Why are Filipinos so stupid?

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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Eric »

I used to think Europeans were great, looked up to them as nice open-minded people to hang out with...ever since I was a kid. It was probably due to the fact I had never been there that much, but only fantasized about it. Now, I'm seeing them as the rude, stuck up, liberal, brainwashed pseudo-intellectuals that most of them are; I'm realizing they are really generally fools.
The Chinese I can't stand because they have many of the problems that afflict the rest of the world - materialism, ego, a highly racist stuck-up attitude that I have only encountered for 2 months and the sum of which already have made me want to leave this place.
To sum it:
America's a giant cankerous time bomb- mess
Europe's a brainwashed elitest mess
China & East Asia are materialist driven, racists...plus countries are shit holes.
Russia is nationalist and will hate you
South + Central America's economies are shit holes and so are the countries
off the map places like islands sound nice.

If being stupid is the most of your problems. I'd take it. The happiness and virtues are with the simple, so is there wisdom with the simple. I'd take it. I'm going there for 3 days later this month on a visa run. Star Child, may hit you up while I'm there. The Philippines honestly sounds like a great place, and can see why many would go there.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by joesixpack »

Ghost wrote:
joesixpack wrote: I didn't bring up the he/she gender confusion issue, but its ridiculous to defend it. That was my point. I'm beginning to think most of you guys are as stubbornly defensive of all things Filipino as an actual Filipino is. And there's your real reason Filipinos are dumb and continue to stay that way....they already know everything. 8)
Around here I'm known as the "Filipinos are subhuman scum" guy because of a thread I made a long time ago. (Even though I since retracted it.) So you lumping me in with the Philippines apologists is pretty funny.

I do agree most Filipinos are not that intelligent. Having trouble with gender pronouns is not evidence of this, however, even among the smarter, educated ones. Getting two similar words confused in a foreign language...geez, what an indication of stupidity! I'm guessing you wouldn't do better yourself.

There are plenty of legit criticisms. This isn't one.
Holy crap, Ghost. Forget that stuff. It was another poster using that complaint about Filipinos and I voiced my opinion of it being non-valid. I know I'm new here, but I'm not going to tolerate bullshit. I get you guys vehemently and ignorantly defending Filipinos in your quest to ingratiate yourselves and get laid, but this is too much. Any sane person that reads this thread knows what's up.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Rock »

joesixpack wrote:
MarcosZeitola wrote:
joesixpack wrote:I didn't bring up the he/she gender confusion issue, but its ridiculous to defend it. That was my point. I'm beginning to think most of you guys are as stubbornly defensive of all things Filipino as an actual Filipino is. And there's your real reason Filipinos are dumb and continue to stay that way....they already know everything. 8)
Meanwhile you seem to hate them with the burning intensity a Klan-member hates black people and Jews with... why is that? How badly a Filipino f**k you over to make you have such a major irrational hate boner for everything Filipino? lol
lol....i'm sure i'm doing better than you here. I don't hate Filipinos, and I certainly see them in a more balanced manner than you view the USA. Who screwed you there? lol I won't stoop to your level but with all your hatred for other expat and crab mentality, I can see how you get along so well with Filipinos. btw, everyone here knows your posts are completely full of shit...good day!
joesixpack, your views on Pinays so far don't seem very balanced though.

I've been posting both negatives and positives. As you can see in this thread, I've probably been more negative than positive. I'm no apologist, just calling things the way I see them, good, bad, and ugly. But all you've done is deny anything mentioned by others as a positive, highlight and perhaps exaggerate the negatives, and attack one of the posters here who's had an overall wonderful experience starting a family here as an expat with a local wife.

If you're views are really balanced and objective, what are the positives you have to say about Filipinos and the Philippines? This isn't North Korea. Like most places, it has many bright sides. So what are those in your opinion?
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Hero »

I just unfriended a Filipino friend on Facebook for being a fan of Obama. He actually thinks that Obama saved the USA. My friend completely overlooked the fact that Obama ordered all public schools in the USA to force underaged girls to shower with boys. Don't know if my friend is stupid or just plain evil.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Zionosis »

Winston wrote:Some researchers in race and genetics have said that in hot humid climates, people can live off the land, so they don't need to be smart to survive and reproduce. So the stupidest people can pass on their genes. But in colder climates like Europe or Russia, it requires intelligent management of resources, so only intelligent people pass on their genes. There are published papers on this. If you want to see them, I can show you links. They are posted in other threads.
All you have shown is that you are not bright yourself, no real scientist ever claimed that either. And Eskimo's are not intellectually superior (the most cold adapted people on earth).

