Droid´s South America report (Ecuador + Colombia)

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Droid´s South America report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by droid »

Hey what's up guys. I've been traveling for a couple of days here, I don't have pictures as everdred, but i'll try to paste some in later on.

I'm in Quito right now (ecuador's capital), i'm kind of delighted by the change from the same old boring FL suburb I was in till last week. Changing your setting is so refreshing, like a brain massage.
I had been here in the past a couple of times but this time around I have more of a global notion about things. One of the things that I want to point out first is that the price levels are insane, many things are way more expensive than in the states, and yet people flock the shops and markets like if nothing. I think there is a huge financial bubble in southamerica, like i was telling starchild the other day, but i didn't imagine it had reached these levels. For me it's Ok, but i cant' imagine what it's like for those outeside the cashflow..
As far as the good stuff goes, there are TONS, and I mean TONS of women 18-35; my eyes are literally sore from seeing so many cute girls, they're not all models or anything, but it's a never ending flow of 5,6,7,8,9s, 5,6,7,8,9s my goodness, unlike bullshit FL. There's at least something to work with. The other thing is that they don't have tattoos! I'm kind of mesmerized.

Notably there´s girls for just about every taste. About 5-10% of the population is white around here so you do see plenty of hot dirty-blonde girls with green eyes, you also see mixed girls, and more native ones. There's something for everyone.

I must mention that this is quite a conservative country and the hot-latin wild-life image does not apply, as the demographics is more unique, it's hard to explain. It's very evident there are more traditional values still present. The women are more demure and proper, and you see them with their parents and-or the 'official' boyfriend. In this sense I dont' think you can monger around much, but rather finding a decent wife here would be pretty damn cool, perhaps guys like hammanta, duende (if he wasn't already married), and even ghost if he de-jaded and started from scratch.
As for myself, I'd love to come back as soon as possible, but I'm still commited to my asia trip, and who knows what'll happen there.

Some of the cliques in the upper scale places seem rathee unpenetrable, it seems you would have to spend a couple months to start building a circle to be introduced to some of the girls. And like I said you'd probably be expected to form at least a semi-formal relationship.
I've been heavily 'eyed' by at least a dozen girls, although I haven't been able to convert that, as I'm with some acquaintances and long-story short I have to stay respectful. I'm also going thru "detoxing" as it's been only a couple days.

Another thing to note is that there is still a de-facto caste-system, with plenty of overlaps of course, but it seems everyone takes their place without resentment (reminds me of China). I'm not condoning anything here just making an observation.

Anyways, It seems every dude can get something here, i see so-so guys with decent looking girls, it's very promising. Although I do spot some occasional tall dudes with three-day beards that raise a red flag, but it might not be a big issue. The supply is the key.

I'm gonna be here for about a week total :( but 'll keep adding to this post in the next few days. I'll be heading to Colombia next, which seems will be a lot wilder.

Excuse the weird writing and spelling as these keyboards here are not the same.

12-8-14 UPDATE***
I've finally updated with pics and links to the albums. Please bear with the lack of editing and grammar as all this' been a tedious task, i'll fix it soon.
Do read read the comments I added on some of the pictures in the linked albums. There's a couple thumbnails of yours truly, I'm sure I'm not what some had assumed lol.
I've wanted to take more pictures of girls but it's hard not to seem a creep when shooting or something. Now I understand Everdred
for not including many female images.

pics https://droid.shutterfly.com/pictures/8

The city is in the middle of the andes so you have huge mountains on the east and west sides.
One interesting thing is that I chatted for about an hour with a taxi driver
and he said things are terrible and that I should not get my hopes up. He said the same misandrist laws
are being implemented here and that men are screwed. He also said women pretend to be traditional but are
disrespectful unfaithful crazies lol he sounded like one of the members of this forum. However I do take his
remarks with a grainf salt since I assume the guy hasn't been to America. More time is needed to explre this place and confirm the reality, i stand by my own observations

pics https://droid.shutterfly.com/pictures/30
This is quite different from quito. I wouldn't really reccomend it, in HA terms,
as ALL the women are overweight, with a tire for a waist unfortunatelly. And being on the
whiter-end does't help me, as they haven't locked eyes with me much at all or been nice, so it's kind of mutual.
This place works perhaps for E.Irrizary, who will hit just about anything Lol, but i can't
bring myself to do that (otherwise i'd be ok in the states).
They tell me very attractive women come out to the clubs at night but i did not get a chance
to experience that. One high end area I visited was the 'plaza lagos' mall on the outskirts, which is a replica of any West Palm Beach or Boca malls,
together with condos on the upper floors and all (food was reasonably priced though,at U$12). There were quite a few hot and well-off girls in there. I thought they might be stuck up
at first but they did check you out. Again taking time to form a circle (as opposed to a one hour brush up) should pay off real well, but for the investment you might as well do it in Quito.

