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Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by starchild5 »

MrMan wrote:Starchild5,

Maybe a better question is what American, with ancestors that are long-time Americans or even western Europeans, is not related to George W. Bush? It would be important to determine if his relationship to Obama or some of these celebrities is through ancestors who were rich and powerful, or from common folk. Being related through the same American Indian ancestors doesn't prove much about some kind of royal conspiracy.

We are all related. Just now, with online ancestry searches, it's possible to track down relationships. Many of us have ancestors who were colonists. I have an aunt who tracked this stuff down for my dad's side of the family, who says we had ancestors on the Mayflower. Lots of people are related to kings, especially since they had bastard children.

I did find it interesting that a girl had done research to show that all presidents but Van Buren, who was of Dutch ancestry, were descended from King John II, the king whose nobles pressured him to sign the Magna Carta. I'd see that as more along the lines of some kind of spiritual characteristic that relates to democracy if I had to put together a theory-- but first I'd want to see if a whole massive group of people in the country are descended from him-- or at least if a huge percent of upper-middle class people and well-educated people were descended from him. A few early colonists could do it. A lot of white Americans have some colonial blood, and if you are looking at both matriarchal and patriarchal lineage that many centuries back, that's a massive number of people. Just one line has to be descended from King John to fulfill the requirement. If they were all direct patriarchal descendants of one man, then I might think of a royal conspiracy as a possible explanation. If relatively wealthy influential families tend to be distantly related and also tend to be the type to get into politics, I don't see that as a conspiracy-- certainly nothing that requires cloning long-dead kings or aliens.

As far as Rh- blood goes, it could be that those with this blood type tend to be a bit smarter or have a bit more drive. I like that theory since I am Rh negative myself.

I haven't seen all your videos. I've got real stuff to do in real life today. Where does the Jewish thing come in? Was Ann Dunham partly Jewish?
No..She was fully jewish.... :) ... lf-jewish/

See how the Israelis are going crazy claiming to be Obama as their own :) ... f-brother/


The thing that really annoys me is...Good or Bad....99% of the time, we are debating on a some low life Jew...from Christ to Hitler...Our life revolves around Jew's....They are called Jews now, before something else, like NAZI's etc...

They always point out that...We are all genetically connected some way or the other..BUT they do not talk about Genetic Diversity

How come all these presidents, celebrities, billionaires are GENETICALLY SIMILAR ....As they say...We all came from monkey and a African mother...but its not obviously that....

We know for a fact...They Actively promote their own kind and favor them...Its not being smart alone..
Ask Winston and his acting days or any other struggling actor in Hollywood...If you ain't a jew, you ain't getting in...

They don't give you a fair chance unless you are a Jew in America...Its a well documented FACT that even I know living in a third world sh**t h**le in India...

If someone is as ignorant as what is really happening in America that less than 1% of jews control 90% of America and then they claim it on hard work and intelligence...something is really wrong with that person

There is obviously a conspiracy in America...What we are talking here is ..How deep that conspiracy go...
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by MrMan »


Do you think a non-Jew could get a break in Hollywood, if he were alien?

Do you believe every conspiracy theory page you read on the Internet? The disjointed video on that one page didn't seem to offer any evidence that Obama's father was not that Kenyan guy. He didn't look like they guy they said was his father. Dunham does look a little like her daughter, though. I guess I can see some resemblance to Obama. Where is the actual evidence that they are Jewish? In terms of religion, I read that Obama's grandmother went to a Unity Church for a while, that his sister is Buddhist. The Inquirer had a picture of Barry Obama's school registration form in Indonesia where he was listed as a Muslim.

Btw, how can he be a modern Communist's son, the son of a modern Jewish woman, and the clone of an Egyptian Pharaoh. The Pharaohs had Hebrews work as slaves? Do you believe multiple conflicting conspiracy theories about him?

