Most American girls hate nice guys

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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by droid »

jamesbond wrote:Image
:lol: somebody took the time to render some of this
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Eric »

I've even noticed that the "sport - sex" you see in other countries, is different; it has a more innocent and fun feel to it, like the guys just talk about going out for fun and meeting and having slept with women. Here, in US, it's just got like this disgusting, pressured evil feel to you're plotting - or just like kids here go out of their way to binge drink and think "it's cool" .
Who the f**k plants this shit everywhere, in the minds of youth? Where did this f***ing come from?
...this was before American Pie. must I ask, it's the f***ing media.

God, this place is a mess. Sometimes I ask, why couldn't I have ended up in a "normal" country, not here?
When I feel like I'm missing out on my life, and p***y I get maddest. Even, sometimes I want to just romp around like those guys do in other countries...but even then it gets contaminated with 'that feeling' i was talking about earlier. ...I feel like you just can't win, it's just too hard fighting up against the constant current.
I just want to experience my normal manhood. ...Is that too much to ask?
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by innovatorsclub »

They like bad boys because the women are more masculine here and need what they initially see as more masculine to balance.. the trash talking and sailor mouth tattood girls here arent any where near the prize they think they are thanks to the desperate dateless in the box american guys that beg for a date. no women instintcitviely wants a beggar...they have turned most guys into beggars ..but the top 7% in looks and resources and bosses get most of the women. they also notice heros and any guy that stands far outside the crowd
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by cdnFA »

Eric wrote:Women are disgusting attention whores. Especially the one trait I love about females is their whimsical nature you can see in one when you enter a room - they have the usual bitch-face wall up, but the moment they notice an attractive alpha or someone "they like", they perk up and INSTANTLY change demeanor, like two faced- and expect you didn't see it- at all.

Other wise they go on treating everyone like pieces of shit. Pieces of shit....
I caught you in the act. Sometimes I just glare at a woman for this, even if she's looking at me bc she likes me - just to make her feel like shit that I caught her doing it. I hate it.

The only ones who will actually come up to you for sex are the disgusting old or landwhale women - who are begging to get laid. They will literally do all the work and "come up to you", and as stated, just because they are women - expect they can get whatever they want. This is the same thing I've noticed gay men do. They think because they're interested in you, you are to them too. .... It's disgusting. Anyway, I love walking away from these women - but I might bang them like a dish rag bottom feeder they are, then leave.
The one trait I love about females is their vaginas and their sister's vaginas. But hey to each their own.

Wouldn't you give a bitch face to avoid a land whale or a gay approaching you? Why is it any different for a woman give bitch face to someone they don't like.
I don't really notice the bitch face myself and I am omega as hell. I am so omega that other omegas have pictures of me on their shirts. Sometimes when chatting up a random stranger female I get that wave of indifference which tells me to stop talking but I do the same to those I don't want to talk to. Just because I want to interact with someone, doesn't mean they want to interact with me. Again though that reaction is far from 100%

Are you telling me you treat and react to a 10 the same way you do to a female that makes Abe Vigoda look hot?

I've also never had a land whale, an old hag or a gay come up to me seeking sex.

If you are good enough to be getting offers from those groups, I suspect that the universal bitch face you are getting is in your mind or the result of some weirdness once you start interacting with them.
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Winston »

I've never understood something. What exactly is a "nice guy"? All the internet articles about nice guys vs. bad boys seem very exaggerated and extreme, like TV characters. In reality, most guys fall somewhere in between. I feel that this "nice guys vs bad boys" thing is a false dichotomy, extreme generalization and fictional caricature. It's also inaccurate as well, because most men do not fit either generalization or caricature, and what's more, the ideal man - one that is strong, good and virtuous, like the action heros you see in the movies and in mythology - doesn't even fit anywhere in such a bizarre spectrum.

For example, a superhero like Superman or Batman, is nice and helpful to good innocent people or if you are one of the "good guys". But if you are a villain or bad guy, they will be strong, brave and heroic in fighting you. So they are nice when they need to be, and tough/strong against evil when they need to be. Does that make them a "nice guy"? Yet all the articles denigrating "nice guys" claim that they are doormats and beta males with no ability to fight or courage to face conflict. But when it comes to strong men of justice, that's not so. And of course, good strong men are not "bad boys" either since they don't commit crimes or mistreat people. So none of these caricatures of "nice guys or bad boys" makes any sense. They seem like cartoon caricatures.

