Was Hitler actually the good guy? Is he wrongly demonized/vilified?

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Re: Has Hitler been wrongly demonized and not as bad as we were told?

Post by Winston »

Thanks for letting us know about that @momopi. Do forum posts count under that law? I always thought that law only applied if you went around Europe verbally defending the Nazis and Hitler with your voice? Does it apply to forum posts you make too?

Also what constitutes "defending Nazis"? What if someone just says, "The Nazis are overly demonized and not as bad as we were told" etc? Does that count?

Before I go to Europe, should I move all threads that defend Hitler and the Nazis into hidden areas, just to be safe?
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Re: Has Hitler been wrongly demonized and not as bad as we were told?

Post by momopi »

In short, questioning or denying “facts recognized by the international military tribunal“ (from WW2) regarding Nazi Germany would be considered in violation of the law.

In US making such claims would make you unpopular. In parts of Europe it may result in a fine, jail term, or deportation (non citizen). This may be of concern for those who seek future residency in Europe. Google government, immigration, and law enforcement’s increasing use of data collected from social media and do your own risk assessment.
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Re: Has Hitler been wrongly demonized and not as bad as we were told?

Post by Winston »

New books that show that Germany was the victim in WW2, not the aggressor, and how the Allies were responsible for the world war, not Hitler.

Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany

https://www.amazon.com/Jewish-Dominatio ... 00HV52QZE/


What the World Rejected: Hitler’s Peace Offers 1933–1940

https://www.amazon.com/What-World-Rejec ... 00M5K8OEM/


How Britain Initiated both World Wars

https://www.amazon.com/Britain-Initiate ... 530993180/


This book exposes the truth about how and why the first world war really happened, which the media and education establishments don't want you to know about.

Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War

https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-History-S ... 00CPR6IWK/

Hidden History uniquely exposes those responsible for the First World War. It reveals how accounts of the war’s origins have been deliberately falsified to conceal the guilt of the secret cabal of very rich and powerful men in London responsible for the most heinous crime perpetrated on humanity. For ten years, they plotted the destruction of Germany as the first stage of their plan to take control of the world. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was no chance happening. It lit a fuse that had been carefully set through a chain of command stretching from Sarajevo through Belgrade and St Petersburg to that cabal in London.

Our understanding of these events has been firmly trapped in a web of falsehood and duplicity carefully constructed by the victors at Versailles in 1919 and maintained by compliant historians ever since. The official version is fatally flawed, warped by the volume of evidence they destroyed or concealed from public view.

Hidden History poses a tantalising challenge. The authors ask only that you examine the evidence they lay before you . . .
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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by Winston »

A pro Hitler article on an Aryan website. lol


If you want to better understand Hitler's beliefs, you should read this book that inspired him and influenced him, called "The Myth of the Twentieth Century" by Alfred Rosenberg. It looks interesting and fascinating, because it says things that are very different from what the Zionist controlled media tell us. Who can know which side is right? But one ought to study both sides if one is a truth seeker. People say this book is very deep, intellectual and poetic.

Here is a PDF copy of it you can read online or download. You can right click the link below and download it, or go to the web version and click the download button at the top right.

http://aryanism.net/downloads/books/alf ... entury.pdf

Amazon link:
https://www.amazon.com/Myth-Twentieth-C ... 0082CA5WG/

Here is a summary outline of it on Wikipedia.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Myth_ ... th_Century
Outline of contents of the book[edit]

Rosenberg's racial interpretation of history concentrates on the negative influence of the Jewish race in contrast to the Aryan race. He equates the latter with the Nordic peoples of northern Europe and also includes the Berbers from North Africa and the upper classes of Ancient Egypt.[8] According to Rosenberg, modern culture has been corrupted by Semitic influences (cf. anti-Semitism), which have produced degenerate modern art, along with moral and social degeneration. In contrast, Aryan culture is defined by innate moral sensibility and an energetic will to power. Rosenberg believed that the higher races must rule over the lower and not interbreed with them, because cross-breeding destroys the divine combination of physical heredity and spirit. He uses an organic metaphor of the race and the State and argues that the Nazis must purify the race soul by eliminating non-Aryan elements in much the same ruthless and uncompromising way in which a surgeon would cut a cancer from a diseased body.