Also you clearly don't understand that actually thousands of years ago temperatures weren't consistent with today's temperatures. For example the HCO, where northern Europe was warming and the south experienced cooling. Russia also wasn't as cold as it was today.

Not to mention East Asians have shown the highest intelligence and they are not from the coldest parts of the earth, in fact a lot of East Asia is rather warm.

Arabs are also far more intellectually superior than all the tribal people from the cold parts of Africa. Sorry

Because you are repeating very old racist ideas that were never proposed by real scientists Winston! It's just as stupid as repeating that old idea that the paler the person the more intelligent they are, which has been shown to be total nonsense. In fact southern Euro's like the Italians are among the most intelligent Europeans, East Asians also show greater intelligence than all European countries.

In short, you need a scientific education Winston. You also need to understand how to rationally think, repeating such old and clearly false idea's makes you look stupid.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Zionosis »

JeyanCalderone wrote:Trust me, I'm Filipino-American. I know how dumb my peoples can be. We Filipinos are joyful and easy-going people that's why we invented the Jollibee (bad knock-off of McDonalds) but worst. We Filipinos would rather have fun drinking alcohol and having tons of orgies than to advance the infrastructure of the PI or progress as a people. We're not a very intellectual people. We live for the here and now. Plus many Filipinos are white-washed, white-worshipping American lovers. Our "bahala na" attitude sums up our fatalistic belief.

What's not to love about America? You can own a gun and eat a Big Mac. The American dream baby!

So what's your opinion of Filipinos?
Most Filipino's have Negrito admixture. This is why many appear dark and different looking than just a tanned East Asian.

The Filipino people were originally small dark natives, The Chinese came along and took over the land and a lot of interbreeding occurred.
Later on in history the Spanish took the Philippines and they interbred there also.

The Philippines today still have heavy Negrito mixture, this is what makes the population so stupid.

The most intelligent Fili's are the ones who have the least Negrito, for example the ones that look either East Asian or White or a mix of both.

For example the man who invented that Jollibee thing actually looks far more Chinese than the typical Filipino.

Most of the development in Fili is from the Chinese, and the original development and most of the names of the cities and towns was from the Spanish.

In short it's a game of genetics, if you go to Fili there are still people in the mountains today there who live as natives. These people are even more mixed with native Negrito than the average population.

This is the same reason all Negrito mixed south east Asian countries are basically third world. They all share that mix! It makes their brain smaller and they behave in more primitive ways.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by starchild5 »

Eric wrote:I used to think Europeans were great, looked up to them as nice open-minded people to hang out with...ever since I was a kid. It was probably due to the fact I had never been there that much, but only fantasized about it. Now, I'm seeing them as the rude, stuck up, liberal, brainwashed pseudo-intellectuals that most of them are; I'm realizing they are really generally fools.
The Chinese I can't stand because they have many of the problems that afflict the rest of the world - materialism, ego, a highly racist stuck-up attitude that I have only encountered for 2 months and the sum of which already have made me want to leave this place.
To sum it:
America's a giant cankerous time bomb- mess
Europe's a brainwashed elitest mess
China & East Asia are materialist driven, racists...plus countries are shit holes.
Russia is nationalist and will hate you
South + Central America's economies are shit holes and so are the countries
off the map places like islands sound nice.

If being stupid is the most of your problems. I'd take it. The happiness and virtues are with the simple, so is there wisdom with the simple. I'd take it. I'm going there for 3 days later this month on a visa run. Star Child, may hit you up while I'm there. The Philippines honestly sounds like a great place, and can see why many would go there.
Yeah..Europeans are the most brainwashed species out there...The place is incredibly hyped up by the Jews and I was totally fooled into going into Europe...and I'm a third world guy, I should be happy. If you are awakened..Its one of the most miserable places to live on earth.

Only a brainwashed idiot can live in Jewrope.

A 300ml of water cost 4 freaking euros. The entire Airport is controlled by mafia who charge you an arm and leg for burgers and coffee that too tasteless. Most of the buildings are crumbling, people are old and dying, no new blood. Everyone is forced into giving half of their salary into taxes, Gas prices are so high that, you cannot use your own vehicle to go to office..you have to use trains, public transport all the time.

Europeans are no better than third world brainwashed people. I don't know why it was hyped up in Alternative, Conspiracy circles as the place to be, which is what made me go there..NEVER AGAIN.

