Soulless People/NPCs: Are most people just programs in the Matrix? Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

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Soulless People/NPCs: Are most people just programs in the Matrix? Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Winston »

This article has a great theory that explains why I feel disliked, alienated, excluded and rejected in America and Taiwan and other extrovert dominated conformist countries like China and Hong Kong. The extroverted people in these countries are "organic portals" - souless beings with a hive mind and group soul, rather than individual souls with unique energy patterns and thoughts. Their consciousness is closer to animal consciousness, that's why they act like they don't care and have no empathy or compassion. Perhaps most modern American women are like this too. I definitely fit the "souled human" definition below, whereas over 99 percent of Chinese fit the "organic portal" definition. Wow this is so mind blowing. ... tals05.htm
Definition of Souled Human and Organic Portal

Organic portals comprise approximately half of the human population; the other half mostly consists of souled humans. Here we define “soul” as the core of individualized consciousness that remains intact between successive incarnations.

Due to genetic mixing, Organic Portals exist among all known races today, though with unequal distribution among them. While souled humans have a divine spark of consciousness that gives them the ability of individual self-awareness, OPs lack this divine spark and are only dimly conscious in comparison. They belong to an animal-like group soul that exists, evolves, and incarnates collectively rather than individually.

While each souled human has a relatively unique energy shaped by that person’s awareness, experience, and essence, the energy that animates one OP is the same animating any other.
Index of articles on organic portals - soulless programmed beings in the matrix with a group soul and hive mind. ... ortals.htm


More info on Organic Portals: ... tals03.htm ... tals06.htm
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston »

Devin Magdy, an interesting YouTuber who believes the Earth is flat with a dome over it, and that the north pole center contains an interdimensional exit gateway to eternal paradise that allows one to escape from this prison matrix, also put out this short video about how some people are soulless beings in the matrix - organic portals with a hive mind and group soul. He is so out there that he makes me look normal in comparison. lol. But he's very interesting and his videos are mind blowing. Even if he's not right about everything, if he's right about some things, then that's still mind blowing and consciousness changing.

Check out this interview with Robert Stanley below about the prison matrix we live in created by Enki-Lucifer. He claims that some people don't have souls but are programs in the matrix. Especially if they have no interest in spirituality. It sounds crazy but I think this makes sense. After all, if one has a real soul, then why wouldn't they be interested in spirituality or things of the soul? Why would they deny their soul? It doesn't make sense. Stanley says its because either their souls are asleep or they don't have a soul and are just programs in the matrix, designed to serve it and never wake up.

If you have a soul though your life will be difficult especially because the matrix will target you and try extra hard to keep you asleep and put many obstacles in your path, such as Murphy's law does with me. Its programmed to go after those with real souls. Because they can disrupt the matrix the most. What do you think?

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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston »

It appears I misunderstood something. Organic portals are not computer programs. Its more complicated than that. Apparently they are a race of humans created before adam and eve and have an animalistic group soul and hive mind and have no higher purpose. They do not have individual souls or the capacity for higher consciousness. See below. ... tals06.htm

Apparently me and other freethinkers are of the adamic races - the race descended from adam and eve, but later mixed with the pre-adamic races so that today there are both types living on earth today.

The difference is this: Even after the fall of adam and eve, souled humans (the adamic race) still have the ability for higher consciousness. But the pre-adamic people do not. They have more of a hive mind. Like animals or insects. Like the Borg in Star Trek. They do not reincarnate either since they have no individual soul. They are organic portals of the matrix.

Another major difference is this: the pre-adamics do not suffer the same type of internal conflict that we do. Their conflict is more like personality vs carnal desires, which can be resolved by compromise. However they do not have the conflict between spirit and flesh, that saint augustine talked about, or higher self vs ego that we souled humans do, which cannot be resolved by compromise. So our struggle is far deeper and the organic portals of the pre-adamic race do not share it. Thats why they dont relate to us.

Makes a lot of sense doesnt it? It explains a lot too. See the article for more info. ... tals06.htm

The pre-adamic race is also controlled by a central computer system (or AI). So they all try to be the same and follow whatever trend the world follows. Its their nature. No independent thought. Thats sounds like almost everyone in Asia. Lol

Hence they cannot seek hermetic schools or seek esoteric wisdom. Because they have no higher self or higher consciousness. Hence they do not suffer like we do between the conflict between spirit and flesh. Or between higher self and lower self. Or between truth and fake lies of the system.

Now the thing is, both races - adamic and pre-adamic - have mixed together for thousands of years. So our family could have members of both races. Pretty much all my relatives must be pre-adamic for sure. Lol. They literally have zero independent thought and zero originality.