In Rosenberg's view of world history, migrating Aryans founded various ancient civilizations which later declined and fell due to inter-marriage with lesser races. These civilizations included the Indo-Aryan civilization, ancient Persia, Greece, and Rome. He saw the ancient Germanic invasions of the Roman empire as "saving" its civilization, which had been corrupted both by race mixing and by "Judaized-cosmopolitan" Christianity. Furthermore, he claimed that the persecutions of Protestants in France and other areas represented the wiping out of the last remnants of the Aryan element in those areas, a process completed by the French revolution. In contemporary Europe, he saw the northern areas that embraced Protestantism as closest to the Aryan racial and spiritual ideal.

Following H. S. Chamberlain and other völkisch theorists, he believed that Jesus was an Aryan (specifically an Amorite or Hurrian Hittite), and that original Christianity was an "Aryan" (Iranian) religion, but had been corrupted by the followers of Paul of Tarsus. The "Mythus" is very anti-Catholic, seeing the Church's cosmopolitanism and "Judaized" version of Christianity as one of the factors in Germany's spiritual bondage. Rosenberg particularly emphasizes the anti-Judaic teachings of the heresies Marcionism and "Aryo-Persian" Manicheanism as more representative of the true, "anti-Judaic" Jesus Christ and more suited to the Nordic world-view. Rosenberg saw Martin Luther and the Reformation as an important step forward toward reasserting the "Aryan spirit", but is ultimately ambiguous in not having gone far enough in its founding of just another dogmatic church.

When he discussed the future of religion in the future Reich, he suggested that a multiplicity of forms be tolerated, including "positive Christianity", neo-paganism, and a form of "purified" Aryan Hinduism. He saw all these religious systems as allegorical after the manner of Schopenhauer's teaching of religion as "folk-metaphysics", and was skeptical that the Nordic gods, of which the keys of interpretation had been largely lost in involutive time, could gain a foothold in modern times, without even conceding the desirability of the possibility.

Another myth, to which he gave "allegorical" and esoteric credence, was the hermetical idea of Atlantis, which he felt might preserve a memory of an ancient Aryan homeland:

"And so today the long derived hypothesis becomes a probability, namely that from a northern centre of creation which, without postulating an actual submerged Atlantic continent, we may call Atlantis, swarms of warriors once fanned out in obedience to the ever renewed and incarnate Nordic longing for distance to conquer and space to shape."

This account of world history is used to support his dualistic model of human experience, as are ideas co-opted from Nietzsche and Social Darwinist writers of the era.
Lol @Cornfed and @Contrarian Expatriate will love that book. lol
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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by Winston »

Here is an audiobook version of "The Myth of the Twentieth Century" by Alfred Rosenberg, with images and captions.

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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by Winston »

An alleged long deep discussion between Hitler and his mentor Dietrich Eckart published in a book called "Bolshevism From Moses to Lenin".

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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by Winston »

Images of Hitler with children, showing his kind, loving, compassionate side.















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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by Winston »

TECHNOLOGY Why I Sympathize With Hitler Part 1: True History Unveiled

http://anonymoustruthblog.com/sympathiz ... -unveiled/

Now I would like to get back to telling Hitler’s side of the story and why my change of heart for him and my sympathy and compassion. When I woke up to the truth in this world filled with lies, and dug a little deeper into the true stories behind what really happened during WWII it just brought me to tears. It brought me to tears because here was a so called “MONSTER” that I used to hate. Why? Because the media told me to hate him. Because I watched a million movies about what a devil he was and all of the horrible things he did.

It brought me to tears because I used to think all of those horrible things about him until I learned the truth about the war and what Hitler truly did and he was not a bad person as they have painted him out to be. Not even close!!! I cry because my heart feels ….. broken. Here is a man who was not a coward, stood up for his country in a DESPERATE TIME OF NEED (unlike all of our cowardly leaders), and yet not only did he try his best to help his country and people get out of what was a time of depression, economic collapse, high unemployment, amongst many other things… he lost the war AND was painted out to be a monster after his death.