Same with tough action heros like Chuck Norris or Clint Eastwood or Sylvester Stallone. They are nice to good people, they do not commit crimes or break the law or rob banks. But when they fight the bad guys, they are very tough and brave and can kick ass. So such idealized men do not fit either the stereotype of a "nice guy or a bad boy" that all those BS internet articles describe. So the ideal man is neither.

As for me, I don't fit either caricature either. I mean, I can be nice to nice people and if I feel they deserve my niceness. But I'm not a pushover. I don't take shit. If someone pushes me, I push them back. If someone hits me, I hit them back. If I feel I am right, but a whole crowd of people say I'm wrong, I will fight for what I believe and stand up to them, even if I am outnumbered many to one. I am also sensible and logical and do not start UNNECESSARY fights or drama or conflict like crazy toxic American women commonly do, because I don't feel it's logical or wise to waste energy in useless fights or arguing. Better to conserve energy, not waste it. Plus less stress is better for your mental health too. And I enjoy peace, not drama. A wise man knows these things. It doesn't make me "a nice guy" just because I don't start drama like people do in the movies. If I am attacked by a bunch of wild animals, I will use whatever weapon is around me to fight them. So I'm not a total coward or weakling who stands there and freezes up and takes hits like they show in movies. And I am passionate about fighting for truth and exposing evil and lies and inaccurate statements by the culture or media. Beta males aren't supposed to do that. They're supposed to follow orders like soldiers. So which category is the "nonconformist guy" in? I don't get it.

Thus I am a healthy balance between niceness and toughness. Same with @GoingAwol. He told me that American women don't like guys like us who are a healthy balance between extremes, they tend to like guys who are in one of two extremes - either a dominant asshole guy or a pushover beta male - not a guy with a healthy balance between the two. Is that true? If so that's F-ed up.

Either way, American women probably put me in the "nice guy category" simply because they don't like my personality and don't find it interesting, because being down to earth and authentic is boring to them and doesn't fit American culture either. They want a badboy type who is unpredictable and mysterious. So even though I am not a beta male or pushover or order follower or conformist, they still see me as a nice guy type simply because I don't fit what they like in a guy. Not because I fit the definition of a nice guy described by stupid BS internet articles, which is largely fictional. I certainly don't see myself as a "nice guy" as defined by those shaming articles that are obviously very anti-niceness.

Plus, if I try to act like a bad boy or asshole guy, they probably sense that I'm not being my true self, because I'm not naturally a "bad boy" type so they don't buy it and will still see me as the "nice guy" type. So just acting like what American women want isn't going to cut it, they will see through it and realize that you aren't a true bad boy type that they like, so it won't have any effect on them. In other words, you can't be something you're not even if you try to be.

Overall, I get the sense that this false dichotomy of "nice guy vs bad boy" is kind of Satanic and upside down, because it sort of presumes that good men are all weaklings, whereas bad men and assholes are strong. That's sort of a Satanic view that is similar to what the dark side of the Force in Star Wars would preach. Because it doesn't consider ideal men who are both strong and good, such as King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, for example, because such men are presumed not to exist. This means that this false dichotomy and caricature is mostly likely created by a DEGENERATE society devoid of morals, like a liberal progressive society that tries to usurp traditional values and tries to turn everything UPSIDE down, which is what the Communists and Satanic Illuminati do. In short, this false comparison of "nice guys vs bad boys" seems to merely be designed to SHAME good men and call them weak, even if they are not. Thus it's a mere shaming tactic and a form of propaganda that good is bad and bad is good, which is very leftist and destructive and upside down. That's kind of evil in my book, because it's trying to condemn good men and making them feel like there is "something wrong" with them. Punishing good men and exalting evil men, is obviously Satanic and a symptom of a degenerate culture with low morals.

You see, in a good normal healthy society with honor, values, virtues and morals, good men are strong and healthy and fight for justice and care about right and wrong, just as you see in all the fairy tales, myths and legends. But these internet articles that trash "nice guys" don't fit that classic archetype, instead they shame good men and assume that all good men are weaklings and that there is no such thing as goodness, justice or virtue. So a traditional knight archetype who risks his life to defend his honor, his homeland and rescues women, does not fit into either caricature of "nice guy or bad boy". He simply has no place and doesn't exist in this weird spectrum.

What do you guys think? Do you guys get the same sense too?

