The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races, and Peoples

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The Myth of Equality Between Genders, Races, and Peoples

Post by Winston »

"Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal... If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters."
-- Cato the Elder

Why is America so obsessed with the word "equality"? It's treated like some kind of religion, especially by liberals. You are not allowed to speak out against it. To do so is anathema.

But if you think about it, the word "equality" makes no sense. There's no such thing as equality. Even rocks are not all equal - some are bigger, some are smaller, some are sharper, etc. Even identical factory products cannot all be truly equal, because some of them may have factory defects or anomalies of some sort.

Therefore, the word "equality" has no basis in fact, logic or science. It's just a politically correct word and ideology to appease the masses, especially those who are weak and disadvantaged.

It's one thing to advocate equal rights and protection to people. Or to say that "all people should be equal under the law". A good case can be made for that. However, in actuality all people are NOT equal under the law. We all know that the rich and powerful can get away with crimes and even murder, whereas poor people cannot get away with shoplifting or robbing a 7-11. Even in America, some people are above the law, such the Bush family, Rockefeller family, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, etc. because they work for the elite.

When you canonize words like "equality", it is very nebulous and can be twisted and abused in any way to anyone's advantage. The human mind also tends to assume that "equality" means being "the same". So it's too easy to abuse a word like "equality" or use it to try to demand special rights and privileges that are undeserved.

For example, liberals and feminists claim that "men and women are equal", which is a religion you can't question in America. In doing so, they claim that men and women are equal in power, ability, and in every other way, and therefore be treated as the same, which is ridiculous. Men and women may deserve equal rights under the law. But they are not equal in power or ability. No way. Nor are they the same.

The truth is, men and women are fundamentally different in many ways - ability, nature, instinct, etc. Men are builders and women are nurturers by nature. That's why you do not see teams of women building ships or buildings. Nor do you see men nursing infants or breastfeeding them. To try to make men and women switch roles or undermine all this, is highly destructive to society, and hence one of the reasons why America is such a f***ed up culture and society, to put it lightly.

Thus you cannot treat men and women as the same. Anyone knows this. You can't even make the same jokes around men and women, as women demand more political correctness in your speech than men do. So why do liberals say that they are equal? It makes no sense. And they can never justify or explain this. Yet the myth of male/female equality is a religion in America that you are not allowed to question, which is stupid and baseless.

Consider the following examples. If men and women are equal, then:

- Why aren't there teams of women building ships and buildings?
- Why aren't there men nursing infants and breastfeeding them?
- Why do women always prefer to date or marry men who are taller than them? Why don't they desire a partner of equal height?
- How come female virginity is considered sacred and valuable, but male virginity is not? Female virginity is so valuable, that some female virgins are even able to sell it for a high price.
- How come there are brothels for men to have sex with females, but no brothels for women to have sex with males?
- How come a male knight in shining armor that rescues a damsel in distress can fall in love with her afterward, but a female who rescues a male in distress (like in the movies Tomb Raider, Resident Evil or Aeon Flux) cannot fall in love with him? Isn't it because women are hardwired to desire a man who is stronger than her and can protect her, and therefore if a woman rescues a man, she cannot be attracted to him or respect him? If you think about it, there is something very natural about a man rescuing a woman in distress but something very unnatural about a woman rescuing a man in distress.
- Why aren't there armies of women winning great battles in war?
- Why has there never been a great, or even a good, female general in the army who won great battles?
- Why do only women teach preschool and kindergarten?
- How come if I call a plumber or mechanic, it's always a guy that shows up?
- How come when I get an oil change for my car, it's always a guy that does it?
- How come if a man and woman are alone in a cabin in the woods, and a bear outside makes sounds, the woman does not say to the man, "Honey, you stay here. I'll go outside and take care of that bear."? LOL. Instead, she will ask the man to go out and deal with it. Where is the equality here? If they are equal, then how do liberals explain that? Oh I guess they can't. LOL
- Can I walk up to a mother and say that because men and women are equal, that I can breastfeed her baby just as well as she can? LOL. That would be silly and senseless wouldn't it?
- Can women walk up to construction workers and say "We can build that house just as well as you can, because men and women are equal"? LOL. That would be delusional and false.
- How come NFL football teams don't have male and female members on the teams, since they are both equal? LOL
- If men and women are equal, why doesn't the military put co-ed armies of both men and women to fight together on the front lines? LOL
- What if, during the American Revolution, the colonists sent out armies of women with muskets to fight the British red coats? LOL. Would they have won any battles? Even one? LOL. I doubt it. How would an army of women react to musket balls being fired at them, or cannon balls coming at them? LOLOLOLOLOL ROTF!!! So how the hell can women and men be equal? LOL. It makes no fricking sense!
- What if the Allies during World War II sent an army of "liberated" feminist women to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day? LOL. Do you think battalions of liberated women would have been able to take the beach front? LOLOLOLOLOL ROTFL!!!
- If men and women are equal, then why didn't the greatest generals in history -- such as Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, or Sun Tzu -- put female troops into their army? LOL. Aren't female troops just as capable as male troops? LOL. Shouldn't such great brilliant generals know better? LOL. Why would they miss out on the opportunity to double their army size by adding female troops? LOLOLOLOLOLOL ROTFL!!!
- How come the greatest war treatise ever written, Sun Tzu's "Ancient Art of War" (which is required reading in the US military) doesn't say something like this in it: "Remember this principle: Men and women are equal. So don't neglect using female soldiers in battle. They are just as good and capable as male soldiers. A wise victorious general will utilize both female and male troops. Adding female soldiers will double your army in size and power. To neglect using female soldiers would halve your troops and resources, which is unwise." LOLOLOLOLOLOL ROTFL!!! Now, don't you think that one of the greatest military strategists in human history, like Sun Tzu, had a good reason for not writing such stupid statements in his treatise? LOL

