Gun Control

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Gun Control

Post by Adama »

I think that in 20-30 years, they will finally have scared Americans enough with their hoaxes into giving up their guns. After that, there will be severe penalties for being caught with guns, probably for about another 20-30 years. During that time though, they will have integrated our American neighborhoods, based upon income. In other words, the thugs that are killing each other in the inner cities over 25 cents today, will be your neighbors tomorrow. When guns are finally taken in about 30 years, your criminal neighbors will still have guns. They'll kill you for fun, just like with the knockout game. Or they will simply invade your home while you are there and commit unspeakable acts upon you and your wife until they murder the both of you.

In about 60 years, the gun culture will be completely dead, after two generations have risen up with guns being illegal. At that point, complete tyranny will rule, and government will become completely and openly totalitarian. Your owners will come and arrest, imprison or murder you at any time, but they will not need an excuse. Heck, if they wanted to herd you like cattle, or put you onto reservations, Palestinian or Native American style, they will do that. If they want to shut off your clean water sources, they will do that. They will treat Americans the way way Stalin treated the ethnic Russians, and the same way the Palestinians are being treated by the Israelis.

All while your existence is full of daily danger from crimes within your community.

Think about things today. What is to stop those criminals down the block from coming into your home right now? Well they don't know if you have a gun or not. But once the guns are all taken away, the criminals will still have guns. They will not care about going to prison for having guns. They will pick off Americans one by one.

And any wealth you have accumulated, if they want it, it belongs to them now. You'll never be able to "save" money. Any savings will be confiscated, either by the thief or by the state. But you won't have wealth, because you'll be working in a Chinese style sweat shop, if you are even lucky.

The only reason they havent been openly murdering citizens in other countries where guns are illegal is simply because we live in the information age. The information would leak out, and then Americans would cling to their guns even more tightly than they are already.

Once guns become illegal, and once they completely control the Middle East, I think it will be curtains for the Western world.

Is this completely paranoid? Only remotely possible? Likely?
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Re: Gun Control

Post by Moretorque »

praise the LORD!
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Re: Gun Control

Post by Cornfed »

That does seem to be pretty much the plan, as has already played out in Southern Africa. This is why it is critically important for people to reclaim their country from the ZOG and get rid of trash populations such as blacks before they can be fully unleashed on them.
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Re: Gun Control

Post by fschmidt »

Adama, where do you live? Here in Texas, if the federal government tries to take away people's guns, they will start a civil war.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Gun Control

Post by Adama »

Cornfed wrote:That does seem to be pretty much the plan, as has already played out in Southern Africa. This is why it is critically important for people to reclaim their country from the ZOG and get rid of trash populations such as blacks before they can be fully unleashed on them.
I also think this is why men like Bill Cosby need to be destroyed. He wants black people to shape up. He wants men involved in their sons lives, and he wants them to simply get jobs. That would help eliminate the problem with black people. The man has influence and blacks would have listened to him.

But because he has betrayed the elite, they will now destroy him, slowly. First they get women to slander his name. He offered them party drugs, which were common among Hollywood insiders back then, before we had real morals and before the concept of date rape even existed. Now he is guilty of forcible rape, and no one will listen to him. They control the media. They will simply put lies on TV, and everyone will believe it, cause anyone accused of rape is therefore guilty, and people believe the magical machine called a TV.

After they have taken away the guns, all they need to do is create some incident on TV and start blaming the people they don't like for the incident. If they blame whites or more affluent non-elites, the disenfranchised within their neighborhoods will do the dirty work automatically. The man who is holding them down is right there in their neighborhood. Might as well get 'em.

At first I was thinking they would simply kill all the anti-semites, the anti-communists, the conservatives, the libertarians, the anti-feminists, etc. Then I simply thought those labels are mostly comprised of white people, who we already know they want to dispose of. Of course any type of intelligent person who has influence will be killed as well. Basically anyone who will stand in the way of the future they are trying to create.
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Re: Gun Control

Post by Adama »

fschmidt wrote:Adama, where do you live? Here in Texas, if the federal government tries to take away people's guns, they will start a civil war.
On the surface I think Texans believe they want war with them, but deep down, I don't think even Texas wants that. I also think if they ramp it up slowly over a generation or two, they can even convince Texans to give up their guns, if they put enough school shooting hoaxes on TV, brainwash the children in kindergarten, and slowly criminalize guns the way they have in places like California, which from my understanding used to also be a conservative state. Heck, they could simply relocate enough commies to Texas to "out-vote" the local conservative one, or through redistricting of the congresspersons. There are all kinds of tricks, and I would bet you the Think Tanks they have are thinking of hundreds of ways to crush Texas culture.

Didnt they say you used to be able to have a gun on a rack on your truck in Texas, but now no one does that anymore?
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Re: Gun Control

Post by Adama »

I forgot to add, in those other countries in the 20th century when guns were outlawed, either that same exact year or the very next year, the mass killings of millions of people began. They didnt even bother waiting 60 years. So they may not bother waiting 60 years with us. The killing may commence immediately. I just figure it may take more time in USA, but you see they are getting impatient.

Theft and murder. That's also because you guys believe the official story behind WWII. You men never bothered to look into what the Russian and American soldiers did to the Germans, but especially the multiple rapes of German women during and after the war. You guys never bothered to listen when they told you that Stalin immediately had millions of people killed, that anyone who said anything about their clan was immediately murdered or sent to the gulags. If you do not believe me, go look up how many millions of Russians Stalin killed through murder and starvation, then add in the Ukrainians, Germans, Estonians etc.

