could the same theme in several cults born duiring those years, including Scientology and the Raelianism.
Sitchin, a Jew and alumnus of the London School of Economics, was a disinfo agent. Much of his theory about ancient astronauts (that the Anunnaki came from a 12th planet called Nibiru in search of gold for the reparation of their own moribund planet's atmosphere) he just made up out of nowhere and then mixed it with certain stories from the actual Sumerian texts. I've read the Sumerian texts for myself as well as various academic works on Mesopotamian mythology and the story of Nibiru as the Anunnaki's home planet or the gold supposedly required for the atmosphere doesn't appear anywhere. Sitchin relied on his readers' ignorance to sell them his story. But as soon as you read the texts for yourself or take even a cursory look at an academic introduction into the material, it becomes evident that Sitchin was simply inventing his own mythology. How could Sitchin NOT have been a disinfo agent? His books were being sold like crazy in just about all major bookstores!

I'm not saying that the Anunnaki/ancient astronaut story is false, by the way. The Sumerian texts do indeed recount how the Anunnaki descended from heaven and how Enki in particular created intelligent man, taught our ancestors civilization and revealed to Adapa (the Sumerian precursor of the biblical Adam) the "Design of Heaven and Earth" - the same secret knowledge which the Serpent (Enki was incidentally known in Sumerian mythology as Ushumgal or "great serpent") taught to Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis. The problem is that Sitchin takes many liberties and inserts his own fantasies and fictions and ends up completely distorting the original narrative.
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Re: Trump interview

Post by 69ixine »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 5:23 pm
69ixine wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 4:23 am
We have not 'lost',we just need to follow the example of the thule society and thule combat league which defeated bigger well trained better equipped jewish armies by using runes,occult power and not being christian and thus stuck with kabbalistic curses and the failure that comes with that.We need to start our own secret occult societies which ban jews with even 1% jewish blood from joining.

the rabbis fear this most,didn't you watch the video @publicduende ?

Enkism is retarded jewish bs because they worship the beings of the grimoire.

I only worship aryan masters and amerindian spirits.
Enkism is not Jewish. The Abrahamists simply stole all of the original Pagan gods (gods who in many cases trace their origin to societies that existed long before Judaism), demonized them in the most slanderous manner and inserted them into their corrupt grimoires. But that doesn't mean that those gods are Jewish or from the Kabbalah. Abrahamism has a tendency to plagiarize and corrupt earlier Pagan teachings.

Enkism's mantras are all Sanskrit or otherwise Pagan but never Hebrew. They're not like JoS with its "reverse Torah rituals". Pffff. Moreover, Enkism is one of the very few spiritual communities that offer any substantial quantity of authentic occult practices. I've done the meditations, mantras for opening the chakras, etc. and I can tell you that they're extremely effective and give tangible results.

But what about the guy from Hyperborean Research? While his content is certainly well-researched and interesting, can he teach you how to do the occult practices for yourself? Or is he simply an armchair theorist?
publicduende wrote:
August 26th, 2023, 12:35 pm
I read somewhere that the entire alt-archeology or alt-paleontology movements that built up in the 70s had a slightly "messianic" connotation. In the US you had Zecharia Sitchin and David Hatcher Childress, two authors I loved reading as a teenager. We also had an Italian equivalent, Peter Kolosimo.

I can't speak for Sitchin and Hatcher Childress but what I read was that Peter Kolosimo was a solid acolyte of Marxism. He wrote his books with an energy and a sense of excitement as if he truly believed that the Anunnaki, or whoever else made us, were an ethereal version of the omnipotent State andn that they could visit us again to save us. You could the same theme in several cults born duiring those years, including Scientology and the Raelianism.
Sitchin, a Jew and alumnus of the London School of Economics, was a disinfo agent. Much of his theory about ancient astronauts (that the Anunnaki came from a 12th planet called Nibiru in search of gold for the reparation of their own moribund planet's atmosphere) he just made up out of nowhere and then mixed it with certain stories from the actual Sumerian texts. I've read the Sumerian texts for myself as well as various academic works on Mesopotamian mythology and the story of Nibiru as the Anunnaki's home planet or the gold supposedly required for the atmosphere doesn't appear anywhere. Sitchin relied on his readers' ignorance to sell them his story. But as soon as you read the texts for yourself or take even a cursory look at an academic introduction into the material, it becomes evident that Sitchin was simply inventing his own mythology. How could Sitchin NOT have been a disinfo agent? His books were being sold like crazy in just about all major bookstores!

I'm not saying that the Anunnaki/ancient astronaut story is false, by the way. The Sumerian texts do indeed recount how the Anunnaki descended from heaven and how Enki in particular created intelligent man, taught our ancestors civilization and revealed to Adapa (the Sumerian precursor of the biblical Adam) the "Design of Heaven and Earth" - the same secret knowledge which the Serpent (Enki was incidentally known in Sumerian mythology as Ushumgal or "great serpent") taught to Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis. The problem is that Sitchin takes many liberties and inserts his own fantasies and fictions and ends up completely distorting the original narrative.
Wether or not Enkism has effective mantras and meditations is irrelevant,because the 72 demons of the grimoire are merely one half side of the YHWH matrix.

she plagiarized everything from the JOS.

Don Danko,has the right ideas,read him on truth4satan forums.

the grimoire beings may pretend to be pagan gods,but they are merely imposters.

but if you want to worship a bunch of judaic 'husks'be ready to get the negative effects of it.

Odhin/enki/shiva may refer to the leader of the anunnaki,but those names carry corrupted connotations and thus energies.

in your case,you're better off worshipping the gods of the amazonians,atleast they actually help people.all pagan gods are the same anyway,but alot has been corrupted in their stories and symbolisms.

The runic religion is probabely the only uncorrupted religion of paganism in the old world.

besides,theres no reason to worship a 'god',just become one yourself.

the aryanlibrary has a ton of occult info.

also I bet ZP subliminals and hemisync work far better and faster than mantras in general,aswell as complex meditations.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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