pics https://droid.shutterfly.com/pictures/112
I've spent a few weeks in Bogota and so far the results aren't huge.
Girls here are kind of fugly (lots of "5"s) and there is a percentage of frowning.
I mean it still beats FL by miles, since at least I don't have to see swarms of senior ladies or tat'd up dudes. But it does not compare to Quito.

I did go to some p4p to blow some steam but the only few cute girls were from medellin (or at least they said so). The one I went with was pretty hot and pleasing, probably the best x I've had. Unbelievable.
There are a few places for every ncome bracket, but I could only go to the low end ones fro several reasons (even though I could afford better). That sh*t is not for the faint of heart, as they're located in really shady places, but more than anything I like to saisfy my curiosity. Those areas can be quite a bit worse than that nasty street in Frankfurt (if you've walked through that one you know what I mean).

I've gone to a few clubs but it seems there are cliques of people that know each other already, a noticeable surplus of chumps, and some dont-mess-with-me girls-night-outs (climbing into a taxi, I think we all know that picture).
Also, my local dude-friends are kind of broke so I'm yet to go to upper-scale places, but I'm told those are full of snobs and that it's a waste of time.
I had kind of a break-down since, in the past, I've always ended up with a group of dude-friends going home empty handed, and that kind of repeated here; I've always been in the wrong circles.
I must mention though that you do see quite a few ugly dudes with better looking ladies, so it all points out to it being a time+circle thing. And that good things are doable.

There is an annoyngly large group of liberal/leftist/lesbian chicks (hippie hemp sack and all), especially coming from universities that i find kind of annoying, I'm open minded but not really compatible wit that stuff, so it'sone less point for this city IMO.

Some friends hooked me up with a 38yo lady. I'll try everything once, but it's kind of depressing that I've busted a** for so long professionally, have some dough, I'm not totally monster-looking (as you'll see), and yet I get pushed to "settle". :roll:
I called but she said she was "arranging her son's birthday". I'm not pushing for this, if i'm going to be shamed into this kind of arrangement I might as well do it in America.

Anyhow, as always, it'll be completely up to me. I've talked to a few 7-8 girls on the bus/store (aka "daygame" lol) and they've been friendly and you can make them laugh, but like i hinted, it seems it would take some more time to build some circle to actually get somewhere. Again, not even close to the instant receptiveness I got in china.

pics https://droid.shutterfly.com/pictures/63
This was the place with the highest promise but ended up being kind of a fraud. Contrary to all popular stories, it's not bursting with girls, and they mostly have a tire for a waist (like in guayaquil). It seems there's a pattern and this stuff goes with the elevation,
the lower the elevation the greater the heat, and chicks are darker and fatter (this works for some of you though so don't think i'm a total ass for pointing it out).

It seems all the stories about women throwing themselves at you are kind of manufactured. Guys that said that they had foursomes, rotations, etc, seem to have paid and/or provided plenty of coke I'm finding out. But still, this doesn't explain the lack of beauties here, so that must've been exaggerations too.
I don't think I'm visiting again. You guys can spend one or two days if you're curious.

But like I've mentioned before, apparently looks are not that important anyways around here, as the few hot chicks I've seen are with very average/short dudes. Howver I was told by some guys that those were "prepago" ('prepaid' as it's called around here, wink wink) arrangements, although it seems these were more butthurt opinions more than actuallity.
Hard to tell, I think they were legitimate couples.

There are only a handful of bars here, Actually a couple block only, even though it's supposed to be one of the party hotspots in the country. Kind of dissaponting to see a lot of loose chumps in these places as well, givin plenty of attention to the sub-par chicks.
There are several types of bars, from the American-style beer+talk types (of course no one looks at you either), to reggeaton and e-music dancefloors. But it's mostly a crass crowd that yet suffers the 'head of a mouse' syndrome.

