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How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Its definitely REAL.

Post by Winston »

This excerpt from David Icke's book "Infinite Love is the Only Truth" might explain why murphy's law in the matrix targets me specifically. It makes sense. ... ytruth.pdf

"The third, and by far the smallest, group are those who are aware enough to see through the illusion and have begun to access the knowing of Infinite Oneness beyond the walls of the software program. This doesn’t mean they understand the full nature of life and reality, but they have at least a subconscious knowing that the world is not as it seems.

They are the only ones with free will in the sense that they have the awareness and power of consciousness to break the control of the DNA software. They can ride the horse and, in doing so, rewrite the program. These people stand out from the crowd and are dubbed dangerous or mad because they don’t see the world like everyone else.

The Matrix is a six-stone weakling compared with consciousness in its true power, and this group is like a computer virus that has the means to scramble the program and download another reality.

The Matrix targets these people with a vengeance to protect its control and also because if it can manipulate this level of consciousness to become caught in the illusions and succumb to fear, it is a massive potential energy source."
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Its definitely REAL.

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

I think Murphy's Law is simply an acknowledgement of the law of averages which means that at times things will go some variation of well, and other times things will go some variation of not so well in similar proportion.

Mitigating factors for Murphy's Law are preparation, resources to deal with snafus, situational competence, etc. As someone who would often plan government events and operations with Murphy's Law in mind, contingency planning, preparing for "what if" scenarios, and bringing staff up to speed in dealing with all of these, I can tell you things going wrong is an inevitability. However, so long as these things were small and inconsequential, operations were always viewed as successes.

In my personal life, I often mentally prepare for car breakdowns between cities, health care emergencies, and crises. This came in handy 3 months ago when I ended up in a hospital for 4 days while abroad. I fell ill but I already knew which hospital to go to and how to get there.

Plan for the worst, but enjoy things when they are at their best.
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Its definitely REAL.

Post by Winston »

No you contradict yourself CE. Murphy's Law is a reactive negative force or pattern. It's not the law of averages. Read the beginning of this thread. You don't seem to understand it. If I am at an intersection and I don't know whether to turn left or right, the law of averages says I have a 50/50 chance of getting it right. Right? What if I get it wrong 90 percent of the time? The law of probability cannot explain that. That's a simple example. There are more complex examples I'm sure.

You are thinking about this from a totally left brained perspective. I thought you were smart and could see the big picture and acknowledge that there are higher invisible forces? So you are just a left brained atheist who believes in scientism and materialism and ignores the large voluminous data that doesn't fit into all that? lol

If everything went according to probability then life would never have formed. Duh. Chemicals swirling around mud pools can NEVER EVER form into biological cells, DNA, RNA, flagellan motors, etc. Not in a trillion years or all of eternity. Didn't you know that? So why you think everything in reality MUST conform to chance probability?
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Its definitely REAL.

Post by Winston »

Here's another possible explanation for Murphy's Law. Below, the great Zen teacher Alan Watts explained how when you make a conscious decision to fight something, like a bad habit for instance, you give the devil (or the joker as he calls it) advanced notice that you intend to fight him. Since the devil (or your inner/outer demons) knows every trick in the book, and knows your weaknesses too, he will be sure to win and trip up your plans. So if you say to yourself "I'm gonna try to quit drinking" you give your demons advanced notice that you are going to combat them, which makes them laugh because they know all your weaknesses and how to beat you. And also, by trying to oppose something, you give it power and validation, which makes it stronger. It's kind of like announcing to all your creditors that you owe money to, that you are leaving town. If you did that, they would all show up at your door to collect from you before you left town. That's how Alan Watts explains it.

The trick or Zen way, according to Alan Watts, is to just "do it" without thinking about it or making a decision about it or telling yourself about it. You don't give your demons advanced notice. You surprise them and give them no warning. That's the Zen way of doing things. It's not easy of course, but that's the best way of doing such things according to Zen. That's why in "Empire Strikes Back", Yoda tells Luke "No. Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." So it seems that if you have an intention to do something that is hard, the universe reacts by opposing it and working against you. Or your inner/outer demons rather. That could explain why such a force like Murphy's Law seems to exist. Regardless, this is a very interesting lecture.

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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Its definitely REAL.

Post by Guhji »

Dude, life isn't fair. It never has been. You are unlucky enough to be a short, ugly, old Asian man who was not talented enough to get rich. That puts you at the bottom of the sexual totem pole. That's why you have been unlucky with women (that you haven't found and paid for in a sleazy Filipino bar).

