My Next Destination

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Re: My Next Destination

Post by MrMan »

@Tsar I'm not sure if the offers to be a model is a stereotypical child molester trope in foreign countries or not. If asking them into the car to get some candy and see a puppy isn't a stereotypical child molester ploy, are you going to try that one? How about hanging out the door of your windowless van and saying, "Hey baby, smell this rag."?
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Huddo »

Most men aren’t hating on you or are jealous. We are offering sound advice to a guy fast approaching middle age who hasn’t kissed a female let alone had an intimate relationship with one. I want you to succeed, but in almost 10 year on this site, nothing has changed in your head to become successful with women.

You’ve never had a relationship with a woman your age, so you can’t make blanket statements saying they are little more than used garbage. Sadly by the time you realize how wrong you are you’ll be 50+ and even 30 year old women will overlook you.

You don’t have to listen to me, what do I know???? I was able to date attractive women over 10 years younger than me in my own country. I sometimes used to go on 3 or more dates a week and had 8 casual and short term relationships while enjoying the bachelor lifestyle in the first year after my divorce.

You can keep living in a deluded fantasy land and listening to bad advice and by the end of 2022 you’ll still be in your 30’s and never been kissed. I’ll be with my worthless 45 year old, admiring her stunning attractiveness (you haven’t posted a picture of a teen yet who’s more attractive facially and has a better body), experiencing love and care you can only dream about and having the best sex of my life with a woman who’s 100 times more passionate, uninhibited and willing to please than my ex was at 16 or any younger women I’ve dated.

If the hottest 16 year old virgin hit on me today, I’d laugh and tell her no thanks. She has absolutely nothing to offer me compared to what I already have, both emotionally and physically. I’m definitely not jealous of you wanting a teen virgin, I honestly feel sorry for you that you’re fixated on this fantasy and will likely never experience the joy of being in a relationship with a woman. Don’t waste your life on this delusion fantasy, when there’s millions of good women out there your age who will bring you so much joy and happiness. When you finally decided to be realistic, you’ll be the one hating yourself for the years you’ve wasted.
Last edited by Huddo on December 6th, 2021, 5:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Tsar »

MrMan wrote:
December 6th, 2021, 4:19 pm
@Tsar I'm not sure if the offers to be a model is a stereotypical child molester trope in foreign countries or not. If asking them into the car to get some candy and see a puppy isn't a stereotypical child molester ploy, are you going to try that one? How about hanging out the door of your windowless van and saying, "Hey baby, smell this rag."?

The offer to be a model is usually legit.

I wasn't the one to invent the idea. A guy in Florida was paying teens to model even as young as 14 with parental consent and she was in a video wearing a bikini with a g-string bottom. The State actually changed their laws because they didn't want the guy to keep having teens model. That one was my favorite videos on YouTube back when someone uploaded it to YouTube and YouTube didn't care about teens in skimpy clothes.

A PUA artist from the Caucus created a model agency in a Baltic nation to get an "in" with girls.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by MrMan »


You should at least know what you know is right. Put God first. I am not saying __the__ way to find a wife is pray and wait. If you want to join organizations, attend events, meet people, try to find a wife through a family or social network, that's all good.

When I was young, people could tell I had good motives and was trying to do right. There were a bunch of ladies at church who had similar, unusual last names. They were all sisters or sisters and cousins. Someone reported back to me that one of them said if I were 40 years younger, I'd be interested in that young man. One of them was a widow and said she didn't care if she was older. It kind of creeped me out a little, but I know they were joking. They thought I was a good catch. I didn't have a job, but I was an usher at church and a nice guy. When I told a woman at work that I was engaged, she said she'd wanted to set me up with her niece.

