Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

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Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by Lucas88 »

I understand that some people here want to believe that Putin is a hero manifest in the material world to lead a noble war against globohomo and the corrupt West but you guys need to know the truth.

Putin is no hero. He's nothing more than a puppet of Chabad-Lubavitch and the Jewish oligarchs who really control Russia. Putin is simply playing his assigned role in a much larger plan which is so intricate that it's incomprehensible to most people. He isn't going to save the world. :(



Here is a video of Chabad rabbi Dovid Eliezrie bragging to his congregation about how Chabad basically controls all of Russia and how Putin was brought up by a Chassidic Jewish family, is loyal to Chabad and does what's best for the Jews:

It should be obvious by now that Putin is just another one of their guys. In fact, I would bet on Putin being part Jewish himself with the maternal surname Shelomov(a).

Then there is Putin's ideologue and geopolitical expert Alexander Dugin -- another controversial figure whom some people here mistakenly admire.


Sorry folks, but Dugin is openly a Kabbalist who proudly proclaims the age-old mystical tradition of his Jewish forebears "the greatest achievement of the human spirit":

Dugin's philosophy has a much deeper layer to it than what you think it does and hides a rather sinister agenda. It is largely informed by his Kabbalah beliefs and aims to help in the fulfillment of Chabad's apocalyptic vision for the world. Christopher Jon Bjerknes explains in depth the deeper Kabbalistic aspects of Dugin's philosophy in the following video:

As some of you already know, the Kabbalists of Chabad wish to embroil the world in an all-consuming war by pitting America and the West against the Eurasian superpower of Russia. Such devastation must take place and wreak havoc upon the nations before Mashiach can arrive. Dugin throughout his work speaks of the idea of a military conflict between the seafaring "Atlanticists" and the terrestrial "Eurasians". He scathingly portrays the Atlanticists as an evil and degenerate civilization and fervently promotes their destruction at the hands of the supposedly noble and righteous Eurasians. Kabbalistically, this is nothing more than the envisioned showdown between Leviathan and Bohemoth. Dugin simply wishes to lead both sides into their mutual annihilation for the fulfillment of biblical "prophecy" and the advancement of the Messianic Kingdom.

The Kabbalists in their religious texts associate America and Europe with Edom -- the sworn enemy of Israel, the supposed evil empire which Yahweh promises to blot out. They therefore wish to exterminate all people of European descent. This asshole Dugin is feeding into their game. He's convincing Westerners that their countries and civilization are evil and deserve to be destroyed by a supposedly more noble and righteous Russia (gimme a break! :roll: ). But this is really all done for the purpose of advancing the hidden Kabbalistic agenda -- that is, to sow the seeds of war and make Gentiles of different nations massacre each other while Israel gets ready to present its promised Mashiach, proclaim authority over all of the nations, and reduce everybody else -- those who survive -- to the status of Noahide slaves.

Putin and Dugin are nothing more than two Jewish puppets serving Chabad's nefarious end-times agenda. People need to see the truth!

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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by publicduende »


This is the first time I read about this particular connection. I never thought the Chabad-Lubavitch were that powerful on the world scene, in fact so powerful as to be Putin's main (or sole) puppeteers. I did know Chabad-Lubavitch are famous for illicit activities such as child sex trafficking and organ trafficking, right from their synagogues.
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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by MrMan »

publicduende wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 4:54 pm

This is the first time I read about this particular connection. I never thought the Chabad-Lubavitch were that powerful on the world scene, in fact so powerful as to be Putin's main (or sole) puppeteers. I did know Chabad-Lubavitch are famous for illicit activities such as child sex trafficking and organ trafficking, right from their synagogues.
Famous for it? How? I've got an older relative in his 80's now. When he was younger, he was skeptical of advertising, money-making opportunities and anything 'fantastic.' One of our relatives liked to read The Weekly World News. He'd talk about aliens and reincarnation. He liked to boast about how he was right in about 1960 when he said in 10 years, we'd have a man on the moon. People thought he was crazy... that relative.

Anyway, the skeptical relative isn't so skeptical anymore. He keeps talking about all kinds of conspiracy theories whenever I meet him. He sent me forwards on Messenger of videos of people making all these claims, kind of like Q Anon type stuff, and he believes it... just a bunch of people talking with no evidence, or evidence that isn't really evidence. I don't believe all the fact checkers, but I will fact check fantastic claims. Like Hillary Clinton laughing over some dead body, which wasn't really a dead body, but some disgusting art.

