What are German/Swiss women like?

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Post by Taco »

I've met some German women and I never got a good vibe from them, they seem fairly arrogant. My understanding is, when German men want a good woman they just drive accross the border to the Czech republic.
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Post by terminator »

Feminism has reached both Germany and Czech Rep - but their laws aren't as anti-male as the USA. E.g. if a bitch calls the Police on her husband, they don't arrest him unless she is in hospital. Which is how it should be,
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Post by Banano »

GERMANY is poised to reinstate an old law banning sex with animals after a sharp rise in incidents of bestiality — and even the pimping of farm animals.

The country's parliament is due to debate changes to the national Animal Protection Code this week, with the agricultural committee of the Bundestag pledging fines of £20,000 for a first offence.

Bestiality dropped off the statute books as a crime in 1969 but in recent years incidents of it have mushroomed along with websites promoting it.

There are even "erotic zoos" for perverts to visit and abuse animals ranging from llamas to goats.

Hans-Michael Goldmann, chairman of the agriculture committee, said the government aimed to forbid using an animal “for individual sexual acts and to outlaw people ‘pimping’ creatures to others for sexual useâ€￾.

But pro-zoophilia campaign group ZETA — Zoophiles Commitment to Tolerance and Enlightenment — vowed to challenge any ban on bestiality.

Chairman Michael Kiok said: “Mere concepts of morality have no business being law.â€￾

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ... z2Dr3JJfHz


This sums it up, German men prefer shagging goats over their women...think they are step ahead of Americans, they skipped PUA bs

but law is catching up
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Post by Robert77 »

I live in Switzerland (the french part)

stay away from english speaking expats in Switzerland (THERE ARE PLENTY)....

tons of successful, in their 30's career women from the anglosphere here bitching because they can't find a man who'll conform to their demands and needs. (and their demands and needs are all about pretty much having a male slave on whom they can go psycho on because their lives feel empty, a male slave who will give them presents, spend tons of money on them and kiss the ground they walk on because they're successful white english speaking women who go to the gym, have a great career and still don't have children despite the fact they're in their 30's) to put it nicely, they're the typical bitches from hell you used to have back home, now they're just expats!

The only way to go it's local

so if you're in the italian speaking part, it will be like dating italian women (they're high maintenance and money loving)

the german speaking part, it's like dating german women (they're eco-nazis, cold, reserved ice princesses that will scream at you for not recycling that paper bag you just threw away)

and the french part, well you guessed it (like dating french women, very shallow in their relationships, most likely doesnt speak english because she's not interested in anglo culture and think you're just a ridiculous tacky american or an uptight british clown eventhough you might be from australia)

I have to say however Swiss women are thinner, much more educated, nicer and more cultured than American women..... (I still take a Swiss woman over an American woman any day) A BIG PLUS ABOUT SWITZERLAND IS THAT IT IS EXTREMELY MULTICULTURAL, SO YOU CAN HAVE WOMEN FROM PRETTY MUCH ANY COUNTRY YOU WANT.... FRESH OFF THE BOAT WOMEN FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, FROM EASTERN EUROPEANS, TO AFRICANS TO LATIN AMERICANS TO ASIANS, YOU NAME IT.... WOMEN FROM ALL OVER. Switzerland it's like 25% immigrants... so plenty to choose from if you're willing to go beyond the english speaking expats and mingle with a wider number of people.

The big problem is for the american, australian, canadian, uk women though..... if they live in Switzerland they're often overeducated women.... see what I wrote above.... and the only males who'll put up with them is manginas from the anglosphere..... here they are at odds with swiss italian charlatans.... they are at odds with cold reserved unemotional swiss german men, and the swiss french guys being french will be too self absorbed to put up with them.....

so anglo bitches are left with the men inside their expat community who tend to know better and who will stir away from them unless they're the classical anglo-magina, but in Switzerland those types are all taken by their fellow expat anglo bitches, so anglo women here are left with the masses of immigrants but they wont go there because overeducated anglo bitch from hell and poor immigrant dude from poland, russia, portugal, brazil, china or africa simply have nothing in common)......

for expat men is easier though.... an expat english speaking male doesnt have as many issues if they have to date a fresh off the boat beauty who works as a waitress at a restaurant for example.... I've seen british doctors in switzerland dating very nice working class girls from poorer countries who work in switzerland as waiters, or nannies or whatever.
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Post by OzGuy »

Robert77, well said. Switzerland is like a buffet of foreign women from all over the world. I have met german, russian, italian, spanish, ukrainian, portuguese, thai, turkish, french, polish, bulgarian, norwegian, hungarian and romanian just in one city! The variety of women here is unbelievable.

