List of Freedoms in China that America Doesn't Have! What Western Media Never Tells You!

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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

I'm just trying to add some balance to your view of China Winston. Most of your points above have value...China, in my experience, is a place where as a foreigner you can largely talk to who you want and do what you want - outside work that is.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by OutWest »

El_Caudillo wrote:I'm just trying to add some balance to your view of China Winston. Most of your points above have value...China, in my experience, is a place where as a foreigner you can largely talk to who you want and do what you want - outside work that is.
The naivete displayed here is par for the course. Yes, there are social freedoms in China in many ways that can also be found in many developing countries.
The sense of personal options can feel refreshing. Petition the government? Lol Property rights? The humor goes on! Petition all you want. Of course, you may very well end up in one of the countries many Black jails created for dealing with people like petitioners. Thousands are abducted at various points in their efforts and held for weeks, months or years and subject to all kinds of tortures that make water boarding look like a good time.

Of course, the special "Problem" people can get far worse. Executed criminal prisoners are not the only source of transplant organs, Sometimes house Christians or falun gong members are strapped down and butchered live for their organs, with the last being the removal of the heart. One horrified Chinese doctor fled the country after witnessing such an atrocity. He recalled with horror that the murdering doctors' hands did not even tremble as they butchered their victim.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

I think this needs redefining, do you mean freedoms in China for Chinese vs freedoms in America for Americans? Or do you mean freedoms in China for Americans?
34. Freedom from mental illness and low self-esteem. America has the highest rate of mental illness in the world. Even the World Health Organization says so. If you live in America, you have nearly a 50 percent chance of developing a mental disorder in your lifetime. Having to see a therapist or psychiatrist is all too common in America but not in the rest of the world. At least a third of Americans use antidepressants too. This is no surprise, since America's social environment is toxic and brings out the worst in you. It tries to tear you down and make you feel insecure and worthless, as if you have no intrinsic value so you have to work forever to prove your worth. It's terrible and wrong to do that to human beings, especially children. No one likes you for you - that's the feeling you get in the US. As a result, you feel low self-esteem and low self-confidence. So you have to artificially manufacture your own pseudo self-esteem and fake confidence to compensate, since society does not give it to you. That's partly why Americans seem so artificial and have to develop big egos, and have to brag and act arrogant, in order to project pseudo confidence and toughness.
BTW, regarding point 34, what do you know about the mental health problem in China? Most Chinese don't even believe psychology is a real subject/science - maybe you feel the same way? In my experience China is not a great place to be in top mental fettle. I taught at a university in Shanghai and every year students were throwing themselves off high campus buildings. You can understand that, living in dormitories, 12 to a room under huge pressure to succeed. Same goes for factory workers, suicides and people going nuts - stabbing as many people as they can (luckily they have gun control), are rumoured to be common events...Do you think WHO gets these statistics reported to it by the Chinese authorities??! Remember, no problem is a problem as long as the government can keep a lid on it. Unfortunately sometimes those pesky foreign journalists find out about smth, such as in the case of over 100,000 people getting infected by HIV from contaminated blood transfusions in Henan. There was a black market in blood illegally collected, not screened and sold to hospitals. I digress since we are talking about mental health. Perhaps it's not locals you were writing about, but people going to China solely for the purpose of 'dating' girls...well then maybe they will get a mental health boost as sure they'll do better than in America. But then, if you need to work you might go through some hard times too, as there are many stories of English teachers and other expats suffering stress working in an education or business environment very different from their own countries.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

But in China, you are liberated from all this. You are free from feeling like crap about yourself and hating yourself. The healthy social connection and authentic vibe that allows you to be yourself, gives you natural self-esteem and good mental health, so you don't need any therapists or shrinks or antidepressants. China's work culture is also not as stressful, but more laid back. They let you go at your own pace and don't try to overwork you like work does in Taiwan and America. Simply put, when you're out of America, self-esteem is really no longer an issue, whereas in the US it's a constant issue you have to grapple with, which is unnatural and wrong.
You must be talking about expats in China...and perhaps govt. officials and about the urban upper-middle class or the 'fu'erdai' rich kid generation? Surely you aren't suggesting that China has good working conditions and pay for the masses? It's getting better there for sure, but I'd still rather be a factory worker, a plumper or a waiter in the U.S...and to think those dastardly waiters in the U.S. expect tips!
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

BTW I have a friend who owns a Korean restaurant in Shanghai. He told me he pays his waiters 400 USD a month. They work six days a week, 12 hours a day - but certainly they don't work very hard most of the time. 400 dollars sounds bad but they get free meals and they live for free in a dormitory the owner provides. He told me that his main problem in managing them is to get them to wash their hands after going to the toilet. They are kids from the countryside. He says they've got good hearts but terrible hygiene habits.