You see how totally ridiculous the concept of gender equality is? LOL. It makes no fricking sense at all! Yet this concept is canonized in America as Gospel Truth! You are not allowed to question it at all. It's set in stone in America's "Church of Liberalism". How insane and delusional! No wonder America is so f***ed up. In fact, in America you aren't even allowed to say that men are better than women in anything at all! Go figure.

Now I'm not saying that men are "superior" to women or anything like that. Just that men and women are fundamentally DIFFERENT. They have different roles and functions in society and in the family. And they have different inherent instincts as well. So why deny all that? Why not embrace what's natural? Why are stupid liberals trying to invert what's natural, as though what's natural were an oppressive enemy? That's so stupid and delusional. These liberals are insane and upside down, most likely due to wicked brainwashing and programming. Regardless, trying to invert what's natural, makes them in a sense "evil".

If men and women loved and respected each other, and only chose partners of good moral character, values and kindness, then there would be no need for any "battle of the sexes" or senseless debates about "equality", etc.

The problem is that people tend to twist the word "equality" into meaning "sameness" on every level and in every way. But that is impossible and untrue. The notion of equality, even among men, makes no sense and has no basis in fact. Everyone is different. So why did the founding father say that "all men are created equal"? What did they mean by that? Consider the following:

- Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are not equal to scumbags selling drugs on the street, or to homeless beggars on the street. No way. They are way higher in status and quality, as well as more successful and intelligent.
- Some people are good and some are bad. Some people are intelligent and some are stupid. Some people are beautiful and some are ugly. Some people have power and some don't. Some people accomplish great things and some don't. Not everyone is the same. Nor is everyone equal. Duh.
- Rich and powerful people, such as the Bush family or the Rockefeller family, can get away with anything, including crimes and murders. But poor people cannot even get away with shoplifting or robbing a 7-11.
- What if I walk up to Michael Jordan and say, "I can play on your basketball team because all men are equal"? LOL. That would be silly and laughable wouldn't it? Michael Jordan can kick my ass in basketball, and I can kick his ass in chess. We are not equal, just different.
- A soldier can't refuse to take orders from his general, claiming that all men are equal so he doesn't have to take orders. No way. What if during the American Revolution, one of General George Washington's soldiers told him, "General Washington, you wrote in the Constitution that all men are created equal, so I refuse to take your orders on the grounds that we are both equal." What would George Washington have said to that? LOL
- A lamb can't say to a lion "We are equal". LOL. No way. That would be sheer lunacy and delusional. A lion is far higher up in the food chain than a lamb. A lion could easily tear a lamb apart. In no way are they "equal" except in basic survival needs.
- Is Albert Einstein equal in value and intelligence to some stupid teenage punk working at McDonald's with tattoos all over his arm? LOL. No way.
- Can I say to Paris Hilton that "You and I are equal. I'm just as beautiful as you are. I can be in any magazine that you can."? LOL. Of course not. But she is not my match in intellect either. The fact of the matter is, we are different and are valued in different ways. Duh.
- Opinions are not all equal either. Some opinions are sensible, rational and well thought out. Others are just plain stupid and moronic. So no, not all opinions are equal. Some opinions are just plain wrong too. For example, if I say that 2+2=4 and another person argues that 2+2=5, is his opinion equally valid with mine? LOL The fundamental flaw in voting and democracy is that it assumes that everyone's opinion carries equal weight, which is not true. Some people are stupid and should not vote. Only people with IQ's above 100 should vote, for they are more likely to make wiser choices and are not as easily duped.

