"Rock with Winston" in Taiwan: Updates and Photos

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Post by momopi »

Rock wrote: 2. Low birth rates also mean people are responsible. They tend to only have children they can provide a good life too. Some of our favorite Latin American and Caribbean hotspots are full of huge families, teen moms, and street kids who beg, steal, and mug.
Responsible means using birth control so you don't have to get an "oops" abortion. In TW there are more abortions than live births.

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Post by Rock »

momopi wrote:
Rock wrote: 2. Low birth rates also mean people are responsible. They tend to only have children they can provide a good life too. Some of our favorite Latin American and Caribbean hotspots are full of huge families, teen moms, and street kids who beg, steal, and mug.
Responsible means using birth control so you don't have to get an "oops" abortion. In TW there are more abortions than live births.

Well this point is controversial. But I tend to lean towards agreeing w/abortions vs. having children you aren't prepared to have. Maybe I will change on that position tho, I'm still wavering on it.

I remember reading something in one of those Freakanomic books about how crime rates dropped dramatically 15 years or so after abortion was liberalized in parts of the States. Cus moms who are forced to have babies they don't want tend to raise monsters.

Yes, most responsible behavior is to abstain. Cus I personally know of several cases where birth control efforts failed. Condoms break and other methods short of surgery are not fail proof.

Many countries richer than Taiwan have a lot of delinquent unwanted youths causing all kinds of mayhem. In Taipei, most kids and youngsters I see are well looked after and relatively well behaved. And I don't think they are spoiled like a lot of those new generation brats on the mainland. Whatever caused it, I feel very comfortable around Taiwan youths and have a lot of respect for them and they way they tend to behave in public.

The abortion question is complex for me and I'm still on the fence. Perhaps at some stage, I will come to see it as a type of infanticide. Most ethical solution is abstinence until marriage. But a lot of people do not like living under such control.
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Post by xiongmao »

This thread is meandering. All we need is to find Winston a wife. Somebody who will get him to leave his parent's house once in a while!!!!
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Post by Winston »

Taiwan must be an anomaly then. I've never heard of a country where only people in the big capital city were friendly and had a good vibe, but not in the rest of the country. In every other country, people down south are usually friendlier than in the north. This is the case with every country I can think of.

If Taiwan is an anomaly, then you must be too. lol

A Taiwanese American girl I'm talking to who hates Taiwan said that most foreigners she sees in Taipei only befriend other foreigners. She does not say anything positive about Taipei like you do. But has many negative things to say that make it sound far LESS friendly than you do.

Taipei may be more cosmopolitan than the rest of Taiwan. But the body language there is still typical Taiwanese. You can't escape Taiwan by going to Taipei.

I don't see how it would be easy for Falcon to get a girlfriend in Taiwan in a few weeks, as you say. As you and Momopi admitted, Taiwanese girls are not easy. If they were, there wouldn't be so many foreign brides imported. And it wouldn't be so damn hard to get them to meet up. Can you get the two that I met on OkCupid to meet up? If not, how are they easy? lol

How would Falcon just get a girlfriend within a few weeks exactly? You don't even know what he looks like. What if he came and was disappointed that what you said didn't come true? Would you apologize to him, or make up some excuse? lol

If I had never been to Taiwan before, would you also tell me that it would be easy for me to get a girlfriend in Taiwan in a few weeks? lol It's as easy as picking them up in a store right? lol

In reality, Taiwanese women don't like approaching strangers. They strongly prefer to meet guys introduced to them by their trusted friends. I'm sure you know that. That's the way things work in Taiwan. Thus, if no one introduces you to a great girl, you are out of luck. That's what I hate about conservative cultures.

If you try to make things happen with girls that they are not comfortable with, it will feel like you are walking upstream, not with the flow. I'm sure some can get girls in Taiwan without introductions, but even then, the process feels like walking upstream.

You can't just walk up to them and say "Hey what's up?" Even the German guy told me that talking to strangers in Taiwan is hard for sure.

Sure couples have sex in Taiwan. But that doesn't make them not prudish. Their body language is still cold, passionless, robotic, and they do not flirt. They are also fearful the way that deer spook easily and cats startle easily.

