It's (no) more fun in the Philippines.

Discuss culture, living, traveling, relocating, dating or anything related to the Asian countries - China, The Philippines, Thailand, etc.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on April 1st, 2019, 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by newlifeinphilippines »

im adding russia onto my todo list. if im gonna get scammed itmight as well be from a hot russian woman.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on April 1st, 2019, 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mr S
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Post by Mr S »

I've been here for a decade now more or less and I would agree that what a Western man wanted out of the Philippines 10+ years ago is becoming more and more of a distant memory as the country tries (I emphasize TRIES) to move its main cities into 2nd world status (while the provinces are still turd world).

Globalization has made it difficult to find quality women here now, I would say the turning point was around 2010 or so. With the proliferation of faster internet access and smart phones coming onto the scene; plus the high demand for immigration to Western countries whose populations are declining have made educated Filipinos who can meet the minimal qualifications to leave in droves, and are still doing so. Thus the highly desired upper and middle classes are moving mainly to Australia and Canada now, and to a lesser extent New Zealand, UK and Ireland. I do not include USA cause there is a 10+ waiting list for Filipinos now so they are mainly choosing other countries unless they directly marry an American or are willing to play the waiting game. (English speaking conservative Christian Asians are not wanted in the new America, only Muslim immigrants from completely f***ed up countries)

What is left now in the Philippines are well off or middle class teens and 20 somethings who are going to private school or finishing their UNI education in PI, then within a few years from that applying to leave to move overseas. Or the underclass who either barely finish public school or don't complete it for various reasons and the uneducated and ignorant divide among the have's and have not's are ever increasing. The ones who can't leave are stuck in the Philippines mainly cause they either can't afford the immigration prices or aren't smart enough to pass the education requirements. Even though the Philippines looks like it is expanding and getting better (if you call building malls and condos progress) the infrastructure itself is not holding up to the population and technological changes occurring in real time. All the while prices are skyrocketing while quality remains the same or is declining, especially in relation to food. Taxation (sin tax) is killing the nightlife slowly and there is a considerable change since when I first came 10 years ago, it is actually worse now, not better. Also, word is getting around Asia at least that it is more dangerous for visiting foreigners so some are now choosing other destinations. I can vouch for this myself as I've been robbed already twice this year and I never had any problems in the past until this year. The lower classes who have nothing to lose are becoming desperate and becoming more bold in crime and related problems.

Regarding women, the lower class women have always had their issues, but were generally far more tolerable than they are now. I ascribe this to the good ones leaving the country (finding quality foreign men easier online now) as well as the bad ones using the internet to troll and scam men in multiple countries around the world so many have gotten spoiled. The smart ones who can use a computer are not really partaking in the bar p4p scene anymore cause they can just use the computer to scam or do video P4P sites and make better money from their own house. So now the ones that are in the p4p scene are either ugly, uneducated, single moms and uneducated, uneducated and having to support their family and multiple brothers and sisters. Before, you could find some really hot lower class girls with a decent attitude sometimes but now its almost impossible. IF you find a Filipina from the lower class and she is nice she is usually only average looking at best, usually on the ugly side now.

It's almost pointless to do the P4P thing anymore and bar hop in PI unless you don't care about looks and attitudes. The whole scene in EVERY city is dying a slow painful death. I generally don't even bother going out anymore, even though I freely travel to at least one major city a month outside Manila. I can make clear comparisons of before and now and it is pretty much shit now. I predict Western girly bars will mostly cease to exist in less than 10 years and there will only be the boring overpriced Asian themed kind.

The higher quality educated middle and upper classes either already have boyfriends by high school and marry by their 20's or they know what they want and have a goal of immigrating to one of the mentioned Western countries and are not interested in dating until they have achieved their initial goals. They are not putting ads on the internet unless they are over 30 and single moms, you can have those if you want. The only way to get lucky with one of them is to really live in the country and be in an environment where you can meet these kind of women or be introduced to them. However, from my experience they aren't that much different from Western women as the educated here go through similar feminist brainwashing and have access to all the literature in one way or another. The women here are actually kinda controlling so if you got with an educated one who is a professional or went to one of the elite Uni's here they would probably be just as problamatic as Western women but maybe in slightly different ways. The guys that have successful Filipina marriages are generally the ones who meet a girl from the province areas who came from a decent family with middle class values or lower class with hard working ones. The girls are generally not considered part of the elite educated or privileged class. As I mentioned earlier these kind of women are getting harder and harder to find as they are now not waiting to leave the country or find a proper suitor online so if they are good looking and nice attitude they are pretty much off the market rather quickly.

