The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina or Th

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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by publicduende »

Rock wrote:This is pretty grim stuff. It seems we guys are victims of our own egos.

Correct me if I'm wrong but you wanna build something sustainable there to say you did it against all odds and perhaps get some appreciation from locals for helping the economy and supporting individuals and families with jobs or even career paths. But, it behooves you to assume that even if you pull it all off, nobody there will appreciate you at all. Indeed they will only perceive it as you getting rich off the locals (even if your company only posts losses) and feeding them scraps in return, basically exploiting cheap wages, lower costs, and lack of organized power there just like Koreans and maybe Indians do.

Even if you run a charity, don't expect to be appreciated or have people feel they somehow owe you a debt of gratitude even if they kiss your ass and pay you lip service to your face. They feel obligated to their parents and families but you can't expect their gratitude to extend beyond their clan network no matter what works you perform. Yohan's Filipina foster daughter, depending on what age he adopted her at and how much time they are together, may truly have those feelings towards him and his Japanese wife. But that is an exceptional case.
You are not wrong. I want to build the to-go shop for banking, financials and fintech in the Philippines.

It's not about ego. It's about pride, Rock. It's about the emotional rollercoaster of putting your heart and your balls on the BBQ and risking it all to build something that wasn't there before, something greater than the sum of the parts, and something larger than yourself and your own needs and wants.

Of course one of the measures of success is how happy and professional or financially secure your staff's lives are. I know that Filipinos can be extremely loyal or extremely lazy and uncommitted depending on how the job (and the boss) treat them. The employees of the average BPO who pays them subsistence wage to turn up in the most ungodly hours, follow scripted answers and eat cup noodles at 4 AM, will probably exercise litte gratitude to their bosses.

I didn't expect to be appreciated because I work hard, I work to keep their jobs on the line. And yet, I tell you what, I am being appreciated. I do have the impression that these guys at my office know how hard it is to run a company in its infancy, give up their own salary so the staff can be paid regularly and have a comfortable work environment. After many months in the office, I can see their behaviour, the way the follow my instructions, the way they respond when I share my hopes and my frustrations with them, it's beyond pure lip service. As I said, I don't expect to be hailed as a hero, but I do feel comfortable in the "servant manager" kind of role that applies to the typical start-up company.

Now, the point of this topic is another. I naively extrapolated the whole curve, and thought that these sacrifices, this effort and this stress would, for some magic karmic effect, automatically give me access to the prettiest young things in town. I thought that a girl with real beauty, values and a good heart would understand what I am doing, why I am doing it, love it and love me. I thought the young woman of my dreams would appreciate the fact I am an ethically sound man trying to build something new in her country, in her community. I thought she would somehow discount the fact that I am not exactly a young rockstar and, at least for now, far from financially solid.

The young woman of my dreams, alas, only exists in my dreams. She is not a Filipina, a Colombian or an Italian, she inhabits my mind and my mind alone. Filipinas are no different from any other female specimen of this planet. They have their own lives and belief systems and limited attention span to observe, define and label their fellow human beings.

The Filipinas of this generation are millennials like everyone else at their age: they are preoccupied with (self-)validation, liking the right stuff at the right time and sharing it to the world as if it weren't the most trite form of conformism. They are entitled and picky. Like many on this forum, I overstated my arbitrage value, I thought that I could aim a little higher and that the girls were a little more interested in an adult with my qualities. Alas, no.

Moreover, my business card doesn't have my allegedly high ethical standards, my blood & sweat and my desire to find Miss Right printed on it. To them, as to any Filipino who doesn't spend 4 hours plus with me every day, I am just another adult foreigner, decent looking but far from stud status, keeping himself busy with a business (who doesn't?) and with little time to date and entertain girls.

In short, I am not special, And what's more, they are not special either. None of them is. This is my major fall from grace. I could scout the entire archipelago for the kind of young beauty who ticks all of my boxes. Chances are, I won't find her. Or well, I will find plenty of them, but none of them will be interested in me.

I might try and "buy" one of them by convincing their impoverished parents that I am the right man to take care of their daughter. I could convince her mama and papa to override her reluctance to go kiss, sleep and live with a man 20+ years her senior. For the sake of the family, like many Filipinas do. As experience taught me: if a girl is smart and knows her value (or my value), she will still pull out of the deal.

I tried to do just that with the hot morena, whose pic I posted a while ago. I thought, what the hell, she looks hot to me but she's not the type Filipinos would ever choose. She is only good to a foreigner, or maybe a Pinoy old man as a young mistress. Yes she's smart and has potential, too, but she sleeps on the floor of a nipa hut and her family makes a grand total of 2,000 pesos a month. Her dad is in jail. I dated far less desperate, and even more beautiful girls in the past, so I thought this was within my reach.

As it turned After the first couple of days of hot stuff together she started to be doubtful, saying that she didn't like a man older than her mom, and that she would have to let her family decide. Another way to say "I am not into you but if you can be at least good to our family, I will sacrifice". In a bout of naive pride I said "challenge accepted" and met her family on several occasions. First meet, dinner at Viking's, probably the most luxurious meal her mom and young brother have ever had in their lives. Met them again on a Sunday afternoon, family reunion time, met about 20 of her relatives. No shit, they all loved me to bits. Her mom, her granpa, her second cousins far removed, the whole lot.

Result: she kept rejecting me. She was reluctant, she kept saying that she didn't want to commit (but didn't want to have sex either). I told her to disappear then, that she just played with my feelings and she should just go and be done with "us". Then, after a one-week hyatus, she came back with the fakest of smiles, all lovey-dovey and saying she loves me and wants to live with me. Clear as f*ck sign that her family told her to run back to me and stick to me, for everybody's good. And that's where my pride kicked in big time and I rejected her again.

Fast forward another couple of weeks, on Valentine's day I was with ny current date at Jack's Ridge, a popular spot in Davao, and saw her, in the same coffee shop, dressed to impress and chatting amiably with a foreigner who looked in his late twenties, at most.

So if, as you say below, I had accepted her, allowed her to live with me, her fakeness might have melted away, solidified into real respect, appreciation and even love. But there's the problem: I would hate this scenario. I couldn't stand it. I can't stand a girl pretending to like me for 48 hours, let alone a few days or a lifetime!