My wife met an Indonesian woman who had a daughter with a really sweet personality, very helpful in the kitchen, diligent. She told me how the girl was pretty, sweet, etc. She's still a teenager, for a short while at least, very close to my son's age. She actually introduced them. I would strongly suspect this girl is a virgin, too. (I'm not telling you who she is, either. :) )

Be a decent man who can attract a decent virgin girl. If you found a virgin foolish enough to go along with a modeling scam, then that's what you get. Do you want a career woman? A woman could be a woman and a decent woman, but I personally would prefer to be with the type of woman who would not want to be in a profession where she is expected to show a lot of skin to the public. IMO, it feels kind of like a high risk profession for trouble from the husband's perspective, like an actress.

A young woman with good intuition, the kind you might want your children's future mother to have, might see through your scams. Be the kind of man that the kind of girl you want to have should be looking for. You could work on expanding your social network. In some cultures, if you meet older married people and befriend them and tell them you are looking for a wife, they might recommend girls in their family or social network who are unmarried.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Tsar »

I am making great progress on my website. By the time I am at my next destination, I will have a fully operational website. Then, I will pay a print shop at my next destination to print me business cards. I am most likely going to be getting a youthful girl at my next destination.

If I succeed, I wonder what everyone's reactions will be.

I won't really get ahead of myself like I usually do. I will just say that I have a really strong feeling about 2022...
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Voyager1 »

Tsar wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 1:39 am
I am making great progress on my website. By the time I am at my next destination, I will have a fully operational website. Then, I will pay a print shop at my next destination to print me business cards. I am most likely going to be getting a youthful girl at my next destination.

If I succeed, I wonder what everyone's reactions will be.

I won't really get ahead of myself like I usually do. I will just say that I have a really strong feeling about 2022...
So you're going to start a bogus modelling agency and then pass out business cards to young teens on the street and in parks? Which country are you going to? Do you speak the language or do you expect them to speak English?

You are going to fail.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Tsar »

Voyager1 wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 11:11 am
Tsar wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 1:39 am
I am making great progress on my website. By the time I am at my next destination, I will have a fully operational website. Then, I will pay a print shop at my next destination to print me business cards. I am most likely going to be getting a youthful girl at my next destination.

If I succeed, I wonder what everyone's reactions will be.

I won't really get ahead of myself like I usually do. I will just say that I have a really strong feeling about 2022...
So you're going to start a bogus modelling agency and then pass out business cards to young teens on the street and in parks? Which country are you going to? Do you speak the language or do you expect them to speak English?

You are going to fail.
In time we will see who is correct!

What if I happen to succeed? What then?
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Tsar »

One of the reasons why proximity matters to attraction is that it breeds familiarity; people are more attracted to that which is familiar. Just being around someone or being repeatedly exposed to them increases the likelihood that we will be attracted to them. We also tend to feel safe with familiar people, as it is likely we know what to expect from them. Dr. Robert Zajonc (1968) labeled this phenomenon the mere-exposure effect. More specifically, he argued that the more often we are exposed to a stimulus (e.g., sound, person) the more likely we are to view that stimulus positively.

Source: ... -behavior/
That's why once a girl begins to interact with me in situations she can't ignore me, she will get to know me and begin to like me.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Outcast9428 »

@Tsar and @Cornfed You guys really need to listen to @Huddo and @MrMan

You would be amazed at how stunningly gorgeous some 30 year old girls are. My girlfriend is 30 but if I took her onto my old college campus I swear she'd be prettier then 95% of the girls there. Everyone thinks she's 20, she always gets carded when buying alcohol. I've walked around entire theme parks with her and was unable to spot a single girl who was prettier then she was (admittedly some who are similar, but none who were prettier). Its fine to have ideals in your head but if you cling too much to rigid fantasies or lists of traits you want you'll find that eventually you won't find anybody. At this point, I don't even think about my girlfriend's age much. I still get a beautiful, cutesy, and sexually passionate girlfriend.