Cats have sex too. But most cats who don't know you are not approachable, nor will they let you touch them. In that sense, cats are similar to Taiwan girls. lol

I even see ugly or fat guys with girls in Taiwan everywhere I go too. Anyone can come here and see that. But the thing is, those ugly guys are Taiwanese in mind, body and personality, which makes them compatible with Taiwanese girls. None of us here are like that. We are foreigners essentially, which means we aren't like them.

I am pretty sure a Taiwanese girl prefers a guy who is similar to her and is Taiwanese in every way, even if he's ugly, than a guy who is different from her and doesn't fit into Taiwan.

So it isn't about looks. It's about COMPATIBILITY. An ugly guy who is compatible with her has a better chance than a handsome guy who is not compatible with her. Right?

What this means is that just because ugly fat Taiwanese guys get girls, doesn't mean that any random ugly fat foreigner can come in and get the same girls too. Right?

Btw Rock, I been meaning to ask:

Do you have some kind of anti-matter vortex around you? lol. I mean, some of the stories you tell seem to defy logic and common knowledge fact. It's as if you are surrounded by exceptions and anomalies that don't follow the norm. lol


- You mentioned that your French tenant scored many one night stands from clubs in Taipei, even though he wasn't good looking. Yet other white guys I asked said that they could not get one night stands and that girls in Taipei resisted pick up attempts and look down on them. They also said that it was HARD and unlikely to get laid on the same night you meet a girl at a club.

- Monkro doesn't make sense for many reasons. He is East Indian. Everyone I know says that East Indians are not liked here at all. They are discriminated against and their race is not desirable here. They should not be able to get a job or a girlfriend here. They are treated like crap here. Thus, Monkro should not be thriving in Taiwan at all. Yet you claim he is. In theory, that cannot be. How weird and anomalous.

I've also never heard of an East Indian guy who liked to cold approach girls, or even had the guts to do so, or was even good at it. So that is yet another anomaly. It's not in Indian people's nature to cold approach women. They are not like Italian guys. They are usually too humble and modest to do such things. And even if they did, they would not be good at it as they are not considered desirable by women, especially White and East Asian women. Thus, in theory, Monkro should not get any results from his cold approaches.

So how can Monkro have two anomalies attached to him that defy common sense logic and knowledge? The odds of this are overwhelming and do not follow logic.

Why do you seem to be surrounded by anomalies Rock? lol. Is there some type of antimatter vortex around you that attracts anomalies or that flips conventional patterns upside down? lol

If so, maybe I should hang around you more often to flip my luck upside down? lol

Do you think that Falcon can just walk into Taiwan and become an anomaly too? lol

Do all your experiences Rock, differ from the majority? Are you in agreement with the majority on anything? lol
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Post by Falcon »

Winston wrote:How would Falcon just get a girlfriend within a few weeks exactly? You don't even know what he looks like. What if he came and was disappointed that what you said didn't come true? Would you apologize to him, or make up some excuse? lol
Both you (Winston) and Rock already know what I look like, as I've already sent you guys some pics. I still don't know what Rock looks like though. :P

If I have no luck dating the local women, Rock wouldn't have to apologize, of course. I'll have lots of fun trying out all the great night market food, seeing my relatives, and meeting up with you guys. Rock has already told me beforehand by PM that Taiwanese women really aren't easy to get, though they're supposedly better-quality women. Even a Cantonese friend of mine has recently told me that Taiwanese and South Korean women are THE hardest of all Asian women. He even said that if you can get Taiwanese women, then you'll be able to get any girl from anywhere (just like how some people say that if you can memorize Chinese characters, then you can memorize anything)!

Just look at the unbelievable contrast between the women in this thread, and the women in the Filipinas thread. There's no way you could imagine those Filipinas ever saying apologetic nonsense such as "bu hao yi si 不好意思". You'd expect stuff like "papi pogi!" instead, haha.

Since we've all agreed that there's no way Taiwanese women are easy, let's ignore the attainability issue for now. The question should now be, "Are they worth it?"

(1) So Rock keeps talking about how those hard-to-get Taiwanese women can often be "high-quality." Other than looks, what would make Rock think they're "high-quality"? Is it something about their personalities or interests? Momopi has already said that many Taiwanese women he had dated are actually "fruit baskets" (not right in the head). See viewtopic.php?t=12439 and viewtopic.php?t=8007

(2) And Rock, what were your (and Monkro's, etc.) romantic relationships with Taiwanese women like (whether short-term or long-term)?