If that's the case, I'd rather have a feelings-free fling with that girl and know that she is putting out because she does it with every man, or she has a transaction in mind. I wouldn't even begin to ask myself if she likes me. Hearing her moan in bed and ask for more is all the validation I need. Again, in that case, I would give her very little respect, and certainly no chance in hell of a long term relationship.

You know, we discussed this to exhaustion. In the Philippines, for men like me at least, it's all about quantity, not quality. Density, not intensity. Like in a cheesy love flick, in fact like in any movie, looking for love in the Philippines requires suspension of belief, and a lot of it. As Zambales says, it's literally about "believing", because only a man with a lot of belief, indeed faith, can go as far as marry a young Filipina without even asking himself if she is genuinely attracted to him, if she likes him as a person, if they have common interests, dreams, ambitions, if their personalities match, beyond the usual fairy tale quality time vacation stuff.

Unfortunately, I am not built that way and I am still burned by doing exactly that with my (soon to be ex) wife: I closed my eyes, held her hand and went to Colombia to marry her, whispering the "it's all gonna be OK, it's all gonna be OK..." mantra in my own ears. And it did go OK for a few years until a few personal problems prompted me to open my eyes and realise that I had wanted something else, maybe somebody else, all along.
Rock wrote:I can understand why a man wants to build and create something. It's seems to be in our DNA. But for a lot of us, especially as age progresses, practicality wins out. Majority of guys who wanna travel or expat on their own do not have the options you have. For them, making their business work is their only hope unless they wanna teach English. But in your case, you have a valuable skill which for the foreseeable future can support a decent lifestyle for you in Asia. So your opportunity cost is extremely high. And the ball and chain business is consuming most of your energy and time to the detriment of your other personal goal of finding a suitable mate. That's why I believe your ego may be working against you.
I am 42 years old and practicality hasn't won out on me. If practicality means the total resignation that I have to settle for what (or who) comes to me and accept their reluctance and insecurity, their calculating feelings, their hidden agendas, so I can get decent sex and the illusion that she might, one day, change her mind about me - if practicality means that, I will try to steer well clear from that for as long as I can!

Then you're right, my opportunity cost is very high and I have missed at least half a million in revenues since I decided to ditch tier-1 investment banks and asset managers for an unknown start-up and then my own business. I could go to Singapore any time and make 160/180K SGD on a decent IT job in one of the few financial institutions still standing proud in the city state.

And you're right again: this start-up founder life is steamrolling my bank account, my life, my physical and mental health. Whether I sit here or shout in the air to vent my frustration, I kind of lose it several times a day. Then I inhale, exhale and it comes back to me. And I keep working and hoping. After all, my conviction comes from the fact that the success of this business requires patience and is entirely under my control.

Once again, Rock: it's pride, not ego. Pride is related to self-esteem and drive, ego is related to self-assurance and entitlement. Ego is pride's dumb & lazy cousin.

As I said before, what's not under my control is making a pretty young woman, an educated one and from a decent family, who has plenty of options with equally young educated and well off local men (if she hasn't already exercised that option) fall for me. It takes two to tango and everybody knows it's against the rules, to take a woman by the wrists and force her to dance with you.

I sitting in Makati (Enterprise Centre) in between meetings. The more I spend time in Manila, the more I see these young, pretty and well dressed ladies going in and out corporate offices and coffee shops, the more I think the Filipina of my dreams does exist and does not inhabit my mind alone. Being able to steal one of them off their boyfriends, fiancees or hubbies, or even convincing their families that an adult, divorced foreigner is the better choice for them, is another matter. That, shall remain a dream.

Like any adult foreigner, I am a beggar here. We are here to choose from the leftovers on sales, but feeling like prime buyers. We get the girls who wouldn't be with anyone else but us, let our suspension of belief act as metaphorical beer goggles, and turn a pretty mediocre situation into a favourable, even pleasant, one. After so much time here, my night vision has sharpened up and I can see. Whether many of us adult HA-ers want to admit it or not, this is our shared fate.

Hence, my conclusion is: if a man likes the Asian option and has the slightest standards in terms of class, looks and brains, he should not be looking in the Philippines. He should be in Japan or South Korea, China, Taiwan or Singapore, maybe Thailand.

As of today, I shall close the doors of my heart completely. I will concentrate on growing as a man, as an entrepreneur and build the social (as well as financial) capital that I need to be of value to the kinds of girls I want to be around, whom I seriously doubt will be anywhere else in the Philippines than, maybe, selected circles in business Manila. Then maybe, when I will have a condo in Davao, a good bank account and some powerful connections, I will reward myself with the kind of trophy mistress everybody else aspires to and gets. What on Earth has made me think that I am special and different from all the others 40-something foreigners who try their fortunes in Asia?
Rock wrote:Trying to find a woman who meets the local Davao standard of beauty and desirability instead of just your own is another way in which your ego is pulling you down. I can go back and pull a quote or two out of your earlier posts in this thread which suggest you are taking this approach. It would be like me choosing a very slim girl with very pretty Eurasian or NE Asian face who rates a 7-8 by local upper middle class standards over a much curvier version who due to being chubby only gets 5-6 even though I need those curves of the latter specimen to feel genuine physical attraction towards her.
I am looking to fulfil my own standards. Despite what I said on some of my earlier posts, where I mentioned seeking approval from my established Davaoeno friends, I do want to choose on my own standards. For a little while I thought I could have a chance with the 19-years old morena, even though I knew she looked like a muchaha (a maid, a hot maid nonetheless), and I knew being engaged with a poor girl with her dad in jail isn't the best business card when living a social life between Davao and Manila.

Alas, even the morena rejected me. I was able to close both eyes on her status and "exotic" looks because she is smart and she looks like the kind of young woman who could go places, if properly supported. Pygmalion syndrome, kind of stuff. Unfortunately, she proved too smart to overlook the fact I am 42. Case in point: she is dating a young man much younger, not caring that he's probably a tourist who pipelined her with another 4 or 5.

