Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by MarcosZeitola »

69ixine wrote:
August 23rd, 2023, 6:20 pm
Edit:Raising a child that looks nothing like you is so cucked.I couldn't feel love for such a child.It's like raising a different genetic code so obviousely,and a different person.
Very often, a half-Asian child takes after the non-Asian parent most. I have seen half-white and half-black Filipino hybrids who looked almost fully white or black. Most end up looking a bit Latino, which isn't a bad look at all. My own son with a Filipino looks almost fully white, he has white skin, and blue eyes. His features are fully white. It helps of course that his mother has a lot of white admixture, too. I think Filipinas have less dominant genes than most other races, because if you reproduce with a black or Indian woman as a white man, the child will typically come out looking more black or Indian, less white.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by yick »

Seeker wrote:
August 23rd, 2023, 10:29 pm
@trident765 I know nothing about Colombia but if you're 6'1" and make 6 figures but are still a kissless, dateless virgin at 31 years of age I think there's more going on than looking Indian. Most Middle Eastern men in the US date Middle Eastern, White or Hispanic women, you don't mention your own racial preferences if any, could it be that you're only after White women? Do you have real life friends, do you go out and socialise with them?

@publicduende, as a South Asian man (not East Asian) :roll: who spent his first 30 years growing up, studying and working in the North of England I have to say that @yick is far closer to the mark than you are. For one thing no one in their right mind should be recommending the UK as a good place to look for women, even for good looking young White men. The quality of women is too low, and the competition for the few attractive women is too high. When I was growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, whilst I did get some attention from women and girls it was nothing compared to what I got abroad. I also noticed that in the UK I got intense and sometimes even an uncomfortable amount of interest from South Asian girls and considerably less from White girls. This tells me that there is a strong same-racial preference among these groups.
Thanks for weighing in, @Seeker I am mixed race myself and I wouldn't recommend the UK for a place to meet women for any colour of man least of all someone who wasn't white, who didn't have flawless English and lets be honest - British! Like you, I have done far better abroad.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by Mobo »

Last edited by Mobo on August 24th, 2023, 10:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by publicduende »

Seeker wrote:
August 23rd, 2023, 10:29 pm
@publicduende, as a South Asian man (not East Asian) :roll: who spent his first 30 years growing up, studying and working in the North of England I have to say that @yick is far closer to the mark than you are. For one thing no one in their right mind should be recommending the UK as a good place to look for women, even for good looking young White men. The quality of women is too low, and the competition for the few attractive women is too high. When I was growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, whilst I did get some attention from women and girls it was nothing compared to what I got abroad. I also noticed that in the UK I got intense and sometimes even an uncomfortable amount of interest from South Asian girls and considerably less from White girls. This tells me that there is a strong same-racial preference among these groups.
I think I need to apologise here. My experience is with London and its commuter belt, Birmingham, Cambridge. The farthest north I have lived was Birmingham, where I did see a fair amount of Indian looking young men walking hand in hand with white girls. Is the situation so much worse north of Birmingham? All Brits north of that line mutate into close-minded racist monsters? Can that be? Who knows.

I know the dating game in the UK is typical of the West. Only the top 10% of men gets the better looking girls. My point is that, at least by my experience, that top 10% of men doesn't discriminate skin tone. A hot Indian looking man will have his chances. A hot middle Eastern looking man will have his chances.

Heaven's sake, even I had a few flings with white girls while while I was in London, studying for my Masters. I also had a fling with a white English girl, one of my colleagues at a job in Hemel Hempstead, and I didn't even have to earn it - after a day spent with other colleagues I drove her back to my place and we f***ed each other senseless. And it went on for a couple of months. And I am an average looking Italian man. I was quite in good shape at that time, hitting the gym regularly and always dressing well.

The sex dynamics abroad is different, but one has to consider other factors at play. Colombian or Philippine women don't necessarily find an Italian, Indian or South Asian man hotter "just because". They might place a premium on us because of the economic status attached to foreign men who travel abroad.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by trident765 »

Seeker wrote:
August 23rd, 2023, 10:29 pm
@trident765 I know nothing about Colombia but if you're 6'1" and make 6 figures but are still a kissless, dateless virgin at 31 years of age I think there's more going on than looking Indian. Most Middle Eastern men in the US date Middle Eastern, White or Hispanic women, you don't mention your own racial preferences if any, could it be that you're only after White women? Do you have real life friends, do you go out and socialise with them?
I have one friend in my city who is under 50, an American. He teased the idea of introducing me to a foreign woman he knows, but retracted because he said I am not a good enough of a friend to him.