Please, stop acting like you're some kind of a religious martyr. Stop being delusional. You are not somebody that God would take special notice of.
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Its definitely REAL.

Post by Winston »

Perhaps this explains some of murphys law?

This video explains how your thoughts can create entities or thought forms, which then have to feed off similar thoughts in order to grow and survive. Its kind of like the pain body that Eckhart Tolle talks about in "The Power of Now", except its external and metaphysical.

The author John Kreiter has a book and article out about how to create entities that will serve you and help you and do your bidding. What do you think? See below.

How to create a servitor to do your bidding ... 00MYLNQ0E/ ... r-bidding/

How to banish an area and exorcise negative entities ... -entities/

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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Its definitely REAL.

Post by Winston »

Do u think everything happens for a reason? Do coincidences exist?

Haven't u thought that maybe there is a divine order to everything? And that there is no randomness? Google chaos theory. Theres scientific evidence that everything has a deep order to it.

I saw a video that said that no game is worth playing without some randomness and uncertainty. Including the game of life.

No one wants to play a game thats totally predictable. Not even God. A game like that is not worth playing and is no fun.

But what appears random to u could be order from higher above right? Ur mind cannot see everything.

You know the wisest people who seek spiritual truth the longest usually conclude that coincidences dont exist. Isnt it possible they are right? If the most experienced seekers come to that conclusion then it could be true. Even many greek philosophers said that. Its not just a new age cliche.

The romans called the goddess of fortune "Fortuna". She is a woman and can bless u or curse u as she feels. She is flighty and unpredictable.

Machiavelli also said fortune is a woman and if she comes you gotta grab her and take control of her. Lol

The greeks and romans were more realists. They admitted that most of life was not in our control. Medieval Europeans agreed. Its only in America that the belief that one is in control of everything came about.

Ancient cultures also believed in Murphy's law. That often the universe tempts u by letting u think u got what u dream of finally, only to pull the rug out from under you and get a laugh out of watching you reeling over in shock and disillusionment. That happens so often it cannot be a coincidence and must be the work of a practical joker like the joker in batman.

If the universe allows this then there must be trickster deities.

Well thats what the ancient babylonians and chaldeans believed. That there are trickster deities that enjoy teasing and taunting us and making us disappointed and f***ing with us and getting a kick out of it.

Ancient cultures saw this and were not confined by the organized religions that we have today. They could follow the data and reality more freely.

Did u know that? So the ancients knew about Murphy's law and saw it clearly too. For the universe does like to play trickster games on us it seems. The ancient explanation involving trickster deities (like Loki in nordic mythology or Q in star trek the next generation) seems to make the most sense to me.

But americans have no explanation for Murphy's law except to either invoke God's punishment for sin, or Satans doing (as Christians believe), or by postulating "the law of attraction" from new age beliefs, which state that negative thoughts cause murphys law.

However theres no linear correlation or consistent logic to all that, because firstly, good people can suffer unfairly, and secondly, some without negative thoughts can come to a tragic end too. Such as the famed female aviator Amelia Earhart, who was super confident and fearless even on her last flight. And the Titanic passengers and builders too of course, who were confident the ship was unsinkable. Etc.

Thus these law of attraction believers and new agers never have an explanation for all that and never even bring it up. Because it doesnt fit their model of karma or the law of attraction. And since they do not wish to change or update their beliefs, they prefer to just ignore contrary data instead.

So in essence they are no more open minded than Christians and Atheists even though they think they are. In reality new age is just another fixed belief system and hive mind that its believers cannot question or think critically about.
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

Post by Winston »

Do any of you experience Murphy's Law while driving? I got a weird one for you. While driving in the suburbs, when my lane is blocked and I need to change lanes, other cars always block me or are coming up fast so I gotta wait for 3 or 4 cars to pass by first. Sometimes even more.

Now I know that this sounds normal. But here's the thing. It happens to me virtually 100 percent of the time, even in light or moderate traffic. Something that happens 100 percent of the time can't be coincidence or natural. However, when I'm in someone else's car with someone else driving, most of the time they ARE able to change lanes INSTANTANEOUSLY without waiting for other cars to go by first! No way! That cannot happen every time by chance!

Now you might say that that's due to me being overly cautious and others being more aggressive drivers. However if it happens to me virtually 100 percent of the time then that cannot be natural or due to chance only. No way.
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

Post by Winston »

Here's what my friend Alex said. See our discussion below. Like @hypermak, Alex doesn't seem to understand what Murphy's Law is. Do Italian men have some mental block against understanding it or something? Here's my lecture to Alex to clarify to him what Murphy's Law it. Pay attention hypermak.