So you see, there is no such thing as "equality". It seems that the word "equal" is just a politically correct word and ideology designed to appease the masses. It has no basis in reality, logic or science. Notice that only the lowest class people like to use that word, as well as angry liberals looking for special rights. Successful people don't usually use that word. Nor do brilliant people or wealthy upper class people.

Frankly, the word "equal" sounds communist. Ants may be equal, but not humans. People cannot function like ants do. There's no such thing as equality as it applies to humans. So why is that stupid word so popular in America? Why is it canonized so religiously? America is so full of lies and bullshit.

Simply saying that "all men are created equal" doesn't make it so. America is a divided class society with the biggest gap between rich and poor in the world. Clearly, all people are NOT equal in America. It's time America became honest and stopped parroting myths like equality, which doesn't exist.

People's opinions are not all equal either. Some people are smart and wise, while others are stupid and foolish. Not all opinions are equal. Yet the fundamental flaw in democracy is the assumption that all opinions are equal or equally valid. But this is not true. For example, if I said that 2+2=4 and someone else said 2+2=5, his opinion does not carry equal weight because it is plain wrong.

I think stupid people should not be allowed to vote. Only people with IQ's over 100 should be allowed to vote, for they are far likelier to make wiser choices and are not as easily duped. This may sound unfair, but it'd be far better for society if this were the case.

Instead of teaching fictitious words like "equality", America should be preaching love, harmony, cooperation, social connection, true friendship, camaraderie, inclusiveness, kindness, virtues, good moral values, etc. People should be trying to build real communities where neighbors connect with each other and become close, rather than isolate themselves from each other.

Furthermore, if I think that some people are better than others, that's my right. I have a right to my opinion. It's not right to try to force me to say that all people are equal and the same. For me to say that would be lying. So why should I be forced to lie in the name of political correctness? What right do liberals have to subdue my honesty? Can a liberal explain this to me rationally?

Liberals don't make sense. They act like angry irrational people and are not down-to-earth. They want to force everyone to agree with them. They want everyone to pretend to be colorblind and say that everyone is the same and equal. They don't care about honesty. If they had their way, we would all have to lie, because the truth is, we all like some people more than others. And we all think some people are better than others. So to enforce politically correct terms like "equality" would be an infringement on free speech and an act of forcing everyone to lie too.

Why do liberals want us to lie? Why do they think they can force everyone to think something that they don't? Why do they place no value on honesty? It's very stupid and unrealistic.

Anti-discrimination laws are very illogical. It's one thing to pass laws to protect people and minorities from being harmed. Ok I'm down with that. But you can't pass laws that force people to only have politically correct thoughts and opinions. Come on now. That's stupid.

Humans will always discriminate. You can't force someone not to discriminate. That's unrealistic and would be forcing them to lie and be dishonest. People always have opinions, and employers have a right to hire who they want. You can't force them to pretend to be colorblind, or to think that all people are the same, or not to discriminate. Why try to force them to think something that they don't really think? It's not even going to work. So this rule of "no discrimination allowed" is stupid, dishonest and a myth.

Also, the government has no right to tell employers that they can't discriminate in who they want to hire in their own business. Even if they tried, it wouldn't work anyway. An employer can still discriminate under anti-discrimination, they just can't be honest about it. So if they wanted to reject someone based on color, sex or age, they will just give them a polite excuse (e.g. We found someone else more qualified).

