Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

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Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Winston »

According to Robert Stanley (an expat in Hong Kong I'm corresponding with who does a lot of podcast interviews on YouTube), John Lear (son of Lear Jet Corporation and friend of Robert Lazar, the Area 51 whistleblower), and others, we are living in a prison matrix that is run by Lucifer. The Matrix creates our false religions, media, government, money, and wage slavery in order to control us like human cattle. Upon death, our souls are recycled to use as food and energy for the matrix and its archons again. After death, the soul goes toward the tunnel of light, which is a trap, where it gets caught and recycled back to Earth, and told that it needs more time to "work out its karma". So reincarnation and NDE's are a trap to keep our souls here to feed the matrix and archons. (See the clip from Star Trek Voyager below) And around the Earth is a barrier that prevents us from leaving the planet.

In this matrix, even our religions are a trick - both traditional organized religions and new age religions - designed to give us false hope so that we will accept our life of servitude and return again and again to "work out our karma". This matrix is run by an A.I. computer, as @@starchild5 always told us. This matrix prison system was described long ago by the Gnostics, whose esoteric teachings were banned, suppressed and destroyed. Many sci fi shows and movies also depict this scenario of a world run by an A.I. posing as God, including some Star Trek episodes such as "Return of the Archons", "The Apple" etc. And of course the Matrix movie trilogy as well.

This is a new theory and model that is beyond religion, atheism, and new age beliefs. And it makes the most sense out of all the theories and paradigms I can find out there. I think it makes sense in a lot of ways and explains a lot of things that science, religion and new age movements cannot explain. And it helps resolve the many contradictions and discrepancies of existence. It's the kind of theory and model that tries to take into account all the data out there - from science, religion, occult, paranormal, conspiracies, etc - which is what I like and respect, and what I'm seeking. So it's the most progressive esoteric theory and model so far. So far it has been confined to the fringes of esoteric teachings and truth movements, and followed by only the most ardent of truth seekers, such as me and Robert Stanley (who spent 30 years researching everything before coming to these conclusions). Art Bell heard of this theory too, from John Lear, and said it chilled him to the bone to think that the tunnel of light during NDE's was a false trap.

However, some researchers believe they have found a way out of this Luciferian prison matrix. Robert Stanley recommends that we read the Wes Penre Papers for a comprehensive overview of the matrix, who runs it, how it works, how it began, and how to escape it. He also recommends a book series called "The Divine Secret Garden". See his recommendations and his overview of the matrix here:

All of these books and papers are available in digital format for free online. I'll provide the links to them below. I've downloaded all the books and papers from them that Robert recommended so far, and man, it is very heavy and deep stuff. It will take a lot of time to go through but it's very mind blowing and very out there too. This is only for the most ardent truth seekers, highest intellectuals and esoteric students. It covers everything, such as the nature of reality, the meaning of the Garden of Eden story, where we came from, how the world was created and how it runs today, where we are headed, etc. Here are the links:

The Wes Penre Papers: (Go to the links below and download all the free PDF's such as the Five Levels of Learning and the Intro Course.)

The Divine Secret Garden Series: (There are 4 books, 3 chronicles, and 1 new book, to download in PDF format, and come in multiple languages, including Oriental languages. Paperback copies are also available on at dealer's cost, linked from the site below.)

This is all free. But if you want to make donations to the authors, there are donate buttons on their sites.

I know this is a lot of info to take in, so you'll have to take it all in slowly, one bite at a time. :) Even for me, this is overwhelming and information overload. lol


Also listen to Robert Stanley's mind blowing podcasts and interviews about all this here: ... rt+stanley
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Re: Our Luciferian Prison Matrix, Soul Trap, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Winston »

Check out this interview with Robert Stanley below about the prison matrix we live in created by Enki-Lucifer. He claims that some people don't have souls but are programs in the matrix. Especially if they have no interest in spirituality. It sounds crazy but I think this makes sense. After all, if one has a real soul, then why wouldn't they be interested in spirituality or things of the soul? Why would they deny their soul? It doesn't make sense. Stanley says its because either their souls are asleep or they don't have a soul and are just programs in the matrix, designed to serve it and never wake up.