As we discussed before, your particular aesthetic preferences work to your advantage. Your choices are a more specialised version of those Westerners who are looking for very dark skinned girls, who are really low in the Filipino dating pecking order and are all the happier to hook up with a good man who can provide for their clans.

I am trying to lower my standards all the time but, since it takes two to tango, I have to also expect my prospect to lower hers. Finding a good match is hard enough, a match between two compromises is a lot harder.
Rock wrote:By the way, not all local middle/upper middle/higher class local guys in Davao or Metro Manila date and/or marry the most desirable local physical specimens. Every day I'm in the Philippines, I see loads of busted local guys, some very wealthy and or handsome. I see busted local women too (why is she with him lol?) Sometimes love or pairing is just a luck of the draw. Physically mismatched couples are common there and throughout much of Asia. Age gap relationships are more the realm of mistress type deals and higher end P4P which are handled more discreetly and less visibly. But still, I probably see more age gap couples in Philippines than most places. Really 15-20 years is not such a big deal there, especially if you can manage to look youthful for your age. Pinays tend to age quickly so she'll catch up in time lol.

Also, your talk of wife's credentials remind me so much of certain people I know in HK and other NE Asian cities. Are you hiring an employee or looking for a compatible mate? When I worked at an MNC, I saw colleagues in high positions marry their equals in education and others who married much simpler girls. That's not to say the latter group married idiots or peasants. But they had clear complimentary roles in the relationship with their less career oriented and perhaps less educated mates whereas those who married colleagues or other higher flying career types tended to face more challenges. The girl I used to date in Bicol had a brother who married a model. She bore him a child and was a great mother and wife. But when the child got to be 4 or 5, she got a job and entered workforce at some sort of white collar professional capacity. As the months passed, office life changed her. She grew more distant from her husband and got closer to her colleagues. Fast forward a year or two and bam, she's having an affair and separates. A woman cannot serve two masters Duende.
I don't know...there are so many stories that look or sound similar to ours, that might teach us something, but in fact they're not. I am not looking for the ultimate career woman, just a girl who has an intellectual/cultural life beyond that of household and motherly chores. Someone who has a personality and won't just live in her bf's or husband's shadow. I know some of us get their kicks at the thought of a subservient pet wife whose "complementarity" expresses itself in her cooking, cleaning and giving sex once or twice a day.

Perhaps the ex-model wife your friend married was still pretty and, after being chased by multiple men in her professional circle, thought she needed a change of pace. There's nothing wrong with that, after all. I would personally feel much more blessed to have a few good years with a woman I love and respect before parting ways, like I am doing with my Monica, than spend forever with a woman I only like for a specific reason (beauty, or youth, or intelligence) and whose relationship is tainted by boredom and/or friction from the beginning.
Rock wrote:IMO, the best and safest deal for LT relationship is someone who falls in the middle somewhere. She graduated from a decent uni with a reasonable score and is working at a respectable job. But she's not a career whore who only talks the BS you hear from MBAs. She has no children and is not a teen but still young or youthful. Her family and she has values in line with your own. She's family oriented and ultimately longs for a family life after dating you maybe 1-2 years. On the looks scale, she might be a 5-7 by most people's standards. If she's more like 7-8 ish, it still might work but will be more challenging.

Love is a process, both for the man and woman. When you see a sexy hottie, when you get enchanted by an angel with charisma even, your feeling is one of lust, not love. One of my Facebook friends is kinda like a dream girl for me. I would give her at least a 7 maybe 8 - light skin, 5'7", pear shaped, and super young. I've followed her for 3 years. When she was 18 or 19, she was dating a white dude with sagging skin which means he mighta been 50s. In the first 12 - 18 months or so, her posts were pretty narcissistic. It was all selfie stuff. Then the first (mixed) kid appeared in photos with her. After another 6 months, the old bf/husband started to appear in photos with her too. Eventually, they moved to states and had a second child. Now her posts are all family type photos and she appears very happy. She may of at first not had much feeling for the guy. But over time, it looks like she has bonded with the guy and structured her life around him and their children. She now appears to be a devoted wife who may even love the old man. That guy really seems to have gotten lucky. Luck is part of the equation. Majority of women, even middle/upper middle class really live in averageville (4-6 ish in looks). So getting a hottie who also has good values and is respectable requires some great luck and timing.
I agree with you, actually. While here in the Phils, I am not looking for an MBA with a career in the US. I am looking for someone who proved herself to have ambitions beyond being a lovely wife and mother. If a girl has dreams and a half-decent intellect, she will be completing a degree at a good university (UP or a good public uni if finances are lacking) and entering a decent job soon after. I know quite a few of these young women in Davao and there are even more in Makati or BGC. So what's the problem? They're engaged or married, or not interested in me.

About your dream FB friend, given your tastes, I would imagine she wasn't every Pinoy's dream girl and got snapped up by a foreigner. The foreigner, American I presume, was probably better than me in hanging in there and waiting for his hot gf to fall for him. No surprise your friend is the happiest in the States, on a first-world lifestyle platform, validated as a mother and perhaps as a wife.

The way you state this, you make it look like love from a young pretty girl is but a prize that the adult foreigner has to catch by giving all he can and exercising an endless amount of faith and patience.

The way I am built, if I don't see love, chemistry, respect from the onset, I stop giving and I give up.

For all the talks of masculinity and assertiveness I hear in here, I don't think sticking to a girl who doesn't love you until she might, perhaps one day, show some genuine love and affection, works miracles for a man's pride. If the strategy is "catch the girl and see how it goes later", I am not surprised most Western men can easily find a suitable wife here in the Philippines. Finding one who wants and loves you for who you are, and from the onset, now that's a challenge. That's rare. And that's my problem.

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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by publicduende »

Johnny1975 wrote:Publicduende has it never occurred to you that you're having trouble finding a wife in the one country in the world where any average man should be able to do so with their eyes closed? What I'm saying is that maybe you need to prioritize what's really important and not worry so much about what isn't. If you do that I'm sure your eyes will be opened and you'll suddenly see just how abundant your options really are. It's the Philippines baby, come on.
Johnny, it has occurred to me indeed. I agree with you, I should have my priorities. I do want a smart, intellectually/culturally deep and reasonably young woman. The ones I can find available are the ones who do possess those qualities, yet they have been long shunned by the local dating scene because they're, put simply, unattractive. There are at least two of such girls from Davao with whom I had a real blast, and would have really loved to have a relationship with, if my little friend down there didn't keep refusing to show me that there was no chemistry, no attraction to them. I need some degree of chemistry and physical attraction and, what's most, I need her to feel the same for me.

