Any good movies with Happier Abroad themes?

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Re: Happier Abroad related movies?

Post by Winston »

My Italian friend Alex recommended this book to me called "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". He said its a must read and the best travel and philosophy true story ever written. See our conversation about it below.

[10/9, 12:55 AM] Alex From Venice: have you read the book "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance"?
[10/9, 12:57 AM] Alex From Venice: it's a story about a man, a teacher of English rhetoric, which travel the world trying to find the meaning of life, the ultimate purpose that make life worth to be lived
[10/9, 12:58 AM] Alex From Venice: then, one day he got the enlightenment and... went insane
[10/9, 12:59 AM] Alex From Venice: he had been confined in a psychiatric hospital where they tried to cure him by erasing his brain with electro shocks
[10/9, 1:00 AM] Alex From Venice: when he had been dismissed he wasn't himself but sort of another man with a shadow himself still alive
[10/9, 1:02 AM] Alex From Venice: he then start a coast to coast motorbike ride together with his son and another couple with their own motorbike
[10/9, 1:02 AM] Alex From Venice: and there the Zen philosophy makes a difference in everything
[10/9, 1:03 AM] Alex From Venice: even when it's about taking care of own motorbike
[10/9, 1:03 AM] Alex From Venice: it's a MUST READ
[10/9, 1:03 AM] Alex From Venice: and based on the true story of the author
[10/9, 1:04 AM] Winston: Its a book only? No movie? Someone should make it a movie.
[10/9, 1:04 AM] Alex From Venice: book only
[10/9, 1:04 AM] Alex From Venice: as far as I know
[10/9, 1:04 AM] Alex From Venice: I also loved the narration style
[10/9, 1:05 AM] Alex From Venice: very light and easy
[10/9, 1:06 AM] Alex From Venice: some novels aren't suitable to be converted in a two hours movie
[10/9, 1:09 AM] Winston: Electro shock was done long ago. When did that novel take place?
[10/9, 1:11 AM] Alex From Venice: maybe the seventies
[10/9, 1:42 AM] Winston: Why did he get mental illness after being enlightened?
[10/9, 1:42 AM] Winston: Did he only travel in the US?
[10/9, 1:44 AM] Alex From Venice: read the book
[10/9, 1:46 AM] Alex From Venice: don't worry, you won't find a single page written in heavy narration style like in the first chapter of "the Foucault's pendulum"
[10/9, 1:46 AM] Winston: But which countries does he go to?
[10/9, 1:46 AM] Alex From Venice: all over the world
[10/9, 1:47 AM] Alex From Venice: Asia too of course
[10/9, 1:47 AM] Winston: Is it a Christian story or Eastern spirituality one?
[10/9, 1:47 AM] Alex From Venice: but the story isn't about his travels
[10/9, 1:48 AM] Alex From Venice: it's a self discovery and a discovery of the Zen philosophy at same time
[10/9, 1:48 AM] Winston: I just bought the book on kindle.
[10/9, 1:48 AM] Alex From Venice: and it's a beautiful travel
[10/9, 1:49 AM] Alex From Venice: good choice
[10/9, 1:50 AM] Alex From Venice: I think it's one of the few books that once I start reading I was using all my free time just to keep reading it till its end
[10/9, 1:53 AM] Winston: It doesnt have too many useless details?
[10/9, 1:55 AM] Alex From Venice: no
[10/9, 1:55 AM] Alex From Venice: it's a very easy smooth reading

Heres the link to it on Amazon if you wanna get it. Its available in Kindle format too.
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Re: Happier Abroad related movies?

Post by Winston »

Wow check out the trailer for this film called "The Quiet American". Its a happier abroad film and stars Michael Caine and Brendan Fraser and takes place in 1952 Vietnam before the war. Michael Caine plays a British journalist in Saigon who has a perfect looking Vietnamese mistress there who is every western mans dream asian lady - perfect looking, elegant, graceful, humble, submissive and obedient. Lol. When Fraser arrives as an economic aid man from America and undercover CIA agent, he falls in love with her too and begins vying for her affection shamelessly. The Vietnamese lady in it is so hot, elegant and graceful. It makes me want to go to Vietnam.

At the beginning of the movie, Michael Caine says that Vietnam gives you everything you seek and makes you never want to leave and that he never wants to go back to London, which are true HA type words. But his mistress wants to leave Vietnam and live in London. Its funny how people think the grass is greener on the other side.

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Re: Happier Abroad related movies?

Post by Winston »

Check out this film with marlon brando called "last tango in paris". The famous film critic roger ebert said its one of the top 5 films of all time. The music soundtrack is very erotic and romantic and sensuous. It'll make you dream and fantasize about having a steamy affair in Paris. Lol. The soundtrack will put you into a trance too. Lol. The whole film is on YouTube below.

