Women from the FSU are hands down the greatest women left on earth..

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Women from the FSU are hands down the greatest women left on earth..

Post by Jonnyblond »

I would say after having succeeded my first visit back in 2015 in Ukraine seconds after planting my feet on the ground. I would say that I’m pretty much an expert on this subject and anyone is welcome to challenge my post..it’s all cool. I’ve been to that country 12 times for 50 plus days every visit because I live life and work always comes second... I love it. I also met my wife there and still to this day that woman is crazy in love with me and its not going to change. So how and why did I succeed. It’s simple. I am arrogant, cocky, sure of myself and pretty handsome. am I rich..god no..hahaha. Far from it. Actually my stats looked something like this. When I had my top 10 lined up before going to Ukraine back in 2015. I was working as an apprentice plumber and making decent coin and my living was nothing spectacular but good. But if you know anything about Alberta Canada. That province relies on oil and if it’s not being bought or produced then let’s just say things go sideways incredibly bad. You can go from eating every night at 5 star restaurants to eating kraft dinner in light speed time and it’s rough. With that out of the way..now on to the girls of Ukraine. Everyone seems to mention that after having talked to a few girls online for a month or two... get on that plane and go after her. Wrong..that’s your first mistake and I’ll tell you why. If your worth it..she’ll wait for you. I went after the six month mark but I could have narrowed it down to three months considering that I’m incredible when it comes to social dynamics online and off. But being my first visit. I wanted to make sure that I could not only trust this person I was going to see but I really had to have a good vibe about them that made them worth it. Some guys fall for the hot chick illusion of oh my god..if I don’t instantly go after her now then someone else will. But if you have never really had that hard of a time dating women that are cute or gorgeous then you won’t be intimidated and you know sooner or later you’ll score. It’s a numbers game to be honest. Remember this line because I read this on hundreds of profiles of girls in Ukraine. They want a strong man. If you’ve ever read western girls profiles, they all say the same things..looking for a tall, dark and handsome man who doesn’t take himself seriously and knows how to have a good time. Ukrainian women want a man that’s funny, treats her good, a strong man and stability. But wait..why don’t western girls look for stability. Because most girls over here work and can most times afford to take care of themselves. What makes Ukrainian women so awesome is that they aren’t your competition unlike western girls. Look at the trash over here. Most of western women think they can do everything a man can to the point where women over here are going against nature. Feminism has literally killed any attraction I ever had towards girls over here. I feel bad for any man that’s single because flirting or hitting on a girl could be misinterpreted as harassment these days. Depending on if the girl is attracted to you. Not only that but it seems every girl wears jeans, unflattering shirts, colored hair, tons of piercings and tattoos. Just walking around my city and maybe it’s because I’m spoiled and my wife is pretty stunning but my god..I think to myself..I was just settling for the garbage that was around here when I could have gone to the FSU and met someone like this so long ago but it’s all good..sometimes you have to date trash till you realize there is better out there. But literally 7 out of 10 girls are living in the Disney fantasy world of men will love you for her you are. Looks don’t matter. If you can’t live her at her worst then you don’t deserve her at her best...ummm...ok...this is where things get real..look at western women and honestly tell me what is the value they bring. Honestly. Women want equality which yes is fine but what do they bring to the table other then beauty and The bedroom...do they give good advice logically...nope...do they make good workers in construction or other physical jobs..not that I noticed because I worked with a female plumber that at the time..I thought..that’s cool that she wants to get into the trades until I started seeing that I was doing all the heavy lifting, going behind her tightening all the screws to make sure they weren’t to loose and the main shocker...complaining that they had just bought coveralls and they got a little dirty.I shook my head...good god coveralls are suppose to get dirty and keep your good clothes clean. You get the point that I’m trying to convey.

