Cannot trust American Women...

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Cannot trust American Women...

Post by Enticer »

Before I write this, i'd like to say that my generalization covers probably 90% of AW. I do believe that a small percentage of GREAT women are available here...

My story is a long one....i'll try to be brief....

I grew up trailer trash in rural, PA. My father a drunk then recovering alcoholic with depression. He is Irish, NYC. He married m Panamanian mother when stationed in Panama, in 1964. This Aug they will be married 50 yrs. My mother has always had the mentality of a 10yr old...and a sarcastic, rude mouth. I am an only child. Home life was beyond was like living with two 10yr olds...

I married the first real GF I had. She came from a troubled upbringing. I married trash because I was taught I was trash. She was nuttier than a fruitcake...and did not deal well with men in her life. We were both immature and stubborn...she was spiteful and cheated on me 2 times. I was relieved when we split.

I was single for 2 yrs but desperate for a child and another chance at love. I met a nice girl online nearby and we wed, 18 months later. She came from a good family and was very conservative. Good right? Wrong! She was a closet feminist and spoiled brat. I vowed I'd never marry a city slicker...but did anyway. She had issues I overlooked..trying to dot he right thing and helping her out. Depression and possible bi-polar. We had a series of catastrophic events that made her lose her mind...

1. Off her Meds for 6 months to get pregnant
2. Got pregnant
3. Lost baby at 11 weeks...on her birthday
4. Our dog had pups the same day
5. Ultrasound then DNC
6. 2 months later, pregnant again

She gave birth to my beautiful little boy with no issue....but she had lost her mind and concealed it. She hated me for not "helping her grieve" and moving on quickly. Not being a cold hearted f***er or dumb ass, I took VERY good care of her thru the miscarriage, so to care for her mental health. When my boy was 4 months old, her mother and her plotted against me and moved her into her mothers....and served me with divorce AND allegations of neglect against my kid. The courts laughed her out of court and I got joint custody. I tried for 11 months to help her and our marriage. Content on mommies tits, she refused help or marriage counseling. We divorced. I would have never thought she would have EVER pulled a stunt like that. Trust issues with women hit an all time high with me.

I have dated and f***ed a lot of beautiful women in the past 4 yrs since being divorced. I have studied the mate selection process in depth and am putting together a self-help date coaching website for men. I can date whenever I want...wherever I want. Yet, I am lonely with a deep sense of hopelessness here in the USA...of having a sane and trusting, loving relationship.

I have had 2 semi-serious relationships. One woman...used to break up with me about once a month. After break up #3, I didn't take it seriously and used the opportunity to see other chicks. Her anxiety driven emotional drama drove me further away from AW and trusting women. I loved her but she was going to put me in the grave. The other woman was a trusted partner in my photography biz. She did my photoshop work and graphic design. She was like a weed...always in my business and always poking around in my friends lives, desperate for friends, trying to steal mine away. I had numerous issues with her making trouble. I stopped trusting her. Then, there was an issue and I needed a break. She assumed I left her for another woman...and went on a destructive path. I worked for a company photography kids...she sent an "anonymous" email stating I shot porn on the side, giving them key info that only SHE knew. None of it was true...and she did it drunk...denying it of course. Got me fired. Then, she faked a pregnancy...threatened me with domestic relations, then maybe an abortion then finally faked a miscarriage. Lastly, she tried to strip my entire portfolio that she did work on. Lucky, I had a contract...

We used to lay and talk about crazy people and bad shit people do to others. She used to say..."I'm not crazy" and "I'll never hurt you"....and from one minor issue, she tried to wreck my entire life. I trusted her with my websites, work and secrets....but eventually had been backing off. She betrayed me far worse than even my ex-wife did....

But I had been thinking of a foreign woman for a LONG time. So, here I am....but with even more trust issues than before. There are so many risks. I have dated and slept with a LOT of women but never truly opened my heart to fall in love. I do not know if I could survive another breakup...with the love of my life. Or worse yet...her steal my child and go home to some far away land. I have ONE MORE chance to do this....3 generations of only child curse- my dad, me and now my son. My ex wife I had him with will never have another child. She doesn't even date and is near 40.

I would love a great wife to show the things I know adore and give her a nice life. I'll be posting my concerns for a foreign wife in the Love and relationships section soon. I have pretty much given up on AW. While I do not fully agree with all the opinions here, the overall mindset that the American way is a sociopathic mindset is dead on. I partially include MYSELF in this....but yet, I know I need to change and am aware of it.

I need to stay here but want a foreign woman to come here to be my wife. We'll see if that happens or not...

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