We went to a couple of p4p places to explore but it was kind of lame too, just a few fat chicks, not the glorious stuff we expected (see pics). Luckily I did get 'hooked' to one lean girl, a bit darker but with hot sharp features.
We didn't do the deed but we danced regggeaton and made-out/fondled all night (I was hard as granite lol, it stirred some laughing from those present). At the end she wanted $10 but I gave her $30 since I was so "happy" lol.
Overall a lot of fun; sorry if I shock you but like I said I'll take anything they want to give me lol, i'm just exploring this whole dimension that was missing from my life.

I don't want to sound all negative and must say that there are other things to do and ways to relax of course, but I must emphasize the HA aspects.
We found a very inexpensive hotel in the downtown area for about $30/night, which is not bad at all.

pics https://droid.shutterfly.com/pictures/85
This was the highlight of the excursion and a total surprise. Even though it's just about 30 miles from pereira there is world of difference, it's a bit colder, chicks are somewhat whiter (disclaimer: I'm just being informational), in shape, and there are TONS of them. I experienced rubber-neck syndrome here since you have to turn about every 12 seconds or so Lol.
It's a lot cleaner and the nicer parts of the city are along the ridge of the mountain, with STEEP hills that roll down to the more modest areas. Ther is a cable car that was installed just over a year ago, a very fun ride and you get to socialize a little bit, I had fun breaking the awkward silence as the carts don't have music Lol.
People are more refined and corteous, especially girls resemble those from quito, more refined, nicely dressed and they would check you out.
This city is really a good spot, one guy I was with "opened" a "set" (lol) of three girls in a bar and he got a phone number. It's really doable here. The next day in the same place I approached a group of 5 girls but they were about to leave (they were looking but i had waited too long). Shit but that deed alone is a huge improvement for me.
Dudes are a bit better looking than in other cities (not much) but there are many girls and like I said, looks are not 100% of the deal here, again, the hot girls are with so-so guys so ironically "game" and familiarity applies lol.
I owe you girls' pics, I did not get a chance to snatch any images of them.

pics https://droid.shutterfly.com/pictures/152
this is an intermediate place between Pereira and Manizales in every respect (except it's not really in the middle geographycally)
Downton can be a bit dirty and not a lot of nightlife action but the outskirts and the countryside are real nice.
I don't know if you should put a lot of your time into it; Maybe if you're curious; you can find nice countryside properties
with cabins like the one I show in the pics (about $60/night) they're real nice. And as in evry other city, food is delicious. I particularly enjoy breakfast with scrambled eggs and the whole nine yards.
You can also try several exotic fruit juices that you can't find in the states.

we went to a dancing place (see pics, 85th St x 15th Av) where there were plenty of girls in groups and it felt GREAT, i ended up doing three long dancing sessions with this 19yo girl that, although not a supermodel, was in great shape, and more importantly, had a great attitude. I was in heaven dudes, feeling her breasts against me an her back with my hands, while chatting her up, holy smokes.
It's great when things MAKE SENSE, that is, if the girls aren't that hot but they have an attitude proportionate to that it can be amazing. I for one don't necessarily require a beauty queen as some readers think we demand. No, it's just that things have to be coherent.
Unfortunately I was kind of cockblocked a few times by her group of friends so it was no 'bang' or phone number for me yet; but it was awesome, I'm definitely Happier Abroad right now.
It's taking time but I'm THIS close dudes....

Food in general is regional but you can pretty much find it all in every city. Bakery stuff is real nice, like cheese breads and deep fried "empanadas" etc, as well as fruit juices and fruit salads.

What's next:
Bogota can be a bit cold and girls are not that hot nor that easy it seems; I'm getting a car so I can move to Manizales for a couple months and try my luck, I'll try to build a circle by giving English lessons/tutoring.
This will also be a nice headquarters to travel to Cali and Medellin, and also some of the glaciers, which I've always wanted to visit.
That's it so far...
Last edited by droid on December 8th, 2014, 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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E Irizarry R&B Singer
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

droid wrote:Hey what's up guys. I've been traveling for a couple of days here, I don't have pictures as everdred, but i'll try to paste some in later on.