How many times these days do you see guys that are in shape that are dating girls that you think..my god man..you could do better then that. But it’s just because we think that’s all there is. You have to remember that most people over here think that North America is the center of the universe. Why is it that our women seem to stay over here and date and marry yet men when they figure out that there is better out there they go..it’s because the women are better elsewhere. I don’t see European or any other country hunting after Canadian or American women. Women love the men here because we have been conditioned to be simps and cucks for the last 50 years. If you ever go to Ukraine and have time to visit a beach..take a good look around..you’ll notice not only the amount of hot girls strolling in next to nothing bikinis and thongs but their own men would rather drink and smoke and enjoy the company of their guy friends then notice the girls. I’m not joking.we turn our heads at the sight of a hot girl and most FSU men just keep walking like whatever.it’s just another hot girl..It’s because there’s an abundance. Sure the FSU has their share of average girls too but their average girls at least take care of themselves and try and look beautiful. Unlike the Walmart pajama pants girls over here. Like I said..7 out of 10 girls in the western world are either below average or overweight..3 out of those other girls are either cute or hot because they aren’t dumb...they know that if they are hot or cute then they will have more options and choices in attracting successful and good looking men. So the competition is higher for us western men. That’s why we have to have better social skills then the average man elsewhere. We have to be incredibly successful over here compared to other places if we want the top of the line girl or above average. But there is far fewer choices. It’s like women in Ukraine all want the oligarch or prince but with so much competition they literally have to eventually expand or end up settling. That’s the same as us. We are constantly pressured to meet a nice girl and get married and start a family and if we don’t we start getting accused of being into men or whatever. So we think..hmmm..all my friends got kids and a family..seems like a pretty sweeet deal..so that’s when we give into our first mistake. My experience was pretty bad...I gave up my dreams and goals and settled in for the normal typical life. My ex wife was into me because get this...I was resistant and rebellious on following the same path as everyone else..I wanted to get into music production..but after having a kid...it seemed like that’s all it was..was a dream and I finally put my guitars under the bed and let go. Let’s just say after you let your dreams and goals go...your woman will turn against you. I thought going to school and getting a normal career like the rest of the universe would be great but it turns out that being just normal wasn’t a turn on for my now ex wife so yeah...she wanted out. No problem...that’s when I encountered the FSU way. I had found new work at a modular housing company and my journeyman turned out to be actually a great guy. We were both patriot fans and he invited me over...he wanted to introduce me to his wife as well...I always laughed at the lunches she made him because they were huge and I’d joke..does she think your going to starve...he said she was Ukrainian so I just thought whatever..she seems just like a nice girl..so when I went over there..I knocked on his door and kaboom..this beautiful little vixen greeted me..I was like woah..who is this..I thought maybe it’s his sister or a friend..no way a guy like him could get such a vixen..then he said hey..this is my wife..I didn’t believe it..I thought he was joking..anyways I observed her ways and wow..she was an amazing host and her cooking skills were off the charts..then she said she was heading to the gym..I then finally asked my journeyman no offense..how did he get such a hot wife..he wasn’t rich nor was he very good looking. He laughed and said I thought you’d never ask..he then explained the FSU to me and how girls were...that’s when I was all in...it was worth it. The women were everything I dreamed of...but they were in shape and I just was hot for the accent and there cultured ways.. My wife was shocked when she goes to the gym because there’s tons more men working out then there are women. I said why do women have to workout when Disney or women’s magazines tells them that men should love them for themselves. But Men aren’t allowed to have standards here in North America. Then I showed her things like dating profiles and articles on how fat women aren’t attracted to fat men and they must be tall, have a six figure salary and be good looking yet if a man says they should lose weight then we are vilified...it’s crazy. I said that’s why I left this place behind. The last of the good women stopped in the 70s. Everything beyond is just not for me. But enough about ranting about how bad western women are. But FSU women aren’t as bad but they can be picky as well and that’s where I have to be honest. If your a good looking guy then you should be fine. You don’t even have to be that successful. Women can’t tell the difference between success and high potential. But if you have little to no success then you have to give them small doses of goals and achieve them. It’s true what someone said in one of the posts here that is awesome and it works but it has to be done fast and quickly...establish dominance and lead. A lot of guys here would most likely avoid conflict or not argue with an FSU girl because they think..maybe she won’t like me if I say what I feel...if they piss you off then you come out like a hurricane. I turn on prick mode. Remember that saying..they want a strong man. These girls aren’t brought up to disrespect their fathers unlike over here where a daughter is daddies little princess...over there she’s brought up to be a good wife. They learn to cook, clean and the man comes first. When my now wife first said something I didn’t like..I gave her flak about it and she bumped back...I said listen...you may talk to other guys online that are yes men and agree because they think..ohhh no...she may get mad and not like me...not me princess...if you say things I don’t like expect to get some heat..if you don’t like it then walk..so that’s that..did they leave or not talk to me again..nope..they stuck around always..actually after that they were more submissive to my actions. That’s the first step to success. You have to think..the men in Russia and Ukraine are macho. They expect the same thing from any man but not to the point of being to much of a douche. Like I said..command and conquer. I cannot stress this enough but for the love of god..learn communication skills before venturing into this journey.

