Does God Exist? Is there any proof or evidence?

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Does God Exist? Is there any proof or evidence?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Winston wrote:
November 8th, 2020, 11:03 pm
One more BIG fallacy of atheists:

They seem to assume that just because there are many flaws and problems and implausibilities in Christianity and the Bible and organized religions, that therefore:

- Total Atheism must be the truth and the remedy.
- No creator or architect or intelligent designer of any kind must exist.
- No soul or spirit exists. Consciousness is a by product of the brain only.
- No spirit world exists.
- No ghosts or spirits exist.
- No psychic phenomena exist.
- No afterlife exists. Or reincarnation either.
- No higher power exists.
- Only the material world exists.
- Anything that contradicts the above is automatically dismissed as BS or bunk, no matter how true, valid or legit, and ridiculed and scoffed at too of course. No exceptions.

You see how ludicrous that is? It's an unwarranted jump of course, and one that makes no sense and is too overly extreme too. But no one seems to dare point this out to them, especially the media or academics. They all jump on the atheist bandwagon like it's cool and trendy. It's very weird and Orwellian. It's as if everyone is a mind controlled zombie now and will jump on any trendy bandwagon even if it makes no sense at all and is utterly ludicrous and in this case, a HUGE unwarranted jump.

Problems with religion or Christianity or the Bible definitely do NOT lead to the above extreme conclusions. But atheists want to trick you into thinking that it does of course, because they are desperate to have you believe in a godless universe at any cost, even if they have to lie to you or give you the most bogus arguments. I can't believe that many people fall for it, including academics, professors, math/science geeks, modern trendy liberals, etc. It boggles the mind and seems like the Twilight Zone. How can everyone be that dumb to believe something that a child would not accept? The world must be raving mad.

Why not take a middle ground and believe in God or a spirit world and the human soul without having to adopt any man made organized religion? After all, the truth tends to be somewhere in the middle on such issues, not on either extreme. New Agers try to have spirituality without religion of course, but their movement has become too commercialized with self help BS and woo woo that make them look bad, credulous and uncredible. Plus there is too much religion in New Age now (though it's unofficial) in the form of fixed religious beliefs, that New Agers now tend to believe whatever is popular in their movement now and don't even think for themselves anymore. Thus ironically these New Age "freespirits" now have a hive mind and group mind that they conform to. Eastern spirituality is another option of course but there's lots of different types of it, some of which are atheistic or agnostic too. Either way, atheists and most scientists and academia still want you to make the unwarranted jump above.

What do you think @Neo and @MrMan and @gsjackson?
I think you are grossly misrepresenting the primary atheist argument which is there is no objective PROOF that god exists so they don't believe in any god.

Religious people will jump up and down and claim that proof is in answered prayers or some convenient lie of that nature. But atheists dismiss that as they should.

If you live in a purely evidence-based world (and you often do not @Winston), you should be able to understand that common atheist position.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
November 8th, 2020, 11:11 pm
I think you are grossly misrepresenting the primary atheist argument which is there is no objective PROOF that god exists so they don't believe in any god.

Religious people will jump up and down and claim that proof is in answered prayers or some convenient lie of that nature. But atheists dismiss that as they should.

If you live in a purely evidence-based world (and you often do not @Winston), you should be able to understand that common atheist position.
I am not misrepresenting them. They do make the unwarranted jump I outlined above and jump to extreme unwarranted beliefs that I listed above. You can't deny that. Richard Dawkins would not deny it. The above is what they believe.

Even if there's no proof for a god, that doesn't mean we are all here by random accident and chance with no purpose. That's a philosophy, not science or fact or truth. Where's the evidence that everything is random and purposeless? How do you explain intelligent design or the origin of life or human consciousness? Atheists have no answers at all. So what do they believe in? Nothing? Chance only?

Look at the inside of your computer or your human anatomy. Does it look like it was created by chance and random molecules colliding? With no consciousnes purpose or intent?

Just because there's no god doesn't mean there's no intelligent agent that created the universe or life. Right? So why do they jump to extreme conclusions and act as if it were gospel truth?

Do you understand atheists? If so, can you explain all the above? You said you are not an atheist, ok so what are your beliefs then? Why are you and hypermak elusive and evasive about that question? What are you hiding?