Believe me I was once like this myself so I get it, but I think a lot of guys put teenage girls on too much of a pedestal. Their image of teenage girls is that they're all beautiful, sweet, innocent, eager to love and have sex. The truth is though, the same girls who are drunken, slutty, and stupid at the age of 30 were also the girls who were drunken, slutty, and stupid at the age of 16. They're the girls in high school who dated the jerkish bad boys and ignored nice guys, they're the girls who got tattoos underage, who swore at their parents, who tried all kinds of different drugs, perhaps ran away from home at some point. The nice girls in high school are still nice when they're 30 years old. The bitchy bad girls in high school are still bitchy bad girls at the age of 30 but now they've got several baby daddies, one of whom is currently in prison.

Nice girls who are still unmarried at the age of 30 aren't necessarily like that because they prioritized career or went for bad boys. Sometimes relationships don't work out for reasons that really aren't their fault. What if you had been dating a girl who you thought was nice for three years and she suddenly decided that she'd rather be with her childhood friend instead? What if you had dated another girl for two years and suddenly she had to go through surgery that made her infertile and unable to have kids? What if the girl you're dating is nice but just doesn't want to have kids? Girls not being married by a certain age isn't always a result of not wanting marriage or consistently dating stupid, bad boy types. Just like you are in your 30s and haven't gotten married yet. Girls can definitely find relationships easier then guys can, but they don't necessarily have an easier time finding marriage partners.

You said the teenage girls have told you they've known girls who dated guys up to the age of 26, but you're not 26 years old. You're 30, pushing 31 now. It may be possible, but its going to be extremely difficult and you making your chances of not finding any girl much higher by doing this. This is like saying "if I don't have 10 million dollars I might as well be destitute."

And MrMan is right that if you want a certain kind of girl, you need to become the kind of guy that a girl like that would date and you need to find her with honorable methods. Once you have shown God that your intentions are honorable and your heart is pure he will provide you the joy you seek.

I've been on forums where people gave condescending advice that was not given in good faith but rather as a tool of vanity and I can tell that's not what these guys are doing. I can't imagine the pain and suffering you must've gone through being single and lonely all these years. But believe us, your current mentality is never going to work.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Tsar »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 3:02 pm
Believe me I was once like this myself so I get it, but I think a lot of guys put teenage girls on too much of a pedestal. Their image of teenage girls is that they're all beautiful, sweet, innocent, eager to love and have sex. The truth is though, the same girls who are drunken, slutty, and stupid at the age of 30 were also the girls who were drunken, slutty, and stupid at the age of 16. They're the girls in high school who dated the jerkish bad boys and ignored nice guys, they're the girls who got tattoos underage, who swore at their parents, who tried all kinds of different drugs, perhaps ran away from home at some point. The nice girls in high school are still nice when they're 30 years old. The bitchy bad girls in high school are still bitchy bad girls at the age of 30 but now they've got several baby daddies, one of whom is currently in prison.
It's the Nature vs. Nurture argument. A combination of environment (location, nation, culture, generation, events, economic condition, religion) and parenting (and guidance) produce the behavior patterns of people. I know girls won't always be sweet or nice, but teens are more likely to be really emotional but quick to forgive or forget. Higher hormones equals more sexual desire. Historical marriages were done when a girl first bled or when she was 14-16 because it would allow girls to avoid becoming sluts because their sexual desire is present. Science says girls experience greater sexual pleasure than men especially when the girl has an orgasm, and girls are very sexual. That's why in the West where promiscuity is allowed and also being encouraged by the media, the majority of girls are extremely slutty. Most of the world isn't as bad as the Five Anglo Nations, but all the West is all still really bad, and even if a girl is beautiful and nice, most nations won't have girls that are virgins past 16-18, especially if they're really beautiful.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 3:02 pm
Sometimes relationships don't work out for reasons that really aren't their fault. What if you had been dating a girl who you thought was nice for three years and she suddenly decided that she'd rather be with her childhood friend instead? What if you had dated another girl for two years and suddenly she had to go through surgery that made her infertile and unable to have kids? What if the girl you're dating is nice but just doesn't want to have kids? Girls not being married by a certain age isn't always a result of not wanting marriage or consistently dating stupid, bad boy types. Just like you are in your 30s and haven't gotten married yet. Girls can definitely find relationships easier then guys can, but they don't necessarily have an easier time finding marriage partners.
I would accept a girl ending a relationship with me because if she gave me what I wanted or needed, it's her decision. I intend to commit and be loyal, but I developed serious trust issues so I really expect betrayal so it would take 5 years until I really start to trust a girl won't leave me. I use to look at things as special but I started in the last few years to view most things as replaceable.