Since you are interested in why I am single, girlfriend less, and dateless after 31 years, I guess I will also describe my high school social life, which is probably the root cause of why I am single:

Entering high school I had two friends. One guy of Chinese descent and one white guy. They were not friends with each other. The Chinese guy left me to go be with this group of multiracial nerds of white, Asian, Hispanic descent. This group did not like my sense of humor, which they found to be immature, so I did not fit in with them. I remember they had "LAN parties" after school where they would play video games with each other but they never invited me. I did not like video games any way. At some point I stopped associating with them because I had nothing to say at lunch when they would talk about video games, and they were never interested in the things I wanted to talk about. Similarly, my white friend joined a group of people who I was not accepted by. They were Hispanics and low class whites whose members were stupid stoners and bullied me and pushed me around and kept telling me to stop hanging out with them so I had to stop associating with them.

If I could redo high school, I would have probably tried harder to conform and fit in with the nerds. Not because I would have enjoyed their company, but because I realize now that being excluded from their group was a social death sentence for me.

Back to the topic of race: In the group of nerds I remember there was this dark skinned Asian guy in the group and he had an attractive white girlfriend, so one might point to that as proof that race does not matter. In some aspects there is a little bit of truth to this, but the thing is that I think if I were a white guy I would have 2nd chances to make friends after high school. After coming out of the bubble of high school, you become an anonymous member of the general population, where all interaction is about first impressions. In order to make friends outside of a high school or church setting, you really need to be a white guy or else people just see you as a foreigner rather than a potential friend (this applies to online dating as well). The friend I mentioned at the very beginning of my post is someone I met through religion, but unfortunately my religious community is dying and one would have trouble making friends my age through it, let alone a girlfriend. I am actually trying to reform the obscure religion I belong to, motivated because of this reason.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by Mobo »

Last edited by Mobo on August 24th, 2023, 10:13 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by publicduende »

Mobo wrote:
August 24th, 2023, 12:41 am
Most men do not discuss about their dating issues or financial struggle in real life, they simply avoid it, after all no one will listen, women on the other hand do so since their childhood.
Why do you say that? Maybe you never had a good friend you can talk about this stuff? I just don't see the huge difference in conversation topics. I think it depends more on the context, the moment. A quiet place, a good bottle of red wine and one, max two good friends, are a great moment to open up about personal struggles. A casual conversation had in a locker room among people you barely know and you only meet in that situation, might well be a "bro" moment and the crassest, most superficial conversations about women and sex might come out. Same situations for women.

I think what women are more used to doing, compared to men, is talk about taking real steps to improve their situations. And that's hypergamy at work.

I see a dude telling another dude, "man, I am sick and tired of my wife's small, saggy tits. I am thinking about finding myself a 25-yo SB with a juicy DD". And I see a bored woman saying "love, my husband has become the most boring man on the planet - I am thinking of divorcing him". The difference is that the man, even if he meant what he said, won't easily find that girl. His statement will stay frustrated, or in the realm of wishful thinking. Or maybe it was just a way to vent, to start with.

On the contrary, the bored woman at the country club may well push through with her statement, especially in the US, when they know how aggressive divorce lawyers are, and that a family court will strip the man naked and assign most of the family wealth, including kids' custody, to her.

If this is what you meant, then yes, I agree. That is sad and true.
Mobo wrote:
August 24th, 2023, 12:41 am
There's something you miss about women, there's always some Joe Schmoe who will bang an ugly Filipina, but if an ugly man or an old fool dares to approach a woman, it's called harassment as described by OP.
Correct, which is what I said what I said in the paragraph above. Still, my original point is that much of what is said during these girlie or boy moments, is often just steam coming out, or posturing, mind-farting basically. Still, I recognise that the potential for a woman to hatch their evil plan is far higher.
Mobo wrote:
August 24th, 2023, 12:41 am
Career-type women who work at the bank are generally the worst type of skanks, but you will brush it off as a make-believe stereotype.
Generally men do not care about women careers, HA-members don't give a single f* about women socio-economic positions either, you are no different, stop fooling yourself.
The fact that a younger woman went for an older sexpat says many things, furthermore women are age-sensitive and will not touch anything beyond 10 years. A 20 year age gap is huge and you have to call it for what it is, glorified prostitution or semi-pro.
In some cases, you're right. In my case, you're dead wrong. Plus, my wife wasn't working for the bank when I met her, she was working for the British Chamber of Commerce, a good job, but nothing of that ranking. She got the job because she is smart and she deserves it. She is definitely not the career type of woman.

There are lots of ulterior motives that push a younger woman being in a relationship with a much older man. The desperate need for financial stability might be one. A perception that a mature man is more stable and less likely to cheat might be another. Some daddy fetish might be another one. When we started to date, I wasn't even that successful, in fact I had just closed down my first iteration of a company, in Davao, because I was basically just about breaking even. The good stuff all came later and C would have not predicted that with certainty.

Again, stop stereotyping. Assumed our situation is an outlier, outliers do exist and one has to work a bit harder than usual to earn them.

