100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

I noticed the gf put "not sure" for wants children and relocation. I wonder if its a bad sign if a girl says she wants or is willing to relocate? Does it mean they just want an easy ticket out? is it a bad sign if she says no she doesn't want kids?

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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by Break the chains »

Is any nationality immune anymore?

I initially thought the OP was just a bunch of insecure entrapment bullshit (and maybe it still is), but it sounds like the Pinays are corrupted? Except maybe for the hardcore Christian types.

But hey if you chase the urban girls then the chances of getting a hussy are pretty high.
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Break the chains wrote:Is any nationality immune anymore?

I initially thought the OP was just a bunch of insecure entrapment bullshit (and maybe it still is), but it sounds like the Pinays are corrupted? Except maybe for the hardcore Christian types.

But hey if you chase the urban girls then the chances of getting a hussy are pretty high.

I just said filipinas but this would apply to most southeastern asian women for sure.
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by WorldTraveler »

90% of the Pinays have multiple Facebook accounts. They may have multiple Tagged accounts too. 90% of them will cheat on you too. I believe 100% will cheat on you the second you leave the country whether you're their boyfriend or not. I would only have a girlfriend in the Philippines if I lived there. Why think you special when there are many other guys she's chatting with?

One girl i knew had several accounts and had a child with at least two different foreigners. Each of her 3 accounts I knew about she used a different name. I wonder if these men even knew her real name? Neither of the men had anything in common with me. I believe she was sponsored, by both of them and probably other men too, because she was attractive and sweet.

@NewLifeInThePhilippines how long do you stay in the Philippines when you visit or are you there all the time? How many men was your GF chatting with on her computer? How many boyfriends did she have? I had a keylogger briefly on my computer, but it quit working frequently. One girl i met was very orgainized and had 12 separate folders for 12 men she was chatting with/dating at the same time. I'm not sure how effective a keylogger a girl's computer is now since they now mostly use their smartphones. Have you ever used one on a smartphone?

If you think she's cheating I'd say 99.9% of the time she is. NewLife after reading all you have to go through to catch your "girlfriend" cheating, I wouldn't think it would be worth the effort. Just accept she's cheating and can you live with it or not.

NewLife and other guys how do you prevent finding cheating girls? Since breaking up with my girlfriend almost 3 years ago, I don't keep in close contact with any girls I meet on my visits to SEA. I will add them to Facebook, but not spend much effort staying in touch.
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

WorldTraveler wrote:90% of the Pinays have multiple Facebook accounts. They may have multiple Tagged accounts too. 90% of them will cheat on you too. I believe 100% will cheat on you the second you leave the country whether you're their boyfriend or not. I would only have a girlfriend in the Philippines if I lived there. Why think you special when there are many other guys she's chatting with?

One girl i knew had several accounts and had a child with at least two different foreigners. Each of her 3 accounts I knew about she used a different name. I wonder if these men even knew her real name? Neither of the men had anything in common with me. I believe she was sponsored, by both of them and probably other men too, because she was attractive and sweet.

@NewLifeInThePhilippines how long do you stay in the Philippines when you visit or are you there all the time? How many men was your GF chatting with on her computer? How many boyfriends did she have? I had a keylogger briefly on my computer, but it quit working frequently. One girl i met was very orgainized and had 12 separate folders for 12 men she was chatting with/dating at the same time. I'm not sure how effective a keylogger a girl's computer is now since they now mostly use their smartphones. Have you ever used one on a smartphone?

If you think she's cheating I'd say 99.9% of the time she is. NewLife after reading all you have to go through to catch your "girlfriend" cheating, I wouldn't think it would be worth the effort. Just accept she's cheating and can you live with it or not.