Hey, what about free speech? Why isn't discrimination covered by free speech? How hypocritical.

Why is America so fake? Why can't it be more real?

"I am most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of "Women's Rights," with all its attendent horrors, on which her poor feeble sex is bent, forgetting every sense of womanly feelings and propriety. Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to "unsex" themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection. I love peace and quiet, I hate politics and turmoil. We women are not made for governing, and if we are good women, we must dislike these masculine occupations."
-- Queen Victoria, 1870
Last edited by Winston on October 13th, 2014, 1:39 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by RickyRetardo »

The very idea that "All Men Are Created Equal" is so ludicrous that not even the men who wrote it actually believed it. Else they would not have kept slaves.

Many people are not born with the right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness by their creator, either. Some people are simply born into circumstances that will either kill them, imprison them, or prevent them from achieving happiness no matter what they do--that's just their fate.

We are not equal, even at birth.
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Post by Winston »

Yeah human beings can't be all equal because they are all different. The only things that are equal are identical factory products on the shelf. lol

So the word "equality" as it applies to humans makes no sense. Only the poor and underprivileged like that word, because they can use it as a tool to move up.

Class societies exist for a reason. If someone doesn't fit into a class, they should go down to be with their own class. Like fits with like.

The "we are all equal" myth in America is baseless and without any foundation. It's just a delusion to appease and pacify the lower class masses.

Also there is no basis to the notion of men and women being equal. None. Zero. Even the Bible does not say that. Yet it's a religion in America. Go figure.
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Post by matthewcoury »

that statement by Queen Victoria is very telling of what america has become....i decided to do something interesting...i went through my facebook and looked at all the girls who were in my list to see how many that werent married were single....over 90% of them....what does that tell you? the feminist mantra that "it is a good thing if you dont need a man" has been taken so literally that these girls all american btw, have decided they hate men so much they would rather not even have a man.....what an insane statement "its good if you dont need a man" that is completely unnatural....i have even had women tell me "you shouldnt need a woman to make you happy" of course you should! you will be EXTREMELY unhappy without romantic companionship from the opposite sex....these girls are hurdling their feminist mindset onto us now, expecting us to be just like their unnatural selves......time to move overseas
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Re: Debunking the myth of equality between genders and peopl

Post by matthewcoury »

Winston wrote:"I am most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of "Women's Rights," with all its attendent horrors, on which her poor feeble sex is bent, forgetting every sense of womanly feelings and propriety. Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to "unsex" themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection. I love peace and quiet, I hate politics and turmoil. We women are not made for governing, and if we are good women, we must dislike these masculine occupations."
-- Queen Victoria, 1870
so i posted this quoate from Queen Victoria on Facebook....this is the response i get from an extremely conservative christian woman i know "nasty sauce. such a beautiful name such an ignorant mind." really??? so even these women here who claim to be politically conservative still support femenism.....also notice the term "nasty sauce". women will try to use clever little terms like this to play psychological warfare on is absolutely astounding to me......there is absolutely nothing that Queen Victoria said that is not true....but even in this america today women who claim to be political conservatives do not want to hear the truth
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Re: Debunking the myth of gender equality and equality itsel

Post by Winston »

Another important point about the myth of gender equality:

If men and women were equal on every level, then societies would have discovered this thousands of years ago. The fact that they didn't, speaks volumes. Obviously the reason they didn't, is because men and women are NOT equal in reality. Even among men, all men are definitely not equal.

Does America think that it somehow is the first to make the discovery that men and women are equal? LOL. Man what a delusional country and culture.

None of the greatest minds in history every said that men and women were equal. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo DaVince, Einstein, Tesla, etc. all knew that men and women were very different. None of them said they were equal or the same. So America is a total moron. America is at the top when it comes to self-delusion and bullshit.

If you want to stump a liberal, ask them this: If men and women are equal in every way, then how come virtually all women prefer men taller than them? Even liberal American women do. And in fact, American women tend to be particular about this. Why don't women want men who are of the same height?