You are seeing this article on Anonymoustruthblog , This is what breaks my heart. Especially now that I know the truth. I am a warrior of truth and anyone who is about corruption is my enemy. Simple as that. This true story about what REALLY happened in WWII is going to be a long one because there is a lot to uncover so I will do this as a blog series until I manage to get it covered the best that I can.
http://anonymoustruthblog.com/hitler-re ... d-bankers/

Despite the frivilous claims of foolhardy patriotards and assorted Jew defenders who often masquerade as “anti-Zionists,” the Nazis were not — in any way — covertly funded by, or in cahoots with, Rothschild bankers. On the contrary, the German, French and Austrian branches of the House of Rothschild were effectively dissolved and extirpated by Hitler. Quite a bizarre and counterproductive action of a “Rothschild agent” wouldn’t you say?

Niall Ferguson’s biography of the Rothschild family, The House of Rothschild: Volume 2: The World’s Banker: 1849-1999 (Penguin, 2000), although sympathetic to Jewry and the Rothschilds, outlines the reality of the National Socialists’ war against this international criminal Jewish banking cabal. Ferguson writes:

“An altogether more ruthless coalition had come to power in Germany in 1933, dominated by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Hostility to the Rothschilds’ had been a feature of Nazi propaganda from the movement’s infancy (see the introduction to volume 1) despite the fact that the Frankfurt house had been wound up when Hitler was barely twelve years old. It was a hostility that soon translated into action.
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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by growup »

3 out of 4 of my grandparents were in concentration camps...thankfully, they survived, but the scars (both physical and emotional) were there until their deaths.
So, no, I don't think Hitler was labelled unfairly.
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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by Winston »

growup wrote:
August 25th, 2018, 8:52 pm
3 out of 4 of my grandparents were in concentration camps...thankfully, they survived, but the scars (both physical and emotional) were there until their deaths.
So, no, I don't think Hitler was labelled unfairly.
Were they in Auschwitz? How come there are happy photos there of soccer teams, art classes, theater plays, etc? How to explain that?

But Stalin was much worse. He killed a lot more people and this Jewish guy as well as Mao of China killed a lot more than Hitler and Stalin combined. So why is Hitler demonized as the most evil man of all time and the devil incarnate, etc? That's ridiculous and over the top don't you think? Also everyone who met Hitler liked him.

Why do you believe everything the media says? You never met Hitler so how can you judge him? How come everyone who actually knew him liked him, unless of course they had a political agenda against him?
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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by growup »

Because even awful people can seem good.
my grandparents were not the media.
one was in Auschwitz, two were in Majdanek.
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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by Moretorque »

One of the great books on the subject is " The Bad War " by Mike King , you know it must of hurt because Amazon banned it.

The Yalta conference says it all in one picture, why would our president Roosevelt and America be teamed up with the leader " Elite Puppet " and country we fought for independence from in the revolution Britain and also Stalin who killed 10's of millions of his own Russians ?

Feelings aside we are not being told the truth in the mainstream at all..... It just seems to be the usual, a gullible public duped and then used as cannon fodder for the state gobbling up territory and putting the boot on any competition.....
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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote:
August 25th, 2018, 9:32 pm
growup wrote:
August 25th, 2018, 8:52 pm
3 out of 4 of my grandparents were in concentration camps...thankfully, they survived, but the scars (both physical and emotional) were there until their deaths.
So, no, I don't think Hitler was labelled unfairly.
But Stalin was much worse. .....Mao of China killed a lot more than Hitler and Stalin combined. So why is Hitler demonized as the most evil man of all time and the devil incarnate, etc?
Yes, correct,
however there is one significant difference,

Hitler lost the war, WWII.

Same with the Japanese, they also lost WWII but their leaders are not so well-known as they were always acting in a group, called
Supreme Council for the Direction of the War 最高戦争指導会議, the most powerful person at the end of WWII was Korechika Anami 惟幾阿南.

