Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by WilliamSmith »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 9:12 am
Dude the fact that blacks or whties are even in Japan, you people end up changing societies especially if enough of you move to those places. I don't even understand the fuckin point in whites and blacks bitching about America but then fly abroad and bring the same cultural shit from America to Asia. Asians wouldn't even know wtf rap music or hip hop was if it wasn't for blacks and it is by far the worse damn music. You said no looting and no fighting. There obviously weren't a lot of blacks from America there. The looting and fighting happened here in the U.S. and it was mostly blacks and Antifa doing it. Japan don't have Antifa in their country but Japan seems like a nation that's slowly changing judging from a lot of the stupid shit they're into that shows they are imitating and getting a lot of their ideas from Westerners.
Unfortunately, Japan actually definitely does have some antifa, even though I doubt it's as bad yet as it is in the ZOG countries (as far as I know). Hopefully the Japanese ultra-nationalists will crush them, but Japan does have a lot of fags and SJWs and invasive white cryptojews (and I guess blacks: I don't know how many of them are there who get involved in making trouble, I only know about some nice black girls there who weren't doing anything wrong), but we'll see.......
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 9:12 am
If I had to move to any Asian country it wouldn't be one where whites and Blacks have an influence on it. I've seen the type of pornography that Japan creates nowadays. In the 80s and 90s it was just mostly Japanese, now they got the whole "BLACKED" thing going on over there where Japanese guys get cucked by nigs f***ing their women. Thanks but no thanks. Japan is basically the West, same gay annoying bullshit because they let whites move there and the whites are the ones introducing them to a lot of the weird annoying f***ed up garbage from here. You've been there for many years, but you won't live long enough to see the country morph into the West after they get done f***ing up America and Europe. When there's nothing else left to f**k up, Japan's little safe haven will be the next destination.
I noticed that too: It was actually a Chinese I think who first mentioned this (Chinese despise Japanese usually, even if they keep up some pretense of civility), and he said something about how Japan had actually passed some law to prohibit porn with Japanese women and white guys (?! LOL, fine by me because porn is unhealthy, but the disgusting "cuck" stuff that's both fetishistic and designed to provoke racial animosity is even worse), and yet they'd left it open so developed a big genre of this "black porn" crap.

Women who have crushes on handsome foreign movie actors or musicians or something of a different race and therefore have a sexual and/or romantic fantasy about them is no problem (in my opinion), but a bunch of disgusting perverted fetishistic porn like that stuff has no positive side to it and ought to be outlawed. I don't understand what kind of a man would actually get off on watching that kind of thing anyway?! WTF, LOL.
But it's also terrible for whatever group of men is being exploited in it (the actors may have themselves to blame) because everyone will hate us even if we never had anything to do with it.
When I first heard about that "cuckolding porn" garbage in the states, I thought "all right that's it, I've absolutely had it with white shitlibs" because I thought they'd come up with it and didn't originally realized jews were behind it (which they are, as @WanderingProtagonist knows already, but see here where some of the kike "porn kings" even admit they lose money on some of it but keep producing it anyway: https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/02/in ... political/ )
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 9:12 am
And if William is right about the women having that weird fetish where they try to get knocked up intentionally by non Japanese guys then that's a pretty f***ed up country...
I wasn't saying that the gaijin hunters or those hostel things were a widespread phenomenon though!!
I don't think they really are at all. (There's lots of gaijin hunters if we're just talking about the basic headcount, but I wasn't trying to suggest that they're a huge percentage of the women, or that the kind of stuff I mentioned was some kind of majority trend at all:
I was just mentioning to @Outcast9428 that fantasizing that "Asians" (especially Japanese, Filipinos, and Thais) are all supposed genetics-based bastions of sexual conservatism and monogamy is silly and doesn't hold up to scrutiny because they've got a lot of messed up, indecent and unwholesome pervy shit and tons of promiscuity and cheating there (as well as the infamous fact of how easy Japanese and Chinese women are for men with decent womanizing skills, contrary to the silliness of some of the beta males on here claiming you supposedly can't get laid without becoming inducted into Asians "in-group culture" and social networks. Sure, that might get them friends, marriage prospects, etc, but for skirt-chasers it's common for guys to go from ho-hum results in the 'West' to wracking up dozens or hundreds of lays with Japanese and Chinese women).
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 9:12 am
...and they truly are no better than the whites in the U.S. who get off on trying to erase their own race and turning it into some kind of messed up fetish.
I don't think Japan is anywhere near as bad as the judaized "Western" whites, but otherwise I 100% agree on that: I absolutely DO NOT GET the whites who go in for this self-destructive shit. I'm well aware of the fact the jews want to wipe out the whites via "Great Replacement" (since those twisted nose gremlins openly admit it all the time in both writing and talks, social media, etc constantly, despite their actively trying to make it illegal for the whites to point that out).
But the almost self-destructive nature of so many whites in both the EU (and to a lesser but substantial degree jewnited states) is a totally bizarre pathology and I don't get it. Does any other race do that? I know they've been brainwashed a lot by jews via both religion and many generations of propaganda, but it's still weird. However, I do think I'm noticing much more backlash from whites who don't go in for the self-destructive brainwashing.....