In the past I used to be agoraphobic before I slayed that beast..you have to think..agoraphobia is a social illness yet my skills can destroy the most social extrovert now and I can flick it on with a switch only because I studied heavy psychology. I’m a social chameleon and can pretty much talk about anything because I like to learn about various things to the point that I have a little knowledge at everything. But at one time I was stuck in my room for two years back when I was 16. I got overweight to the point of thinking..wow..is this what life really is. But one day I had a song called crimson and clover cranked up while drinking myself senseless into oblivion when I heard a couple laughing outside...I peaked around my window and it was a guy and girl walking and laughing down the street. Then things went into slow motion as they were just having a real good time in each other’s company. I sat back in my chair and said I’m never going to have that if I don’t get out of this room and decided that day to finally leave that place and never return. It wasn’t easy at first but that’s why I moved to a city of millions of people to blend in and soon learn how to conquer my fears and become better then before to the point that I would say I have things pretty mastered. How you wonder...when I met my now wife. The city I was living in was about to hit the recession. Which meant things were about to go sideways fast. My rent costed 1400$ a month, bills were at least 600$ plus that wasn’t including my car, gas, etc let alone funding for my Ukrainian journey. But this could aid me if I play things right. Studying the fall of the Soviet Union May actually be beneficial. When the Soviet Union fell...everyone lost everything from jobs, banks closed and stole peoples money...it was every man for themselves...my wife told me when she was younger that there were nights that she went to bed hungry and why pasta and potatoes are a Ukrainian nightmare is because that’s all they ate through the hard times like 5-10 years ...hmmm..I thought..let’s see what I can do..I tend to think that the sense of smell is underrated and that sometimes all your information about yourself can be sniffed out by women..that’s how they can tell who they are attracted to not only by your personality but by your scent..it’s a pretty out there theory but it had application. Why..ok...where did that leave me. Let me get to my first visit but take a look how to succeed even when the skies are dark. I had been talking to my now wife for almost 6 months and I felt that it was time to go and meet her. It was almost summer and I thought I’d finally take time off work and do it. So I told her that if I got a tax return of more then a thousand dollars then I would get a plane ticket to see her...so when I found out that it was a hell of a lot more then that...I booked a ticket to Dnipropetrovsk and that was that..sure at the time Ukraine and Russia were just beginning the war and the revolution was still fresh in everyone’s mind not to mention Crimea, Luhansk, Donetsk. Things from a tourists perspective weren’t exactly great but I said what do I have to lose. I have more to gain because this girl seems pretty awesome. Plus I can always look back and say I was brave enough to try something different...hey...Ukraine is only at war with the second biggest military in the world..what’s worse then that. But looking back now..I wouldn’t have changed anything. I’ve heard the saying that some say they searched the world for the greatest girl or the one...I can actually attest that I did. I believe that the love of your life doesn’t live next door or in the same city sometimes..I believe if you truly want to find the one..they may exist far far away. Hell my wife ended up living on the other side of the world. Sometimes you have to take a chance regardless of the outcome. But me being the arrogant and cocky man I was.. i was going to rock this. One week before I left I said to my now wife that I had been watching YouTube videos of first time meet ups of people in long distance relationships..I said they were all lame..I said some met with a handshake, some met with a hug or a kiss on the cheek..I said when I come through those gates I’m coming in hot and fast..I said I’m going full blown makeout..she laughed but somewhat didn’t believe me...I said you just wait. I was just gauging to see if I could sneak a quick one in..she didn’t say yes but didn’t say no..ok..I was off to a decent beginning...so the day came where it was time to go..I was excited and then halfway through the flight and looking out my window into the darkness as it was night..it hit me..I thought..am I crazy..what if she isn’t there...what if this or that..then I stopped myself and went into the bathroom and looked into my eyes and said..calm down big guy...you talked to this girl for 6 months and she’s going to be there at the airport waiting to meet you...i cockly smiled and said..I’m going to show her I was worth waiting for...so finally I landed and wow..quite the different approach to airports...it was like landing in a Rambo movie because Dnipropetrovsk was close to Donetsk so the airport was on military standby. I seen the same huge Soviet helicopter jacked up and lots of fighter jets, anti-air guns and military personal..plus having two guys waiting outside the plane with AK47s was a crazy touch..I thought they were standing out there because maybe someone bad was on the plane and they were getting ready to get them..anyways..as soon as I got my luggage I seen the most beautiful little vixen pop her head around the corner. I thought..good god..she’s even more stunning in person..I could read her body language as she was nervous that I actually might kiss her like I said..well...let’s just say I through my bags aside and said get over here and made out with her like the god I was...she was blown away..I could tell..so we went outside and waited for the cab but man was she sitting so close..I can tell the kiss was so good because later on she told me that she wanted more but was also really happy that I came. Anyways..that was the beginning of everything. We had so much fun and my god FSU women are so passionate and feminine. I stayed there for almost a month and it was the time of our lives. We went to Lviv, Kiev and hung out in her city of Dnipropetrovsk. I even went to her parents for supper the first visit which I heard was a pretty good indication that she really was into me as introducing you to parents is a big deal over there if they are serious about you. Now that was an adventure..not one of them spoke English but it was a good time..we all got hammered and ate.