Are you one of those people like momopi, who don't like to state their beliefs, because they don't want to dish out anything that can be analyzed or criticized because you want to remain unassailable?

Btw, answered prayers do exist and do happen. There are countless stories of miracles and answered prayers. They can't all be wrong or mistaken right? Why can't you be open to accepting a higher reality or power?

Do you honestly believe that 80,000 people, including atheists, in 1917 Portugal all hallucinated the moving sun or disk they saw in the sky that famous day? That's not possible. They definitely saw something unusual and inexplicable. Why do narrow minded atheists like you never take that into account? Why??????
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Winston wrote:
November 8th, 2020, 11:22 pm
I am not misrepresenting them. They do make the unwarranted jump I outlined above and jump to extreme unwarranted beliefs that I listed above. You can't deny that. Richard Dawkins would not deny it. The above is what they believe.
I said that you are misrepresenting the PRIMARY atheist argument which is the lack of PROOF of the existence of god. And you STILL have great difficulty determining what constitutes credible evidence and proof which makes debating pointless with you.
Winston wrote: Even if there's no proof for a god, that doesn't mean we are all here by random accident and chance with no purpose. That's a philosophy, not science or fact or truth. Where's the evidence that everything is random and purposeless? How do you explain intelligent design or the origin of life or human consciousness? Atheists have no answers at all. So what do they believe in? Nothing? Chance only?
Now you are trying to shifting the discussion to another one because you can't produce proof for the existence of god. That means you lost.
Winston wrote: You said you are not an atheist, ok so what are your beliefs then?
I don't have a need to wear my religious beliefs (or lack thereof) on my sleeve. It should not matter what I believe. What I can tell you is that I have never disclosed my religious views on this forum largely because I think those that do so are wicked, agenda-driven zealots.
Winston wrote: Are you one of those people like momopi, who don't like to state their beliefs, because they don't want to dish out anything that can be analyzed or criticized because you want to remain unassailable?
I don't think anyone on the forum would think I am at all shy about sharing my beliefs on things.
Winston wrote: Btw, answered prayers do exist and do happen. There are countless stories of miracles and answered prayers.
None of that is proof. It is confirmation bias because there are many more countless stories of UNANSWERED prayers. People like you just select the stories that confirm your argument and ignore those that undercut your argument. So there still is no proof that prayers are answered. People just falsely attribute it to prayer while they ignore the fact that all their lives their other prayers went ignored. But of course some Christian wacko would respond to that by saying, "God works in mysterious ways," which is a total cop out position.
Winston wrote: Do you honestly believe that 80,000 people, including atheists, in 1917 Portugal all hallucinated the moving sun or disk they saw in the sky that famous day? That's not possible. They definitely saw something unusual and inexplicable. Why do narrow minded atheists like you never take that into account? Why??????
What makes you think I am an atheist, the fact that I disagree with you? That is pathetic and a weak tactic @MrMan likes to use when he has no clue what I believe.

And yet again, you are trying to move the argument to one that would not even prove the existence of god. Who knows what happened on that day (if anything happened at all), but there is no proof in it that it was because of god.

Should I consider the next hurricane proof? What about the next colorful rainbow I encounter? Or maybe the golf ball sized hail stones would be proof in your eyes?

There is no proof that god exists. Anyone claiming to KNOW that god exists is lying, is an idiot or a complete nut. Case closed.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Contrarian Expatriate,
I never said that there's no proof that God exists. I just said even if it were true that there's no proof that god exists, doesn't mean the above extreme views either. Read my words carefully. I never said I agree that there's no proof. I said "even if".

FYI, there are plenty of good books with proofs for God. How many have you read? Zero? Just because you haven't read them doesn't mean they don't exist. Isn't that arrogant of you to pretend you know everything?

Look up the four teleological or ontological arguments of great theologians like Thomas Aquinas for example. They constitute four classic proofs of God in theology. Everyone in seminary knows them.

There are great modern theologians too like William Like Craig. He has written books on the subject of proofs of God's existence too. And he's won many debates against atheists too. Totally whipped them. What does that tell you? Have you read his books? If not, that's your fault. Just because you haven't, doesn't mean they don't exist or contain good arguments.

A good intellectual, like me, looks at arguments on both sides, not just one like you do. All of this is easy to look up if one is interested.

Of course, some prayers are answered and some are not. What do you think God is, a vending machine? Lol.