I personally don't give a damn about racemixing amongst people who are just doing it without a political agenda (after all, separatists only need to stake out their own territories and it wouldn't be a big deal + that would be much better for us if they were allowed to, then they wouldn't be upset with those of us who do it without any attempt to be messing up someone else's nations / racial groups they want to preserve, etc). That's why jews and their SJW "useful idiots" try to make it sound like some monstrous crime when Japanese have some polite sign that says "Japanese customer only please," but it's better as a foreigner to know where we're not wanted. The jews promote the opposite and try to say unnatural forced "integration" is the only moral solution, but the real reason for that is that they want to exploit it as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy + try to genocide out the whites or other potentially dangerous opponents of the jew world order. I posted some references quoting influential and powerful jews who've admitted that too yesterday in some other off-topic thread (viewtopic.php?p=390049#p390049) :)
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 9:12 am
I realized that the majority of nigs that go to Japan are mostly the hip hop looking mfers. They have nothing what so ever to offer Japan.
On a lighter note: I'm not sure about what kinds of blacks go there in terms of overall #s, but I recall seeing some nerdy-ish black guys on some jewtube video, both with spectacles, and one of them was talking about how great it was because it wasn't racist, but the other was wearing like a checked suit and cap and the jewtube video creators were trying to make it sound like a sob story that Japanese people didn't always sit next to him on the train. I think you could have worse problems in a lot of places than Asians not always sitting next to you on the train. :lol:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/

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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

WilliamSmith wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 3:20 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 9:12 am
Dude the fact that blacks or whties are even in Japan, you people end up changing societies especially if enough of you move to those places. I don't even understand the fuckin point in whites and blacks bitching about America but then fly abroad and bring the same cultural shit from America to Asia. Asians wouldn't even know wtf rap music or hip hop was if it wasn't for blacks and it is by far the worse damn music. You said no looting and no fighting. There obviously weren't a lot of blacks from America there. The looting and fighting happened here in the U.S. and it was mostly blacks and Antifa doing it. Japan don't have Antifa in their country but Japan seems like a nation that's slowly changing judging from a lot of the stupid shit they're into that shows they are imitating and getting a lot of their ideas from Westerners.
Unfortunately, Japan actually definitely does have some antifa, even though I doubt it's as bad yet as it is in the ZOG countries (as far as I know). Hopefully the Japanese ultra-nationalists will crush them, but Japan does have a lot of fags and SJWs and invasive white cryptojews (and I guess blacks: I don't know how many of them are there who get involved in making trouble, I only know about some nice black girls there who weren't doing anything wrong), but we'll see.......
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 9:12 am
If I had to move to any Asian country it wouldn't be one where whites and Blacks have an influence on it. I've seen the type of pornography that Japan creates nowadays. In the 80s and 90s it was just mostly Japanese, now they got the whole "BLACKED" thing going on over there where Japanese guys get cucked by nigs f***ing their women. Thanks but no thanks. Japan is basically the West, same gay annoying bullshit because they let whites move there and the whites are the ones introducing them to a lot of the weird annoying f***ed up garbage from here. You've been there for many years, but you won't live long enough to see the country morph into the West after they get done f***ing up America and Europe. When there's nothing else left to f**k up, Japan's little safe haven will be the next destination.
I noticed that too: It was actually a Chinese I think who first mentioned this (Chinese despise Japanese usually, even if they keep up some pretense of civility), and he said something about how Japan had actually passed some law to prohibit porn with Japanese women and white guys (?! LOL, fine by me because porn is unhealthy, but the disgusting "cuck" stuff that's both fetishistic and designed to provoke racial animosity is even worse), and yet they'd left it open so developed a big genre of this "black porn" crap.