One more important point. If a good man decides to be healthy and not drink alcohol or do drugs or get tattoos and desecrate his body, does that make him a "nice guy"? American girls don't seem to like clean healthy guys that are drug free or tattoo free, for some reason. They would probably be put into the artificial "nice guy" category I'm sure. It's not cool or trendy to be drug free or tattoo free, thus it's boring to American girls. However, if you think about it, a man who chooses good health over following what's "trendy and cool" is in a way STRONGER than the bad boy who does drugs and gets tattoos. Because it takes STRENGTH to stand up for what's right and good and not sink into degeneracy and conform just to be trendy like everyone else, don't you think? You see, most people are trendy and conformist, and will follow a trend even if it's bad for them, such as tattoos for example. Even though they know it will desecrate their body and they may come to regret it later, since tattoos are permanent, they still do it anyway to conform to trendiness and coolness. Isn't that kind of person more WEAK since he or she gives in to group pressure, even to doing bad things like doing drugs and getting tattoos, which they may come to regret later? Doesn't it take courage and inner STRENGTH to not conform and pick a good healthier path, even if it means not being "cool" or conforming to the crowd and whatever is "hip"?

Thus, isn't the truth the OPPOSITE of what this false stereotype portrays then? Think about it. If I'm right, then those that created this false dichotomy and caricature of what a "nice guy and bad boy" is are trying to DECEIVE you. Right?

What do you think @Neo and @MrMan? Isn't this false definition of "nice guy and bad boy" very Satanic and deceptive and upside down?
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Spencer »

Niceguy mean weakguy and moresoover girl think niceguy fakeman because he behaving nice for her for get something from her mean atentions afection sex so niceguy = weak liarman fake til you make fony balony man

strongman who nice can is ok but nobody cal this one niceguy for we al know niceguy finis lastly
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Winston »

Spencer wrote:
September 14th, 2020, 6:40 pm
Niceguy mean weakguy and moresoover girl think niceguy fakeman because he behaving nice for her for get something from her mean atentions afection sex so niceguy = weak liarman fake til you make fony balony man

strongman who nice can is ok but nobody cal this one niceguy for we al know niceguy finis lastly
See my revised post above. That makes no sense. For example, take a look at this article about why American women hate nice men. ... -nice-guys

It says that bad boys are more charming. But that makes no sense, because asshole guys who are bikers with black leather jackets don't say sweet things to women. Nice guys do. What about Casanova? He was an expert at charming women, but he wouldn't fit into the nice guy or bad boy category. He doesn't want commitment like a nice guy does, nor is he an asshole that does not know how to sweet talk women. So he contradicts both stereotypes.

What about Bill Gates? Bill Gates is ruthless and cold in business. Very cutthroat. But he is nerdy too and could not win a fist fight with someone who can fight in combat. So what does that make him? He doesn't fit either category either. And when he makes public speeches, he acts like a nice guy and pretends to be one. So you see, most men don't fit either stereoptype. It's purely fictional. Think about it.

It's also evil and subversive because it tries to SHAME good men and tell them they are weak and that there is something wrong with them, when in reality, the problem is liberal society which subverts morality and flips everything upside down, in accord with communism/socialism. In a normal society with traditional values, good men are praised and evil men are shamed. All the old cartoons and TV shows made before the 1990's preach these values too. Only in modern society is good equated with weakness and evil with strength. Do you see what I mean?
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by yick »

They don't hate 'nice guys' if you are naturally a nice guy, what women do is take advantage of men who do nice things for them - like expect them to pick them up from the airport at 2 am - these women know that the man in question is in love with them but will string out favours and attention off them until the chump... sorry, nice guy plucks the courage to make their feelings known and then they're history, if the woman is a particularly nasty person then she will kind of fob him off but keep hope alive for him... a really nasty trick that most men go through when we start out on this journey.

The reason why 'nice guys' don't get anywhere because for the most part it is an act to get into that particular womans panties and the woman knows this - the man isn't a nice man for the most part - if he is, he will find his soulmate in a nice girl and can see he is a nice person just like she is. God looks out for truly nice people in the shark infested seas called 'love'.

Most 'nice guys' aren't nice, in fact 'nice guy' is a euphemism for 'sucker' but one who is too dumb or too far gone to realise he is being played.

The only thing ANY man can do and his only weapon is to walk away. It takes a bit of practice to do this and to get good at it but you do it once or twice and then it becomes real easy! If they are trying to qualify you then why don't you do it to them? Most women are f***ing boring, most women haven't got anything of value of say, most women are mediocre and tossers (just like most men...) don't justify yourself to her, call her out! Why not!

