Mexico Videos with Women

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Mexico Videos with Women

Post by Tsar »

Walking in Mexico City

PUA Video

I'm a visionary and a philosopher king 👑
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Re: Mexico Videos with Women

Post by Voyager1 »

I get the feeling Tsar has struck out / failed in EU and is now back in US.

If Mexico is so great Tsar, why didn't you just go there 5 months ago? Do you think that if you cross the border into Mexico you are suddenly going to be a sensation? You have no social skills. You didn't do one cold approach in Bulgaria. You didn't talk to one girl. What makes you think you will be able to cold approach in Mexico?

You are a social introvert, deathly afraid of rejection. That is why you don't do it. You are nothing like the PUA depicted in these videos. You can't do it. You lack self-confidence, charisma, wit and charm. You would collapse in a minute if you ever talked to a girl.

I don't think you are really going to Mexico.

Stay in the US. Move back to mommy and daddy. At least they are trying to help.
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Re: Mexico Videos with Women

Post by Tsar »

Voyager1 wrote:
May 10th, 2021, 12:39 am
I get the feeling Tsar has struck out / failed in EU and is now back in US.

If Mexico is so great Tsar, why didn't you just go there 5 months ago? Do you think that if you cross the border into Mexico you are suddenly going to be a sensation? You have no social skills. You didn't do one cold approach in Bulgaria. You didn't talk to one girl. What makes you think you will be able to cold approach in Mexico?

You are a social introvert, deathly afraid of rejection. That is why you don't do it. You are nothing like the PUA depicted in these videos. You can't do it. You lack self-confidence, charisma, wit and charm. You would collapse in a minute if you ever talked to a girl.

I don't think you are really going to Mexico.

Stay in the US. Move back to mommy and daddy. At least they are trying to help.
They aren't. My toxic parents are not going to help me ever...

No one is trying to help me in America.

Most of my relatives in the US don't know anyone and a pompous rich relative lives in another reality because he is self-absorbed and only invites his friends over for good meals.

It is my rich relative telling me I should take a $30,000 a year job thinking it is enough to live.

And you know what you toxic Voyager2Hell, it was winter and I was paranoid about losing my cash because I had more than several thousand in major currencies and a few thousand worth of electronics on me. All my possessions and money. My bank in the US always declined my one debit card, I couldn't receive mail, and I couldn't open a bank account in Bulgaria.

You know I wouldn't cold approach a girl that looks older than 23 or 24, and those ages would be only for a short-term FWB fling.

Most girls were busy with classes and the main purpose was to think about what to do with myself.

If it were a video game, then I had 10 Debuffs

1. Unable to bank. If robbed, I lose all my savings
2. Lose all my electronics if robbed, and unable to afford new ones
3. Left the US with 4 shirts designer shirts, 4 jeans, 1 winter coat. Unable to afford to buy more in the EU because prices are equal to the US or a little higher for clothing if not on sale.
4. Getting Murphy's Law in Amsterdam because a boyish Dyke at Belastingdienst upon entering the EU because she probably hates men, I was tan so obviously not Western European, and a definite feminist (boyish look, most likely a Dyke).
5. Needing to pay a lawyer to get me permission to stay for 1 year
6. Dollar decline because of Covid-19. My money loses 11% of its purchasing power parity across the EU.
7. Covid-19 Pandemic. If I get it, unable to receive treatment. I have no healthcare in the EU except emergencies excluding pandemics specific to Bulgaria.
8. Seasonal Negative. All desirable girls are busy with classes, cold makes girls stay indoors, and more hours of darkness.
9. Learning curve. I had no experience living anywhere in the EU. It took time for me to learn things.
10. Monthly budget constraint plus added lack of banking. I couldn't go anywhere outside the capital city. My money would have gone farther outside the capital and I would have had more success cold approaching girls. I had identified a great place in Bulgaria for cold approaches in a smaller city but I couldn't get banking.

Add in more bureaucracy to get anything outside the EU which I needed to do for PUA props, pay customs and VAT, and shipping even if ordering in the EU...not to mention almost no delivery service could deliver anything to me successfully...


Add in the general demographic negatives:

1. EU Low Birth Rates. Seems like I encountered more males from the age of consent up to age 24 compared to females.

2. Smoking and Tattoos are fairly common. Some 16 year old girls got tongue piercings. I can overlook some things for a FWB relationship but I don't really like smokers.

3. Tinder failed...not surprising. I made a second fake Tinder with a female model's pictures and there are at least 10-20 times more guys compared to girls on it in Bulgaria. Online dating is terrible in the EU from what I experienced.

Then add in the fact that Serbia and Belarus added Covid-19 test requirements, Russia closed its borders in 2020 and they're still closed, and the EU has no more Freedom of Mobility with Covid-19...

I didn't strike out. I was dealing with Debuffs. It was like I entered Ultimate Extreme Challenge Mode with 1 Life and Lag.

Add in the fact, I had no "plastic card" for my final month, and no possibility to bank in the EU in Bulgaria...

Remaining long enough to cold aporoach was impossible and with all my individual Debuffs, it made it only possible to have a stalemate situation.

I will be back to the EU if it ever ends the Covid-19 restrictions so I can bank and have greater success in Europe.

No one could be successful or win with all those constraints. Maintaining a Stalemate without a Game Over was success enough.

Add in the fact that not being allowed to bank denied me the ability to earn $30,000 in Crypto...

And people get social skills with practice. I had zero practice in America because it is a Social Deadzone. After people graduate from HS, friendships become 10 times more difficult in America, and after graduating college they become 100 times more difficult.

I should have gone to Mexico because it is right near Texas. I just had previous experience in the EU and figured I would gain experience for Russia. I am now 10 times more prepared to visit Russia but during Covid-19, I am done with the EU.

Asia isn't possible at all with Covid-19 and too much of an expense compared to Latin America and no ability to stay longer than 30 days per country...

The Wright Brothers' first aircraft only flew 12 seconds. Consider that! I can easily succeed especially when I remove my debuffs, go to a much more compatible location, and maybe get a FWB to get experience with a girl if I don't get a GF standards for a GF are much higher than my standards for a FWB.

I am going to be a success this year!
I'm a visionary and a philosopher king 👑
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