If you have a soul though your life will be difficult especially because the matrix will target you and try extra hard to keep you asleep and put many obstacles in your path, such as Murphy's law does with me. Its programmed to go after those with real souls. Because they can disrupt the matrix the most. What do you think?

Stanley also claims to have received a visitation from Enki hinself, one of the gods of the Sumerians. Enki claimed to be the father of the matrix but hes not the father of all creation, according to Stanley. So there are different levels of creators and deities. He's also one of the new truthers who claim that we live in a soul trap farm where NDEs are a trick used by the system to lure you into the light so your soul can be recycled and brought back to earth to be used as a battery again, and told that you "need to work on your karma" which it wants you to do forever. This theory sort of makes sense though because why would you reincarnate to learn lessons if you can't even remember your past lives so you can learn from them? John Lear, the acclaimed aviator, on Art Bell first proposed this theory. Since then it has gained a small following in the truth movement.

Another interview with Robert Stanley on Leak Project about how Lucifer, aka Enki, is running our matrix.

Robert Stanley's website:

More interviews with Robert Stanley: ... rt+stanley

Btw, he is in Hong Kong where I guess he's happier abroad. Lol
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Re: Our Luciferian Prison Matrix, Soul Trap, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Winston »

Some great articles about the computer simulation and prison control matrix we live in. ... trix24.htm ... trix70.htm ... rix122.htm ... rix133.htm ... rix109.htm ... her161.htm ... pol115.htm

This article below has a great theory that explains why I feel alienated, ignored and rejected in Taiwan and other Chinese countries like China and Hong Kong. The people in these countries are "organic portals" - souless beings with a hive mind and group soul, rather than individual souls with unique energy patterns and thoughts. Their consciousness is closer to animal consciousness, that's why they act like they don't care and have no empathy or compassion. Perhaps most modern American women are like this too. I definitely fit the "souled human" definition below, whereas over 99 percent of Chinese fit the "organic portal" definition. Wow this is so mind blowing. ... tals05.htm
Definition of Souled Human and Organic Portal

Organic portals comprise approximately half of the human population; the other half mostly consists of souled humans. Here we define “soul” as the core of individualized consciousness that remains intact between successive incarnations.

Due to genetic mixing, Organic Portals exist among all known races today, though with unequal distribution among them. While souled humans have a divine spark of consciousness that gives them the ability of individual self-awareness, OPs lack this divine spark and are only dimly conscious in comparison. They belong to an animal-like group soul that exists, evolves, and incarnates collectively rather than individually.

While each souled human has a relatively unique energy shaped by that person’s awareness, experience, and essence, the energy that animates one OP is the same animating any other.
Index of articles on organic portals - soulless programmed beings in the matrix with a group soul and hive mind. ... ortals.htm

Index of articles on matrix brainwashing. ... /index.htm

Robert Stanley's article on the matrix.

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Re: Our Luciferian Prison Matrix, Soul Trap, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Winston »

Devin Magdy, an interesting YouTuber who believes the Earth is flat with a dome over it, and that the north pole center contains an interdimensional exit gateway to eternal paradise that allows one to escape from this prison matrix, also put out this short video about how some people are soulless beings in the matrix - organic portals with a hive mind and group soul. He is so out there that he makes me look normal in comparison. lol. But he's very interesting and his videos are mind blowing. Even if he's not right about everything, if he's right about some things, then that's still mind blowing and consciousness changing.

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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Winston »

Dan from the Overwatch Channel on YouTube has a lot of videos about this too. He covers the Reincarnation Soul Trap Farm, False tunnel of light during NDE's, Prison Matrix, etc.
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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Neo »

Satan is the god of this world. It is he who deceives the nations. The Bible tells us so.

God is not an AI, and the AI is not God. This part of the story is deception.

The Matrix is an excellent trilogy, if you truly know what it is about, and very few people have any clue.
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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Winston »

Neo wrote:
June 28th, 2018, 11:32 am
Satan is the god of this world. It is he who deceives the nations. The Bible tells us so.

God is not an AI, and the AI is not God. This part of the story is deception.