[8/23, 9:08 PM] Alex From Venice: I'd say you are just experiencing "high traffic".
It's normal to have other cars coming on the next lane while you are going to move to that same lane.
I know it's frustrating but it's normal. If you can switch lane without waiting even in high traffic it means you are lucky.
You may be lucky few times, but that's exceptions.
To me what makes me frustrated all the times I drive, and I repeat ALL THE TIMES, is to have my way blocked by a slow vehicle without having the chance to pass it.
Unfortunately that happens everywhere here because of the ducking trike drivers that with their vehicles occupy most part of the lane and on narrow streets, which are the majority here, they make very difficult to the vehicles behind them to pass if they are cars or bigger vehicles, thus causing a long slow line of vehicles...

[8/27, 7:51 PM] Winston Wu: Bro u dont understand what i mean. Hypermak didn't either. Are Italians biased against murphys law?

Murphys law is not normal coincidence or normal probability or the law of averages. It means this:

"A consistent pattern of bad luck or events that go against you that happen in a consistent pattern that defies the law of normal chance probability."

Simple example. If i flip a coin a million times it should be exactly 50 percent heads, 50 percent tails. The more i flip the closer to 50/50 it will be. But if i get 90 percent heads after a million flips then that cannot be normal probability. There must be another element involved, either physical or metaphysical or some outside interference.

Do u understand? Are italians biased or bullheaded against murphys law? Why do u try to dismiss it? If my experience with driving was normal then i would not be discussing this or mentioning murphys law. Right? Think about it.

[8/27, 7:54 PM] Winston Wu: To answer your question. Yes of course in traffic in suburbia its hard to change lanes. But even with moderate or light traffic i am also blocked from changing lanes because someone is coming up next to me. This is almost 100 percent. The law of probability cannot explain that.

Also when i am with other drivers i notice that they can pull into the other lane right away without waiting for other cars to pass first. U didnt address that alex. How do other drivers do that? Are they more aggressive and im more cautious? Maybe. But that doesnt explain this completely. Because 100 percent is too much to be coincidence.

[8/27, 7:56 PM] Alex From Venice: if you talk about a scene where the "law of probability" says you have 99% that something like that happens then it happens to you 99% of the times then you complain it's Murphy law, my reply is "hey, it's not". Because what you are experiencing is what it's normally experienced

[8/27, 7:56 PM] Winston Wu: Also how come if i try to be a speed demon like everyone else and drive 80 mph my car will shake and wind will rock me back and forth? Its like the universe is telling me i am not meant to be a speeder. If i dont listen to the warning then i get a flat tire. Would u like me to drive with you so u can see what i mean? Lol. U wanna see a curse in action? Like in a horror movie? Lol

[8/27, 7:57 PM] Alex From Venice: sometimes is just subjective perception

[8/27, 7:57 PM] Winston Wu: But of course i wouldnt say that. Because the law of probability does not say 99. It says 50. This is just an example. Murphy's law is not normal chance. Why do italians not understand that?
[8/27, 7:58 PM] Winston Wu: Sometimes its real too. Did u listen to the examples of murphys law by vince bugliosi i sent u?
[8/27, 7:58 PM] Winston Wu: Those are not normal chance for sure.

[8/27, 7:59 PM] Alex From Venice: yes, they seems to defy the law of probability
[8/27, 8:00 PM] Alex From Venice: but it's because we tend to memorize what goes wrong and make us irritated and we don't balance with the other occasions when things goes well
[8/27, 8:01 PM] Alex From Venice: I think we are naturally biased to memorize the events that makes us irritated and frustrated
[8/27, 8:01 PM] Alex From Venice: and give them more weight compared to the others that are opposite

[8/27, 8:08 PM] Winston Wu: Atheists also claim that no prayers are answered and that its all selective perception too.
[8/27, 8:10 PM] Winston Wu: But that doesnt explain all cases of murphys law. U experience lots of bad luck in business too. Can chance explain all that? Do u see no patterns in life?
[8/27, 8:13 PM] Winston Wu: Please listen to the first 10 min of this Alex. And tell me if normal probability can explain it.
[8/27, 8:14 PM] Winston Wu: Ive sent this to u several times bro. U still havent listened to it yet. Please listen to it. Its important.

