If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Post by chanta76 »


More or less what your saying is correct. It's just not American women but also American men that are f***ed up. I met lots of f***ed up American men in my life..

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Re: Re:

Post by jamesbond »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:They are socially programmed to marry. Who raises American boys? Women do. Which sex numerically dominates in the teaching profession? Women. What ideology dominates our politics, our legal environment, our courts, and our society in general? Feminism.

Men are at a disadvantage in having access to the red pill, when the blue pill is given to them from birth.
I know guys who started to panic at age 30 because they were not married yet. So they used online dating and married the first woman they could (even though a lot of those women they married were overweight, unattractive single mothers). :shock:

It's funny 72% of divorces are initiated by women and 80% of women divorce their husbands because they are bored and want a change! :shock:

America has the highest divorce rate in the world and it's women who are initiating the overwhelming majority of divorces in the US.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

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Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Post by tom »

Alexis de Tocqueville came to America in 1831, it was his opinion America women were superior to European in many ways.
WWII American women hard at work, it would have been inconceivable to any guy that he would have to look outside America to find a woman. The last thing any guy would have though is American women were somehow deficient or inferior. This was before the welfare state and obesity epidemic took hold some decades later.

2015, this is what a guy gets today, no wonder he wants to go elsewhere.

A fat obese chick goes to the doc, she feels depressed and anxious. She is anxious because she has a lousy diet and is worried about being so fat, hey a good thing maybe she will do something about it. But no she gets drugged so she wont do anything about her problems and mindlessly gorges herself with even more donut holes. Another problem with western women is the prescription drug epidemic, like xanix, klonopin, ativan, etc. Its a crack-head zombie nightmare.
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Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Post by gsjackson »

Boy, amen to that. I think the fact that we've become Pillhead Nation is a big part of the problem. Big Pharma profits leaving much destruction in their wake.
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The men are catching on ...

Post by Teal Lantern »

Churchians and trad-cons are taking notice. :mrgreen:
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/bar ... ot-married
не поглеждай назад. 8)

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Re: The men are catching on ...

Post by fightforlove »

Teal Lantern wrote:Churchians and trad-cons are taking notice. :mrgreen:
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/bar ... ot-married
Taking notice in the decline of marriage, but still clueless about the causes. The entire article is the usual "man up" shaming, it's not until you get the very bottom do you find a few sentences that come slightly closer to reality:

But men are not entirely to blame for the steep decline in marriage, Crouse pointed out. “A lot of women fear marriage. While feminism is a spent force, the ultimate consequences of that philosophy is a whole generation of women who don’t want any man to tell them what to do, and don’t really understand the give and take that is necessary for a marriage relationship.”

It then follows that up with the popularity of American Sniper being proof that "women prefer strong men". :D

I think these publications are choosing ignorance on purpose. They don't want to acknowledge the ugly and politically uncorrect truth.

Anyways, as a single, eligible American man within the 20-34 age, I would cite the poor quality that is the American female dating pool as my main reason that I am not married. The rise of the babymomma generation, the rise of feminism/careerism/materialism, the rise of the obesity epidemic are just a few factors that they would have mentioned in this article had they taken the time to actually listen to single 20-34yo American males like me.
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Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Post by droid »

tom wrote:Alexis de Tocqueville came to America in 1831, it was his opinion America women were superior to European in many ways.
Interesting author, i did not know him, thanks
Today's mess would be unrecognizable to guys from the 18th or 19th centuries.

From another chapter:
How the principle of the sovereignty of the people is to be understood--Impossibility of conceiving a mixed government--The sovereign power must exist somewhere--Precautions to be taken to control its action --These precautions have not been taken in the United States --Consequences.

I hold it to be an impious and detestable maxim that, politically speaking, the people have a right to do anything; and yet I have asserted that all authority originates in the will of the majority. Am I, then, in contradiction with myself?

A majority taken collectively is only an individual, whose opinions, and frequently whose interests, are opposed to those of another individual, who is styled a minority. If it be admitted that a man possessing absolute power may misuse that power by wronging his adversaries, why should not a majority be liable to the same reproach? Men do not change their characters by uniting with one another; nor does their patience in the presence of obstacles increase with their strength.3 For my own part, I cannot believe it; the power to do everything, which I should refuse to one of my equals, I will never grant to any number of them.

tom wrote:WWII American women hard at work, it would have been inconceivable to any guy that he would have to look outside America to find a woman. The last thing any guy would have though is American women were somehow deficient or inferior. This was before the welfare state and obesity epidemic took hold some decades later.
Damn right, where have those women gone :cry:

1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Post by steezyy »

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Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Post by Tsar »

steezyy wrote:While Asian women may make for better wives, and Latin women have tighter bodies, American women possess the highest status.

Let me repeat, *White is considered the top race in the world, so a white woman by default has the most status."

You can argue based on physical preferences, but white women = highest status women. Not debatable.
Do American women really possess the highest status? Please explain. Not all American women are white women.