Let's suppose there is a God. Is he required to be your servant and answer your every prayer and wish and request? Geez. Just because some prayers are not answered does not mean zero prayers are answered. That's HORRIBLE logic and very DUMB. You know that?

If 10 women compete for your affection CE, and you only like one of them and reject the other 9, does that mean that your love and affection don't exist? LOL. If 5 students pass an exam an 5 fail, does that mean that no one passed? DUH!

Use your head man! Even a child isn't that dumb and denialist like you are.

If you were God, would you answer everyone's prayers, like a vending machine, or only some people you like for good reason that you feel is a good reason? I'm sure the latter. If God is created in our image, then he should be like us, with all our flaws and good and bad side. So we shouldn't expect him to be much different from us.

You are a denialist, not a thinker or philosopher.

Why do you hide your beliefs? Why not share them? Can't you share them without pontificating or preaching?

Also, you claim you're not an atheist, but you are using all the arguments of a closed minded atheist with a small mind. Why?
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Btw Contrarian Expatriate,
You said anyone who thinks they know there's a God is a nut or a liar. However, the great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said "I don't know believe there is a God, I KNOW there is a God". He said it in his TV interview which you can see online. Now if you study his work, you will see that Jung was a great thinker and genius and pioneer in psychology, especially with his archetype theory of the collective unconscious. He is definitely SMARTER than you, if one reads his writings and yours (no offense to you of course, I think you are smarter than the average American).

So you definitely can't call him a nutjob or idiot or liar. He definitely had good reasons to say that, even if it's just his personal experiences or enlightenment or having some sort of transcendent mystical experience. Either way, that's a valid reason to KNOW that there's a God. Lots of wise spiritual people and sages have said the same thing. Especially in India. I can understand them and so I agree with them, since I've experienced similar things too. Some simply call it an "inner knowing".

I know you might find it "unscientific" but an INNER KNOWING definitely trumps any scientific evidence or logical proof you can find for or against God. Once you have this "inner knowing" nothing else matters. Ask any of the Near Death Experiences on and you will see. An Inner knowing is priceless. I do believe that one can KNOW God by feeling him within the heart. It's in the blueprint of our hearts. As CS Lewis said, God's morality and existence is imprinted in our heart. For some sad reason, you deny this and reject this, even though deep down you know it's true. Why?

You obviously hate god and religion. You show it in your words, such as when you use a small "g" for god in stead of a big G. Little things like that are revealing. Your disdain for religion is apparent too. So no, you are not scientific or objective or neutral or unbiased. No way.

But if you think about it, that's an oxymoron, because if God doesn't exist, then how can you hate him? lol. You can't hate something that doesn't exist.

Deep down you know this is all true, but you suppress it for some reason. Do you even have a soul? Are you conscious and self-aware? Or a bot? If you have a soul, then surely you understand all this.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Winston wrote:
November 9th, 2020, 12:28 am
FYI, there are plenty of good books with proofs for God. How many have you read? Zero? Just because you haven't read them doesn't mean they don't exist. Isn't that arrogant of you to pretend you know everything?
So your "proof" that god exists is in some books somewhere? Ok.....
Again, you don't at all understand proof and evidence which is a running theme in everything you discuss. I guess your proof for all of your conspiracies are in some books somewhere too, huh? Ok....
Winston wrote: Look up the four teleological or ontological arguments of great theologians like Thomas Aquinas for example. They constitute four classic proofs of God in theology. Everyone in seminary knows them.
So because you cannot establish with proof that god exists, you want ME to go establish that for you? No thanks. That is pretty weak.