Don't confuse a 'nice guy' with a man with decency - they're completely different. One is an act and one isn't. Nice guys are always gonna get flamed and burned, men with decency won't get flamed and burned anymore than the jerkoff. Hope that helps! :D
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Spencer »

Winston wrote:
September 14th, 2020, 7:10 pm
Spencer wrote:
September 14th, 2020, 6:40 pm
Niceguy mean weakguy and moresoover girl think niceguy fakeman because he behaving nice for her for get something from her mean atentions afection sex so niceguy = weak liarman fake til you make fony balony man

strongman who nice can is ok but nobody cal this one niceguy for we al know niceguy finis lastly
See my revised post above. That makes no sense. For example, take a look at this article about why American women hate nice men. ... -nice-guys

It says that bad boys are more charming. But that makes no sense, because asshole guys who are bikers with black leather jackets don't say sweet things to women. Nice guys do. What about Casanova? He was an expert at charming women, but he wouldn't fit into the nice guy or bad boy category. He doesn't want commitment like a nice guy does, nor is he an asshole that does not know how to sweet talk women. So he contradicts both stereotypes.

What about Bill Gates? Bill Gates is ruthless and cold in business. Very cutthroat. But he is nerdy too and could not win a fist fight with someone who can fight in combat. So what does that make him? He doesn't fit either category either. And when he makes public speeches, he acts like a nice guy and pretends to be one. So you see, most men don't fit either stereoptype. It's purely fictional. Think about it.

It's also evil and subversive because it tries to SHAME good men and tell them they are weak and that there is something wrong with them, when in reality, the problem is liberal society which subverts morality and flips everything upside down, in accord with communism/socialism. In a normal society with traditional values, good men are praised and evil men are shamed. All the old cartoons and TV shows made before the 1990's preach these values too. Only in modern society is good equated with weakness and evil with strength. Do you see what I mean?
Wiseton what i say only my theories what i belief from empericism exprence so that my truthing disclaim

nice guy mean guy kis up girl try so hard acting perfectnist gentleman round her and that not truth nature for 99% men so it fake and woman have stronger intuition they not dumwit for this they see and smell just as obvous as hyper = public

strongman atitude is my way or hiway so i lead and you folow or you not folow but i lead no mater what for never so ever wil i ever folow you deargirl for i the strong man i not need you i self containment you want be guest my world welcome you not want ok also but i not want get to your world for i the man i the leader i the strong one and i not give shiite bout nothing

we talk movie recent so watch gain the saint jack for he not give no dam bout nothing for he da man and he stand straight up to badman china gangster for he take the life head strong head on not show fear not sho afraid fight not sho afraid die not afraid nothing

rebel out cause have the badman jame dean who goodman deep down even fight pusy wusy weakman dady for he see momy buly dady and he blood boiling rage inside for he wiseton in movie the real man

maybe chinaland difrent maybe chinagirl like pusyman but if you go other part in world mostly nice guy equal fake weak man fulfil with heartfelt fear

even china have yin have yang so read what yang for that is man and man need more yang less yin remember be masculinity manlines stand up for beter be lone wolf man with han take care self than pusy wip man get occasion try vagina from bitchlady make life hel
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Cornfed »

Haven't we been through this before?
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Ukrainianlover »

Nice guys suck everywhere. It doesn’t matter what side of the planet your on. The nice guy is just a doormat and a huge turn off to women and men. Take long distance couples. You read how much they miss each other but one thing I notice is the man starts turning into a chick emotionally. The only thing we should be missing is the action and the dumb things women do to make us laugh at them or if they are a great cook and I miss the tasty meals they can provide me. Because sure as hell I am not taking advice from them or listening to them unless it’s about how godly I am. When I see a post that says they didn’t make it. It’s usually the guy who is shocked at what happened. They Don’t know where they went wrong. What they did. Usually they think it was the distance that did them in but all it took was one thing to destroy everything. I ask them..” did at any point, did you cry?”. As soon as they say yes...I say learn from this massive mistake and don’t ever and I mean ever do that again. I don’t care if you’re watching a sad scene in a movie. You laugh at that and tease your woman if she gets emotional about it even if it’s sad. If you go to your parents wedding Anniversary Because they made it 50 years married and do a heart filled speech. Roll your eyes and just take a swig of the whiskey and say right on. Why...because only women cry. They don’t look at you with tears in your eyes and think...awwww...that’s so sweet...I’m touched. No way...they dry up faster then the Sahara desert down there and start searching for a real man that don’t cry over nothing. So when a guy wonders what happened after they shared tears with their girl at the airport and said good bye till next time. You might as well say adios. If a guy cries in front of a girl. It scares her. It means you can’t handle something serious. What happens if something really bad happens. You gonna cry about it big boy. But yes...I’ve seen more long distance couples go sideways because of the guys tears. Don’t be that nice guy who thinks movies are what real men follow. Men cry in movies. Not reality.
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Spencer »