I'm no fan of Obama's policies. But he doesn't have to be a clone of an Egyptian Pharaoh for me to feel that way.
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by Mr S »

Obama's the product of the unholy union of his European heritage mother with the radical communist Frank Marshall Davis. There are a bunch of Articles about it as well as a full length documentary, Dreams from My Real Father. Obummer likely had a nose job done in the past to disguise the outright similarities cause he doesn't look anything like his supposed 'real' African father.

I'm also semi-convinced that Michelle Obummer may be a transexual. I've read and looked at videos of the evidence and it is convincing... ... al-father/


Communist Mentor Frank Marshall Davis Is President Obama’s Real Father?
Frank Marshall Davis is Barack Obama's real father?

Few know it but our current president’s full name is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. and his father is supposedly Barack Hussein Obama, who is a Kenyan citizen, and ex-husband of our president’s mother. But what if junior is not really the son of Barack Hussein Obama, but has someone else as his biological father. That is exactly what is reported recently by DC Clothesline, that Obama’s communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, is the actual father of our president.

A friend of mine likes to say, “Mother’s baby, father’s, maybe.” But could this be true about our president? According to many, that believe this to be true, Frank Marshall Davis, a childhood mentor of our president and close friend of his mom, might be the real father of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.

“Joel Gilbert, the man who produced the film Dreams from My Real Father, which suggested that Obama’s Communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, may be his real father, has just released a bombshell interview with Obama’s brother Malik,” DC Clothesline reports.
President Frank Marshall Davis Jr.

G7-Gipfel in Elmau: Trachtenempfang von Barack Obama und Angela Merkel am 07.06.2015
OBAMA's REAL FATHER is Frank Marshall Davis !!!

Obama’s own brother, Malik Obama, believe it to be true, saying in the interview, “There’s a great resemblance. I think Frank Marshall Davis and Barack, they look alike. Some kind of moles I see on his face and Frank, he has those too. There’s a resemblance.”

When asked if Barack Obama resembled his father, Malik said, “Not really, I don’t. They talk, they say about the years, but no. No. Your movie definitely puts a lot of questions in my mind.”

The interview of Malik Obama was reported by Allen West’s web site, where Obama’s brother says about our president, “Disappointed, disappointed, used, used and also betrayed. In the beginning, I didn’t think that he was a schemer. His real character, his real personality, the real him, is coming out now.”

The Freedom Outpost also reported on the interview of Malik Obama and how he thinks it’s very possible that Frank Marshall Davis is the real father of his brother, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. our current president.

The true identity of President Obama’s real father and the notion that Frank Marshall Davis is the real father was highlight in the movie Dreams From My Real Father, the Inquisitr reported in 2012 when the film was released.

“Frank Marshall Davis, a ‘radical poet,’ journalist and ‘card-carrying member’ of the Communist Party USA is the actual biological father of President Obama, according to Gilbert’s research. Obama has acknowledged having a close relationship with Davis, who was considered a friend of the family. Gilbert contends that the president has a close physical resemblance to Davis and shared few physical characteristics with the Kenyan-born Barack Obama, Sr.,” the Inquisitr reported.

[Pictures of Barack Obama Sr, Barack Obama, Jr and Frank Marshall Davis from]
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by starchild5 »

MrMan wrote:Starchild,

Do you think a non-Jew could get a break in Hollywood, if he were alien?

Do you believe every conspiracy theory page you read on the Internet? The disjointed video on that one page didn't seem to offer any evidence that Obama's father was not that Kenyan guy. He didn't look like they guy they said was his father. Dunham does look a little like her daughter, though. I guess I can see some resemblance to Obama. Where is the actual evidence that they are Jewish? In terms of religion, I read that Obama's grandmother went to a Unity Church for a while, that his sister is Buddhist. The Inquirer had a picture of Barry Obama's school registration form in Indonesia where he was listed as a Muslim.