But anyways...back to how women work there. This is pretty universal but all women are scammers, pro-daters, gold diggers, users, until the right man comes along. Take this video here. It’s pretty funny but speaks the truth. It’s an old Saturday night live video about harassment at the workplace. Tom Brady is the chad and rob Schneider is the average beta boy. Tom Brady can basically walk around the office in his underwear with his crotch in the girls face and her be in dreamy mode and when it’s a guy just asking a normal question he gets pinned as a harasser..it’s on liveleak but it’s the only video I could find... but what I’m getting at is that if you meet a pro dater, scammer, gold digger, user, etc and she likes you be it you are rich or good looking then guess what...all that garbage ends and you may end up with a great girl with a shady past. But to be honest..put us westerners in the same position and we’d probably do things we weren’t proud of either and don’t go saying your all righteous because chances are you ain’t. I’ll admit I’m somewhat of a snake and yes give me those dirty stares but at least I’m honest about it. But I do wear it like a badge of honor. I don’t screw somebody over until they try one on me first though. After that the gloves are off till I win. A good example which is somewhat similar to what these girls do that I can relate to. Ok...the recession had just kicked in and I got laid off and it had been a while since I worked. Money was getting tight, rent was due, bills were stacking up and it seemed like the only jobs left were jobs that I wouldn’t have even considered even if I was incredibly desperate but what choice did I have. So I finally put out my resumes to work that I thought I was better then. When I was getting interviewed..guess what...I lied. Oh my god..yes..that is right. Why...because I had to do what I had to do to survive..I said the same thing that all FSU girls are looking for...stability..yep..I said I was working in the oil and gas industry and I was finally done with it because it was to unstable and I finally want something that was going to be recession proof and McDonald’s always is around. He seemed hesitant and said..are you sure your not going to leave as soon as the oil and gas starts up again..I said you bet..we shook hands and I got the job. But as soon as the refineries needed pipefitters for repairs...I was gone in a heartbeat. Why..the money was better and it was my career that I was back into...sound familiar...sounds like something an FSU girl would do. They want stability and if some guy that goes in blind says your hot and I want a wife and you can come to my country..what do you think they would do. They would do it in a heartbeat but unfortunately they too aren’t honest about it and it sucks because some of these older or below average guys get taken for. Which is why I say that if your good looking or rich your are pretty much guaranteed not only an amazing wife but a good woman that will stand by your side. I asked my wife why didn’t she go for an average looking guy that was rich or that owned a company and lived in Europe..she was honest and said why would I want just an average looking guy when I can get a good looking guy that has a normal job and a decent life..and there it is...I said why is it that these dating agencies promote that all these hot beautiful girls can be yours even if your average or ugly and all they are looking for is a good man. It’s because how many guys believe it and keep believing it. It’s free money. She said a lot of those girls would go to those love tours because what do they have to lose..what if they did meet a guy that they actually liked. It’s a win win situation. They get a free meal, maybe gifts, etc. they may even get to leave that life behind if things were not sustainable...I thought about it and it’s true..like work that I went to that in the past I would have never taking but I needed employment and money..so I lied to get work and as soon as something better came I did the same thing..who is more of a scum..we all do things like that. With love you have to be honest with yourself. Unfortunately if your below average looking or ancient then do you really think your going to land a hot babe..nope..do you think Hugh Hefner was dumb enough to believe all those hot chicks were there because he was a great guy..no...they wanted the coin. Ask any normal girl if they thought Hugh Hefner was hot they’d laugh. Look at it this way..if your below average looking then you have to pay to play. Why would a hot chick want to be with an average guy with an average salary. She can meet that in her country. I watched this one episode of a show called 90 day fiancé and the Russian girl told her man she wanted 1000$ a week to go shopping...he laughed and said no..she got mad and said why not...he said because love doesn’t work that way...she said ok..would you be with me if I was ugly..he never answered..she said then give 1000$. The moral of the story was..he had to pay to play. That’s just the way life is. I want to be a astronaut but guess what..I ain’t smart enough so looks like my dream of going to the moon ain’t happening..but I am pretty good with the girls so that’s ok with me. We both have are strengths and weaknesses...I’m your typical jerk that gets women and the smart nerdy guys have cool jobs and make good money. Sure guys with money get the girls sometimes but 90% of the time they have to pay to play. Evolution just works that way. Look at all the oligarchs in the FSU..you can’t tell me anyone of those guys are handsome or good looking but they do have the coin. That’s why most FSU wives are ok with those lads cheating on them...it’s because they could care less about the relationship. They are more into the lifestyle. That’s just my opinion.