(3) How passionate would you say they are? Momopi's opinion is that they're hot in private and cold in public. It would be great to get Monkro's viewpoint, and your other friends' viewpoints too.

Last edited by Falcon on January 24th, 2013, 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by odbo »

Winston wrote:We all had a good time. When we all went home at 3am, Rock tried to get my date to go to my hotel with me, since his date told him that her friend does do one-night stand with guys from clubs. But she preferred to go home instead. Then, in a last ditch effort, Rock asked his date to try to bargain with her and offer her money to sleep with me. At that, they were offended, and quoted me a price of 10,000NT, which was over $300 USD! I guess even ugly Taiwanese girls think too highly of themselves. lol. (See what becoming Westernized does to women? Even ugly girls think they are hot sh** and worth a lot. lol) Rock was surprised and told me that she wasn't even attractive enough to ask for that much.
Winston wrote:While she kept falling down drunk, I caught her to stop her from falling, and in the process, managed to cop a few feels on her hot legs. hehe
Class all the way as always! :lol:
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Post by Rock »

Falcon wrote:
Winston wrote:How would Falcon just get a girlfriend within a few weeks exactly? You don't even know what he looks like. What if he came and was disappointed that what you said didn't come true? Would you apologize to him, or make up some excuse? lol
Both you (Winston) and Rock already know what I look like, as I've already sent you guys some pics. I still don't know what Rock looks like though. :P

If I have no luck dating the local women, Rock wouldn't have to apologize, of course. I'll have lots of fun trying out all the great night market food, seeing my relatives, and meeting up with you guys. Rock has already told me beforehand by PM that Taiwanese women really aren't easy to get, though they're supposedly better-quality women. Even a Cantonese friend of mine has recently told me that Taiwanese and South Korean women are THE hardest of all Asian women. He even said that if you can get Taiwanese women, then you'll be able to get any girl from anywhere (just like how some people say that if you can memorize Chinese characters, then you can memorize anything)!

Just look at the unbelievable contrast between the women in this thread, and the women in the Filipinas thread. There's no way you could imagine those Filipinas ever saying apologetic nonsense such as "bu hao yi si 不好意思". You'd expect stuff like "papi pogi!" instead, haha.

Since we've all agreed that there's no way Taiwanese women are easy, let's ignore the attainability issue for now. The question should now be, "Are they worth it?"

(1) So Rock keeps talking about how those hard-to-get Taiwanese women can often be "high-quality." Other than looks, what would make Rock think they're "high-quality"? Is it something about their personalities or interests? Momopi has already said that many Taiwanese women he had dated are actually "fruit baskets" (not right in the head).

(2) And Rock, what were your (and Monkro's, etc.) romantic relationships with Taiwanese women like (whether short-term or long-term)?

(3) How passionate would you say they are? Momopi's opinion is that they're hot in private and cold in public. It would be great to get Monkro's viewpoint, and your other friends' viewpoints too.


1. I sure as hell don't agree that Taiwanese are the hardest of all Asian women unless they've changed dramatically over last few years. I did exchange at Chinese Uni in Hong Kong and felt the HK gals were much harder to get for us whities. None of us got anywhere with them except for one dude who had a one night stand on the down-low cus she didn't want it known. And one of my classmates was a Taiwanese guy who felt that not only were Taiwan gals much nicer to their bfs but they were also much less materialistic. During all the time I've been in HK, I only got to date one local and she just was a quasi local (Canadian HK girl).

2. Yes I have a good enough idea of what you look like from your photos. You are 6 ft, slim, and tame looking in a good way. At 20, you are old enough but still very young. Nobody is going to get creeped-out or scared by you unless you really act weird. Worst case for you will be that some gals might see you as a younger bro, esp. if they are older than you, a lot better than being seen as a guai shu shu 怪叔叔. Sometimes the older gals will introduce you to their younger sisters or friends. And sometimes gals w/bfs will introduce u to their cute and available classmates :). You are educated, Mandarin speaking, multi-lingual, and even have some musical ability. Momopi has gotten gfs here on short visits. Monkro got a gf here within a couple months and now has a new one in the pipeline. And he doesn't even allow me to help him directly. Most western guys I know of here don't have problems getting local gfs here when they want including Gits who strangely seems to in more agreement with Winston as of late.