Btw, how can he be a modern Communist's son, the son of a modern Jewish woman, and the clone of an Egyptian Pharaoh. The Pharaohs had Hebrews work as slaves? Do you believe multiple conflicting conspiracy theories about him?

I'm no fan of Obama's policies. But he doesn't have to be a clone of an Egyptian Pharaoh for me to feel that way.
Your sarcasm is childish :) Jews are themselves Aliens :lol: ...I think you are really new to the conspiracy or rather on the ask too many highschool conspiracy question that you should have known while you were growing up.... :shock: :shock:

These are basic fundamental questions that you are confusing with propaganda...

I don't think you realize the difference between propaganda, psy-ops and reality...

Its a fact that Jews rule Hollywood...they rule America and the world...they themselves are Aliens...

I know where you stand ..when you ask..Where is the EVIDENCE that they are Jewish.... :lol: :lol:

They are just called Jews now, they were also called NAZIs before...they go with many names as they see fit...they are a very old race...they merely look like humans but they are anything but humans...

You are still into Evidence and Proof...Please go to the nearest university and they will tell you all about proof and Evidence...You need a professor or PH.d main stream scientist to convince you....

We are mere "Conspiracy nutters" We go with our heart, pineal glands to go with whatever we have now...We know...Its impossible to get everything...They are not stupid to hand us every detail ..common...

Who do you think we are? ...I have got the same info as everyone else...Do you really think..they will hand over all the TRUTH about Obama just like that?..What is the basis for you to even ask..Where is the evidence in here..Its just speaks of how arrogant and entitled you feel you are...

You just don't seem to realize ...We are on the same side...The good thing would have been..If you would have come up with something ....all you are doing is asking question after question after questions as if you are entitled to it...Wake Up....

In Conspiracy....This is how much you gonna get...That's why its called CONSPIRACY in the first place....

Its very chaotic and unpredictable with lots of dis info here..CIA works over time to discredit every true information...You are on your own...Sorry ....I don't have answers anymore from here....I don't have any evidence nor proof...I already presented as did others on what we see...

In Conspiracy,....Obama is a tiny chapter, if he has any worth....We have to do more thinking on chemtrails, flouride, Vaccines etc....There are so many things to cover....Its not possible to go on for ever with Obama...:)...

Being a "Conspiracy Nutter" is not easy.... :D
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by Winston »

If the Jews are an alien race, then don't they have a different DNA or blood? If so, is there any physical evidence of this?

And when you say Jews, do you mean the Zionists or the common people who call themselves Jews? I heard that a book came out called "The Thirteenth Tribe" that proved that 80 percent of people who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars. Is that so? If so, then maybe that was why the Zionists allowed the Holocaust and funded Hitler, because the ones that the Nazis exterminated were not true Jews, but Khazars. Is that correct?

Supposedly, Hitler's grandmother or mother, worked as a maid in a house belonging to a Rothschild. During her employment there, she slept with a Rothschild who used her for casual sex. So Hitler is descended from a Jewish Rothschild, the theory goes, and was groomed as one. Have you heard of that? If it's true, then were all his invasions of other countries under orders of the Rothschilds or the secret societies he belonged to, such as the Thule Society or Vril Society?

Where do you get all your info? From which books and authors? I'm sure everyone would like to know what your sources are.

Also, what is the connection between the Jews, Zionists, Freemasons, Illuminati and the Vatican? Are they all part of the same cabal? How connected are they? Or do they compete with each other for power and control?
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:Starchild,
If the Jews are an alien race, then don't they have a different DNA or blood? If so, is there any physical evidence of this?

And when you say Jews, do you mean the Zionists or the common people who call themselves Jews? I heard that a book came out called "The Thirteenth Tribe" that proved that 80 percent of people who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars. Is that so? If so, then maybe that was why the Zionists allowed the Holocaust and funded Hitler, because the ones that the Nazis exterminated were not true Jews, but Khazars. Is that correct?