So what happens if you get your FSU girl to the western world...do you have to be worried. No..not if your cocky, arrogant, pretty good looking and have potential then you’ll be alright. Most guys lose their confidence because if you end up with a hot FSU girl..you think she’ll be hit on which might happen but with the metoo movement and heavy feminist presence over here these days...it’s not going to happen all that much. Plus FSU women aren’t used to cold pickups like western women are...that’s why I said you have to basically own your FSU girl..it’s like I tell my wife..that marriage contract that we signed means she’s my property..does she complain or get mad and say you don’t own me...nope..she’s actually quite happy to have a man that she belongs to. Like I said..I’m not rich..and I laugh..my apartment costs 600$ a month..everything included..it reminds me of an apartment from Odessa where it’s expensive to rent there so you have to pretty much rent a closet unless your a rich Turk...but she loves it..she said it reminds her of all the places we stayed together in Ukraine..that’s the best part..Ukrainians are awesome in the fact that they don’t care for houses..in North America our system works like this..we go to university, rent an apartment, get a career, then a house and move out of the city..Ukrainians want to live in city center where the crime is around but hey..it’s close to everything and living in an apartment is must..houses and the countryside is like living in a village..we get grocery’s at giant tiger or Walmart..her choice.hahaha..FSU women and the store Marshall’s or winners..they love it because they think they are getting mega deals for little money spent be it cosmetics, perfume, clothes, etc..so hey..ummm..I can’t afford a house and country living is my thing but it’s way to expensive..so I’d say I’m set...a North American girl would be sooooo turned off because hey...you don’t own a house yet...awesome...life is good though. Anyways...reliability is a huge deal to Ukrainian women...i was unemployed and still made it to Ukraine for 12 visits just because I was very resourceful so guys that say..I have to work..no excuses...I had and made time to talk to my now wife every morning and night for two hours at a time...yes..two hours in the morning and two hours at night..plus an email everyday that was the size of a dictionary..I am probably the best ever to exist in long distance..I read on Reddit how people struggle after a few days on Skype and say..how do I keep things interesting and not boring on Skype..we are running out of things to talk about..news to your mother..long distance isn’t for people who can’t communicate..i literally drop people that only say one word answers on text or email..if I ask someone how’s life..give me a good answer and not just a good...these are people that Facebook to death and try and make it look like they are living some good life yet can’t talk the talk..hmmm..sure..boring..next..I did long distance with my Ukrainian wife for almost 4 years because it took my ex 3 years to sign the papers for divorce even though she was the one who initiated and wanted the divorce in the first place but my god..when your a woman in your mid 30s with a kid..it’s not a good idea to get delusional and think that when you get single that your going to meet me.right..chances are her friends told her all the good things that were going to happen after..yep..take advice from women and we all know that women hate their own kind and never want anything good to happen to each other..5 years later and the ex is still miserable and single, never met a man and complains still about how come I get to have all the fun like going to Ukraine and get instantly back into a marriage with a hot wife..it’s because...I was a good first husband..but I’m suppose to suffer..never. Life will throw good things to people that honor their vows. I never cheated, I sacrificed my dreams, was a good dad, wasn’t a woman beater, etc...but those days are the past. Yes I treat my wife like a little vixen but I treat her like a woman and not an equal. Why..because from what I learned through it all...the strong man is the man who leads and calls the shots and takes what he wants and deserves. My wife treats me like a king. But like I said..if you learned any small thing in this rant...I went through a recession which is pretty bad..it’s unemployment, very little money and the struggle is real but when a Ukrainian woman sees you rise through it all and still be able to go to their country and have fun with them and eventually land back on your feet through adversity...yeah...that’s when you become her oligarch...why..because if I had been in Ukraine when it first went through the crash...I would have also went through the ranks because I’ve been through the fires of hell and know how to get through it through any means necessary...are you that type of man as well...my wife wouldn’t have been eating no noodles and potatoes...I would have found a way to get what we need and that’s the good life..but here’s the deal and I cannot stress this enough...if your a cheapskate then don’t bother going to the FSU. If you want a hot or cute girl then expect their maintenance that comes with them. No they aren’t going to make you go broke but they do require money to be spent on themselves but they are very very reasonable. They could care less about fancy restaurants..a good FSU girl will want to cook for her man and it also saves money..Hell I always offer to buy my wife Tim Hortons coffee but she refuses to eat out or drink when we have stuff at