Many American women fall in one or more:
-Sluts (Slutty)
-Not interested in real relationships
-Doesn't need a man
-Most lost all traditional feminine talents

Various European nationalities and Slavic women would seem to have the highest status of white women.
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Post by MrMan »

Tsar wrote:Most American women are worthless but are able to find a man to marry them for one of the following reasons:

1. Men in America are pressured to follow the American status quo. The status quo is to marry an American women. This was a byproduct of feminism. Prior to feminism it was not frowned upon if a man married a foreign women. Many American men who served in World War II married European women. People were happy for them. Today, if an American man marries a European woman or any foreign women, most American men and American women would be jealous or angry that the man found his wife abroad.
I met my wife overseas and married her, and I don't think either of us have heard anything at all along the lines of 'Why didn't you marry a woman from your own country?'

I don't see this as a product of feminism. Men who served in the military in Europe actually met and got to know their wives. People see dating internationally online as a 'mail order bride' thing.

If you go around saying, "American women make bad wives, so I got a wife from another country" to a single American woman who wants a husband, that might upset her. I don't think feminism has much to do with it, aside from the fact that Feminism is one of the things that has made a large percentage of American women not good wife material.
American men are constantly bombarded with messages that they must marry an American women or they are less of a man if they have to go abroad.
Maybe I'm not reading the messages. Where are these messages? Constant bombardment? Maybe I don't watch enough TV to see the ads against going abroad to marry. If you are always reading online blogs against marrying a foreign woman, you may be bombarded, but it seems to be an occasional topic at best in the media.

Realistically, there is some percentage of women in the US, maybe a relatively small percent, that make good wives. One in five religious women is a virgin. Some women want a man to lead them, and some women just naturally have personalities that aren't bossy, confrontational, grumpy, etc. Some women aren't materialistic. Maybe those are the small percentage that get married off, if they are good-looking enough.

Statistics-wise, I do think the chances of getting what I would consider good wife material is higher overseas. Good wife material, IMO, is a woman who is a virgin (or faithful widow), family-oriented, willing to cook, clean, and keep house, willing to meet her husbands needs, willing to be submissive to her husband, with good character traits (loyal, faithful, forgives, etc.)

"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman who fears Yahweh, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30 (WEB)
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Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Post by steezyy »


You're clearly hanging out with the wrong group of women. A lot of American girls are very feminine, but they just happen to be more sexually loose. This is a good thing, as that means they're having more sex with less attractive men than if they were traditional and looking for marriage.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Re:

Post by Tsar »

MrMan wrote:Realistically, there is some percentage of women in the US, maybe a relatively small percent, that make good wives. One in five religious women is a virgin. Some women want a man to lead them, and some women just naturally have personalities that aren't bossy, confrontational, grumpy, etc. Some women aren't materialistic. Maybe those are the small percentage that get married off, if they are good-looking enough.

Statistics-wise, I do think the chances of getting what I would consider good wife material is higher overseas. Good wife material, IMO, is a woman who is a virgin (or faithful widow), family-oriented, willing to cook, clean, and keep house, willing to meet her husbands needs, willing to be submissive to her husband, with good character traits (loyal, faithful, forgives, etc.)

"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman who fears Yahweh, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30 (WEB)
Not in the West. Most girls including religious girls are not virgins past the age of 18. Most lose it between 13-17 in America and Anglosphere countries. Maybe there are 1% of American girls at best are virgins past their freshman year of college, but not all might be thin, or attractive, or good relationship material.

Most of the girls that are virgins and interested in relationships enter into long-term relationships in high school or college and are married around 18-23. What's left isn't good odds.

Western women should be avoided even if they were a virgin because of the overall toxicity of the system.
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Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Post by chanta76 »

These 3 reasons that I can think of .

Reason 1.why American men marry American women..is that they are both in the same boat. What I mean is that not all American guys are great and this goes for the American women so it's like hand in hand. I mean the average American guy is no Brad Pitt. I remember I visited Sea world in Florida and notice obese American guys holding hand with his obese american girl friend. ..both are fat and not attractive looking but both were happy.

2.The other part is that I think unlike most posters here there are some decent good looking american girls and the higher quality attractive American guys get them. I live in NYC I seen good looking american couples ...and they do look happy..so it does happen. I think the posters here are just too negative...

3. Proximity plays a big role in who you date or marry..not everyone will do the online or international travel thing.
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Re: If US women are so worthless, why do men marry them?

Post by Yohan »

Not only US-women are garbage, unfortunately many US-men are nothing else but certified trash, too.

But there are also other reasons, why US-men marry US women and do not consider dating abroad.

Many American men have never been abroad, do not even have a passport and cannot compare their own country with other foreign countries.

They also have short vacation. to travel away from USA requires a long-distance flight. US-citizens are often totally brainwashed by Western propaganda-media, they really think they are living in a paradise.

Situation is quite different in Europe, where almost everybody is travelling around and has at least 1 month fully paid vacation. Even by driving around by own car you can visit Russia, Turkey, Tunesia etc... Places which are quite different from EU. Visa hassles are much less compared to USA if you want to invite a girlfriend from overseas to be with you for a few months etc.

In Europe most restrictive is only UK, which has rules you might compare with those of USA. A reason for many UK males to leave and settle down elsewhere, especially after retirement. However US-men are clearly less flexible compared to men from UK.

The large size of USA for sure plays also a major role. California is not Texas etc...
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