Wow. If an older man like marlon brando can have a lustful sex affair like that with a young french woman he just met, why cant i? Lol. That's a great question for @publicduende. Lol

Btw marlon brando is aggressive in this film and takes what he wants and seduces the girl, who likes his male dominance. Wow. This would never be allowed in todays films and would not be reciprocated like it was in 1972. Lol

Also he never tells her his name or details about his life or identity, and tells her not to tell him about herself too, in order to keep the mystery alive. Lol. Thats the kind of PUA tactic that Rock would probably like. Lol

Full album soundtrack to "Last tango in Paris". Very heavenly and divine.
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Re: Happier Abroad related movies?

Post by Winston »

I just saw the movie "eat pray love" again last night, starring julia roberts. Its the perfect film for women who want to go abroad and discover themselves. Like dianne does now. Heres the trailer and info.

Surprisingly it was very good and meaningful and realistic too. A great example of the happier abroad theme. There were many meaningful scenes and spiritual lessons along her journey. And good mentors who shared her pain and shared their wisdom with her too.

There were some deep lessons about healing from past pain and finding balance within too. And spiritual lessons from the ashram in India. And many good lessons in italy about how italians live and why they are more soulful and alive than americans.

The film also showed happier abroad concepts about how people are friendlier abroad and easier to make friends with. And how europeans are more soulful and alive and know how to enjoy life more. The barber shop scene was very revealing about the american attitude toward pleasure vs the european one.

It was also a great example of how traveling helps you to discover yourself and be free and find meaning and balance in yourself.

I cant believe when i told my forum about this film years ago the guys all trashed it as a female narcissistic film. They trashed it simply because the protagonist was a woman. Not because it was a bad film. Thats a stupid reason to bash a film. A film should be judged impartially on its merits. Not on its gender alone.

Sure one could argue that the protagonist played by julia roberts was selfish and a bad wife by leaving her husband because she didnt want to be tied down to an empty routine existence just because society said so.

But thats a matter of perspective. I can empathize with how she felt, about wanting to feel alive again and be filled with a child like sense of wonder, curiosity, awe and spirit, which you cant get in the soulless routine of modern america. I feel that way too and can relate to that, regardless of whether shes male or female.

Also even if she is selfish (which she admits to in the film) so what? Everyone is selfish these days, especially in America which is a culture of narcissism, independence and individuality. So its human nature. Besides its important to follow ones heart and soul, otherwise you will never discover your destiny or the universes plan for you.

Furthermore, if you think about it, its much better to do what makes you feel ALIVE and meaningful, even if it makes you "selfish", than to be miserable and feel unalive and dead, just to appease others and appear "unselfish" so you can be what others expect of you. If you think about it theres simply no comparison. As the great mythologist Joseph Campbell said, "People deep down are looking for the rapture of being ALIVE, not just seeking meaning or happiness." Very true and i agree with that.

Anyway guys, just because shes a woman doesnt take anything away from that. I cant believe guys are so narrow and hateful and misogynistic not to like a good meaningful happier abroad type film like this just because the protagonist HAer is a woman. Thats so lame and illogical and a double standard too.

To dismiss a whole good meaningful film just because the protagonist is a woman is lame and illogical and biased and emotional. I hope someone more neutral and unbiased who doesnt hate women can appreciate this meaningful and realistic film and the real life lessons to be learned from it.

Also the female protagonist in this is not some invincible female warrior character like rey in star wars or captain marvel. She is very human and vulnerable with many faults and does not pretend to be perfect. (Unlike most men who refuse to admit their flaws) Thus we can all relate to her. Because shes a realistic character that any freespirit will relate to.

Anyway check it out. Im sure you will love it and find it meaningful with many good life lessons to be learned from it if you view it without any bias or hatred.
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Re: Happier Abroad related movies?

Post by Winston »

Great recommendation by James Bond.

Hey guys check out this movie, which definitely has a "happier abroad" theme, it's called, "Teddy Bear." It won the Sundance Film Festival award in 2012.

"Physically massive but shy and socially inept, a 38-year-old Danish bodybuilder longs to fall in love -- but finds it impossible. He has never had a girlfriend and lives alone with his mother in a suburb of Copenhagen. When his uncle marries a girl from Thailand, Dennis decides to try his own luck on a trip to Pattaya, as it seems that love is easier to find in Thailand.. Traveling to Thailand, he learns some unexpected lessons about life and love."

Here are the trailers for the film, each one shows some different scenes from the movie. It's available to rent on Netflix with instant viewing and by DVD.

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Re: Happier Abroad related movies?

Post by WorldTraveler »

Winston wrote:
January 25th, 2016, 11:49 pm
Hey check this out. I found the 1984 version of Mutiny on the Bounty, with Mel Gibson and Anthony Hopkings, on YouTube in full. I saw it the other day and it's pretty good. Well done. The women were beautiful, exotic and sexy, especially the lead that played Fletcher Christian's girlfriend.

The Bounty (1984) Full version

If that ever gets taken down, there is a paid version on YouTube for 3 dollars here:

Also, here is an audio book of Mutiny on the Bounty, written by Captain Bligh himself, which tells his version of the story.