Women who have crushes on handsome foreign movie actors or musicians or something of a different race and therefore have a sexual and/or romantic fantasy about them is no problem (in my opinion), but a bunch of disgusting perverted fetishistic porn like that stuff has no positive side to it and ought to be outlawed. I don't understand what kind of a man would actually get off on watching that kind of thing anyway?! WTF, LOL.
But it's also terrible for whatever group of men is being exploited in it (the actors may have themselves to blame) because everyone will hate us even if we never had anything to do with it.
When I first heard about that "cuckolding porn" garbage in the states, I thought "all right that's it, I've absolutely had it with white shitlibs" because I thought they'd come up with it and didn't originally realized jews were behind it (which they are, as @WanderingProtagonist knows already, but see here where some of the kike "porn kings" even admit they lose money on some of it but keep producing it anyway: https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/02/in ... political/ )
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 9:12 am
And if William is right about the women having that weird fetish where they try to get knocked up intentionally by non Japanese guys then that's a pretty f***ed up country...
I wasn't saying that the gaijin hunters or those hostel things were a widespread phenomenon though!!
I don't think they really are at all. (There's lots of gaijin hunters if we're just talking about the basic headcount, but I wasn't trying to suggest that they're a huge percentage of the women, or that the kind of stuff I mentioned was some kind of majority trend at all:
I was just mentioning to @Outcast9428 that fantasizing that "Asians" (especially Japanese, Filipinos, and Thais) are all supposed genetics-based bastions of sexual conservatism and monogamy is silly and doesn't hold up to scrutiny because they've got a lot of messed up, indecent and unwholesome pervy shit and tons of promiscuity and cheating there (as well as the infamous fact of how easy Japanese and Chinese women are for men with decent womanizing skills, contrary to the silliness of some of the beta males on here claiming you supposedly can't get laid without becoming inducted into Asians "in-group culture" and social networks. Sure, that might get them friends, marriage prospects, etc, but for skirt-chasers it's common for guys to go from ho-hum results in the 'West' to wracking up dozens or hundreds of lays with Japanese and Chinese women).
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 9:12 am
...and they truly are no better than the whites in the U.S. who get off on trying to erase their own race and turning it into some kind of messed up fetish.
I don't think Japan is anywhere near as bad as the judaized "Western" whites, but otherwise I 100% agree on that: I absolutely DO NOT GET the whites who go in for this self-destructive shit. I'm well aware of the fact the jews want to wipe out the whites via "Great Replacement" (since those twisted nose gremlins openly admit it all the time in both writing and talks, social media, etc constantly, despite their actively trying to make it illegal for the whites to point that out).
But the almost self-destructive nature of so many whites in both the EU (and to a lesser but substantial degree jewnited states) is a totally bizarre pathology and I don't get it. Does any other race do that? I know they've been brainwashed a lot by jews via both religion and many generations of propaganda, but it's still weird. However, I do think I'm noticing much more backlash from whites who don't go in for the self-destructive brainwashing.....

