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My updated journey from China, Philippines, back to US and dealing with Venezuelan women.

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My updated journey from China, Philippines, back to US and dealing with Venezuelan women.

Post by DarthXedonias »

Hey, long time since I've been back here but felt the urge to get back seeing as my plans are moving very well. Thought I would tell an updated story as it might inspire or help someone out. Shortly before covid I had been teaching English in China for a few months then went on my one month paid vacation to the Philippines again (visited basically every major city which was nice). Problem was Covid happened then I couldn't reenter China due to the border closing. Stayed in the Philippines for another 3 to 4 months then was able to get help from family to get me ticket back to the states. While I waited to see if I could re-enter China I decide to get more education from the online university I got my business degree from before to this time get a Computer Science degree. The first few months I was back in the US I realized I really prefer it in other countries. I really liked my teaching English job but felt like I could get even more money and have more options if I went into software engineering and got a remote job. I decided to go for it since I remember back in highschool that I did have fun with the computer hardware and programming classes I had. Luckily my current university has it so that you take one class at a time and get through each at your own pace (so you can get the degree faster than normal if you want). As it stands now I will only have 11 courses left after my current class and then I can get the degree and do the job hunt (I do plan on most likely getting a masters from Georgia tech online program as well as Its very prestigious and will open doors).

In the mean time I've actually reconnected with a certain filipinia that I do plan on being in a long term relationship with and I ended up speaking with several other women (from Venezuela and the Philippines). I'm actually poly ,technical term polygyny (men with many women) and I did let them all know this up front and they are ok with this. No lying was involved. Talked to plenty of women but narrowed it all down to ones I can actually trust and have vetted. As it looks now I have a few particular companies I plan to work for hopefully after I get this degree (going to prepare for the interviews, have my resume/linkedln professionally done, etc). If all goes well I should be making at least 200,000 USD a year and remotely at that. Plan on either moving to Mexico, Panama or the Philippines then having the chicks visit/live with me there. Plan on buying a large property or renting a large one. Mexico or Panama might be a better choice given I might need to be in the same time zone for work as the other employees. Either way I definitely plan on getting out of the US. After knowing and living in other cultures you realize even more so how toxic the US really is. Also almost no women here are untouched from the toxicity.

Case in point which probably brought me here to tell this. There was a local woman I had gotten back in contact with after working with her before. We had always gotten along, etc. Things were going well, etc and I was even planning a time for us to meet up (she even mentioned places she would like to go etc). Unfortunately I had to study for a test and then on top of that had my car not pass a certain aspect of the smog test so was worried about driving it. Mind you for background this woman used to be a 7 in my book and now she was probably an 6 because she had put on some weight in the years since I've seen her. Anyway, I message her to tell her I might need to push back our meeting by a week or 2. I get a message back but something about it seemed like she was upset possibly but it might not have been. So I message her a few times after wards with the last message happening after I talk to a mechanic and he says I should be fine with my car but to bring it in the next week. I tell her that I can actually still make it she replies that "She can't today, she has stuff to do" (this despite her saying she barely does stuff and is mostly on her phone). Anyway, I say ok I will try to touch base with you so we can plan things next week or the week afterwards. That was the last message from her then its seems I'm just being ghosted. I wasn't so much upset as I was disappointed and laughing somewhat.

Reason for the laughing was literally I'm on my grind right now going places, she knows this and even said in comparison to herself she doesn't even know what she wants to do in life and she just feels stuck. So she even admits she is low quality but when I even show a small amount of interest (I did this in the text where I tried to reschedule for that day after talking with the mechanic, therefore showing I was interested in meeting her again) she takes this as "oh he must not have options or might seem needy. Therefore I'm not as attracted anymore". What also made me laugh about this is that all the foreign women that I have gotten to know for quite a while now and trust to a degree all look better than her (literally, none of them are lower than an 8) and they have way better attitudes. I can literally be honest about how I feel about them or that I'm actually interested in them and they don't see it as a negative. They literally are thankful that I'm honest with them and reciprocate. I also don't have to maintain this act of "I need to pretend like I'm not interested in her to get her to be interested in me" nonsense or the other games these women here like to play.

Either way, just further proof to me that I'm on the right path. Since that crap happened I've been even more motivated to finish this degree then leave since I already have some long term relationships lined up. Guess I wanted to write this out to encourage more guys you are on the right path to leave these countries where all this garbage takes place. Also, in case anyone was wondering Venezuelan women seem pretty good to me from my interactions so far (most of the ones I've known I've known for over a year). They are quite feminine, know how to cook and quite frankly having really had any bad attitudes from them. Hell even one of the women I know who is a 9 out of 10 has a very, very good attitude. She doesn't even like to curse at all. Also, I noticed at lest the ones I talk to aren't on social media at all or they only have one social media but barely go on it. I do find it funny though because I remember brining up the idea of women from Venezuela a long time ago here and people thought it was a bad idea but in the end it turns out it was a good idea actually. Not so much living there (which wasn't what I was arguing) but seeing if the women were any good which they are. Anyway, thought I would give some perspective on that since I know women from there are not really talked about. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Comments are welcomed as well.
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