I'm in Quito right now (ecuador's capital), i'm kind of delighted by the change from the same old boring FL suburb I was in till last week. Changing your setting is so refreshing, like a brain massage.
I had been here in the past a couple of times but this time around I have more of a global notion about things. One of the things that I want to point out first is that the price levels are insane, many things are way more expensive than in the states, and yet people flock the shops and markets like if nothing. I think there is a huge financial bubble in southamerica, like i was telling starchild the other day, but i didn't imagine it had reached these levels. For me it's Ok, but i cant' imagine what it's like for those outeside the cashflow..
As far as the good stuff goes, there are TONS, and I mean TONS of women 18-35; my eyes are literally sore from seeing so many cute girls, they're not all models or anything, but it's a never ending flow of 5,6,7,8,9s, 5,6,7,8,9s my goodness, unlike bullshit FL. There's at least something to work with. The other thing is that they don't have tattoos! I'm kind of mesmerized.

Notably there´s girls for just about every taste. About 5-10% of the population is white around here so you do see plenty of hot dirty-blonde girls with green eyes, you also see mixed girls, and more native ones. There's something for everyone.

I must mention that this is quite a conservative country and the hot-latin wild-life image does not apply, as the demographics is more unique, it's hard to explain. It's very evident there are more traditional values still present. The women are more demure and proper, and you see them with their parents and-or the 'official' boyfriend. In this sense I dont' think you can monger around much, but rather finding a decent wife here would be pretty damn cool, perhaps guys like hammanta, duende (if he wasn't already married), and even ghost if he de-jaded and started from scratch.
As for myself, I'd love to come back as soon as possible, but I'm still commited to my asia trip, and who knows what'll happen there.

Some of the cliques in the upper scale places seem rathee unpenetrable, it seems you would have to spend a couple months to start building a circle to be introduced to some of the girls. And like I said you'd probably be expected to form at least a semi-formal relationship.
I've been heavily 'eyed' by at least a dozen girls, although I haven't been able to convert that, as I'm with some acquaintances and long-story short I have to stay respectful. I'm also going thru "detoxing" as it's been only a couple days.

Another thing to note is that there is still a de-facto caste-system, with plenty of overlaps of course, but it seems everyone takes their place without resentment (reminds me of China). I'm not condoning anything here just making an observation.

Anyways, It seems every dude can get something here, i see so-so guys with decent looking girls, it's very promising. Although I do spot some occasional tall dudes with three-day beards that raise a red flag, but it might not be a big issue. The supply is the key.

I'm gonna be here for about a week total :( but 'll keep adding to this post in the next few days. I'll be heading to Colombia next, which seems will be a lot wilder.

Excuse the weird writing and spelling as these keyboards here are not the same.
Hey f.uck the bulls.hit: when are you going to smash? P4P or the P is free! Smash something x favor! This is not a report until you find a wifey and/or give us meticulous grimey gooey details of getting one of those mujeres arrechas down there. Or open a business or something scientific you noticed down there. You aren't saying anything; it's idle thus far. LOL Droid, you and I are on good terms, but c'mon man, use your time wisely down there. I see why some HA posters hate Will N. Dowd....he was the smash king for a minute on here this site.
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Why do you keep going to ecuador?
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by Array9 »

Do you speak any Spanish Droid? It will help you a lot in SA. If not, this would be a great time to practice.
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by jamesbond »

droid wrote: I'm gonna be here for about a week total :( but 'll keep adding to this post in the next few days. I'll be heading to Colombia next, which seems will be a lot wilder.
Thanks for the trip report and let us know how things go for you in Columbia.

Besides Ecuador and Columbia, do you plan on visiting any other countries on your current trip?

Try to approach some girls when you get a chance and let us know how things go. :D
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by chibolo »

Ecuador is nice. I went to Guayaquil and Salinas back in 2008. I went to a club there and saw lots of very attractive women. It is similar to Peru (where I lived for a couple of years). The main differences I noticed is that Ecuador has more black people, the roads are better and it is slightly cheaper. Food is better in Peru though.
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by droid »

Thanks for the replies dudes.
Sorry, I'm not that fast unfortunatelly, I'm a bit above average looking here but I can't be 'smashing' in less than a week; crap, I come from whacking off to porn in my desolate/hostile FL suburb, and I'm barely loosening up. Also I don't want to get into details but my friends suffered a personal loss here and I can't be playing around.