To make things even better, you don't seem to be that picky based on photos you've shown me. So if you and I were to go out and about in Taipei and you pointed out girls who interested you at first glance, I could go up to them and sell you in my own way. There are various ways to do this depending on how open you are and whether or not you wanted to be visible when I first approached them. I would feel comfortable doing this because you told me you are not just looking for something casual. If I did say 20 such approaches in a day, I'm pretty sure we could swing you some strong leads. Within days, you would have a nice pearl list. If you decided you wanted a gf and didn't get obsessed with the wrong girl (that one who just wasn't in to you or already had a bf), you could achieve your goal in a very short time. You are not a westerner so I've never quite been in your shoes here. But then again, neither is Momopi. To put it directly, I do think some Taiwanese girls would be easy for you to obtain as a gf. So I don't entirely agree with "Since we've all agreed that there's no way Taiwanese women are easy"

One more thing. You gotta get over the body language hang-ups and minding such phrases as 不好意思 or the general reserved nature of Taiwanese with strangers. I don't mind it myself cus personally, I am often like that too and used to be much worse. Break through that thin shell which can be done as long as you are qualified.

3. By high quality, I mean girls who look good but are also educated, often down to earth, into healthy activities, not materialistic, giving to those they are close to, easy to talk with and fun to hang-out with, and loyal. BTW, if this is what you like, I would avoid the clubs and concentrate on universities, bookstores, and certain daytime shopping and hang-out areas.

4. The best relationships I've had so far in my life have been with Taiwanese women. The women Monkro has dated have treated him well. He is happy here as you will find out if you ever talk to him or meet him. I still maintain a strong friendship with my last ex and often see a 24 yr. old sweet nurse who I find to be very cute. BTW, I just got back to Taipei yesterday but will leave again before Chinese New Year.

5. Passion varies from girl to girl. They are not Brasileiras or Domicanas. But some are surprisingly hot behind closed doors (perhaps 20-30%), even some who initially appear shy, reserved, and/or nerdy. Many others, esp. those without much experience, are willing able to adjust to the man's preferences if you two are close enough.
Last edited by Rock on January 24th, 2013, 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rock »

odbo wrote:
Winston wrote:We all had a good time. When we all went home at 3am, Rock tried to get my date to go to my hotel with me, since his date told him that her friend does do one-night stand with guys from clubs. But she preferred to go home instead. Then, in a last ditch effort, Rock asked his date to try to bargain with her and offer her money to sleep with me. At that, they were offended, and quoted me a price of 10,000NT, which was over $300 USD! I guess even ugly Taiwanese girls think too highly of themselves. lol. (See what becoming Westernized does to women? Even ugly girls think they are hot sh** and worth a lot. lol) Rock was surprised and told me that she wasn't even attractive enough to ask for that much.
Winston wrote:While she kept falling down drunk, I caught her to stop her from falling, and in the process, managed to cop a few feels on her hot legs. hehe
Class all the way as always! :lol:
Hey you make a good point and funny as always! But consider, Winston was so desperate. I was just trying to help him out. He really needed to get laid, lol!
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Post by Falcon »

As always, great numbered lectures, Rock! :D (None of which seem to make Winston happy, hehehe.)

I know that my parents would be absolutely delighted if I found myself a Taiwanese girl. They also want me to be with someone who is at least middle-class and college-educated. They've always been somewhat worried about me with all those Latinas, although they've gotten more used to it over time. My explanations about having trouble dating in the US make almost no sense to my mom ("What are you talking about, there are tens of thousands of girls at your school!"). My parents don't actively discourage me from dating Latinas, but they keep trying to pressure me towards dating Chinese-speaking women. My mom keeps telling me things like, "中國/台灣女孩子比較好" (Chinese/Taiwanese girls are better), "你為什麼不找中國/台灣女孩子" (Why aren't you looking for Chinese/Taiwanese girls), or "怎麼老是找墨西哥人?" (Why are you always going out with Mexicans?). All of my cousins or siblings have only dated Taiwanese, and occasionally mainland Chinese, so you can see how much of a black sheep I am in my family.

