7 Ways Filipinos are Better/Wiser than Taiwanese - Taboo but True and Enlightening!

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Re: 7 Ways Filipinos are Better/Wiser than Taiwanese - Taboo but True and Enlightening!

Post by Gali »

Gali wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 7:43 am
Anecdotal evidence is not real evidence
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Re: 7 Ways Filipinos are Better/Wiser than Taiwanese - Taboo but True and Enlightening!

Post by Gali »

Anecdotal evidence is not real evidence

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Re: 7 Ways Filipinos are Better/Wiser than Taiwanese - Taboo but True and Enlightening!

Post by Mr S »

Failippines is going into lockdown AGAIN..... Alas for nothing but to stoke more fear and of course to maybe slow down a supposed delta variant that may or may not be an issue as of yet or ever... Let's make failippines destitute even poorer, yeah that would be swell for us elites that own most businesses and manipulate the government... We live in our own bubble worlds so what do we care if the useless eaters starve and lose their jobs...

So which country is paranoid again? Who loves authoritarianism and doesn't do anything to stop the continuing BS?

Only country in the world requiring face shields and masks to do anything outside... f***ing ridiculous...
Clown world right here baby..

BTW, why don't you mention all the taxi scams in PI? How is that safer to take a taxi than in Taiwan?

When I was in Taipei I took some taxis and didn't have any issues with the driver and I don't speak Chinese. Getting into a taxi in metro Manila you always have to worry in the back of your mind whether the driver is going to be a dick head scammer or not. It's almost 50/50 whether they are or not.
I once had a driver keep falling asleep driving along EDSA and had to keep waking him up or we'd crash! I actually called the taxi company and complained. I have a list of bad taxi experiences here but it would take too long to write out and pointless.
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and stoic philosopher, 121-180 A.D.
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Re: 7 Ways Filipinos are Better/Wiser than Taiwanese - Taboo but True and Enlightening!

Post by flowerthief00 »

Mr S wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 8:53 am
Only country in the world requiring face shields and masks to do anything outside... f***ing ridiculous...
I'm quite sure they're not the only country in the world. Probably much of Asia is like this now.

Whatever lockdown you've seen in a Western country I doubt it's as hardcore as what they are doing in Ho Chi Minh City these days.
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Re: 7 Ways Filipinos are Better/Wiser than Taiwanese - Taboo but True and Enlightening!

Post by woodwater »

Winston wrote:
July 29th, 2021, 3:04 am
Dear All,
At first glance, you might assume that people in first world countries are smarter and more educated than those in the third world. Especially if those in the first world are better at making money and doing business. However, there's more to life than making money, such as the ability to enjoy it, your EQ (emotional intelligence), ability to recognize lies, and other skills. So while you might assume Taiwanese are smarter and more educated and higher class than Filipinos, there's another side to it that you may not have noticed unless you are observant. Since I am familiar with both cultures -- having lived in the Philippines for many years and being raised in a Taiwanese family and exposed to Taiwanese culture in California and Taiwan -- I am qualified to share my deep insights, observations, and comparisons between Filipinos and Taiwanese. So here are some interesting ways in which Filipinos are better and wiser than Taiwanese are. Once these are pointed out to you, they may become obvious. No one else has the guts to point these things out to you, so this will be unique and you can consider yourself lucky if you found this rare article. Some of this may be offensive though, as truth often is, but if you love truth (which most Taiwanese do NOT unfortunately), I'm sure you won't be offended. :)

So here are the ways in which Filipinos are better and wiser than Taiwanese, contrary to what you might think. Let me say first, that while Filipinos have many faults of their own (who doesn't), they are definitely not the same faults that Taiwanese have, that's for sure.