Stay away from any of the anglo bitches... as you said they are now getting a taste of their own medicine, because swiss/german guys won't give them the time of day. In fact many anglo women here (and in Germany) often complain about not being approached by men here. They are so used to being hit on by guys on a daily basis from their home country, and now suddenly nothing. Now they know what it feels like to be a man.
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Post by djfourmoney »

OzGuy wrote:Robert77, well said. Switzerland is like a buffet of foreign women from all over the world. I have met german, russian, italian, spanish, ukrainian, portuguese, thai, turkish, french, polish, bulgarian, norwegian, hungarian and romanian just in one city! The variety of women here is unbelievable.

Stay away from any of the anglo bitches... as you said they are now getting a taste of their own medicine, because swiss/german guys won't give them the time of day. In fact many anglo women here (and in Germany) often complain about not being approached by men here. They are so used to being hit on by guys on a daily basis from their home country, and now suddenly nothing. Now they know what it feels like to be a man.
Anglo women get the short end in alot of places...

Most men won't put up with their bullshit. That said there some reasonable women abroad from UK/US/NZ/AU/SA, just be cautious, stop looking at their boobs and listen to what's coming out of their mouths.

Its funny you say German men aren't aggressive. I've said this many times and have backed it up with proof. Western men, especially American men are highly prized in other parts of the world. Bitchy ass men don't seem to understand it and this America first nonsense has to stop.

I am so tired of talking about it, I wanna do it and my return to (maybe) Europe is coming up very soon.
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Post by djfourmoney »

jamesbond wrote:
Andrewww wrote:I once asked this german girl who was a tourist in Montreal what does she look for in a guy ? She said that she likes assertive guys who are not afraid of approaching women and from what I gathered German men are very passive. They are pussified workaholics who don't approach women. So I can see why a Westerner who is actively looking for a girlfriend in Germany will have no trouble finding one.
You are 100% correct. I have read forums where countless women from the UK, US, Canada and Australia who have moved to Germany say, "how come men here don't approach me?"

There was one girl who said she was very good looking, 26 years old and from Orange county California who moved to Germany recently. She said that no men in Germany have asked her out or even flirted with her. She goes to bars and clubs and still no men show her any interest. She has even hinted to guys at her job that she just moved to Germany recently and does not have a boyfriend. Her job is 98% men and she still can't get a date!

She said that living back in California, she never went 2 months without a date and always had guys asking her out. In fact, when she would go shopping, a lot times guys would ask her for her phone number. Also back in the US, guys would always flirt with her when she was out in public.

Nothing like this has happened in the one year she has lived in Germany. What's funny is that this girl did somthing SHE NEVER HAD TO DO IN THE US, SHE ACTUALLY ASKED A GUY FOR A DATE! Here is the best part, THE GUY TURNED HER DOWN, HE TOLD HER HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND! :P

This girl said that SHE FEELS INVISIBLE TO MEN IN GERMANY! Now she knows how men in America feel, they feel invisible to women!

It's poetic justice what this woman from America is experiencing in Germany. If I can find the forum where this conversation is located, I will post it so all you guys can read it.
It might have been Toy Town Germany there's a similar thread on there.

The best part is that German women are aggressive with you in return. If they have mutual interest they will show it...

German women are not exactly prudish either.
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Post by E_Irizarry »

djfourmoney wrote:
OzGuy wrote:Robert77, well said. Switzerland is like a buffet of foreign women from all over the world. I have met german, russian, italian, spanish, ukrainian, portuguese, thai, turkish, french, polish, bulgarian, norwegian, hungarian and romanian just in one city! The variety of women here is unbelievable.