This stumps them every time, because the notion of gender equality is nothing but bullshit and lies with no logic or basis behind it.
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Re: Debunking the myth of gender equality and equality itsel

Post by shiro2142 »

The women's lieration movement is basically a rebellion against traditional and arguably natural gender roles such as raising children. Consequently women either put kids in abusive day care centers (terrible environments according to my memory) or they have no children at all, instead focuing on a career.
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Re: Debunking the myth of gender equality and equality itsel

Post by hammanta »

If you want to stump a liberal, ask them this: If men and women are equal in every way, then how come virtually all women prefer men taller than them? Even liberal American women do. And in fact, American women tend to be particular about this. Why don't women want men who are of the same height?
I have a highly feminist female "friend" and I asked her a similar question. Keep in mind this girl has been thrown around like Jamie Chung in a Pretoria shanty town. We got on the topic of feminine qualities and she got very upset about my notion of what I expect a female to do and act (I.e feminine hygiene, feminine job, more traditional values, etc.) She thought the notion was preposterous to say the least and believes a woman should be allowed to act exactly like a man and that I should accept her for who she is. I said no problem but good luck finding a man to have you.

I then showed her two pics. One was of Gerard Butler shirtless and the other was of some overly skinny and pale guy, long hair who dressed in drag. I said now which one do you find attractive and would want as a partner? Without hesitation she pointed to Gerard. I said point proven. Men find feminine qualities attractive, women find masculine qualities attractive, though of course there are some odd balls thrown into the mix. So why is it a bad thing to be different?
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Re: Debunking the myth of gender equality and equality itsel

Post by Gadfly »

"Equality" as a political concept was a catastrophic error from the so-called "Enlightenment" era, which itself was catastrophic in many ways.

"Equality" is atheistic and evil. We're stuck with "gender equality" because our societies are secular. IMO restoring sanity back to western societies will require a Christian movement against secularism, and all these other evil, progressivist ideas.
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Re: Debunking the myth of gender equality and equality itsel

Post by shiro2142 »

Gadfly wrote:"Equality" as a political concept was a catastrophic error from the so-called "Enlightenment" era, which itself was catastrophic in many ways.

"Equality" is atheistic and evil. We're stuck with "gender equality" because our societies are secular. IMO restoring sanity back to western societies will require a Christian movement against secularism, and all these other evil, progressivist ideas.
here here. But who will start this, us? I just want to find a good woman.

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Re: Debunking the myth of gender equality and equality itsel

Post by Winston »

Question for Western Women:

Here's something for you to ponder: If men and women were truly "equal" then why do women always want their male partners to be TALLER, have a HIGHER INCOME and be physically STRONGER? Why don't women seek men of the same height? Think about it.

Also, how come a decent man who is 5 foot 4 inches tall is considered undesirable and too short, but a decent woman who is 5ft4 is still considered normal and desirable? Where is the EQUALITY in that?!

So you see, the whole equality thing is a fallacious MYTH. Even men are not all equal. Powerful men have more opportunities and can get away with more crimes, then regular men can, for example. Equality doesn't exist. The word only makes sense when it applies to mathematics, but not to people, because we are all different.

Consider this: You like some people more than others, like we all do. How is that equal? Well it isn't.

You see, the problem with the word "equal" is that it is often twisted to mean the SAME on every level. Many women will twist the word to mean that men and women are equal in every way. But this is false. We all know that men and women are different. You don't see women building ships and buildings and houses, and you don't see men breastfeeding babies or teaching preschool.

Men and women have different roles and functions in society. They have different natures too, which is what the divine creator intended. Women are nurturers who focus on social harmony, which is why they are bigger on political correctness than men are. Men are warriors, hunters, builders, providers. Thus the two genders are different and have different roles.

So when you say "equal rights", fine, but the problem with it is that that word is too easy to abuse and twist. People tend to assume that equal means "the SAME in every way and in every category". It just ain't true. I'm sure you know that.
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Re: Debunking the myth of gender equality and equality itsel

Post by Jester »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
Furthermore, men are supposed to be physically stronger and larger, as this is what women are genetically and evolutionary drawn towards; their brains still give off the same signals they did in the days of the Mammoth: get a strong, large man who can hunt well and protect me, and bless me with strong sons. You cannot force attraction, it's either there or it isn't.
I don't believe in up-from-the-slime Evolutionism, but regardless, our ancestors SURE DID hunt, kill and barbecue Mammoths. Can you imagine what kind of men our ancestors were? Yes, women want a guy who can "handle things". It could be Conan The Barbarian, it could be (short-guy) Joe Pesci's character in "My Cousin Vinnie".

