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Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 6 Logical Reasons

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Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 6 Logical Reasons

Post by Winston »

Contrary to what Adama and Christian fundamentalists tell you:

If there is a God, then it's likely that he can work through all religions, not just one, and even connect with people without any organized religion at all.

It's not true that there's only one way to God and that all other religion are false. That's what exclusive narrow minded religionists and fundamentalists want you to believe, not what God wants you to believe. Here are some good logical reasons why Jesus and the Bible are NOT the "only way to God".

1) First, think about this: The creator (or creators) of this world created a lot of VARIETY in it. He or she (or they) made many different types of plants, animals, nature, vegetables, colors, flavors, flowers, climates, marine life, mammals, human races, etc. So obviously the creator LOVES variety. Even Christian Creationists admit that "God loves variety". So why then would God suddenly become so narrow minded when it comes to ways to reach him? Why would he only make one religion true while all the rest false? A creator of the universe would not be that closed minded or exclusive, especially if he loves variety and created a lot of it. It would be inconsistent with his love for variety and diversity. That would be like a creator who created many different cultures and races, but saying that only one of them was good, while all the others bad. We all know how absurd that would be. Logically speaking, a being or entity who cherishes and loves variety would not be so exclusive and narrow minded as to only allow one religion to be "the only right way" and all others to be "the wrong way" and condemn everyone who follows them. That would be far too inconsistent and out of line with his own character.

2) Second, you would think that a creator of the universe would be broad minded, not narrow minded, as well as fair and reasonable, since his mind and perception are so far above ours, and his wisdom so vastly superior to ours, just as our mind is to an insect's mind. Such a broad minded creator would not send the followers of only one religion to heaven while sending the rest to hell. Anyone that trite and small minded would not even be smart enough or capable of creating the universe or even our planet in the first place. Instead, he would be like a hick living in a shack and achieve nothing due to his small mindedness.

3) Third, why would a powerful creator limit himself by only working through one religion? An omnipotent and omniscient God ought to be able to transcend such narrow man made limitations. If he only accepted those of one religion, then he would be rejecting billions of people in other religions and missing out on them. He'd be alienating billions of his own children.

Consider this: If your father or mother asked you to visit them, would they mind if you took a car to see them, a bus, a plane, a helicopter, a boat, a parachute, or even if you walked on foot? Obviously not, as long as you arrive and try to see them, that's what counts. Or, if they wanted you to contact them, would they mind if you called them by phone, Skyped them, emailed them, or wrote a letter to them by mail? Would they accept all those forms of contact, or only one form? I'm sure they would accept any form of contacting them. So why wouldn't God? Especially a reasonable and sane God?

The point is, if God wants to badly to reconnect with his children, why wouldn't he work with them? Heck even corporations and businesses allow you multiple ways to pay them and contact them. They take different types of credit card for payment, and also cash or check. And you can contact them by phone, email, postal mail, using their online contact forms, or sometimes even via live online chat. So if a business allows you different ways of paying or contacting them, why wouldn't God? Don't you think God would at least be as reasonable as a business would be? Think about it.

4) Fourth, how would God expect the average person to know which religion was "the true way to God" anyway? One cannot look at all the religions of the world and easily distinguish which one is true and which isn't, even if one is really smart or bright. So why would God expect that one could, when in reality one cannot? Wouldn't God have the sense to put himself in an ordinary man's shoes and realize that if he were human, he would have no idea which religion was the right way to God either? You would think that God would consider this, since a reasonable man would. Is it asking too much to expect God to have common sense and act like a reasonable man?

5) Fifth, all major religions have resulted in many stories and testimonials of changed lives, miracles and answered prayers. There are documented accounts of miracles from people of all faiths, not just Christianity. So Christians do not have a monopoly on changed lives, miracles or answered prayers. All major faiths and religions do. This indicates that some higher power or divine source (even if it's within rather than without) is at work in all of them.