Cornfed wrote:
September 15th, 2020, 4:59 am
Haven't we been through this before?
Yes i think most aborders know it by the logical but in the real life real fail for stick to script for flesh is weak when meet hi status young girl and so what i say above means be own man and if no girl you want folow then defaulting mgtow but seem most mgtow derade to frustration angryman so this life no total solutions like wiseton say our control so so limit
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Mercury »

Tsar wrote:
December 7th, 2012, 12:27 pm
This morning I overheard a conversation between two girls. The girl doing the speaking was a 7-8 by American standards (she was the only one doing the speaking). When I first saw her something about her made me think "She has a good chance of being one of the girls that we always talk about on here."

Here's a quote from the conversation. She's referring to one of her guy "friends".

"He's a creep. Maybe creep isn't the best word. He's creepy in a nice way." Then she goes on to talk about some gifts she and her roommates received from him.

When I heard that I just couldn't help but smile and silently laugh. What really made me mention this was how she was being so straightforward about it, touched on most of the basic points we cover about AW, and is a perfect representation of the common AW that hates nice guys.

This girl was about 20-22 and attending my college. I'm good at reading people and I didn't know this girl whatsoever. I saw her and based on many variables I made my initial judgment and I was spot on.

Anyone have a similar story to share?
Of course American girls hate nice guys. The girls themselves are vicious, violent, selfish, and spoiled to the core. An estimated 98% of American girls/women born after 1985 are in gangs. None of them have matured past 8th Grade. Many have even done jail/prison time. They hate guys that are friendly and down to Earth. Their criteria for a boyfriend is bodyguard and 90210.

American girls are so twisted and evil, it's not even funny. And of course they call nice guys "creepy." To them, a nice guy is even a terrorist that blew up her aunt's house last night.
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Mercury »

innovatorsclub wrote:
May 1st, 2016, 11:57 am
They like bad boys because the women are more masculine here and need what they initially see as more masculine to balance.. the trash talking and sailor mouth tattood girls here arent any where near the prize they think they are thanks to the desperate dateless in the box american guys that beg for a date. no women instintcitviely wants a beggar...they have turned most guys into beggars ..but the top 7% in looks and resources and bosses get most of the women. they also notice heros and any guy that stands far outside the crowd
Actually, they love bad boys because an estimated 98% of the women themselves are in violent gangs. And they basically want only a bodyguard that will gun down and murder any other guy that approaches within the length of a football field of her. They want only the violent Alpha males; the ones that are not afraid to fry in the electric chair for asking a woman out on a date. And no woman wants a beggar, they want a bodyguard, a man who is violent towards others outside the clique and will bravely shoot and kill any other man that gets near her, and a man who can easily financially afford to live in Beverly Hills or Hidden Hills, California, a man who will take her to where they will have famous movie stars and celebrities for next door neighbors.

Many of you, I'm sure, have approached a couple at a concert, a parade event, or a bike night, only to see the woman bury her face into the man's shoulder and hold on to him as if holding on for dear life, and the man, built like a heavy brute, telling you to back off and go away.
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Re: Most American girls hate nice guys

Post by Mercury »

Even though it's illegal under Federal law in the USA for men to pursue women, men still do it. Those guys that make you jealous because they are asking the women out, almost all of them are in gangs. The extreme vast majority of them have already done years, even decades, in prison for violent crimes such as armed robbery, extortion, assault with a deadly weapon, and yes, even firearm attack on a police officer! Those guys have essentially been hardened, or toughened up, by years of hard time. They are not afraid to die in the electric chair for asking a woman out. They are not afraid to even get taken out by a military air raid for asking a woman out on a date. And American girls, being the spoiled brats they are, they consider it a compliment that a man is willing to face more prison time, even the electric chair, for asking her out on a date.
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