Is DHL Taiwan scamming/extorting me with fees and customs duties I never agreed to?!

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Is DHL Taiwan scamming/extorting me with fees and customs duties I never agreed to?!

Post by Winston »

Dear DHL USA office,
Your agents in taiwan are commiting extortion by charging me extra fees by default for delivering packages that i never agreed to. This is on top of the outrageous customs duties they are demanding which i have never had to pay before. Its clearly unethical and an abuse of their power to charge me strange unexplained fees that i never agreed to or consented to, nor was due to any fault of my own! Can you have the american office of DHL to intervene?

See my email correspondence with them below:

Dear Claire,
I order many packages to my address in taiwan. Are you saying every single thing i order, even from ebay, will incur huge customs duties where i have to pay a shitload of money just because or some dumb tariffs? What kind of products will not require duties? I asked you and Lilian this many times already. Can you answer clearly?

Why do you Taiwanese have such shitty communication skills? Why cant you be as clear and articulate like we westerners are? Geez. You make me repeat every question many times. Thats uneducated and unprofessional. Please answer my questions the first time. This is an important question. I need to order other packages too. Which products will incur duties and which will not?

Isnt the policy that if health products are valued at less than 2000 NT then there will be no duties? I got an sms saying that from DHL.

Again i asked this several times already. Why you keep avoiding it? Geez.

Also i thought tariffs only apply to businesses. Not private individuals. Ive never had to pay customs duties on any packages. Never. Were you ordered to target me specifically because of my anti taiwan articles which are true and accurate? I have not heard anyone online talking about these new tariffs that penalize individuals.

Finally, what the f**k is this 420NT default waybill about?! You cant just add extra charges and penalties as you like! Are you kidding?! I did NOT consent to or agree to them! So i am under no obligation to pay such fees that u make up out of thin air! That is UNETHICAL and IMMORAL and a violation of my rights to force me to pay fees for no reason that i never asked for! You cannot do that and you know it! Its an abuse of power and illegal! It is considered EXTORTION! I am going to file a case with the BBB about this. Because it is clearly wrong.

Your job is to deliver packages like before. Before i always received packages with no problem. I did not have to sign any stupid forms or agree to extra charges and customs duties and unexplained fees by DHL.

Why dont you just do your job and deliver the packages without problem? Why you creating problems out of nowhere that are unnecessary and stupid and illogical? Just do your job. I already paid for delivery from using DHL. You have no right to ask me for any f***ing waybill fees of 420 NT. And you know it. How would you like it if i charged your house 420 NT to receive every piece of mail? Would you like that?????!!!!!!! Answer!!!!!!!!

This is clearly a scam and ripoff. You are not authorized to charge me any fees beyond customs duties. Its criminal! I'm reporting you to and to any TW government agency i can find. What you are doing is clearly illegal and wrong and abusive and constitutes extortion.

Its not my fault about these new stupid tariffs. I didnt ask for them. So why should you charge me extra fees like this for nothing? Thats f***ing ridiculous. I swear!

I will tell not to use DHL next time since u are cleary abusing your power. Im reporting you to the american DHL office too.

I do not understand this link. It is all in chinese. ... ndablelist

How can i understand it? Theres no english page for it. Clicking EN does not translate it. You forget i am american.

Also how do i contact the ministry of finance in Taiwan to complain about these new tariffs that are causing a lot of trouble? Whats their website and email?

Please do your job and stop extorting me and abusing your power. Extortion is illegal and a crime.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 4:04 PM, Claire SC Tsai (DHL TW)
<> wrote:
Dear Winston

So sorry I am not working tomorrow so can not contact your parent ,

And our import team say just explain this duty regulation in law for you

and waive two waybill advance payment NTD 420 by DHL,

two shipment will incurred duty tax as below.

#5855582412 – DUTY 1157

#5855764331 – DUTY 1164

To avoid the next time produce Advance payment NTD 420. Attach file can help you to registered in CPT

( ... ndablelist

And the next time it still will charge the Advance payment NTD 420.