6) Sixth, text in a book is not literal truth and is not infallible, but is in fact very malleable and subject to manipulation, change and alteration. They are reflections of the opinions and biases of the author. We all know that. Words are merely words. And we all know that human hands wrote the Bible, even Christians admit that. Therefore since humans are fallible and imperfect then so is the Bible. It's simple logic. Plus you don't even know who wrote the Bible and you never even met them. They are strangers to you, and we all know you can't entrust your life to a stranger you never met. Therefore, you cannot hang your whole life or a major belief on one or two Bible verses, since after all they are just mere words.

One of America's founding fathers, Thomas Paine, made this point eloquently in his book "The Age of Reason":
But some, perhaps, will say: Are we to have no word of God — no revelation? I answer, Yes; there is a word of God; there is a revelation.
THE WORD OF GOD IS THE CREATION WE BEHOLD and it is in this word, which no human invention can counterfeit or alter, that God speaketh universally to man.

Human language is local and changeable, and is therefore incapable of being used as the means of unchangeable and universal information. The idea that God sent Jesus Christ to publish, as they say, the glad tidings to all nations, from one end of the earth to the other, is consistent only with the ignorance of those who knew nothing of the extent of the world, and who believed, as those world-saviours believed, and continued to believe for several centuries (and that in contradiction to the discoveries of philosophers and the experience of navigators), that the earth was flat like a trencher, and that man might walk to the end of it.

But how was Jesus Christ to make anything known to all nations? He could speak but one language which was Hebrew, and there are in the world several hundred languages. Scarcely any two nations speak the same language, or understand each other; and as to translations, every man who knows anything of languages knows that it is impossible to translate from one language to another, not only without losing a great part of the original, but frequently of mistaking the sense; and besides all this, the art of printing was wholly unknown at the time Christ lived.

It is always necessary that the means that are to accomplish any end be equal to the accomplishment of that end, or the end cannot be accomplished. It is in this that the difference between finite and infinite power and wisdom discovers itself. Man frequently fails in accomplishing his ends, from a natural inability of the power to the purpose, and frequently from the want of wisdom to apply power properly. But it is impossible for infinite power and wisdom to fail as man faileth. The means it useth are always equal to the end; but human language, more especially as there is not an universal language, is incapable of being used as an universal means of unchangeable and uniform information, and therefore it is not the means that God useth in manifesting himself universally to man.

It is only in the CREATION that all our ideas and conceptions of a word of God can unite. The Creation speaketh an universal language, independently of human speech or human language, multiplied and various as they may be. It is an ever-existing original, which every man can read. It cannot be forged; it cannot be counterfeited; it cannot be lost; it cannot be altered; it cannot be suppressed. It does not depend upon the will of man whether it shall be published or not; it publishes itself from one end of the earth to the other. It preaches to all nations and to all worlds; and this word of God reveals to man all that is necessary for man to know of God.

Do we want to contemplate his power? We see it in the immensity of the Creation. Do we want to contemplate his wisdom? We see it in the unchangeable order by which the incomprehensible whole is governed! Do we want to contemplate his munificence? We see it in the abundance with which he fills the earth. Do we want to contemplate his mercy? We see it in his not withholding that abundance even from the unthankful. In fine, do we want to know what God is? Search not the book called the Scripture, which any human hand might make, but the Scripture called the Creation.
Paine's argument is logical. Since text is too malleable and changeable by man, the only objective universal reflection of God is his CREATION, in the world around us. This is logical, since a creator's work and creation is usually a reflection of himself, just as an artwork is usually the reflection of the mind and soul of the artist. Thus the argument makes sense and has sound logic. Therefore, from the Creator's creation in the world around us, all we can gather is that he or she (or they) must love variety and is capable of great love and beauty as well as cruelty and pain, and is both good and evil, since our world is a dualistic world of opposites. Hence we can assume that these qualities probably reflect our Creator as well. Furthermore, since our human nature contains both good and evil, positive and bad qualities, then since "man is created in the image of God", then it logically follows that our Creator possesses the same qualities too. Moreover, even mankind's reason and critical thinking (as I am applying here in my analysis) must be part of God's nature too, otherwise why would he bestow us with the ability to think and reason? That's all we can logically infer. Beyond that, all we can do is try to connect to him or her to gain more information or revelations or insights.