In 2001 I moved to China, I was twenty-two. For the first time in my life I could rent my own apartment. In NZ I could only rent a room in a shared house, flatting as we call it. In China I had money to go out and party anytime I wanted and to buy clothes, DVDs..anything really. Local girls were offering to go out with me. I worked twenty-five hours and week and made just under 1000 USD a month. I had a great time, things were cheap, people were interested in foreigners - 2016 might not be quite so good, but I'm sure there are still some good spots. As time went on for me in China the place didn't seem as much of a paradise as I tired of the crowds, being ripped off, the censorship, the nationalism, the conformity, the politics and the constant reminders that I was not me, El Caudillo, but simply Johnny Foreigner. However, I'd still tell a certain sort of guy to give it a go.
Last edited by El_Caudillo on November 26th, 2016, 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by MattHanson1990 »

yick wrote:
Freedom to date good quality women
Another thing a man notices when he steps off the plane in China is that a vast majority of the women are high quality. First of all, the society isn't promiscuous, except in first tier cities, and children being born out of wedlock is a rarity. It is a pro-male culture, thus, the women are kept in check most of the time. In other words, many Chinese girls are virgins, which is good news for marriage-minded men. And China doesn't have alimony or child support. Secondly, there is a much higher percentage of women in China who are thin or height-weight proportionate because it doesn't have the obesity levels that the U.S. has.
There are literally tens of millions of high quality girls, but the vast majority of them wouldn't entertain a foreigner.

Women everywhere prefer their own men, the men who resemble them most physically. My female students love this guy.


If I showed that photo to a class full of 20 year old female British students (who were white) do you think they would think he was
hot? Some might but the vast majority wouldn't.

And it is the same for us, now if you are of Chinese ethnicity or of an ethnicity that resembles them physically - like Korean - then you also stand a great chance of pulling a nice looking woman.

That's not to say you can't pull a nice looking woman in China if you are white, there are a fair number who would entertain it, and a lot more who would entertain a white guy who ticked all their boxes or have the right chemistry with them.

I have to say this too - the nicest looking Chinese women who liked me couldn't speak two words of English. There are issues you have to overcome with this for sure,

Most young Chinese women dream about Zhang Jike or some Korean actor - Mr Perfect doesn't look like Tom Brady or Justin Bieber to a lot (the vast majority) of Chinese girls, if you get a Chinese woman interested in you it is despite your white skin and will to do with something else (height, the way you dress, your eyes/eyelashes, your smile... )
In other words, foreigners mostly get low end chicks, in any country. But I hope countries like Russia, Ukraine, or Philippines will be an exception, as most local men in those countries are too poor/abusive/womanizers.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by yick »

MattHanson1990 wrote: In other words, foreigners mostly get low end chicks, in any country. But I hope countries like Russia, Ukraine, or Philippines will be an exception, as most local men in those countries are too poor/abusive/womanizers.
Absolutey not. There are plenty of Chinese peasant girls who shower once a month and haven't got er jiao to rub together who would be seen dead than with you (or any other foreigner) you are looking at it from absolutes, there isn't that in China.

You don't have a chance with every woman, being white is not enough (if you are obese, badly dressed, ugly etc) however - there are a population of women who would happily date you - they are usually middle class, educated, been to to university, have a decent job, have decent hygiene, know some English, curious about the outside world - they range from ugly to stunning - but they are a minority of Chinese of women, still range into tens of millions of women - plenty for you to choose from.

The most beautiful (and these were tall, beautiful, slim women) women who were interested in me couldn't speak a word of English and before meeting me - never considered dating a foreigner (because there are very few foreigners where I live) and communication with them was via a translator their phone. These were working class girls who hadn't been to university and worked in shops or as waiteresses - there are loads of really nice looking girls who work in the public service sector here. It isn't that difficult to go out and meet these types and get to know them.