Stay away from any of the anglo bitches... as you said they are now getting a taste of their own medicine, because swiss/german guys won't give them the time of day. In fact many anglo women here (and in Germany) often complain about not being approached by men here. They are so used to being hit on by guys on a daily basis from their home country, and now suddenly nothing. Now they know what it feels like to be a man.
Anglo women get the short end in alot of places...

Most men won't put up with their bullshit. That said there some reasonable women abroad from UK/US/NZ/AU/SA, just be cautious, stop looking at their breasts and listen to what's coming out of their mouths.

Its funny you say German men aren't aggressive. I've said this many times and have backed it up with proof. Western men, especially American men are highly prized in other parts of the world. Bitchy a** men don't seem to understand it and this America first nonsense has to stop.

I am so tired of talking about it, I wanna do it and my return to (maybe) Europe is coming up very soon.
American men are valued around the world due to "su lealtad", which is Spanish for "their (the man's) loyalty". Why do you think Black men are the "new in-thing" ubiquitously - domestically and abroad?? Women see the hypermaculinity, the hypersensitivity (yeah Black momma knows [how to raise their men to be pro-women SIMPathizers at their] best! You look like yo' daddy...He was an ain't-s.hit n.iggah!), the van-glorification of the thug life (whether the Black man is one or not does not matter).

You do not know how many times I had to dispel to women abroad (mainly in Australia and Canada (go figure: they are part of the Anglosphere)) that I was not:

1) Black
2) into Hip-Hop and Rap at a Whiz Khalifa/Amber Rose-K.Michelle beef/Flip vs T.I.-beef cellular level (I know their names because I listen to Tommy Sotomayor who is an Afro Panamanian whom was raised as a Black man in America).

One time I had cursed out an Indian dude in Pattaya, Thailand that said to me from the outside front of his suit store from afar, "Yo yo yo homie what's good man?"

I walked up to him, and I pulled an ContrarianExpatriate tongue-lashing on him, and he said sorry and stowed away his tail. He probably thought I was a "prado (which is "mulatto" in Portuguese" version of) Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks after I walked away from him..in his mind of course.

After I d.icked down and made one BBW in Bogotá, Colombia c.um, she said, "Ay Dios....Gracias por enviandome mi favorito negrito de los cielos!". (Thanks for sending me my favorite Black man from heaven!)
Even though it was a compliment, my filter was still on, and promptly exhorted, "Nunca me digas eso otra vez! Ya te dije que yo no sea moreno!!" (Don't ever say that again! I already told you that I'm not Black!")

The spread of Rap and Hip-Hop is a mother! :-/

I need to ask Vin Diesel, Cuba Gooding Jr, Sinbad, and Christopher Williams why they think this of me. (Inside joke lol).
"I appreciate the opportunities I have in America. Opportunities that allow me to live abroad." **Smiles** - Have2Fly@H.A. (2013)

"The only way to overcome that is to go abroad to get a broad."
- E. Irizarry (2009)

"MGTOW resilience is the key to foreign residence. You better muthafuckin' ask somebody!!"
- E. Irizarry (2012)

"I rather be ostracized by 157.0 million (27.3% of the US of Gay pop), then to appease 1 feminist." - E. Irizarry (2013)

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Post by aozora13 »


I know what you mean. It has happened to me in other countries too. Usually if a girl form Anglo countries (Australia, UK, Canada) or close to Anglo (like Germany), some people did speak to me that way. However most of the time because I look a little Caribbean like (dad's family is from Jamaica) I am mistaken from someone from West Africa (Ghana, Ivory Coast) I think though most Jamaicans are from Sierra Leone.

Almost like dj4money, I would like to go back to Europe too as although it is not perfect, the life style was good and if I was spending more time in Germany (should have listened to dj4money's advice).
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Post by germanguy »

It´s kind of weird to see so many people raving about German women. I am a German myself and to be honest pretty much every country I have been to has better women. I am in my twenties, living and working in Asia and also married to an Asian woman. I am not sure why people delude themselves into thinking that German woman are somehow better than the average western European/American woman.

German woman have no clue whatsoever how to dress well. Most of them are either downright clueless about fashion or don´t even try to look good. This is especially true for the girls who come from poor families. Many also go for boyish clothes. Looking good/feminine is just not a priority for most German woman.