Now of course Christian fundamentalists will cite Bible verses such as John 14:6 where Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." and 1 Timothy 2:5 that says, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." as authority to try to prove that Jesus is the only way to God. But these are just words and verses. They don't create absolute truth and they do not erase all other religions and beliefs. They are merely a few verses in a book, that's all. Not absolute literal truth or authority. So you gotta remember that:

* Words are just words. They don't create absolute reality, literal truth or law. Anyone can say anything. Text is malleable and easily subject to change and alteration. Plus they can easily be metaphorical and be the opinion and bias of the author.
* You don't know for sure that the historical Jesus even said those things. Jesus wrote nothing himself, which is strange if he had intended to start a new religion. Those words from the Gospel of John were written 50 to 70 years after Jesus lived. And anyone could have written them. You should not trust random anonymous sources, as you know. In fact, many of the Bible authors are anonymous and unidentified. So they carry little or no weight or credibility.
* Even if the historical Jesus really said those things, it doesn't mean they are literally true. No one is infallible or perfect, no matter what they say. You wouldn't believe anyone claiming to be perfect or infallible today, so why would you believe that someone was perfect and infallible 2,000 years ago? It doesn't make sense. Likewise, you wouldn't believe anyone today claiming to be "the only way to God" so why would you believe it if someone said it 2,000 years ago? It makes no sense.
* Each religion and its texts were created by man, or is man's interpretation of the divine, even if they were inspired by a divine source. Therefore, at best each religion and its texts are a mixture of both man and the divine, and are hence subject to mankind's bias, opinions, interpretations, agendas, politics, mistakes, contradictions, etc. So just because there are verses in the Gospels or Epistles that claim Jesus is "the only way" doesn't make it true. And even if higher beings or divine entities wrote the Bible, that wouldn't make them infallible. Just because something is higher or more powerful than you, doesn't make it perfect or infallible. For example, an ant may see you as big and powerful, but would it be right in assuming that you are perfect and infallible? One of the trillions of living cells in your body may see you as God, but would it be right in assuming that you are all knowing and infallible and perfect? Of course not.
* These Gospels were written as stories of "good news" and are documents of faith, and the Epistles are merely personal letters by Paul and others. They were not meant to be accurate historical records, or infallible dogma or canonical law. And even if they were, it wouldn't make them so. Just because someone "says so" doesn't make it so.

The bottom line is that words in any text form are merely words. They are not divine absolute laws that are infallible or irrefutable. They do not create reality or truth either. Words are merely words. No need to make them something they are not.

Most likely, Christian Churches like to claim that they are "the only way to God' because it gives them power, authority and exclusivity. Human nature seems to get off on that. It makes them feel more special and meaningful. But once you broaden your mind and your perspective of religions, spirituality, life, the world and reality, you begin to see that these "only way" beliefs are not true. And you realize that God and the universe are much bigger than that. As the famous spiritual teacher and author Deepak Chopra said, "Once you define God, you limit God."

What all this means is that not only can you connect with God through different religions - as long as you are sincere of course - but you can connect with God even without a religion as well. Some connect with God through Nature, as the Native American tribes did. And some through meditation (which has been dubbed "listening to God" while prayer is "talking to God") or yoga. There are those that connect with divine inspiration through art, music and poetry. Others just have a general belief in God without religion. It's a personal choice. There's no one right way. Everyone interacts with the divine differently. As the late comedian George Carlin said, "Religion is like a pair of shoes. Find one that fits, but don't try to make me wear your shoes."

In fact, God may even have many faces, as Hindus believe. Hinduism is the only religion that is both polytheistic and monotheistic. It has many deities, but all these deities are considered different faces and facets of the same God, Brahma. So it is the most complex religion that has God as multi-dimensional and multi-faceted, beyond human understanding. If this is true, then God is truly more complex than we can imagine, per the Chopra quote above.

