Picking up Thai Girls - No one ever fails

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Post by Winston »

Oh so this is you huh?


Is your real name Scott Mallon? Or is that a pseudonym?

Is that you in the photo? You don't look like a guy who can get decent looking women, especially not in America. You look like the kind of guy who can only get low quality women, even if you did get women in America. Or chubby women. You look arrogant too. Not like a quality intellectual guy.

Your profile says you've been in jail too? For what? lol. Why did you put that on there to discredit yourself? Are you a bad boy and proud of it?

Btw, I'm not the one arguing with you. You are. I am merely telling the truth. You are the one that's arguing over nothing and trying to one up me and trying to shame me and ridicule me. You're not even a nice guy. Just a prick.

One typical tactic of a disinfo shill or troll is that he/she calls their opponent whatever they are.

Also, what is your problem? If I'm HAPPY approaching women, and Steve is happy sleeping with girls in Thailand, who are you to judge and try to diss it? Do you have some kind of personality problem?

You look like this Mexican worker guy I hired to fix some things in our house. After he was done, we talked and he bragged that his daughter was on TV in the Olympics and then when I said I could beat 99 percent of Americans in chess, he tried to one up me by saying that he was a chess tournament champion. Yeah right. It was like he was trying to one up me on everything.
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Post by anamericaninbangkok »

Winston wrote:Oh so this is you huh?


Is your real name Scott Mallon? Or is that a pseudonym?

Is that you in the photo? You don't look like a guy who can get decent looking women, especially not in America. You look like the kind of guy who can only get low quality women, even if you did get women in America. Or chubby women. You look arrogant too. Not like a quality intellectual guy.

Your profile says you've been in jail too? For what? lol. Why did you put that on there to discredit yourself? Are you a bad boy and proud of it?

Btw, I'm not the one arguing with you. You are. I am merely telling the truth. You are the one that's arguing over nothing and trying to one up me and trying to shame me and ridicule me. You're not even a nice guy. Just a prick.

One typical tactic of a disinfo shill or troll is that he/she calls their opponent whatever they are.
Winston - why don't you let the other posters have time to chime in? You ask em what I think about things, I tell you, and then you get hot when I don't say the words you want to hear. Also, when I disagree with you or your pal Steve you seem to get quite heated. You can talk all the shit about me you want, I'm very comfortable in who I am and what I've done.

You make assumptions about me strictly on how I look. You have no idea about my intelligence or the quality of women I have been with in my life. Chubby women? Lol, think again. I like em slim...

Yes, I've been in two Thai prisons - AS A JOURNALIST.

For a guy with so much supposed class and intelligence, you make quite a few rude assumptions and do quite a lot of name calling.

Please tell me how I'm arguing with you Oh Royal Winston - I already said Thai women are easier to approach. What I also said though is it doesn't mean you're getting in their pants. If that makes me a prick, so be it.
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Post by zboy1 »

Oh Winston...please relax...

Why do you have to get into verbal arguments with people all the time in this forum...? I like anamericaninbangkok as well as you, Winston, so just call a truce and move on...
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Post by tre »

Man....alot of heat in this one. I have enjoyed reading everyone's contributions and I'd hate to see anyone leave over a simple misunderstanding.

I have lived in Vegas for years and I will tell you that the LOCAL girls in Las Vegas are easily the WORST in the world to try to approach. It's not that they are all bad, but all the hot ones work in the Nightlife Industry and deal with annoying men every night of their life. They moved to Vegas for the sole reason of making $$. The only way you get one of them to date you is 1) You work in the nightlife AND are attractive or 2) You are incredibly wealthy and reasonably attractive.

The good news is that Vegas has THOUSANDS of tourists going through the city all the time. They are from all over the world. If you have a good game plan, you could pull them on a regular basis. You won't, however, find a long-term GF as tourists go to Vegas for an exciting time to leave behind in Vegas.
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Re: Picking up Thai Girls - No one ever fails

Post by kai1275 »

anamericaninbangkok wrote:
Banano wrote:http://www.dougsrepublic.com/thailand/p ... pathai.php

*In Thailand, collecting phone numbers is easier than collecting recyclable soda cans

*Thai women usually show up on first dates bringing friends and possibly family. Some bring along the population of entire districts