1. Reckless driving of Taiwanese vs Zen like driving of Filipinos

If you've seen the news on Taiwanese TV, you will notice that everyday there is some reckless driving accident in Taiwan, especially involving scooters. Often there is video of it captured which is then shown on the news. When you see them, you can't help but realize how dumb and moronic these Taiwanese drivers are. They make the dumbest maneuvers without caution and seem to lack any common sense. It's as if they want to die or something (perhaps they are so miserable that they unconsciously want out of life?). You can tell they lack skill and are eggheads by nature. I've heard that everyday, there are fatal scooter accidents in Taiwan where people are injured or killed. I've seen some nasty crashes on the road while driving by too.

In contrast, in the Philippines you rarely see nasty crashes. Filipino drivers seem very natural at driving, and they do it without any anxiety or stress (which I cannot do). They seem to be in the flow, like in a state of Zen. Even in hectic chaotic traffic, they seem unusually calm and nonchalant. They don't even need to acquire skill in driving or concentrate. They seem to be in a zone or flow while driving, so they don't need to think or plan or utilize any skill. Kind of like how birds and bats and fly freely without thinking and never collide with each other. You will notice this even in Manila, where the traffic is one of the worst in Asia. So just because most of them are not educated, doesn't mean they cannot do certain things better than Taiwanese can.

2. Covid vaccine and being gullible and believing everything the media and government says vs Healthy skepticism

Taiwanese have all lined up like pigs in a slaughter house to get the Covid vaccine I heard. They are all screaming for it like those on a shopping spree. They never question authority and believe everything they hear from authority and media. They never question anything and are pure conformists with a hive mind, like ants and bees. Anyone in authority, even a dictator like Mao, can easily control them because they comply with everything with unison like ants and bees do in their colony. They forget that governments lie a lot and have a long history of lying, deception, and corruption. And that government is not about truth, but about control. In fact the root word of government is "govern" (control) and "ment" (mind) hence government means "mind control".

In the Philippines, half the people don't want the Covid vaccine and are resisting. They do not trust their government and know that it is super corrupt and has no qualms about lying. They also know that vaccines were tested on them in the past by unscrupulous US corporations which resulted in many deaths. So being treated like guinea pigs by vaccine companies before, they do not trust them. This is wise since you should not believe everything you hear and should question everything like a good skeptic. Taiwanese are not evolved enough to understand this it seems.

3. Filipinos are better at chess than Taiwanese are.

There are many young Filipino chess prodigies who have won international chess tournaments (you can look this up). For a culture that is supposed to be simple and uneducated, that is amazing. I've also met trike drivers and night market sellers in the Philippines who were remarkably good at chess. Better than I expected. In the US, very few people are good at chess, so I can beat about 99 percent of Americans in chess, since I'm a strong chess player myself. But I've been beaten by young people in the Philippines at chess, even young girls, which I've never experienced in America before. I've also seen trike drivers and blue collar workers play chess in the Philippines and they seem to be naturally good.

In contrast, in Taiwan only older men are good at Chinese chess. The young people have no interest in it at all and would suck if they tried to play. I've never seen any young people in Taiwan who are good at chess. You will see good Chinese chess players in the park, but they will all be older or elderly men playing. Never any youngsters and definitely never any women or girls. In Mainland China you will notice this too, that the good players are always older men playing in the park. So chess is another way that Filipinos are smarter than Taiwanese at.

4. Filipinos are way better at fixing cell phones and smart phones.

In the Philippines, cell phone repair shops are everywhere, in every mall. The technicians are pretty good at what they do. They have innovative and creative ways to fix things. They can even fix broken buttons without the proper parts by making the buttons themselves. In Taiwan though, there are very few phone repair shops and the ones that exist aren't very good. Technicians in Taiwan aren't talented at this kind of thing. They suck and take a long time to get back to you and don't know how to fix many problems. They are lacking in knowledge and skill. But in the Philippines you can get your phone back on the same day within an hour or a few hours. Filipinos are just way better at this kind of thing.

5. Taiwanese are conditioned to live in fear and paranoia all the time 24/7, and to be weak and never confident, for your own safety's safe. They are raised with negative reinforcement. Filipinos are not raised like that fortunately.