Maybe thats why i sense that entire countries hate me, such as taiwan. They are all pre-adamics so their hive mind will collectively hate me at once and at the same time. Like a borg collective all following the same command and will. Lol

This reminds me of the star trek episode "return of the archons" where the townsfolk controlled by an AI central computer say to captain kirk "are you not of the body?" As though it were wrong or abnormal to not belong to the hive mind. Likewise, thats how a lot of people in Asia react to me too. I get confused stares from asians a lot when they realize that im not part of the same hive mind that they are. Hence they look perplexed as to why im not plugged in to the collective like they are. Lol. Seriously. No joke. Lol. Thats why deep down i dont really belong in Asia.
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston »

This section of the gnostic webpage below about the difference between souled humans and organic portals is so true and nails it. This is the reason why we are different from others, and why some people are atheists who feel no soul or divine spark in themselves so they assume it doesn't exist. And why many people are automatons and believe whatever they are told by government or media without any critical thinking. What you think? ... tals06.htm

"The adamic man who has even a vague consciousness of his real 'I' finds that this is a source of internal conflict that he cannot solve on a purely human plane. This conflict becomes more acute from the moment he actively enters esoteric work. It is then that he becomes weak and falls prey to uncertainty, doubt, and mistrust toward himself, for the road that leads to Truth always passes through doubts.

Throughout this work, we have seen several times the considerable sum of efforts and super-efforts that are demanded of the adamic man, who, after having recognized his real position in life, resolutely crosses the First Threshold and climbs the Staircase to attain and pass the Second Threshold with its promised Redemption.

Pre-adamics are not subject to these fits of anguish and these permanent inner conflicts; not that they live in perfect peace, or are never troubled by conflicts - far from it - but in most cases their conflicts take place in the interior of the Personality, between different groups of the little ‘I's which produce these conflicts. As a result, the character of their conflicts is purely psychic, and they are generally resolved by some kind of compromise.

The more acute conflicts that take place in pre-adamic man occur between the 'I' of the Personality and the 'I' of the body. We have dwelt at length on this subject in volume II of Gnosis, emphasizing the fact that the 'I' of the body usually wins over the weak, changing Personality, which capitulates without much of a struggle whenever it is a question of satisfying the stomach or the sexual appetites.

Justification is then sought in slogans such as those which allow us to think that it is normal to 'act like everyone else,' or in a maze of paradoxical reasons that are simply lies to oneself.

But the inner conflicts of adamic man, who often enters esoteric work because he has reached the last extremity of moral bankruptcy, cannot be resolved by compromise, as there is no place for this kind of solution in the consciousness of the real 'I' from which he receives his calls. In him, it is the ensemble formed by the entire Personality, with the 'I' of the body, an ensemble which, directly or indirectly, is often made to act by the sexual centre, which flees from the voice of conscience, i.e. of the real 'I'.

He then has a choice, either to obey his real 'I' and triumph over himself, or to flee from this invisible Combat into self-calming and the powerful illusions offered by a life of lying to himself.

In every case, if he triumphs over himself, which is what will enable the adamic man to resolve the inner conflict of the moment, this will inevitably involve a modification of his attitude towards outer life. Generally, the result will be conflict with those closest to him, unless the latter follow him step by step in his esoteric evolution, which is rare.

This does not mean that those who are near and dear to him wish him any ill; on the contrary, it is nearly always his good that they have in view: the conflict arises simply from their different conceptions of what is real. If those who surround the individual in question are pre-adamic, they could never agree with him, being incapable of understanding the reasons for his change of attitude and unable to grasp the nature of the ends he pursues.

They will therefore automatically become instruments of the General Law, which makes sure that those who step out of line are brought back to the fold. This is how 'a man's foes shall be those of his own household.

Pre-adamic man, as we said, cannot be subject to inner or domestic conflicts of this kind. He rarely receives 'B' influences. If he vaguely senses their existence, they only appear as a curiosity to his eyes and do not have the power to trouble him right to the depths of his psyche.

In him, the sexual centre reigns supreme, whether by its direct action that takes the form of carnal love, or by an indirect, 'psychological', action of the psyche to which his Personality submits. Like adamic man's, his Personality contains the three lower centres, but that is all. Equally underdeveloped and unbalanced, but sheltered from the troubles provoked by 'B' influences, this Personality lives and acts obedient to the commands of the sexual centre."
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston »

From my texts to alex and mr s:

The pre-adamic races have inner conflicts such as personality vs carnal desires, which are easily resolvable through compromises. But they do not have the inner struggle of flesh vs spirit, or higher self vs ego, that the adamic races have. That's why they dont relate to us.

Only their first three chakras are activated. They live to "eat, survive and reproduce" just like the animal kingdom. They have no fourth or fifth chakra. Hence they cannot be very spiritual or sense God or divinity within.

That explains why people like roberto and billy are atheists and cannot sense anything spiritual or divine inside them. And cannot relate to us on a spiritual level at all.

