Don't date single moms

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Don't date single moms

Post by MarkDY »

February 21, 2014 at 4:24pm
By Shawn James

Never Available A single Mother’s schedule is never open. Single mothers are the kind of women to always cancel dates at the last minute. Something always gets in the way of a man spending time with her. It’s hard to have a relationship with her because she’s never there.

YOU are NOT a priority. Usually in a relationship the man winds up DEAD LAST. Behind, her kids, her job, the car, the kitchen sink, the stopped up toilet. Even the dog gets more attention and affection than a man involved with a single mother. Any man who gets involved with a single mother winds up a fifth stringer in a relationship. And he rarely ever gets called up to play.

Thinks the world revolves around HER and ONLY HER. A single mother is one of the biggest narcissists on the dating scene. She often thinks that a man has to drop everything in his life to be part of hers and her kids. They’re so selfish they don’t think a man has needs, wants or a life of his own. He’s just supposed to be there to give her everything she wants in life.

Emotionally Unavailable- Most Single mothers cannot form an intimate connection with a man because her feelings are invested in other people. Usually her primary focus is on her children.

In addition to dedicating herself to her children, most single mothers have given their hearts to someone else- their children’s father. And those feelings she still has for him will always prevent her from getting closer to you. There will always be some distance between a single mother and the new man in her life.

The ex/ Baby Daddy is ALWAYS THERE. A man just doesn’t deal with a single mother. He deals with her ex or her baby daddy as well. And this guy is always hovering around like a helicopter looking to cockblock you. Some of these guys still think they have a shot at getting back with her. Others just don’t want to see her happy. A lot of these dudes want to fight over her.

Seriously, it’s a game they’re playing with each other. And they’ll be playing that game with each other until their children turn 18 or 21. Head for the exit. It’s just not worth dealing with this fool and his insecure bullshit.

The kids are working AGAINST YOU When dealing with a single mother you also deal with Kids. Kids who still in their little heart of hearts think that Dad will come back and love them.
Those kids will HATE YOU. They will act out to keep you from getting closer to mommy. They will make accusations against you to get you in trouble. Again, it’s just not worth dealing with the bullshit to get with a female. There are four billion women in the world. You can find a quality female who doesn’t carry all this baggage or give you this much grief.

Entitled attitude Single mothers think because she had a baby out of wedlock the world owes her EVERYTHING. And she thinks she’s the one who deserves the best. Even though she’s usually collecting welfare, food stamps, or child support, in eyes she’s still supposed to be treated like she’s a queen because she popped a kid out of her vagina.

In their deluded distorted vision of the world Men are still supposed to take her out to the finest restaurants and buy them lots of expensive stuff. And he’s supposed to take care of her kids too, buying them whatever they want while taking a blind eye to their bad behavior.

Distorted self-image Single mothers still thinks she’s as sexy like she was before she had a baby. Only she doesn’t understand how her body has changed. In some cases for the worse.

Single mothers are the type to try to squeeze themselves into sexy outfits like low-rise jeans and cropped T-shirts to show off their belly button, not seeing the muffin top and stretch marks squeezing out over the top of their pants. They’re the type to stuff themselves into slinky spandex dresses, (not aware of that gut, and the cellulite on their asses) and head out to the club. She thinks men are supposed to run up on her offering to buy her drinks. And because a few thirsty simps step to her, she thinks she’s still got it. But the only people who wants what she has to offer are scavengers at the bottom of the social scene.

Always the victim. Single Mothers never take responsibility for their actions. The situation they’re in is always the fault of that “no good man”, “these damn kids” their mother or someone else. They never take any time to do any self-examination or make any efforts to change their lives. They’re still looking for some Rich Incredibly Handsome Man™ to put on a cape and play Captain Save-A-Hoe™, sweep her off her feet and take her out of the troubling situation she helped make.

Jekyll & Hyde Personality. A single mother will be the sweetest thing when a man first dates her, but a few months into a relationship she turns into a NUTJOB. A man will usually see glimpses of this when she chastises her kids when he first meets them. During that meeting she’ll yell at them and bully them to get them to act right while praising a man like he’s an angel.

It’s all an act. Heaven will turn into Hell around the six month mark.

Once a single mother gets a man settled into her life it’s not common for her to start verbally abusing him and mocking him as she projects all that pent-up rage from those previous failed relationships onto him. And it’s usually around this point that most men realize why this woman is single and why it’s time for him to hit the exit door.