Thus, for guys just visiting the country, hoping to strike it rich running into the girl of his dreams, that's pretty much done and buried. Not that it can't happen, it's just that the odds of that happening now in comparison to maybe 5-10+ years ago are slim. Even partaking in the naughty nightlife scene sucks and is futile if you actually have comparisons to what PI used to be like or how other countries are like Thailand, etc. I will admit I won't settle for trash women, and that's what's out there now and have been celibate for over a year now and I'm supposedly in p***y paradise in comparison to some Western countries. I'm basically not getting laid and its almost no different to when I was in the states. In the states I chose not to get laid cause the majority of women are fat, ugly and have bad attitudes. In PI I don't search for putang now cause the majority of girls may not be fat but their bodies have no shape or curves, flabby thinness or average body looks, the extreme provincial monkey face with flat nose and scarred brown skin is now becoming more and more the norm as the ones that are considered good looking now they are and don't stick around the country or already have BF's/husbands. Most have rocks for brains and have no outside interests other than the mundane so even if you hooked up with a tolerable one they have no lasting substance to them, even worse now than in the past. The social media smart phone thing has really destroyed and marginal communication skills the lower end girls used to have. You want one of them for a GF or wife? Go ahead they are a dime a dozen here now!

It's not completely pointless here of course, it's just that everything really sucks now in comparison to what it used to be like. For those who don't know what it used to be like then maybe it is better than the Western country they come from. However, for those in the know who have traveled around it's completely lame now and getting worse and worse every year, at least if dating and fornicating if that is your main purpose visiting PI. Yeah, they have beaches and tropical weather and all that shit but now I'd rather just go to another country for that with better infrastructure and less scamming since I know the women in PI used to make up for it but they don't anymore.

PI is good if you need a semi-permanent base of operations to travel to other Asian countries and come back to PI to recuperate in an English/Westernized environment. Like if you had a condo here or something you could live in part time. Living here full time in the major cities unless you like living in the smaller provincial cities/towns will suck nowadays.

I only remain here cause I feel my kid can get a better private education and not get brainwashed with BS liberal Western rhetoric and stupid other BS going on in the education systems over there. I don't think I'm interested in living here after my kid is a teen or getting involved with a Filipina again. Not to say there aren't any good ones cause there are, but they are so difficult to find and it's pretty much the same level as trying to find a decent Western chick, so why waste money coming all the way here when the quality of women suck almost as much as they do in the West. Anyways, I'd rather just suck it up and not date, move on to other countries where the women are generally better looking and are not being indoctrinated with feminism as fast. The PI education system is actually trying to copy parts of the Common Core system in America and the same education pimps selling their BS liberal textbooks and mantras are doing that here in PI now for profits. I know cause I send my kid to school here and have seen the forced government curriculum changes being thrust upon the schools here. There are still some control by schools here on some things but the young girls here are slowly being indoctrinated into the feminist fold, probably in 10-20 years many Filipinas will be bitchy and difficult to deal with just like most Western women here are.

So basically if you are looking for a Filipina best to try to find a good one now while they may still be around. I bet in less than 10 years, it will be completely futile for most men to bother coming here looking for a bride unless they have really low standards and expectations for themselves.

Globalism is ruining women around the world for the most part, it's just a matter of keeping ahead of the curve and trying to get to the countries that are difficult or slow to indoctrinate before they succumb to the disease. Since Filipinos are educated in English for the most part in schools here, it's easy for the Western liberal socialist feminist educational policies to migrate here and thus PI to become the first Feminized anti-male Asian country. You may laugh at that happening, but it already is. The government is just so screwed up to enforce a lot of the laws on the books here but there are already a lot of ant-men laws here. I think maybe ASEAN might stabilize the corruption here in the future and if that happens the women will become even more empowered here and attempt to control and change things.

Remember, There are only maybe between 30-40% real men in the country at any given time. The others are either working overseas or gay/ladyboys. Women generally run the families here because of the economic and social conditions here.

So go to another Asian country or Latin America or Eastern Europe, PI is not worth the money and hassle for women anymore IMO based on personal experience and present observations.
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and stoic philosopher, 121-180 A.D.
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Post by Taco »

Mr S wrote:I've been here for a decade now more or less and I would agree that what a Western man wanted out of the Philippines 10+ years ago is becoming more and more of a distant memory as the country tries (I emphasize TRIES) to move its main cities into 2nd world status (while the provinces are still turd world).