[8/27, 8:16 PM] Alex From Venice: indeed, without relevant statistical data everything can be just subjective evaluation
[8/27, 8:18 PM] Alex From Venice: I've read a lot of bad luck and failures stories also happened to people who eventually have been successful at the end. Anyway I can say that in my experience bad luck seems to happen in clusters

[8/27, 8:21 PM] Winston Wu: Or it can be real too. ESP does work. Science has proven it in controlled experiments.
[8/27, 8:22 PM] Winston Wu: Remember atheism is a philosophy. Its not fact or science.
[8/27, 8:23 PM] Winston Wu: So is heliocentrism.

[8/27, 8:24 PM] Alex From Venice: like, for example... my desktop PC, all of the sudden, had that weird failure that caused me to work for a month before I fixed it... after I fixed it, two days later, I worse failure happened that was not recoverable so I had to give up. I then received a second hand desktop PC from friend, it just was missing the RAM, i bought the RAM and setup the new computer for use... after 5 weeks the RAM failed and I had to bring it back to the shop. The shop said that their policy is that they can provide replacement only within four weeks... anyway they made an exception and granted the replacement IF they had stock... guess what? they didn't have... it's a month I'm waiting and I don't have a PC

[8/27, 8:25 PM] Winston Wu: I have stories like that too. They seem like murphys law. So u know what i mean. Especially if these things happen for years.

[8/27, 8:25 PM] Alex From Venice: Two days ago I got my motorbike speed meter cable to fail... today I had the throttle cable to fail too

[8/27, 8:27 PM] Winston Wu: So u see bro. U cant deny that murphys law exists just because atheists say so. Atheists are wrong about many things. Including evolution.

[8/27, 8:27 PM] Alex From Venice: that's bad luck in cluster, I'd not say is a "law". It's a cluster of bad luck, but after that you can have bad luck free days for a long time

[8/27, 8:27 PM] Winston Wu: Clusters are not normal probability though.

[8/27, 8:27 PM] Winston Wu: Clusters are a pattern.

[8/27, 8:27 PM] Alex From Venice: you can also have a cluster of good luck events

[8/27, 8:28 PM] Winston Wu: Yes but thats a pattern too.

[8/27, 8:28 PM] Alex From Venice: well... but it's not a law
[8/27, 8:28 PM] Alex From Venice: it's not something that happens constantly
[8/27, 8:34 PM] Alex From Venice: I've listened to it bro, promise, why you think I didn't?
[8/27, 8:39 PM] Alex From Venice: the concept of "law" bro, requires universality... that means everyone is subject to such law... but in my direct and indirect experience I can say that bad luck can happen in clusters, but good luck also, and moreover, the clusters of bad luck aren't predictable so they aren't suitable for a "law" definition. Like, I can't make a law "when one cable of your motorbike fails, another will fail too within two days" out of my last bad lack cluster
[8/27, 8:40 PM] Alex From Venice: it's happened to me, but I can't make predictions that it will repeat and less I can say that it happens the same to others

[8/28, 2:42 PM] Winston Wu: For some people it does. Its not coincidence either. Some people are cursed. Like the Kennedy family for instance.
[8/28, 2:43 PM] Winston Wu: Because u never addressed the examples in it and u never said u listened to it.
[8/28, 2:44 PM] Winston Wu: The law is a figure of speech. Like "nature always sides with the hidden flaw". Or "the other line moves faster". Some laws happen most of the time.
[8/28, 2:44 PM] Winston Wu: The point is not everything is random or chance.
[8/28, 2:44 PM] Winston Wu: And yes there could be entities or gods who are f***ing with us. Ancient romans believed that too.

[8/28, 2:46 PM] Alex From Venice: Those are examples which aren't rules... like to find something in a pile and it's always the time half bottom of the pile... I don't think it's statistically true, but it's true that can happen that what you are looking is found on the bottom half for a number of times. Yes some people have bad luck, so those events applies to them, not to everybody. So it's not a "law"
[8/28, 2:47 PM] Alex From Venice: I agree with that
[8/28, 2:47 PM] Alex From Venice: I agree again
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

Post by Winston »

Alex says that we should curse Satan and not God when too much bad luck or Murphy's Law happens and gets on our nerves. What do you think?