Drama Queen. Because a single mother always sees herself as a victim of society, she’s always talking about her problems. And she always has a new trouble to bring everyone. There’s never a good day in the life of a single mother because there’s always some new crisis about to emerge in her life.

The reason single mothers need the drama is because it makes them feel important. It makes people pay attention to them. And when Captain-Save-A-Hoe™ is doting on them trying to solve their problems it makes them feel an artificial sense of value. They need that value to deflects people’s attention from how pathetic their lives actually are.

Manipulative In most cases, a single mother has no interest in a man she’s dating. In a lot of cases she’s just using a guy as a pawn.

In most cases she’s dating to make her Baby Baddy jealous. Deep down in her heart of hearts she believes that if she’s seen with someone else who sees her as valuable that he’ll see her as valuable and take her back.

In other cases when she’s not trying to get a rise out of Baby Daddy she’s playing the sympathy card™ using a guy to get gifts, free dinners and free drinks out of him. To a single mother, The men in her lives are just human ATM machines where she whispers a sweet nothing in his ear like a PIN number and money comes out of his wallet.

And because she’s a drama queen who loves to play the victim, the Single mother plays to men’s emotions to get them to react in the way she wants. It’s not common for a single mother to tell her man man about her baby daddy so he can go fight him. Or pit two baby daddies against each other. Many a man has wound up either dead or in prison because a single Mother played the victim card™.

Dishonest. A single mother is a LIAR. It’s how she gets what she wants. It’s how she manipulates people. It’s how she takes care of her kids. It’s how she survives in this world.

Single mothers lie. And they LIE ALL THE TIME. They lie to men about their age, their height, their weight, how many kids they have, the job they do.

On top of the lies they tell to others They lie to themselves. They lie about about how beautiful they are. They lie telling themselves they’re still a catch. They lie telling themselves they still have a chance with a good man. They lie telling themselves that their lives will be happily ever after one day.

The horrible truth is without those lies most of those single mothers would realize how pathetic their lives are. How they have no options in the dating scene. That they’re at the bottom of the barrel in the dating scene and the only men who want them are pathetic Manginas and thirsty Simps.

Carries Baggage, baggage and more baggage A single mother has more issues than Time and Newsweek combined. And when she’s looking for a man, she’s not looking for an equal caring partner. She’s looking for a Pullman Porter™ to take care of her kids, and clean up her messes with her childrens’ father. Brothers, don’t let yourself get sized up for the white jacket and the bow tie!

Anyway, dealing with a single mother is like walking through a minefield. After several months of being involved with her, it leaves a man anxious and tense because he doesn’t know where to step that won’t lead to an explosion that kills him.

That’s why Real Men avoid single mothers like disease.

Real men understand life is too short to put up with someone’s drama and their emotional baggage. We only have a limited time on God’s Earth and who wants to spend it being a Pullman Porter cleaning up someone else’s messes. As I stated before in a previous blog, let that woman take her run over Jimmy Choos and clean up her own mess. She made her bed, now let her lie in the wet spot.

Don’t date single mothers and don’t waste your time with them. There are four billion women in this world. If you’re patient, you’ll find a good one.
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Ghost wrote:I've seen it time and again. I don't understand why so many guys will do this. I mean, how bad are things when men will gladly accept being pre-cuckolded? The very idea is incomprehensible to me.
They do it for quick sex. or at least thats the only sane reason why I could imagine. In philippines you can pound away a girl and the kids can be in another island LOL. And we all know the former guy is glad to get rid of his responsibility. But in america id imagine it would be a scary idea even dating let alone getting serious with such baggage.
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by droid »

Ghost wrote:I've seen it time and again. I don't understand why so many guys will do this. I mean, how bad are things when men will gladly accept being pre-cuckolded? The very idea is incomprehensible to me.
+1 spot on
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by jamesbond »

I avoid single mothers like the plague! I know guys who have married single mothers and these guys are absolutely miserable! I wouldn't touch a woman who has kids with a ten foot pole!

Single mothers put their kids first, their pets second and their new boyfriend or new husband third! Never date or marry a woman who has kids, avoid these women like you avoid the Ebola virus! :P
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by MrMan »

I don't see a problem with dating a single mom who is a widow. Take the Brady Bunch case for example. A man whose wife died has a bunch of kids. He marries widow who has a bunch of kids. It makes sense. His kids need a mom. If he managed to get some young virgin to marry him, she wouldn't have had experience being a mom. The widow with the kids has experience. There is a fair exchange. His kids need a mom. Hers need a dad.