Btw, here's the dance scene on Tahiti from the 1962 version of Mutiny on the Bounty, where Fletcher Christian sees his love interest for the first time and is smitten by her erotic dancing. lol

"Mutiny on the Bounty" is every Happy Abroaders story. The traveler goes overseas. He meets a foreign girl. He falls in love or lust and then can never go back to his old life and feel the same way.
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Re: What are some good Happier Abroad themed movies?

Post by flowerthief00 »

For a twist, how about a movie about a non-American coming to America? The Godfather Part II comes to mind, but there is another movie that is also a gangster movie that is little bit less celebrated but every bit as great. One of the greatest movies ever made I'd say.

I'm talking about Once Upon a Time in America. Despite being a gangster film, it has this emotional and nostalgic feeling throughout that is incredible. The protagonists are terrible terrible people, but the films succeeds in getting you to care what happens to them. That's a mark that many gangster films have shot for and Sergio Leone nailed it.
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Re: Any good movies with Happier Abroad themes?

Post by WorldTraveler »

The movie The Lover is based on the autobiographical book by Marguerite Duras. It is about a poor young precocious French girl living in French Indo-China, Vietnam, in 1929 who has a relationship with an older wealthy Chinese man. His parents want him to marry a rich Chinese woman, but he is in love with this younger French girl. Jane Marsh plays the young girl. The acting by both of them is perfect. Very hot sex scenes and fine dramatic acting. The cinematography if fabulous and shot on location in Vietnam. The soundtrack is perfect. Because it based on the author's life, it doesn't have one of those silly happily ever after endings.

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Re: Any good movies with Happier Abroad themes?

Post by Winston »

Outsourced (2006)

When the call center he manages in Seattle is outsourced to India, Todd travels there to train his replacement. Housed in a new building that looks like an above-ground bunker, the call center is staffed by willing novices whom Todd trains to sound American. One star on the staff is Asha, who teaches Todd that he should learn about India, and proceeds to do just that.

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Re: Any good movies with Happier Abroad themes?

Post by WorldTraveler »

Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2020, 12:38 am
Outsourced (2006)

When the call center he manages in Seattle is outsourced to India, Todd travels there to train his replacement. Housed in a new building that looks like an above-ground bunker, the call center is staffed by willing novices whom Todd trains to sound American. One star on the staff is Asha, who teaches Todd that he should learn about India, and proceeds to do just that.

Great movie. They made it into a TV Series, but I've never seen it. Has anyone seen the Series?
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Re: Any good movies with Happier Abroad themes?

Post by Winston »

Just saw outsourced. It was pretty good and funny and realistic somewhat. I don't get the end though. Did he go to China or stay in India or go back to the US? It wasn't clear where he was in the last scene.

Also white guys dont usually let brown beggar kids pick pocket them like that. They usually push them away. I usually raise my fist and threaten to hit him if he comes closer.
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Re: Any good movies with Happier Abroad themes?

Post by WorldTraveler »

Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2020, 10:14 pm
Just saw outsourced. It was pretty good and funny and realistic somewhat. I don't get the end though. Did he go to China or stay in India or go back to the US? It wasn't clear where he was in the last scene.

Also white guys dont usually let brown beggar kids pick pocket them like that. They usually push them away. I usually raise my fist and threaten to hit him if he comes closer.
Watch the end again. Todd lets his Indian replacement go to China to manage the call center there instead of him. Todd goes back to the USA (Seattle or maybe it's Vancouver). He tells his mother he's back (in the USA). Goes into his apartment and his phone rings with Asha's special ring tone (thus she's still interested in him). The movie ends. I really like this movie.
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Re: Any good movies with Happier Abroad themes?

Post by Winston »

Why did Todd go back to the USA? Why didn't he either stay in India or go to China? How do you know he's talking to his mom? Does he call her his mom? Or does he just tell someone "I'm back"? How do you know he's not back in India?

Why would a call center move to China? That would not happen in real life. The Chinese are much harder to train in English than the Indians. That's why no call center moves there.
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Re: Any good movies with Happier Abroad themes?

Post by Winston »

Another HA woman's story in Italy. Why do all HA women's movies take place in Italy? Lol. Such as "Under the Tuscan Sun"?

See trailer below. Doesn't this make you want to go to Italy? The trailer describes Italy as "the land of enchantment". Lol

Stealing Beauty (1996)

"After her mother commits suicide, a young woman travels to Italy in search of love, truth and a deeper connection with herself."
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Re: Any good movies with Happier Abroad themes?

Post by Winston »

Even this 1975 movie "Mahogany" starring Diana Ross, which contained her beautiful song "do you know where you're going to", has her going from Chicago to Italy to achieve fame and success. Lol. I guess Italy is the land of opportunity where dreams come true, contrary to what Alex says, for American women that is. Lol

Mahogany (1975)

Full movie Mahogany

Isnt the theme song so sublime? Lol

Dont you love that theme? Isnt it beautiful?

Here's the scene where Diana Ross goes to italy and sees the sights of Rome. Doesnt it look exotic?

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