And for the record, I am sure Neo, MrMan and hordes of other will claim to have proof for the existence of god. That does not mean it is constitutes proof at all. The same goes for these "great" theologians.
Winston wrote: There are great modern theologians too like William Like Craig. He has written books on the subject of proofs of God's existence too.
This is shameful. That is your best argument for proving god exists? Go read a book because you can't establish it at all? You don't see me running around demanding that you read Christopher Hitchens who made Christians suicidal after debating him, do you?
Winston wrote: A good intellectual, like me, looks at arguments on both sides, not just one like you do. All of this is easy to look up if one is interested.
How can you be a good intellectual when you STILL have no idea what constitutes proof and evidence in anything you discuss?
Winston wrote: Of course, some prayers are answered and some are not. What do you think God is, a vending machine? Lol.
Well then don't cite answered prayers as PROOF that god exists, especially when, again, that is confirmation bias. Religious people like to attribute god to positive things that happen, just as they attribute to the devil things that they did on their own. It is not proof!
Winston wrote: Let's suppose there is a God. Is he required to be your servant and answer your every prayer and wish and request? Geez. Just because some prayers are not answered does not mean zero prayers are answered. That's HORRIBLE logic and very DUMB. You know that?
What is DUMB is considering positive results as "answered prayers" and negative results as unanswered prayers. This is magical thinking akin to what toddlers do. If you can't muster the means to see that coincidence is at play when the rare prayer is answered for a religious person, I'm not sure I should waste time with you. Furthermore, religious people often LIE about answered prayers to manipulate others. It seems to have worked well on you!
Winston wrote: If 10 women compete for your affection CE, and you only like one of them and reject the other 9, does that mean that your love and affection don't exist? LOL. If 5 students pass an exam an 5 fail, does that mean that no one passed? DUH!
Flawed example because we are not trying to prove a negative (ie. that god does not exist)! You were trying to affirmatively prove that god exists by citing answered prayers. You failed at that so now you are trying to shift the discussion to an example that is not even analogous. But even if you did structure your example correctly (and not to prove a negative), your example would not at all "prove" the existence of my love and affection for any of the 10. See how that works? Why you can't comprehend these basic concepts of logic is troubling....
Winston wrote: Use your head man! Even a child isn't that dumb and denialist like you are.
I would say you very much need to do the same. Ad hominem jeering will not help you "prove" that god exists. You still haven't proved it and name-calling won't help you do so! In fact it hurts your argument.
Winston wrote: If you were God, would you answer everyone's prayers, like a vending machine, or only some people you like for good reason that you feel is a good reason? I'm sure the latter. If God is created in our image, then he should be like us, with all our flaws and good and bad side. So we shouldn't expect him to be much different from us.
Now what you are doing is RATIONALIZING the unanswered prayers which further destroys your own argument that answered prayers PROVE god exists. You are actually strengthening my side of the debate by being sarcastic! :lol:
Winston wrote: You are a denialist, not a thinker or philosopher.
I guess you were out sick when your teacher taught Socrates' famous quote, "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." You might want to go review that so that you understand that your quips indicate you lost the argument because you STILL have not proven that god exists. :lol:
Winston wrote: Why do you hide your beliefs? Why not share them? Can't you share them without pontificating or preaching?
I will gladly describe my views to you once you prove, with credible evidence, that god exists. Ok? And don't try to claim some guy in some books somewhere said god exists and cite that as your proof!
Winston wrote: Also, you claim you're not an atheist, but you are using all the arguments of a closed minded atheist with a small mind. Why?
Again with the Socrates quote, "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." You make it all too easy to slaughter you in a debate. I suggest you go review a list of logical fallacies and ensure you stop committing them when you debate. It really makes a bad impression when you employ them repeatedly after you get backed into a corner.

When you want to prove that god exists, I will be all ears. As of right now, you unwittingly STRENGTHEN the argument that there is no proof of the existence of god. Thanks for helping me establish that!
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote:
November 9th, 2020, 1:43 am
Btw Contrarian Expatriate,
You said anyone who thinks they know there's a God is a nut or a liar. However, the great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said "I don't know believe there is a God, I KNOW there is a God".
Deep down you know this is all true, but you suppress it for some reason. Do you even have a soul? Are you conscious and self-aware? Or a bot? If you have a soul, then surely you understand all this.
I am with Contrarian Expatriate,

There is no proof at all that 'something like a God' is existing.
Therefore there is no way to claim 'to know' there is a God, except you are a religious bigot and ignore anything else...

Everybody claiming there is a God is showing up with very different explanations about what a God could be...
Ask a Christian and a Buddhist about what happens to your soul after your death....

A soul? Consciousness is created within the brain and your consciousness will stop with your death.
There is no afterlife. The 'soul' is also 'created' within your brain.

Without afterlife why should a human care about if a God exists or not?
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Btw keep in mind that even if a religion is false, like Mormonism for example. It's still better than atheism. Think about it. I'd rather have a society ruled by Mormons that has good moral values and virtues and character, than a society ruled by liberals and degenerates that only cares about gay rights, feminism, and making all races the same, and that honors gays, lesbians and transvestites. There's no comparison.