So far, I've given a number of logical reasons above why if there's a God, he should be able to work through all religions, or no religion. In contrast, ask a Christian to give a logical reason why Jesus is the only way to God and they can't give one. All they can say is "because the Bible says so" which does NOT constitute a logical reason.
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - Logical reasons

Post by Winston »

I just updated this post with 5 logical reasons and many subpoints and subreasons. What do you all think? Does it make great logical and reasonable sense? Are the arguments good and well thought out? Does it expand your view on the topic and give you new things to consider?
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by Kradmelder »

Ok Winston my views as a Christian who doesn't believe in modern churches. No bible, just my God given free will.

If you believe there is only one God, so that means all monotheistic religions, he must be the same God. No matter what you call him. All that differs is how you worship this one god. The bible does say it does not matter how you pray as long as you pray. Religions are like different brokers or middlemen to the same company. For this reason I have no issue with catholics, jews, Muslims about their ceo. Although perhaps jews worship Satan due to their behaviour. It makes no sense to curse or hate jesus. Muslims do not. Unless you worship satan. But the faith or how they worship is not an issue, only issue is do they worship God.

Churches have nothing to do with God. They are man things. Where does it say you must have your arse in a pew on Sunday, bow to the east and kow tow? It just says you must pray. If you are Christian, God is there where christians gather. It could be under a tree.

Jesus is my way. My free will. To say it is the only way is man's arrogance. Jesus did tell the Jews if you believe in God you would believe in me. As well as what you covered from the bible. But to go from that to say that others who believe in the one God but know not Jesus are doomed? That is not said anywhere. To know Jesus and curse him like jews is a different story. Before Jesus was all mankind doomed? Europe did not know Jesus until just over 1000 years ago. Winston your ancestors as Chinese have known him for less. Are they all doomed? Of course not or why are we here. Europeans did not bring God and Jesus to the Chinese or other whites. God was always there. They just brought new ways to worship. Our ancestors were still loved by God. Your constant questioning is just your God given free will.

If the free will part is true, if you live by God's precepts that are the same for most religions, even if you are atheist, will God stop believing in you?

It goes against Calvanistic teachings. But it is my free will and God will love me anyway. I also do not curse his son. Other faiths that acknowledge but do not accept that way, but do not curse it, perhaps they got a different message. One that was not meant for me. I will not curse Jesus, Allah or anyone's saviour. That is just satanic.

Perhaps I deviate from church doctrine or how people like adama see it. And they may say I am not a true Christian. But they are not God so pleasing them is not the issue. To me they are brother Christians and exactly how we find our way to our God need not follow the same path. If we have faith and keep to the moral precepts as we understand them we will get there. I think you will find our values are similar. Just some doctrine issues vary. Does God care as much about doctrine as he does about deeds?

Perhaps you are a bit lost in your faith. You always look for new ways and ideas. It does not matter. You believe in God. Your spirit is Christian. So you will end up at the same place. If you stop listening to false prophets you will find the way because your spirit is there. You can question Jesus all you like. But in your heart you look for a Christian way. So you will find it.

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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by starchild5 »

But, Winston....GOD is pretty much useless in these times. There is a matter how much you pray...god never answers your prayers or where are you god. God, don't you see my pain and suffering line of thoughts we have from time to time...

God supports Evil and good guys EQUALLY....This is the most difficult point to understand.

Right now, it does not matter single god or multiple god or monotheism or polytheism...We can all feel it...WE ARE F**Ked :D :D

What we need is UNDERSTANDING GOD Not Praying to him.

Jesus was really a bad hacked version of real GOD. Jesus was also Jewish...How convenient ..I doubt if he ever existed because of so much complexities, general bs'ness. Even present hindu, buddhist, islam are hacked version of true god.

The problem for all our suffering is really not UNDERSTANDING GOD.

God never works the way we are being told aka only GOOD SIDE.

I repeat...GOD is really NOT THE WAY YOU THINK HE IS......

The below would be very very hard for western folks to understand. This is only for old souls ...DO NOT READ BELOW...if you do not feel like an old soul.