Supposedly, Hitler's grandmother or mother, worked as a maid in a house belonging to a Rothschild. During her employment there, she slept with a Rothschild who used her for casual sex. So Hitler is descended from a Jewish Rothschild, the theory goes, and was groomed as one. Have you heard of that? If it's true, then were all his invasions of other countries under orders of the Rothschilds or the secret societies he belonged to, such as the Thule Society or Vril Society?

Where do you get all your info? From which books and authors? I'm sure everyone would like to know what your sources are.

Also, what is the connection between the Jews, Zionists, Freemasons, Illuminati and the Vatican? Are they all part of the same cabal? How connected are they? Or do they compete with each other for power and control?
Here, Most of the answers on Jews being Aliens...In their Talmud itself...It is written that, they are not humans and have come from somewhere else...

Spirit Science 12 ~ The Human History Movie

This video was made by a 21 year old American dude...but his knowledge is so vast...Its incredible...He talks about Jews in the end...Apparently this kid has even read the Talmud or researched on it etc...All his videos are simply amazing...

Its surprising, this kid is not famous in the conspiracy and he is never invited to all the "RADIO SHOW" like George Noory kinds ..looks like this kid does not serve the CIA propaganda :)

I research a lot and think a lot like 15-20 hours a day :) ..I wish I had time to make these videos..BUT when I see it...I KNOW IT IS THE TRUTH...I can feel it in my body, in my soul and heart...No truth escapes from me...Not to sound arrogant ..but deep thinkers can really cut though the b**lSh*t.....I'm now a full time "Conspiracy Nutter" :lol:


This whole thing about DNA is hyped up.....We are like 98% similar to mice and 99% or so with monkey's etc if we look at DNA...The DNA concept itself I believe was given by Jews....hence, on the basis of DNA alone, Jews cannot be proven to be Aliens...

I liked what Llyod Pye said...The way this universe is created...almost all Aliens in this plane of existence would look like Humanoid and will have more than 95% DNA similarity...Even his StarChild Skull was only a few percent different than humans..few genes...

As we discussed...Llyod Pye was really onto something, that is why he was killed...He could have discovered way more than DNA science.


Yes. You are very right..They are the same people...They mix with whatever is the present thing....These race were in India also, digging up all the gold, and becoming our gods, then went to Africa, then to China, now they are based in Europe and America etc...In Short...They are raping the planet..under different names, tribes and cultures.

Now, they claim to be Whites..... :lol: :lol: ...They are anything but white race..They were the ones who created the caste system in India, dowry, women burning etc...and we had to take the blame for it...They slaved the blacks but the white people took the blame for it...they killed millions of germans but they claim to be the victims themselves...

Zionist, Khazars, Jews etc etc are the same b**lSh*t raping humanity...There number 1 card is Playing the Victim role...They are always the victim no matter what century it is...There biggest victim was Jesus Christ :lol: :lol:

Look at Jesus Christ and the Jews....They both claim to be Victims on earth...died for our sins and all BS....This is their trump card.


Also, what is the connection between the Jews, Zionists, Freemasons, Illuminati and the Vatican? Are they all part of the same cabal? How connected are they? Or do they compete with each other for power and control.

Yes....They are all same b*llSh*t under different name to rape humanity. They are the same race.

This is the same race...that is in Star Wars Darth Vader and all....They are possessed by the force they talk in Star Wars movie and what you feel as Murphy Law...

The reason you feel Murphy Law is because of this race being the carriers of this darkness.

I'm afraid...This could get worse for America as this force has awakened as a result...The Jews as we know them, Illuminati etc will screw humans even more now...


As a human, We don't need proof. This entire Proof and Evidence concept itself was created by this race and then giving us minimal tools for proof itself. We get stuck when someone asks for PROOF...WHY? ...We know in our hearts...Our intentions are right ...then why humans don't trust each other and ask for Proof....What is the reason behind asking for Proof....? because of so much lies and BS'ness created by the Jews...We do need Proof now...Earlier...Humans only went based on TRUST...Whatever said was only truth...No one would dare ask another human for proof...We knew humans won't lie to one another...