NewLife and other guys how do you prevent finding cheating girls? Since breaking up with my girlfriend almost 3 years ago, I don't keep in close contact with any girls I meet on my visits to SEA. I will add them to Facebook, but not spend much effort staying in touch.
No you stick the keylogger on YOUR laptop and eventually she will go on it cause its more comfortable and she wont think anything of it. All it takes is one time to nab them. If your there for a 2 week stint it may be hard to get her to do it. But even if they have a smartphone they will eventually log in. If she is always on her phone but never once goes onto your laptop somethign is up and you probably haven't been long enough together anyways if she never did that. Actually my bargirl was suspect of going on my laptop and now I know why, makes me wonder if her previous boyfriend had caught her the same way. But she never let me believe she thought there was a keylogger. The current gf she was suspicious of using my laptop cause her sister was smart and said you can get stuff off the computer or whatever. but she even used it in the beginning.

if you met a dating site girl chances aer slim she will stay loyal when you go home cause its like a job to her. But if you met a girl out at the mall or she wasn't looking for a foreigner i would think your chances are higher. The australian who did my passport there told me he said most are hedging bets out of distrust when you go home but he knew a few who were loyal. So yeah you really have to live there probably to build rapport enough. but then again if you can't trust her when you go home then why bother marrying her.

The first girl was a bargirl so you know how that is. Surprisingly she never had a long term sponsor and despite being in the bar off and on for 3 years has yet to nail down a sucker like me LOL she has 2 kids though and although she is hot and good in bed (VERY GOOD) i think her major jealousy issues and drama and the fact she is closing in on 30 with 2 kids as a bargirl and probably some bad luck of not meeting the right guy. It surprises me cause you always hear about some guy in the bar marrying these girls so im surprised she hasnt found a sucker. She had an american guy before me who wanted to marry her supposedly and stuff but she sabotaged that cause he was going off to bars which is funny cause she was chatting with guys behind his back.

The 2nd girl i was like her first foreigner (although i have my suspicions on some black guy i wont go into) but anyways i cheated on her first LOL but even so she is playing the i love you game and asking for money and pretending while i seen many times her wanting to meet up guys right away (didn't matter who they were she was willing) but i dont think she actually met any and she wound up deleting her profile later on but recently recreated it. But i told her I may not be back again so its not like I was saying we were getting married or together for many years LOL.

Yeah the whole idea of the girl waiting patiently while you leave for the states everytime has always rubbed me wrong and made me question if i should ever seriously consider a girl for marriage or long term relationship if im not permanently living there. I wouldn't marry a girl unless i knew her for a very long time though so im sure i would catch her though. If i saw her as potential marriage material i would take a lot of those steps just to be sure. if its a casual girlfriend though dont waste your time.

I used kidlogger which was free. I agree that most of the time its not worth going through the steps. With the bargirl i had to use a lot though cause i liked her a lot and knew she was u p to no good. the current gf not so much and i even cheated on her. Hell i sent her money recently and i noticed she created a new dating site profile right after she had asked for money. I did it as a gift though for a variety of reasons not cause I wanted something in return like her love.
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by Banano »

But some men on this forum will say that they found a keeper on dating site? All you have to do is look hard and ask right questions and scammer/goldigger will show her true colors but how you know she isnt playing it smart?

Even the biggest scammer and slut can learn benefits of playing her cards right way to make herself look like an angel and its not like these American men are experienced with women anyway?

Dont think you are special to her, chances are she will meet and fck any foreigner who comes to visit her. Its sad but its true

Why would anyone even consider getting serious with online girls, common sense tells you risk is too high but then again thirst and desperation of western male should not be underestimated
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Banano wrote:But some men on this forum will say that they found a keeper on dating site? All you have to do is look hard and ask right questions and scammer/goldigger will show her true colors but how you know she isnt playing it smart?

Even the biggest scammer and slut can learn benefits of playing her cards right way to make herself look like an angel and its not like these American men are experienced with women anyway?

Dont think you are special to her, chances are she will meet and fck any foreigner who comes to visit her. Its sad but its true

Why would anyone even consider getting serious with online girls, common sense tells you risk is too high but then again thirst and desperation of western male should not be underestimated
yeah i remember nurse girl who was probably a higher standard than anything anyone else has gotten on this board (21, super hot hotter than any uglies posted here, and RN graduate). I thought she was a serious girl looking for love but when i later met her one time in phil she had run the foreigner cock before i came there and from our talks it was obvious she wanted an easy ticket to america. Its the same story with them all.