Ok now we are going to get into some heavier and deeper stuff that may be offensive to some. So if your ears or eyes are very politically correct, you might wanna stop reading now. No offense, but the truth is the truth, I swear. I never lie. So here it goes.

Believe it or not, Taiwanese are conditioned to always live in FEAR and be WEAK, never confident or brave. Taiwanese parents use NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT to raise their children. By that I mean that they use fear, guilt, shame, threats, condemnation, yelling, etc. to condition their kids. It borders on psychological abuse and is akin to a circus trainer hitting his animals to make them comply. This is terrible of course, because it instills negative emotions, fear, and guilt into their children, which can become permanently etched in them. Then they in turn do the same to their children, and the negative cycle continues. It's sad, but true. That's how they are. Anyone who has grown up in a Taiwanese family knows this and can vouch for this, if they are not afraid to be honest that is. I've never seen any Taiwanese family ever teach their kids to be confident, brave, or authentic. Never. They always teach you to live in FEAR and WEAKNESS. That's always their way. That's why in Taiwan, you will never see anyone with real confidence, no Chuck Norris or Clint Eastwood types. Not even one.

Why you might ask? Well their rationale goes like this: Fearful people are SAFER people. If you always live in fear, then you never take risks, so you are always safe. Safety is more important than anything to them, including happiness, authenticity, and feeling alive. If you are confident, you may take risks and jeopardize your safety, they fear. So it's best you never be confident or brave. That's how they think alright. It's very SICK, TWISTED, and PATHETIC of course, but that's their nature, to live in total FEAR all the time.

What Taiwanese don't understand is that life is not meant to be totally sterile and devoid of any risks. You need some risk and challenges in order to grow, evolve, and learn, otherwise you will be stifled, as Taiwanese often are. This is why you often see young Taiwanese look like super weak eggheads with zero confidence and self-esteem, and look very helpless and gutless. Most Taiwanese girls look like they could not even win a fight with a rabbit. lol. That's how extreme it is. It's very weird and it makes me sick to see that. It's simply not natural or healthy to be in a zero risk controlled environment. That's not the way life is meant to be. Taiwanese don't have the wisdom to understand this. Because they are worryworts to the core. They don't care about wisdom, only safety.

Plus it's unhealthy to be obsessed with safety, it's a form of paranoia that brings you down to lower level consciousness. Any New Ager or self-help guru or spiritual person will tell you that it's NEVER good to always live in fear 24/7. Fear may have its place when real danger is present of course, but to be always afraid for no reason is batshit crazy and insane and very bad for your mental health. You can never really live and experience life to the fullest if you always live in fear. Sadly, Taiwanese are too stupid to realize this, no matter how many times I explain it to them, they never listen.

Now I know that many Americans also live in fear and are paranoid, especially those who watch the news, because the US media is also a big fearmonger. However the difference is that American culture does encourage you to be confident, strong, and brave, whereas Taiwanese culture does NOT. That's a key difference. And although Japanese culture is also very repressive and oppressive (socially speaking not politically) like Taiwanese culture, the difference again is that Japanese culture teaches you to be brave and fearless (like Kamikaze pilots, Samurai warriors, and Ninjas, lol), whereas Taiwanese culture NEVER does. That's the key difference.

Additionally, if you've ever been to Mainland China, you will also notice a big difference in body language. The people there walk confidently without inhibition or fear. They are straightforward in speech and body language, not reserved like Taiwanese or Japanese. They do not have the paranoid fearful body language that Taiwanese do. Anyone can see this if they observe pedestrians in China. So even the Chinese, who are supposed to be "unfree" according to Western media, do not live in fear and paranoid 24/7. Hence in that sense, even Chinese are freer, psychologically speaking, than Taiwanese are. After all, you can never be truly free if you live in fear and paranoia all the time. Americans and Taiwanese don't understand this, because their stupid media is only concerned with political freedoms, not social or psychological freedoms, which are far more important if you think about it because they affect your personal everyday life DIRECTLY, whereas political freedoms are more abstract and conceptual and something you mostly see on TV, not in real life. That's why the media is dumb as shit IMO. lol

