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Why Jews are not human

Discuss racial, ethnic and multicultural issues. Warning: The topics here are likely to be taboo, so if you are easily offended, you are better off not participating here.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by cdnFA »

I have to wonder, is crazy something associated with the desire to move overseas or are countless sane potential members drove off by the crazy.

I mean f**k. Do you people actually talk like this in real life to normal people? If so how do you deal with the parade of weird looks you get and being laughed at to your face.
Oh yeah I forgot, they are the stupid ones.

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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by Adama »

If I work with someone, I will not discuss these issues with them. But as for friends and family, yes, if the topic comes up, and if given enough time, I will explain everything from start to finish. No one thinks I'm crazy.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by Adama »

sentinel89 wrote:
w.p.o. wrote:
sentinel89 wrote:In my humble opinion, Jews do not qualify as human. The reason for this is simple. The Jewish race (including both Ashkenazi and Sephardic) does not make any sense from an evolutionary perspective. The Jewish race has never survived on its own. ALL other races are capable of providing themselves basic survival needs. Australian Aboriginals, who are considered the least intelligent race of men, are capable of passing their seed onto subsequent generations, continuing the genetic bloodline, and ultimately surviving indefinitely lest killed off by a dominant race, struck by an asteroid, or by plague or famine. They could never achieve anything close to a modern civilization on their own, but they could survive.

Jews, on the other hand, have never been hunters and gatherers, nor have they ever been farmers (with VERY FEW exceptions). They have always survived as clever deceivers by swindling the fruits of the labors of other races. Gentile races till the soil, Jews enjoy the spoil.

Not only have they never provided their own food, but they have always depended on other races for protection. Modern Israel would have nothing without western backing. Every time they get in a ground fight with Hezbollah they come back with their tails between their legs. They win wars by using superpowers as their vassals and by superior technology of the IDF forces over rival forces.

If all gentile races were to suddenly disappear from Earth one night, Jews would go extinct soon thereafter. They would have no other race to leech from any longer, and so they would individually turn against each other in attempt to leech from other members of their own race. In a matter of years, they would completely kill each other off and go extinct.

This is not something that can be said about any other race. Gentile races are human races that organically spawned from the Earth and evolved over millennia of migration, climate change, and other factors that contribute to natural selection. How is it possible that the Jewish race came to be, if it is not self sufficient, and is not subject to the same Darwinian tests that Mother Nature has placed on all gentile races?
You must be referring to liberal jews. Zuckerburg, spielberg, seinfeld, etc. The New york and hollywood type. They don't want to have anything to do with the REAL jews (people of isreal). I wouldn't call the liberal jews 'inhuman,' but they are brainwashed/indoctrinated individuals who - so far - haven't kicked the habit of liberalism and pick up a freakin book and read.
The division between liberal jews and Israel's Jews is fictitious. The Jews involved in PNAC were neoconservatives, a cute word for communist.

It's just not looking good for Jews at this point:

Wall street scandals
Phony war on terror
9/11 (c'mon, Larry just happened to skip work?)
SJWism of all sorts

I could go on and on..
Maybe you mean the real war on phony terror. Even if it were real, it is absurd for them or anyone else to believe that war can be waged against an ideology. And all they have succeeded in doing is illegitimately slaughtering literally millions of unarmed people, while claiming they were doing it to bring them freedom from oppression. They have a weird idea of what freedom is. They probably define words by their opposites, like the Affordable Care Act making things not so affordable. And even then, they created those terrorists in the first place back in the 1980s when Zbrignew Brezenski recruited them from the Mujahadeen, the predecessor to Al Qaeda.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by Eric »

cdnFA wrote:I have to wonder, is crazy something associated with the desire to move overseas or are countless sane potential members drove off by the crazy.

I mean f**k. Do you people actually talk like this in real life to normal people? If so how do you deal with the parade of weird looks you get and being laughed at to your face.
Oh yeah I forgot, they are the stupid ones.

I have to wonder, have you ever had a real intellectual pursuit in your life?...then might see that it's okay. Especially, just because you don't understand something, don't attack others for it. There's a may not understand.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by OutWest »

cdnFA wrote:I have to wonder, is crazy something associated with the desire to move overseas or are countless sane potential members drove off by the crazy.

I mean f**k. Do you people actually talk like this in real life to normal people? If so how do you deal with the parade of weird looks you get and being laughed at to your face.
Oh yeah I forgot, they are the stupid ones.
Few of these types ever move overseas. Like everything else in their life, it's all mental masturbation. Real expats are concerned with things like healthcare, good housing, girlfriends or wives and children. The types mostly populating this forum now will never leave their mothers basement. For these Earl buttcrack types, it's all an imaginary world. Men who actually do things in life hardly have time to go on and on about the Jews . you will do better elsewhere if you have serious expat related interests.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by Eric »

[quote="OutWest Real expats are concerned with things like healthcare, good housing, girlfriends or wives and children. quote]
Who said we weren't concerned with these? Way to judge everybody; you're not high above anyone, or elitest, but thank you for trying. And all those things you mentioned, you can get them in the U.S. as well. You really can. Way to go complainer - why'd you move overseas? can make fun of everybody for everything.