Then of course there's the vast territory of under/un-educated, dumb yet pretty girls who are somehow used to be targeted by foreigners and put out relatively easy. Again, a pleasure to hook up with them for the short term but they're either narcissistic sluts, hardly able to commit and always looking for a younger foreigner to entertain them.

My current date is very pretty but, intelligence-wise, is just not there. The big plus I would give her is that she seems to genuinely like me, or at least she is committed to prove me that she does. Sometimes I think she is trying too hard.

I do go with the flow, Johnny. That's why I am still dating whatever I can find. The background sound remains, though, that none of them is who I need to be happy, even after lowering the bar to as low as I can.

Abundance is there, indeed. It's quality that's missing.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by publicduende »

retiredfrank wrote:I think publicduende is both right and wrong. Right in that a woman is not just a better version of a fleshlight (sic, if you dont know what a fleshlight is, by all means visit their website, I also have a slightly used fleshlight for sale, special deal for ha members, but youll have to wait until November for delivery when I get back from europe). A gf a human that you get very intimate with, so you want to be selective unless you're a moron, which pd is not. No offense intended (other than for Cornfed, who I dont mind offending) but i really wouldnt want to spend a lot of time with many of the guys from ha on a non-intimate basis, not even as drinking buddies, much less would I want to get intimate assuming I was a woman, and probably the feeling is mutual. Publicduende is right to hold out for a woman he really likes being around as a friend as well as lover, imo.

Where's he's wrong, imo, is setting up all these checklists rather than just going with the flow, and also worrying too much about life partner instead of accepting that nothing lasts forever. I also think he's anxious to impress everyone that he snagged a hottie, what Rock calls ego, which is a very bad tendency in lots of guys, but maybe I'm just projecting about this. Probably hes going a little crazy from that business, as he himself suggests.
Once again, what should I do, to really "go with the flow"? Serious girls want to be married, they demand it and their family demands it. If I ever jumped into another marriage (in a jurisdiction that doesn't even allow divorce) aware that "nothing lasts forever", that would be a recipe for disaster. On the other hand, no girl worth her salt and who will attract my respect, will accept to date me casually, with the full consent of her family.

I am not expecting to be with a hottie to show her off to my friends & family. If anything a pretty girl with a hot body is best enjoyed in the most private of settings ;)

That I am kind of losing it due to stress, that's really true and it does, indeed, transpire from my latest posts.

I am still in Makati until tomorrow (Sunday), where I had one of the most effective weeks in my life. I think I should really be back on Monday with the idea of taking it a bit easy, be back to the gym everyday to let the steam off. What to do with the pretty cosplay girl, I do not know yet. She has expectations to get engaged, so her parents will allow her to live with me. I might give her a go and see how it goes... But only because I really can't afford wasting more mental energies to chase the Unicorn Girl of My Dreams, let alone complain about not finding her.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by Shemp »

To answer your question, by "go with the flow" and "enjoy the moment" I meant something like "go with girls who don't expect marriage", meaning girls where there is mutual physical attraction and enjoyment of each others company, but no possibility of a ltr because the girl is from another world than you intellectually. Seriously, the best relationship I ever had with a female was a pet cat, and I wouldn't mind a real woman as dumb and lazy but easy to get along with as that cat.

The other possibility I was thinking of is to a series of short term relationships with pretty, intelligent, educated and ambitious young women, not far from your dream girl, who wants a fling with an older man before settling down with a younger man. Such women will not want to be seeing guys who post their photos on internet forums, I should point out. You'll end alone when you're old of you follow this path. I want to end up alone eventually, so that maybe were too different for me to be advising you. Good luck.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by publicduende »

retiredfrank wrote:To answer your question, by "go with the flow" and "enjoy the moment" I meant something like "go with girls who don't expect marriage", meaning girls where there is mutual physical attraction and enjoyment of each others company, but no possibility of a ltr because the girl is from another world than you intellectually. Seriously, the best relationship I ever had with a female was a pet cat, and I wouldn't mind a real woman as dumb and lazy but easy to get along with as that cat.
That's what I have been doing. It gets boring after a while. All girls, if young and pretty, expect marriage from an adult foreigner. Why would they want to hook up with them in the first place, without the promise of a better life? I have many women who feel attracted to me and don't need/expect a long-term commitment, but they're all inevitably either in their mid-30s and out the dating scene, or still married and resigned at the idea that NSA is all they can get. And shall I add, very, very few are good looking.
retiredfrank wrote:The other possibility I was thinking of is to a series of short term relationships with pretty, intelligent, educated and ambitious young women, not far from your dream girl, who wants a fling with an older man before settling down with a younger man. Such women will not want to be seeing guys who post their photos on internet forums, I should point out. You'll end alone when you're old of you follow this path. I want to end up alone eventually, so that maybe were too different for me to be advising you. Good luck.
That would be an interesting prospect...if it actually did exist! I can't imagine a pretty, intelligent, educated and ambitious young woman wanting to have a short term relationship with a much older man, risking to lose her face and losing that very advantage they have - that of being great prospects for the right kinds of local young men. If she indeed wanted to do that, she would be doing it very discreetly (and I agree about the photo posting on social media and internet forums) and, I am afraid, for the sole purpose of some collateral benefit: money, perhaps a push to their careers, or even some sort of mentorship relationship.