In contrast, Filipino culture does not teach anyone to live in fear all the time, or paranoia either. You can feel it when you go to the Philippines. Everyone is relaxed and going with the flow and not judging or analyzing anything. Filipino culture is not crazy or insane like that. Instead, you feel a positive, warm, soothing vibe there. You can tell a paranoid person by looking at them, their body language, vibe, aura, etc is very different from that of a non-paranoid person. We've all seen this so I'm sure you know what I mean. And the difference here is huge in that in the Philippines you don't see anyone looking paranoid, whereas in Taiwan, EVERYONE looks paranoid, especially young people. Even though Taiwan is one of the safest countries in the world and very non-violent, it's still a very paranoid country ironically, which doesn't make much sense. Taiwanese are even afraid to touch others in a crowd, so they always take care to never touch anyone, not even brush shoulders and arms with people passing by. But in the Philipines no one cares about stuff like that.

6. Being able to let hate, anger, and negative emotions go vs Being forever offended, never forgiving you, and cutting you off.

When you make a Filipino angry or upset, they usually forget about it soon afterward and let it go. Like a Zen master. They do not hold onto anger or hatred or negative emotion. Like a pool of water, the ripples dissipate and they are calm again. Ironically for a Catholic country, Filipinos are much more Zen like than even Thais in Thailand, which is officially a Buddhist country.

In contrast, most Taiwanese once they are offended will avoid you and never forgive you. One strike and you are out. Most Americans are like that too, but Taiwanese are more extreme about it. I've experienced this many times. They are super shallow and judgmental and quick to dislike you if you say something wrong or offensive. That's why I always say, Taiwanese are not your true friends, because your real friends can take disagreements and arguments without breaking up with you. But most Taiwanese cannot, especially Taiwanese women. In a sense Taiwanese females are misanthropes in that they are quick to dislike anyone for any reason. It's very sickening and unpleasant but true. You can see it in their personality, character, face, and eyes. It's in their aura, so if you are an empath or sensitive, you cannot miss it. Because no matter how you act, what you truly are can be felt in your aura and energy field. So a lot of what I say can be sensed immediately without much observation, especially if you're an empath. I know this might sound offensive, but I swear to God it's true. I've experienced it countless times from Taiwanese, including those among my own relatives.

To give you a personal example from my family affairs: In the 1980s my Taiwanese mom and her sister had a big fight over something. Her sister was angry and offended that my mom refused to take her side in a dispute, so she felt betrayed. But my mom is a woman of princple and does not side with her sister just because she is blood related, if she feels that her sister is in the wrong. So my mom and her sister never spoke to each other again. They never made up. My mom's sister never forgave or tried to mend the relationship, like good, mature, wise people would do. She was very petty, shallow, and unable to let go or forgive. She passed away one day without ever making amends. Such are the sad consequences of being petty, shallow, and unforgiving.

Obviously, not being able to let go of hate, anger or negativity is a sign of low EQ and a sign of a shallow, small, petty mind. It's not wise or mature or spiritually evolved. It's also reflective of a misanthropic nature to be quick to dislike others for trivial reasons or sometimes no reason at all, which Taiwanese females often do too. So in this sense, Filipinos are wiser and more evolved than Taiwanese are. Furthermore, part of having good relationship or friendship skills is not being upset or fighting about trivial things. Only unhappy people do that. And wise people know when to let go of trivial things, because they know that next week, the problems today will be forgotten, so nothing is as serious as you think it is. Since Filipinos are good at letting go and not sweating the small stuff, in this sense they are wiser than Taiwanese who cannot do this.

7. Being able to truly enjoy life and let go and have fun vs Being constantly uptight, repressed, inhibited, self-hating, and infused 24/7 with shame, guilt, and fear just for the sake of it.