Globalization has made it difficult to find quality women here now, I would say the turning point was around 2010 or so. With the proliferation of faster internet access and smart phones coming onto the scene; plus the high demand for immigration to Western countries whose populations are declining have made educated Filipinos who can meet the minimal qualifications to leave in droves, and are still doing so. Thus the highly desired upper and middle classes are moving mainly to Australia and Canada now, and to a lesser extent New Zealand, UK and Ireland. I do not include USA cause there is a 10+ waiting list for Filipinos now so they are mainly choosing other countries unless they directly marry an American or are willing to play the waiting game. (English speaking conservative Christian Asians are not wanted in the new America, only Muslim immigrants from completely f***ed up countries)

What is left now in the Philippines are well off or middle class teens and 20 somethings who are going to private school or finishing their UNI education in PI, then within a few years from that applying to leave to move overseas. Or the underclass who either barely finish public school or don't complete it for various reasons and the uneducated and ignorant divide among the have's and have not's are ever increasing. The ones who can't leave are stuck in the Philippines mainly cause they either can't afford the immigration prices or aren't smart enough to pass the education requirements. Even though the Philippines looks like it is expanding and getting better (if you call building malls and condos progress) the infrastructure itself is not holding up to the population and technological changes occurring in real time. All the while prices are skyrocketing while quality remains the same or is declining, especially in relation to food. Taxation (sin tax) is killing the nightlife slowly and there is a considerable change since when I first came 10 years ago, it is actually worse now, not better. Also, word is getting around Asia at least that it is more dangerous for visiting foreigners so some are now choosing other destinations. I can vouch for this myself as I've been robbed already twice this year and I never had any problems in the past until this year. The lower classes who have nothing to lose are becoming desperate and becoming more bold in crime and related problems.

Regarding women, the lower class women have always had their issues, but were generally far more tolerable than they are now. I ascribe this to the good ones leaving the country (finding quality foreign men easier online now) as well as the bad ones using the internet to troll and scam men in multiple countries around the world so many have gotten spoiled. The smart ones who can use a computer are not really partaking in the bar p4p scene anymore cause they can just use the computer to scam or do video P4P sites and make better money from their own house. So now the ones that are in the p4p scene are either ugly, uneducated, single moms and uneducated, uneducated and having to support their family and multiple brothers and sisters. Before, you could find some really hot lower class girls with a decent attitude sometimes but now its almost impossible. IF you find a Filipina from the lower class and she is nice she is usually only average looking at best, usually on the ugly side now.

It's almost pointless to do the P4P thing anymore and bar hop in PI unless you don't care about looks and attitudes. The whole scene in EVERY city is dying a slow painful death. I generally don't even bother going out anymore, even though I freely travel to at least one major city a month outside Manila. I can make clear comparisons of before and now and it is pretty much shit now. I predict Western girly bars will mostly cease to exist in less than 10 years and there will only be the boring overpriced Asian themed kind.

The higher quality educated middle and upper classes either already have boyfriends by high school and marry by their 20's or they know what they want and have a goal of immigrating to one of the mentioned Western countries and are not interested in dating until they have achieved their initial goals. They are not putting ads on the internet unless they are over 30 and single moms, you can have those if you want. The only way to get lucky with one of them is to really live in the country and be in an environment where you can meet these kind of women or be introduced to them. However, from my experience they aren't that much different from Western women as the educated here go through similar feminist brainwashing and have access to all the literature in one way or another. The women here are actually kinda controlling so if you got with an educated one who is a professional or went to one of the elite Uni's here they would probably be just as problamatic as Western women but maybe in slightly different ways. The guys that have successful Filipina marriages are generally the ones who meet a girl from the province areas who came from a decent family with middle class values or lower class with hard working ones. The girls are generally not considered part of the elite educated or privileged class. As I mentioned earlier these kind of women are getting harder and harder to find as they are now not waiting to leave the country or find a proper suitor online so if they are good looking and nice attitude they are pretty much off the market rather quickly.