I think it's great to adopt kids. But marrying someone who has a 'baby daddy' in the picture is a messed up social situation.

Women who have only had one sexual partner tend to divorce much less often. I don't know of any studies about widows. I'd imagine if they were virgins at marriage and chaste after, that they'd be low risk for divorcing you and using the courts to take half your stuff and make you pay child support if you did have baby with them. A widow who is faithful to her husband's death has shown that she can be faithful 'till death do us part' and that's saying something.

I've got a young nephew whose thinking of marrying a 30-year-old single momma with a kid. I just found out yesterday. He lives far away. I need to have a conversation with him.
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by MarkDY »

Widows are a different type of single mother. They are not single mothers by choice. Still it is best for widows to hookup with single fathers.
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by Bane »

I don't get it. With all the information that has been out there for some time about the negatives of dating/marrying single mothers, why do so many men still do this? Why are we even still talking about this in 2015? Why were we talking about it in 2008? How desperate these men are!
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by Cornfed »

MarkDY wrote:Widows are a different type of single mother. They are not single mothers by choice.
Unless of course they poisoned or otherwise disposed of hubby for the insurance money, so probably about a 50-50 chance.
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by OTB »

EXCELLENT POST!!!! Besides having dealings with the father of her child or children, being unavailable is another reason why I can't get involved with a single mom.
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by mattyman »

Fortunately I haven't experienced all first hand what the OP has been addressing but from what I've seen from from a mate of mine who's dated, and worse, married one.

I wouln't becausde of the probelms with exes, the jelousy. I've witnessed this firsthand from a mate o mine who was stupid enought to take on the endeavour. So many times this mate in quesiont has pknoned me with complaints about this guy. I wouldn't want to be in his position, f**k that.

As far as raising kids that re not yours are concerned; sod that. I don't want to raise someone-elses kids, especially if the likely happened by 'accident'. The only kids I'll raise will be my own.
In most cases she’s dating to make her Baby Baddy jealous
On that note, the same mate has officially 'separated'; she's gone to another bloke (probably the same one, but I'm honestly not that interested). She is a fat, disgusting slt with a drug addiction. Can't people's standards get low enough!?

What's disturbing to my mind is how many 'men' will go out of their wa to date single moms and are willing to put-up with all the nonsense addressed in the OP. It's amazing how many people lower their standard to such a ridiculous degree (because they believe they have no better options?). The amount of 'men' who treat women like princesses just because they possess a p***y. It's an absolute disgrace and only fuelling the problem.

On one hand, We've GOT to stop treating women like princesses who can get any many in the world. On the other hand, we've got to try to get into the minds of those guys who date single mums and make the choices that they they do.

If we try to understand, we might find something that might help us break the vicious cycle. It might give us the knowledge that we need to help us prevent these people from grovelling and fuelling this sense of entitlement that the OP and myslf have witnessed in many single mothers.

What can we do?
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by lasttry »

I dated two single mother recently. f***ed 'em and dumped 'em when they started hassling me. Where's the problem?

Fact is, everybody takes advantage of power imbalances to benefit themselves. If there is a shortage of specialized engineers or technicians, don't you expect those skilled workers to take advantage of the situation to extract higher wages? Would you accuse their employers of " grovelling and fueling a sense of entitlement" in these workers because they caved in to those demands for higher wages?

If you don't like the power women have over men, you have several realistic courses of action:

1) Masturbation. Have you tried a fleshlight (not flashlight, do a search on "fleshlight") or other advanced technology sex toy? I personally can masturbated with just my dry hands, but then my expertise has been honed over many thousands of hours of practice. You beginners might need some assist from technology.

2) Polyandry. This is where multiple men support a single woman. That is, the woman has a harem of men instead of vice-versa, which is sort of what dating single mothers or patronizing prostitutes boils down to. By pooling resources with two other men, even men with average jobs can turn themselves into an attractive combination for a woman with a rotten job who wants some financial assistance to escape that job. 3 men per woman means everyone can fit into a single 4 person car, everyone can share a large house to cut expenses, the men can easily dominate the woman due to their numbers, the woman cannot play divide-and-conquer against 3 men so easily as against 2 men. Don't put the woman on the lease of the house, so that she can be expelled whenever she causes trouble, back to that rotten job she was hoping to escape. The key is for the men to cooperate and not squabble among one another but rather present a united front against the woman.