home. I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day so maybe that’s why getting things for my wife doesn’t bother me because I spent 20$ a day on cigarettes which is 140$ a week on nothing. Sure we don’t shop everyday but every now and again I might pick her up a perfume or clothes or cosmetics but it isn’t going to kill me and make me gasp...but it’s all worth it because I don’t cook, clean or do dishes, laundry,etc...she does all that womanly stuff...plus she never says no to the goods...she’s always ready to rock. Can’t complain there. But I do see a lot of guys on here going on about which free site to go to and is there any way to save money, etc. one things also is...don’t fool her if she does give you a chance. Live like you would in your own country. When I went to visit my wife. I always rented a decent place..it was no five star hotel and most places and things we did were in a good budget but not cheap either...but I was there for almost 50 days each visit and she knew that I couldn’t be blowing my money on shopping sprees and restaurants but we did do things and I did bring stuff from Canada. But the main point of the visit says..look...I can take care of you. If you go with that Dutch let’s split the bill eurotrash attitude then good luck on landing a good girl. As crazy as it sounds..I think the guys who get screwed are the ones that are cheap and frugal or lied themselves about how things were in their own country. Be authentic as you can be. That way she knows what she’s getting into. But expect the same from her. My wife knew that when I went to see her that she wasn’t the only one so she showed me why she was the best and I didn’t have to go on other dates..but I did say to her that I wasn’t there to play games or get taken for a ride because there were others that would love to be in her position and take a chance. It’s funny because I actually ran into two girls that I was talking to in her city that worked at restaurants...I laughed because one of them was pissed but this was after I had went to visit my wife after the 6th or 7th time. My wife went to the bathroom and the girl came over and said..is she the one..I said yes..please don’t spit in my food jokingly..she said I won’t..I’ll spit in hers...I am quite sure she did...the other one was more friendly but did a lot of staring and looking curiously most likely thinking what if it was her. I don’t blame her though..my wife didn’t have to work for three years. Trust me...all those visits to the same city and visiting a lot of places..girls in her city seen she was getting to have fun always and not work..so yeah..they were flirty..it’s funny because after a bit my wife would have to get her hair or nails done so I’d go to a pub or cafe close by to get a beer and I had such a good laugh. My wife handed me my passport and gave me her other cellphone just in case I needed to get a hold of her for anything. As soon as she was leaving..this little vixen waitress came over and seen my passport and phone on the table and said..so it didn’t work out..ohhh..your from Canada..and started talking to me...my wife turned around just to wave goodbye and seen the waitress sitting down and her eyes turned to fire and she came over and the girl instantly left..my wife said I can’t leave you 5 minutes without some girl hitting on you. After that she asked me to just wait at the apartment which I said no way...I said it’s not like I’m looking to meet anyone...I just wanted to enjoy a beer and it wasn’t my fault. Anyways...enough about it all..so if you think passports don’t have power..it depends..if the women seen you many many times having fun in her country be it their a waitress or work in a store you frequent..then trust me..they’ll eventually want in on the fun too...if I was single I wouldn’t care but where I was taken..nah...I know Ukrainian and Russian women take heat on this forum compared to the Philippines and Vietnamese girls but I’ll stick up for them and say that they gotta have some standards. It’s funny that most times a FSU girl doesn’t like a guy..he resorts to saying she’s a scammer which might be somewhat true but I’d be betting that not all would be. It’s just a way of saving face or rejection. I met a quite a few people from the United States, Europe, China, etc in Ukraine and to be honest..a lot of those guys kinda creeped me out just by how they handled themselves..so I can only imagine what an FSU girl would think. I had one guy show me his phone on the girl he was meeting but wow...this guy seemed really off. So yeah...not all the girls are bad apples. Also I can’t stress this enough..if you’ve ever dated a beautiful or even an average girl in your life...you’ll know that girls won’t tell you that they love you or your their soulmate quickly. You can have stuff in common but trust me...if they are gorgeous then you can bet that they ain’t loving you from the get go just because you wrote them something nice. It takes a while. Even if you visit a girl for the first time for a week or two..I’d be skeptical about hearing I love you. Most likely a second visit and more Skype time would get you the love word..but trust me..I’m a god around women and getting an I love you happened almost after a month of being together but I combined that with 6 months of Skype so she knew me and I knew her. But yes...life is good. Like I said..any experienced guy knows that no chick loves you or thinks your the stuff before you meet and for God’s sakes never send cash to a girl you never met...don’t send gifts...girls earn these things in person if they deserve it.