God is an a**hole, son of a b*tch, motherf**cker because I know he works with the richest evil Indians...He works with Rothchilds as well...He works with Illuminati, he guides them as well...He has raped many women, he killed many humans as well. He is really a f**cker...The most evil person you will ever see...F**ck you god.


God is the greatest giver i have seen .....He helps a lot, he got murdered too, he was raped as well, he helps the poor to no end...he is always on your side...he is your greatest friend ever...the best of the best...The only one you ever had is god.

The point is...

The real God treats Evil and Good Equally. For western folks, this will be very very hard to understand, because most of your life is on the positive side...You only know, pray to GOOD god Jesus.... In India, the balance of evil and good is equal. If you in India, you can feel Gods evil and good side. There is a reason why India is land of spirituality. Here, you can understand God.

Not only Good and Evil side of God....God has 1000+ more FORMS. We humans can only FEEL his good and evil FORM.

Our minds are not capable of seeing Gods true form. That is why, he comes in different different forms to us which is why Polytheism is the way to understand god. There is only one God but we cannot comprehend him. We must need Polytheistic gods to progress in life.


This is the real GOD folks...You cannot comprehend god when he works with the most evil person on earth...I have suffered a lot because I could not believe this...Now, I'm coming to terms with I UNDERSTAND HIM.
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by starchild5 »

If you don't believe it..I dare anyone in this forum to call God...Son of a b**tch, d*ckhead, c**t.....

Can anyone in here...CURSE GOD....????

Adama...Will you take the challenge :lol:

Winston ..Will you...? since you mentioned the broadness, open mindedness of god. Then go ahead and call god son of a b*tch for not listening to your prayers...where was he, when you suffered in America and then Murphy law screwed your life....

If you can't curse god. You really have not understood god. Everything else is mere RalphSmart and Osteen :D ....You have only understood gods one form, one side that we know as GOOD.

His forms are very complex...Good and Evil are mere two forms out of millions...

The more you understand god..The more you lose your mind. If you a sane human being..You have really not understood god.

This Ralph Smart, Infinite waters kinds will never ever understand real god just one form of it The goodness that we see in God is really his ONE SIDE.

Almost, all our problems will vanish if we truly UNDERSTAND GOD. This phase of what we know as suffering is really " His another form"....

We are not able to handle his EVIL form...then how are we suppose to know his entire millions of forms...That is why polytheism is needed. We need parts to understand the whole.

Otherwise...Adama ...should have cursed god long time ago...but he will never do it...because he is just seeing the good side of god.
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by Winston »

You mean you believe there are many ways to God? What kind of Christian are you? Lol. Joke. Where did you get that idea? Maybe in other countries, Christians arent so literal. But in America, they are. American Christians need the bible to be the only way to God. They need it to have authority or else they cant rely on it or have faith in it.

The bible does have verses that say Jesus is the only way to God. Why do you not know about them? I gave 2 examples in the OP above. Didnt you see them? But i gave many reasons below that as to why you cant take such verses to be absolute truth beyond question. Did you read them?

What did you think of my 5 logical reasons above? Did they make sense?
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by Winston »

Yes yes! That makes perfect sense. I postulated long ago that God must have a good and evil side. Its the only explanation that makes sense. He seems to support both good and evil. And maybe everything between too. This is probably one of the great divine secrets that the western world isnt ready for. Its too advanced for them.

It also finally answers the age old dilemma that westerners have asked throughout the ages, "why does a good God allow evil to exist?"

So God is like the illuminati then in that he supports both sides of a war and reaps the benefit from whoever wins? Why does he do that? Does God thrive on conflict? So this means that the illuminati may work for God after all?

Interestingly, Hinduism is the only religion that is both polytheistic and monotheistic. It has many gods but all the gods are different faces of the same God, Brahma. So your point is illustrated in Hinduism theology too.

Do most Hindus believe that god is both good and evil? Does Hinduism have any dogmas or canons? Or hierarchical authority?

Why is it that there are very few documentaries about Hinduism on YouTube? The ones that are there arent that good.