Thus, for guys just visiting the country, hoping to strike it rich running into the girl of his dreams, that's pretty much done and buried. Not that it can't happen, it's just that the odds of that happening now in comparison to maybe 5-10+ years ago are slim. Even partaking in the naughty nightlife scene sucks and is futile if you actually have comparisons to what PI used to be like or how other countries are like Thailand, etc. I will admit I won't settle for trash women, and that's what's out there now and have been celibate for over a year now and I'm supposedly in p***y paradise in comparison to some Western countries. I'm basically not getting laid and its almost no different to when I was in the states. In the states I chose not to get laid cause the majority of women are fat, ugly and have bad attitudes. In PI I don't search for putang now cause the majority of girls may not be fat but their bodies have no shape or curves, flabby thinness or average body looks, the extreme provincial monkey face with flat nose and scarred brown skin is now becoming more and more the norm as the ones that are considered good looking now they are and don't stick around the country or already have BF's/husbands. Most have rocks for brains and have no outside interests other than the mundane so even if you hooked up with a tolerable one they have no lasting substance to them, even worse now than in the past. The social media smart phone thing has really destroyed and marginal communication skills the lower end girls used to have. You want one of them for a GF or wife? Go ahead they are a dime a dozen here now!

It's not completely pointless here of course, it's just that everything really sucks now in comparison to what it used to be like. For those who don't know what it used to be like then maybe it is better than the Western country they come from. However, for those in the know who have traveled around it's completely lame now and getting worse and worse every year, at least if dating and fornicating if that is your main purpose visiting PI. Yeah, they have beaches and tropical weather and all that shit but now I'd rather just go to another country for that with better infrastructure and less scamming since I know the women in PI used to make up for it but they don't anymore.

PI is good if you need a semi-permanent base of operations to travel to other Asian countries and come back to PI to recuperate in an English/Westernized environment. Like if you had a condo here or something you could live in part time. Living here full time in the major cities unless you like living in the smaller provincial cities/towns will suck nowadays.

I only remain here cause I feel my kid can get a better private education and not get brainwashed with BS liberal Western rhetoric and stupid other BS going on in the education systems over there. I don't think I'm interested in living here after my kid is a teen or getting involved with a Filipina again. Not to say there aren't any good ones cause there are, but they are so difficult to find and it's pretty much the same level as trying to find a decent Western chick, so why waste money coming all the way here when the quality of women suck almost as much as they do in the West. Anyways, I'd rather just suck it up and not date, move on to other countries where the women are generally better looking and are not being indoctrinated with feminism as fast. The PI education system is actually trying to copy parts of the Common Core system in America and the same education pimps selling their BS liberal textbooks and mantras are doing that here in PI now for profits. I know cause I send my kid to school here and have seen the forced government curriculum changes being thrust upon the schools here. There are still some control by schools here on some things but the young girls here are slowly being indoctrinated into the feminist fold, probably in 10-20 years many Filipinas will be bitchy and difficult to deal with just like most Western women here are.

So basically if you are looking for a Filipina best to try to find a good one now while they may still be around. I bet in less than 10 years, it will be completely futile for most men to bother coming here looking for a bride unless they have really low standards and expectations for themselves.

Globalism is ruining women around the world for the most part, it's just a matter of keeping ahead of the curve and trying to get to the countries that are difficult or slow to indoctrinate before they succumb to the disease. Since Filipinos are educated in English for the most part in schools here, it's easy for the Western liberal socialist feminist educational policies to migrate here and thus PI to become the first Feminized anti-male Asian country. You may laugh at that happening, but it already is. The government is just so screwed up to enforce a lot of the laws on the books here but there are already a lot of ant-men laws here. I think maybe ASEAN might stabilize the corruption here in the future and if that happens the women will become even more empowered here and attempt to control and change things.

Remember, There are only maybe between 30-40% real men in the country at any given time. The others are either working overseas or gay/ladyboys. Women generally run the families here because of the economic and social conditions here.

So go to another Asian country or Latin America or Eastern Europe, PI is not worth the money and hassle for women anymore IMO based on personal experience and present observations.
Thanks for your report on the Philippines Mr. S its very insightful.

Sorry to hear about you being robbed that really sucks. I was hoping you could expand on when and how it happened so others can avoid it.

Globalization is just a synonym for communism. Communism is the most lucrative political system and will be adopted by all world governments very soon via martial law(WW III). Contrary to popular belief we are not living in a period of economic and social advancement but rather a period of severe decline. With that comes destruction of the family(patriarchal order) and marginalization of men in order for maximum profits and power to be achieved. The deteriorating social scene and quality of women in Luzon as you described is just a symptom of this. Constant exposure of Filipinas to western style media, entertainment and values(or lack of it) is clearly to blame. I'm guessing hookers from 30 yrs ago made better girlfriends than most university educated Filipinas do now. However, you can still find good quality women to date if you get off the beaten path(away from Luzon).
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Post by Jester »

newlifeinphilippines wrote:im adding russia onto my todo list. if im gonna get scammed itmight as well be from a hot russian woman.

