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My Plan to Move Abroad - Xiongmao

What's your story? Discussions your reasons for going abroad.
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Post by xiongmao »

Winston was asking me a few things via email, so I'll post them here for all to see.

Quitting my job?

If you want a hot Asian wife then you need to man up, quit your job and go find her.

My boss thinks I'm doing the right thing for my own life/career. I live about 50 minutes from London, and it sucks the surrounding area dry of anyone with good skills.

What made me make up my mind was going on LinkedIn and finding that every single IT guy I know has a job. Even the terrible ones. Programmers are pretty rare - nobody wants to do that stuff! Especially not C# or SQL Server :roll:. Programming is great but the biggest hurdle is that you need to get some work experience but then you're set up for life.

Anyway, thanks to my lack of interest in buying iStuff, I have enough savings to live in China for a while. For the first year I'm enrolled at a University so that takes care of the visa. As far as living costs go, well I saw a room in an apartment for rent for around $250 a month, sadly it was the wrong side of town for me. University fees are around $2500 for a year. Expensive? Well there's a nifty trick here in that students in China get VERY cheap health insurance so it means my health insurance is about $5 a month! Also campus food is VERY cheap, at say $30 a month.

Plan B if you don't have too much savings is to look for a teaching job. They're not hard to find outside of the major cities, and most give you free apartments.

Plan C if you're in a good career is to find an expat job. They're rarer than they were, but Asia is booming for IT/finance/blah, blah. If you're an aircraft carrier designer or something then I expect they'll roll out the red carpet for you.

Plan D - well Western guys will ALWAYS be in demand in Asia and if all else fails just shack up with a woman and live in her apartment. I'll point out that not all Asian women are poor. Far from it. Money is moving from the USA/Europe to Asia. Chinese women in particular are getting pretty wealthy. Managerial class women in Shanghai make around $20,000 a year - pretty decent cash!

Repressed and Miserable?

So Winston was asking me if China is repressed and miserable.

I think China is great if you don't have to work or have family commitments there. Japan was great for me to visit, but maybe rubbish if you're a salaryman working 9-9 every day then go home to a meek wife who doesn't really love you.

As long as you stay away from politics and don't walk into restricted areas you're fine really. Most people are in awe of foreigners, although the locals don't like the Africans!

Gz people seem so happy all the time. Chinese girls are quite simple really and they're very much conditioned to find a husband and have a cute baby - if you want the same then all is well. It's also a good place to go for p4p although you need to be a bit more careful with the law. I did find it strange that my government run hotel was packed with beautiful hookers though (and I mean VERY beautiful). Nothing makes sense in China.

Yeah, Chinese girls are often haughty and rude but Cantonese girls are around the mildest. My last gf was really mild and I've still never argued with her. Hubei or Sichuan girls are quite fierce. On the other hand Chinese girls seem quite loyal once they're married. Filipinas seem quite loyal as well, they just want loads of babies. Russian or Western women, well they're just terrible at keeping their knickers on.

To Guys Thinking About Getting Asian Wives

My 2nd Chinese gf's friend married a fat Asian guy and went to live elsewhere in Asia (not Taiwan Province). She wasn't bad looking, and certainly better than the guy could have hoped for in Japan. All men will do better in China than they can at home!

Her other friend married an American, and again he got way more than he ever could have hoped to attract in the USA. I know they've got a baby as well now. No doubt their kid will be an A+++ student and go on to be a doctor, lawyer etc. etc.

I've got many, many un-met girls on my QQ. I didn't even get to visit any of the Shenzhen girls I was talking to last year. One sent me 100 crying emoticons on QQ!!!!!! I feel sorry for her, I really need to find her a husband. She speaks no English but her legs are astounding.

There's also another girl I webcammed with - she is VERY hot - I saw a load of sexy photos on her QQ blog, then she blocked my access! She's been on CLL for years, I don't know what she wants, well maybe she's a hooker. I will go and visit her, she must surely have literally 1000's of hot friends.

It is *very* easy to meet girls in China. I only went to Gz twice, but I have more friends there than I do in the UK. Imagine how big my network will be once I start chatting to the people on my course. Plus I've started growing a network of expats out there. My last Chinese gf was chatting to the shop assistants in her neighborhood, and half of them wanted foreign husbands! Oh, and the girls in the noodle bar were gossiping about me, I found that out as well :shock: !
I was Happier Abroad for a while but Covid killed that off.
Fed up with being foreveralone.jpg? Check out my comprehensive directory of dating sites.
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Post by Jacaré »

Very nice XM! All the man my friend and please keep us updated on how it goes. Also, there is really no need to stay in a cheap Chinese uni dorm with other Chinese students when you can easily get a nice apartment in the Tianhe district (best area of GZ) for about 5-600$/month if you sign a 1 year lease. I would recommend you stay in the Tianhe district as that's not only the best area in town but also where all the expats are and this is huge there specially for networking since most of those staying in that area are there for business and not the cheap backpackers or broke English teachers. You want to surround yourself with the right crowd. Oh and listen to what Tim and Nick from the have to say. These guys are killing it there and are some of the nicest and most down to earth blokes you'll ever meet. Enjoy my friend and can't wait to join you in GZ later in 2013!