Nevertheless, this is mostly amusing to me, and only mildly annoying. But if I really were to date Taiwanese women, I wouldn't try to let parental pressure become a major influencing factor.

I did exchange at Chinese Uni in Hong Kong and felt the HK gals were much harder to get for us whities. None of us got anywhere with them except for one dude who had a one night stand on the down-low cus she didn't want it known.
Taiwan has always enjoyed a much closer relationship with the US than Hong Kong does, so they've always been much friendlier to Americans and American culture. As Momopi has said, Cantonese people are also known throughout China for sticking strongly to their own kind (intense cliquishness).

At 20, you are old enough but still very young. Nobody is going to get creeped-out or scared by you unless you really act weird. Worst case for you will be that some gals might see you as a younger bro, esp. if they are older than you, a lot better than being seen as a guai shu shu 怪叔叔. Sometimes the older gals will introduce you to their younger sisters or friends. And sometimes gals w/bfs will introduce u to their cute and available classmates . You are educated, Mandarin speaking, multi-lingual, and even have some musical ability.
Very young - in fact, that's one problem for me in the US. I've gotten lots of complaints from US women that I'm too young, and that they're "interested in older guys." For whatever reasons, young US women would much rather prefer the more "mature" guys in their late 20's. But in Latin America, my age is actually perfect dating, and marriageable, age. I've gotten quite a few marriage offers in Mexico from various women and/or their families. 8)

Even women in the US are never actually "creeped out" by me, unlike many other guys my age who can oftentimes be perceived as "weird" or "awkward." I can easily get acquainted with US women, but not easily date them, due to the various reasons already discussed here on HA.

As for Mandarin skills, Momopi and I chatted entirely in Mandarin when we met up in OC, without either of us struggling; I could do the same with any Taiwanese girl. How well could Winston hold a conversation in 100% Mandarin? Mandarin speaking skills do make a huge difference.

So bottom line: I will put Taiwan on my list, and put all my preconceptions of Taiwan and Taiwanese people on hold. Winston, Rock, and Momopi each make great points and observations, so I'll be sure to take them all into consideration for a more balanced view.
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Post by Rock »

Falcon wrote:As always, great numbered lectures, Rock! :D (None of which seem to make Winston happy, hehehe.)

I know that my parents would be absolutely delighted if I found myself a Taiwanese girl. They also want me to be with someone who is at least middle-class and college-educated. They've always been somewhat worried about me with all those Latinas, although they've gotten more used to it over time. My explanations about having trouble dating in the US make almost no sense to my mom ("What are you talking about, there are tens of thousands of girls at your school!"). My parents don't actively discourage me from dating Latinas, but they keep trying to pressure me towards dating Chinese-speaking women. My mom keeps telling me things like, "中國/台灣女孩子比較好" (Chinese/Taiwanese girls are better), "你為什麼不找中國/台灣女孩子" (Why aren't you looking for Chinese/Taiwanese girls), or "怎麼老是找墨西哥人?" (Why are you always going out with Mexicans?). All of my cousins or siblings have only dated Taiwanese, and occasionally mainland Chinese, so you can see how much of a black sheep I am in my family.

Nevertheless, this is mostly amusing to me, and only mildly annoying. But if I really were to date Taiwanese women, I wouldn't try to let parental pressure become a major influencing factor.

I did exchange at Chinese Uni in Hong Kong and felt the HK gals were much harder to get for us whities. None of us got anywhere with them except for one dude who had a one night stand on the down-low cus she didn't want it known.
Taiwan has always enjoyed a much closer relationship with the US than Hong Kong does, so they've always been much friendlier to Americans and American culture. As Momopi has said, Cantonese people are also known throughout China for sticking strongly to their own kind (intense cliquishness).