MarcosZeitola wrote: Short women have all the options tall women have, if not even more: some men are too insecure to date a woman their height or taller, and prefer a noticeably shorter partner. Short women can date both men of equal height, slightly taller or much taller. But they are hard-wired to prefer the tallest and strongest of men.
I think you are spot on that it is the MEN who are insecure. YES, women want height IN THE ABSENCE OF ANYTHING ELSE. Confidence and robust manhood will serve a short man quite well with tall women -- IF the woman concerned is feminine.

Good thing for me that many short guys don't know that.
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Re: Debunking the myth of gender equality and equality itsel

Post by Winston »

Ethan_sg made a great point to me about the myth of gender equality:

"If money determines your status as a man, and politics determines the system that determines your status, surely a man has far more stake in ensuring the equitability, fairness and legitimacy of the system than a woman, who seems to judge a man by his very status no matter the political system. Hence largest consequence of politics is on an individual's socio-economic status, and largest consequence of socio-economic status is on a man. Therefore it is men that have a huge stake in the political system, not women. Men choose the system that is fair. Women choose the man that can provide for them. Nature never creates 2 genders differently so that they have the exact same roles in life. Every species has it's own gender divisions and roles. Equality does not mean sameness. The system that equates equality with sameness is ruining our women and turning them into sexless careerist bitches who no longer need men. That's why developed countries are now sociologically a complete unsustainable mess. "
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Re: The myth of gender equality and equality itself

Post by Winston »

I got a question.

If men and women have equal opportunity in America, then how come you never see any women pilots in the cockpits of commercial airlines? Is it because a female cannot safely pilot a Boeing 747 or 767?

If so then how do liberals explain this since they claim that men and women are equal and the same in every way and in every category? Have they attempted to address this?

I guess in a life and death matter such as piloting a large airline safely, the airlines place safety over political correctness. Lol. They are right to do so of course, but how can they explain this publicly? How do they explain why there are no female airline pilots? Lol
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Re: The myth of gender equality and equality itself

Post by Winston »

Is the concept of "equality" a trojan horse for social and governmental control?

I just realized something about the concept of "equality".

Equality doesn't exist in nature. It's an artificial concept invented for social control and to appease the masses who feel oppressed. In effect, the concept of "equality" is like a TROJAN HORSE. It sounds good to the masses on the surface, especially to the oppressed working class, but with it comes CONTROL, lots of control. Social control, legal control, restriction on free speech, censorship, etc. all in the name of enforcing "equality". It seems to give the government an excuse to impose more control on people and society.

We saw this in the rise of Communism in Russia and China, and with liberalism in America. The Communist Revolution of Russia claimed to stand for equality and social justice, but actually brought a tyranny far worse than that of the Czar. Stalin was the worst dictator that Russia ever had. And liberalism in America brought tons of laws, censorship, political correctness, etc. which took away one's ability to be honest and truthful. It even tried to force employers not to discriminate based on age, race or sex, which is stupid because you can't force people not to discriminate. Laws can't do that. People who want to discriminate will do so anyway, though not openly. And laws cannot prevent that.

Liberals are stupid to think that they can force everyone to not be racist and to be colorblind. That will never work and is unrealistic. You can't force people to be colorblind and pretend that race doesn't exist or doesn't matter and that all races are the same and equal. No way. Gimme a break. No amount of laws or media propaganda can make everyone think that. It's totally delusional. And all in the name of social justice and quality of course.

I don't think liberals know that they are fighting for politically correct censorship. In their minds, they probably think they are warriors fighting for social justice and equality. Everyone in their own mind thinks they are in the right.

So why do people continue to believe in something so obviously false like the concept of "equality"? Why are Americans and liberals so obsessed with that word? If rocks aren't even all equal, then how can people be? I don't get it. It doesn't make sense.

In the final analysis, communism, socialism, and liberalism all seem to result in the same thing - tyranny, lots of government control and the loss of freedom and free speech. So in effect, the concept of "equality" is just a trojan horse for social state control. How come liberals don't realize this?
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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