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Post by KokujinKrusader »

newlifeinphilippines wrote:im adding russia onto my todo list. if im gonna get scammed itmight as well be from a hot russian woman.
Right on. If you're going to face hell, hardships, scams, etc., you might as well at least get something that you're attracted to out of the deal.
Grand Admiral Game taught me how to improve my mindset in order to achieve the success that I wanted in life!
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Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Ghost wrote:
newlifeinphilippines wrote:im adding russia onto my todo list. if im gonna get scammed itmight as well be from a hot russian woman.
I get the impression they are much more likely to scam without trading sex in return. More like a real scam than the pinay version, f**k you to get at your money.
that would be hard to do cause i usually expect sex right away unlike most chumps on this forum so ill be getting something or ill move on real quick. and even then it may not be enough cause i demand a lot. so not constant tons of sex = next. lol

i guess its on my bucket list to get a very impoverished eastern european girl or russian girl. Ive had my fun with the jungles now its time to try a new culture and area. Its more exciting anyways. I can't travel for a long time though so ill just fantasize for now lol
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Post by In2dadark »

Taco wrote:
Ghost wrote:
publicduende wrote:
Jester wrote:What a fun people they are!

I really love that.
Typical Latin-Filipino axis. Never take yourself too seriously...
Or take anything at all seriously. And don't ever try to build a better life because God will take care of it. And don't work because you can just steal.

That kind of culture may seem fun at first, but there is a massive underbelly to it.
I agree. Filipino culture is terrible.



They look like terrible ppl.
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Post by newlifeinphilippines »

Mr S wrote:I've been here for a decade now more or less and I would agree that what a Western man wanted out of the Philippines 10+ years ago is becoming more and more of a distant memory as the country tries (I emphasize TRIES) to move its main cities into 2nd world status (while the provinces are still turd world).

Globalization has made it difficult to find quality women here now, I would say the turning point was around 2010 or so. With the proliferation of faster internet access and smart phones coming onto the scene; plus the high demand for immigration to Western countries whose populations are declining have made educated Filipinos who can meet the minimal qualifications to leave in droves, and are still doing so. Thus the highly desired upper and middle classes are moving mainly to Australia and Canada now, and to a lesser extent New Zealand, UK and Ireland. I do not include USA cause there is a 10+ waiting list for Filipinos now so they are mainly choosing other countries unless they directly marry an American or are willing to play the waiting game. (English speaking conservative Christian Asians are not wanted in the new America, only Muslim immigrants from completely f***ed up countries)

What is left now in the Philippines are well off or middle class teens and 20 somethings who are going to private school or finishing their UNI education in PI, then within a few years from that applying to leave to move overseas. Or the underclass who either barely finish public school or don't complete it for various reasons and the uneducated and ignorant divide among the have's and have not's are ever increasing. The ones who can't leave are stuck in the Philippines mainly cause they either can't afford the immigration prices or aren't smart enough to pass the education requirements. Even though the Philippines looks like it is expanding and getting better (if you call building malls and condos progress) the infrastructure itself is not holding up to the population and technological changes occurring in real time. All the while prices are skyrocketing while quality remains the same or is declining, especially in relation to food. Taxation (sin tax) is killing the nightlife slowly and there is a considerable change since when I first came 10 years ago, it is actually worse now, not better. Also, word is getting around Asia at least that it is more dangerous for visiting foreigners so some are now choosing other destinations. I can vouch for this myself as I've been robbed already twice this year and I never had any problems in the past until this year. The lower classes who have nothing to lose are becoming desperate and becoming more bold in crime and related problems.

Regarding women, the lower class women have always had their issues, but were generally far more tolerable than they are now. I ascribe this to the good ones leaving the country (finding quality foreign men easier online now) as well as the bad ones using the internet to troll and scam men in multiple countries around the world so many have gotten spoiled. The smart ones who can use a computer are not really partaking in the bar p4p scene anymore cause they can just use the computer to scam or do video P4P sites and make better money from their own house. So now the ones that are in the p4p scene are either ugly, uneducated, single moms and uneducated, uneducated and having to support their family and multiple brothers and sisters. Before, you could find some really hot lower class girls with a decent attitude sometimes but now its almost impossible. IF you find a Filipina from the lower class and she is nice she is usually only average looking at best, usually on the ugly side now.