This asking for Proof is a very recent concept introduced to humanity...I have gone beyond it...

We have the biggest tool in the universe...Pineal Gland..Why don't people use that....everything that I wrote will be crystal clear for them...Whatever I write is from the approval from my Pineal Gland.
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by MrMan »

starchild5 wrote: We have the biggest tool in the universe...Pineal Gland..
Some people have a bigger peneal gland than others.
Why don't people use that.
I use my peneal gland quite often.
...everything that I wrote will be crystal clear for them...Whatever I write is from the approval from my Pineal Gland.
A lot of other people on this forum seem to think with their peneal glands, too.
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by MrMan »


Sitting around reading articles with unsubstantiated, outrageous claims and watching videos with unsubstantiated, outrageous claims is not my idea of 'research.' You say my conspiracy theories are high school level. Maybe you are at Masters level. Stay away from the PhD level, because the guys in the white coats may come by and lock you up.

Seriously, man, some of the things you say make you sound like someone in a loony bin. Have you ever been treated for mental illness?

Do you have some kind of filter in your mind when you read conspiracy theory stuff? Is there any real reason to believe these alien theories, for example? It seems like anything fantastic tantalizes your mind and you believe it. Where is your filter? What kind of criteria do you have for proof? It seems like if something fits into a conspiracy, you treat it as truth.
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by starchild5 »

MrMan wrote:starchild5,

Sitting around reading articles with unsubstantiated, outrageous claims and watching videos with unsubstantiated, outrageous claims is not my idea of 'research.' You say my conspiracy theories are high school level. Maybe you are at Masters level. Stay away from the PhD level, because the guys in the white coats may come by and lock you up.

Seriously, man, some of the things you say make you sound like someone in a loony bin. Have you ever been treated for mental illness?

Do you have some kind of filter in your mind when you read conspiracy theory stuff? Is there any real reason to believe these alien theories, for example? It seems like anything fantastic tantalizes your mind and you believe it. Where is your filter? What kind of criteria do you have for proof? It seems like if something fits into a conspiracy, you treat it as truth.
Love it...You just proved who you are...This is the always go to area for losers like you from lame stream world, who hop in and out of conspiracy when living in their so called real world gets tough....Do you have any mental illness or my favorite...did you forget to take the pills :lol:

Why do you always have to say this to whenever someone writes different than what you think should be right...Your mind is like a 10 year old kid showing signs of retardation...When you have nothing to start personally attacking the person...

Explain to me...Why did you personally attack me...because losers like you have nothing else to go with...You don't have any claims otherwise that Obama is infact just go by what you see on TV and read lame stream papers...Thats retarded in my book...Where is your proof that ..Obama is not a clone....??

Tell me your idea of proof and evidence...You don't have any...You are still living in delusion...The jews have got you by the balls...good luck living in your sane world Mr.Man

And No...You won't go anywhere here with your "Sane" World jabs, thinking...just by saying..where is the proof, mental illness, filter in your mind can get away with your bull shit attacking everyone....GTFOH.

Also NO...Just by saying I'm insane won't make you sane :lol: ...No matter how hard you try with your evidence and proof hunting...

I don't see you offering anything here...not even trying to provide claims otherwise....Go back to your real world ..Jews wants their slave....didn't you have some real work to do in real world :lol:..
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by Winston »

MrMan wrote:starchild5,

Sitting around reading articles with unsubstantiated, outrageous claims and watching videos with unsubstantiated, outrageous claims is not my idea of 'research.' You say my conspiracy theories are high school level. Maybe you are at Masters level. Stay away from the PhD level, because the guys in the white coats may come by and lock you up.

Seriously, man, some of the things you say make you sound like someone in a loony bin. Have you ever been treated for mental illness?