I guess you can count Winston out, as well - as he started a thread about this. It's actually an important topic to some educated/intelligent people. And we really don't have options to discuss it anywhere else.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by cdnFA »

Eric wrote:
cdnFA wrote:I have to wonder, is crazy something associated with the desire to move overseas or are countless sane potential members drove off by the crazy.

I mean f**k. Do you people actually talk like this in real life to normal people? If so how do you deal with the parade of weird looks you get and being laughed at to your face.
Oh yeah I forgot, they are the stupid ones.

I have to wonder, have you ever had a real intellectual pursuit in your life?...then might see that it's okay. Especially, just because you don't understand something, don't attack others for it. There's a may not understand.
You mean like degrees in History, Economics, Finance and Geography as well as being a chronic reader long before I entered university and long after I left. I'd be the guy walking out of the library with a stack of books during exam period with none of the books having a thing to do with my exams.

BTW as a fan of Nazi Skinhead music, loves me that Landser, Bully Boys, Definite Hate, I am quite familiar with the whole anti semantic thing. Never bought into it. Much like the anti vaccers and that bible nonsense, just so many holes you could drive a bus through. Amuses me how people can talk down to others while holding on to the weakest positions. I guess it is easy to hold on to a view when everything that points to you being wrong is considered a plant by ZOG, the Stone Cutters or whatever.

Also, my point still stands and your attack does nothing to dispel it. There is a whole lot of extremest bat shit crazy out here that actual intellectuals would just face palm at. If you don't realize that this is true, you are in no position to make any judgements about the intellectualism of other people, you are not living in the real world. This board could be a much more vibrant source of information but most people who would be interested in moving overseas, including actual intellectuals would have nothing to do with a site like this. Buying into any crap you read on the internet just because it sounds cool and different or makes you feel special because you get it and almost nobody else does doesn't make you an intellectual, it makes you the "intellectual" equivalent of a hipster and nobody likes or respects hipsters. But hey, believe the earth is flat, you would be in good company here. Doesn't sound completely nuts at all.

Really ... 14&t=27215
Flat earth, its a think on HA.
This alienates most people as does referring to Jews as animals and for legitimate reasons.

Quite frankly I'd rather ditch a few crazy people and have 10 or over time 100 times the volume of actual information on moving overseas. Sadly the chief warden of the asylum seems to be a big perpetrator.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by Eric »

What you say makes me laugh.
There's a good ol' quote by a great American who was named Mark Twain. He said, "I try to never let my education get in the way of my learning." When you figure out just what that means, then ..maybe we can have a real conversation.
Cheers, friend ; ).
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by cdnFA »

Eric wrote:What you say makes me laugh.
There's a good ol' quote by a great American who was named Mark Twain. He said, "I try to never let my education get in the way of my learning." When you figure out just what that means, then ..maybe we can have a real conversation.
Cheers, friend ; ).
Says the flat earther. I'd guess if Mark Twain were around today he would come up with another pithy quote about conspiracy theorists.

Also I guessed you missed this part
"chronic reader long before I entered university and long after I left. I'd be the guy walking out of the library with a stack of books during exam period with none of the books having a thing to do with my exams. "

However the only way you can believe the crap you do is to wilfully ignore any evidence that doesn't fit your POV or have a way to automatically dismiss it as propaganda.

There is such a huge difference between the way Science, Economics, actual History etc is done and the way flat earthers, neo nazis, chemtrailers, and the whole tin foil hat bridge people operate. You don't realize it but you and many people here in terms of how you approach knowledge are not really any different from the feminists, the black and gender studies types and the other let us make the world fit the way we want it and anything that disagrees is automatically wrong/part of some plot by "the man"

Twain aside, and he does have a point, but a bit of education can help less intellegent people from falling into the sorts of intellectual traps that many people including you fall into. Not a sure thing obviously. By education I don't mean mean women's studies programs nor getting all your information from Stormfront or Mercola.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by Eric »

I never said I believed in a flat earth. If you're going to insult, at least do it right.

Alright, I wasn't initially, going to lay into you. But now I am. Nothing you say is substantiated. Nothing - while there is plenty of evidence to the contrary, and most of it plain as day for you and anyone to see. Most of the books you read, can't quote the authors - so I don't know what to tell you about that. You're going to have to give me more...but I'm guessing they are conventional, orthodox writers with conventional orthodox "Best selling" and "NY Times" beliefs... or McMillan McGraw type authors; which appeal to the mass public, and fit nicely with the scheme. That's just my guess, so all the reading doesn't really mean anything or add up to much, if you're reading the wrong things. If you dismiss everything that falls outside the reign of "normal" for you or "conspiracy theory" material - then you are already setting up a barrier to true intellectual honesty. Infact you must be willing to go where the facts lead you, even if it completely shatters your world view; where and what the truth lies no matter how ugly or how "unpopular", which I guess you have decided for yourself you are incapable of doing. That's fine, many people are like that, like you.
The fact that you can't reply without constant pointed insulting like you do, shows lack of maturity, and a pointed insecurity showing to mask your insecurity in your current stance, which seems indefensible; that is... if we can get past the ad hominem attacks.
What you talk about makes no sense, because - and it is quite easy to see, you have to be willing to step outside of the immediate time frame we are in...and see history from the point of 200, 300, or 500 years, way before the time of political correctness, and the mass control of information..and then you'll see the larger picture. Things weren't so well hidden in history, and in this is our gem. It was well known throughout history and documented what many larger Jewish hegemonic plans and schemes were. Martin Luther wrote about it, many famous persons from Tacitus to Churchill to confederate and union generals of the civil war wrote about it. Churchill even worked with the zionists (I refuse to capitalize that) during WWII, and basically stated that the war was Jewish - for the Jews, and the state of Israel. Clerics and Christian historians say similar things...there is much evidence right in front of your face. You're just too arrogant and foolish to acknowledge anything - and cling to ignorance and "knowledge" while claiming others are doing what you yourself are actually doing. Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand.

