I would have never thought...

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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by Kradmelder »

publicduende wrote:
Kradmelder wrote:if this is the case, as it exists, or as you say it is for you, that only the very young are suitable there, and no decent ones exist in an older bracket, why stay there? you admit you find decent ones with no kids in europe, why not go back to europe? Why do you want to be in a place where no woman suits you and you are unhappy?

Quality ladies are available if you are quality yourself. Only the very young go for bad boys, but they outgrow it. The good ones outgrow it before becoming a single mom or a slut.
I am tied to this place, Krad. I have a business here, and it's not a mobile business. Between me and my partner, there are $150K+ invested here. We have a 142 sqm office fully fitted out, we have 12 people on the payroll, all full-time. We have several clients and at least $350K of projected receivables based on signed-off or nearing-sign-off contracts.

Maybe everything will crash and burn in a few weeks, but we have to soldier on. Given your "iron fist", won't you agree that going ahead with conviction despite all odds is a sign of a man's character?

Women-wise, I will suck it up for now. Soon enough I will have time to go to Cebu to date Rock's Chinoy friend, or to Makati. When, I do not know.
You must make a living first. And a successful business is a priority. Often that means forgoing women for a while. A successful business makes a successful life. With that comes women. You may just have to forgo the very young ones. Nothing wrong a 30 yo professional woman at your age. Jackson says age is not a group or relevant, but in general as a person age means maturity and more compatibility between people when then closer to your own age. The stats say up to 15 years younger works. After that chances of failure increase. Of course there are exceptions but why chase exceptions.

If you want marriage compatibility is key. If you want fun chase the young ones but then don't complain when it fails. I dated a model for about a year. My mates asked why did I get rid of her; every time we walked in somewhere all the heads would turn. I said I don't want a woman to please everyone else. I want one that pleases me.
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by MrMan »

Divorced is about the same as married with Roman Catholics in the Philippines isn't it.


From what you've said about yourself, you aren't good-looking, your 42 and showing your age, not in great shape. You are married, and you would like to find a good-quality woman.

Is that about right?
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by Adama »

MrMan wrote:Divorced is about the same as married with Roman Catholics in the Philippines isn't it.


From what you've said about yourself, you aren't good-looking, your 42 and showing your age, not in great shape. You are married, and you would like to find a good-quality woman.

Is that about right?
It might be more interesting to read his confusion if I didn't loathe reading long posts for no reason. I don't even know why anyone bothers with him. Apparently some people live in a totally different reality.
Last edited by Adama on March 23rd, 2017, 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by MrMan »


Have you considered reconciling with your own wife instead of looking for a single Filipina?
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by Kradmelder »

MrMan wrote:Divorced is about the same as married with Roman Catholics in the Philippines isn't it.


From what you've said about yourself, you aren't good-looking, your 42 and showing your age, not in great shape. You are married, and you would like to find a good-quality woman.

Is that about right?
I hope you will not be writing an Internet dating profile for him :lol: You have a way of marketing him in the best possible light :lol:
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by Kradmelder »


How do you carry on in the Phillipines? If you are carrying on like Stefano the italian sleaze on the Piazza Navona, with a Ciao Bella and bellissima to every young girl you want to pomp, the decent ones will run.

Having sex with low class women is a sure way to ensure the quality ones stay away. If you want quality you must abstain because word spreads fast, especially as a visible minority, like any white man in a non-white nation. I would not have gotten a decent quality lady if I was stilling banging the former mistress. Women know these things. Nothing turns off a quality woman more than thinking of herself as a cum receptacle amongst the low class trash. Things like having to hide your phone, turn it off when you are with her etc.are an immediate sign. Also it distracts you. You have to take the time to identify quality, ensure she has the qualities you want, and plan a prolonged siege, court them, and behave like quality. You need to give them your full attention. You are not going to bang them after 1 to 3 encounters. it doesnt work with quality women. They know what they want, and your whining, demands for sex, partying, and horniness etc are not it. If you are screwing around with others you are not it either. They will quickly take your measure as quick as Stefano is seen as sleazeball on the Piazza. Stefano will get the middle aged divorced fatties who fly out of Luton on a package tour with fantasies of a latin lover, but that is all. if you want class, you have to have to show class and behave like a man of quality fitting your social status (a respectable business owner here to stay), not not like a sleazeball Italian waiter on the Piazza San Marco offering mandolins and gondolas, or some drunken sex tourist yank in t-shirt and slops and baseball cap.