It's almost pointless to do the P4P thing anymore and bar hop in PI unless you don't care about looks and attitudes. The whole scene in EVERY city is dying a slow painful death. I generally don't even bother going out anymore, even though I freely travel to at least one major city a month outside Manila. I can make clear comparisons of before and now and it is pretty much shit now. I predict Western girly bars will mostly cease to exist in less than 10 years and there will only be the boring overpriced Asian themed kind.

The higher quality educated middle and upper classes either already have boyfriends by high school and marry by their 20's or they know what they want and have a goal of immigrating to one of the mentioned Western countries and are not interested in dating until they have achieved their initial goals. They are not putting ads on the internet unless they are over 30 and single moms, you can have those if you want. The only way to get lucky with one of them is to really live in the country and be in an environment where you can meet these kind of women or be introduced to them. However, from my experience they aren't that much different from Western women as the educated here go through similar feminist brainwashing and have access to all the literature in one way or another. The women here are actually kinda controlling so if you got with an educated one who is a professional or went to one of the elite Uni's here they would probably be just as problamatic as Western women but maybe in slightly different ways. The guys that have successful Filipina marriages are generally the ones who meet a girl from the province areas who came from a decent family with middle class values or lower class with hard working ones. The girls are generally not considered part of the elite educated or privileged class. As I mentioned earlier these kind of women are getting harder and harder to find as they are now not waiting to leave the country or find a proper suitor online so if they are good looking and nice attitude they are pretty much off the market rather quickly.

Thus, for guys just visiting the country, hoping to strike it rich running into the girl of his dreams, that's pretty much done and buried. Not that it can't happen, it's just that the odds of that happening now in comparison to maybe 5-10+ years ago are slim. Even partaking in the naughty nightlife scene sucks and is futile if you actually have comparisons to what PI used to be like or how other countries are like Thailand, etc. I will admit I won't settle for trash women, and that's what's out there now and have been celibate for over a year now and I'm supposedly in p***y paradise in comparison to some Western countries. I'm basically not getting laid and its almost no different to when I was in the states. In the states I chose not to get laid cause the majority of women are fat, ugly and have bad attitudes. In PI I don't search for putang now cause the majority of girls may not be fat but their bodies have no shape or curves, flabby thinness or average body looks, the extreme provincial monkey face with flat nose and scarred brown skin is now becoming more and more the norm as the ones that are considered good looking now they are and don't stick around the country or already have BF's/husbands. Most have rocks for brains and have no outside interests other than the mundane so even if you hooked up with a tolerable one they have no lasting substance to them, even worse now than in the past. The social media smart phone thing has really destroyed and marginal communication skills the lower end girls used to have. You want one of them for a GF or wife? Go ahead they are a dime a dozen here now!

It's not completely pointless here of course, it's just that everything really sucks now in comparison to what it used to be like. For those who don't know what it used to be like then maybe it is better than the Western country they come from. However, for those in the know who have traveled around it's completely lame now and getting worse and worse every year, at least if dating and fornicating if that is your main purpose visiting PI. Yeah, they have beaches and tropical weather and all that shit but now I'd rather just go to another country for that with better infrastructure and less scamming since I know the women in PI used to make up for it but they don't anymore.

PI is good if you need a semi-permanent base of operations to travel to other Asian countries and come back to PI to recuperate in an English/Westernized environment. Like if you had a condo here or something you could live in part time. Living here full time in the major cities unless you like living in the smaller provincial cities/towns will suck nowadays.

I only remain here cause I feel my kid can get a better private education and not get brainwashed with BS liberal Western rhetoric and stupid other BS going on in the education systems over there. I don't think I'm interested in living here after my kid is a teen or getting involved with a Filipina again. Not to say there aren't any good ones cause there are, but they are so difficult to find and it's pretty much the same level as trying to find a decent Western chick, so why waste money coming all the way here when the quality of women suck almost as much as they do in the West. Anyways, I'd rather just suck it up and not date, move on to other countries where the women are generally better looking and are not being indoctrinated with feminism as fast. The PI education system is actually trying to copy parts of the Common Core system in America and the same education pimps selling their BS liberal textbooks and mantras are doing that here in PI now for profits. I know cause I send my kid to school here and have seen the forced government curriculum changes being thrust upon the schools here. There are still some control by schools here on some things but the young girls here are slowly being indoctrinated into the feminist fold, probably in 10-20 years many Filipinas will be bitchy and difficult to deal with just like most Western women here are.

