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A Tale of Two Evenings

What's your story? Discussions your reasons for going abroad.
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A Tale of Two Evenings

Post by timfellow »

In 2013, I was with an overweight American girl who I now affectionately refer to as The Troll. I remember going out with her and her friends, who were absolute dullards. We went to Denny's and none of them could even include me in their conversation they were so awkward and ill mannered and gross. I remember one girl named Melanie who used the phrase"my boyfriend came over and f***ed it out of me". This is the level of character I was involved with sadly. That apparently was a cool thing to say in 2013 among idiotic people. Fast forward to 2015 when I met the girl of my dreams who lived in Russia. I flew to her after getting to know her for about a year. I met her in 2014 online on the site Fdating, which is free and great for people trying to escape uninteresting people. I went out with her and a few of her friends to a restaurant, which was about 1 million times cheaper and better than the average Denny's. I met there her cousin and a couple of their friends and they treated me with more decency and respect than my former gal. It was the polar opposite experience. I didn't understand a word they said yet they were mature, welcoming and cool. Now, let's look at my bias and interpretation. They were older in late 20's early 30's. People in this age group are much better than people who are 19 and 20. Yet, I suspect there was more to it. I finally felt free and at home. It was as though life showed me a whole other point of view and perspective that there is connection, but it is found in unexpected places. Mr. Winston came to me before I started looking for a connection with a foreign girl. All the points he had were quite interesting. There are some remarkable women I met in America, yet I was not into their looks. There were three women who liked me a lot but I was quite vain and would only go for the most beautiful girl I could find. I was in love with a stripper when I was 18-21. She was beautiful, but had a thing for bad boys. She also didn't have much personality and wisdom and humility. She was dull. My second girl who I met in 2013 was interested in the most immature and stupid things like a show called Adventure Time, which is embarrassing to even mention. She was fat yet beautiful when thin, so I figured I was dating the thin girl inside. She was a slut, ill mannered, awkward, inexperienced, uncultured, rustic, barbaric and a fake bisexual which is a popular thing to be among idiots. They call it pansexual which is funny as hell. She was a brute and I am still embarrassed to this day of my association with her. I even asked her to marry me, thank god she said no. I had no idea I was in the prison I was until I started talking to divotchkas from overseas. All the sudden, I was talking about Dostoevsky with a girl from Irkutsk. My fate was sealed. I would never go for an American girl again. They are quite rustic and they have no insight, experience and knowledge. I was meeting friends on the web and going on Skype with them. I was interesting to them and I became happier knowing true femininity existed. The women here who have the good personalities and are kind tend to be not attractive to me. The women I spoke to overseas had the kindness and were beautiful and also intelligent and honest. The girl I married is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I would never settle for someone I did not consider the best. She showed me films from Polanski that I had never seen and now admire greatly and associate with her. She even knows some words of English I do not. She has an understanding of geography and is much more worldly than the average isolated American gal. Now, I do not wanna critique American women since I have a limited experience. I have met many older women through my work that have all these wonderful characteristics my wife has. I think 9/11 has a lot to do with the death of American culture and the American woman. But, there are a ton of good ones here, just most lack in the looks department and are overweight. I went to a Sprouts in Scottsdale Arizona a week ago and saw a ton of women in yoga pants who I think were attractive? Yet, I immediately interpret them as unappealing cause they have no personality, no deepness in their glance. They seem strange, unintelligent and awkward to me. I prefer real and humble, friendly people, not cardboard cutouts. Keep in mind, there are a lot of these friendly ones in America and even those outwardly dull ones have spirit inside that can be reached. But, it's a lot easier to just meet a beautiful lady from Russia then tame a shrew who lacks in experience and knowledge. If this made sense at all, I commend you for interpreting it right. I dislike most posters here who complain. I actually achieved my goal so I have no complaints. Winston is correct in my view.

Perception of it all- I see women from Russia a lot like women of the states in the 70's. They are calm, and honest. 9/11 was a big game changer socially. Paranoia set in big time. The feminist propaganda here created entities like Megyn Kelly, who is a perfect example of modern woman. Unattractive yet entitled. Her husband is way better looking than her and out of her league. Chris Pratt is a good example of a modern man. Both are completely dull to me though. I feel like Merlin from Sword in the Stone. One big Modern mess here and you can keep it. I found my paradise elsewhere. There is still beauty in the world and beauty in people. Don't settle for a dullard who you have to lower yourself for to get their poor tastes and bad personalities. My brothers are both dating fat chicks. One likes the f***ing Jonas Brothers and the other is one of those " I don't put up with crap" false retard girls who pretends she's from the South when she's actually from Tucson AZ. Not appealing at all. I feel bad for them. My brothers just don't give a shit I guess. My oldest brother loves Dostoyevsky, great literature and good music. How could he date someone who likes the fuckin Jonas Brothers? Do women here have any intellect or taste? Seems like all just watch the Barbie movie and go to sleep unaware they're enslaved intellectually. Had to rant here at the end. I just strongly believe love is the most important thing in life and you should go for someone you can fall head over heels over and can't live without. Lots of men like the movie Transformers so it's not just women here. There are plenty of idiotic men too. I am simply biased cause I am a guy and see it from my pov.
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