But there are peasants who were ugly as sin who would consider me a freak, and no amount of money would have persuaded them to sleep with me, or buy their parents off for their hand in marriage.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

33. Freedom from a negative media that keeps you living in fear and paranoia. As we all know, the mainstream media in America is highly negative and tries to keep you paranoid and fearful of "bad things" out there that are out to get you. Fear is useful to the elites which control the US media, and lowers the spiritual energy of the masses so they are more controllable and will consume more to compensate for their lack of power. But in China, Europe and most countries, the media isn't as negative and fear mongering. It's more balanced and positive, giving equal coverage to good stories not just bad ones. And it doesn't try to scare you either. America is clearly the biggest perpetrator of mind control, because in order for it to provide political freedoms, it must also increase mass mind control in order to maintain control, as Noam Chomsky has noted in his books and lectures. Furthermore, the US media is also very anti-male, whereas media in other countries is not.
Certainly the media in the USA is biased - CNN towards the liberals and Fox towards the conservatives etc. and they focus on bad news and scaring people. The media deserves to be criticized, but why are you a fan of the Chinese media. It doesn't even cover negative stories if it makes China or the govt look bad if it thinks it can get away with it.

I've got to take issue with you saying, " But in China, Europe and most countries, the media isn't as negative and fear mongering. It's more balanced and positive, giving equal coverage to good stories not just bad ones. And it doesn't try to scare you either." Chinese media is certainly positive about all things THEY do and always report economic successes, they are very negative about other countries and fear-monger about Japan a lot, and stir up nationalism where and when they feel it necessary. The Chinese government censors all media including the internet...doing extreme things to crack down on criticism like banning puns, so that the populace can't make jokes about the government in even an indirect way. They also make people in HK selling anti-govt books disappear and reappear repentant. I reckon citizens of China certainly feel repressed and negative energy from their media and if they don't they have been completely brainwashed. Of course if you are going there as an American you won't understand the press, unless you turn to CCTV 9 and then you'll be OK.

As for all the other points I think I agree with just about all of them..except 36 from Matt, no offence, but the guy hasn't even been to China!!
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by MrMan »

I've thought about the street vendor thing as an example of how the US is not free. In Indonesia, street vendors do not have the expense of getting licenses, meeting health codes, or being inspected. They might have to pay some local two-bit gangster or a site owner for a decent location. The police could be involved. But a poor man who can scrape up enough money for a couple of bicycle wheels, a wooden box, a gas tank, hose, burner, pots, a few other odds and ends and some noodles can open a noodle cart and push it through neighborhoods. Some of these noodles taste really good, too, and they come right to the door. It's a good thing if you have a tasty cart in your neighborhood. My wife has this woman she considers an aunt, and they had a great noodle cart in their neighborhood. We lived in a neighbhorhood that had some really lousy friend rice cooked with ketchup going around at night, but someone did deliver vegetables to the door, Chinese cabbage, carrots, and stuff like that. That makes life convenient. Living in a nice apartment with security, a pool, and a gymn is nice, too, but it is a hassle to have to go shopping.

A lot of your points could apply to Indonesia. Indonesian people tend to be super-friendly. And the average white expat English teacher could end up with 90th percentile or better looking woman. But being an Asian expat also has some cache to it. We had a neighbor who was a nice-looking (I heard; can't tell myself if its a guy) Korean businessman whose wife was back home. He had a couple of local girls working for him, who we found out, both ended up sleeping with him. They might not have been 'nice girls' or they may have been corrupted by his slick moves and good looks.

When I was in China, I checked out English news. The news was very positive. The government is trying this new innovation to solve this problem. The government is going to introduce this new and beneficial, helpful technology. Whent the government controls the news, the news is likely to be positive about the government. But a free press brings the opposite problem. Negative news sells, so newspapers tend to be negative. For some reason, newspapers and TV networks have attracted liberals for decades. (Maybe negativity attracts social liberals?) Fox has tried to counter that and we've seen the rise of conservative talk radio. So we get bias in the news in a 'free society' as well.

As far as criticism goes, you can probably be 'politically incorrect' against some topics that are taboo in the US, but how long do a think a US citizen teaching English in China would be allowed to stay there if he were publically criticizing the Chinese government or other sensitive local issues in their society?