I personally don't give a damn about racemixing amongst people who are just doing it without a political agenda (after all, separatists only need to stake out their own territories and it wouldn't be a big deal + that would be much better for us if they were allowed to, then they wouldn't be upset with those of us who do it without any attempt to be messing up someone else's nations / racial groups they want to preserve, etc). That's why jews and their SJW "useful idiots" try to make it sound like some monstrous crime when Japanese have some polite sign that says "Japanese customer only please," but it's better as a foreigner to know where we're not wanted. The jews promote the opposite and try to say unnatural forced "integration" is the only moral solution, but the real reason for that is that they want to exploit it as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy + try to genocide out the whites or other potentially dangerous opponents of the jew world order. I posted some references quoting influential and powerful jews who've admitted that too yesterday in some other off-topic thread (viewtopic.php?p=390049#p390049) :)
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
February 9th, 2023, 9:12 am
I realized that the majority of nigs that go to Japan are mostly the hip hop looking mfers. They have nothing what so ever to offer Japan.
On a lighter note: I'm not sure about what kinds of blacks go there in terms of overall #s, but I recall seeing some nerdy-ish black guys on some jewtube video, both with spectacles, and one of them was talking about how great it was because it wasn't racist, but the other was wearing like a checked suit and cap and the jewtube video creators were trying to make it sound like a sob story that Japanese people didn't always sit next to him on the train. I think you could have worse problems in a lot of places than Asians not always sitting next to you on the train. :lol:
I just wouldn't feel right living in a country like Japan, so I would never go over there. The country is too small which may be a good thing to some extent. But they just feel far too easy to erode and take over.
There was also one Japanese nationalist that warned about what could happen to Japan if they didn't fight Westernization and his name was Yukio Mishima. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukio_Mishima
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by MatureDJ »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 24th, 2023, 8:08 am
Japan is eyeballs in debt. Their Debt to GDP ratio is whooping 225.8%, much worst than America.
I don't think they can turn their country's economy around. They can print out more money and delay the inevitable.. but they will continue to
experience deflationary spiral and China is eating their lunch. It's good that they are trying to encourage Japanese people to have more family, but their children will not have good opportunities in Japan anyway because of it's outdated work culture, mediocre pay, close mindedness and lot of social pressures. All the smart Japanese people I know of have emigrated to the U.S because they can't stand the Japanese Bureaucracy, corporate culture, social culture, limited opportunities, etc. Japan is F*cked and so as South Korea. China will be F*cked also because of their mistake with their demographic policy back in the 1970's one child policy. It going to be bite them in the a$$.
Japan is so advanced that it's economy can basically run on robots. It is ahead of the curve on the hyperefficiency curse.
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Outcast9428 »

@WilliamSmith You keep saying it’s ridiculous to claim Asians are biologically monogamous but you and Marcos never address three arguments that basically prove the significantly more monogamous disposition of Asian people.

Why is it that Asian women, in Canada, have half as many sexual partners as White women do? Explain that without resorting to the “well you know, Asians are just liars like that.” As if nobody else lies.


Why are Asians the most likely to say that sex requires love? 65% of both men and women of Asian descent said that, easily the highest percentage of any race. Only 30% of White men and 50% of White women said the same.


Why is every single Asian country mostly monogamous? You will not find a single Asian country where promiscuity is normal and acceptable like it is among White, Latino, and Black countries. I am never going to accept the argument of "well I know this Asian person, and he/she is a total degenerate!" I don't care, there are exceptions to every rule. But the rule is that Asians are monogamous. Every single Asian country is monogamous and they don't even need religion to beat them over the head and tell them to be monogamous in order to be monogamous. Even the communist Asian countries are monogamous.
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Outcast9428 »


I think porn that sexualizes violence, or porn which portrays unnaturally obscene acts like bestiality, scat porn, vomit, or urine as well as other stuff I probably can't even think of should be completely outlawed. That's what I mean by stricter laws.
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

MatureDJ wrote:
February 11th, 2023, 5:55 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 24th, 2023, 8:08 am
Japan is eyeballs in debt. Their Debt to GDP ratio is whooping 225.8%, much worst than America.
I don't think they can turn their country's economy around. They can print out more money and delay the inevitable.. but they will continue to
experience deflationary spiral and China is eating their lunch. It's good that they are trying to encourage Japanese people to have more family, but their children will not have good opportunities in Japan anyway because of it's outdated work culture, mediocre pay, close mindedness and lot of social pressures. All the smart Japanese people I know of have emigrated to the U.S because they can't stand the Japanese Bureaucracy, corporate culture, social culture, limited opportunities, etc. Japan is F*cked and so as South Korea. China will be F*cked also because of their mistake with their demographic policy back in the 1970's one child policy. It going to be bite them in the a$$.
Japan is so advanced that it's economy can basically run on robots. It is ahead of the curve on the hyperefficiency curse.
No it's not. I don't know what your talking about.
Most of Japanese offices still use the fax machine and Japanese TV shows still use paper cut out boards instead of power point slides.
There is lack of digitalization of Japanese government, banking, companies, and Japanese bureaucracy is still paperwork based.
Japan isn't some anime fantasy land. Robotics and AI still have long way to go before completely replacing human labor.
Japan is suffering from increasing old people population and 30 year deflationary spiral since the 1990's.
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Outcast9428 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 2:20 pm
No it's not. I don't know what your talking about.
Most of Japanese offices still use the fax machine and Japanese TV shows still use paper cut out boards instead of power point slides.
There is lack of digitalization of Japanese government, banking, companies, and Japanese bureaucracy is still paperwork based. Robotics and AI still have long way to go before completely replacing human labor.
You say that like its a bad thing.