Do you have some kind of filter in your mind when you read conspiracy theory stuff? Is there any real reason to believe these alien theories, for example? It seems like anything fantastic tantalizes your mind and you believe it. Where is your filter? What kind of criteria do you have for proof? It seems like if something fits into a conspiracy, you treat it as truth.
I would agree with this. A true skeptic and thinker should question both the mainstream media and the alternative media. Many conspiracy fans believe everything they hear in the alternative media and discount everything they hear in the mainstream media, as though it were a religion to always believe one side but not the other. Often what masquerades as freethought is just another religion in that it asks you to take on faith a lot of unsubstantiated claims just because they are "alternative".

But a true skeptic should also question his/her own beliefs as well. That means that you MrMan should question Christianity too. Why don't you? Any casual researcher who investigates the origin of Christianity, even using establishment sources, will quickly find that what the Christian church claims doesn't fit the historical record at all. See the examples in my other post here:

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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by Adama »

The Jews are not aliens. Most of the Jews are greedy patsies, like the superstars you see on TV or the famous musicians. They are simply doing what they are told to do in order to fulfill their greed.

The elite ones who work in world occupations like IMF bankers and Goldman Sachs probably do believe that Lucifer is God, and they really do want to destroy civilization and humanity in order to have the world exclusively unto themselves - a Khazar only world where there are no Gentiles. These Jews are not Aliens. When people say aliens, they are really talking about humans who are demonically possessed by devils. This is how they receive instruction on how to destroy and subvert humanity. They don't get these ideas on their own.

Hitler may have been a quarter Jewish, and that makes perfect sense, because he went so far to destroy his family records and supposedly the DNA results indicate that he had some African DNA, which is plausible for the mixed race of the Jews. He was also partly financed by the NY Jews, but I do not think he was aware of the bankers' Jewishness. He speculated and wondered that the bankers he was dealing with were Jewish, but he apparently was not sure.

But. He broke away from the Jewish banking system of debt based fiat currency by backing the German currency with the labor of the Germans. A true Jew would never do this because there is simply too much greed involved.
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by Adama »

Also, what is the connection between the Jews, Zionists, Freemasons, Illuminati and the Vatican? Are they all part of the same cabal? How connected are they? Or do they compete with each other for power and control.

The Jews and the Zionists overlap so greatly that they are essentially the same. We aren't talking about ALL Jews here. Just the elite Jews who want to run the world. The aristocracy of the Jews who run their organizations and banks. These are the leaders of the Jews and the rest of the Jews are just brainwashed to follow them.

Freemasonry is Judaism-lite for the non-Askenazi who wants wealth, fame or power. Judaism is the synagogue of Satan, as Jesus specifically tells us in Rev 2:9. In other words, Judaism is of Satan and it is Satanic worship in rituals and rites. Modern Judaism is not the religion of the old Testament and Jesus told us this a few times in the New Testament that Jews are of their father the devil, who is a liar and a murderer.

The term illuminati just means the awakened ones. These are the people who have received the light given to them by Satan. In the Bible, one of the titles for Lucifer was the light-bearer. These people believe that by signing onto Satan's plan, they receive his light.

Too bad for them he loses his status as the light-bearer when he decides to war against God. Jesus Christ is the light. Lucifer was merely allowed to carry that light for a short time period.

They are already in full control over almost everything. They own most of everything. If you want wealth, fame or power, including high political office or celebrity, you'll have to become a Freemason or otherwise join Satan's plan (sell your soul to the devil).

The Vatican is also a Satanic organization and is not the church of Christ. It is part of a globalist, one world system. It is one of the wealthiest organizations in the world somehow, they protect pedophiles and espouse feminism. God says that you can not serve both God and money. How did they get all that money? Donations? God says that pedophiles are worthy of death (both rape and homosexuality are worthy of death). God says the man is the head of the woman and that women are to be in subjection and obedience. God is also not the author of confusion. He has gender roles assigned. God is anti-feminist. God says that we are to worship Him alone, not to pray to saints. God also says that making those figurines is idolatry. The Catholic church is all about those false idols and figurines. God doesnt forbid bishops to marry. In fact he says the Bishop must be the husband of one wife. The Catholics forbid priests to marry.