So basically if you are looking for a Filipina best to try to find a good one now while they may still be around. I bet in less than 10 years, it will be completely futile for most men to bother coming here looking for a bride unless they have really low standards and expectations for themselves.

Globalism is ruining women around the world for the most part, it's just a matter of keeping ahead of the curve and trying to get to the countries that are difficult or slow to indoctrinate before they succumb to the disease. Since Filipinos are educated in English for the most part in schools here, it's easy for the Western liberal socialist feminist educational policies to migrate here and thus PI to become the first Feminized anti-male Asian country. You may laugh at that happening, but it already is. The government is just so screwed up to enforce a lot of the laws on the books here but there are already a lot of ant-men laws here. I think maybe ASEAN might stabilize the corruption here in the future and if that happens the women will become even more empowered here and attempt to control and change things.

Remember, There are only maybe between 30-40% real men in the country at any given time. The others are either working overseas or gay/ladyboys. Women generally run the families here because of the economic and social conditions here.

So go to another Asian country or Latin America or Eastern Europe, PI is not worth the money and hassle for women anymore IMO based on personal experience and present observations.

I agree about using philippines as your base. you can stay here many months long term and its a good place to go back to if your traveling to other parts of asia wherever that may be. For example i was thinking either a russian/manila duo or a multi asian tour starting in manila then doing a loop around. since it all leads back to america from manila its a way to save flights and your back in familiar territory. I wouldn't want thailand or japan as my go to base especially since im not familiar with those places. I can stay long term in PI cheap in a hotel by the month where i stay so for me if i want a multimonth vacation PI seems the best. Im su re you can find a nice cheap hotel in thailand for the long term also but it wont be as cheap as what i get and im skeptical one can easily find a long term quality girlfriend in thailand especially with many not knowing english and im not buddhist it just lowers the chances greatly for me. so for me visting other countries for tourism/excitement/flings but PI i think should always be the "base" for in between trips or for more steady girlfriend.

my gf for the whole 6 months was on her phone almost nonstop even massaging me while on it. I wanted to throw that f***ing phone sometimes LOL If i didnt feel sorry for her i would have never put up with a girl like her.

im not sure if the bar scene is changing but i suspect its been always bad the standards just go up over the years for those who been to PI awhile. My barhoe was workng the bar still in 2014 and im not sure if she is or not but she definitely has a nice personality and is sexy compared to most bargirls (but no curves but i love tiny spinners and her ass was kind of curvy for her size so at least she has got it half right). but i haven't really met anyone else in the bar or pro outside the bar that had her personality except some waitress in angeles who was nice but she was rather ugly now in hindsight and was a single mom LOL

I think things have changed though in the few years you hear less and less success stories. I think dave is theonly one who had a good success story with a singleless woman in the last 2 years (and it was 2 years still not that recent) and that one alien lookin guy on bebotsonly LOL. the rest were many years ago.

By the way the only guy ive seen with a hot filipina by my standards (not borderline or could go either way depending on the pic or if she woke up on a good day) on his way to marriage (and not a fling or regular relationship) is probably pete and that was years ago AND the pic is too blury for me to see but i suspect not even she is hot.

even lifebeyondthesea who has dated a lot has found numerous game playing and mostly girls with kids or other personality issues and all of htem were desperate situation in some regard.
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Re: It's (no) more fun in the Philippines.

Post by MJay1978 »

I couldn't help to notice what Mr. S said in his statement. I see a change in the wind with the Filipino women as well. I ran into a 34 year old Filipino on a website. At first I thought she was nice and decent. I shared my experience with America and the American women here. We connected, had good conversations, and even talk intimately, which the conversations were conducted on Skype and Viber. But that is until she showed a pattern of flakiness. She made an excuse saying she is about to lose her wifi and she informed me that she lives alone. During the 3 weeks of not hearing from her I made three attemps to call her twice. During the first week she kept repeating herself, telling me she is tired since I called her at around 8:00 am EST. The second time I called her the conversation went okay. We talked intimately. Told each other we missed each other. The third and fourth time is when I started to notice problems. She did not answer her phone at all. The fourth time is when shit started to hit the fan, revealing to me the kind of Filipino she really is. I got bombarded with cuss words, f-bombs, and complete disrespect and it had to do with political discussion regarding my country and how most of the women are here.