if you weigh it up, even the sex with a quality woman is far better than with the trashy ones, once you get it. They actually care about pleasing you and they are horny once they figure you are a good candidate. It just takes some old fashioned means. I had to wait a few weeks with a prolonged siege of decent behaviour. But it was also fun and we laughed a lot. She sized me up, got to know me and my character before she would entertain any moves, and made sure I really wanted to know her, not just a quick pomp, or one amongst others. She wanted a man, a man of quality she can respect and who gives respect back, then i got all the things men say they want on here. Certainly behaving like a horny whining boy would have been a quick way out the door and having to use my hand or back with former mistress.
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by yick »


This is so true and a point that has yet to come up - Krad is the first one to mention this.

I live in a city of six million in China and have lived in similar sized cities in this country before, if you are shagging everything that moves, going to brothels, going to bars and getting rat arsed or getting up to all kinds of decadent, reprobate behaviour - then everyone knows and your name is shite without your consent, now, I know you might say 'oh well, Filipinos do that all the time' well, you aren't held to their standards, you are held to the standards of a European gentleman with money.

You have been getting laid with other young women, this will have made the jungle drums and people will now have your measure, whether you think that is fair or not. You are a man of standing in the community, a business owner, a patron at the local Rotary Club :lol: if you had held off and shown you were a man with a bit of decorum and class and not someone who is f***ing all the morenas whilst waiting for the classy broad to turn up, then you might have caught the classy broad by now.

Like Krad has stated, you've been acting like some horny Benidorm waiter - not the type of behaviour that goes down well at social functions at the Rotary Club. :lol:
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by Adama »

Yet more sage advice that will be debated then forgotten because truth is rejected. How tirelessly you men work for this guy.
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by pete98146 »

Kradmelder wrote:PD

How do you carry on in the Phillipines? If you are carrying on like Stefano the italian sleaze on the Piazza Navona, with a Ciao Bella and bellissima to every young girl you want to pomp, the decent ones will run.

Having sex with low class women is a sure way to ensure the quality ones stay away. If you want quality you must abstain because word spreads fast, especially as a visible minority, like any white man in a non-white nation. I would not have gotten a decent quality lady if I was stilling banging the former mistress. Women know these things. Nothing turns off a quality woman more than thinking of herself as a cum receptacle amongst the low class trash. Things like having to hide your phone, turn it off when you are with her etc.are an immediate sign. Also it distracts you. You have to take the time to identify quality, ensure she has the qualities you want, and plan a prolonged siege, court them, and behave like quality. You need to give them your full attention. You are not going to bang them after 1 to 3 encounters. it doesnt work with quality women. They know what they want, and your whining, demands for sex, partying, and horniness etc are not it. If you are screwing around with others you are not it either. They will quickly take your measure as quick as Stefano is seen as sleazeball on the Piazza. Stefano will get the middle aged divorced fatties who fly out of Luton on a package tour with fantasies of a latin lover, but that is all. if you want class, you have to have to show class and behave like a man of quality fitting your social status (a respectable business owner here to stay), not not like a sleazeball Italian waiter on the Piazza San Marco offering mandolins and gondolas, or some drunken sex tourist yank in t-shirt and slops and baseball cap.

if you weigh it up, even the sex with a quality woman is far better than with the trashy ones, once you get it. They actually care about pleasing you and they are horny once they figure you are a good candidate. It just takes some old fashioned means. I had to wait a few weeks with a prolonged siege of decent behaviour. But it was also fun and we laughed a lot. She sized me up, got to know me and my character before she would entertain any moves, and made sure I really wanted to know her, not just a quick pomp, or one amongst others. She wanted a man, a man of quality she can respect and who gives respect back, then i got all the things men say they want on here. Certainly behaving like a horny whining boy would have been a quick way out the door and having to use my hand or back with former mistress.
Great post Kradmelder!

Having sex with low class women is a sure way to ensure the quality ones stay away. <----- Truth!
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by pete98146 »

Adama wrote:Yet more sage advice that will be debated then forgotten because truth is rejected. How tirelessly you men work for this guy.
It's not tireless at all! Want some proof? I received an IM from a brand new member on this forum. He also lives in Seattle. A few weekends ago, Cathy and I met up with him for lunch and gave him advice on how to go about meeting a quality Filipina. He also drove down to Portland to meet Dave (Davewe) and his wife Janet.

I asked what propelled him to reach out to me? He said it was from skimming thru many topics and compiling little tidbits of filled with helpful direction.