It's too easy for a decrepit sexpat to go to Angeles City and put a ring on a young, illiterate bar girl from the impoverish Leyte countryside. That right there is a 99% chance that he enters that kind of "one-man prostititute" situation, with the chance of the girl cheat on him or go back to being a bar girl as soon as he goes back to the US.

A man who has been living here continuously for several years, knowing what he wants for sex only and what he wants for an LTR, will probably want to go for a higher target, which is to find the elusive, yet existing, girl who will tick all the boxes. I could say I was lucky with C but I know men whom have been just as lucky as me, if not more.
Mobo wrote:
August 24th, 2023, 12:41 am
Come clean once and for all, you went there for 3rd world trash and they still disrespect you.
I have come clean and I have done it politely. It wasn't easy but I am exactly where I wanted to be, running a successful IT consultancy with a couple of large Clients. I have dated and married the kind of girl I dreamed of having, in fact she's even beyond my dreams!

On the flip side, you regurgitating stereotypes are not doing much to earn my respect here.
Mobo wrote:
August 24th, 2023, 12:41 am
Who cares about my views of women, the empirical evidence is tantamount, women themselves put a Great Wall of China between ugly and good looking man, and you can never peek on the other side, hot felons like jeremy meeks can get away with heinous crimes and still bag woman, while a guy like OP has to rot in the dark like a hardened criminal.
Empirical evidence is, you said it, empirical, based on subjective observation. I don't consider myself a particularly good looking guy, nor I would call myself ugly. Probably a 6.5 who peaked at 7 when I would hit the gym all the time. And yet, I had my fair share of girls while in Italy and the UK. In the Philippines I had many more chances, yes, but it was quantity instead of quality. Then I found a "quality" girl.

About the Great Wall of China, even many good looking man or principles are realising that the girls they can (easily) catch and hardly worth an LTR, so they end up playing "catch and release". The solution for that is in this forum - go abroad!
Mobo wrote:
August 24th, 2023, 12:41 am
@publicduende I don't know what you do for a living ?? But this HA-idea that men can spend money carelessly on some 3rd world trash needs to die because most of us are not multi-millionaire and if that is the case, our resources are still finite, furthermore no women will ever spend money on an ugly man or an old fool.

If you don't come clean, sooner or later you will become a victim of circumstances and you will be forced to admit that all you did was a lie.
Once again, we have both come clean on this post. I have told you, candidly and politely, what happened to me. You, on the other side, came clean as a cynical individual who cannot (or won't) think beyond white and black.

About men spending money on 3rd world trash, LOL, that's not really the case. Most people who come to the Philippines to spend money on girls aren't that wealthy themselves. Yes, there are exceptions, but the rule is that of a freshly retired men in his late 50s to 60s on a modest pension. Or a guy who went into early retirement and lives off an equally modest passive income back home. Most of these men don't even have the means to splurge on their Filipina.

The women who get spoiled to no end are those in the 1st world countries, actually. Those who can afford becoming visual e-toths for OnlyFans or Chaturbate, or jump from SB arrangement to SB arrangement.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by Mobo »

Last edited by Mobo on August 24th, 2023, 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by Mobo »

Last edited by Mobo on August 24th, 2023, 10:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by publicduende »

Mobo wrote:
August 24th, 2023, 1:48 am
Strong coping. Woman see you as an old fool and woman don't respect you..
Thanks for letting me know. My life has an entirely new meaning now :D

What's the last day of the Angry Incel Fair, again? :)
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by Mobo »

Last edited by Mobo on August 24th, 2023, 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by publicduende »

Mobo wrote:
August 24th, 2023, 1:50 am
@publicduende take it easy, go down the streets of Manila for a walk.
Shall I rub one into your face? Take a look at this photo. She is a model and actress and he is an Italian man she met while vacationing in Venice. They got married and he moved to Manila, where he is practically unemployed (they are planning to open a restaurant, obviously on her money).

Let's reiterate: the woman is a model and actress, with her own career and wealth. The guy is a 5 at best, jobless, several years older than her.

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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by Mobo »

Last edited by Mobo on August 24th, 2023, 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by publicduende »

Mobo wrote:
August 24th, 2023, 2:51 am
Even if you knew him personally, that does not mean anything. Keep up with your reassuring lies, why would you think outside your comfort zone., instead, I should be thinking within your comfort zone? :D

At least my lies are reassuring and they are giving me joy and confidence in the future, the near future, at least. Your lies are just going to make your life miserable. Is that what you really want?

Last time I checked, this forum was about finding (more) freedom abroad. You are trying really hard to use "empirical evidence" to justify your lack of action. Is that what you really want?
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Re: Can East Indian looking men get women in Colombia?

Post by Mobo »

Last edited by Mobo on August 24th, 2023, 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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