If a girl became infertile or couldn't have offspring, I would tell her she had to let me get an additional girlfriend or we would need to end things. I would be open to adopting but biological children are very important to me. If a girl I am dating doesn't want children but is nice, she gets the same choice as the one that became infertile because of surgery.

Relationships are meant to have marriage as the end result. Women have a difficult time finding marriage because they're entering relationships without the intent of marriage.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 3:02 pm
You said the teenage girls have told you they've known girls who dated guys up to the age of 26, but you're not 26 years old. You're 30, pushing 31 now. It may be possible, but its going to be extremely difficult and you making your chances of not finding any girl much higher by doing this.
Not really because I can pass as 23. When I was 26, I could always pass for being 18. I had people in Europe essentially ask me without directly asking if I was 18+ or 20+. I almost always get carded in the US buying alcohol but I was asked this past year if I was old enough to open a bank account by someone in the US. Looks matter more than age when it comes to men dating younger girls. If anything, it should be easier for me because I have more to offer a girl.
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 3:02 pm
And MrMan is right that if you want a certain kind of girl, you need to become the kind of guy that a girl like that would date and you need to find her with honorable methods. Once you have shown God that your intentions are honorable and your heart is pure he will provide you the joy you seek.

I've been on forums where people gave condescending advice that was not given in good faith but rather as a tool of vanity and I can tell that's not what these guys are doing. I can't imagine the pain and suffering you must've gone through being single and lonely all these years. But believe us, your current mentality is never going to work.
I can agree that some of the advice was fine but the world isn't the same one of the past. I really started to have an end justifies the means outlook. My intentions are good and honorable, but it didn't attract me a girl. And I really can't bring myself to accept a female if she isn't under age 24 or a virgin. Teens can get a pass or two because they're young so offer more years of beauty and didn't do much with guys if they did things. But a teen virgin girlfriend would be the best. Once a girl goes to university, she becomes really slutty. Opportunity and motive are things that influence actions. Girls have the opportunity to become sluts at university. Their motive is sexual pleasure and experimentation.

A girl is almost like a shiny metal trinket. It's likely if I want a piece of metal. I want something precious like silver, gold, or platinum. I might accept copper if it's the right price but if it's overpriced and not at a discount relative to the ones I want, there's no real desire to get it. But if all that's available is aluminum, I am not accepting the aluminum just to have some metal. And ones that are rusted without shine? Completely useless.

Same goes for a pet. I wouldn't want an adult dog or cat. I want a puppy or kitten. The older an animal becomes, the less bond that it will form and the less love it will have and give, and the less it will trust compared to the very young animals. Humans are just very self-aware, highly sentinent animals capable of building highly complex societies and comprehend abstract thoughts and theories.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Outcast9428 »


There is some truth to what you're saying, but its just not nearly as rigid as you would expect it to be. To use your dog analogy, there are 8 year old dogs who look and behave almost exactly like puppies despite being 50 years old in dog years. I don't think there's anything morally wrong with dating teenage girls, but its like you said, the world isn't the same one as in the past... 100 years ago you could've dated a teenage girl and people would not have cared much. Nowadays people are a lot more sensitive about age gaps. At best the plans you outline here will not work, at worst, you may end up in jail. And you're doing it for a prize that isn't really as good as you think its gonna be.