Heres what I think of all the online girls. Im not sure about the nononline girls but the online girls definitely you can make this generalization. THEY WILL MARRY THE FIRST MONGER THAT PROPOSES. That includes most of the successful marriages you see on happier abroad with filipinas. its not real love its a lottery system. Notice I say monger and not guy, cause these girls dont really care your past or character or what you look like what they do care about is if you will put a ring on it and as fast as possible. Monger or not, black or white, muslim or christian, old or young, it don't matter the common denominator is you were the first monger to put a ring on it. which will lead to lots of money for life and often bringing her to your country. Its a lottery system. We should call it Lottery In Asia. Now i know some will say wait this filipina was a virgin when i married her or she didn't just go with any guy and im her first foreigner. B.S if a joe blow in a hawaiin outfit drinking a pina colada approached her and said he was serious for marriage and she knew he was a monger shed still marry him anyways cause she dont care about love she wants a ticket and nothing more. Same story with them all. Some might give a bit more hesitation to not look cheap or easy but in the end they all will be riding off into the sunset back to U.S.A with their new 50 year old fattie.
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by Banano »


This. So fkn true. It sucks when women would go for just about any westerner even if guy is HIV infected in wheelchair(this is not exaggeration, I want you to think about this). Having sex with them doesnt have the same value as banging regular chick in the US who rejects 95% of men, you get what im saying

She knows very well that by marrying westerner her status will automatically go up no matter what kind of loser you are in your own country. Which is true, westerner will keep her well fed+provide shelter which is success in itself. Risk free bet.
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by newlifeinphilippines »


This. So fkn true. It sucks when women would go for just about any westerner even if guy is HIV infected in wheelchair(this is not exaggeration, I want you to think about this). Having sex with them doesnt have the same value as banging regular chick in the US who rejects 95% of men, you get what im saying

She knows very well that by marrying westerner her status will automatically go up no matter what kind of loser you are in your own country. Which is true, westerner will keep her well fed+provide shelter which is success in itself. Risk free bet.

You know what whenever i was wit a girl in phil it always had this "artifical" feel to it. And of course it was artificial but the point is it was like a fairy tale that i needed to snap out of. If this same girl in america showed up and started banging me I would be happy as hell but in phil its lamost like I DESERVE this girl damnit and I want something better LOL It goes to your head cause you know these girls are phony and your in an illusion. Even if i met a middle class white skinned filipina deep down id be like well im a sucker for living in a 3rd world and on top of it she still might be with me for my money, what about those luck SOBs that got true love in the 1st world. In hindsight its gonna be hard for me to ever marry a filipina cause I think most are dumb and scammers with an agenda. Most are quite boring sexually too and most are not that attractive to me. I think im just gonna stay a bachelor and travel for other reasons.
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by WorldTraveler »

Just add a cute Filipina to your Facebook and you'll think for about one minute you're special. Then you'll get suggestions of people you may know as friends in common. You see all these ugly dudes from every country in the world. You realize you're not special and she has 900 fiends and she'd probably shag any guy that came to town who she thought she could get as a sponsor. Yes, she'd probably marry the first guy that proposes. She'll move to West and immediately start cheating. She'll get her upgrade as soon as possible.

I've seen it once they come to the USA. I met a Filipina who was a waitress at a Japanese restaurant, so I added her to my Facebook. She has her own Facebook account as a single girl. She and her married Filipina friends all slut around and go to the discos and bars and take vacations together looking for their upgrades. This little Pinay would be thought of as an average cute Pinay in the Philippines, but here in America she thinks she's the hottest thing because she's small and not fat. God help all the husbands of these little girls.

I also meet a bunch of Russian girls here too. All claim to have won the visa lottery. My thought is all of them just divorced their husbands and are back out playing the field looking for an upgrade.

@NewLife no matter what you do, never marry a bargirl. After 1 week in the bar they are ruined. I'd like to know if the keylogger for smartphones works well.

I was just on Facebook looking at that girl I took out a couple of years ago. She changed her name again on her other FB accounts but kept her same last name. On all 3 of her accounts she never uses her real name. I know it because I saw her gov't issued ID. Another girl I went out with a couple of years ago kicked me off one of her FBs because it's her love site with her new boyfriend and I'm sure she's presenting herself as a sweet wholesome girl.