[8/28, 7:33 PM] Winston Wu: [8/28, 7:00 PM] Alex From Venice: tell him that every time some bad luck happens to him he better says some cursing words addressed to Satan
[8/28, 7:03 PM] Alex From Venice: something like f**k you Satan! Satan piece of shit! or Satan scumbag!
[8/28, 7:03 PM] Alex From Venice: or whatever more insulting than that
[8/28, 7:04 PM] Alex From Venice: I'm pretty sure that Satan or satanic entities are those responsible to cause us most unlucky accidents that without their intervention wouldn't happen
[8/28, 7:07 PM] Alex From Venice: eventually satanic entities feed off our anger and negative emotions, yet they don't really like if we address to their "chief" our anger
[8/28, 7:35 PM] Winston Wu: Btw alex. Simple question. If i poured coffee on your lap once or twice u can believe its a coincidence. But if i do it almost everyday 100 times u will not believe it was coincidence anymore right? Thats what i mean by Murphy's law, that its something deliberate against me. Not chance. U understand?
[8/28, 7:35 PM] Winston Wu: [8/28, 7:28 PM] Winston Wu: But god should be in control and prevent bad luck from happening. If u were god wouldnt u stop bad luck? And make the world fair?
[8/28, 7:29 PM] Alex From Venice: No, because that's not the purpose of this life to be happy
[8/28, 7:30 PM] Alex From Venice: the purpose of this life is to choose
[8/28, 7:30 PM] Winston Wu: Even if we curse satan how will that help? He wont stop.
[8/28, 7:30 PM] Alex From Venice: and we need to live in a predictable environment to make choices which we are responsible
[8/28, 7:31 PM] Alex From Venice: evil is part of this world though
[8/28, 7:32 PM] Alex From Venice: and our ability to fight evil is also a matter of choice
[8/28, 7:32 PM] Alex From Venice: for that God has sent us Jesus
[8/28, 7:33 PM] Alex From Venice: it'll make less likely the small harassment due to small accidents
[8/28, 7:34 PM] Alex From Venice: Not that Satan is responsible for all bad luck events, but many daemons are
[8/28, 7:37 PM] Winston Wu: [8/28, 7:30 PM] Winston Wu: Even if we curse satan how will that help? He wont stop.
[8/28, 7:33 PM] Alex From Venice: it'll make less likely the small harassment due to small accidents
[8/28, 7:34 PM] Alex From Venice: Not that Satan is responsible for all bad luck events, but many daemons are
[8/28, 7:35 PM] Alex From Venice: if daemons harassment turns to have Satan cursed... the harassment won't happen again, or not so often
[8/28, 7:53 PM] Winston Wu: [8/28, 7:34 PM] Alex From Venice: Not that Satan is responsible for all bad luck events, but many daemons are
[8/28, 7:35 PM] Alex From Venice: if daemons harassment turns to have Satan cursed... the harassment won't happen again, or not so often
[8/28, 7:37 PM] Alex From Venice: Think of Satan as the leader of the daemons party... daemons don't like to hear their leader cursed and insulted 😉
[8/28, 7:38 PM] Alex From Venice: they like to harass people though
[8/28, 7:38 PM] Winston Wu: Daemon is like an avatar though. Like an angel on our shoulder or higher self. U mean demon. Not daemon. They arent the same. Lol
[8/28, 7:39 PM] Alex From Venice: ah... OK
[8/28, 7:39 PM] Alex From Venice: demons then
[8/28, 7:39 PM] Alex From Venice: demonic entities
[8/28, 7:49 PM] Winston Wu: Do u think demonic entities cause murphys law?
[8/28, 7:50 PM] Winston Wu: Are demonic entities fallen angels or the souls of the nephilim and giants and hybrids and sons of the fallen angels?
[8/28, 8:32 PM] Winston Wu: [8/28, 7:49 PM] Winston Wu: Do u think demonic entities cause murphys law?
[8/28, 7:50 PM] Winston Wu: Are demonic entities fallen angels or the souls of the nephilim and giants and hybrids and sons of the fallen angels?
[8/28, 7:58 PM] Alex From Venice: I think they are responsible to some bad luck events especially if they happens in cluster
[8/28, 8:01 PM] Alex From Venice: they can cause something to leak, misplace things so you can't find them, they can move things enough to cause them fall or fail
[8/28, 8:04 PM] Alex From Venice: they don't seek to harm us but rather to make us angry and frustrated
[8/28, 8:05 PM] Alex From Venice: don't know
[8/28, 8:13 PM] Winston Wu: For what purpose? To extract our energy?
[8/28, 8:15 PM] Alex From Venice: I think they are envy and they act like envy people
[8/28, 8:15 PM] Alex From Venice: they enjoy to see others feeling sad, angry and frustrated
[8/28, 8:16 PM] Alex From Venice: eventually they may feed off our negative emotions
[8/28, 8:23 PM] Alex From Venice: there also guardian angels at work 😊
[8/28, 8:28 PM] Alex From Venice: city of angels with Nicholas Cage and Ghost with Patrick Swayze are two movies that illustrates how non visible entities may interfere with humans lives
[8/28, 8:30 PM] Alex From Venice: The conjuring, is another interesting movie about demonic entities and their motives
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

