Any Good Things About American Women ?

Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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Post by OTB »

YES she is! That's a sexy woman. Yummy!
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Post by S_Parc »

E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:DIT-[CAMEL-]TO!
And it's so true how mature women en Latinoamerica look like WIVES instead of looking like "COUGARS". Cougars aggregates the sluttiness pun to its own meaning.
For me, she's ripe for my Salami to surf 'em Bazonkas.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Post by Adama »

Hero wrote:The only good thing about AW that I can think of is that you don't have to support them financially. Hell, if you play your cards right and don't mind losing your self-respect, you could find an American woman who will support you while you stay home and watch her brats.

One of the biggest worries I have about my Ukrainian gf is that I'll have to spend a fortune to bring her over here and support her for years.
That wouldnt concern me one bit. What concerns me about importing a bride is that she may make a false accusations of domestic violence, get an instant green card, send me to prison and ruin my career, and make me pay alimony and/or child support for a very long time.
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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Post by Hero »

Adama wrote:
Hero wrote:The only good thing about AW that I can think of is that you don't have to support them financially. Hell, if you play your cards right and don't mind losing your self-respect, you could find an American woman who will support you while you stay home and watch her brats.

One of the biggest worries I have about my Ukrainian gf is that I'll have to spend a fortune to bring her over here and support her for years.
That wouldnt concern me one bit. What concerns me about importing a bride is that she may make a false accusations of domestic violence, get an instant green card, send me to prison and ruin my career, and make me pay alimony and/or child support for a very long time.
Well, I don't think my gf is that type. I would be more suspcious if she were 25 years old and she was eager to marry a 45-year-old. Also, my gf wants me to visit with her and her family for a month before we decide to tie the knot. A scammer would do the exact opposite, that is, she'd try to conceal as much information about herself as possible before getting hitched to me.
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Post by kai1275 »

Hero wrote:
Adama wrote:
Hero wrote:The only good thing about AW that I can think of is that you don't have to support them financially. Hell, if you play your cards right and don't mind losing your self-respect, you could find an American woman who will support you while you stay home and watch her brats.

One of the biggest worries I have about my Ukrainian gf is that I'll have to spend a fortune to bring her over here and support her for years.
That wouldnt concern me one bit. What concerns me about importing a bride is that she may make a false accusations of domestic violence, get an instant green card, send me to prison and ruin my career, and make me pay alimony and/or child support for a very long time.
Well, I don't think my gf is that type. I would be more suspcious if she were 25 years old and she was eager to marry a 45-year-old. Also, my gf wants me to visit with her and her family for a month before we decide to tie the knot. A scammer would do the exact opposite, that is, she'd try to conceal as much information about herself as possible before getting hitched to me.
Finally a well said, common sense post from someone else. Too many knuckleheads out here started off slamming AW, now all foreign women are evil too.... All Women aren't THAT stupid. In fact many love a decent man and wont do that unless you gave them a reason to do that.
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Re: Any Good Things About American Women ?

Post by MJay1978 »

ssjparris wrote:Okay people give me a list of positive qualities about American Women and i will give you $1,000,000 dollars. ( just kidding )

But seriously....i can not find anything good about them. i have seriously looked. I found one quality good about a FEW of them. some have big hearts and they use it. although not always consistently.

Here is a list of things that are american women:

1. Hate men
2. Angry
3. Anit-social
4. Unfriendly
5. Can't Trust men
6. it's creepy if a man talks to them
7. Bossy
8. Want to fight with men.
9. Confrontational
10. Hold grudges against you fro the loongest time.
11. manipulative
12. " my way, or the high way "
13. "Don't Approach Me"
14. Scream at you
15. Tease men with their body...and lovin' it too.
16. " You can look but you can't touch. "
17. super picky
18. like to intimidate men.
19. paranoid and afraid of every man on the street that glances at them. :lol:
20. Feels suffocated by men being around to long. Even if it is her boyfriend :shock:
21. Shallow. Hard to keep conversation with.