Compare Salt Lake City with Detroit for example. Salt Lake City has a good wholesome VIBE, whereas a godless city like Detroit does not. No comparison. This is an example of what Socrates called "a necessary illusion" for your own good.

Also remember that most truths are metaphorical, especially higher truth, so even if something like Mormonism is not literally true, doesn't mean it doesn't point to truth or contain good moral teachings or allegorical truths.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Contrarian Expatriate,

No you don't get it. You seem blind to what I'm getting it.

You talk about a book as if it's just a piece of paper. I never said that. You missed the point entirely. A book is just a VESSEL OR TOOL. It can contain good or bad info, true or false info. Just because something is in a book doesn't mean it's valueless. You can read instructions in a book for how to boil an egg for example. Just because it's in a book doesn't make it false.

Obviously there are good and bad books. The ones I recommended to you are GOOD books of course, otherwise I wouldn't recommend them. Duh.

Dude, what do you want me to do to? Hand you everything including proof on a silver platter? If you want to remain dumb and uneducated, that's your choice. I guided you to where you can find good arguments to prove God, you dismissed it. Your problem, not mine.

Do you really need me to go online and copy and paste all the classical arguments for God from Thomas Aquinas here? Geez. Even if I did that, what would it accomplish? You don't care and aren't interested. You already made up your mind. You'd dismiss it anyway. If you really cared about the arguments, you'd read them yourself, not ask me to hand them to you on a silver platter.

What do you expect me to do? Call God to come down and show himself to you? Even if he did that, you'd say it was some trick or hologram or hallucination or unknown entity, etc. If some super being appeared, you wouldn't call him God anyway right? So what's the point? Why would God bother to show himself to you? So you can dismiss him?

Those who genuinely seek God usually find him in one way or another. It's an INNER experience you gotta take yourself to find the proof you need. It's not something for me to hand you on a silver platter. Duh. Don't you know anything?

What about those who have seen God or had a vision of him? Are they all 100 percent wrong or mistaken? What if they are not? How do you know? You're not God. You're just a narrow closed minded Atheist. So how would you know?

I am not slandering you. Just telling you how it works. Your choice to remain ignorant and uneducated is your fault. You argue for no reason.

Christopher Hitchens? When did he win any debates and make Christians suicidal? Those must have been low IQ Christians. Actually Hitchens got clubbered in his two debates with Dr. Frank Turek. If you watch them on YouTube you will see. Hitchens dodged 90 percent of the questions and had no answers. He got his ass handed to him. He's dumb, not an intellectual. His books contain ZERO arguments that God doesn't exist. All he does is flame organized religion, which we all know has a lot of problems sure, but it doesn't mean Dawkins style atheism must be the answer or truth. That's the core fallacy I'm trying to say.

I already know what Hitchens said. It's old news. Nothing I don't already know. In contrast, you don't even know the classical or modern arguments for God. Anyone can look them up. But you are too lazy and closed minded to bother. You don't care and already made up your mind, because your male ego thinks it knows everything.

A real genuine truth seeker would do this: He would read a good book on both sides. In this case, a good book by a theologian and one by an atheist, and then weigh all arguments on both side and make up his mind. Do you do that? NO!!!!!!!!!

Btw, Anthony Flew did just that, he evaluated all the arguments for and against God, and when he did, he changed his atheist views and became a theist, before he died. He wrote a book explaining why. That's the mark a true truth seeker. Totally different from YOU. You see the difference?

Yes answered prayers are proof of God for many Christians and sensible people and wise people. Nothing wrong with that. People a lot smarter than you or me have accepted that as proof.

How do you explain answered prayers then? Coincidence? Not if they are too specific. Even MrMan has told us stories of answered prayer that were too specific to be chance. As specific as if you were to ask me personal questions and I gave you personal answered tailor made for you only that only apply to you and no one else. That kind of specificity.

Btw, I've experienced answered prayers myself. So I know they are REAL. So even if some Chrisitans make it up, it doesn't matter, because I've experienced it myself. If you had too, you would not be an atheist anymore.