At 20, you are old enough but still very young. Nobody is going to get creeped-out or scared by you unless you really act weird. Worst case for you will be that some gals might see you as a younger bro, esp. if they are older than you, a lot better than being seen as a guai shu shu 怪叔叔. Sometimes the older gals will introduce you to their younger sisters or friends. And sometimes gals w/bfs will introduce u to their cute and available classmates . You are educated, Mandarin speaking, multi-lingual, and even have some musical ability.
Very young - in fact, that's one problem for me in the US. I've gotten lots of complaints from US women that I'm too young, and that they're "interested in older guys." For whatever reasons, young US women would much rather prefer the more "mature" guys in their late 20's. But in Latin America, my age is actually perfect dating, and marriageable, age. I've gotten quite a few marriage offers in Mexico from various women and/or their families. 8)

Even women in the US are never actually "creeped out" by me, unlike many other guys my age who can oftentimes be perceived as "weird" or "awkward." I can easily get acquainted with US women, but not easily date them, due to the various reasons already discussed here on HA.

As for Mandarin skills, Momopi and I chatted entirely in Mandarin when we met up in OC, without either of us struggling; I could do the same with any Taiwanese girl. How well could Winston hold a conversation in 100% Mandarin? Mandarin speaking skills do make a huge difference.

So bottom line: I will put Taiwan on my list, and put all my preconceptions of Taiwan and Taiwanese people on hold. Winston, Rock, and Momopi each make great points and observations, so I'll be sure to take them all into consideration for a more balanced view.
I tend to agree with your parents but am very biased. Perhaps you have a Latino soul kind of like Winston feels European inside. But at the end of the day, you are still Chinese. Same race is generally the easiest and lowest risk solution for NE Asian guys. And I think an urban Taiwan gal generally a much better choice than an urban Chinese gal for an 1.5 Gen or 2 Gen Chinese/Taiwanese American. You should make this distinction even if your parents do not.

I met an American friend years ago in Colombia. He was looking for a wife and had been a penpal to northern middle class Chinese gal for over a year. But he was more into the Latina look. So he was meeting gals in Bogota and Cali. He started dating a hot 19 year old and wanted to get serious with her. But I warned him that the gal was a high risk as he was very short and much older. I pushed him towards the equally young Chinese girl who I even spoke with on phone a few times. Fast forward, he ended up marrying her and they are still together now with two kids. But she is a controlling overbearing type who he is not happy with. He's just totally into the daughters so in a way he's happy and a way he's not. If he'd gone for the Calena, I'm pretty sure she would have used him and divorced him in the States. So was my advice good for him - in a way yes but in a way no. Perhaps he would have been better off with a third option.

Anyway, let's stop all this hypothesizing. Aren't you planning to come to Asia? Get your ass over here and let's just do this. Just make sure I'm gonna be in town. The proof is in the pudding. And it seems you look mature for your age so don't be concerned about being too young. In many parts of Taipei, the girls you see out and about tend to be late high school to early 20s. Same age is fine with them. Being western bred and educated can give you a mature, sophisticated, and mysterious air anyway if you play it right.
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Post by Falcon »

Not exactly "Latino soul," but that I've simply gotten far more used to Latinas rather than Asians because Latin America is far closer and cheaper to get than Asia is. If Asia were right next to the US, then I would have been dating the Asian women across the border. Keep in mind that in my case, it's not really a preference of Latinas over Asians, but actually non-US Latinas over Americanized Asian women.

Rock wrote:Anyway, let's stop all this hypothesizing. Aren't you planning to come to Asia? Get your a** over here and let's just do this. Just make sure I'm gonna be in town. The proof is in the pudding.
Right on. Advice taken, hypothesizing now done with. I've already bought my plane tickets to Asia.

Winston, you're next! :wink:
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Post by Winston »

I didn't know you were only 20. You are pretty bright for a 20 year old. You do have a chance in Taiwan, but you'd have to act innocent and conservative, because that's the social culture here. Taiwan is not an "anything goes" type of environment. People are uptight and stiff here.

You said you told Taiwanese girls that they were pretty before. Where was this?

You also have to take into account that every source that I know related to Taiwan, from the smartest to the dumbest, all unanimously admit that Taiwanese girls are not comfortable with cold approach, don't like talking to strangers and only like to meet guys through their trusted friends.

You can even ask my wealthy retired uncle in Silicon Valley who is a Lockheed engineer and whiz in Calculus, which means he is very accuracy-oriented. Even he admits that Taiwanese girls aren't approachable to strangers, as well as Momopi.