Makes sense huh? Right Alex?

That article said before the world was half organic portals and half souled humans. But that if the organic portals or pre-adamics dominant the world and the adamics do nothing then God will send another global cataclysm like in the days of Noah, to wipe out the world. But this time he will destroy the world with fire.

Also u know how the bible talks about "the sons of god copulating with the daughters of men"? Well this theory says that had nothing to do with fallen angels. the sons of god were the adamic race of souled humans. They found the women of the pre-adamic race to be hot. So they copulated with them and produced unholy unions. Thats why God wiped out the world with a flood.

Kind of like how we find asian women attractive so we have sex with them even though they have no individual true living soul and only an animal hive mind type of soul. Lol

This might also explain why rock and monkro felt no pain or alienation or negative hateful energy in taiwan. They are more like organic portals and more in tune with the hive mind of the chinese group soul. So the hive mind doesnt hate them the way they hate me or falcon.

In the star trek episode "return of the archons" if you werent part of the hive mind run by the central computer, the people would be outraged and exclaim "you are not of the body!" See that episode if you dont remember it. Maybe thats how taiwanese react to me when they realize that i am not "of the body". Lol

Thats probably where Cain got his wife too, which Christians are confused about. After he killed Abel, he married a woman from the pre-adamic races that existed before adam and eve.

Also robert sepehr said in his videos that noah originated the european race. His videos contain evidence for this. That means europe originally was dominated by souled humans. But today thats changing and they are beginning to be flooded with organic portals.

This means of course we fit better in Europe where there are more souled humans. Not asia which is dominated by organic portals mostly. So we should move to eastern europe Michael.

No wonder then why i felt so much more alive and soulful in eastern europe and russia than in america or asia. That explains it!
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston »

This excerpt from David Icke's book "Infinite Love is the Only Truth" might explain why Murphy's Law in the matrix targets me specifically. It makes sense. ... ytruth.pdf
The third, and by far the smallest, group are those who are aware enough to see through the illusion and have begun to access the knowing of Infinite Oneness beyond the walls of the software program. This doesn’t mean they understand the full nature of life and reality, but they have at least a subconscious knowing that the world is not as it seems.

They are the only ones with free will in the sense that they have the awareness and power of consciousness to break the control of the DNA software. They can ride the horse and, in doing so, rewrite the program. These people stand out from the crowd and are dubbed dangerous or mad because they don’t see the world like everyone else.

The Matrix is a six-stone weakling compared with consciousness in its true power, and this group is like a computer virus that has the means to scramble the program and download another reality.

The Matrix targets these people with a vengeance to protect its control and also because if it can manipulate this level of consciousness to become caught in the illusions and succumb to fear, it is a massive potential energy source.
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston » ... s/cass.htm

Cassiopaean Transcripts

Q: - questioner
A: - the Cassiopaeans


Q: Mouravieff says that there are two kinds of humans - he calls the "pre-Adamic" and "Adamic," [discussed in book III]. The idea is that pre-Adamic human types basically have no "soul" nor any possibility of growing one. This is a pretty shocking idea, but there have been recent scholarly discussions of this matter based on what seems to be clinical evidence that, indeed, there are human beings who are just "mechanical" and have no "inner" or "higher self" at all. [See: "Division of Consciousness"] Gurdjieff talked about this and so did Castaneda. Are these ideas Mouravieff presents about the two basic TYPES of humans, as far as they go, accurate?

A: Indeed, though again, there is a "Biblical Gloss."

Q: Mouravieff says that the "pre-Adamic" humans do not have the higher centers, nor the possibility of developing them in this cycle - which we assume to be the Grand Cycle you have previously described, the length of which is around 300,000 years. Is this an accurate representation of "pre-Adamic" beings?

A: Yes, they are "organic" portals between levels of density.
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston »

Mr S, this validates what you told me: ... tals06.htm

"The future of the human race does not look promising: the accelerated development of a cold and inhuman intelligence without love or spiritual content.

Progress is creating intelligent giants, but spiritual pygmies, with conscience and human sensitivity atrophied by a vast cerebral and cultural program designed ultimately to serve the central computer of the species.

The only possibility for salvation is in the hands of the isolated individual, that is, in the one who by means of Hermeticism attains vital autonomy, disentangling himself from the central brain."
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston »

Dan from the OverWatch Channel explains how some people are spiritless and soulless in the matrix.

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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by UpWithTheWu »

I suggest to not let those youtube fools mislead you. They make lame videos with limited information. OK, that's enough 'negging'.