No not all answered prayer is coincidence. And they are not rare either. Some Christians get 90 percent of prayers answered. You know why? Because what they want is in accord with divine will all the time, and they ask for things that they should which are good for them, they don't ask for a ferrari or anything like that, so yes they get almost every prayer answered. I'm sure if you ask MrMan or Neo, they've known people like that too. Also if you ask for something trivial that doesn't upset the balance of the universe, the universe is more likely to grant it too.

How often have you prayed in your life CE? And what did you pray for? Did you pray with a sincere heart? Did you pray for something good that doesn't require the laws of phsyics to be altered or the balance of the universe to be upset?

Also, there are countless TRUE stories of ghosts and spirits and paranormal activity. Look up "Art Bell Ghost to Ghost" to hear many of them on the Art Bell archives. They sound very genuine. They can't all be wrong or mistaken right? Some of them have to be true. If even one is true then your whole atheist paradigm is shattered. No question about it.

There's a lot you can't explain. So why not open your mind and accept that there's more to reality than we know? Remember that line from Shakespeare?

"There's more in heaven and earth Horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy" - Hamlet

This isn't about winning a debate dude. You are so immature. It's about YOU refusing to familiarizing yourself with the arguments for and against God ever made in history, both past and present. A true intellectual or truth seeker would do that. Thus you are NOT a truth seeker.

Btw, you NEVER answered my questions:

1. How does RANDOMNESS creates complex structures and designs such as computers, computer programs, human DNA, human anatomy, etc? And how randomness creates the origin of life and human consciousness? I asked atheists these questions many times in this thread. They all DODGED them. Why? Can you answer them? Why do you keep dodging them?

2. Another question for you: Can you name even ONE argument why God does NOT EXIST? Just one? Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins cannot even find one in any of their books. Open up their books and you will see this. All they do is ridicule religion with ad hominem attacks. They have ZERO arguments for the nonexistence of God. Can you think of even one valid argument? Just one?
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Contrarian Expatriate,

Since you are too intellectually lazy, here is a helping hand. If you don't watch these, it's your fault, not mine. The onus is on you.

Here are some video lectures where one of the top theologians, Dr. William Lane Craig, goes over some classical and modern arguments for God. Anyone interested in philosophy or theology or truth should at least listen to these and hear them out. Not saying you have to agree with everything he says, but these STRONG GOOD arguments should be CONSIDERED at least. That's all I'm saying. They may not be airtight arguments, but they are GOOD arguments that are recognized in academic philosophy even. Everyone in seminary schools is acquainted with them, so how can you not be? Are seminary students smarter than you CE? lol

Please watch the following. If you don't then it's YOUR fault for being a LAZY IGNORANT UNEDUCATED person. For once I'm handing you something on a silver platter. So take advantage of it please. Don't be stupid.

Five reasons to believe God exists.

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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Yohan wrote:
November 9th, 2020, 1:58 am
Winston wrote:
November 9th, 2020, 1:43 am
Btw Contrarian Expatriate,
You said anyone who thinks they know there's a God is a nut or a liar. However, the great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said "I don't know believe there is a God, I KNOW there is a God".
Deep down you know this is all true, but you suppress it for some reason. Do you even have a soul? Are you conscious and self-aware? Or a bot? If you have a soul, then surely you understand all this.
I am with Contrarian Expatriate,

There is no proof at all that 'something like a God' is existing.
Therefore there is no way to claim 'to know' there is a God, except you are a religious bigot and ignore anything else...

Everybody claiming there is a God is showing up with very different explanations about what a God could be...
Ask a Christian and a Buddhist about what happens to your soul after your death....

A soul? Consciousness is created within the brain and your consciousness will stop with your death.
There is no afterlife. The 'soul' is also 'created' within your brain.

Without afterlife why should a human care about if a God exists or not?
How do you know Yohan? Have you searched for proof? Or do you just refuse to look for it? Isn't an atheist looking for proof of God like a thief looking for a policeman? lol

Are you familiar with theology 101 and the arguments for God? Watch the videos above to familiarize yourself if you aren't. They are basic knowledge in seminary school and in theology and philosophy schools. If you don't watch them, then you aren't educated in philosophy or theology.

Just because YOU aren't aware of any evidence and refuse to look at any does NOT mean that it's there. That's like me saying that because I refuse to look at Mt. Shasta means it doesn't exist. Bad argument. Dumb argument.