If you ever look at the faces of Taiwanese people, you will notice that they are super uptight and look overly serious. They never look comfortable or relaxed. It's not a conscious choice, just an inner state of being from a lifetime of conditioning by fear, guilt and shame, just for the sake of it. Hence they never truly enjoy life or have fun. They are way too inhibited and cannot let go or be carefree. Most Taiwanese don't even have fun or go out. They just work and go home and sleep early. Very square, in other words. You never see a Taiwanese person ever getting wild. Never. They are conditioned to feel guilty all the time about nothing, so they feel guilty about having fun, and are full of shame 24/7 as if it's in their psyche. It's very sick, sad, and tragic. And it makes them very uncomfortable to be around too, which is why I cannot go outside in Taiwan for long without their negative vibes rubbing off on me, and not allowing me to be my carefree confident true self. Yet they don't even realize this consciously. That's why I hope they read this and realize how bad it is to be perpetually in a state of fear, shame, and guilt for no reason, just for the sake of it.

That's why, not surprisingly, many Taiwanese are attracted to Christianity, because Evangelical Christianity teaches you to feel fear, guilt, and shame all the time, for being an "unworthy guilty sinner that needs a savior". Since Taiwanese are already accustomed to feeling fear, shame, and guilt all the time anyway, that type of religion resonates with them, so many of them are drawn to it. Even Taiwanese Buddhists act very repressed too. Go to a monastery in Taiwan and you will see that the monks look very grim, grouchy, repressed, and very uptight too. Like they are not allowed to enjoy life and be carefree. They are different from the Buddhist monks you see in Thailand or Tibet, who are much more carefree and less repressed. I don't know why, that's just the way Taiwanese culture and people are. They never talk about it though, since they repress everything, including the truth. And they are always trying to be politically correct, not honest, hence this kind of stuff never gets talked about in Taiwan. And if I bring it up, they try to dismiss and deny it. It's very sad.

In contrast, Filipinos are always looking to have fun and enjoy the moment. They live for the moment, like many spiritual teachings say you should do, and do not like to think or worry about the future. They live and let live and act more natural. Sometimes this can be foolish though, because they fail to plan for the future or budget their money, so most of them remain poor. They have a reputation for being lazy, hedonistic, immature, and child-like, which is true too. So I realize there is a downside to this. But regardless, for sure Filipinos are a lot more FUN and PLEASANT to be around than Taiwanese are. That's for sure, 100 percent. When I am around them, I feel a lot more comfortable, happy and positive as well. They are full of sweetness, warmth, and good vibes. And that is priceless. Because what's the point of working and making money if you cannot truly enjoy life and have fun?

Taiwanese may be better at making money and operating a business, because the Chinese side of them is naturally good at those things. But they are never fun to be around. You always feel uptight, repressed, and inhibited around them. They are always paranoid and fearful, like Americans are, which makes me feel uncomfortable. Because fear and paranoia are negative emotions, and since I am empathic and highly sensitive, it rubs off on me. It's a negative vibe that doesn't make me feel good about myself. And their constant emotion of shame, guilt, and self-hatred which is infused deep within them, makes me uncomfortable as well. Because when Taiwanese look at you, they project their innate shame and guilt at you without realizing it. It's like they are injecting POISON into your soul. In that sense, they worse than energy vampires, because energy vampires may drain your energy, but they do not inject poison into you like Taiwanese do. This is a TERRIBLE DARK SECRET about Taiwanese that is never talked about. But you can feel it and notice it though, even with Taiwanese in the US. You just can't talk about it. If you experienced this before, you might have chalked it up to mere "cultural differences" without realizing what you saw. It's high time someone EXPOSED all this and brought it out into the open. After all, people cannot change unless they are made aware of the problem first.