There are guys out there that value this information!!!!!!!!
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by pete98146 »

yick wrote::lol:

This is so true and a point that has yet to come up - Krad is the first one to mention this.

I live in a city of six million in China and have lived in similar sized cities in this country before, if you are shagging everything that moves, going to brothels, going to bars and getting rat arsed or getting up to all kinds of decadent, reprobate behaviour - then everyone knows and your name is shite without your consent, now, I know you might say 'oh well, Filipinos do that all the time' well, you aren't held to their standards, you are held to the standards of a European gentleman with money.

You have been getting laid with other young women, this will have made the jungle drums and people will now have your measure, whether you think that is fair or not. You are a man of standing in the community, a business owner, a patron at the local Rotary Club :lol: if you had held off and shown you were a man with a bit of decorum and class and not someone who is f***ing all the morenas whilst waiting for the classy broad to turn up, then you might have caught the classy broad by now.

Like Krad has stated, you've been acting like some horny Benidorm waiter - not the type of behaviour that goes down well at social functions at the Rotary Club. :lol:
IMHO, Asia has a "not so subtle" caste system. Unlike the good ol' USA, there tends to be a bigger delineation between the "haves and the havenots" and the two don't necessarily mingle or interact much.

So as a foreigner, it's almost implied that you are in Asia to play around with the "havenots." The other guys are right, the onus will be on you to prove that you are not there to swim in the swamp.

This is one of the advantages IMHO of building a long term relationship online. If you are lucky enough to be able to talk with a higher class Filipina, you have the opportunity to show her what you are about. They are all looking for the same qualities. 1. Are you stable 2. Will you be able to provide a roof over her head 3. Will you be a good husband? If you are able to convey the positives, THEN you go over and meet her and reinforce what you can offer her.

If I didn't have the luxury of building trust online, there would be virtually NO chance of heading over to Phils, approaching my wife cold and her showing me any degree of interest. Again, the onus is on you to prove that you are a good guy and this takes TIME.
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by Adama »

pete98146 wrote:
Adama wrote:Yet more sage advice that will be debated then forgotten because truth is rejected. How tirelessly you men work for this guy.
It's not tireless at all! Want some proof? I received an IM from a brand new member on this forum. He also lives in Seattle. A few weekends ago, Cathy and I met up with him for lunch and gave him advice on how to go about meeting a quality Filipina. He also drove down to Portland to meet Dave (Davewe) and his wife Janet.

I asked what propelled him to reach out to me? He said it was from skimming thru many topics and compiling little tidbits of filled with helpful direction.

There are guys out there that value this information!!!!!!!!
There is validity to your statement. Members here, especially men like you and DaveWe and others, have a wealth of information to share with us. I wasn't saying don't share info. I was only saying two things: PD has been making the same threads over and over with basically the same responses, which he dismisses. And most of the information has already been posted by the same posters to the same original poster multiple times over the last couple of weeks.

To me it seems like someone just doesn't want to understand or is incapable of understanding.
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by publicduende »

pete98146 wrote:Having sex with low class women is a sure way to ensure the quality ones stay away. <----- Truth!
That is, provided:

1) there are quality women who would be interested in dating me;
2) said women are constantly watching every move of mine and judging it.

Pete, the statement above might sound inspiring and truthful but, by my experience, it doesn't define my problem.

My problem is not that I date low-class women. My problem is that there are no quality women available to date in sight, at least in my current social set-up. It's true that I have a public profile and meet and interact with a lot of people. Whenever I meet a woman I recognise as quality on all fronts (brains, personality and looks), she is inevitably taken: has a boyfriend, she is engaged, or she is married. The rare ones who are actually available are frankly too unattractive for me to give them a shot. On a few occasions I did try my best to see if my sapiosexual self could take over, and failed.

In short, as I wrote and we all concluded somewhere else: I have too much stress, too little peace of mind and too little time to look for and seriously pursue a quality woman. Yes I can always date the low-hanging fruits off the DIA or Tinder tree: the desperate single mom, the occasional bored/frustrated MILF, the dumb girl from the province. But, unlike what Krad and his stupid stereotypes suggest him, I am long past the stage where I feel excitement in entertaining low-class people. If I ever had the habit of doing the "ciao bella" routine of his imaginary Italian character, which I don't, I just don't have time and state of mind right now.