My girlfriend has spent the vast majority of her adult years in long term, committed relationships with people she intended to marry. For one reason or another, unfortunately a lot of times a relationship just doesn't work out. You have to get to know the girl's story first. Otherwise you could miss out on being with a great girl because you made an assumption based on stereotypes. And I'm not saying there is no truth to stereotypes, a lot of times they are true, but you also don't want to have the mindset of expecting stereotypes to be true every time or else you'll miss out. Finding a great girl is nowhere near as easy as finding a great dog.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Tsar »

Outcast9428 wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 5:16 pm
100 years ago you could've dated a teenage girl and people would not have cared much. Nowadays people are a lot more sensitive about age gaps.
Yes, but it wasn't completely necessary. Most girls were marrying between 16-23, but it was very possible to find girls ages 18-23 year olds that were virgins. Even 25 year olds had a good chance of being a virgin.

In 2021+, it's almost impossible to find a girl that is 17+ or 18+ that's a virgin.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by MrMan »

Tsar wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 5:36 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 5:16 pm
100 years ago you could've dated a teenage girl and people would not have cared much. Nowadays people are a lot more sensitive about age gaps.
Yes, but it wasn't completely necessary. Most girls were marrying between 16-23, but it was very possible to find girls ages 18-23 year olds that were virgins. Even 25 year olds had a good chance of being a virgin.

In 2021+, it's almost impossible to find a girl that is 17+ or 18+ that's a virgin.
They do exist even in the west. Being a virgin before marriage may be more the norm in some countries than others. In Indonesia, it is expected. In some Latino Cultures and parts of the Philippines, there are respectable families where girls go on dates with chaperones to keep anything bad from happening.

Getting a virgin wife who was also beautiful and suitable in other ways seemed to be a daunting task for me. But I also knew where all the virgins were. I could pray-- ask seek, and knock, and ask Him to send the right woman my way, and it worked out for me. He knows where the needles are in the haystacks. I was a virgin at marriage, and intentionally so, also.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Tsar »

MrMan wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 10:22 pm
Tsar wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 5:36 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 13th, 2021, 5:16 pm
100 years ago you could've dated a teenage girl and people would not have cared much. Nowadays people are a lot more sensitive about age gaps.
Yes, but it wasn't completely necessary. Most girls were marrying between 16-23, but it was very possible to find girls ages 18-23 year olds that were virgins. Even 25 year olds had a good chance of being a virgin.

In 2021+, it's almost impossible to find a girl that is 17+ or 18+ that's a virgin.
They do exist even in the west. Being a virgin before marriage may be more the norm in some countries than others. In Indonesia, it is expected. In some Latino Cultures and parts of the Philippines, there are respectable families where girls go on dates with chaperones to keep anything bad from happening.

Getting a virgin wife who was also beautiful and suitable in other ways seemed to be a daunting task for me. But I also knew where all the virgins were. I could pray-- ask seek, and knock, and ask Him to send the right woman my way, and it worked out for me. He knows where the needles are in the haystacks. I was a virgin at marriage, and intentionally so, also.
Yes but I don't really want girls from the nations they're common and I am going to mainly stay in the Old World.

If someone asked me where in Europe do I want a White girl, which parts of Asia have really beautiful Asians or Asian girls that might be acceptable, and which places in Africa might have the most beautiful African girls, I could easily give an answer.

I also mentioned that my next destination will really be my last. I don't intend to leave Europe again. If I do manage to go to Asia, I probably won't need a girl because COVID-19 restrictions in Asia won't end anytime soon just like global COVID-19 restrictions won't be ending anytime soon. Soon = 2-3 years. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if COVID-19 restrictions continue until 2029 or forever.
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Re: My Next Destination

Post by Voyager1 »

Tsar, why don't you talk more about where you are now and why you chose France as a destination. What kind of accommodation do you have, types of cuisine and places of interest.

What about French girls (legal age of course). What are they like?

Who paid your ticket to get there? A family member?
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