Winston, I think your list is two repetitive. A lot of the items say the same thing. You've got two points that are arguing for the value of sewage....uh....prostitution. And how many points in there are about people being friendly and how many points are about freedom to be yourself? You should have a much shorter list.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Wolfeye »

So true- all those things about the US are dead-on. I know people will say "it's all in your head," but there seems to be kind of an intangible alignment toward all those social issues (ex: being excluded- even when no one directly says anything). Anyone got anything similar on the Slavic countries & the US? I'm heading to Czechia & Slovakia, as well as Romania & maybe Bulgaria.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Winston »

Outwest and El_Caudillo,
How do you know if what you hear is true? Lots of myths about China turned out not to be true when you go there. For example, the media says there is a female shortage there, but I saw more women than men. People think mainland Chinese eat dogs and cats, but I never saw anyone eating that. People say mainland Chinese cut in line. But I only saw that in the subway station during rush hour or at the intercity train station when people have a limited time to get to their seats and walk a long way to it. I heard that people pee out in public without toilet stalls but I never saw that. So a lot of stuff I heard about China turned out to be wrong or rare. I never saw any of the stuff I heard.

Outwest, the organ harvesting thing is an urban legend. Globetrotter debunked that years ago. There is only one documented case of a boy selling his organ for a video game machine, but he did that willingly.

If the media in China is dishonest, then so is the Western media. So you don't know what to believe. How do you know those articles about China stealing people's houses and lands are true? Shouldn't the government have to buy your house before they destroy it? Otherwise who's house is secure then?

As I said, lots of stuff that I heard about China turned out to be untrue or greatly exaggerated. And 90 percent of what Taiwanese say about China is either untrue or overly exaggerated. So don't trust Western sources or Taiwanese sources.

Anyone can write a story or make one up. You can't know if it's true.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

Outwest and El_Caudillo,
How do you know if what you hear is true? Lots of myths about China turned out not to be true when you go there. For example, the media says there is a female shortage there, but I saw more women than men. People think mainland Chinese eat dogs and cats, but I never saw anyone eating that. People say mainland Chinese cut in line. But I only saw that in the subway station during rush hour or at the intercity train station when people have a limited time to get to their seats and walk a long way to it. I heard that people pee out in public without toilet stalls but I never saw that. So a lot of stuff I heard about China turned out to be wrong or rare. I never saw any of the stuff I heard.

Outwest, the organ harvesting thing is an urban legend. Globetrotter debunked that years ago. There is only one documented case of a boy selling his organ for a video game machine, but he did that willingly.

If the media in China is dishonest, then so is the Western media. So you don't know what to believe. How do you know those articles about China stealing people's houses and lands are true? Shouldn't the government have to buy your house before they destroy it? Otherwise who's house is secure then?

As I said, lots of stuff that I heard about China turned out to be untrue or greatly exaggerated. And 90 percent of what Taiwanese say about China is either untrue or overly exaggerated. So don't trust Western sources or Taiwanese sources.

Anyone can write a story or make one up. You can't know if it's true.

I don't just follow Western or Taiwanese sources, in fact I don't follow Taiwanese media at all. I read FREE_THINKING mainland Chinese authors such as Murong, Liao Yiwu and Majian. My other sources are Western journalists who are China experts and have done thorough research. Of course all these people could have made up everything they ever wrote just for the hell of it! I then can't believe anything I read - how do I know it's cold in the Arctic, I've never been there. How do I know that Winston Wu had a difficult childhood in California - maybe he was in Chiayi all the time. I wish I never went to university where they taught me how to judge sources from the footnotes and bibliography and always checking their claims against other sources. I wish I had known that a mere fifteen years later I would meet a modern day prophet who educated himself by looking at 15 minute video on youtube and then asking 'what do you guys think, seems convincing to me lol.'