I like only two places Thailand and Philippines...even India is sh*t...These places energies are balanced

check out this site


lot of teaching job in Thailand...:)
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Johnny1975 »

Do you have jew tourettes?
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Eric »

A better question is why are the Chinese such shitty people?
They mock and stare at you, they are brave on the sidelines or to laugh with their friends, but as soon as you confront them about it their courage shrinks and they suddenly are the polite Confucians they pretend to be. Because they have to 'save face' ...they are an extremely 'passive aggressive' people. I see it on the streets all the time.
It's bullshit that you can't tell or read a person's face, a face is the gateway to the heart and the eyes are too. You can tell, but the tongue lies about it. They are the most disgusting racist, hateful, bigoted and xenophilic people I have met. And I've been around the world. They'll glare at you from on the streets and sidewalks, but when you confront them...it's like it didn't happen, a lightswitch flips and it's like they've convinced themselves they weren't making fun of you at all - all polite suddenly. It's amazing, they are spineless cowards, all bark and no bite. If people are stupid enough to think that other people cannot read a persons face... they have another thing coming.
Some people don't care about 'rules' or laws or customs...and will beat your ass on the street corner. A lot of those people tend to be Americans, which is still one trait I'm glad comes from my country - Courage and bravery.

The Chinese shouldn't be proud, their country is a shithole of magnanimous proportions, there are too many similar Chinese clones everywhere you go, thousands of people just existing. Their government is not theirs, most of them are kept ignorant - and like the ignorant, they love it...and glory in it. They have no internet - thus no knowledge, are materially obsessed and shallow people with no courtesy, sense of morals or etiquette. They are the second highest thing above animals, I think sometimes, they sure act like it.
They are a proud, arrogant people - and like most proud, they have nothing at all to boast of..... they just do.

I really don't like it here. I hope some Chinese person reads this, had to get this out.

Chinese people. grow a pair.
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by davewe »

joesixpack wrote:No offense anyone, but It's not exactly delving deep into the Filipino culture to understand the problem they have with gender pronouns. What demonstrates a lack of intelligence, on their part, is the inability to learn the correct usage after repeated instruction. No matter how you slice it or make excuses for them, Filipino are simply not as intelligent as their western counterparts, by any measure.
Well I was the "idiot" who made the personal pronoun case. The point that seems to be lost is that human beings judge intelligence based to a large degree on what they are used to in their own culture. And yes, I have heard the he/she argument used often by expats to prove the lack of intelligence of Filipinos, when in fact what it really demonstrates is the lack of knowledge of the expat toward the culture/language he lives in.

I assume from your above quote that you speak fluent Tagalog and Visayan, since all it takes to learn them is "repeated instruction."
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Banano »

Incorrect use of gender pronoun hardly proves anything, it is their second or third language.

I looked up Iq rankings by country and I can see there are many places that are far worse in terms of iq, considering how many expats complain about how dumb filipinos are, you have to wonder what these other countries are like
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Eric »

I think it's hard to figure out that all of what we hear, our beliefs, opinions and feelings are formed by propaganda that we see. I always thought the same things as you - that Europe was this fine, sophisticated place to be... ahead of itself etc. I had the weird experience of living in a third-world country in Turkey when I was young for 4 years; it changed my viewpoints and exposed me to something I'd never known. It's true, I think the third world is a hidden gem - because it's not f***ed with. ... Anything that's hyped up is generally bad; like the fliers of gym memberships or shitty job offers that come to you...
they lie to you. Only tell you what they want you to hear, keep you ignorant, miseducated and an idiot slave.

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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by starchild5 »

Johnny1975 wrote:Do you have jew tourettes?
Yeah..more than even I know in myself... :)
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Re: Why are Filipinos so stupid?

Post by Winston »

Today at a videoke place me and two girls only ordered three drinks and sang a dozen songs. The guy who gave me the bill said 440p. i said no way and said the items on the list only add up to 200+. So he fixed it and charged me 220p.

Im sure that was a mistake or accident. Yeah right. The thing is if hes gonna overcharge me he should add 50p to make it less noticeable. Not double my bill from 220 to 440.

Thats vain Filipino wishful thinking. Lol. How dare they pull that with chinese people, who are extremely talented in math. Lol. What an insult to my intelligence. What do they think i am? Stupid?

The girls with me didnt even catch the obvious mistake. Either cause theyre too dumb or they sympathize with the scammer. Lol.
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