In are asking me to become some good girl's sugar daddy and enjoy what she can give me. Unfortunately 1) Davao is a small city and 2) girls I know or I have seen, who look for sugar daddies, are often really hot but have really nothing more to give their daddy, apart from hot sex.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by Johnny1975 »

publicduende wrote:
Johnny1975 wrote:Publicduende has it never occurred to you that you're having trouble finding a wife in the one country in the world where any average man should be able to do so with their eyes closed? What I'm saying is that maybe you need to prioritize what's really important and not worry so much about what isn't. If you do that I'm sure your eyes will be opened and you'll suddenly see just how abundant your options really are. It's the Philippines baby, come on.
Johnny, it has occurred to me indeed. I agree with you, I should have my priorities. I do want a smart, intellectually/culturally deep and reasonably young woman. The ones I can find available are the ones who do possess those qualities, yet they have been long shunned by the local dating scene because they're, put simply, unattractive. There are at least two of such girls from Davao with whom I had a real blast, and would have really loved to have a relationship with, if my little friend down there didn't keep refusing to show me that there was no chemistry, no attraction to them. I need some degree of chemistry and physical attraction and, what's most, I need her to feel the same for me.

Then of course there's the vast territory of under/un-educated, dumb yet pretty girls who are somehow used to be targeted by foreigners and put out relatively easy. Again, a pleasure to hook up with them for the short term but they're either narcissistic sluts, hardly able to commit and always looking for a younger foreigner to entertain them.

My current date is very pretty but, intelligence-wise, is just not there. The big plus I would give her is that she seems to genuinely like me, or at least she is committed to prove me that she does. Sometimes I think she is trying too hard.

I do go with the flow, Johnny. That's why I am still dating whatever I can find. The background sound remains, though, that none of them is who I need to be happy, even after lowering the bar to as low as I can.

Abundance is there, indeed. It's quality that's missing.
Why does she have to be intelligent? I mean very intelligent? I know how intriguing it is to have intellectual conversations with a female and it has its appeal. But I think intelligence in women is really overrated. It has a way of making you falsely believe that you have a connection with s person. Maybe you interpret high intelligence in that way.

I think as long as she's intelligent enough to understand more or less what you're talking about most of the time, and can engage you on most topics even if on just a basic level, and you have enough mental stimulation, that should be sufficient. Let's face it, most western women aren't that bright, and the ones that seem to be, well they're not really as bright as they try to make out. Filipinas also aren't that bright. But at least 1) they don't pretend to be, and 2) they are often wise, which can be a good substitute for conventional intelligence.

There are advantages to a girl not being very intelligent (in the conventional way) compared to you. It will make her admire you more because you're the intelligent one. It will make her less prone to degeneracy (it's always the smartasses that become corrupted). It will create a contrast (attraction) between you. And besides, are you that demanding when it comes to your close personal friends? Do they all have to be really intelligent? I'm sure they don't. Their purpose is to provide friendship. And a woman's purpose to provide a bunch of things that really don't involve that much intelligence.

I used to care about intelligence more before, but now I don't prioritize it so much. Maybe you could spend a period of time reframing. Try to see the whole thing differently. Everything comes at a price.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by publicduende »

Johnny1975 wrote:
publicduende wrote:
Johnny1975 wrote:Publicduende has it never occurred to you that you're having trouble finding a wife in the one country in the world where any average man should be able to do so with their eyes closed? What I'm saying is that maybe you need to prioritize what's really important and not worry so much about what isn't. If you do that I'm sure your eyes will be opened and you'll suddenly see just how abundant your options really are. It's the Philippines baby, come on.
Johnny, it has occurred to me indeed. I agree with you, I should have my priorities. I do want a smart, intellectually/culturally deep and reasonably young woman. The ones I can find available are the ones who do possess those qualities, yet they have been long shunned by the local dating scene because they're, put simply, unattractive. There are at least two of such girls from Davao with whom I had a real blast, and would have really loved to have a relationship with, if my little friend down there didn't keep refusing to show me that there was no chemistry, no attraction to them. I need some degree of chemistry and physical attraction and, what's most, I need her to feel the same for me.

Then of course there's the vast territory of under/un-educated, dumb yet pretty girls who are somehow used to be targeted by foreigners and put out relatively easy. Again, a pleasure to hook up with them for the short term but they're either narcissistic sluts, hardly able to commit and always looking for a younger foreigner to entertain them.

My current date is very pretty but, intelligence-wise, is just not there. The big plus I would give her is that she seems to genuinely like me, or at least she is committed to prove me that she does. Sometimes I think she is trying too hard.

I do go with the flow, Johnny. That's why I am still dating whatever I can find. The background sound remains, though, that none of them is who I need to be happy, even after lowering the bar to as low as I can.

Abundance is there, indeed. It's quality that's missing.
Why does she have to be intelligent? I mean very intelligent? I know how intriguing it is to have intellectual conversations with a female and it has its appeal. But I think intelligence in women is really overrated. It has a way of making you falsely believe that you have a connection with s person. Maybe you interpret high intelligence in that way.

I think as long as she's intelligent enough to understand more or less what you're talking about most of the time, and can engage you on most topics even if on just a basic level, and you have enough mental stimulation, that should be sufficient. Let's face it, most western women aren't that bright, and the ones that seem to be, well they're not really as bright as they try to make out. Filipinas also aren't that bright. But at least 1) they don't pretend to be, and 2) they are often wise, which can be a good substitute for conventional intelligence.

There are advantages to a girl not being very intelligent (in the conventional way) compared to you. It will make her admire you more because you're the intelligent one. It will make her less prone to degeneracy (it's always the smartasses that become corrupted). It will create a contrast (attraction) between you. And besides, are you that demanding when it comes to your close personal friends? Do they all have to be really intelligent? I'm sure they don't. Their purpose is to provide friendship. And a woman's purpose to provide a bunch of things that really don't involve that much intelligence.

I used to care about intelligence more before, but now I don't prioritize it so much. Maybe you could spend a period of time reframing. Try to see the whole thing differently. Everything comes at a price.
I don't need, indeed I don't want her to be a wizkid, MIT PhD material. But she needs to be able to engage in conversations that are beyond what's up tonight for dinner, what movie to watch and the latest piece of TV celeb gossip. I am indeed setting the bar a lot lower because I am in the Philippines, much lower than what I managed to get with my wife.

The main problem you guys do not understand is that a wife is not just a woman to have sex with and be served by. It's the person you will be spending most of the time you don't spend working, and sleeping. She needs to be in harmony with you, able to understand and embrace the complexity of life. In the journey of life, she needs to be a co-pilot, not a simple passenger. You have to trust her that much. That's my "collaborative" view of the family.