The first thing you do if you are in a realtionship is make her use her real name on her Facebook site. Another alternative is you create a Facebook site with her real name and see how many people contact your thinking they are her boyfriend. :lol:
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Here is a scary message from michael fazio on youtube


I'm going to meet a lady on Sunday I'm sure that there will be videos because we are going diving together however after we established that we both like diving she wants me to buy a dive boat and a dive business which I know nothing about the business end of a diving business on the last thing I really want is a dive boat and all the problems that go with.

Of course I told her Americans can't own anything in the Philippines and she told me we could get married,,, LOL,,, I haven't even met her and she is talking about getting married which is never going to happen..

My last 2 landlords are married to Filipino women 30 years younger than themselves and are led around like a puppy dog on his leash under the constant threat of them being deported because their angry wives will say something bad to the Filipino Consulate and they will be deported in the properties that they built will be confiscated by the wife's.

Not only that but in the Philippines the Filipino wife owns 60% of the corporation or agreement and can sell $1 million home that a foreigner built to one of their family members even if the foreign does not agree to the sale of the property.

If they don't have a contract the Filipino wife can sell a 40 million peso property for 10 pesos to her brother whereas the foreigner will receive 4 pesos for their life's savings.

It would be in my best interest to stay single,,, I could never live under the thumb of a woman who typically has no common sense and is completely sure that she should have control over everything which is their lifestyle here a.k.a. women control the men.

I am Italian Sicilian from Howard Beach and that doesn't even register in my brain. Typically the 1st time a woman tells me a.k.a. demands that I do something,,, my bags are packed within hours or her bags are packed within hours and I am on my way to my next adventure....

I can't even begin to comprehend having a woman tell me to do something considering I haven't met one with any common sense and certainly not one smart enough to get me to sign a stupid piece of paper saying that from this day forward they own my existence...

Be that as it may they can try but you will never see me here on YouTube getting married,,, living here for a year now I have heard so many stories typical to the one I just told you about my landlords it would be the last thing on my wish list,,

Some of these guys guys that come here to the Philippines thinking of going to marry a beautiful wonderful Filipino wife,,,, are delusional,,, at best,,, unless of course you have had your balls removed by some feminist movement and need someone to replace your mother,,,

And for the men that are 60 years old dating 25 and 30-year-old women which is quite common here,,, you should know,,, that you are required to give them and their family money each month,,, sometimes as little as 10,000 pesos but most times somewhere between 20 and 50,000 pesos a month,,, even though their entire families net income is and 20,000 pesos that is what the girl will ask you for,,,

My previous landlord gave his wife somewhere around 30,000 pesos a month,,, and when she demanded an additional 40,000 pesos per month she threatened to have him deported,,, and sell the house that cost him 40 million pesos to build,,,

So now she is the richest Filipino on the block because this ass hole decided to marry the typical Filipino with the typical mindset to get an American or other foreigners to invest their life savings into a house,,, and when the house is done in the business is set up,,, the extortion begins...

Let that be a warning to anyone that comes here and is in fortunate enough to meet a nice honest God-fearing Filipino woman,,, with moral turpitude...

They probably exist I just haven't met one yet,,, so buyer beware... You are a walking talking ATM machine my friends... And don't ever forget it...

Thanks for your comments Guido DeMaio I am sure none of the above will happen to you but this little note is meant for these people like come here with the same delusion I did,,,

To find a nice young woman and enjoy a little bit of this beautiful country...

It simply seems to be a pipe dream,,, but,, in the meantime I do like to swim in the water temperature is 75° here every day and so is the air temperature between 75 and 80° so if you like swimming diving snorkeling and living in an environment that there is virtually no crime,,, then have at it..

But don't expect to come here and meet these girls on the Internet because some foreigners say that there is one in 1000 that is truly honest and would make a good wife...

The problem is you have to marry one of them find out... LOL

Merry Christmas and happy new years from the Philippines 2014
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

WorldTraveler wrote:Just add a cute Filipina to your Facebook and you'll think for about one minute you're special. Then you'll get suggestions of people you may know as friends in common. You see all these ugly dudes from every country in the world. You realize you're not special and she has 900 fiends and she'd probably shag any guy that came to town who she thought she could get as a sponsor. Yes, she'd probably marry the first guy that proposes. She'll move to West and immediately start cheating. She'll get her upgrade as soon as possible.