3) Prostitution part-year, masturbation the rest. This is a combination of paths 1 and 2. Take a yearly trip to the brothels of Berlin or the Phillipines for a sex orgy, then back home to your fleshlight.

Trying to change society, like mattyman is advising, is a waste of time.
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by johnnyderp »

It absolutely astonishes me that men enter relationships with divorced single mothers when there's so much research and information out there. Hell, you don't even need research to convince me that having a relationship with damaged goods is more likely to end in a life of hell for the man. Why would you pay new car prices for a used vehicle?

I've been working in finance for 10 years now and I've noticed more and more male clients living in defacto relationships with single mothers. One of them is my coworker and he's now a stepdad to a spoiled little bitch. :oops:

Even worse, I've noticed a disturbing trend of men entering relationships with older women. This was a relatively rare curiosity 10 years ago, but now it's happening more and more. The other day we had a youngish guy (32) earning good money in the Australian mines. You'd think life would be peachy for a man earning a 6-figure income, but he's in a defacto relationship with a 40 year old single mother of three to at least two men! None of the kids are his. I didn't delve too deeply because it wasn't my business, but sheesh.

Where have men's standards gone?

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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by jamesbond »

johnnyderp wrote:It absolutely astonishes me that men enter relationships with divorced single mothers when there's so much research and information out there. Hell, you don't even need research to convince me that having a relationship with damaged goods is more likely to end in a life of hell for the man. Why would you pay new car prices for a used vehicle?

I've been working in finance for 10 years now and I've noticed more and more male clients living in defacto relationships with single mothers. One of them is my coworker and he's now a stepdad to a spoiled little bitch. :oops:

Even worse, I've noticed a disturbing trend of men entering relationships with older women. This was a relatively rare curiosity 10 years ago, but now it's happening more and more. The other day we had a youngish guy (32) earning good money in the Australian mines. You'd think life would be peachy for a man earning a 6-figure income, but he's in a defacto relationship with a 40 year old single mother of three to at least two men! None of the kids are his. I didn't delve too deeply because it wasn't my business, but sheesh.

Where have men's standards gone?
Men's standards have gone into the toilet, they are so desperate for female attention and sex, that they lower their standards and take any woman they can. I know a guy who not only married a woman who has three kids but she is also eleven years older than him! WTF? :shock:

It just goes to show you how difficult the dating scene is for men in English speaking countries that men have to resort to single mothers and women who are older than them! Personally, I wouldn't touch a single mother with a ten foot pole and I avoid older women like I would avoid the Ebola virus! :P
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Re: Don't date single moms

Post by lasttry »

Market economics is not desperation. If you are selling tomatoes and no one is buying, you lower the price until they start to sell. "Sell 'em or smell 'em". Like tomatoes, humans have a sell-by date. If you want to enjoy life, you need to enjoy it now, because your life is going to end eventually. Sex is part of enjoyment. If I can't get sex with a super-model, I lower my standards until I find a woman who will have sex with me. If the woman is worse than masturbating, then I masturbate. Just simple logic. Why should I uphold mythical standards by denying myself enjoyment? Since when do I owe you other men anything? On the contrary, I'm in competition with you sexually. If I could, I'd push the whole lot of you other men under a bus right this minute so as to have all the women to myself. :)

Actually, I dated a woman 23 years older than men for a couple of years. Best relationship of my life. ALL of my better relationships were with older women. The bigger the age difference, the better the relationship. I can't think of a single women younger than me who wasn't a royal PITA. The only thing older women lack is the intense p***y smell of younger women. A 20 year old woman in heat can stink up an entire apartment building with her funk, whereas women in their 40's and above have almost no p***y smell. But then women nowadays bathe so much that this isn't that much of an issue--none of them stink to high heaven nowadays. Tightness isn't that important to me, but older women can be just as tight as the young ones. I had 2 girlfriends near age 30 who were very loose, one in her 40's who was tight as a virgin (actually, she had vaginismus, I later learned), one in her 50's who was also tight as a teenager, one in her 40's who was a multi-orgasmic beast in bed and could mild my penis with her vaginal muscles, etc, etc. No rhyme or reason to tightness versus age, at least once you get past teenagers, and not counting women who've had a vaginal delivery (all these older women who had children that I've had sex with had caesareans). The only other issue is less lubrication in older women, but you need artificial lubrication anyway with condoms. Also, adding lube is easy.
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