If I only find a girl who's good at staying at home minding the four walls, the kitchen and (at a later date) the kids, I would get bored pretty soon. I would end up neglecting her in favour of, say, sharing few beers and a chat with fellow foreigners, which is something that most of the foreigners who married a young Filipina do. I can do it, but I would love to see real cohesion, real dialogue and real community of intents with my girl, even if she is not (or not yet) my wife.

I don't think I am asking much from life. Just a girl who has some outer beauty and enough brains to talk about politics, current affairs, maybe share a couple of hobbies with, etc.

By the way, every time I date a girl who is pretty but dumb I am, effectively, trying to reframe my priorities and see how it goes. I always get bored after the first week.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by Johnny1975 »

publicduende wrote:
Johnny1975 wrote:
publicduende wrote:
Johnny1975 wrote:Publicduende has it never occurred to you that you're having trouble finding a wife in the one country in the world where any average man should be able to do so with their eyes closed? What I'm saying is that maybe you need to prioritize what's really important and not worry so much about what isn't. If you do that I'm sure your eyes will be opened and you'll suddenly see just how abundant your options really are. It's the Philippines baby, come on.
Johnny, it has occurred to me indeed. I agree with you, I should have my priorities. I do want a smart, intellectually/culturally deep and reasonably young woman. The ones I can find available are the ones who do possess those qualities, yet they have been long shunned by the local dating scene because they're, put simply, unattractive. There are at least two of such girls from Davao with whom I had a real blast, and would have really loved to have a relationship with, if my little friend down there didn't keep refusing to show me that there was no chemistry, no attraction to them. I need some degree of chemistry and physical attraction and, what's most, I need her to feel the same for me.

Then of course there's the vast territory of under/un-educated, dumb yet pretty girls who are somehow used to be targeted by foreigners and put out relatively easy. Again, a pleasure to hook up with them for the short term but they're either narcissistic sluts, hardly able to commit and always looking for a younger foreigner to entertain them.

My current date is very pretty but, intelligence-wise, is just not there. The big plus I would give her is that she seems to genuinely like me, or at least she is committed to prove me that she does. Sometimes I think she is trying too hard.

I do go with the flow, Johnny. That's why I am still dating whatever I can find. The background sound remains, though, that none of them is who I need to be happy, even after lowering the bar to as low as I can.

Abundance is there, indeed. It's quality that's missing.
Why does she have to be intelligent? I mean very intelligent? I know how intriguing it is to have intellectual conversations with a female and it has its appeal. But I think intelligence in women is really overrated. It has a way of making you falsely believe that you have a connection with s person. Maybe you interpret high intelligence in that way.

I think as long as she's intelligent enough to understand more or less what you're talking about most of the time, and can engage you on most topics even if on just a basic level, and you have enough mental stimulation, that should be sufficient. Let's face it, most western women aren't that bright, and the ones that seem to be, well they're not really as bright as they try to make out. Filipinas also aren't that bright. But at least 1) they don't pretend to be, and 2) they are often wise, which can be a good substitute for conventional intelligence.

There are advantages to a girl not being very intelligent (in the conventional way) compared to you. It will make her admire you more because you're the intelligent one. It will make her less prone to degeneracy (it's always the smartasses that become corrupted). It will create a contrast (attraction) between you. And besides, are you that demanding when it comes to your close personal friends? Do they all have to be really intelligent? I'm sure they don't. Their purpose is to provide friendship. And a woman's purpose to provide a bunch of things that really don't involve that much intelligence.

I used to care about intelligence more before, but now I don't prioritize it so much. Maybe you could spend a period of time reframing. Try to see the whole thing differently. Everything comes at a price.
I don't need, indeed I don't want her to be a wizkid, MIT PhD material. But she needs to be able to engage in conversations that are beyond what's up tonight for dinner, what movie to watch and the latest piece of TV celeb gossip. I am indeed setting the bar a lot lower because I am in the Philippines, much lower than what I managed to get with my wife.

The main problem you guys do not understand is that a wife is not just a woman to have sex with and be served by. It's the person you will be spending most of the time you don't spend working, and sleeping. She needs to be in harmony with you, able to understand and embrace the complexity of life. In the journey of life, she needs to be a co-pilot, not a simple passenger. You have to trust her that much. That's my "collaborative" view of the family.

If I only find a girl who's good at staying at home minding the four walls, the kitchen and (at a later date) the kids, I would get bored pretty soon. I would end up neglecting her in favour of, say, sharing few beers and a chat with fellow foreigners, which is something that most of the foreigners who married a young Filipina do. I can do it, but I would love to see real cohesion, real dialogue and real community of intents with my girl, even if she is not (or not yet) my wife.

I don't think I am asking much from life. Just a girl who has some outer beauty and enough brains to talk about politics, current affairs, maybe share a couple of hobbies with, etc.

By the way, every time I date a girl who is pretty but dumb I am, effectively, trying to reframe my priorities and see how it goes. I always get bored after the first week.
I do understand. Do you want a promiscuous girl? Surely not. I'm sure you wouldn't mind teaching her. By the same token, why not take it upon yourself to encourage her to develop her intellectual side. Find a girl who is intellectually curious enough to be teachable. I'm sure there are plenty of rough diamonds that you could polish.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by Rock »

1. PD if you replace the word "ego" each time it appears in my last post of this thread with the word "pride", I still agree with the new version as the spirt of my original post remains intact. I am more leery about chasing pride and embracing self esteem than most. "Pride goeth before destruction...". Perhaps the more you develop true humility as a maturing "adult male", the more personal and professional success will eventually flow your way.

2. Consider the bigger picture. If the 23 year-old version of your Colombian 'partner' met the current you, would she still be open to dating you seriously? And, if the 23 year-old version of you met your 'partner' at her current age, would you have been interested in LT relationship with her? We men tend to hold on to our pride until it all comes to a head through some sort of mid-life crisis which can happen in 30s or 40s depending on many things. Perhaps that is what you are struggling to work through now along with trying to get your firm off the ground. I sincerely hope you eventually achieve fulfillment similar to that of Davewe, Pete, Outwest, and countless other western guys with LT Pinay partners and/or residence in the Philippines. Those cases serve to inspire and give hope to those of us still searching.