Most likely, Taiwanese are not aware of this themselves. They were raised that way by their parents, and then carried on this infusion of shame and guilt onto their children and so forth. It's an inner demon they carry and pass on to other Taiwanese without knowing it. So it's subconscious primarily. My parents are like that too, they infuse shame, fear, and guilt onto me, even though they are genuinely nice and kind people. They don't realize it though, it's subconscious like I said. Anyone raised in a Taiwanese family knows about this, but does not dare talk about it, out of shame and fear of course, because you are not supposed to. I'm probably the only Taiwanese American in the world who dares to bring this out into the open and make it all public.

But you can't talk to the Taiwanese about all this though, for it would be taboo and offensive and crossing the line, like a direct insult to them. They cannot handle the truth anyway, and often deny it. You see, Taiwanese are all about political correctness, and truth is definitely NOT a virtue to them. To them, honest is NOT the best policy. Being politically correct is what counts. So you can never be too honest around them. So much for their alleged "freedom and democracy". I never feel free around Taiwanese at all. Ever.

I know that any Taiwanese reading this may find it offensive and revolting, especially coming from a Taiwanese American like myself who is supposed to never say anything negative about his own culture, no matter how true. But deep down they KNOW it's true. The problem is that they do not love the truth, they love political correctness, like many Americans do. In this way, they are vastly different from me and other truth lovers. That's the problem. That's why often, if you are too honest around Taiwanese, they will dislike you and ostracize you and avoid you. Especially Taiwanese women, who are super judgmental and probably the most judgmental women in all of Asia, alongside Hong Kong women perhaps. They will abhor you if you expose the obvious truth about them, hence they are never your true friend.

Regardless, being constantly uptight and never being able to enjoy life and let go, is very unwise. Every New Age and Eastern spiritual teacher will tell you that that is not a good thing. Also being in a state of fear, shame, and guilt just for the sake of it, is not good either. It's projecting negative emotion which LOWERS your consciousness and puts you in a LOWER vibrational frequency, which is not good and not spiritual. In this sense, Filipinos are wiser than Taiwanese are.

In short, Taiwanese lack insight about themselves. They deny all their faults I listed above, even if they are obvious like the blue sky. Some do admit to them, but many will deny them. But if you ask Filipinos who have been to Taiwan about the above, they will usually agree that what I say is true, because the traits I listed are as obvious as the blue sky, so why deny them? Only Taiwanese and people who are big on political correctness (like Taiwanese females usually are), deny obvious truths that they don't like, even if they are as obvious as the blue sky. Hatred of the truth is not wise and not authentic. So in this sense, Filipinos are smarter and wiser than Taiwanese.


Anyhow, I hope all this has given you a different perspective than the shallow stuff you hear about everyday in the media or even on YouTube. Hope it's helped you to think deeper and see the bigger picture, even though a lot of what I said is taboo. Next time you go to the Philippines or Taiwan, you can keep the above in mind and see if you can see what I mean, now that I've spelled out the differences to you. Or you can try to notice these differences among the Filipinos and Taiwanese you see in the US, however, if they are too Americanized you may not notice these things as much. Because in the US, people change to conform to the dominant culture, as they do in any host culture.

Now let me say again that while it's true that Filipinos have many faults too (who doesn't), they are definitely not the same faults that Taiwanese have, that's for sure. So I am not saying any culture or race is perfect. I'm just exposing some obvious faults, flaws, and downsides of Taiwanese people and cultre that you may not have heard of before, because the law of political correctness does not allow people to point out these things, no matter how true or obvious, and only allows you to say that every culture and every race is "very wonderful and friendly" and other positive sounding BS like that. That's why brutally honest and insightful articles like these are necessary, since no one else will dare to expose and be blunt about these things. So someone has to. And since we all have a role and mission in life, I guess this is one of mine, to expose truths that no one else dares to. Hope you understand. I have nothing to gain from this and no reason to lie. I am just being honest and insightful, that's all. You can check all I say yourself, not through the BS media of course, but through personal experience and direct observation in real life. If you do, I'm sure you will understand what I mean, especially if you are insightful and no-nonsense and aware and empathic, like I am.