Germany is heavily influenced by feminism. There are basically no family values left. Well educated women often (about 40%) don´t want children as they prefer to concentrate on their career. Divorce rate is above 50% and rising. Courts screw over men... Just like in the US/UK.

German society is extremely individualistic, even within families there is very little unity. Old people get sent to a retirement home. Children are supposed to get out of the house as soon as possible. Parents are often not willing to support their children and rather want them to make it on their own. On the other side children are not respecting parents and older people in general.

German women love to party, drink alcohol, smoke and do drugs. In fact, a girl not partying frequently is going to be seen as odd. They also have lots of one night stands. Just as it´s the case in the US/UK they usually go for the "bad-boy/thug" types.

They are flawed in so many ways... I am just going to make a list without going into detail:

- not feminine in their looks
- no family values
- too many parties/one night stands
- too much focus on work
- not willing to accept the traditional role of a mother
- often times not willing to get children at all
- most of the better educated ones are wasting their time trying to improve the world (being an environmentalist, feminist, etc.)
- awkward to have a conversation with them, they often try to force their opinion onto you, if you want to hear it or not
- not feminine in their behaviour... there really is nothing feminine about German women at all, many of them take pride in behaving like a boy and being "practical" without typical female character traits. some man may like this kind of attitude, but i find it weird and rather boring.
- not willing to take care of the home, wants to split these duties 50/50 with their husband/bf
- a high percentage of woman is cheating on their man, often times legitimating their behaviour with stuff like "he doesn´t give me attention", "he doesn´t satisfy my sexual desires"... etc. many also don´t seem to know respectable boundaries when they are in a relationship... most will think it´s OK to have several close male friends with which they may or may not have had sex before... another thing is going out partying alone including getting drunk at clubs.

I have been to Colombia, most countries in western europe and some countries in eastern europe (ukraine, romania, czech republic, poland, slovakia, hungary). I am also currently living in Asia and have been to plenty countries in Asia.

Even if I wouldn´t be married I would have almost zero interest in German woman... They are just not offering anything of what I like in a woman.

To be fair, there are a few pros as well:

- they are not as materialistic as american women as Germany offers a lot of social security
- they are pretty easy to get along with, that´s because they are not very feminine
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Post by germanguy »

just noticed ... a similar comment was made by another German on the previous page.

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Re: The truth about German girls (from a German guy)

Post by Adama »

That German Guy wrote:Guys, a word of advice. I don't want to sound patronizing or harsh, but I think I have to straighten out some of the illusions about German girls here.

On the outside most of them look good. They are easy going ect., but inside the last generation doesn't differ from a man a bit. There is nothing "feminine" about them at all. That's due to feminism which is running rampant in the German culture for almost 50 years now. We have a divorce rate of over fifty percent and - like in the US - men get burned in the family courts on a regular basis. Our society also believes in affirmative action and that kinda stuff. Therefore, a lot of women are hired regardless of their professional achievements. On the other hand, a German woman also loves to get "wined and dined" as all women do. So sure, if you behave like a Gentlemen, they will love you for that, but don't think you will get anything in return as in the old days. She won't cook for you are do housework etc. There is a HUGE double standard there. You may ask: Why is he telling this? Well it's a warning Gentlemen! The girls you are meeting via the internet or else have grown up in this environment. Don't be fooled!

You may ask: What does this guy know about German women? My answer is: First of all, I just visited this place by chance and will probably never go to this site again. There is no reason to distrust me. As for my experience. I'm a German (29 yo). I don't want to brag, but I hold two diplomas (law, business administration), a doctorate etc. I earn good money and worked in a lot of different countries. I don't look like a dork, am 1,83 m tall. You see, I'm not a bitter women hater. In fact, there is zero problem for me getting a girl everywhere I go. My last three girlfriends where non-German (all of them Asian). But as a fun fact for you guys out there rooting for German girls. A lot of girls in my country see my level of education and status as "entry level". I don't want to diss anyone, but can you bring that to the table? Do you even speak German? Lately, there was an article in a German newspaper claiming that after a recent poll, German women - on average - are willing to marry a guy, if he makes at least 68.000€/year. For some of us this isn't much, but the average joe will struggle hard to met that goal.