Btw yes i have cursed God many times before. Even at the top of my lungs with righteous anger and fury. Ive even done so in the forum when i was yelling and venting, which you can check and see in my posting history. Yet i have not been struck down by lightning.

I dont know if others here have dared to do the same. Perhaps they have but wont admit it. But guys like adama would be afraid though. They would be afraid of being struck by lightning. Lol. They live in fear of God and his punishment.

However, if you think about it, if God was really that quick to anger that he would strike down anyone that cursed him, he would probably have ended this world long ago. And i mean the world after Noah.
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by Kradmelder »

Winston wrote:Kramelder,
You mean you believe there are many ways to God? What kind of Christian are you? Lol. Joke. Where did you get that idea? Maybe in other countries, Christians arent so literal. But in America, they are. American Christians need the bible to be the only way to God. They need it to have authority or else they cant rely on it or have faith in it.

The bible does have verses that say Jesus is the only way to God. Why do you not know about them? I gave 2 examples in the OP above. Didnt you see them? But i gave many reasons below that as to why you cant take such verses to be absolute truth beyond question. Did you read them?

What did you think of my 5 logical reasons above? Did they make sense?
Morning Winston.

I did acknowledge your verses. I know them. I also did say I do accept the Jesus way. But my free will allows me to see if there is only 1 God, and you pray to 1 God he must be the same one. I can't believe God would reject their prayers because they don't come from the same pathway as mine.

The exception would be jews who curse Jesus and the attitude of starchild. Even still, I don't believe God would give up on them.all they are doing is using their God given free will to deny God.

If you believe the precepts of a merciful God and Jesus saves, why would you reject those not open to Jesus.

I went through a phase of rejecting God for the reasons you state of seeing evil. But he never rejected me. So why he reject you for questioning if Jesus is the only way?
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by Kradmelder »

Winston, I think the best and most honest Christians are those that come to the faith by their own free will after questioning then coming to accept. You will probably end up there. Those that just follow blindly, have they ever investigated their faith? No. They just live in fear of lightning and going to hell. Doing what you are told and questioning then arriving at the conclusion are different.

I can easily believe in God and reject much in modern churches. They are not God.
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by Winston »

I challenge you to give even one logical reason why Jesus and the bible are the only way to God. And i mean a real logical reason that can be deduced from reason. Merely saying, "because the bible says so" is NOT a logical reason. Ill bet you cant come up with even one.
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by Winston »

Have you seen the original star trek episode called, "the enemy within"? In it, a transporter malfunction creates two captain kirks, one good and docile, the other evil and aggressive and uncontrollable. After a while, spock and mccoy realize that kirk cannot survive as half a man, he needs both his good and evil side. So they have the transporter meld them back together at the end.

The moral is that man is both good and evil and needs both sides to live and function. Now, since man was made in the image of God, as the bible says, it makes sense then that God would also be compromised of both good and evil qualities. Right? Wouldnt that logically follow?

Even in Genesis, after the fall of man, God says, "Behold man has become like us, knowing good and evil." So if man in his fallen state of good and evil has become like God, then that directly implies that God is a mixture of good and evil too. Hence not perfect.
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by Citizen »

Winston wrote:Starchild,
Have you seen the original star trek episode called, "the enemy within"? In it, a transporter malfunction creates two captain kirks, one good and docile, the other evil and aggressive and uncontrollable. After a while, spock and mccoy realize that kirk cannot survive as half a man, he needs both his good and evil side. So they have the transporter meld them back together at the end.

The moral is that man is both good and evil and needs both sides to live and function. Now, since man was made in the image of God, as the bible says, it makes sense then that God would also be compromised of both good and evil qualities. Right?