Thanks for reading. Hope this has enlightened you. Hope it plants the seeds for change. After all, a problem or character flaw cannot be fixed or changed unless people are made aware of it first.

Well here in europe the countries where people refused to be vaccinated are again going on lockdown whilst here in portugal 85% are fully vaccinated, we go out,no confinements all fine. Its science who advises people to vaccinate. Politicians are just go betwens
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Re: 7 Ways Filipinos are Better/Wiser than Taiwanese - Taboo but True and Enlightening!

Post by Cornfed »

woodwater wrote:
November 15th, 2021, 6:44 am
Its science who advises people to vaccinate. Politicians are just go betwens
It's people like Kill Gates, Soros, the World Economic Forum etc. and whoever is pulling their strings that are ordering people to be lethally injected in order to bring about their quite openly announced projects of massive populating reduction and Communism 2.0. Politicians and pretend scientists like Fraudci are their hired middle management as they have always been. BTW, lockdowns will be back whatever you do. Get with the program.
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Re: 7 Ways Filipinos are Better/Wiser than Taiwanese - Taboo but True and Enlightening!

Post by publicduende »

I can't really refute what @Mr S says about the Filipinos, having lived in this country for a grand total of more than 6 years now.

The only thing I'd like to add is that, sometimes, foreigners and even Filipino themselves speak of themselves as if their lack of progress, as a society, were something written in their DNA. Far from the truth.

Even during the first year of the Marcos regime, the Philippines were by all intents and purposes the second Asian power, after Japan. They were the region's second biggest manufacturer of electronics after Japan, pretty much being what Taiwan is now. I clearly remember visiting my Dad's office (he an electrical engineering professor) as a 10-12-yo and playing games or programming on his two IBM PCs. All components carried stickers that said "Made in the Philippines".

I have a Korean friend here in Davao, who used to live in Manila when he was younger. He and his father were part of the Korean Chamber of Commerce in Manila, which had existed since early 70s. I was naively convinced that they set up shop to help the Philippines develop when, in fact, it was quite the opposite: those were the times where Filipino engineers and specialised technicians helped South Korea building airports, railroads and even nuclear power plants.

Then, it all must have taken the path of a rapid decline during the later years of Marcos' regime, where corruption and cronyism flourished to the levels we are used to now. The country never recovered, and it must have been a huge blow to the collective psyche of the Filipinos as much as it was socio-economic.

In 6 years here I haven't heard one single Filipino or Filipina, of any age, social status or political colour, who showed themselves hopeful that the country would, in the next 5, 10 or 20 years, stop and reverse its downhill journey. Those who have been educated at elite colleges and have ambition to match would do anything in their power to move to another country to study, work, live.

My wife has 2 elder brothers, both Jesuit educated, both migrated abroad, one London, one Paris. The eldest got an MBA from Columbia in NYC and is a very successful equity analyst in London. The one time I met him in London, a few years ago, he didn't even mention the Philippines, being Filipino or ever wanting to visit the Philippines one single time. For these people who "made it" abroad, being a Filipino must sound almost like a traumatic memory to be surgically removed.

It must be quite sad to be a Filipino, and one who is not politically connected of corrupted, or both. They must feel really little incentive to continue to live here, willingly.
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Re: 7 Ways Filipinos are Better/Wiser than Taiwanese - Taboo but True and Enlightening!

Post by Spencer »

2018 road death / 100,000

china 17.7

phil 11.4

USA 10.9

taiwan 6.5

japan 2.4
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

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Re: 7 Ways Filipinos are Better/Wiser than Taiwanese - Taboo but True and Enlightening!

Post by Spencer »

Top 100 fide nov 2021 - https://ratings.fide.com/

taiwan count 53 wit li chao but they say for china

phil not have no player on list
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

"Wiseton is a very dynamic individual, what most would call a genius. He's started a movement, and only genius types can do such a thing." - Boycottamericanwomen
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