Anyway, the claims according to the forwards he sends me:
-- Trump is the real president and the military Biden, Hillary Clinton, etc. executed in Guantanamo, and doubles are taking over their roles.
-- The US government under Trump reclaimed tons of gold from tunnels under the Vatican.
-- Trump is going to take over soon, before the election with military support-- which was supposed to have happened over and over.
-- Debts will soon be cancelled.
-- Each one of us is going to get a huge fortune (in the US) from the gold the government got back.
-- We are supposed to go back to the 'original' constitution before the US became a corporation in 1870 something or other.
-- The government is going to release some kind of 'quantum' money and it is supposed to be good.
-- McDonald's serves human flesh.
-- There are Medbeds based on alien technology that make people like they are 30 years younger.
-- There are tunnels under Walmart and government buildings to traffic children through for child sacrifice in Satanic rituals.

I'm wondering if the conspiracy theory about this Jewish group having tunnels for child trafficking was forwarded in messages like this.

I wouldn't be surprised if a Jewish synagogue would want a tunnel so the Jews can escape if they are attacked. Is there any solid evidence of organ or child trafficking other than people yacking on conspiracy video and audio messages online?

I suppose with the invention of the Internet, these underground channels of conspiracy theory were bound to emerge. I think what really got it going was the propaganda on the left, and big tech trying to shut down normal expressions of free speech. This led to more polarization and people looking for alternative forms of media since they can't trust the left. That creates more of a market for right wing stuff, but they have even lower standards of professionalism than the official journalists on the left.
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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by Lucas88 »

publicduende wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 4:54 pm
This is the first time I read about this particular connection. I never thought the Chabad-Lubavitch were that powerful on the world scene, in fact so powerful as to be Putin's main (or sole) puppeteers. I did know Chabad-Lubavitch are famous for illicit activities such as child sex trafficking and organ trafficking, right from their synagogues.
Chabad-Lubavitch is indeed extremely powerful and influential. They are the puppeteers of the likes of Netanyahu, Putin and Trump and basically rule over entire nations such as Russia and the US as a hidden tribal mafia, and their geopolitical agenda essentially consists of pitting the world's superpowers against one another and manufacturing the war of Armageddon for the supposed fulfillment of biblical prophecy and the establishment of a one-world Messianic Kingdom. Chabad is behind many of the disturbing geopolitical events that we're seeing today.

Through my research, I've determined that Chabad is situated close to the top of the pyramid of Jewish power, at least on the religious/cultic side of things. Its rabbis see themselves as the priestly elite which will purportedly rule over the nations and enforce a single law (Noahide) as prophesized by the Old Testament. At the same time, Chabad seems to work with other sections of the Jewish power elite. Those would include the Jewish banking elites such as the Rothschilds and Jewish billionaire oligarchs sympathetic to its cause such as those of Russia as explained in the first video.

Chabad is far more than just a sick and depraved ring of child sex and organ traffickers; it's one of the largest Jewish religious organizations and outreach programs in the world, the leading Kabbalah school in the present day, and an international mafia organization which exerts a disproportionate level of influence over the politics of various important nations. Chabad is no joke.
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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 6:32 pm
publicduende wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 4:54 pm
I did know Chabad-Lubavitch are famous for illicit activities such as child sex trafficking and organ trafficking, right from their synagogues.
Famous for it? How?
Bro, there are even websites created by members of the Jewish community exposing Chabad as a dangerous cult and criminal organization and warning Jewish parents about the child abuse, molestation and countless other crimes that are reported to have been perpetrated by the organization. Here is one such website:


But your knee-jerk reaction is to immediately dismiss Chabad's involvement in illegal activities just because they're Jews and your own Holy Book's chosen people and then to deflect from the topic by embarking on a long-winded rant about some conspiracy theorist relative of yours and some irrelevant nonsense about Q-Anon. You really can't admit any criticism of your beloved chosenite Yehudim, can you? :roll:

I'm even starting to believe that you might be an undercover Mossad agent pretending to be some deranged Evangelical fanatic from the US Deep South! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by publicduende »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 6:42 pm
Chabad-Lubavitch is indeed extremely powerful and influential. They are the puppeteers of the likes of Netanyahu, Putin and Trump and basically rule over entire nations such as Russia and the US as a hidden tribal mafia, and their geopolitical agenda essentially consists of pitting the world's superpowers against one another and manufacturing the war of Armageddon for the supposed fulfillment of biblical prophecy and the establishment of a one-world Messianic Kingdom. Chabad is behind many of the disturbing geopolitical events that we're seeing today.