*A gay pickup over here should be easier to engineer than finding a six pack of quality Belgian beer. Reliable sources indicate that the Thai men don't even need to be gay to be available for a gay pickup. Money talks louder than sexual preferences in the Kingdom

*Today, 90% of those living in Northeastern Thailand say they want their daughters to marry foreigners. The local women are indoctrinated at a young age to see foreign men as a meal ticket and a life of security. So make no mistakes -- picking up can be done blindfolded, drunk, and high simultaneously

*Thailand is truly a 180 degree turn from the pickup scene in the West. Back in Western countries, women hold all the power. Men strive to attract them. A girl can always leave a bar in the company of a man if she so chooses. In Thailand, it's the (foreign) men who are sought after. Local girls may seek his attentions for cash or because he seems affluent. It doesn't really matter why --- the man can always leave the bar in Thailand in the company of a woman if that's what he desires.
Collecting phone numbers = easy. Doesn't mean you're getting laid or getting anywhere though.

Some Thai girls will show up with friend. Once or twice, it's not a big deal. Once they've done it twice, you may need to tell them that the next time you want to be alone with them.

No idea about the gay thing and I don't want to find out.

Sure, Issaners want their daughters to hook up with foreigners, but only for the money.

If you want to leave with a slut, then it's easy to pick up a woman at a bar.

This is article is basically true if you apply these statements to whores or Issaners eager for a meal ticket. I will say it again - if you're going to hook up with a woman, why not hook up with one who can earn a living for herself without you? Why not find one who isn't in a position where without you, she's looking for another meal ticket? The one thing I'm proud of my wife for doing is her ability to earn a living. If I croaked, she would be fine financially. She can earn a good living on her own and is a blue jeans and T-shirt, low maintenance kind of woman. In addition to having what we have, she has a career, and can take care of everything. The same cannot be said for many Issan women.

Also, when I first moved here, I took care of a couple of girls, sometimes more than one at a time. They want to party all night, sleep all day, some were completely unstable, and at least for long term relationships, they were horrible companions. For a few days, they're great. Then you really get to know them and see their habits and they're shit.

What I tell guys is, who gives a shit what they want? I mean it's great if you're able to give them what they want, but what about what you want? What about having your needs and wants met?

As far as Pattaya goes — don't be an idiot — Pattaya is probably one of the worst places in the world to hook up unless it's strictly for sex.

Also, Banano - you're dead wrong. Middle class women do mix with foreigners if they've got their shit together. If you're acting like a whoremonger, you'll never get anywhere. Discretion is important.

There is one particular guy I know who had a Thai girlfriend he took care of. He was around 35, okay looking but fit and extremely wealthy. He was hard-headed to put it mildly but nonetheless he got women. However, he had a bad habit of talking about what a slut he was and how he was this kind of guy or that kind of guy. He got some good looking women, but he always paid because they were the type who were basically sluts or make-believe good girls. He would whine and cry about how his girlfriend didn't really love him, she only wanted his money, and he could never find a good woman. What did he expect? He flaunted his money, talked about being a whore, and these girls immediately knew he wasn't the type they wanted for a long term relationship.

Thai girls want the same as men want. They generally want a good, decent woman when they go out, and when they come home they want a slut who is good to them. So it was okay he was a horny bastard, but he didn't need to talk about it when he went out. I kept telling him this but it was something he couldn't control. So he was always getting jerked around. He would flat out know the girl would want money from them and would still try to make them his girl. But she wanted his money AND everyone else's.

It takes a strong man to understand that despite what they may think, despite the fact they're f***ing a woman doesn't always mean she is into you. If you're f***ing bar girls, you're not a player. You're simply a turn on her roster.

Like Cyrus said, you can date bar girls and not pay. Eventually though, she's going to want you to pay if she's to stop whoring. So she's for to bang but for a girlfriend, not so good. Good women generally wait - they don't hop into bed within an hour. It's happened to me a couple of times but what I've found is the ones who do are either in need of money, f***ed up in the head emotionally, or addicted to something. Rarely is it as simple as they're horny and need a good banging.