Japan is much closer to anime then the anti-weeaboo crowd keeps claiming. Most Asian girls I've met, they pretty much do act like anime girls despite the fact that everybody insists that they don't. My girlfriend is Asian and checks off every box of a typical anime girl. She's attracted to nerds, she's attracted to nice, good boy types, she's monogamous, very cute, quirky and awkward, wants to be loved more then anything in the world, extremely loyal, faithful, loving, sweet, extremely romantic, and traditional. She literally wears a schoolgirl outfit just for me. She really doesn't have a ounce of feminism in her.

I don't know everything about Japan yet, I know a lot, but not necessarily everything... All that being said, no country that is full of Asian girls can be bad unless its a communist state like North Korea. I wouldn't care if the country worked me like a dog, having an Asian wife is worth it. Don't follow White people down the road of cultural masochism and self-hatred... You have built an amazing civilization and the world will be a much darker place if Asian people and Asian countries ever start hating themselves the way Western European and American White people do.
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Outcast9428 wrote:
February 14th, 2023, 9:28 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 2:20 pm
No it's not. I don't know what your talking about.
Most of Japanese offices still use the fax machine and Japanese TV shows still use paper cut out boards instead of power point slides.
There is lack of digitalization of Japanese government, banking, companies, and Japanese bureaucracy is still paperwork based. Robotics and AI still have long way to go before completely replacing human labor.
You say that like its a bad thing.

Japan is much closer to anime then the anti-weeaboo crowd keeps claiming. Most Asian girls I've met, they pretty much do act like anime girls despite the fact that everybody insists that they don't. My girlfriend is Asian and checks off every box of a typical anime girl. She's attracted to nerds, she's attracted to nice, good boy types, she's monogamous, very cute, quirky and awkward, wants to be loved more then anything in the world, extremely loyal, faithful, loving, sweet, extremely romantic, and traditional. She literally wears a schoolgirl outfit just for me. She really doesn't have a ounce of feminism in her.

I don't know everything about Japan yet, I know a lot, but not necessarily everything... All that being said, no country that is full of Asian girls can be bad unless its a communist state like North Korea. I wouldn't care if the country worked me like a dog, having an Asian wife is worth it. Don't follow White people down the road of cultural masochism and self-hatred... You have built an amazing civilization and the world will be a much darker place if Asian people and Asian countries ever start hating themselves the way Western European and American White people do.
I am not being a Japan hater.. I am just telling you the reality like it is. Japan is still no anime fantasy land.. I admit, Japan have built a nice civilization and they did a amazing job preserving their cultural values and landmarks. I like Japanese women too.
I met couple of them in High school and they were well mannered, calm, and intelligent. Much better than Korean women in personality.
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by MrMan »

Outcast9428 wrote:
January 23rd, 2023, 10:37 pm
Hallelujah, one of my greatest political wishes is coming true... Japan wants to implement policies reminiscent of what Poland's government is doing and give monthly allowances per child that married couples have. Japan is going to offer $300 a month per child until they are 4 years old, then $200 a month up until high school, and then $50 a month until they graduate high school.

https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/ ... e-decline/

The new prime minister, Kishida, sounds like Viktor Orban. Talking about wanting to create a "children first economy and society." and saying “We will consider how society as a whole can stably support children.”


If Japan really wants to increase their birth rate though, they should combine this policy with a tax hike placed on people who remain unmarried.

@Yohan and @MarcosZeitola

Conservatism when it comes to economic policy frowns on extracting money from people to prop up government programs. So in a way this is not conservative, even if it promotes family in others.

They could tax people for frivilious divorce, or if they want more government programs, offer some kind of marriage counseling. Trying to create a culture where men can spend more time at home might help.

If they want to tax the single, that is a bit oppressive to those who decide to be celibate for religious reasons. Could they give less attractive or awkward people who want to marry but can't a tax break? How about matching people up? I heard many years ago, the Singaporean government was trying to support some matching activities. I don't know if it was speed dating, but it was some sort of social activity.