I’m sure I’ll get the third degree but hey..it’s like telling a nice guy why he isn’t getting women...you can tell him to be a jerk and be a leader and don’t listen to nobody but himself...they say..that’s just the girls you attract,.hmmm..right,.the girls are hot and beautiful..I don’t think I see the problem...anyway..have at it. Also as you can see the size of this post is pretty decent sized..this is pretty normal even for an email that I used to send girls..if someone doesn’t like long texts or sentences then they aren’t interested in you or they would want to get to know all about ya. This should be a big deal to guys trying to get to know a girl..like I said..communication is incredibly huge. Good luck.

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Re: Women from the FSU are hands down the greatest women left on earth..

Post by Shemp »

Jonnyblond wrote:
June 22nd, 2019, 10:46 am
...Also as you can see the size of this post is pretty decent sized..this is pretty normal even for an email that I used to send girls..if someone doesn’t like long texts or sentences then they aren’t interested in you...
Yes, she must have been interested in you if she read through repeated walls of text like that post of yours. Lord have mercy!

Indeed it isn't hard to find quality girls in Ukraine if you have something to offer and act sensibly, as I've pointed out repeatedly in other threads.
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Re: Women from the FSU are hands down the greatest women left on earth..

Post by Jonnyblond »

Yeah..my wall of text are intimidating but It’s not my fault that I’m a pipefitter and not some nerd who took university just to bore women with my academic skills which most times are a waste of time. I would say sensibly is boring to women no matter what side of the earth your on. I would say one of the most attractive qualities any man can have is to not care what people think about you. My wife loves that I’m the biggest fool walking the streets. I do dumb things but never get embarrassed of what people think..she loves that. You have to think in the FSU they had that guy whose statue is in almost every Ukrainian street called the judge. He’s watching everyone to act normal. So it’s probably fun for her. Ever watch Ukrainians dating or married. The girls have a “ I’m bored look” on their face, while the boyfriend or husband is on his phone. Then when the food comes its silence. Even Ukrainian men can’t go on vacations alone without a friend because it would be boring to them with their wives or girlfriend. I’ve seen this with my own eyes. I’m not saying all Ukrainian men are like this but I’m not far off either. When any FSU gurl met me online. They asked me are all Canadian guys like you..I laughed and said no way...I’m in a league of my own..your welcome to chat to any Canadian guys that write you because I guarantee they’ll bore you and you’ll be back to talking to me. But I’m a little cocky I’ll admit but it’s a good way to be. When I first made a profile and checked out my competition..I said is this it. My god..how has this sort of thing been hidden from me. If I would have discovered this a long time of go...wow..