If you want to hook up with Thai women, you need sharp wit. You don't need to speak too much but you definitely need to know what to say and what not to say. I once told a woman, a very attractive young woman who Thai men loved, that I didn't want to date, I just wanted to f**k. What a huge mistake that was. It took her two years to come around and go out with me. I did sleep with her a couple of times but she thought I was too much of a player and she ended up marrying some Thai guy.
Amazing post! I love how you gave great examples of how a man can talk their way out of keeping a good woman using poor choices of words. FW are not as easy as some of these awkward men think they are. Still need to has some semblance of game/PUA techniques or smoothness. Grunting and pointing to your penis will not get you a higher quality woman just because she is a FW.
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Post by kai1275 »

Winston wrote:AiB,
Oh yes it does. That photo means a lot. Ask anyone else here. You are so narrow again that you forget that most American guys DO NOT know what we know and have not been to Thailand. So they DO NOT KNOW that Thai women are better or more approachable than American women are. Thus this is very good news and important news to them. Why do you diss that again? What is your problem? Do you want to keep the secrets of Thailand all to yourself or something? Why do you want guys to remain in ignorance?

American women are definitely NOT that friendly or enthusiastic when approached. They have a highly NEGATIVE reaction when approached. You can't tell me you haven't seen it. We all have. Why are you in denial about it? Why are you lying about something we all know to be true? Even Repatriate will tell you so on this one.

Not even AW themselves deny that they don't like to be approached and that it's creepy to be approached by a male stranger. Everyone knows this. Even manginas and AW will admit it. Why are you even debating it?

Come here to Las Vegas. You are in for a rude awakening about American women here. Trust me. The guy in the photo above is a decent looking guy, yet every AW he approaches in Vegas blows him off as though he's invisible. It sounds like you haven't been to America. You are the only guy here who thinks American girls are just as approachable as Foreign girls. You are 100 percent wrong on that for sure. I swear to God. When I say that, I'm NEVER wrong.

Finally, you are also WRONG that girls being approachable is useless unless they sleep with you. Being able to approach girls without feeling like a creep or taboo is FUN and makes me feel ALIVE and LIBERATED, regardless of whether I get laid or not. When girls at least let you try to hit on them, it's refreshing and makes you remember that this is the way it SHOULD be. It reveals that women in the rest of the world are NOT anti-men and do not hate men. Maybe you're not a womanizer like I am, so you can't relate. Or maybe you're not a real guy. Or maybe you know I'm right and you are BSing. Who knows. But Steve understands 100 percent what I'm talking about. So why is this over your head?

You've made several obvious mistakes again in your post. So one has to wonder if you are making these mistakes deliberately. Or if you are one of those devil's advocate type of guys who likes to argue and counter everything.

PS - Steve and his brother did get laid in Thailand. So your point is a moot point.
Winston you are arguing with yourself. Literally. You are toooo fixated and obsessed with body language. You might need to seriously talk with a psychologist about OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). It's quite literally all that you ever talk about and to be completely candid with you, it looks very unhealthy at this point of your life because it seems to be restricting you from doing certain things you are trying to achieve. There is nothing wrong with having to manage something like OCD, just as long as it does not interfere with your life and relationships with others. AIB is not your enemy. No one here is except for a couple of guys and they kinda suck at trash talk, so you are being paranoid for no good reason.
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Post by kai1275 »

Winston wrote:Oh so this is you huh?


Is your real name Scott Mallon? Or is that a pseudonym?

Is that you in the photo? You don't look like a guy who can get decent looking women, especially not in America. You look like the kind of guy who can only get low quality women, even if you did get women in America. Or chubby women. You look arrogant too. Not like a quality intellectual guy.

Your profile says you've been in jail too? For what? lol. Why did you put that on there to discredit yourself? Are you a bad boy and proud of it?

Btw, I'm not the one arguing with you. You are. I am merely telling the truth. You are the one that's arguing over nothing and trying to one up me and trying to shame me and ridicule me. You're not even a nice guy. Just a prick.

One typical tactic of a disinfo shill or troll is that he/she calls their opponent whatever they are.

Also, what is your problem? If I'm HAPPY approaching women, and Steve is happy sleeping with girls in Thailand, who are you to judge and try to diss it? Do you have some kind of personality problem?