Post by Winston »

I just uploaded the audio chapter from Vincent Bugliosi's "Divinity of Doubt" audiobook to my Google Drive. (Bugliosi was the prosecuting attorney who convicted Charles Manson in court btw) In this last chapter at the end of his book on Agnosticism, he talks about a perverse force known as Murphy's Law and how it cannot be explained by normal probability or chance. He gives some funny examples of it too that we can all relate to and have a laugh at. Check it out below. You can download it if you want. It's an mp3 file. Whether you believe this or not, the audio chapter is pretty funny and will give you a few good laughs. ... sp=sharing

If you think about it, this perverse force really does exist, even if you can't explain it. I think an A.I. system running the matrix is the only explanation. Because God or Satan cannot be everywhere at once to skew probability against you or to cause things to go against you every minute to everyone. Just like Santa Claus cannot go to everyone's house on the same night. Only an automated A.I. program that's designed to skew probability against you, is capable of doing that, and of affecting everyone's life everywhere all at once. A single deity, no matter how powerful, cannot do that. Only an automated program can. Same with prayers. No one being no matter how powerful, can hear billions of prayers at once. Only an automated program can do that.

Consider this: If the trillions of cells in your body tried to talk to you all at once, could you hear them? lol. No of course not. Can you manage each of them with your mind or will? Of course not. An AUTOMATED system in your body takes cares of the trillions of cells in your body and manages them, without conscious intervention from you. Same with the universe, and since the micro tends to reflect the macro, then we can assume that the universe works the same way our body does.

Furthermore, experts like Professor James Gates said that error correcting codes have been discovered in quantum physics which is a strong SMOKING GUN indicating that we are in a simulation, because only computer programs contain error correcting codes. Hence making my hypothesis much more plausible. Even mainstream science popularizers like Neil deGrasse Tyson have mentioned this too. Some experts like Nick Bostrom of Oxford say that it's almost 100 percent certain that we are living in a digital universe or simulation. Look him up. If this is true, then my theory about Murphy's Law has a lot more credence of course.

@starchild5 where are you? lol
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

Post by Tsar »

Winston wrote:
September 9th, 2021, 8:39 pm
@starchild5 where are you? lol
@starchild5 makes videos on YouTube But he hasn't made a new video in 8 months so I wonder how he's doing.
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

Post by Winston »

Tsar wrote:
September 9th, 2021, 10:23 pm
Winston wrote:
September 9th, 2021, 8:39 pm
@starchild5 where are you? lol
@starchild5 makes videos on YouTube But he hasn't made a new video in 8 months so I wonder how he's doing.
Do you have his email? Can you contact him and ask him to reply to my posts here to him?
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Re: How do you explain Murphy's Law? Is there a perverse sadistic force in the universe?

Post by Winston »

Winston wrote:
September 9th, 2021, 8:39 pm
I just uploaded the audio chapter from Vincent Bugliosi's "Divinity of Doubt" audiobook to my Google Drive. (Bugliosi was the prosecuting attorney who convicted Charles Manson in court btw) In this last chapter at the end of his book on Agnosticism, he talks about a perverse force known as Murphy's Law and how it cannot be explained by normal probability or chance. He gives some funny examples of it too that we can all relate to and have a laugh at. Check it out below. You can download it if you want. It's an mp3 file. Whether you believe this or not, the audio chapter is pretty funny and will give you a few good laughs. ... sp=sharing
@publicduende and @hypermak and @yick and @MarcosZeitola and @Shemp:

Can you listen to the audio file I uploaded above and let me know what you think? It won't take long. It's very funny and easy to understand, and contains some everyday examples of Murphy's Law that we can all relate to, which cannot be explained by normal probability. It's the last chapter in "Divinity of Doubt" by Vincent Bugliosi (who prosecuted Charles Manson) and describes the perverse force known as Murphy's Law which is very real but cannot be explained by normal probability.

After listening to the track, can you tell me if you can relate to the examples and have you experienced similar examples too? If so, how do you explain it?
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