Ah Eastern thinking. Truly, you are a man of the East. One must wonder why so many Eastern people come to the West?
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by El_Caudillo »

I think even the Pope has come out and said that all religions are a way to God? Your points are logical. Some say that the only important thing is to follow a path with all your heart and you will be OK. Unfortunately for fractured intellectuals such as ourselves we usually just investigate different paths but rarely put in any spiritual practice.
Even Billy knows that, just ask Mr S!
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by Kradmelder »

El_Caudillo wrote:I think even the Pope has come out and said that all religions are a way to God? Your points are logical. Some say that the only important thing is to follow a path with all your heart and you will be OK. Unfortunately for fractured intellectuals such as ourselves we usually just investigate different paths but rarely put in any spiritual practice.
I don't think we can put much weight on what churches say these days. They ordain women, marry faggots, and shelter pedophiles. They have sold out the bible for the golden calf.

I think each man must follow his conscience and form his own covenant with God. . The way I see it our merciful God will understand trying to do the right thing when churches are more interested in arse in pews and cash in the plate.
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Re: Why Jesus is NOT the only way to God - 5 Logical reasons

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:Starchild,
Yes yes! That makes perfect sense. I postulated long ago that God must have a good and evil side. Its the only explanation that makes sense. He seems to support both good and evil. And maybe everything between too. This is probably one of the great divine secrets that the western world isnt ready for. Its too advanced for them.

It also finally answers the age old dilemma that westerners have asked throughout the ages, "why does a good God allow evil to exist?"

So God is like the illuminati then in that he supports both sides of a war and reaps the benefit from whoever wins? Why does he do that? Does God thrive on conflict? So this means that the illuminati may work for God after all?

Interestingly, Hinduism is the only religion that is both polytheistic and monotheistic. It has many gods but all the gods are different faces of the same God, Brahma. So your point is illustrated in Hinduism theology too.

Do most Hindus believe that god is both good and evil? Does Hinduism have any dogmas or canons? Or hierarchical authority?

Why is it that there are very few documentaries about Hinduism on YouTube? The ones that are there arent that good.

Btw yes i have cursed God many times before. Even at the top of my lungs with righteous anger and fury. Ive even done so in the forum when i was yelling and venting, which you can check and see in my posting history. Yet i have not been struck down by lightning.

I dont know if others here have dared to do the same. Perhaps they have but wont admit it. But guys like adama would be afraid though. They would be afraid of being struck by lightning. Lol. They live in fear of God and his punishment.

However, if you think about it, if God was really that quick to anger that he would strike down anyone that cursed him, he would probably have ended this world long ago. And i mean the world after Noah.
Wow...You are the only guy who gets it....I'm really impressed because you have not been in India but you are an old soul and suffered a lot. This is really really like the TOP LEVEL of understanding even in india may be 100 people understands this concept. For you to get this concept was simply incredible. It takes close to a million life..literally to understand this concept.

Either you are an Alien or simply the Chosen One..The Man of God himself. Only the chosen few in this universe understands this concept I have been told this by a guy who is like incredibly beyond...The closest to God you will ever see. I got this information from that guy...Its not my information..Its not written in books ...It has to come from the Divine himself and he chooses who understands him in all its glory.

I think you are protected for this reason. Even if you walk drunk and show all your money in Angeles City, :D no one will touch you, because there is the reason you are protected. You have a Divine Protection because you are a man of god.


Western World is not ready...They should be, else they will just decay and die...No growth is just death...At least some part of our life should be dedicated to understanding God. If there is no progress in life, society.. will just decay. There is no middle path for humanity...Either you die and get consumed by darkness or you progress and reach God. This is called Dharma.

Its extremely urgent for western world to understand deeper concepts of God not BS called Higgs Bosom, Mars and moon water and Christian teaching of one good side of god...


Very True...All western people since ages ask the same question and there is no answer in bible for that..Why Evil exist?

Because its God himself. Its all a Gods play. God has millions of Forms ..Good and Evil is just one of it...That is why it is extremely important to be on the GOOD side of God ALWAYS. You MUST DO DHARMA...aka guidelines to be on the good side of GOD. The Evil side is extremely nasty form of God. Humans do not have capability to feel the nasty side..only some can in India..I have seen it.

Also, You are in Every Form as well...Its fractal Multi dimensional thingy....You can change your life but at the same time...your destiny is fixed as well

Only various forms of God can explain the million year western dilemma of Free Will and Destiny...How can both be?