The 'most evil man' will be always somebody who is a loser and not a winner.


growup » Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:06 am
Because even awful people can seem good.
my grandparents were not the media.
one was in Auschwitz, two were in Majdanek.
About Adolf Hitler, both of my parents hated him and both of my parents were not Jewish and were born and living in Austria, all of my ancestors were Austrian citizens without Jewish links. I am also Austrian citizen and I remember still some destroyed cities, Russian occupation and looting around 1955 and was living in poverty as a small child near Vienna.

Many Austrians and Bavarians from the very beginning on were not supportive at all to such political ideas created by a homeless guy, they sent him even to jail. However Hitler managed to renounce Austrian citizenship and was welcome in impoverished Germany at that time.

Hitler's administration forced my mother to work in a factory producing explosives near Vienna, heavily bombed during WWII.
Not really a concentration camp, but not a nice place either, fearing for your life all the time.

My father was taken to Northern Germany to the submarines against his will but could change that, he was finally sent to combat against Russia. He was lucky. He survived as he missed the departure to Stalingrad.

To survive was nothing but good luck at that time and it's not only about Jews and concentration camps...
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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by growup »

Yohan wrote:
September 4th, 2018, 9:22 pm
Winston wrote:
August 25th, 2018, 9:32 pm
growup wrote:
August 25th, 2018, 8:52 pm
3 out of 4 of my grandparents were in concentration camps...thankfully, they survived, but the scars (both physical and emotional) were there until their deaths.
So, no, I don't think Hitler was labelled unfairly.
But Stalin was much worse. .....Mao of China killed a lot more than Hitler and Stalin combined. So why is Hitler demonized as the most evil man of all time and the devil incarnate, etc?
Yes, correct,
however there is one significant difference,

Hitler lost the war, WWII.

Same with the Japanese, they also lost WWII but their leaders are not so well-known as they were always acting in a group, called
Supreme Council for the Direction of the War 最高戦争指導会議, the most powerful person at the end of WWII was Korechika Anami 惟幾阿南.

The 'most evil man' will be always somebody who is a loser and not a winner.


growup » Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:06 am
Because even awful people can seem good.
my grandparents were not the media.
one was in Auschwitz, two were in Majdanek.
About Adolf Hitler, both of my parents hated him and both of my parents were not Jewish and were born and living in Austria, all of my ancestors were Austrian citizens without Jewish links. I am also Austrian citizen and I remember still some destroyed cities, Russian occupation and looting around 1955 and was living in poverty as a small child near Vienna.

Many Austrians and Bavarians from the very beginning on were not supportive at all to such political ideas created by a homeless guy, they sent him even to jail. However Hitler managed to renounce Austrian citizenship and was welcome in impoverished Germany at that time.

Hitler's administration forced my mother to work in a factory producing explosives near Vienna, heavily bombed during WWII.
Not really a concentration camp, but not a nice place either, fearing for your life all the time.

My father was taken to Northern Germany to the submarines against his will but could change that, he was finally sent to combat against Russia. He was lucky. He survived as he missed the departure to Stalingrad.

To survive was nothing but good luck at that time and it's not only about Jews and concentration camps...
my aunt Josie was born in Majdanek concentration camp. I have absolutely no idea how she survived. Good luck, like you said, I guess.
I have nothing good to say about Hitler.
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Re: Has Hitler been overly demonized/vilified and not as bad as we were told?

Post by growup »

Cornfed wrote:
September 9th, 2018, 7:56 pm
growup wrote:
September 9th, 2018, 6:51 pm
my aunt Josie was born in Majdanek concentration camp.
You mean the Germans paid to look after enemy civilians during a desperate war against the most evil people in human history? Hitler should be your hero.
No. the Germans didn't know she had been born. Otherwise, she would have been killed. I'm sorry that you are so misinformed, but that's probably because you've never been to a concentration camp site or read a real book or talked to a survivor.
I wish I could be as ignorant as you.
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