It has been disclosed in the Matrix V series of books written by Val Valerian (possible CIA operative) who met his higher self through self-hypnosis that these "minion incarnations" are a major problem. At the time of the book being written these spiritless humans were 70% of the world. By now it could up to 75% or more because they are increasing with overpopulation. With too many humanoid bodies on the planet, there are not enough Earth experience seeking higher selves to fill them. So, they get a type of animal essence put into them. This animal group soul cannot cope with the human faculties or use them to their potential, so it usually ends in disaster. It won't change and there will be all these dull people around (some extremely dysfunctional) until the global population is reduced at least 3/4's. This is a huge clusterfuck and type of warfare that has been played on the planetary consciousness and humanity. The only upside is that they are natural slaves, I mean come on they are pretty much slaves, and some are exceptionally beautiful since they are born without karma thus have more perfect bodies.

They are pure ego machinations that would be relieved through death. Yes, death would be a relief for them. I've noticed some have this exaggerated fixation and fear of death, since they know that's it and it's soon over for them. Their consciousness may linger around as a ghost imprint but is soon dissolved back into the planetary field. They do not have the same inner source of energy and thus are also energy vampires, often in co-morbid relationships.
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston »

More articles on Spiritless Humans and Matrix Agents. ... lane06.htm ... tals05.htm

I guess the Pre-Adamic Races may be cave men like Neanderthal or Homo Sapiens, that existed before Adam and Eve and were animalistic with group soul. They are the ones that can't think for themselves and believe whatever authority says.

So for example, when World War One started, they felt obligated to participate and sacrifice or risk their lives for it, even though it had no purpose and was all for nothing. Whereas the Adamic Races or souled humans saw through the BS, they could not. Same with the Vietnam War. When it started, even though there was no reason for the war, the Pre-Adamic races were willing to enlist and volunteer to fight in it, because their hive mind compelled them to out of duty and obligation. They could not resist because they follow the herd and hive no matter what, like ants and bees do, without question or critical thinking. So most likely the Americans who quickly enlisted were organic portals or members of the Pre-Adamic Race.

That would explain why some people cannot see obvious BS or learn from stupid unnecessary wars that the US starts, whereas others can. When you have a hive mind or are connected to one, you obey authority, like ants and bees obey their queen without question, and react like a herd animal. You don't think critically nor do you go against the herd. What a sad thing it must be to have a hive mind. I guess Ayn Rand was right when she said that nothing is more important than owning yourself and your own mind, even if you have to endure a lot of loneliness for it.
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by UpWithTheWu »

Right now, I think that the Pre-Adamics are Asians. I've done a lot of research. Negros are referred to as flat out animals in ancient texts, or "beasts of the field". It could make sense that Asians are these sort of pre-Adamic not yet full Humans. This is purely on a genetic level. For instance, Winston could have overridden his limited Asian DNA through his strong Spirit that chose to incarnate. Really, it's the spiritless ones you gotta watch out for.
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston »

Good point UpWithTheWu. According to science, they are starting to move away from the "Out of Africa" theory, because science has now shown that we did not all come from one race. Whites and asians are different from blacks, because they have Neanderthal DNA, but blacks do not. So blacks may be more indigenous to Earth whereas whites and asians are hybrids and came from genetic intervention or manipulation. Robert Sepehr has videos showing how Noah fathered the European race after the flood. So the Asians may have been part of the pre-Adamic races that survived the flood. Not everyone died during the global flood. There were probably some survivors up on the mountains or some who went underground and waited it out.

This video by Robert Sepehr below contain clips that talk about how science now has discovered that we are not all the same race after all, but different hybrids, for some of our ancestors mated with non-human species as well.

Also UpWithTheWu has a good point. Sometimes a living soul can incarnate among a race of soulless automatons. That may be why Asians like me and Falcon are different from other Asians. For example in the movie "Dances With Wolves", John Dunbar (Kevin Costner) was the only white man with a living soul and individual consciousness, which you can tell from the deep thoughts in his diary. All the other white men in the movie were either soulless automatons following orders and going through the motions, or wicked cruel men without heart or soul. I often feel like John Dunbar and see myself as him. I also feel that I may have been someone like him in a past life.

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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Moretorque »

Mr. Wu, our father comes from Africa...... Noah :shock: and you think you're on the forefront of science ?

Winston you speak of such soul, please make sure you help care for that child you were part of bringing here.....
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Re: Soulless People - Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race, Hive Mind, Animalistic Group Soul

Post by Winston »

Moretorque wrote:
July 18th, 2018, 10:00 am
Mr. Wu, our father comes from Africa...... Noah :shock: and you think you're on the forefront of science ?

Winston you speak of such soul, please make sure you help care for that child you were part of bringing here.....
Maybe if you are black that's true. But not if you are not black. That theory is outdated and never made sense to begin with. Science now says that Europeans and Asians have Neanderthal DNA in them, but blacks do not. So we are different hybrids. See the news articles about this below. ... -asia.html ... europeans/ ... ern_humans ... han-others ... story.html
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