You look like this Mexican worker guy I hired to fix some things in our house. After he was done, we talked and he bragged that his daughter was on TV in the Olympics and then when I said I could beat 99 percent of Americans in chess, he tried to one up me by saying that he was a chess tournament champion. Yeah right. It was like he was trying to one up me on everything.
Now you are just trolling. Ad Hominem attacks and insults? Really? You sound like a child completely out of control right now. Just drop it and fix your issues. No even attacked you to begin with. He just criticized your Steve friend many times and used plenty of facts and stone cold analysis and insight. You can be loyal to your silly friend and still be realistic. Like I said in the previous posts, you need to re-evaluate yourself and what you are doing. I guarantee you that many reading this are thinking what I am willing to post. I want to see you succeed. If I did not care about you, I wouldn't tell you any f***ing thing.
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Post by anamericaninbangkok »

kai1275 wrote:
Winston wrote:Oh so this is you huh?


Is your real name Scott Mallon? Or is that a pseudonym?

Is that you in the photo? You don't look like a guy who can get decent looking women, especially not in America. You look like the kind of guy who can only get low quality women, even if you did get women in America. Or chubby women. You look arrogant too. Not like a quality intellectual guy.

Your profile says you've been in jail too? For what? lol. Why did you put that on there to discredit yourself? Are you a bad boy and proud of it?

Btw, I'm not the one arguing with you. You are. I am merely telling the truth. You are the one that's arguing over nothing and trying to one up me and trying to shame me and ridicule me. You're not even a nice guy. Just a prick.

One typical tactic of a disinfo shill or troll is that he/she calls their opponent whatever they are.

Also, what is your problem? If I'm HAPPY approaching women, and Steve is happy sleeping with girls in Thailand, who are you to judge and try to diss it? Do you have some kind of personality problem?

You look like this Mexican worker guy I hired to fix some things in our house. After he was done, we talked and he bragged that his daughter was on TV in the Olympics and then when I said I could beat 99 percent of Americans in chess, he tried to one up me by saying that he was a chess tournament champion. Yeah right. It was like he was trying to one up me on everything.
Now you are just trolling. Ad Hominem attacks and insults? Really? You sound like a child completely out of control right now. Just drop it and fix your issues. No even attacked you to begin with. He just criticized your Steve friend many times and used plenty of facts and stone cold analysis and insight. You can be loyal to your silly friend and still be realistic. Like I said in the previous posts, you need to re-evaluate yourself and what you are doing. I guarantee you that many reading this are thinking what I am willing to post. I want to see you succeed. If I did not care about you, I wouldn't tell you any f***ing thing.
Thanks for your posts Kai. I may be wrong but I think some here do not want to push Winston any further and thus don't post.

The one thing he forgets is that I'm on this board to help others and learn some things myself. Not to trash people. Obviously some people need more help than others.

What I find odd is that my name has been in every one of my posts, right at the bottom. I'm not doing anything wrong on this forum so I don't give a flying f**k who knows.

Winston - you have absolutely no room at all to talk about anyone's looks, but you probably already now this. I'm 51 years old and can still pull girls half my age. Easily. I must do something right. You may think because I'm losing my hair and have a gut, that means something. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. But I'm also in much better physical condition than you will ever be in Winston. Before I came to Thailand I boxed and fought in Muay Thai. When I was in my twenties and all the way up until a couple years after I left and was living in Thailand, I had hair and was in excellent shape. So maybe that's what got me laid, I don't know...frankly I don't give a shit. You know why I don't give a shit Winston? First, because I am married and happily so. Second, I fell during a fire from the fourth floor of a building here AND LIVED. I was in a coma for 4 days and couldn't walk for a year.

If you take a good look at the picture from the link you put up, you will see that I am still fairly muscular. But...I guess this was overlooked.

Like what I write or not, look at the comments objectively, not subjectively. Not only mine either.

And Winston - you're not big enough or bad enough to talk the shit you talk. If you're the intellectual you claim you are, keep it that way. I'm willing to say everything I write to anyone face to face - are you? I have no problem discussing, debating, arguing, whatever, but don't talk the shit you started talking unless you're truly man enough to say these things to my face.
Last edited by anamericaninbangkok on May 9th, 2014, 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by anamericaninbangkok »

The wife and kids are at :06 of the Muay Thai video and also in the one below

My kids are the young ones hitting the pads

The wife is the one who keeps missing.

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Post by Winston »

Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Do you care about fairness? If not, you would not make a good parent.

AiB and I are not equally argumentative. Anyone can look at this thread and see that HE STARTED it. I was merely telling the truth that we all know, while he was trying to diss it and one up me and shame me on BS pretenses. Anyone can see that.

