How come people want "gender equality" ONLY if it benefits women but NEVER if it benefits men? WTF?!

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How come people want "gender equality" ONLY if it benefits women but NEVER if it benefits men? WTF?!

Post by Winston »

Don't you hate how the notion that "men and women are equal in every way" in America is like some Gospel Truth that you are NOT allowed to ever question? LOL

Well I got some questions about that. If men and women are equal, then:

- Why aren't there teams of women building ships and buildings?
- Why aren't there armies of women winning great battles in war?
- Why has there never been a great, or even a good, female general in the army who won great battles?
- Why aren't there men nursing infants and breastfeeding them?
- Why aren't men teaching preschool and kindergarten?
- How come if I call a plumber or mechanic, it's always a guy that shows up?
- How come when I get an oil change for my car, it's always a guy that does it?
- How come if a man and woman are alone in a cabin in the woods, and a bear outside makes sounds, the woman does not say to the man, "Honey, you stay here. I'll go outside and take care of that bear."? LOL. Instead, she will ask the man to go out and deal with it. Where is the equality here? If they are equal, then how do liberals explain that? Oh I guess they can't. LOL
- Can I walk up to a mother and say that because men and women are equal, that I can breastfeed her baby just as well as she can? LOL. That would be silly and senseless wouldn't it?
- Can women walk up to construction workers and say "We can build that house just as well as you can, because men and women are equal"? LOL. That would be delusional and false.
- How come NFL football teams don't have male and female members on the teams, since they are both equal? LOL
- If men and women are equal, why doesn't the military put co-ed armies of both men and women to fight together on the front lines? LOL
- How come female virginity is considered sacred and valuable, but male virginity is not? Female virginity is so valuable, that some female virgins are even able to sell it for a high price.
- How come men go to brothels with women in them, but women do not go to brothels with men in them? LOL
- What if, during the American Revolution, the colonists sent out armies of women with muskets to fight the British red coats? LOL. Would they have won any battles? Even one? LOL. I doubt it. How would an army of women react to musket balls being fired at them, or cannon balls coming at them? LOLOLOLOLOL ROTF!!! So how the hell can women and men be equal? LOL. It makes no fricking sense!
- What if the Allies during World War II sent an army of "liberated" feminist women to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day? LOL. Do you think battalions of liberated women would have been able to take the beach front? LOLOLOLOLOL ROTFL!!!
- If men and women are equal, then why didn't the greatest generals in history -- such as Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, or Sun Tzu -- put female troops into their army? LOL. Aren't female troops just as capable as male troops? LOL. Shouldn't such great brilliant generals know better? LOL. Why would they miss out on the opportunity to double their army size by adding female troops? LOLOLOLOLOLOL ROTFL!!!
- How come the greatest war treatise ever written, Sun Tzu's "Ancient Art of War" (which is required reading in the US military) doesn't say something like this in it: "Remember this principle: Men and women are equal. So don't neglect using female soldiers in battle. They are just as good and capable as male soldiers. A wise victorious general will utilize both female and male troops. Adding female soldiers will double your army in size and power. To neglect using female soldiers would halve your troops and resources, which is unwise." LOLOLOLOLOLOL ROTFL!!! Now, don't you think that one of the greatest military strategists in human history, like Sun Tzu, had a good reason for not writing such stupid statements in his treatise? LOL

You see how totally ridiculous the concept of gender equality is? LOL. It makes no fricking sense at all! Yet this concept is canonized in America as Gospel Truth! You are not allowed to question it at all. It's set in stone in America's "Church of Liberalism". How insane and delusional! No wonder America is so f***ed up. In fact, in America you aren't even allowed to say that men are better than women in anything at all! Go figure.

The problem is that people tend to twist the word "equality" into meaning "sameness" on every level and in every way. But only identical products on a factory shelf can be truly "equal". The word cannot apply to humans and therefore doesn't exist when applied to people. Not just with men and women, but people in general as well.
Last edited by Winston on September 26th, 2014, 11:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Winston »

Can armies of women fight like this below? LOL. If not, then where does this American bullshit notion of men and women being "equal" come from? LOL. America is the king of fake bullshit. LOL

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Post by Winston »

I don't get something.