I am writing this in the NAIA domestic terminal 2. They have a remarkable fast Internet here. For the first time, I tried to book an early morning flight on Friday and a late evening flight on the same day. I got stuck with my client (the largest TV network in the Philippines) until late afternoon to fix a problem, which I did fix. I then lost my flight and had to crush in a Go Hotel for a few hours. I hadn't slept at all the (Thursday) night before because I had a meeting with another client in London for several hours and went straight to the airport to catch said early flight to Manila.

After this couple of posts here, I will continue to write yet another client proposal, which should have been ready on Friday and is now going for Monday. I will arrive in Davao, get changed and go back to the office, as there's a Python developer community event that we are hosting. I was actually supposed to do a session but couldn't finish to prepare it, so that's postponed.

This has been my life for the past days/weeks/months. Did I willingly choose it? No, not at all. But it's happening and I have to face it. There is only me here building this company and, although I have two Filipino partners who are helping me with contacts, leads and opportunities, I have to stand up to all of them and make them happen. They can only be the catalysts, I have to do everything else.

It's frustrating, tiring and soul-crushing, but it comes with its sporadic moments of satisfaction. I was in Manila for the closure of this particular project and had lunch with the head of IT of said TV network, an executive with more than 450 people under him. We discussed about a further project on data integration, the chaos of his native Cebu and the relative peace of Davao and his passion for Ferraris. He thanked me and my tiny pimple of a company for helping his organisation with quite a complex infrastructure scaling task that their staff or resident consultants (IBM) did not have the skills to perform. He promised me to introduce me to the IT executives of the largest power company in the country, asking me to join them for breakfast.

You guys might find it amusing or annoying, that I have come back to HA, after a couple of years of press silence, with a few depressing pleas unworthy a mature man like me. Well, I hope you will all forgive me for using this forum as an outlet for my frustration, like may members do. It's hard to find people who can understand me, let alone provide useful advice (which, as you said on your other post, it is good to repeat from time to time!).

Thing is, for the past 18 months at least, I have been living in a state of suspended breath. Working my arse off, on limited financial stability and a relatively frugal lifestyle, for the promise of a "full package" of rewards - business/financial success, recognition, a fulfilling social life and, of course, my dream woman - that always seems to beckon far on the horizon and yet vahishes in a puff when I try to grasp it. Every time I have to go back to my routine, resigned that "nope, not time yet", every time more frustrated.

Until, in the past 2 or 3 months, it started to dawn on me that the opportunity cost of this life/business venture of mine has probably been too high, and not worth the hassle,

With hindsight, I could have done what I concluded quite a few posts ago: stay in London on a relatively uneventful but handsomely paid job, save money and sweep the elusive, needle-in-a-haystack quality Filipina off her feet by dragging my weight of a London-living, financially stable mature man. As I said many times before, by coming over here and risking it all on this business, I lost 90% of what might have made me attractive, in fact irresistible, to the kind of woman I would like to get.

I killed the goose who lays golden eggs, and found out she's not made of gold.
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by publicduende »

Kradmelder wrote:PD

How do you carry on in the Phillipines? If you are carrying on like Stefano the italian sleaze on the Piazza Navona, with a Ciao Bella and bellissima to every young girl you want to pomp, the decent ones will run.

Having sex with low class women is a sure way to ensure the quality ones stay away. If you want quality you must abstain because word spreads fast, especially as a visible minority, like any white man in a non-white nation. I would not have gotten a decent quality lady if I was stilling banging the former mistress. Women know these things. Nothing turns off a quality woman more than thinking of herself as a cum receptacle amongst the low class trash. Things like having to hide your phone, turn it off when you are with her etc.are an immediate sign. Also it distracts you. You have to take the time to identify quality, ensure she has the qualities you want, and plan a prolonged siege, court them, and behave like quality. You need to give them your full attention. You are not going to bang them after 1 to 3 encounters. it doesnt work with quality women. They know what they want, and your whining, demands for sex, partying, and horniness etc are not it. If you are screwing around with others you are not it either. They will quickly take your measure as quick as Stefano is seen as sleazeball on the Piazza. Stefano will get the middle aged divorced fatties who fly out of Luton on a package tour with fantasies of a latin lover, but that is all. if you want class, you have to have to show class and behave like a man of quality fitting your social status (a respectable business owner here to stay), not not like a sleazeball Italian waiter on the Piazza San Marco offering mandolins and gondolas, or some drunken sex tourist yank in t-shirt and slops and baseball cap.

if you weigh it up, even the sex with a quality woman is far better than with the trashy ones, once you get it. They actually care about pleasing you and they are horny once they figure you are a good candidate. It just takes some old fashioned means. I had to wait a few weeks with a prolonged siege of decent behaviour. But it was also fun and we laughed a lot. She sized me up, got to know me and my character before she would entertain any moves, and made sure I really wanted to know her, not just a quick pomp, or one amongst others. She wanted a man, a man of quality she can respect and who gives respect back, then i got all the things men say they want on here. Certainly behaving like a horny whining boy would have been a quick way out the door and having to use my hand or back with former mistress.