The girls seem a little bit aloof but I've been mostly hanging out in the high end malls and areas (I hate malls but haven't managed to go other places); although some (since there's SO MANY) have eyed me intensely, like I said. The age-gaps do seem a bit tight and I don't know if I'd manage to get a girl in her 20s here now. Although I look really younger than I am and in shape; I really f*d up by not leaving the US of Americhump earlier, it' so sad.

Anyhow I don't know if their aloofness comes from them being stuck up or from being demure/conservative. Thing is, it doesn't compare to the attention I got in China, that kind of spoiled me.
It's a shame the trip is so short, I'll have to come back. I'll try to see if i can 'pull' something in the few remaining days.
They're f*in cute is all I can say and they're in pretty decent shape, like I said there´s something for every taste, it's absolutely ridiculous. I've even spoted some occasional chinese girls lol!.

I'll also be adding to the OP as I go. I need to register in shutterfly to add some pics.
Last edited by droid on October 31st, 2014, 3:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by droid »

jamesbond wrote:
droid wrote:Besides Ecuador and Columbia, do you plan on visiting any other countries on your current trip?
I'll be done in about a month and then head back to the chump-zone for about a month, to finish my china prepping and other pending stuff, and then head to Guangzhou. This is quite the crossroads lol, I wish I had three more lifetimes.
Last edited by droid on October 31st, 2014, 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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E Irizarry R&B Singer
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

chibolo wrote:Ecuador is nice. I went to Guayaquil and Salinas back in 2008. I went to a club there and saw lots of very attractive women. It is similar to Peru (where I lived for a couple of years). The main differences I noticed is that Ecuador has more black people, the roads are better and it is slightly cheaper. Food is better in Peru though.
Chibolo. We are cool!! But I have to antagonize you a tad: there's better food on the coast of Ecuador (Esmeraldas, Manta (kinda), & Guayaquil) than Peruvian food. Now if you were to say Tarapoto/Peruvian Jungle soul food, then I'd agree with you when it comes to THAT TYPE of Peruvian food being better than Ecuadorian food. LOL I'm just saying.

Quito food is the worst I had in Ecuador. I didn't go to Cuencas; I heard it was ESL haven. So let the perv N. American expats have that city...I try not to do tourist tracking that often.

Tarapoto food & Guayaquil food can rival Nuyorican (e.g. Cucifrito's in NYC) & real Dominican food from the country side hence thicky-thick wasp-shaped Dominican women from the countryside.
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by publicduende »

droid wrote:I'll be done in about a month and then head back to the chump-zone for about a month, to finish my china prepping and other pending stuff, and then head to Guangzhou. This is quite the crossroads lol, I wish I had three more lifetimes.
You're quite the traveller, Droid, well done you. If it ever crossed my mind to (erroneously) bundle you in the same camp as Cornfed and Ghost, I am eating that idea back, raw with no salt and pepper.

If you have time in Colombia, make sure you visit a couple of tier-2 cities. Pereira or Bucaramanga, or Santa Marta up north in the Caribe.
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by chibolo »

E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:
chibolo wrote:Ecuador is nice. I went to Guayaquil and Salinas back in 2008. I went to a club there and saw lots of very attractive women. It is similar to Peru (where I lived for a couple of years). The main differences I noticed is that Ecuador has more black people, the roads are better and it is slightly cheaper. Food is better in Peru though.
Chibolo. We are cool!! But I have to antagonize you a tad: there's better food on the coast of Ecuador (Esmeraldas, Manta (kinda), & Guayaquil) than Peruvian food. Now if you were to say Tarapoto/Peruvian Jungle soul food, then I'd agree with you when it comes to THAT TYPE of Peruvian food being better than Ecuadorian food. LOL I'm just saying.

Quito food is the worst I had in Ecuador. I didn't go to Cuencas; I heard it was ESL haven. So let the perv N. American expats have that city...I try not to do tourist tracking that often.