The Matrix is an excellent trilogy, if you truly know what it is about, and very few people have any clue.
Well according to the people I listen to, it's connected. Satan is the son of Lucifer. They are the gods of this world true, but they aren't pure evil. They are mentally ill and have multiple personality disorder. That's why they wobble back and forth between doing good and bad. That makes sense because good and evil exist in this world, so the creator must be the same, it logically follows. Apparently, Lucifer was kicked out of heaven, or the Orion Empire, because of his insanity. So he decided to create his own matrix here.

There supposedly is a God above Lucifer that is outside our AI and matrix yeah, but he's not the God of this world, though he can help sometimes if we reach out to him, and her too, because there should be a goddess as well. It takes male and female to create, not just male.

What is your interpretation of the Matrix trilogy? Everyone tries to fit it into their own world view.

The Bible contains both truths and lies. It's purpose is to control you too, but of course it has to give you some truths to draw you in. Because no one can control anyone with 100 percent lies only. If you think the Bible is perfect and literal, then your mind is hijacked and owned.

You should check out the guys I listen to. See the links below. ... rt+stanley

Also see the links above in this thread.
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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by TheLight954 »

This theory is interesting. This is also the hallmark of a true freethinker: considering both optimistic and pessimistic scenarios rather than just the former as most religions offer.

I once was wondering the same thing: that maybe a lot of people around me are actually literal robots without a soul or consciousness. I put the number (of robots or "portals" as they call it) at 90% instead of 50% at that time.
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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Moretorque »

Neo wrote:
June 28th, 2018, 11:32 am
Satan is the god of this world. It is he who deceives the nations. The Bible tells us so.

God is not an AI, and the AI is not God. This part of the story is deception.

The Matrix is an excellent trilogy, if you truly know what it is about, and very few people have any clue.
Satan is man, the father the son and the Holy Spirit are the only entities here once you understand the true theology under the Bible.
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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Neo »

I gather that some of this type believe that Satan/Lucifer is the Creator, and that Satan as the creator has a good side and a bad side. Unfortunately, that in itself is an inversion of reality, and it is blasphemy against God and Christ, who is the Creator. There is probably no greater blasphemy than this, outside of the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Neo »

Winston wrote:
June 28th, 2018, 6:54 pm
Neo wrote:
June 28th, 2018, 11:32 am
Satan is the god of this world. It is he who deceives the nations. The Bible tells us so.

God is not an AI, and the AI is not God. This part of the story is deception.

The Matrix is an excellent trilogy, if you truly know what it is about, and very few people have any clue.
Well according to the people I listen to, it's connected. Satan is the son of Lucifer. They are the gods of this world true, but they aren't pure evil. They are mentally ill and have multiple personality disorder. That's why they wobble back and forth between doing good and bad. That makes sense because good and evil exist in this world, so the creator must be the same, it logically follows. Apparently, Lucifer was kicked out of heaven, or the Orion Empire, because of his insanity. So he decided to create his own matrix here.

There supposedly is a God above Lucifer that is outside our AI and matrix yeah, but he's not the God of this world, though he can help sometimes if we reach out to him, and her too, because there should be a goddess as well. It takes male and female to create, not just male.

What is your interpretation of the Matrix trilogy? Everyone tries to fit it into their own world view.

The Bible contains both truths and lies. It's purpose is to control you too, but of course it has to give you some truths to draw you in. Because no one can control anyone with 100 percent lies only. If you think the Bible is perfect and literal, then your mind is hijacked and owned.

You should check out the guys I listen to. See the links below.Also see the links above in this thread.
Satan is Lucifer. They are the same entity.

God is the Creator. He made all creatures, including Satan, and He is above Satan.

Satan is the father of lies and deception. Gnosticism is a satanic lie.

God has no darkness at all in Him. He is pure light, righteousness and goodness.

Lucifer has not yet been evicted from heaven. That will not happen until the time of Revelation. As of now, he is able to freely move between earth and heaven.

God is in the world and He is above the world. He is literally everywhere, even inside His own creation.
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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Winston »

TheLight954 wrote:
June 28th, 2018, 9:51 pm
This theory is interesting. This is also the hallmark of a true freethinker: considering both optimistic and pessimistic scenarios rather than just the former as most religions offer.