You can have both free will and destiny in fractal universe..where you are in every part of it. You can experience many forms of God that's free will but all these forms at the same time have a destiny set by god. Everything is destined for this reason and you have free will at the same time for this very reason.

I will explain it further below.
So God is like the illuminati then in that he supports both sides of a war and reaps the benefit from whoever wins? Why does he do that? Does God thrive on conflict? So this means that the illuminati may work for God after all?
God does not play good cop bad how Rothchilds supports both sides of the war and gets the benefit no matter who wins. :lol: ..God does not seek profit or energy from the war etc...

All Wars are due to Dharma Problem. Again..Its free will vs destiny thingy. You can have war at the very moment you do not have to have a war. You can choose to walk away or fight.

Illuminati has every right to kill humans, Satan is not being punished for like millions of years by God for a reason...because you are being ADHARMIC....

This is VERY VERY like VERY important for humans to understand right now. Follow the guidelines to be on the GOOD side of GOD ALWAYS. The keyword IS ALWAYS. If you don't Illuminati, darkness, Evil has every right to snatch you away....because its just another form of God.

God Cannot Will NOT HELP Humans unless you follow the Guidelines aka Dharma. Its impossible for God to help you unless you follow Dharma aka guidelines to be on the Good side of god in this Fractal Multidimensional Universe. You need to understand..You are EVERYWHERE...

The moment you stop doing Dharma...You slip into other forms of God and you suffer in pain. That is the reason...Just being a good guy ..does not help you. You have to do DHARMA.

This is also the reason for Polytheism...You follow Dharma based on your vibe and Aura...You can be in Angeles City/Pattaya and Follow Dharma but make sure you get the right God for it aka right guidelines...Demi-Gods are nothing but guidelines to follow based on your vibe...

For example...If you frequent nightlife places...Follow Shiva...He is cool with it, also if you into marijuana, etc can follow him...

BUT then you cannot follow Krishna if you into nightlife but Shiva is Fine with Vices as defined by society.

NOW. If you follow Shiva..You cannot expect to be a billionaire and have million dollar yacht...Its not the vibe of that god. He is kinda hermit...He shuns all don't expect you gonna get it as well...because his guidelines does not offer that but offer sex with many women...Its kinda trade off...YOU CHOOSE...You cannot have both.

Now, if you choose Krishna..He wants you to get married, have one wife and live a life of luxury, have billion dollars but you have to be in your home by 8 more night life for you.

Now, this Evil side of god has it own Satan etc...Demonic Race has its own set of rules to get things done.

No Illuminati, No Rothschild, No Freemason, No Demi-God, Demons...CAN VIOLATE YOUR DHARMA. As long as you do your Dharma...God will STOP Evil from attacking you. Guaranteed. Guaranteed like set in the universal stone of the one and only GOD himself. As long as you do your Dharma...No Evil can touch you on earth or in heaven or hell.
Interestingly, Hinduism is the only religion that is both polytheistic and monotheistic. It has many gods but all the gods are different faces of the same God, Brahma. So your point is illustrated in Hinduism theology too.

Do most Hindus believe that god is both good and evil? Does Hinduism have any dogmas or canons? Or hierarchical authority?

Why is it that there are very few documentaries about Hinduism on YouTube? The ones that are there arent that good.
The present day Hinduism is nothing but Infiltrated Jewish darkness religion. but we have kept some guidelines from original form so we have many gods. There is no Dharma in present day Hindu Religion...I dug this from ancient texts plus had some help...The present religion is all fake drama to mislead people. In 100 people understands this concept of God being both evil and good...That is the reason...I'm amazed at your grasping power to understand this.

Its incredible that you got this so fast. It takes multiple life times to understand this even if you are born in India.

There are no documentaries on youtube because the Crypto Jews aka Darkness controls India. People stopped doing Dharma so darkness had every right to screw our life. God will stop evil only when Indians start doing Dharma. Again Free Will vs Destiny thing :idea:

Only Dharma can free you from Free Will vs Destiny confusion that every western kid faces in his life.
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