Not all people who know God are religious bigots. Some have a direct experience or inner knowing or a vision, etc. You may think they are wrong, but you don't know that. That's your beliefs and guess. It's not a fact. What if they are right? How are you 100 percent sure they are wrong? You don't know do you? So why the arrogance and closed mindedness? Why is atheism like a cult now?

How do you know there's no afterlife? I posted info about NDE's and reincarnation and veridical perception in the afterlife thread. Did you even look at any of it? It seems you just take an eraser and erase the whole chalkboard and pretend the info never existed, because you DON'T WANT it to. Why?

Did you look at the lectures by Dr. Bruce Greyson and the University of Virginia consciousness studies? Are you familiar with the evidence and arguments? If not, how do you know they don't exist when you refuse to even look at them? Refusing to look at Mt. Shasta doesn't mean it doesn't exist either.

Why are so many intelligent men like you and university professors and math/science geeks atheists? It's like a weird cult that pretends to be blind to everything outside the cult.

There are arguments both for and against an afterlife. Are you familiar with both? If not, why don't you follow all the info I posted in the afterlife thread? What's the point of posting it again if you refuse to look?

Btw, you NEVER answered my questions above that were posted to you:

1. How does RANDOMNESS creates complex structures and designs such as computers, computer programs, human DNA, human anatomy, etc? And how randomness creates the origin of life and human consciousness? I asked atheists these questions many times in this thread. They all DODGED them. Why? Can you answer them? Why do you keep dodging them?

2. Another question for you: Can you name even ONE argument why God does NOT EXIST? Just one? Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins cannot even find one in any of their books. Open up their books and you will see this. All they do is ridicule religion with ad hominem attacks. They have ZERO arguments for the nonexistence of God. Can you think of even one valid argument? Just one?

How do you explain all that??? How??? You gotta have some explanation. If atheism can't explain it then you gotta look for a NEW PARADIGM don't you think?!
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Btw Contrarian Expatriate and Yohan.

There are modern New Age arguments for God too. Here is an interesting one that is very groundbreaking and jaw dropping. Gregg Braden, author of "The God Code" has discovered that encoded in human DNA is a message in all the major ancient root languages and alphabets, and encoded in the periodic table in chemistry too, that literally says "God eternal within the body". That means there is some aspect of God within us. It's very specific and cannot be explained by coincidence of course. It obviously means there is a cosmic consciousness and divine intelligence that put it there. See below for details. Totally mindblowing!

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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Btw CE.

If you went on an Ayahuasca retreat, as described in the documentary below "DMT The Spirit Molecule", and expanded your consciousness and opened your third eye, aka your pineal gland, as Joe Rogan and Dennis McKenna and many others have done below, then I GUARANTEE you that you would NO LONGER be an atheist, and instead would smile and say "I KNOW that God exists now" just as Carl Jung said. For sure. It's up to you of course, but just saying IF you did, you'd definitely abandon your atheism and say too that you KNOW that God exists. I can't explain in words as to why, but once you experience higher levels of consciousness and reality, there'd be no doubt in your mind and you'd say "I understand what you mean now Winston. You were right." This is yet another proof of God in the form of direct experience. It's not something to argue or debate about, just a truth that once you have this type of direct experience, you have your proof and need no more.

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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Moretorque »

I am not an atheist but have problems with the trouble religions have caused. Today look how the bible is used as a complete political tool and the whole God the father thing is a bit much for me.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Btw, Geocentrism is another big proof of God or a Creator. There are many optical and laser experiments proving that the Earth is still and doesn't move, such as the Michelson-Morley Experiments, Airy's Failure, Cagna Effect. And NASA has sent three probes already which showed that the cosmic background radiation proves that Earth is in the exact center of the universe, right on what they call "the evil axis". This is scientific proof. NASA doesn't know what to do about that, since it contradicts Heliocentrism and Atheism of course, but the proof is there from the probe data. This means that if Earth is stationary and in the exact center of the universe, then there has to be a Creator or God, because that means our world is designed, has a purpose and that the universe revolves around us, literally.

See my Geocentrism thread below for links and more info. Make sure to watch the two documentaries "The Principle" and "Journey to the Center of the Universe" for more details and a full scientific explanation of all this. No one has been able to refute it nor has anyone even tried. It's rock solid. Sorry Atheists. This is obvious proof of design, purpose and creation of course, which means there must be a Creator or God too.

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