I appreciate the effort to cast aside your usual racial/national typing, which did work for the first few paragraphs at least, and give me useful advice. Your point sounds solid and, as you see below, got some credit. Problem is, it comes from the wrong assumptions.

You are assuming that I am some sort of cheesy latin lover who would rather f**k anything that moves rather than stopping and waiting for the elusive quality woman to turn up. This is completely untrue: it's not who I am and it's not what I do. Of course I had a few intimate encounters with girls you could define low-class, mostly out of lust and the need to let the steam out of my system, but they all happened behind four walls, not in public as you imply. All the innocent coffee shop or dinner dates I had were with girls who were not low-class, didn't look low-class and I genuinely though I could give a shot to. Of course none of them were perfect, nor am I, but I knew I had to compromise. As you can see, it lead to nothing.

It's also true, as I stated many times before, that I haven't had the time and state of mind to put my best effort to finding a quality woman and. Plus, also thanks to Rock and another couple of Manila-based people, it's started to dawn on me that Davao is just not the kind of playground that is replete with single quality women (they tend to be abroad or working in Manila). That's why I am even toying with the idea of leaving my staff unsupervised and renting a condo here in Makati.

Another assumption you are making, which is evocative but wrong, is that quality women are somehow hiding in disgust as they see me in public with low-class girls. As I said, I have never gone out in public with low-class girls. Davao isn't exactly a village and people simple don't give a damn of what they see as they walk through a mall or public venue. Filipinas are usually very direct and they would never miss the chance of saying "I have seen you before" or "I saw you hand in hand with that girl". It did happen in a few cases, but it never had the sound of a criticism or a warning that I wouldn't be able to see that particular woman anymore.

I agree with you that pursuing a quality woman is an investment and takes an effort, the "prolonged siege of decent behaviour" you mention. I think my problem is, since my time is so scarce, I am probably looking for a truly exceptional woman who could be worth such an investment of time and effort. So far I haven't found a single girl who is single, available and worth this investment. Not one.

Lastly, if I am acting as a whining boy - which I am I admit it :) - here, it's because it's an anonymous online forum which I know well and feel comfortable with. I know it's full of members whose wisdom and wit I trust and I know that, by baring myself naked in front of a large online audience, I expose myself to less than pleasant commentary such as that coming from you, Yick or Adama. But that's OK, everybody has something to contribute and everyone's opinion has something valuable to add.

In your particular case, I just wish you didn't occasionally (often?) slip into such trite stereotypes like the latin lover on a gondola, or the horny sex tourist or the Italian wimp, to substantiate your argument. For all the racism and nastiness some of your posts exude, I still believe you're an intelligent person and I can assure you your point stand on their own feet without having to colour them with stereotypes and insults.
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Re: I would have never thought...

Post by publicduende »

yick wrote:You have been getting laid with other young women, this will have made the jungle drums and people will now have your measure, whether you think that is fair or not. You are a man of standing in the community, a business owner, a patron at the local Rotary Club :lol: if you had held off and shown you were a man with a bit of decorum and class and not someone who is f***ing all the morenas whilst waiting for the classy broad to turn up, then you might have caught the classy broad by now.

Like Krad has stated, you've been acting like some horny Benidorm waiter - not the type of behaviour that goes down well at social functions at the Rotary Club. :lol:
Like what I told Krad, your patronising is quite evocative but it's not who I am. Do you really think or know that I have been acting like some "horny Benidorm waiter"? Were you here with me? Did you see me? If that's the image you have of me, feel free to entertain me and other members with it, but don't expect your advice to be spot on.

I wish it was that simple. If it took a few months of celibacy and being a good boy to magically make a quality girl attracted to me, I would definitely do it. But it doesn't. As I said before to Krad, I am well aware of my social standing (business owner, Rotary etc.) in Davao and I am careful about who I go out and am seen in public with. The reality is that, unless I perhaps start to put some serious effort looking for a quality girl, which perhaps could even mean advertising my status to families of modest background yet solid moral standing (like there are many), I won't get any.
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