This is how we can use reason to see that the Catholic Church is not of God. Another point is that God wanted people separated into different nations, as He says when He scattered people after the Tower of Babel. God doesnt want a multi-national super church.
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by MrMan »

starchild5 wrote: Love it...You just proved who you are...This is the always go to area for losers like you from lame stream world, who hop in and out of conspiracy when living in their so called real world gets tough....Do you have any mental illness or my favorite...did you forget to take the pills :lol:
I don't think I've ever had anyone ask me if I were posting from a mental institution or asked me if I forgot to take the pills. Do you know what? Because I don't go around saying crazy stuff. If a lot of people say that to you, maybe you should listen.

It may be easier for you to think that multitudes in the world are deluded by 'them' and that you are the sane one. Plenty of people in mental institutions think that way.

I don't know if you are actually mentally ill, but if you happen to believe all this stuff, you have some crazy beliefs.

Let's be rational about that video made by the really young guy that you thought had it fit together. Do you really think the guy's whole scenario was really written on those Cuneiform tablets? I'm no expert in ancient Cuneiform writings, but my guess is that someone spun some kind of interdimensional, alien theory that drew eclectically from dozens of New Age and conspiracy theories, and interpreted ancient Sumarian and other mythologies through their pseudoscience explanations.

And if you take the bits that have some actual fact or some actual ancient mythology, assuming the myths were based on fact, the odds of the grand theory he came up with to explain it all and put it all together actually being true would be slim indeed. There is absolutely no reason to believe that scenario he came up with. That's what is insane about it. I'm a Christian and Christians believe our faith is revealed-- that is, a Being with more knowledge than us revealed things to us. That video seems to me more like guesswork pulling form eclectic sources. And it is not rational to think that if someone guessed how they all fit together, that he is likely to be right (assuming his sources are accurate, an assumption I am not willing to make. Many of these videos you like have no sources at all.)

One of those images of Akhnaten (sp?) resembles Obama somewhat, but it's not that exact of a resemblance. I'm sure you could find people who look like Julius Caesar of you looked around enough. That doesn't make them clones. And what is the actual evidence for Obama being the son of a certain Communist leader? Is there actual evidence? What's wrong with the theory that his mother really married an African guy named Obama?

Scientists rely on a principle called Occam's razor, where they assume that the simplist, most straightforward explanation is most likely to be true. Since most babies come from sex, or at least mixing sperm and egg in a test tube, and we don't have any solid proof of human cloning, and animal clones that we know about get tumors and don't last long, it's unlikely that Obama is a clone of some ancient Pharaoh. Add to that the difficulty of finding some usable DNA from an ancient mummy. I know the pyramids preserved some things well, but clones with fresh DNA in high order mammals don't turn out very healthy, so how likely is it that Obama is a clone?

Why would you believe that? I suspect you believe it because it's a conspiracy theory. But what is the point? Why would 'they' want to cone a Pharaoh? And if there is a big royalty conspiracy, why not just clone a white-looking Pharaoh? You'd think 'they' would like that better, since 'they' usually keep white people in power, don't they? The kings and queens of Europe and past presidents aren't black.
Why do you always have to say this to whenever someone writes different than what you think should be right...Your mind is like a 10 year old kid showing signs of retardation.
Because I don't believe cartoons I watch on the Internet, which offer theories with no solid sources or proof, I am the one who is supposed to be like a retarded 10 year old?