I am sure you guys have other qualities i have not seen yet. This is ridicilous. There are very tiny few I met that are american women that have good qualities. But it is really sad the general population of women do not have one iota of good quality.

foreign women when i see them its immediately these qualities that are noticeable....

1. Friendly
2. sweet
3. Kind
4. Open
5. Approachable
6. LOVES sweet talk from men.
7. enjoys flirtation from men.
8. They love to be swept off their feet from male stranger ( " I think i am in love. it is love at first sight " thank you Have2fly.)
9. Supportive to men
10. WANTS to be with her man everywhere he goes. Does NOT feel suffocated by a man's presence all the time.
11. feminine
12. Comes up to you and gives you a hug out of nowhere.

okay so tell me if you guys have anything good to say about AW because i honestly cannot find one good thing about them. Exluding new age women. even the young new age ladies have pretty good qualities. but again they are far and between.
Bro, I have nothing good to say about American (ie- feminized) women. There is nothing good about them! I am so glad I found this fine forum site because this site alone helped me to quit the online dating sites for good! I have not been back to the American dating sites in months ever since I joined this group. The only time I went back to the dating sites is to do this testimony video alone, which all nice guys should watch.

I also made other videos which speak out against American women who are feminized and feminized women in general. As a man who is watching over his daughter, I am going to continue my video projects to speak out against feminism. In the future, I plan to create blogs and pod casts to spread the word to other men, mainly nice guys so they don't keep falling into the trap of feminism. I know I haven't been speaking on here much, but I still want to be a member on here. I've just been busy with my daughter and my video projects on YouTube. I want to thank everyone who is with the anti-feminist movement and I would like to see more people to continue speaking out against feminism and what the code of feminism represents.
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Post by polya »

Grunt wrote:My answer is no.
+1 - AW are only good for working as speedbumps in the carpark.
"Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal... If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters." Cato the Elder
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Post by ***JP*** »

Hmmmmm well aw inspired me to seek greener pastures and find better quality women. So thank you ameriskanks. Now I married my dream girl and you will be stuck with 20 cats in a small apartment. Lol
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Post by Jester »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
Most AW do not see things as I do and they do not understand me and my opinions. Ask one if pre-nuptial contracts are a smart idea and they will blow up on the defensive. Also, ask one if men should forgo marriage and they will do the same. Ask one if American men should be free to date FW and they will throw charges of economic exploitation or pedophilia at you.

About embarrassing us in public, they are more likely than most other women to get drunk in public and berate men in public. The UK is possibly the only place where the women are worse in this regard.

Finally, it is axiomatic that most AW are NOT good with issues of personal finance. Most are spendthrifts and waste money on thousand dollar handbags and shoes that they will barely use. Retailers know that they can double a price on an item, yet mark it as a "sale" price and AW will buy it like there is no tomorrow.

Hopefully this upcoming generation of AW are going to be better than my generation, but in the meantime, I will continue to ignore them and enjoy my Ossetian sweetheart.

Just catching up on this old thread. Saw your comments and was about to ask you what nationality women you DO like. Then saw the line about a Ossetian honey. Of course had to google images. ... 52&dpr=1.5 ... lTo=277369

Basically they are Aryan Persians who are Russian-Orthodox in religion and former-Soviet in culture?

And did you meet her coincidentally through business travels, or by design?
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Post by Zero_Tolerance_Man »

Think Different wrote:
have2fly wrote:
If you are a sports geek like me then American women do have some advantages. But the pretty, athletic, fun loving girl is coveted and quickly snatched up by the highest quality men so they don't stay on the market very long.

So in the end game, you still play sports with them (along with their perfect husbands/bf) and they make pretty good friends.