Certainly in the big cities the government has done a huge campaign to stop people spitting, peeing and cutting in line. These things used to be much more prevalent when I first got to China. There are still a lot of signs around though warning people not to spit, why is that? We don't have such signs in New Zealand?
How do you know those articles about China stealing people's houses and lands are true? Shouldn't the government have to buy your house before they destroy it? Otherwise who's house is secure then?
Nobody's house is secure in China in that property rights don't exist in the Western sense. How do you know if the stories about the government kicking people off their land are true? Ideally you'd read about a specific case and then go to the source to talk to people. I can't see you making an uncomfortable journey out into the countryside though. A better option would be to go to some of those apartment complexes outside the forth ring road in Beijing - some people there formally lived in hutongs in the centre of the city, before being forcibly relocated. Those hutongs have been turned into malls where the likes of you can scout for girls...and the girls themselves can scout for Gucci.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by MattHanson1990 »

yick wrote:
MattHanson1990 wrote: In other words, foreigners mostly get low end chicks, in any country. But I hope countries like Russia, Ukraine, or Philippines will be an exception, as most local men in those countries are too poor/abusive/womanizers.
Absolutey not. There are plenty of Chinese peasant girls who shower once a month and haven't got er jiao to rub together who would be seen dead than with you (or any other foreigner) you are looking at it from absolutes, there isn't that in China.

You don't have a chance with every woman, being white is not enough (if you are obese, badly dressed, ugly etc) however - there are a population of women who would happily date you - they are usually middle class, educated, been to to university, have a decent job, have decent hygiene, know some English, curious about the outside world - they range from ugly to stunning - but they are a minority of Chinese of women, still range into tens of millions of women - plenty for you to choose from.

The most beautiful (and these were tall, beautiful, slim women) women who were interested in me couldn't speak a word of English and before meeting me - never considered dating a foreigner (because there are very few foreigners where I live) and communication with them was via a translator their phone. These were working class girls who hadn't been to university and worked in shops or as waiteresses - there are loads of really nice looking girls who work in the public service sector here. It isn't that difficult to go out and meet these types and get to know them.

But there are peasants who were ugly as sin who would consider me a freak, and no amount of money would have persuaded them to sleep with me, or buy their parents off for their hand in marriage.
Tapatio told me that most foreigners, especially Americans, get only low quality gals in other countries. But I guess he's wrong in a way.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Kradmelder »

MattHanson1990 wrote:
yick wrote:
MattHanson1990 wrote: In other words, foreigners mostly get low end chicks, in any country. But I hope countries like Russia, Ukraine, or Philippines will be an exception, as most local men in those countries are too poor/abusive/womanizers.
Absolutey not. There are plenty of Chinese peasant girls who shower once a month and haven't got er jiao to rub together who would be seen dead than with you (or any other foreigner) you are looking at it from absolutes, there isn't that in China.

You don't have a chance with every woman, being white is not enough (if you are obese, badly dressed, ugly etc) however - there are a population of women who would happily date you - they are usually middle class, educated, been to to university, have a decent job, have decent hygiene, know some English, curious about the outside world - they range from ugly to stunning - but they are a minority of Chinese of women, still range into tens of millions of women - plenty for you to choose from.

The most beautiful (and these were tall, beautiful, slim women) women who were interested in me couldn't speak a word of English and before meeting me - never considered dating a foreigner (because there are very few foreigners where I live) and communication with them was via a translator their phone. These were working class girls who hadn't been to university and worked in shops or as waiteresses - there are loads of really nice looking girls who work in the public service sector here. It isn't that difficult to go out and meet these types and get to know them.

But there are peasants who were ugly as sin who would consider me a freak, and no amount of money would have persuaded them to sleep with me, or buy their parents off for their hand in marriage.
Tapatio told me that most foreigners, especially Americans, get only low quality gals in other countries. But I guess he's wrong in a way.
Does he think Donald Trump got low quality girls? If you open your wallet you will get women. The 8+. But that is not to say they are decent.

If americans get low quality it is only because their behaviour and dress sense is often either loud, arrogant or obnoxious so that only their money would have a woman put up with it. Never mind their table manners and obesity often associated with gluttony. A decent cultured healthy american should not have any more problems than any one else. I doubt that being american in itself is a turn off. Groups get a bad rep due to the behaviour of the majority of their countrymen.

Ask yourself why would a well behaved deumure, polite, fit, well dressed young lady want to go out with a fat slob who talks loud, calls everyone by first name as if he is a chum, wears a silly cap and track suit trousers or baggy shorts, and track shoes when he isn't running (and is too fat to do any sport), and chews junk food with his mouth open and holds his cutlery like a spade?

Many american tourists and expats get a bad reputation as what seems normal in america is bad manners in european and other cultures. The only people who possibly behave worse are the british punters on package tours to the canaries, the algarve or the greek islands.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Rock »

Why is everything in China falling apart?
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