3. I predict that if you decide to search for an educated and English speaking mainland Chinese girl, the box you will likely need to compromise on most is age. 30s will be your sweet spot for now. Some of these girls will probably match your other requirements well and many will admire your business building ethic. It's in their blood. As for Singaporeans, Taiwanese, or educated Thais, it's more challenging unless you get quite lucky or your venture becomes a visible big success.

4. I see a wife as a best friend and close intimate partner in life, somebody I can talk to deeply and even without words, she just gets me as I get her. When you meet someone new, there are generally early indications if they have might have that potential with you. But potential can only be fully realized with time and effort. I've had that with several Asian girls already including Pinays so I see it as doable. When the first child comes if ever, dynamics would change of course and a new formula would have to be worked out.

5. Values, morals, and wisdom trump raw IQ and prestigious educational credentials. Don't get serious with a HS drop out peasant who sports false teeth. But the middle ground is vast, especially in urban Luzon. Start from girls who pass the boner test, click with you personally, and have solid down to earth values. Add another filter or two (say no children), and see how things stand after a few weeks of bonding.

6. By the way, I can understand why you dropped that girl who hesitated so much. I've done the same thing myself with girls who just weren't that in to me. Chemistry is very difficult to fake for more than one or two meetings and I don't think that kind of acting is in the wheelhouse of most Pinays. As for my FB friend dream girl type, she probably did feel somehow initially attracted to her old man husband from first few dates. It just took her quite awhile to come to terms with falling in love with someone so much older.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by publicduende »

Rock wrote:1. PD if you replace the word "ego" each time it appears in my last post of this thread with the word "pride", I still agree with the new version as the spirt of my original post remains intact. I am more leery about chasing pride and embracing self esteem than most. "Pride goeth before destruction...". Perhaps the more you develop true humility as a maturing "adult male", the more personal and professional success will eventually flow your way.
I don't know what you mean by "true humility", but I have never behaved more humbly since I moved here last September 2015. Apart from my Rotary friends, who provided me some psychological support and sometimes advice on the practicalities of life in Davao, I have started from scratch here. Can't imagine a more fertile ground where humility can be cultivated.

If my lack of humility comes from the fact that I can't, for the life of me, compromise on certain things when it comes to a long term relationship prospect, I believe it's simply because I have been burned once and don't want to repeat my mistakes again. I want to choose carefully. Yet, pardon if what I am about to say may sound like a heresy in the Land of Plenty of Pu**y, but...there are so few women to choose from, who are

1) young, 30 max
2) unmarried, no kids
3) graduated (3 years college degree) and possibly with a job
4) pretty
5) from a non-completely destitute family
6) willing to be with an adult foreigner like me
Rock wrote:2. Consider the bigger picture. If the 23 year-old version of your Colombian 'partner' met the current you, would she still be open to dating you seriously? And, if the 23 year-old version of you met your 'partner' at her current age, would you have been interested in LT relationship with her? We men tend to hold on to our pride until it all comes to a head through some sort of mid-life crisis which can happen in 30s or 40s depending on many things. Perhaps that is what you are struggling to work through now along with trying to get your firm off the ground. I sincerely hope you eventually achieve fulfillment similar to that of Davewe, Pete, Outwest, and countless other western guys with LT Pinay partners and/or residence in the Philippines. Those cases serve to inspire and give hope to those of us still searching.
About your first question, I don't know. My wife's previous boyfriend was 17 years older than her. She was 23 and he was 40. They broke up because, beggars belief, he was a very plain, level-headed, career-focused man of very solid Catholic principles, who wanted to remain virgin (!) until marriage and yet kept postponing the question of marriage. So, talking about my wife, she might have as well been open to the idea.

This is not to say any 23 years old with good looks, brains and background would do the same. From what I observed, in Colombia women tend to be more age gap sensitive than in the Philippines. In fact the current trend is the opposite: financially stable, hot looking divorced MILFs hooking up with "trophy bfs" 5 to 10 years younger.

Thanks for your wishes about my company. We had several breakthroughs this week and a few stars are finally aligning. There will be a lot of hard work still, for at least another year, before the company has a stable growth strategy and we can develop our next industrial plan, which is a mix of in-house products, third-party products and consultancy services centred on those products.

I too hope to replicate the success of Davewe, Pete and Outwest. As they themselves advised me on earlier posts, it will require a lot of time and, most importantly, the kind of dedication and peace of mind I simply do not have at the moment. In case it didn't transpire from my latest post bonanza, I am already fully resigned to accept what I can, without committing, and work on my company until I can muster the time to find the right kind of girl.

By then I will be even older, well in my mid forties, and probably a bit better off financially: I then have to hope that money will mitigate the issue of age and I won't find somebody who is only with me to be daddied. And for how much I can keep my hopes up, my cynical self has a feeling that the kinds of women I will find will be exactly the same as those of now. Perhaps with a tod more sugar girls, whom I hate to my guts.
Rock wrote:3. I predict that if you decide to search for an educated and English speaking mainland Chinese girl, the box you will likely need to compromise on most is age. 30s will be your sweet spot for now. Some of these girls will probably match your other requirements well and many will admire your business building ethic. It's in their blood. As for Singaporeans, Taiwanese, or educated Thais, it's more challenging unless you get quite lucky or your venture becomes a visible big success.
I do know that, Rock. Pretty Chinese from good families marry young and within their circles. It might be career focused women who are still cute, not fading too fast due to a good work/lifestyle balance and cash spent on quality cosmetics and treatments, and serious about a relationship. You are the authority on this so please correct if I am wrong: I presume it's getting easier and easier to find internationally-minded women who are fluent in English, at least in tier 1 and tier 2 cities?
Rock wrote:4. I see a wife as a best friend and close intimate partner in life, somebody I can talk to deeply and even without words, she just gets me as I get her. When you meet someone new, there are generally early indications if they have might have that potential with you. But potential can only be fully realized with time and effort. I've had that with several Asian girls already including Pinays so I see it as doable. When the first child comes if ever, dynamics would change of course and a new formula would have to be worked out.
I have never had an Asian girl, let alone a Pinay, having that kind of menage with me. The most I could get from them was sex, a bit of silly chit chat and then endless streams of boredom. I can't have anything else to talk about if the girl doesn't take a first step in actually having an opinion. One big thing last year, at least in Davao, was Duterte running for president and then winning. It was their most prominent, ubiquitous and perhaps overbearing political figure and yet, I could count the girls who could articulate a decent opinion about Duterte, on the pro or con side, on two hands. Most of them didn't know and, what's worse, didn't even care to know. They just gave me the empty stare expecting me to go back to topics they were feeling more comfortable with, like...where we are going to eat, and the issue of their younger brothers fathering a second child with a different barangay girl.