Why do you not have a problem with that?

He also lied when he said that American women are just as approachable as Foreign women and that he's never had a problem with American women. Even good looking guys have had problems with American women. So how he is above them? It's obvious BS. Look at his photo on his profile. Does he look like a man of truth? lol

Smart people can smell BS. Can you?

He also bragged about being in jail on his profile. No normal person would do that.

Anyone who seeks to one up me is a BSer. Why do you think he asked me how many girls I slept with in Russia? If I had said that I slept with 10 girls in Russia, he would have said, "Oh that's nothing. I've slept with 20." That's the kind of dude he is. You ever met anyone like that? I have. Well they are full of themselves.

Honest mature people don't do that. Don't you see the obvious Zboy1?

He's also narrow and pompous to claim that because he finds American women approachable, that all of us are wrong who say they aren't. Who does he think he is? Is he more credible than everyone? Does his opinion trump everyone else's, especially since he's denying the obvious?

Think about it.

Wtf? Why are you defending the bully and not the innocent one? I am honest and told the truth. What is wrong with that? He is the one trying to start shit. I thought you were a smart guy. Why are you defending bullies now? Wtf bro?!

Are you dysfunctional in that you think bad is good and good is bad? If so, you are a typical dysfunctional American, not an intellectually aware person like we are supposed to be.
Last edited by Winston on September 16th, 2013, 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

tre wrote:Man....alot of heat in this one. I have enjoyed reading everyone's contributions and I'd hate to see anyone leave over a simple misunderstanding.

I have lived in Vegas for years and I will tell you that the LOCAL girls in Las Vegas are easily the WORST in the world to try to approach. It's not that they are all bad, but all the hot ones work in the Nightlife Industry and deal with annoying men every night of their life. They moved to Vegas for the sole reason of making $$. The only way you get one of them to date you is 1) You work in the nightlife AND are attractive or 2) You are incredibly wealthy and reasonably attractive.

The good news is that Vegas has THOUSANDS of tourists going through the city all the time. They are from all over the world. If you have a good game plan, you could pull them on a regular basis. You won't, however, find a long-term GF as tourists go to Vegas for an exciting time to leave behind in Vegas.
I agree with the first part but not the second. There are tons of tourists here, but they do not seem interested in hooking up. Where can you meet them? They are with their friends and in their cliques and tune out everyone else. My friends have tried to hook up with them everyday without success. Even the foreign women here don't seem to want to hook up.

I think the reasons are:

1. The foreign women that can afford to come to the US and stay in Vegas hotels are well off and don't need men.
2. Vegas attracts materialistic types, who are not friendly to strangers in general.
3. The Vegas vibe is not friendly outside of commercial purposes, and not conducive for picking up girls. It simply doesn't fit the vibe and flow to try to pick up girls.

Everyone else I asked said the same thing.
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Post by Winston »

Thanks for showing us videos of your wife and kids. Now a few questions:

1. Your wife seems like a decent looking lady who is nice, easy going, non-argumentative, and strong enough to help out around the house and do the work.

But she looks plain, not hot. If you are "da man" as you claim, why didn't you get a hotter wife?

2. If you are the mack daddy playboy in Asia that you claim, why did you get married and give up your freedom? Yeah right. Perhaps you couldn't get any decent women so you took the first one you could get? lol

3. Your children do not look half white. Are they yours, or did she have them before she met you?

If the latter, then why did you marry a woman with two kids? No one else here would do that. Were you that desperate because you couldn't get anyone? lol

Sorry if these questions are rude. I don't mean to be. But I'm just trying to get to the bottom of things.

Btw, yes I would say those things to your face. I can stand up for myself in person. Why not? What would it accomplish though? We obviously have a major personality conflict. You are not going to apologize for your behavior. So why would I even want to meet you?

We have several forum members who are in Thailand now. Why don't you meet up with them so they can gauge you in person?
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by kai1275 »

Winston wrote:Zboy1,
Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Do you care about fairness? If not, you would not make a good parent.

AiB and I are not equally argumentative. Anyone can look at this thread and see that HE STARTED it. I was merely telling the truth that we all know, while he was trying to diss it and one up me and shame me on BS pretenses. Anyone can see that.

Why do you not have a problem with that?