You said your parents are Taiwanese right? Why don't you ask them if cold approach works in Taiwan? lol. If you do, you'll see that they will say the same thing as everyone else.

So if you don't have anyone to introduce you, how are you going to meet Taiwanese girls? Why can't Rock or Monkro introduce you to girls the old fashioned way? lol

Finally, why don't you test what I say and what Rock says by going to free dating sites and writing Taiwanese girls? There are many Taiwanese girls on free dating sites such as DateinAsia, OKCupid and Plentyoffish. If you write them and gauge their response, you will see what they are like for yourself, even before going to Taiwan.

Did you see what I wrote earlier:
I even see ugly or fat guys with girls in Taiwan everywhere I go too. Anyone can come here and see that. But the thing is, those ugly guys are Taiwanese in mind, body and personality, which makes them compatible with Taiwanese girls. None of us here are like that. We are foreigners essentially, which means we aren't like them.

I am pretty sure a Taiwanese girl prefers a guy who is similar to her and is Taiwanese in every way, even if he's ugly, than a guy who is different from her and doesn't fit into Taiwan.

So it isn't about looks. It's about COMPATIBILITY. An ugly guy who is compatible with her has a better chance than a handsome guy who is not compatible with her. Right?

What this means is that just because ugly fat Taiwanese guys get girls, doesn't mean that any random ugly fat foreigner can come in and get the same girls too. Right?
What do you think of that?

Finally, according to Rock, 99 percent of guys who come to Taiwan love it and score a decent girlfriend, except for a few oddballs like me. Do you buy that?

If so, how do you explain the mountain of data I presented from many people who agree with me and see the same problems and negative qualities in Taiwan, including on this forum?
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:Falcon,
I didn't know you were only 20. You are pretty bright for a 20 year old. You do have a chance in Taiwan, but you'd have to act innocent and conservative, because that's the social culture here. Taiwan is not an "anything goes" type of environment. People are uptight and stiff here.

You said you told Taiwanese girls that they were pretty before. Where was this?

You also have to take into account that every source that I know related to Taiwan, from the smartest to the dumbest, all unanimously admit that Taiwanese girls are not comfortable with cold approach, don't like talking to strangers and only like to meet guys through their trusted friends.

You can even ask my wealthy retired uncle in Silicon Valley who is a Lockheed engineer and whiz in Calculus, which means he is very accuracy-oriented. Even he admits that Taiwanese girls aren't approachable to strangers, as well as Momopi.

You said your parents are Taiwanese right? Why don't you ask them if cold approach works in Taiwan? lol. If you do, you'll see that they will say the same thing as everyone else.

So if you don't have anyone to introduce you, how are you going to meet Taiwanese girls? Why can't Rock or Monkro introduce you to girls the old fashioned way? lol

Finally, why don't you test what I say and what Rock says by going to free dating sites and writing Taiwanese girls? There are many Taiwanese girls on free dating sites such as DateinAsia, OKCupid and Plentyoffish. If you write them and gauge their response, you will see what they are like for yourself, even before going to Taiwan.

Did you see what I wrote earlier:
I even see ugly or fat guys with girls in Taiwan everywhere I go too. Anyone can come here and see that. But the thing is, those ugly guys are Taiwanese in mind, body and personality, which makes them compatible with Taiwanese girls. None of us here are like that. We are foreigners essentially, which means we aren't like them.

I am pretty sure a Taiwanese girl prefers a guy who is similar to her and is Taiwanese in every way, even if he's ugly, than a guy who is different from her and doesn't fit into Taiwan.

So it isn't about looks. It's about COMPATIBILITY. An ugly guy who is compatible with her has a better chance than a handsome guy who is not compatible with her. Right?

What this means is that just because ugly fat Taiwanese guys get girls, doesn't mean that any random ugly fat foreigner can come in and get the same girls too. Right?
What do you think of that?

Finally, according to Rock, 99 percent of guys who come to Taiwan love it and score a decent girlfriend, except for a few oddballs like me. Do you buy that?