Through my research, I've determined that Chabad is situated close to the top of the pyramid of Jewish power, at least on the religious/cultic side of things. Its rabbis see themselves as the priestly elite which will purportedly rule over the nations and enforce a single law (Noahide) as prophesized by the Old Testament. At the same time, Chabad seems to work with other sections of the Jewish power elite. Those would include the Jewish banking elites such as the Rothschilds and Jewish billionaire oligarchs sympathetic to its cause such as those of Russia as explained in the first video.

Chabad is far more than just a sick and depraved ring of child sex and organ traffickers; it's one of the largest Jewish religious organizations and outreach programs in the world, the leading Kabbalah school in the present day, and an international mafia organization which exerts a disproportionate level of influence over the politics of various important nations. Chabad is no joke.
This is eye-opening, @Lucas88. I did know they were involved in various illicit activities but ignore the actual size of their influence, within and outside the Jewry.

I just looked up on Google Maps and got a shocking revelation: in the Philippines alone, there are 6 (six!) Chabad synagogues. I was familiar with the Manila one, which is in Makati, right in front of a condo I used to live in.

What I ignored was that there are also "Chabad Centers" in Clark, Cebu, Boracay, El Nido (Palawan), and Siargao. Now, since my wife's auntie was married to a Jewish man, I happen to know the Jewish community of Manila and can guarantee is composed by fewer than 50 families. There might be a few more families living in Cebu or around the Philippines, yet the only synagogue is in Manila.

Now, considering how fringe the Chabad community is in percentage to the entire Jewry, it beggars belief that so many Chabad centers sprouted across the Philippines, not only in the 2 main cities (Manila and Cebu), but also in prominent, international tourist destinations. What and who are these "centers" designed for? Certainly not to indoctrinate the poor Filipino. Perhaps they are mini-hubs for their illegal activities and/or mini-embassies for their wealthy members when they travel to this country. My spine chills just thinking about it.
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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 6:42 pm
publicduende wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 4:54 pm
This is the first time I read about this particular connection. I never thought the Chabad-Lubavitch were that powerful on the world scene, in fact so powerful as to be Putin's main (or sole) puppeteers. I did know Chabad-Lubavitch are famous for illicit activities such as child sex trafficking and organ trafficking, right from their synagogues.
Chabad-Lubavitch is indeed extremely powerful and influential. They are the puppeteers of the likes of Netanyahu, Putin and Trump and basically rule over entire nations such as Russia and the US as a hidden tribal mafia, and their geopolitical agenda essentially consists of pitting the world's superpowers against one another and manufacturing the war of Armageddon for the supposed fulfillment of biblical prophecy and the establishment of a one-world Messianic Kingdom. Chabad is behind many of the disturbing geopolitical events that we're seeing today.

Through my research, I've determined that Chabad is situated close to the top of the pyramid of Jewish power, at least on the religious/cultic side of things. Its rabbis see themselves as the priestly elite which will purportedly rule over the nations and enforce a single law (Noahide) as prophesized by the Old Testament. At the same time, Chabad seems to work with other sections of the Jewish power elite. Those would include the Jewish banking elites such as the Rothschilds and Jewish billionaire oligarchs sympathetic to its cause such as those of Russia as explained in the first video.