He also lied when he said that American women are just as approachable as Foreign women and that he's never had a problem with American women. Even good looking guys have had problems with American women. So how he is above them? It's obvious BS. Look at his photo on his profile. Does he look like a man of truth? lol

Smart people can smell BS. Can you?

He also bragged about being in jail on his profile. No normal person would do that.

Anyone who seeks to one up me is a BSer. Why do you think he asked me how many girls I slept with in Russia? If I had said that I slept with 10 girls in Russia, he would have said, "Oh that's nothing. I've slept with 20." That's the kind of dude he is. You ever met anyone like that? I have. Well they are full of themselves.

Honest mature people don't do that. Don't you see the obvious Zboy1?

He's also narrow and pompous to claim that because he finds American women approachable, that all of us are wrong who say they aren't. Who does he think he is? Is he more credible than everyone? Does his opinion trump everyone else's, especially since he's denying the obvious?

Think about it.
Winston, no one here one ups you. To be completely honest, I don't think anyone here, except guys that haven't done jack shit, even sees you as some kind of master player or expert on females that is worth envying. Anything you have done, anyone else in here can do and then some. The respect you have gained here is mostly over different aspects of your work.

AiB striking at one of your pet peeves (AW and their lack of approach-ability) is debatable. He is still a white guy of a certain age group. Of course he is going to have some biases and different experiences to some degree on that topic. However he is technically right that not all American women are not approachable. What he was trying to point out is that, just because you get a picture of a young guy with a FW that looks like that, does not guarantee success that easily. Men still need to know how to speak to women.

You beat this approaching women horse to death too f***ing much. There is MUCH MORE to it than this! Talking like that makes you look disingenuous, like a snake oil salesman.. Again, you are too obsessed over that stuff. Be full circle. Teach men how to talk to women. Go over the small details. No one is asking for a PUA soapbox, but just some tangible meat and potatoes.

Ever heard of a logical fallacy before? You pumping up that photo committed over 6 illogical errors in your last 3 or 4 posts:

1. False Cause (Fallacy of the single cause) - X occurred after Y. Therefore, Y caused X (although A,B,C...etc also caused X.
2. Slippery Slope - (e.g if person x does y then z would (probably) occur, leading to q, leading to w, leading to e.)
3. Black or White (False Dilemma) - two alternative statements are held to be the only possible options, when in reality there are more.
4. Appeal to Emotion - where an argument is made due to the manipulation of emotions, rather than the use of valid reasoning.
5. Burden of Proof - I need not prove my claim, you must prove it is false
6. Ad Hominem - Insults, personal attacks, name-calling in an attempt to discredit. Attacking the arguer instead of the argument.
7. Bandwagon - appeal to widespread belief, bandwagon argument, appeal to the majority, appeal to the people) – where a proposition is claimed to be true or good solely because many people believe it to be so.

And for the love of God, PLEASE stop attacking the way he looks in regards to how a female scores attractiveness. You are the last mofo to talk that kind of shit in HA. Seriously. It makes you sound gay and insecure with yourself.
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Post by kai1275 »

Winston wrote:Zboy1,
Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Do you care about fairness? If not, you would not make a good parent.

AiB and I are not equally argumentative. Anyone can look at this thread and see that HE STARTED it. I was merely telling the truth that we all know, while he was trying to diss it and one up me and shame me on BS pretenses. Anyone can see that.

Why do you not have a problem with that?

He also lied when he said that American women are just as approachable as Foreign women and that he's never had a problem with American women. Even good looking guys have had problems with American women. So how he is above them? It's obvious BS. Look at his photo on his profile. Does he look like a man of truth? lol

Smart people can smell BS. Can you?

He also bragged about being in jail on his profile. No normal person would do that.

Anyone who seeks to one up me is a BSer. Why do you think he asked me how many girls I slept with in Russia? If I had said that I slept with 10 girls in Russia, he would have said, "Oh that's nothing. I've slept with 20." That's the kind of dude he is. You ever met anyone like that? I have. Well they are full of themselves.

Honest mature people don't do that. Don't you see the obvious Zboy1?

He's also narrow and pompous to claim that because he finds American women approachable, that all of us are wrong who say they aren't. Who does he think he is? Is he more credible than everyone? Does his opinion trump everyone else's, especially since he's denying the obvious?

Think about it.