Oh yeah, in order to Russofy the Baltics, they forcibly moved countless Russians into those countries, like Lithuania and Latvia. Why did they want to Russofy the area? Is this similar to the way they want to move the ghetto into the suburb?

They aren't even bothered to create new tactics. These are the same tactics they used in history. That's why you need to know real history, rather than the history of the victors. They never told us about the mass murder of millions of Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Armenians, Estonians and others.
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Re: Gun Control

Post by Adama »

Ghost wrote:This one issue could easily split America effectively into two countries I think. The "conservative" side of America will tolerate homosexuality and gay marriage, feminism, and gutting of the economy. But guns? That might be the one time they'll put their collective foot down if push comes to shove.
Did you ever watch GHW Bush's NWO/ One thousand points of light speech? This is not a matter of if. It is a matter of when. He said they will be successful.

I believe they will be successful. Why? Because they will not stop until they get what they want.

Suppose for a second someone stood up and successfully opposed them for 10 or 20 years. They would unite the rest of the world against that individual and his supporters. They control everything, yes everything. There is literally no escape. There is no way out.

The only way is through. One way or another they will put us all through this. Like I said, they already control everything, and they will not stop. Any delay is simply that. It will merely be an obstacle for them to overcome, and it provides an opportunity for them to do what they wanted anyhow - to destroy others who aren't them. If you do not believe me, look at what they did to Hitler and the Germans.

One way or another, those conservative people will come around. Either they will be bred out, out-voted (through redistricting, forced transfer of liberals), or over time as they brainwash their children in school, or through vilification in the media as enemy combatants, Ruby Ridge style, or by having the thugs within their neighborhood murder them, or any number of countless ways they are no doubt brainstorming on right now. Remember, the state of California used to be conservative. Now it is homosexual mecca.

The conservatives will be destroyed, the same way they destroyed Christianity and Christian culture. Don't believe Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh. They work for the system. They are both advocates for those who consider others who aren't in their clan to be enemies, who should either worship and serve them or be killed.
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Re: Gun Control

Post by Moretorque »

The criminal elite have been engaged in the most massive military buildup ever seen by far on planet earth and the pee shooters of the American public are trivial in comparison.

It is becoming very apparent why the anti federalist demanded this right.
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Re: Gun Control

Post by Wolfeye »

Not for nothing, but the idea of an enemy that consents to being killed in defense against them is a little outlandish. I don't see why someone would really worry all that much about laws against having guns, since using them will probably be resisted. They'll cry "FOUL!" every time someone uses it on someone that has it coming, whether in prevention or revenge. Come to think of it, they usually do these days. A cop jumps on the hood of someone's car & empties the gun through the windshield- killing both driver & passenger (who was, literally, just along for the ride)- no killing, no prison, not anything that I'm aware of. Yet, thousands of these people will come from miles around to some guy's funeral that they never even met when he gets killed during his shift.

They even turned a cannibal/human trafficker loose! They said he was just having unconventional thoughts, meanwhile he set up a kidnapping for some guy to rape a woman he went to school with. He was using his work computer to track her down, for f**k's sake! The FBI scoops this guy up & law enforcement turns him loose. I'll bet if someone was negotiating killing a cop with a bomb, was looking up how to make bombs, and was using the police database to figure out where everyone was going to be so he could blow some of them up- that would be considered all kinds of things & would stick like glue.

Yeah, call these people for help. Especially if it's one of them doing shit. It seems more & more that they go after people when it when it doesn't make sense simply BECAUSE it doesn't make sense. The situation happened a certain way, but that's not going to MAKE them write the report that way. Someone didn't do something attackworthy, but that's not going to STOP them from attacking them.

Seems increasingly frequent that they go after someone that calls them for help, too. Maybe it's just to be incongruent to the situation? Maybe it's because that person is someone that's witnessed, in some way, a situation that goes against the law? Maybe they simply associate that person with that situation & just attack? That the person it (whatever thing) happened to is reminiscent of that situation & they're too stupid or arrogant to differentiate between the two.

I notice that that ego of theirs is easily singed- sometimes by their own actions. They f**k up & then go after other people like they can transfer blame as if it's a substance that can be shipped to a different address. The odd thing is that operating on the "I'm not wrong" principle is usually a failure waiting to happen. Doesn't always have to be a one-step plan, either. Sometimes they jsut go after someone to excite the sense that they can do no wrong & that they are so wonderful that their greatness will burn away any failures on their part- basically usurping reality, because what happens is what occurs.

For Example: Sometimes they'll pull over someone with different plates than the car they're looking for & then, after clearing up that it's the wrong one, tell them to "be more careful next time." Since this doesn't make any sense, someone will most likely ask what they mean or something to that effect out of reflex. Then the cop will go after them for "having an attitude" or some made-up bullshit. If killed for it, some people actually maintain that one that defended themselves against this grievous threat was wrong!

In reality, one could accurately make the point that they need to make the point that this was not their doing & thus that reality is not formed by the cop's recognition- that way they don't get attacked by a cop that formulates some kind of offense in their own head & engages them over it. See, attacking them would be congruent to that "situation" & if they're playing "reality is what I say it is" games to soothe their bruised ego after f***ing-up, it stands to reason that they might do something against whoever they are dealing with in order to make themselves feel even better. Like a pain-killer that probably won't work in the first place, since they are the one's formulating bullshit- it's kind of like hiding something under the couch from yourself.
Last edited by Wolfeye on July 28th, 2015, 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gun Control

Post by OutWest »

fschmidt wrote:Adama, where do you live? Here in Texas, if the federal government tries to take away people's guns, they will start a civil war.

So it would be a good thing....
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