True, dynamics change when children come along. But that's already wildly far on the horizon. I would feel miracle-struck if I can find a young woman I can get along well for two whole weeks! :)
Rock wrote:5. Values, morals, and wisdom trump raw IQ and prestigious educational credentials. Don't get serious with a HS drop out peasant who sports false teeth. But the middle ground is vast, especially in urban Luzon. Start from girls who pass the boner test, click with you personally, and have solid down to earth values. Add another filter or two (say no children), and see how things stand after a few weeks of bonding.
The middle ground is vast, agreed. Maybe not as much in rural Mindanao than in rural Luzon, neither of which I will probably have the time to visit or "talent scout". Girls who pass the boner test are quite a few, and most of them even pass the boner itself :) Those who are genuinely into me are very few -most of them I don't want to see anymore, of don't want to see me anymore, after the first few dates.

Given my age, most of these girls know they can play the engagement/marriage card as early as they want and they start playing pakipot ("hard to get") saying they seek approval from their traditional/conservative families.
Rock wrote:6. By the way, I can understand why you dropped that girl who hesitated so much. I've done the same thing myself with girls who just weren't that in to me. Chemistry is very difficult to fake for more than one or two meetings and I don't think that kind of acting is in the wheelhouse of most Pinays. As for my FB friend dream girl type, she probably did feel somehow initially attracted to her old man husband from first few dates. It just took her quite awhile to come to terms with falling in love with someone so much older.
Yes, that was a big hit on my pride. The ultimate eye-opener on the fact that I am not young anymore and will have to show some financial success on my business card to even convince them to meet me. I know...I know...but if I have to be comfortable in that role, WTF, I might well get the best young hottie money can buy! Or not?
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by publicduende »

Johnny1975 wrote:I do understand. Do you want a promiscuous girl? Surely not. I'm sure you wouldn't mind teaching her. By the same token, why not take it upon yourself to encourage her to develop her intellectual side. Find a girl who is intellectually curious enough to be teachable. I'm sure there are plenty of rough diamonds that you could polish.
I thought about that. About being a Pygmalion and shape up a young and promising girl, develop her intellectual side. As the 19-yo morena showed me a few weeks ago, if she is really that smart, she will know she can find a younger guy, she won't need or care about the teaching and the mentorship in exchange for sex. I implicitly proposed the 19-yo morena who sleeps on the floor to pay up her college tuition and even send her to a Masters, because I believed in her intelligence. She went into fake mode and 2 weeks later I saw her with the usual tourist half my age.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by Johnny1975 »

publicduende wrote:
Johnny1975 wrote:I do understand. Do you want a promiscuous girl? Surely not. I'm sure you wouldn't mind teaching her. By the same token, why not take it upon yourself to encourage her to develop her intellectual side. Find a girl who is intellectually curious enough to be teachable. I'm sure there are plenty of rough diamonds that you could polish.
I thought about that. About being a Pygmalion and shape up a young and promising girl, develop her intellectual side. As the 19-yo morena showed me a few weeks ago, if she is really that smart, she will know she can find a younger guy, she won't need or care about the teaching and the mentorship in exchange for sex. I implicitly proposed the 19-yo morena who sleeps on the floor to pay up her college tuition and even send her to a Masters, because I believed in her intelligence. She went into fake mode and 2 weeks later I saw her with the usual tourist half my age.
I meant find a girl that you want to be with and encourage her to be intellectual with you.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by Jeremy »

Now I'm wondering if travelling to the Philippines is even worth it. No doubt I could get a girl over there, but would she meet my standards? I don't want merely cute; I want hot. Something like this:

Trouble is any Filipina who looks like that is going to be from an upper class background and therefore just as unattainable as an American girl.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by Zambales »

Jeremy wrote:Now I'm wondering if travelling to the Philippines is even worth it. No doubt I could get a girl over there, but would she meet my standards? I don't want merely cute; I want hot. Something like this:

Trouble is any Filipina who looks like that is going to be from an upper class background and therefore just as unattainable as an American girl.
Very possible although you won't know until she's wearing make-up. She reminds me a bit of Nicole Scherzinger.
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Re: The problem is YOU! Why you can't get a great Filipina o

Post by publicduende »

Johnny1975 wrote:
publicduende wrote:
Johnny1975 wrote:I do understand. Do you want a promiscuous girl? Surely not. I'm sure you wouldn't mind teaching her. By the same token, why not take it upon yourself to encourage her to develop her intellectual side. Find a girl who is intellectually curious enough to be teachable. I'm sure there are plenty of rough diamonds that you could polish.
I thought about that. About being a Pygmalion and shape up a young and promising girl, develop her intellectual side. As the 19-yo morena showed me a few weeks ago, if she is really that smart, she will know she can find a younger guy, she won't need or care about the teaching and the mentorship in exchange for sex. I implicitly proposed the 19-yo morena who sleeps on the floor to pay up her college tuition and even send her to a Masters, because I believed in her intelligence. She went into fake mode and 2 weeks later I saw her with the usual tourist half my age.
I meant find a girl that you want to be with and encourage her to be intellectual with you.
I see. For me to like and accept her, she has to be
- young (<25) and unmarried
- pretty
- with intellectual potential
- genuinely interested in me, not in financial support or a college sponsorship (I can always be generous later)

Believe me, finding a Filipina that fulfils all these four requirements is really hard. The closest matches I found are girls who are intellectually curious and intelligent and great conversations, but either/both of 1) really ugly and 2) f***ed up in the head. I recall two examples of this kind. For the life of me I tried hard with them, they just couldn't pass the boner test :)
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