My one and only beef about Asian women is that MOST do not dig sports. But the scales still tip in the favor of Asian women and this small shortcoming is easily overcome.
Now this is my weakness topic, really. You know, before moving to the USA, I LOVED SPORTS. Now that I lived here for a while - I HATE SPORTS and all of these idiots watching all kinds of games!!! Sports has replaced "LIFE" for most of the American population. What would people even talk about if there was no games on TV? Where would people even gather if there was no football pre-after-games? Retards wearing sports uniforms all around, in every freaking state! How does professional football influence lives of people watching it? It does NOT! How does football help people to reduce their debt or get a new job? IT DOES NOT! Completely dumbed down! I went to one football game in college and REGRETTED it because everyone was wasted and payed more attention to cheerleaders and some stupid dancing than watching an actual game and cheering!!! When I watch soccer, I actually cheer for my country and don't care about cheerleaders. Not in America, beer and chicks are more important.

Don't get me wrong, I love to exercise when I get a chance and I love to PLAY sports. I was in my high school soccer team in Ukraine. But no one of my friends idolized soccer as meaning of their life and certainly NO ONE ever expected women to be into sports or actually talk about football (soccer) 24/7.

What is worst? I HATE GIRLS WATCHING AND PLAYING AMERICAN FOOTBALL! I mean, WTF??? Is that girly sports to watch? Why do girls talk about sports and like sports in America? Next thing - girls will discuss benefits of GM V8 over Ford's V6 supercharged! JEEZ, leave football for guys! I mean, there is a reason why guys don't discuss latest lipstick designs? Have you heard guys discussing latest Tampax or purses? No, because it is a female topic. I had SO MANY times an American girl coming up to me at the bar asking ONE RETARDED QUESTION: "Have you SEEN the GAME?" She expected me to know what game and expected that I will talk about it. When I responded that I don't watch sports, every girl would get shocked like she saw a UFO!

Not only women in the USA are becoming men, men are so brainwashed that they EXPECT women to be into sports! Amazing, I feel like laughing and crying at the same time at the moment.
FINALLY! Another man who can't stand watching televised sports (televised golf, anyone?...YAWN!) I like sports, but I prefer to DO THEM MYSELF, and not watch other men running around a field. I also prefer individual sports that allow me to wind down, as opposed to adrenaline-pumping macho shit. I go for fishing, backpacking, snowshoeing, martial arts, etc. (OK, some of those are very adrenaline-pumping, but not in the knuckle-dragging sense...)

I also don't have a TV in my house, since I can't stand all the bullshit noise and mindless blather on TV (and they expect me to pay for it, to boot?). When Americans find out these things about me, they look at me like I'm from Mars. I'm so glad to be going back to Europe, where people have a healthy respect for letting people be individuals and not conformists.
Exactly. TV, with all the ads and vaginized programs is beyond annoying. It is pollution for the mind and soul and I hate it. I only use my TV to watch youtube or DVDs. I also hate watching sports. I like to work out and play sports myself, not sit around, getting a fat ass watching others making money and having fun. The USA culture makes me sick
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Post by Zero_Tolerance_Man »

Lots of foreign women, especially Filipinas are mainly after your wallet in my personal experience. You have to give them an allowance and never a CC or a debit card.
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Post by buddy77 »

I don't like watching sports either aside from the occassional Lakers game.

I hate television and got tired of its constant commercial advertisements. When i want to watch movies i use Netflix or Redbox.
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Post by Jester »

Zero_Tolerance_Man wrote:
Exactly. TV, with all the ads and vaginized programs is beyond annoying. It is pollution for the mind and soul and I hate it. I only use my TV to watch youtube or DVDs. I also hate watching sports. I like to work out and play sports myself, not sit around, getting a fat a** watching others making money and having fun. The USA culture makes me sick
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Post by HouseMD »

On average, it's easier to get them to do the weird stuff.

Also, they get most of my pop culture references.

Aaaaand we're done here.
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Post by Arabian_prince »

i agree with some of your list
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