You know how Americans say 'Thank you for your service.' They could thank couples for getting married or having children in ad campaigns. Or how about if a woman gives birth, she gets a letter from the government that says, "Thank you for your cervix." :lol: But that might not translate well into Japanese.
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Yohan »

Outcast9428 wrote:
February 11th, 2023, 10:34 pm
I think porn that sexualizes violence, or porn which portrays unnaturally obscene acts like bestiality, scat porn, vomit, or urine as well as other stuff I probably can't even think of should be completely outlawed. That's what I mean by stricter laws.
Thank you, I appreciate your reply, I think similar. There is a lot of disgusting porn, not only from Japan, but also from USA.

People who are into this kind of stuff, there must be something wrong with them.
I will not miss it if it is censored.

However pictures of naked women in general, something they call artistic pictures or softcore etc, 18+ of course, it will be hardly possible to remove them from the internet....

There are still may more women in Japan showing up and want to be a 'model' than what porn producer can sell. In Japan for sure, the amount of new produced porn in general and also the payment for models is in decline.

There is now such a huge number of free pictures and movies on the internet in Japan, that I wonder who is even willing to pay a single yen for Japanese/Chinese/Thai etc. produced porn.
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Outcast9428 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
February 15th, 2023, 6:38 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
February 14th, 2023, 9:28 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 2:20 pm
No it's not. I don't know what your talking about.
Most of Japanese offices still use the fax machine and Japanese TV shows still use paper cut out boards instead of power point slides.
There is lack of digitalization of Japanese government, banking, companies, and Japanese bureaucracy is still paperwork based. Robotics and AI still have long way to go before completely replacing human labor.
You say that like its a bad thing.

Japan is much closer to anime then the anti-weeaboo crowd keeps claiming. Most Asian girls I've met, they pretty much do act like anime girls despite the fact that everybody insists that they don't. My girlfriend is Asian and checks off every box of a typical anime girl. She's attracted to nerds, she's attracted to nice, good boy types, she's monogamous, very cute, quirky and awkward, wants to be loved more then anything in the world, extremely loyal, faithful, loving, sweet, extremely romantic, and traditional. She literally wears a schoolgirl outfit just for me. She really doesn't have a ounce of feminism in her.

I don't know everything about Japan yet, I know a lot, but not necessarily everything... All that being said, no country that is full of Asian girls can be bad unless its a communist state like North Korea. I wouldn't care if the country worked me like a dog, having an Asian wife is worth it. Don't follow White people down the road of cultural masochism and self-hatred... You have built an amazing civilization and the world will be a much darker place if Asian people and Asian countries ever start hating themselves the way Western European and American White people do.
I am not being a Japan hater.. I am just telling you the reality like it is. Japan is still no anime fantasy land.. I admit, Japan have built a nice civilization and they did a amazing job preserving their cultural values and landmarks. I like Japanese women too.
I met couple of them in High school and they were well mannered, calm, and intelligent. Much better than Korean women in personality.
I think there's a lot of hope for Japan, its going through a bit of a rough patch right now but the foundations of the country are probably the best in the world. With the right policies in place, I think Japan can be put back on track quite quickly.

Korean women have definitely embraced the feminism more then any other Asian women have. That being said, I have hope for South Korea too. The pushback against feminism there is incredibly intense, practically unanimous opposition amongst young men there with apparently 90% of them opposing feminism. When one gender in a country is so united in its opposition to a certain idea, I feel its only a matter of time before the other gender gives up on it. The current government wants to stop teaching girls in public schools about feminist ideas and they want to scrap the ministry of equality as well. The women in their 30s over there are probably too far gone but maybe the next generation will be better. Its obviously going to take a lot more work to fix South Korea then to fix Japan though.

@MrMan Limited government has not worked. Its not really a conservative value either, its a libertarian value. While US conservatives faithfully adhered to the principles of limited government for 50 years though, we lost our culture. Only now that the Republican Party is starting to be more flexible about that position are we starting to see some success. Over 300 bills have been brought up in red states across the country to deal with the tranny stuff, abortion is getting banned in a large swath of the country, Louisiana now requires people to present a driver's license to access porn websites.

Hungary has blazed the trail and showed us how you can become a traditional society again. There's still some work to be done, but Hungary's successes are truly amazing. They have gone from a communist country back in the 80s, to a liberal society in the 90s and 2000s, to a very conservative society now... It is almost like the 1950s in Hungary, they just need a little more work done and they'll be there.