Wtf? Why are you defending the bully and not the innocent one? I am honest and told the truth. What is wrong with that? He is the one trying to start shit. I thought you were a smart guy. Why are you defending bullies now? Wtf bro?!

Are you dysfunctional in that you think bad is good and good is bad? If so, you are a typical dysfunctional American, not an intellectually aware person like we are supposed to be.
He isn't a bully. Not to you at least. Perhaps he hates Steve and that stuff you guys are pushing about Thailand. Gotta ask him to be sure. AiB is just being blunt. If Cornfed, Bannano, or Odbo knew as much as he did about Thailand and women, those three would have CRUCIFIED you and Steve's asses. They would have given you a 4th degree burn and then an ass rape. Probably would have left the money on the bed and not the dresser either after they finished.

If you guys were pushing something I felt was not correct about China or Chinese women, I would have done the same. My style is a little different than those other guys, but I have my days when I am rude, crass, and blunt. I don't beat around the bush. I call it for what it is. Believe it or not some hate me here on HA for that. f**k it, cannot please everyone and nor should we.

Smartness is not decided upon whose side of an argument or a fight is on, but rather objectivity and honest analysis. AiB has made countless posts about Thailand and has high credibility to back it up. Maybe he could have told you his points a little nicer, but the point was still made clear without personal insults or attacks. If you feel like he made an insult on your character, highlight it in bold and ask him for an apology or explanation. You better be ready to apologize to him for the attacks you made on him though. Fair is fair. We all know you strongly hate Roosh's style, so we have higher expectations from you to not be like that.

This is a grown man's forum with some handful of impressionable 17-20 year olds reading it. Let's try not act like little boys trying to take home the game ball because someone offered constructive criticism.

AiB is not Banano or Professor. You need to know who your real enemies are around here.
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Post by Winston »

I'm disappointed with you. You are overcomplicating things and playing with words. Aren't you a black guy? Black guys tend to be very down to earth and hate BS. But you seem to glorify it. Wtf bro?

Any street smart guy can tell that AiB is bullshitting. Is your BS detection ability that shitty bro?

Let's make this simple. I told the truth, that Thai girls are more approachable than American girls. All my friends told me that, not just Steve. Falcon and Rock did too. So did many others here.

That's GOOD NEWS! What's wrong with that? What?! What's the basis for an argument here? Please address this.

I'm sorry but as much as I respect you, you are being ignorant for not seeing the simple truth of what's happening here. Why are you trying to pit the blame on me?

Can you give REAL logical answers?

Even the stupidest guys in the world think they are right.

Further, I am happy when girls are approachable. It matters a lot to me. I have no reason to believe that Steve lied when he said that he slept with 8 girls in Thailand who were non-prostitutes. I've heard him talk to Thai girls on the phone and they sound very sexual with him.

Steve sounds credible to me. AiB may have some good advice, but his personality is annoying, pompous and dysfunctional. The dude has been in jail. How can you defend him?

Do you know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad?

If not, are you one of those bad boys with tattoos? If so, we are on different wavelengths.

Again, I'm simply telling the truth here. What is the basis of your argument against me? I am not in the wrong. I am one of the most credible people on the internet. Ask WorldTraveler, he says I'm one of two people he knows who doesn't bullshit. I have a record of accuracy. So I have a right to say the things I do.

Why are you defending a guy who looks like a thug and criminal and is proud of being in jail?

What are you smoking bro? I thought you were a smart bro. You don't seem to acknowledge the obvious here, like most of my friends would.

::::::: shaking head ::::::::

Maybe Steve was right that the guys in my forum aren't as smart as I thought. A lot of BSers here.

Steve calls AiB "Insecure in Bangkok". lol

PS - Did you ever consider that maybe AiB simply can't get the hotties that Steve can, so he's jealous? Did you consider that? Look at AiB's wife above. She's plain and has two kids. If that's the best he can get, it speaks volumes. Come on man. Use your common sense bro!

PS 2 - My other friend, Steve Neese, loved that photo of the guy approaching the Thai girl in this thread, and wants to use it on his site too. Even he saw the value of it. A picture speaks a thousand words. Don't you know? So why can't you see the value in the obvious? Are you stoned? Why is something that's obvious to me and others, so oblivious to you, to the point where you have to defend a lying pompous bully? Are you flipped upside down?
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