If men and women are supposed to be "equal" in America, then:

- How come a husband has to call his wife "the boss"? Most husbands I've met do that. How is that equal?
- How come in a relationship, and in general, the needs of the man or husband do NOT matter and are NOT important, but the needs of the woman or wife are VERY important and the man must place her needs ABOVE his own?
- How come men are required to "respect" women (aka "obeying them") and be considerate to them, but women are not required to "respect" men and be considerate to them?
- How come when a man and woman disagree on something, the woman acts like she is entitled to be "right" and win the argument just because she's a woman, and not because there is any reason or logic in her argument? How does being a woman automatically make you right, even when you're wrong? That's 100 percent illogical and an insult to males.
- How come if you're a man and you're picky about looks in women, you will be told that you should not judge women by their looks because it's shallow, demeaning and objectifying? You will be told that you should lower your standards. But if you're a woman and you're picky about looks in men, then it's ok because women are automatically entitled and deserve the best in everything. So they can be as picky as they want. That's a huge f***ing double standard!
- How come if you're a man, it is a taboo for you to openly express your desires and needs? If you so, you will be seen as a selfish douchebag. But if you're a woman, then it is ok. If she does so, she will be called an "assertive woman" for it. Wtf?
- How come if you say that "men are smarter than women" you will be called a chauvinist sexist pig? But if you say "women are smarter than men" then it will be accepted and condoned. Wtf?

How are these things "equal"? WTF? I don't get it. They look like blatant double standards to me. Am I missing something?

Something seems awfully fishy and deceptive about all this.

How would a liberated, liberal, feminist type of woman answer this question?
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Post by Anatol »


Yes, women can be TRAINED to fight just like men can. If an entire society of females is trained to be like men SINCE BIRTH, then one can have entire societies with armies of women. Just look at women in U.S.A. ~ they do more physical activities like sky-diving and mountain-climbing than the men do now!!!! It's because they are trying to always prove 'I am better than a man.' But this is the real trap for men! Because the goal of women to be exactly like men is STUPID but the result is that an entire society of females {(especially the 25 year old and younger generation)} are men in women's bodies.