I once was wondering the same thing: that maybe a lot of people around me are actually literal robots without a soul or consciousness. I put the number (of robots or "portals" as they call it) at 90% instead of 50% at that time.
Yes the theory would explain a lot. Perhaps most people are either programs in the matrix, with lower consciousness or animal like consciousness, or asleep. Especially in Asia where freethought doesn't even exist and close to 100 percent are robots with a hive mind, and there are no equivalents of Coast to Coast AM or David Icke or Alex Jones, etc. They are like the Borg in Star Trek. After all, why would someone with a real living soul not believe in a soul or not question his/her reality or the matrix of reality they live in? It makes no sense.

It would also seem that whoever runs this matrix likes conflict. Not peace. But you can't blame him if you think about it. For example, if a movie only showed love and peace and had no conflict, would you pay to see it? Of course not. It'd be boring. So in a sense, humans are hypocritical because they claim to WANT a world full of love, joy and peace. However, they would never pay to see a movie containing only love, peace and joy. Because that would be boring. Without conflict, people do not feel ALIVE. That's the problem and irony.

So it would be understandable that whoever or whatever runs our matrix also needs constant conflict, otherwise they would get bored and might shut down this simulation, or they would not take care of it or create it in the first place. So you gotta consider that. After all, perhaps whoever runs out matrix also has human qualities too. A creator or engineer does not need to be perfect or holy or pure. He or she or it can have human frailties too. That's why everyone seems to forget.

Yes a true freethinker should consider pessimistic scenarios too. But the problem is that in America, you are always expected to be optimistic and give optimistic scenarios, because optimism is as American as apple pie. To Americans, even false optimism and false hope are better than realism. That's what I don't like - forced optimism even if there's no basis for it. It's required in American culture because that's what everyone wants to hear and expect.

So even freethinking truthers and conspiracy experts, who claim to love the truth, have to say that they see an "optimistic future" in which the good guys (us) win in the end, when they are on podcasts and radio shows such as Coast to Coast and others. The only ones that are not afraid to be pessimistic about the future are Jordan Maxwell and Alan Watt I think.
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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Winston »

Neo wrote:
June 29th, 2018, 10:19 am
I gather that some of this type believe that Satan/Lucifer is the Creator, and that Satan as the creator has a good side and a bad side. Unfortunately, that in itself is an inversion of reality, and it is blasphemy against God and Christ, who is the Creator. There is probably no greater blasphemy than this, outside of the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
Well the Bible does say that Satan is the God of this world. Even Christians admit that. The model described above is just a working model that FITS the data and explains a lot of mysteries. Isn't that what a truth seeker should do? Especially when all existing paradigms, including your Christian paradigm, doesn't fit all the data and makes no sense and has too many internal contradictions?

Btw, just because something is "blasphemy" against a certain religion, like Christian fundamentalism, doesn't mean it must be false. It could be true too. That's like saying that just because something is taboo or politically incorrect that it must be false. Not so, as we all know. Truth is often politically incorrect, as we all know. So yes it is blasphemous against Christian fundamentalism, but that doesn't mean it must be false. It could be true if it better fits the data.

Btw for someone who calls himself "Neo" you don't seem very awakened. You seem very much asleep in the matrix, as you believe all the deceptions of organized religions. So why do you call yourself "Neo"? That makes no sense.
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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Winston »

Perhaps this is who the master of our matrix and computer simulation and virtual reality is. If so, it would explain a lot that no religion or standard paradigm can explain. lol. After all the universe does seem at times like a cosmic joker that likes to F with you and mess around with you and cause unnecessary conflict for entertainment or experimental purposes. lol

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Re: Our Prison Matrix, Soul Trap Farm, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Winston »

Some more videos warning you to not go into the light upon death, because it's a false light trap that will deceive you into returning to the matrix and being reincarnated, so you can suffer again and be used as a battery by the matrix. Instead, you should try to escape the matrix and steer yourself from the light, if possible. I'm not sure though if during an NDE or while out of body, you have total freedom of movement. I always thought the light was like a tractor beam that pulled you toward it without choice. I don't know. I'll have to ask NDE researchers or experiencers about this.

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