Chabad is far more than just a sick and depraved ring of child sex and organ traffickers; it's one of the largest Jewish religious organizations and outreach programs in the world, the leading Kabbalah school in the present day, and an international mafia organization which exerts a disproportionate level of influence over the politics of various important nations. Chabad is no joke.
So then why does Putin feel the need to criticize the U.S. government for all the things it's doing if he is controlled himself?
And if this Chabad guy is responsible for child sex trafficking, why does Putin make all these claims about cracking down on such activity that goes on in Russia yet he's owned by a POS like this guy? Well this is just terrifying.....If the U.S. and Russia ever fight it out using nuclear weapons...Nobody is going to survive that shit....From what I read Russia's is more powerful than the one's America have. And if Jewish people really feel this strongly about Chabad. Why aren't there enough people opposing or challenging him? You have organizations like the UN that go after Africa for child brides, but they are too much of a p***y to do something about this Chabad guy.
I mean Trump tries to claim he can prevent WWIII and he did make good relations with Russia vs trying to provoke him them into fighting us.
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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Interesting find @Lucas88

The thing about Putin, sometimes I have a feeling that he is also a controlled opposition. I mean who knows... :?:
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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by MrMan »

Lucas88 wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 7:25 pm
MrMan wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 6:32 pm
publicduende wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 4:54 pm
I did know Chabad-Lubavitch are famous for illicit activities such as child sex trafficking and organ trafficking, right from their synagogues.
Famous for it? How?
Bro, there are even websites created by members of the Jewish community exposing Chabad as a dangerous cult and criminal organization and warning Jewish parents about the child abuse, molestation and countless other crimes that are reported to have been perpetrated by the organization. Here is one such website:


But your knee-jerk reaction is to immediately dismiss Chabad's involvement in illegal activities just because they're Jews and your own Holy Book's chosen people and then to deflect from the topic by embarking on a long-winded rant about some conspiracy theorist relative of yours and some irrelevant nonsense about Q-Anon. You really can't admit any criticism of your beloved chosenite Yehudim, can you? :roll:

I'm even starting to believe that you might be an undercover Mossad agent pretending to be some deranged Evangelical fanatic from the US Deep South! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's not a rational or well-thought out response. The page you sent me to accuses the organization of white collar crime and running schools not in the children's best interest. The post I responded to said it was well-known that they engaged in child sex trafficking and trafficking in organs. The abuse page told of child molesters they hadn't dealt with properly. I clicked around a bit and saw accusations of money-laundering, but not selling organs or children.
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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 8:33 pm
Interesting find @Lucas88

The thing about Putin, sometimes I have a feeling that he is also a controlled opposition. I mean who knows... :?:
Well no one goes to Israel and wear a small hat on their head without being owned. I'm honestly sick and tired of Israel. I feel that after all these years working in America isn't even worth it when that money goes to a country that's working overtime to wreck and destroy mine alongside of George Soros. I hear how people are saying a lot of nations are turning on Israel, but the Middle East isn't the whole damn world, and I don't care about sand niggros and their hatred of Israel or that blacks are shitting on them. It only matters if Western and Eastern European countries all turn on them. Those are the only countries that matter and to an extent Asia.
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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
January 22nd, 2024, 2:26 pm
That's not a rational or well-thought out response. The page you sent me to accuses the organization of white collar crime and running schools not in the children's best interest. The post I responded to said it was well-known that they engaged in child sex trafficking and trafficking in organs. The abuse page told of child molesters they hadn't dealt with properly. I clicked around a bit and saw accusations of money-laundering, but not selling organs or children.
As usual, you just skirt around the issue of Chabad crime because, as a delusional Jew-worshipper, you're never honest enough to acknowledge let alone call out the evildoings of your beloved Yehudim, not even the Jewish supremacist cult of Chabad!

Few Gentiles even know about the Chabad organization and even fewer are aware of its connections to major political figures such as Netanyahu, Putin and Trump, but some of the more informed people who do know about Chabad are indeed aware of its countless scandals and involvement in illegal activities, hence why @publicduende immediately brought up his own awareness of Chabad's infamy despite not being aware of the organization's vastly underestimated influence in the world political scene. The website which I cited was from a Jewish source -- some Jews are aware of Chabad's crimes -- and includes examples of Chabad's child abuse, drug trafficking, fraud and other serious crimes, but you just try to skirt around this by disingenuously arguing "I don't see anything about child sex trafficking and organ trafficking so your response is irrational!" when in reality I clearly alluded in my response to a more general range of Chabad's alleged and known crimes, not just the two illegal activities which PD mentioned.
Lucas88 wrote:
January 14th, 2024, 7:25 pm
Bro, there are even websites created by members of the Jewish community exposing Chabad as a dangerous cult and criminal organization and warning Jewish parents about the child abuse, molestation and countless other crimes that are reported to have been perpetrated by the organization.
I think that here it's easy to see that you're either not the brightest fellow or you completely lack any semblance of honesty or integrity when it comes to anything concerning the evildoings of religious Js. But I wouldn't expect anything less from a Jewdeo-Christian like yourself. :roll:

By the way, here is another website which documents Chabad's various crimes, immoralities and scandals (with various categories):

https://chafrauddepravitch.wordpress.co ... criminals/

Evidence and testimonies of Chabad's criminality can be found on the internet if you know where to look, including on websites made by concerned Jews in order to expose Chabad, not just antisemitic websites.

I still don't understand why anybody of Gentile extraction would want to defend Chabad. If you knew what they actually teach you might be shocked -- unless, of course, you really are a crypto LARPing on the internet as a feeble-minded Evangelical. LMAO! :lol:

I've been studying Chabad's religious ideology for quite some time now and it can basically be summarized as the following: "Jewish souls alone come from god, all of the goyim are evil and unclean and originate from the Kelipot, Edom (which they interpret as Europe and America) must be blotted out, and when Mashiach comes most of the Gentiles will be destroyed and only a few Noahides will be spared."

Here is a quote from the Sefer ha-Tanya, Chabad's foundational text:


I can assure you that throughout their Kabbalistic teachings they do indeed regard all non-Jews as filth and unholiness and as originating from the demonic spheres of the primeval abyss (i.e., Kelipot) and therefore teach that our destruction is righteous and must occur before the Messianic Age.

Don't think that they respect you for being an "upstanding Christian" either. Chabad and the broader Chassidic movement from which Chabad emerged consider Christianity part of the despised kingdom of Edom and view Christians as unclean idolaters.

Sorry bro, but only a fool of the highest order (or a crypto) would come to my thread and shill for Chabad, an organization which literally wants to exterminate us all, like you're doing. Smh.
Last edited by Lucas88 on January 22nd, 2024, 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Putin is a Chabad puppet and Russia is run by Jews

Post by publicduende »

MrMan wrote:
January 22nd, 2024, 2:26 pm
That's not a rational or well-thought out response. The page you sent me to accuses the organization of white collar crime and running schools not in the children's best interest. The post I responded to said it was well-known that they engaged in child sex trafficking and trafficking in organs. The abuse page told of child molesters they hadn't dealt with properly. I clicked around a bit and saw accusations of money-laundering, but not selling organs or children.
As far as the stuff I read, I can't confirm that Chabad is related to child sex abuse (and I highlight sex). Historically, they have been engaging in illegal organ explantation and trafficking.

One chilling reality I found out is that, in the Philippines alone, there are 6 (SIX!) Chabad centers.



Now, I happen to know the Jewish community of Manila very well because my wife's closest relative, her auntie, married a Jewish man and herself converted to Judaism. I have been to the synagogue several times and at parties organised by the community. The community is tiny, 20 resident families at most, plus a few young men who come over here to work in tech startups. Manila has its synagogue and the community is so tiny, they can barely afford to have a resident Rabbi.

None of these people has any affiliation with the Chabad.

Now, think of Chabad, an ultra-ortodox community whose members are in even smaller numbers. What business do they have, opening up "centres" and "houses" all over the Philippines? Manila, Cebu and then four of the most touristy destinations: Clark (Angeles City), El Nido Palawan, Boracay and Siargao.

What are these "centers" for? Maybe assisting wealthy Jewish tourists with the local kids? Or setting up hubs for organ traffic? Nobody knows.

One more thing I can say is that, every time I went to the Manila synagogue, it struck me as being a beautiful, "open house", with a library, a function room. A legit place for the community to enjoy and for non-Jewish people to learn.

The Chabad synagogue in Manila was built right in front of Knightsbridge, a high-rise condo I used to live at. I used to cross that place virtually every time I went out and what it struck me for was that the main door was always shut, with a security guard standing next to it, and every window also sealed shut.

I might have perhaps missed their functions or events yet, in 2 years I lived in that place, I never saw that door open and/or anyone looking like a Chabad member standing outside. A complete mausoleum, shut down to the public. Only heaven (or hell!) knows what the purpose of that building is.
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