So, please be careful. But if you don't want to listen, find out the hard way... :shock:
I was starting to think I should avoid Germany a few days ago. I had considered buying one of those Eurail passes, but I think I will pass on Germany altogether. Although I must say I do think the Nordic women are the most beautiful of the white races. Maybe Ukraine or Poland will be better. I've never been to either country.
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Post by Adama »

germanguy wrote:It´s kind of weird to see so many people raving about German women. I am a German myself and to be honest pretty much every country I have been to has better women. I am in my twenties, living and working in Asia and also married to an Asian woman. I am not sure why people delude themselves into thinking that German woman are somehow better than the average western European/American woman.

German woman have no clue whatsoever how to dress well. Most of them are either downright clueless about fashion or don´t even try to look good. This is especially true for the girls who come from poor families. Many also go for boyish clothes. Looking good/feminine is just not a priority for most German woman.

Germany is heavily influenced by feminism. There are basically no family values left. Well educated women often (about 40%) don´t want children as they prefer to concentrate on their career. Divorce rate is above 50% and rising. Courts screw over men... Just like in the US/UK.

German society is extremely individualistic, even within families there is very little unity. Old people get sent to a retirement home. Children are supposed to get out of the house as soon as possible. Parents are often not willing to support their children and rather want them to make it on their own. On the other side children are not respecting parents and older people in general.

German women love to party, drink alcohol, smoke and do drugs. In fact, a girl not partying frequently is going to be seen as odd. They also have lots of one night stands. Just as it´s the case in the US/UK they usually go for the "bad-boy/thug" types.

They are flawed in so many ways... I am just going to make a list without going into detail:

- not feminine in their looks
- no family values
- too many parties/one night stands
- too much focus on work
- not willing to accept the traditional role of a mother
- often times not willing to get children at all
- most of the better educated ones are wasting their time trying to improve the world (being an environmentalist, feminist, etc.)
- awkward to have a conversation with them, they often try to force their opinion onto you, if you want to hear it or not
- not feminine in their behaviour... there really is nothing feminine about German women at all, many of them take pride in behaving like a boy and being "practical" without typical female character traits. some man may like this kind of attitude, but i find it weird and rather boring.
- not willing to take care of the home, wants to split these duties 50/50 with their husband/bf
- a high percentage of woman is cheating on their man, often times legitimating their behaviour with stuff like "he doesn´t give me attention", "he doesn´t satisfy my sexual desires"... etc. many also don´t seem to know respectable boundaries when they are in a relationship... most will think it´s OK to have several close male friends with which they may or may not have had sex before... another thing is going out partying alone including getting drunk at clubs.

I have been to Colombia, most countries in western europe and some countries in eastern europe (ukraine, romania, czech republic, poland, slovakia, hungary). I am also currently living in Asia and have been to plenty countries in Asia.

Even if I wouldn´t be married I would have almost zero interest in German woman... They are just not offering anything of what I like in a woman.

To be fair, there are a few pros as well:

- they are not as materialistic as american women as Germany offers a lot of social security
- they are pretty easy to get along with, that´s because they are not very feminine
You two seem very similar. Similar name, similar taste in women. You give more details though. I will say this. If I had not had success in Germany many years ago, life might have been over for me. The experiences there definitely changed my life.

But now I think S.America or E. Eu are for me. I am not attracted to most Asian women, although if there are half a billion of them, there must be one million exceptions that I havent seen.
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Post by germanguy »


This is what feminist German people think about a barbie museum aimed at young girls.

They think it´s sexist and Barbie should be banned....

Now tell me that Germany is a place to meet nice women :lol: :lol:
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Post by aozora13 »


I agree with you and the fact that although the two German posters maybe from Bayern and NordRheinland (not sure), they are correct in that most are not good fashion sense wise and most are definitely crazy. I almost visited some who were actually good in IT. However, beyond the few I saw who was cute but not really attractive (average looking), I realize that divorce rates are high in the country.

I was able to realize through a few relationships that women like a nice, average guy who is smart, works normally and has decent hobbies although it might be dorky,geeky.

Stats to support divorce in Germany:
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