If so, how do you explain the mountain of data I presented from many people who agree with me and see the same problems and negative qualities in Taiwan, including on this forum?
Winston, I meant to say this before but didn't get the chance. I have found that in person, you are a lot more timid and Asian about saying the wrong things, offending people, or getting into debates with locals or other foreigners. You don't like me to openly talk about your movement, it's angle on USA, being happier abroad, etc. Online, you are a tough guy but in person you seem to care a lot about what others might think. You are kinda like a timid Taiwanese guy, lol.

As an out-of-the-box type, you should know that achieving results often requires breaking social norms and being creative. Who cares about comfort. Comfort zones are for people who wanna maintain the status quo which means dateless for many. Some of my ex-gfs were not comfortable at first when I initially approached them. So should I have held-back to make them more comfortable but never get a chance at meeting them? There is a sweet spot where you can be polite and break no laws while disturbing people in an acceptable way. Sales people do this all the time. Fortunately, western foreigners are given even more wiggle room because they are not expected to understand all the local norms. Plus, many Taiwanese still seem to erroneously believe that westerners are more open and might approach a stranger of the opposite sex in their own country.

Why don't you take a survey. Go interview like 100 western English teachers (a decent sample size) and see what percentage of them sometimes date local girls or have local gf? That type of information would be much more relevant to my assertions than your so-called mountains of qualitative data. If the percentage is significant - say over 30%, what would you say to that? At minimum, it would mean that 1 out of ever 3 of them manage to date these impossible to approach gals even tho they started from scratch. And I suspect the percentage is much higher.

As for online dating, I don't think I've ever advocated that as a means for meeting gals here. Perhaps some of the local language ones would be good but probably nothing in English. The international sites really only seem to work well for certain poorer countries.

I've offered to take Falcon around Taipei and help him get a real shot and getting a local date or gf of his liking withing a short period. I believe he brings a decent package to the table as far as many attractive local gals are concerned so in spite of the discomfort my approaches might initially create with some, I believe they would lead to good feelings in the slightly longer term.

And speaking of comfort zones, why don't you get out of yours so you too can have a shot at being HA again?
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Post by Winston »

Being tactful and being timid are totally different things. My tactfulness is a calculated move. When you meet a girl you like, the last thing you want to do is turn her off or say controversial things. You know that right? So why are you more tactless than me? Being calculated is not being timid. You aren't making sense.

This has nothing to do with being timid. Just because I'm a nice guy doesn't make me timid. I get into arguments and fights all the time, even with that old British guy when I told him he didn't know shit about history since he didn't have common knowledge. He was offended but I stood my ground.

You saw me in Angeles City and Manila and how I aggressively approached many girls, flirted with them and even touched and rubbed them. In AC, I am allowed to be like that, allowed to be me. But not in Taiwan. You gotta blend in. In Rome, you do as the Romans do. If you were invited to visit an aristocratic family, then you adopt their manners at the dinner table. This is common sense, not being timid. So what you said is not true or logical.

Why are dating sites a bad way to meet Taiwanese girls?

And how can a capital city be friendlier than the rest of the country? That's unprecedented and unlike the rest of the world.
Last edited by Winston on January 25th, 2013, 8:05 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by xiongmao »

Comfort zones - well it looks like I got my China visa, so in around 3 weeks I'll be on a plane and ready to move so far out of my comfort zone it's unreal!

I'll gladly show anyone around Guangzhou if they're in the area. I'll hopefully have 4 hours of classes a day, so that leaves 20 hours free!

Some English teachers date locals, but some get no action at all. The problem is that Asian women have learnt to be wary about English teachers - 1 bad teacher spoils the reputation of every single English teacher. Also of course an English teacher is not a high status individual compared to expat businessman or foreign man visiting Asia who has a good job back home. Asian women are conditioned to find a good provider for their kids - it's as natural to them as it is for them to eat baby octopuses and other weird foods.

Online dating is OK but the best girls aren't on dating sites. Hot older women are rarely computer literate and they wouldn't know how to use a dating site, or even a computer. And for younger girls, there aren't any girls on dating sites as hot as the waitresses or shop assistants you see everywhere in a place like China.

I don't know why you guys are even bothering with Taiwanese dating. There's a reason HK guys get their brides from over the border on the mainland!!!

Chinese guys think Chinese women are spoilt princesses though, so they seem to be going to Vietnam for their women.
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