If you agree the duty tax total NTD 2321 , please kindly reply to us that the shipment will declare to the customs to avoid extra storage produce ,

I will follow shipment status and updates for you no later than 12 FEB b4 12:00

Thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,




稍後會有對我個人工作滿意度電訪,請您針對我 ”個人服務” 滿意度給予十或九分,您的肯定是我們的動力,謝謝您。

Claire Tsai

Customer Care advisor
DHL Express Taiwan

Phone number: +886-2-2182-6743
Fax number : +886-2-2503-2781

e-mail :


From: Claire SC Tsai (DHL TW)
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2018 11:14 AM
To: '' <>
Cc: Sita CHIEN (DHL TW) <>
Subject: RE: #5855582412,shipment duty detail reply

Dear Winston

Thank you for informing ,we will let import team supervisor to contact you and Explanation for you

We deep hop can solve your problem as soon as possible tks

Best Regards,




稍後會有對我個人工作滿意度電訪,請您針對我 ”個人服務” 滿意度給予十或九分,您的肯定是我們的動力,謝謝您。

Claire Tsai

Customer Care advisor
DHL Express Taiwan

Phone number: +886-2-2182-6743
Fax number : +886-2-2503-2781

e-mail :


From: Winston Wu []
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2018 10:51 AM
To: Claire SC Tsai (DHL TW) <>; Lillian Wang (DHL TW) <>
Cc: Sita CHIEN (DHL TW) <>
Subject: Re: #5855582412,shipment duty detail reply

Also Claire, my parents should be home tomorrow. You can call them to discuss this with them at their Taiwan home number at

** *** ****

I already sent the LOA signed document to Lillian and also sent her a copy of my passport too. She can forward them to you. But it seems now she is trying to extort extra money from me for no reason. Please investigate and resolve this fairly. Or i will file case with BBB.



Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 9:46 AM, Claire SC Tsai (DHL TW)

<> wrote:

Dear Winston

Good morning ,sorry call your phone number no answer ,so sent mail for you ,

about shipment waybill# 5855582412 incurred duties/taxes 50.USD by Gov`t Customs.. Gov`t taxes 5% total amount of the invoices & duties, we will check how many percent

will check our import agent & update you in the morning.. Please be informed incurred duties depend on Gov`t Customs and not DHL..If any query, please don’t hesitate to contact our 24 hours toll free 0800 769 888..ThanksBest

Dear Lillian

Can you check this duty detail and reply to cnee ? tks

Cnee confuse as follow:

5855582412Can you find out whats causing the delay in shipment and what i need to do? I dont believe we have to pay half the value in taxes. That sounds like someone is scamming me. Would your agents do that? Also if she is right then can i see the official government customs forms in Taiwan that say that one needs to pay 50 dollars in taxes on a 100 dollar package? The DHL agent Lilian has not shown me any official customs forms that prove her claims. So i am skeptical. Can you guys find out the customs laws in Taiwan and the forms? Taiwan is one of the least corrupt countries in the world so i have a hard time believing that. Please inve[Awaiting customer's paperwork]

Best Regards,




稍後會有對我個人工作滿意度電訪,請您針對我 ”個人服務” 滿意度給予十或九分,您的肯定是我們的動力,謝謝您。

Claire Tsai

Customer Care advisor
DHL Express Taiwan

Phone number: +886-2-2182-6743
Fax number : +886-2-2503-2781

e-mail :

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Re: Is DHL Taiwan scamming/extorting me with fees and customs duties I never agreed to?!

Post by Winston »

@momopi any advice? Wtf is going on? Any way around this?
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Re: Is DHL Taiwan scamming/extorting me with fees and customs duties I never agreed to?!

Post by Winston »

Dear Claire and Lillian,
This news article below says taiwan tariffs are only for packages valued at over 2000NT. Is that true? Does it apply to me? If so why didnt you tell me i could avoid duties by ordering packages valued at under 2000NT? See below.

Apparently many people in Taiwan are complaining about this too, according to the article, not just me.

Also here are two other articles about taiwan tatiffs on health products. Where does it say that the tariffs are 30 percent of the value of the product? ... aiwan-roc/ ... ore=taiwan

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Re: Is DHL Taiwan scamming/extorting me with fees and customs duties I never agreed to?!

Post by Winston »

Wow check this out. Momopi showed me that some American girl in Taiwan named Holly Harrington is going through the same crap with, DHL and Taiwan import duties. Heres her rant. ... ystem.html
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Re: Is DHL Taiwan scamming/extorting me with fees and customs duties I never agreed to?!

Post by Winston »

Apparently, Taiwan customs is an ass. Since was whipping local Taiwanese health companies in price competition, Taiwanese customs started making it so difficult to receive iherb packages that iherb had to suspend service to Taiwan. See below.

"Temporary Service Suspension to Taiwan

Due to extreme delays caused by Taiwan Customs’ new regulations and strict inspections, we are temporarily suspending our shipping service to Taiwan to ensure that your experience is not negatively impacted by these disruptions. We’re working diligently on solutions and look forward to serving our customers in Taiwan as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused."
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