~ I suggest you see how many males and females ride horses in U.S.A. 80% of horseback riders are females in U.S.A.!!!!!! Only in the racing {(extreme competition)} areas are there more men.

~~~~ [{(Out of the frigid ice to the North that no man had ever laid foot on, evil in the form of a man called Agahnim The Wizard came and he cast a type of magic never seen before by mortals. But together with the Ball-And-Chain Trooper and his faithful Master Sword, Link repulsed him and the IMPRISONING WAR was ended, to become the things of legend!)}] ~~~~

The evil that is the purest evil possible is feminism and it must be pushed back into its keep!
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Post by Winston »

More questions.

If men and women are "equal" then:

- Why do women always prefer to date or marry men who are taller than them? Why don't they desire a partner of equal height?
- How come female virginity is considered sacred and valuable, but male virginity is not? Female virginity is so valuable, that some female virgins are even able to sell it for a high price.
- How come there are brothels for men to have sex with females, but no brothels for women to have sex with males?
- How come a male knight in shining armor that rescues a damsel in distress can fall in love with her afterward, but a female who rescues a male in distress (like in the movies Tomb Raider, Resident Evil or Aeon Flux) cannot fall in love with him? Isn't it because women are hardwired to desire a man who is stronger than her and can protect her, and therefore if a woman rescues a man, she cannot be attracted to him or respect him? If you think about it, there is something very natural about a man rescuing a woman in distress but something very unnatural about a woman rescuing a man in distress.
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Post by Taco »

Winston wrote:More questions.
- How come there are brothels for men to have sex with females, but no brothels for women to have sex with males?
There are brothels for women to have sex with men there called Turkey and Jamaica.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Winston »

Another important point about the myth of gender equality:

If men and women were equal on every level, then societies would have discovered this thousands of years ago. The fact that they didn't, speaks volumes. Obviously the reason they didn't, is because men and women are NOT equal in reality. Even among men, all men are definitely not equal.

Does America think that it somehow is the first to make the discovery that men and women are equal? LOL. Man what a delusional country and culture.

None of the greatest minds in history every said that men and women were equal. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo DaVince, Einstein, Tesla, etc. all knew that men and women were very different. None of them said they were equal or the same. So America is a total moron. America is at the top when it comes to self-delusion and bullshit.

If you want to stump a liberal, ask them this: If men and women are equal in every way, then how come virtually all women prefer men taller than them? Even liberal American women do. And in fact, American women tend to be particular about this. Why don't women want men who are of the same height?

This stumps them every time, because the notion of gender equality is nothing but bullshit and lies with no logic or basis behind it.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by starchild5 »

Its all by design. By using women aka feminism...Neither of us are winning....Men & women are not equal by design.

As Credo Mutwa says .... Men and Women were in one body, we were androgynous and were divided by other Aliens races to lower the power we had. The male sex organ itself is Alien to men, that's why it is damm hard for men to control their sexual desires. Sexual Organ has a mind of its own.

Preston Nicols has investigated this further and he says...The shape of our D**k acts as an antenna to HyperSpace....The feeling of Orgasm is really opening up the antenna and connecting it with Hyperspace were the Sperms are programmed by the controlling forces of this universe.

If one takes the sperms from the scrotum, its a proven scientific fact that...if Sperms that don't pass through the feeling of Orgasm, they are not fertile and cannot make babies. Our Sperms Must pass through Orgasm in order for it to be active. The feeling of Orgasm is really out of this world.

Women and men are created not to serve each other but for entirely different agendas. Women and men are drifting apart as the agenda reaches its final stage. We are mere vessels for higher agendas of the "empire".

Of-course men and women are not equal.....The problem is It goes much much darker than that. The Non-equal equation plays right into the hands of PTBs.....


Most men would be consumed Alive by this wave of false equality. They have no clue whatsoever, what they are dealing with here...Feminism is just the outer cover...Just the mask of evil....Its time one deals with feminism for what it is and moves on....Its not even created by women...The agendas for humanity are much darker than feminism itself.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by RickyRetardo »

Winston wrote:None of the greatest minds in history every said that men and women were equal. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo DaVince, Einstein, Tesla, etc. all knew that men and women were very different. None of them said they were equal or the same.
Plato still believed that women could be great leaders, though. In the Republic, both men and women could theoretically attain the title of "philosopher king".
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Gadfly »

RickyRetardo wrote:
Winston wrote:None of the greatest minds in history every said that men and women were equal. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo DaVince, Einstein, Tesla, etc. all knew that men and women were very different. None of them said they were equal or the same.
Plato still believed that women could be great leaders, though. In the Republic, both men and women could theoretically attain the title of "philosopher king".
Well, in any case, women can't be leaders over men. Their nature doesn't allow it.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Cornfed »

RickyRetardo wrote:Plato still believed that women could be great leaders, though. In the Republic, both men and women could theoretically attain the title of "philosopher king".
That is one of many reasons that Plato is the villain of Western philosophy. The argument comparing people to dogs is idiotic, but even with dogs it fails.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Winston »

Question for Western Women:

Here's something for you to ponder: If men and women were truly "equal" then why do women always want their male partners to be TALLER, have a HIGHER INCOME and be physically STRONGER? Why don't women seek men of the same height? Think about it.

Also, how come a decent man who is 5 foot 4 inches tall is considered undesirable and too short, but a decent woman who is 5ft4 is still considered normal and desirable? Where is the EQUALITY in that?!

So you see, the whole equality thing is a fallacious MYTH. Even men are not all equal. Powerful men have more opportunities and can get away with more crimes, then regular men can, for example. Equality doesn't exist. The word only makes sense when it applies to mathematics, but not to people, because we are all different.

Consider this: You like some people more than others, like we all do. How is that equal? Well it isn't.

You see, the problem with the word "equal" is that it is often twisted to mean the SAME on every level. Many women will twist the word to mean that men and women are equal in every way. But this is false. We all know that men and women are different. You don't see women building ships and buildings and houses, and you don't see men breastfeeding babies or teaching preschool.

Men and women have different roles and functions in society. They have different natures too, which is what the divine creator intended. Women are nurturers who focus on social harmony, which is why they are bigger on political correctness than men are. Men are warriors, hunters, builders, providers. Thus the two genders are different and have different roles.

So when you say "equal rights", fine, but the problem with it is that that word is too easy to abuse and twist. People tend to assume that equal means "the SAME in every way and in every category". It just ain't true. I'm sure you know that.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Winston »

I got a question.

If men and women have equal opportunity in America, then how come you never see any women pilots in the cockpits of commercial airlines? Is it because a female cannot safely pilot a Boeing 747 or 767?

If so then how do liberals explain this since they claim that men and women are equal and the same in every way and in every category? Have they attempted to address this?

I guess in a life and death matter such as piloting a large airline safely, the airlines place safety over political correctness. Lol. They are right to do so of course, but how can they explain this publicly? How do they explain why there are no female airline pilots? Lol
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Wolfeye »

Ultimately, the general concept of "equality" can be quite false- depending on the meaning. There isn't the same instance of person, even with identical twins- this is whether they are male or female. In the sense that reality doesn't take a coffee break for anyone, there IS equality. But men & women aren't identical & just because she isn't inferior doesn't mean she is equivalent to a man. I think it's an attempt to pull a "William Lynch" type of thing.
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Re: Why men and women are NOT EQUAL and can't be

Post by Anatol »

Winston wrote:I got a question.

If men and women have equal opportunity in America, then how come you never see any women pilots in the cockpits of commercial airlines? Is it because a female cannot safely pilot a Boeing 747 or 767?

If so then how do liberals explain this since they claim that men and women are equal and the same in every way and in every category? Have they attempted to address this?

I guess in a life and death matter such as piloting a large airline safely, the airlines place safety over political correctness. Lol. They are right to do so of course, but how can they explain this publicly? How do they explain why there are no female airline pilots? Lol
~ These things takes time ~ women can be trained to do anything males can. And this is the TRAP! Training women to be men is disgusting ~ as disgusting as training men to be 'ladies'.
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