I don't generally believe conspiracy theories. I'll keep an open mind. Maybe 9/11 or the Boston bombing was rigged. Or the US government could have used the Boston bombing to test how close they could get to martial law if it the bombing itself wasn't a conspiracy. I'm open to that idea. I don't just believe these theories outright and treat theory as fact without proof. I'm open to the idea that the moon landing was a hoax. I suppose it could have been if the US wasted a lot of money and still wanted the political effect.
..When you have nothing to start personally attacking the person...
Some of these contradicting theories you are interested in or believe are too silly to actually waste real time researching. I'm not attacking you because I have nothing to offer. Your believing some of this stuff uncritically comes off as extremely gullible, even if it is not a mental health issue. People may perceive you as crazy if you are that gullible about these theories.

If you have people asking you if you took your pills, really pay attention to their perception of you. You might think people don't ask me that because you think I am a sheep just believing what 'they' tell the masses. But it's really not rational for you to think that all of these conspiracies or true or that they fit together however you think they fit together in your mind. If you have a really elaborate conspiracy theory made up of a number of other conspiracy theories that are unsupported and are unlikely to be true, it is not rational to think your elaborate conspiracy theory is true. If a conspiracy theory COULD be true, it is not rational to conclude that it must be true and treat that as a fact. If you keep accepting unsubstantiated conspiracy theories as truth, you will start to live in a fantasy world in your mind. I think you may already be living there.

Don't take this as a personal attack. Take it as concerned advice. I may be a stranger, but I don't want you to go any further off the deep end.
You don't have any claims otherwise that Obama is infact non-alien.
Obama's father was an alien, an alien from Kenya, according to what they say. Do you think Obama is a clone of a Pharaoh or a space alien. Why doesn't he have bug eyes like in your avatar? Does he wear a mask?

Are you absolutely convinced that he is an alien? Some Klingon's look like they are of African, like Warf. Do you think he's a Klingon? There was a black Vulcan on Voyager and there are a lot of white-looking Vulcans, so maybe they could mix. Do you think Obama might be Vulcan? Is there any evidence that he got cut and bled green? He does have that slim build that Vulcans tend to have, though one of them in Enterprise was kind of hefty. Darth Vader's voice was black, but his face wasn't. Do you think he could be from that species? just go by what you see on TV and read lame stream papers...Thats retarded in my book...Where is your proof that ..Obama is not a clone....??
So in your mind, if I cannot prove that he is not a clone, does that mean he is? Usually babies come from sex, and rarely from sperm and egg meeting in a test tube. There isn't solid evidence of human cloning, or cloning of mammals that doesn't have major health issues. So what are the odds on his being a clone? He's actually got relatives that claim he's related to him.

Btw, if some secret underground group of rich, white-looking people wanted to clone some black-looking Pharaoh so he could be president, couldn't they have made sure his life circumstances were a bit more posh? Why would he go to some poor national school in Menteng, formerly Tebet, in Jakarta?
Tell me your idea of proof and evidence...You don't have any...You are still living in delusion...The jews have got you by the balls...good luck living in your sane world Mr.Man
I suppose there could be some Jewish conspiracies, but if Jews being influential in finances and in the media is supposed to be a conspiracy, they aren't doing a good job of hiding it.
And No...You won't go anywhere here with your "Sane" World jabs, thinking...just by saying..where is the proof, mental illness, filter in your mind can get away with your bull shit attacking everyone....GTFOH.
I don't attack everyone. I just pointed out that what you were posting sounds crazy.

Btw, I'm curious. Have you had a close encounter with alien entities? Is that why you are on this alien kick?
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Re: Obama a Clone of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten?

Post by josephty2 »

Obama is like Lyman trumbull ... m-lincoln/

It's true that Democrats have skeletons in their closet.

What concerns me is that Democrats don't have the ability to understand Midwest voters. That's why Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. They clearly understand Asian voters, but they are only a tiny percentage of the population compared to white undecided voters.

I'm born in Vietnam. Democrats didn't visit Vietnam or China but they understood that Trump was not able to overcome the effects of corona virus. It spreads extremely fast and is unpredictable. And it's invisible too. That's why Trump lost in 2020.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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