Half of the never married people in Japan say that economic issues are the primary reason why they haven't gotten married. Not really because they can't meet people. Japan has a much better infrastructure in place to help people meet then the US does, they do have affordable matchmaking services and their culture even promotes matchmaking parties where an equal number of single men and women meet to converse and potentially start dating. Historically, the cost of living in Japan has been terribly high. In recent years, however, the price of housing has been going down since a lot of old people are dying and leaving their houses behind.

@Natural_Born_Cynic I do believe this is part of the reason why I have a lot of hope for Japan as well. The cost of housing is going to plummet in Japan over the course of the next ten years. With the cost of housing going down, and incentives from the government to get married and have kids... I think the future for Japan is looking bright.


Yeah I don't think there's any problem with photos of naked girls being on the internet. And I US porn is worse then the Japanese porn overall. The Japanese porn does have some sick stuff made, but there's a lot of Japanese porn made that's completely normal and tame too. Some US porn is tame as well, but the majority of it is at least somewhat bad and promotes a violent, aggressive view of sex.
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Yeah I hope Japan rebuild itself...It's a shame. I like the Japanese women, food, their politeness, the architecture, Anime, etc.
However it's going to be a very painful transition.... and they must make sweeping reforms to make it happen.

Even without the feminism, Korean women are just pain in the a$$, nagging, angry, selfish, harridan b*tch. Even Native Koreans don't want to marry their women anymore because how F*cked up they become because of all the American influence and capitalism. I rather stick with my Japanese waifu or snow bunny Latinas. Korean women are absolutely dreadful, like eating fist full of nails.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Cornfed »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
February 15th, 2023, 11:14 am
Even without the feminism, Korean women are just pain in the a$$, nagging, angry, selfish, harridan b*tch.
Some of them are/were so cute in their early teens. If only there could be some kind of intervention to stop them from turning into beastly ajummas.
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Cornfed wrote:
February 15th, 2023, 11:18 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
February 15th, 2023, 11:14 am
Even without the feminism, Korean women are just pain in the a$$, nagging, angry, selfish, harridan b*tch.
Some of them are/were so cute in their early teens. If only there could be some kind of intervention to stop them from turning into beastly ajummas.
There isn't one to my knowledge. Korean girls learn from "Sex and the City", "Hebrew wood", and even K dramas that it cool to be a whiny, selfish, materialistic, shallow b*tch. That's why it has the Lowest birthrate on this dirtball of a planet. Korean men are jumping ship and start dating more internationally instead..Who the F*ck wants to have sex with psycho b*tch with body of a 12 year old?
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Re: Japan is introducing Poland/Hungary esque marriage/family incentives...

Post by Outcast9428 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
February 15th, 2023, 11:14 am

Yeah I hope Japan rebuild itself...It's a shame. I like the Japanese women, food, their politeness, the architecture, Anime, etc.
However it's going to be a very painful transition.... and they must make sweeping reforms to make it happen.

Even without the feminism, Korean women are just pain in the a$$, nagging, angry, selfish, harridan b*tch. Even Native Koreans don't want to marry their women anymore because how F*cked up they become because of all the American influence and capitalism. I rather stick with my Japanese waifu or snow bunny Latinas. Korean women are absolutely dreadful, like eating fist full of nails.
I met a Korean woman once, she was a bit of an older woman and she was married... But she seemed really nice. She was Christian though, so maybe that made a difference. I think part of South Korea's issue might be the complete lack of religion. If they were to be Buddhist that would at least be something, but no religion at all is bad for a country's spiritual and social health. Christianity is about 30% of the population in South Korea so its not like they're a tiny minority. Maybe it could grow in influence? I'd be curious to know if the fertility rate among Christian Koreans is higher then among the irreligious.

I think Japan could transition with relative ease compared to other countries. Hungary was a lot more liberal when Viktor Orban took power then Japan is right now. Hungary's marriage rate was worse then America's, people got married later, and the abortion rate was higher then America's as well. But Hungary managed to turn most of that around in just 10-12 years. A lot of people are always skeptical about whether change is possible, but I am consistently amazed at how much a culture can change in just ten years.

Another thing the Japanese government is trying to do which I think is a good idea is getting people to leave Tokyo. Tokyo has become way too congested. I think a good idea for Japan would be to build up the countryside and create a network of villages and towns so that you get the affordable housing of the countryside but more of the access to jobs that the city gives people. What do you think of that idea @Yohan?
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