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Post by xiongmao »

Yeah, I'll post updates as they happen.

Tianhe is OK but I'm primarily going to find a wife, and my location will be better for that, because I tended to find most ladies wanted to meet me in the old city.

Also the air should be better in Baiyun, and I'll be able to get a bigger apartment. I'm not planning on staying on campus, unless I can get a good room in exchange for teaching. Knowledge of the Chinese higher education scene is *very* valuable for me, because I've spent most of my career working in higher education and I'll be hugely in demand if I went back to work for a UK University. The pay at these places is pretty good and when I reach retirement age I'll be enormously pleased with my decent pension plan!

Finally I'm not really into the expat scene - I guess that comes from going to Spain on holiday as a kid and seeing all the British enclaves of people who didn't like to mix with the locals.

I'm still not sure what I'll do in Gz, but I've been working continuously for 10 years, so I owe it to my health to chill a bit. I do want to put some good stuff on my resume, as the job market should be booming again when I return to the UK.

My latest eBook sold its first copy overnight so I was pleased about that. Google have shafted Winston and I, and this eBook doesn't need Google traffic to reach buyers. I've also decided to do a website for one of my Chinese contacts - it might make money, and more importantly it's a good one to show potential Chinese clients.
I was Happier Abroad for a while but Covid killed that off.
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Love Chinese girls? Read my complete guide to Chinese dating.

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Post by Jacaré »

Nice XM! What's the name of your ebook? and what's your site? I'm curious to check it and if it's something of interest to me (if it's anything on China or Chinese women or doing biz in China) then it sure will be of very high interest to me, then I'll gladly buy a copy.;)

Agreed with you that getting into the Chinese market of creating better sites is a very lucrative one if done properly. Good luck!

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Post by xiongmao »

Nah, I haven't got any women eBooks, this one is a guide to what to do if you get banned by AdSense.

I made a site about Chinese women but Google fell out of love with it and it doesn't get much traffic.

Anyone who is on LinkedIn hit me with a pm and I'll add you to my network. I already spotted one Gz job on there today (for a Math teacher). It's a great site for networking.

I'm fed up with building websites that make $0.50 a day. I've actually just remembered I'm a hugely experienced C#/SQL Server guy and so I'm going to continue with this side of my professional life.

Incidentally, nobody else in the world seems to have noticed this but if you want to be a kept man then just go on LinkedIn and network with those hot Chinese female executives!

STOP PRESS: I've just re-initiated contact with a VERY hot Cantonese girl I didn't manage to meet before. I chatted to her on webcam last year, and honestly I was totally spellbound. She's a good dresser and has an incredible chest. She's really friendly again which is a good sign :shock: . I don't know if she'd be interested in any of us, but she should have millions of friends of friends to meet :oops: .
I was Happier Abroad for a while but Covid killed that off.
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Post by xiongmao »

OK I've found a new home for my fish tank of tropical fish. That was the biggest complication for my selling all my stuff and going to China.


I'm still on track to be in China in February 2013.

I feel fairly calm about everything, although I'm sure I'll wake up one night and think OMG I quit my job and I'm going to move to a hot hell hole of a city. LOL.

Actually I guess I'm not worrying too much, because I knew that this is something I had to do, and it's a perfect time of my life for me to be doing it.

In 2013 I hope we see a lot less whinging on this forum, and a lot more guys getting off their asses and going to see if they would also be Happier Abroad :).

Oh, and I have a feeling I might finally see Winston IRL - if he won't come to my Province, then I'll come to his!!!
I was Happier Abroad for a while but Covid killed that off.
Fed up with being foreveralone.jpg? Check out my comprehensive directory of dating sites.
Love Chinese girls? Read my complete guide to Chinese dating.

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Re: My Plan to Move Abroad - Xiongmao

Post by Shawn Steven »

Hi just read your thread, if you are planning to buy tickets online from UK to any other destination then first you must visit pia flight because they offer good savings on their tickets

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Re: My Plan to Move Abroad - Xiongmao

Post by Stranton »

Shawn Steven wrote:
September 7th, 2020, 1:32 am
Hi just read your thread, if you are planning to buy tickets online from UK to any other destination then first you must visit pia flight because they offer good savings on their tickets. Last year when I moved to Spain to Playa de San Juan in Alicante, I used Pia Flight. By the way, it is awesome here. In case you are thinking about moving from the UK I guess that Spain is 1 of the best options available out there.
Why don't you like the UK? I thought that in terms of living standards and safety it is one of the best places out there at the moment.

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