Tarapoto food & Guayaquil food can rival Nuyorican (e.g. Cucifrito's in NYC) & real Dominican food from the country side hence thicky-thick wasp-shaped Dominican women from the countryside.
Wel it is a matter of taste I guess. I am mostly talking about the seafood (which is the Peruvian specialty). When I was in Salinas I tried Ecuadorian ceviche. It was ok, but Peruvian ceviche is much better IMHO. I was only in Ecuador for a couple of days though so I didn't have much time to try a lot of food. Still, the comida Peruana is considered to be one of the best in Latin America by many so it isn't just me that thinks Peruvian food is great.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on April 1st, 2020, 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by droid »

publicduende wrote:
droid wrote:I'll be done in about a month and then head back to the chump-zone for about a month, to finish my china prepping and other pending stuff, and then head to Guangzhou. This is quite the crossroads lol, I wish I had three more lifetimes.
You're quite the traveller, Droid, well done you. If it ever crossed my mind to (erroneously) bundle you in the same camp as Cornfed and Ghost, I am eating that idea back, raw with no salt and pepper.
If you have time in Colombia, make sure you visit a couple of tier-2 cities. Pereira or Bucaramanga, or Santa Marta up north in the Caribe.
Hey that's very moving duende, also sorry I've been so cynical in the past.
I'll definitely try 'perreira' lol I want to see if it's as good as they say. Also medellin has me really intrigued. Although I hate short stints in cities, as they don't let you relly build anything up longer term.
I'm a bit saddened these last few days since one builds such high expectations and hopes things will happen instantly, but being three days here, three days there sucks. Well, I take that back, they have happened instantly, I should've have some convertion rate with the girls that eye-f me so far. it's just that i still feel that I'd be transgressing, like Winston says (I know, MAN UP!). (By the way, I am fluent in the language).
Any how I'll take anything women want to give me if its p4p, dating, or marriage it's all good, I don't think its mutually exclusive. I'll probably do some p4p later on to loosen up, relieve the blue balls and take it from there.

Right now I'm in 'guayaquil´, but it's quite different to quito. I wouldn't really reccomend it, in HA terms, as ALL the women are overweight, with a tire for a waist unfortunatelly. And being on the whiter-end does't help me, as they haven't locked eyes with me much at all or been nice, so it's kind of mutual. This place works perhaps for E.Irrizary, who will hit just about anything Lol, but i can't bring myself to do that (otherwise i'd be ok in the states).
I'll spend one more day in quito and then I'm off.
Ghost wrote:Thanks for the post, droid. How attainable do you think the white women of Ecuador would be for a foreigner? Did they seem just as feminine and sweet as the brown/caramel women? Did they seem like they would be easy to talk to?
They are non-tat'd and well-mannered, and femininely dressed for the most part, which has enormous value. I don't think they would micro-judge you or that other crap we're used to. But breaking into the cliques might take a bit of time.
They seem a bit aloof but keep in mind I was mostly in the malls, which always suck. I tried to go to some bars but couldn't make it (long story).
Like I was saying, there's quite the caste-system here, and whiter girls are at the well-off end, so you'd need a bit of money to impress them or keep their lifestyle going. Not necessarrily being a millionare, but being able to provide an off-the-lot car and some housing I guess. But I think you could get in return a pretty decent, functional family and in-shape wife (unlike in the chump-zone). I personally don't have a problem with 'hypergamy', I can provide as long as I get some value back.
Again, you'd probably have to invest some decent time building something like this.
Also, even though there is a caste thing going on, being whiter doesn't provide exotic value necessarilly; yes you are called "my lord" (1700's stuff) by servants etc, but that's about it. Not trying to pop any bubble but I'd say this is a long-term place. Definitely worth checking it out though.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by chibolo »

droid wrote: Right now I'm in 'guayaquil´, but it's quite different to quito. I wouldn't really reccomend it, in HA terms, as ALL the women are overweight, with a tire for a waist unfortunatelly.
That's not how I remember it. I went to a disco/club there and it was full of 8+ women. Many of them looked like models.
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Re: Droid´s SouthAmerica report (Ecuador + Colombia)

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Droid what is the purpose of this trip.

To look for long term living, p4p, or sightsee, or for fun?

It seems like you are confused what you want exactly in this trip.

Maybe you should have hit up the dating sites before your trip so you would have a lady friend help you build comfort into the host country.
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