I've seen it once they come to the USA. I met a Filipina who was a waitress at a Japanese restaurant, so I added her to my Facebook. She has her own Facebook account as a single girl. She and her married Filipina friends all slut around and go to the discos and bars and take vacations together looking for their upgrades. This little Pinay would be thought of as an average cute Pinay in the Philippines, but here in America she thinks she's the hottest thing because she's small and not fat. God help all the husbands of these little girls.

I also meet a bunch of Russian girls here too. All claim to have won the visa lottery. My thought is all of them just divorced their husbands and are back out playing the field looking for an upgrade.

@NewLife no matter what you do, never marry a bargirl. After 1 week in the bar they are ruined. I'd like to know if the keylogger for smartphones works well.

I was just on Facebook looking at that girl I took out a couple of years ago. She changed her name again on her other FB accounts but kept her same last name. On all 3 of her accounts she never uses her real name. I know it because I saw her gov't issued ID. Another girl I went out with a couple of years ago kicked me off one of her FBs because it's her love site with her new boyfriend and I'm sure she's presenting herself as a sweet wholesome girl.

The first thing you do if you are in a realtionship is make her use her real name on her Facebook site. Another alternative is you create a Facebook site with her real name and see how many people contact your thinking they are her boyfriend. :lol:
I heard there is a keylogger for smartphones but i have a crappy older smartphone so i never tried installing one. Plus youd have to get on their phone to install it. Much better to do the laptop thing you might be able to get their info within the first few days since they are more likely to use your laptop after a shag then to hand over their smartphone for oyu.
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by newlifeinphilippines »

another funny comment by mr michael fazio

OKAY THIS IS FOR YOU ASS HOLES that think you're going to come to the Philippines and meet some wonderful lady to satiate all your earthly desires,,, instead this is what you are going to meet on a daily basis so get used to this concept because it is true throughout the Philippines.!

THIS WILL BE YOUR TYPICAL CONVERSATION and don't think you are going to get out of this because you're not these people are not like Americans and Europeans they don't think like we do and they don't have the capacity to comprehend reality the same way we do.

A Typical Example of This Is As Follows;

I HAVE BEEN ONLINE WITH A WOMAN FOR 2 MONTHS and each day SHE TELLS ME HOW MUCH SHE LOVES SCUBA DIVING,,, now pay attention here because this is important,,, she also wants me to buy a dive boat and they diving business storefront for 2 million pesos that I can put under her name that is not the point of this conversation,,, THE POINT IS AS FOLLOWS,,,

You saw I said SCUBA DIVING and she has told me how good she is at SCUBA diving,,, but tonight when I asked her to bring her identification so that we could go scuba diving next week she asked me what she needed identification for?

Well anybody that knows how to go scuba diving knows they need identification to get on the boat at or even to rent the gear So I Asked Her If She Was a Certified Scuba Diver?

Her response was that she has never gone scuba diving although for 2 months she has told me how good she is at,,, but in fact what she likes to do is NOT's SCUBA diving at all...

SHE LIKES TO GO SNORKELING but she has not gone snorkeling for several months so the point of this conversation here that I am typing out is that they confuse issues and don't think a damn thing about the reality of the situation or the conversation and that is what you are going to run into for the rest of your life here in the Philippines...

It turns out That She Has Never Gone Scuba Diving but She Still Wants Me to Buy a Scuba Diving Business so I can put it under her name and she can learn how to go scuba diving so in reality it would cost me 2 million pesos for hard to learn how to go scuba diving or about $38,000...

f***ing Insane,,, and it took 2 months for her to tell me she didn't actually know how to go scuba diving,,,

This is what you are going to deal with on a daily basis in every conversation you have with every Filipino whether it is a man or a woman they get things confused and they agree to anything as long as it's IN THEIR BEST INTERESTS...

So this girl would have me spend $38,000 so she can learn how to go scuba dive but of course I would put the business under her name...


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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by Sidious »

Are they really that corrupt? Then how are they any better than Anglosphere women? I imagine sites like DateInAsia are overflowing with these kinds of women with no sense of morality and are corrupt to the core.
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Re: 100 percent foolproof ways to catch a filipina cheating

Post by Winston »

Or you can pay Sean's private eye agency to have your girl followed to see if shes cheating on you. Lol


However it's expensive. Rock and Sean even had a heated debate about it in this forum thread.

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