The evidence is insurmountable. I could write a whole book on it - and others have.
What's your story?
Other than you're smug "I told you so" theory...
please have an intelligent response formulated before responding. Thank you

I could disprove your assertion with one well-researched David Duke video.
And I'm sure your only response would be to cry "KKK or neo-nazi" or some other unsubstantiated bullshit, because you have no argument, and cannot have an intellectually honest conversation about this material.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by Moretorque »

cdnFA wrote:
Eric wrote:What you say makes me laugh.
There's a good ol' quote by a great American who was named Mark Twain. He said, "I try to never let my education get in the way of my learning." When you figure out just what that means, then ..maybe we can have a real conversation.
Cheers, friend ; ).
Says the flat earther. I'd guess if Mark Twain were around today he would come up with another pithy quote about conspiracy theorists.
Mark Twain did have things to say about Jews and Usury, he also said the best way to be ill informed was to read the mainstream news which is owned by the people practicing usury.

Try to do anything long term with out money and who controls that for the most part ???????
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by sentinel89 »

OutWest wrote:
cdnFA wrote:I have to wonder, is crazy something associated with the desire to move overseas or are countless sane potential members drove off by the crazy.

I mean f**k. Do you people actually talk like this in real life to normal people? If so how do you deal with the parade of weird looks you get and being laughed at to your face.
Oh yeah I forgot, they are the stupid ones.
Few of these types ever move overseas. Like everything else in their life, it's all mental masturbation. Real expats are concerned with things like healthcare, good housing, girlfriends or wives and children. The types mostly populating this forum now will never leave their mothers basement. For these Earl buttcrack types, it's all an imaginary world. Men who actually do things in life hardly have time to go on and on about the Jews . you will do better elsewhere if you have serious expat related interests.
^Then we have absolute morons like this who come to the race & ethnicity section of the forum and complain that people are discussing legitimate concerns about race and ethnicity. I've been oversees for nearly a year now btw.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by Adama »

sentinel89 wrote:
OutWest wrote:
cdnFA wrote:I have to wonder, is crazy something associated with the desire to move overseas or are countless sane potential members drove off by the crazy.

I mean f**k. Do you people actually talk like this in real life to normal people? If so how do you deal with the parade of weird looks you get and being laughed at to your face.
Oh yeah I forgot, they are the stupid ones.
Few of these types ever move overseas. Like everything else in their life, it's all mental masturbation. Real expats are concerned with things like healthcare, good housing, girlfriends or wives and children. The types mostly populating this forum now will never leave their mothers basement. For these Earl buttcrack types, it's all an imaginary world. Men who actually do things in life hardly have time to go on and on about the Jews . you will do better elsewhere if you have serious expat related interests.
^Then we have absolute morons like this who come to the race & ethnicity section of the forum and complain that people are discussing legitimate concerns about race and ethnicity. I've been oversees for nearly a year now btw.
You'll also notice that most anti conspiracy people are 100% diehard Zionists.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by Adama »

I want to make a distinction. The ethnic people who call themselves Jews are not Jews. They are just other human beings. They choose to separate themselves from the rest of humanity by giving themselves a false label. Judaism is a religion. It is not a people, but the Jews themselves want it to be a people, but if you call them a people, they get upset and call you all types of names.

The Jews who practice the religion of Judaism are the real (false according to the Bible) Jews. Jew indicates religion, not an ethnicity or race. But the Rabbis want those religious Jews to only marry other Jews, and they are the ones who want to separate themselves and have decided that they are a different tribe or race.

I do not believe Jews are a different tribe, race or ethnicity from anyone else, but they are the ones who want to be Jews. A person who doesn't practice Judaism is not a Jew. He is just another human. But they themselves still choose to call themselves Jews, as if it were a race or ethnicity, even though they do not acknowledge the religion of Judaism. That is nonsense. Already you see there is a serious problem with the Jews which they created by themselves.
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Re: Why Jews are not human

Post by Eric »

This is a religion of power/control. It's all it ever really was. Look at the tenets of Judaism - it's very "of this world" and material; to gain dominion over the world and destroy it's nations so that they submit under the rule of Israel, with Jews as the chosen people at the top.
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