I assume she didn't want to hear it because during this disturbing conversation only led me to the conclusion that she was only connecting with me as a means to find a way to get into America. She told me she had many friends (Americans, Canadians, Swiss, etc.) from abroad. The gist of her conversation indicated to me she is partially Westernized with the bad Western behavior. I assume the influences she exposed herself to online indoctrinated her into carrying this form of bad Western behavior. I would listen to what Mr. S said in his message because it's true. I used to think Filipino women were good until this only bad experience I had with one of them. I don't think any man would put up with a woman like this who displays a form of high fowl language like she's cursing like a sailor, disrespect, and displays a form of selfishness. She even told me she was living with her sister and her daughter, which she has wifi access, but why would she tell me at first she was living on her own and lost her wifi?

I can tell you why. It's because most likely she is playing you and only using you as a means to get out of her situation in her own country, which she is a poor woman who is currently not employed. It's easy to tell by the warning signs, which during that day I talked to her on Viber, she was throwing red flags all over the place!

1. Her behavior could easily be detected as the bad form of Westernized behavior.

2. She was cursing, using the f-bomb so many times and even use the phrase "idgaf".

3. She mentioned she has contact with Western connections (Canada, Swiss, America, etc.). Another warning sign indicating she is influenced and has been exposed/indoctrinated to the Western culture.

4. She claims she doesn't use social media and avoids it completely. But she mentioned she has many connections to Westernized countries. How is she doing this? Easy answer. She either has friends outside of the internet she still contacts, or she is on another site, but is keeping it private. I did a search under her name and nothing came up under her name.

5. She was defending American women since she mentioned she is friends with women who are American.

6. I get the impression the reason I have not heard from her for 3 weeks on Viber is because she was being flaky/dodgy and made up lies regarding her wifi connection. If she was living with her sister who had wifi access during the entire time I have not heard from her during the 3 weeks she was over there babysitting her sister's daughter, she should have been contacting me then. But she didn't.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to talk to this woman ever again. I lost all interest in the Philippines after this encounter with a Filipino woman online. I think the Russians and Ukrainians are more of my cup of tea since they have more of an orthodox background. Also they have more of a feminine projection in regards to interaction and connecting with other people. They also don't carry bitch behavior and don't curse like sailors. My point to this post is I agree with Mr. S after this unpleasant encounter I had with a Filipino woman online. I see they're starting to change and become more familiar/influenced by the Western culture via social media and the internet. I decided it is best if I stay away from the Philippines and not even bother to pursue and search for happiness with Filipino women after this unfortunate experience. But my story along with others is a sign as far as changes taking place in some parts of the world due to new technology, the internet, and Western social media.
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Re: It's (no) more fun in the Philippines.

Post by Taco »

MJay1978 wrote: The fourth time is when shit started to hit the fan, revealing to me the kind of Filipino she really is. I got bombarded with cuss words, f-bombs, and complete disrespect and it had to do with political discussion regarding my country and how most of the women are here.
She's obviously from Luzon. You rarely encounter this type of behavior with Visayan women.
Paranoia is just having the right information. - William S. Burroughs
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Re: It's (no) more fun in the Philippines.

Post by MJay1978 »

Taco wrote:
MJay1978 wrote: The fourth time is when shit started to hit the fan, revealing to me the kind of Filipino she really is. I got bombarded with cuss words, f-bombs, and complete disrespect and it had to do with political discussion regarding my country and how most of the women are here.
She's obviously from Luzon. You rarely encounter this type of behavior with Visayan women.
No. That's not what she told me at least. She told me she is from the Marikina City region of the Philippines. I think it is in my best interest to just stick with the Ukrainian & Russian women. At first I did like her feminine projection until she showed her true colors. Her actions of bad Western behavior are an instant turn-off.
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Re: It's (no) more fun in the Philippines.

Post by davewe »

MJay1978 wrote:
Taco wrote:
MJay1978 wrote: The fourth time is when shit started to hit the fan, revealing to me the kind of Filipino she really is. I got bombarded with cuss words, f-bombs, and complete disrespect and it had to do with political discussion regarding my country and how most of the women are here.
She's obviously from Luzon. You rarely encounter this type of behavior with Visayan women.
No. That's not what she told me at least. She told me she is from the Marikina City region of the Philippines. I think it is in my best interest to just stick with the Ukrainian & Russian women. At first I did like her feminine projection until she showed her true colors. Her actions of bad Western behavior are an instant turn-off.
Marikina City is in Metro Manila as Taco predicted.
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on April 1st, 2019, 12:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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