I love Ukrainian women because of that place chernobyl literally had an effect on them giving them something no other women possess on earth. Logic. Yes..that’s correct. Good god I almost cried myself to sleep the first time my wife said she was hungry and wanted a shawarma. I said you actually know what you want to eat. Plus they are someone you can talk to about decisions and actually have smart discussions with that actually can help you out...western women are a nightmare to have your back..they’d run for the hills when things go sideways. Ukrainian women aren’t your competition. They want you to succeed and if the chips are down..they truly support you. My little Ukrainian vixen blows my mind. She’s working at the mall selling shoes. I’m in the transition of either getting back in my trade or doing something different, what did she say..why don’t you try Best Buy’s or a video game shop or work somewhere in the mall too..sure it’s only 10$ or 11$ an hour but it’s easy work and rent can be paid off after 4 days...plus it’s easy and mindless..i was thinking..where the hell did you come from...she even wanted to work at a call center together because it would be fun...I thought..my god..your sweet but I do also have standards of living and I know the value of what I can do but it’s her thought that counts. I don’t know any women that would ever want their man to downgrade their job especially when it comes to pay. But so it is...sure most people can think..ohh that’s what it’s like at the beginning of a relationship with any foreign..well we’ve been together for almost 5 years..there is no beast..if anyone is the snake it would be me. Not to mention a great cook and fantastic housewife. When I pictured marrying an FSU girl. She was exactly as I imagined. The stories were true how they eclipse western women. If I’m being honest. I find western women don’t even do a thing for me these days. I’ve walked the streets of Kiev, Lviv, Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk and my god..I’ve been to spoiled. When I go pick up my wife and we are having a coffee before we leave..she scratches her head and thinks..why do so many girls around here have tattoos, piercings, green hair and are out of shape. I said it’s because unfortunately in North America..men aren’t allowed to have standards. It’s not ok for men to be out of shape, unemployed, nice, under 6 feet, etc or we are pigs. But for women we have to love them at their worst. Yep..Disney fed them some story that men will love you for who you are. It don’t matter if your fat, ugly and have no value. Your worth everything princess...but it’s like I told her as well...I said look when we go to the gym..you see 80% of men not only in attendance but most in shape...there’s like 10 girls there and two of them will be in shape busting their butt to stay in shape because guess what...they got it figured out...they don’t believe the Disney bull..they know that men want attractive women and it’s easier to get things from men or anything if you look hot and pretty...which in turn gives them far more options..but do they help out their sister hood...nope..it’s like a nice guy asking for advice from a girl he has the hots for...she’ll tell him she wants a nice guy that’s funny yet she only dates pricks that treat her like dirt..so do you think she wants to help her sister hood out and say look..if you get in shape and have actual value as a woman..you can have any man...no..she wants all the options to herself but hey..that’s a whole another rant. But yep..do Ukrainian women rock..absolutely.

I know this forum is crazy about Filipinas and we have probably the whole country of them here in Canada but I don’t really see the appeal. I know Ukrainian and Russian women can scam but just from my experience talking to them..they aren’t that much of saints either..this one guy brings his Filipina girlfriend her coffee or lunch everyday and treats him like dirt and says to my wife..hes my delivery services..then she always growls him for nothing. If he doesn’t bring her shopping then she treats him like he’s worthless and she still doesn’t have citizenship yet..she a TWF. So I kinda feel bad for the guy because he seems nice. Another one that works there at the mall made a comment to me the other day that i shop a lot at the mall everyday with my wife signaling that it would be nice if it was her instead and gets flirty..I thought my god...just do your job. Anyways..it’s all good. FSU women rock. I’ll promote them any day over any country on earth.
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Re: Women from the FSU are hands down the greatest women left on earth..

Post by Shemp »

Jonnyblond wrote:
June 26th, 2019, 11:42 am
Yeah..my wall of text are intimidating but It’s not my fault that I’m a pipefitter and not some nerd who took university just to bore WOMEN...
Dude, this forum is for men, not women, so don't be surprised if no one reads your posts. However, we do practice free speech here, within very wide limits, so suit yourself.
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