Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

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Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Over the past several decades, a growing number of analysts have predicted that the United States is not only going into a steady decline, but may actually fragment or break apart into multiple political entities. (By "analysts," I mean, for example, political commentators, think tank or "policy institute" types, famous investors, mainstream and alternative journalists, etc.)

I don't know if this is going to happen or not (and am not involved with any sort of political activism for or against these scenarios), but to me it seems more and more likely to happen, and I'm curious what you think.

Also, for those of us stuck in the US states for now, I don't have a clue if we'd be better or worse off if this happened. (It would all depend on exactly how it happened, and what the new policies were in whatever new breakup territories emerged, and what policies and laws they had us all under in whatever new "jurisdiction" we end up in if it does happen.)

I'll post various examples of people making a case for these breakup scenarios. Here's one of the maps showing theoretic "mega regions" that could form:
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by WilliamSmith »

These old predictions by the ex-Soviet KGB analyst Igor Panarin laid overly-specific dates on it way too early (2010), but he still has some interesting points that I think are still valid: ... -in-2010/
Prof. Panarin, 50 years old, is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s academy for future diplomats. He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on U.S.-Russia relations….

Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July, he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces — with Alaska reverting to Russian control….
[ I think he's right about those broad causes of societal collapse, and very possibly some kind of breakup. ]
He based the forecast on classified data supplied to him by FAPSI analysts, he says. He predicts that economic, financial and demographic trends will provoke a political and social crisis in the U.S. When the going gets tough, he says, wealthier states will withhold funds from the federal government and effectively secede from the union. Social unrest up to and including a civil war will follow. The U.S. will then split along ethnic lines, and foreign powers will move in.
[ I don't know about civil war, but wouldn't be surprised if he is right re: how the mass immigration, constant social unrest, and economic turmoil caused largely by the Federal Reserve/Rothschild-bank fiat money and debt pyramid scheme will create big incentives for some states to move toward direct or indirect secession. ]

[ Also interesting re: which specific foreign powers he thinks will move in to specific regions: ]
California will form the nucleus of what he calls “The Californian Republic,” and will be part of China or under Chinese influence.

Texas will be the heart of “The Texas Republic,” a cluster of states that will go to Mexico or fall under Mexican influence.

Washington, D.C., and New York will be part of an “Atlantic America” that may join the European Union.

Canada will grab a group of Northern states Prof. Panarin calls “The Central North American Republic.”

Hawaii, he suggests, will be a protectorate of Japan or China, and Alaska will be subsumed into Russia.

“It would be reasonable for Russia to lay claim to Alaska; it was part of the Russian Empire for a long time.” A framed satellite image of the Bering Strait that separates Alaska from Russia like a thread hangs from his office wall. “It’s not there for no reason,” he says with a sly grin.

Interest in his forecast revived this fall when he published an article in Izvestia, one of Russia’s biggest national dailies. In it, he reiterated his theory, called U.S. foreign debt “a pyramid scheme,” and predicted China and Russia would usurp Washington’s role as a global financial regulator.
[ That last is an interesting one: I suspect he is right, because China and Russia have their own issues, but have done interesting things with buying up all that gold and making other moves toward breaking out from under the international fiat banking pyramid schemes. ]
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Here's a 2020 piece from the New Republic referencing a recent book on the subject: ... s-break-up
Some of their points that are that it is left-wingers (not just right-wingers and independents) who have pushed for this, that US history has been full of disunion from the outset, and that US political union has often been held together by fear or national crisis rather than any actual "unity."

Opening paragraph:
In the wake of Brexit and Trump’s election, many Americans began to ask if the United States might soon break apart. In 2016, progressive activists in Portland, Oregon, submitted a petition calling for a statewide vote on secession; that same year, a poll showed that 26 percent of Texans supported state independence. In a 2018 survey, 31 percent of Americans believed a civil war was possible within the next five years. A cohort of national security experts put the chances of a civil war within the next 15 years at 35 percent. And who has not entertained the possibility that, if Trump loses the election this fall, he might resist leaving office? Strange turnout patterns during the pandemic would certainly give both candidates a pretext for contesting the results—and what institution these days has the legitimacy to settle the question decisively?
Here's another 2020 piece reviewing some books on the subject: ... -hmm.html
David French’s Divided We Fall, which warns that the U.S. is at risk of a literal breakup if current trends in political polarization continue, is one of those books that’s almost too timely. Its long-range predictions already feel out of date.

French imagined California splitting from the United States, presumably before Gov. Gavin Newsom declared California a “nation-state” in response to federal failures to combat the coronavirus. French puts forth a scenario where roadblocks are set up on state borders. During the early days of the pandemic, that happened. French foresees Democrats trying to pack the Supreme Court in order to protect abortion rights … well, you get the picture. The problem with French’s nightmare scenarios isn’t that they seem implausible—it’s that, as of now, they seem like wishful thinking.

French has more credibility than most when it comes to decrying blind partisanship. He’s a veteran of the culture wars: a Christian evangelical attorney who used to be best known for suing American universities on religious liberty grounds and writing for National Review. But since 2016, he’s become better known as a leading conservative critic of Donald Trump, in the process enduring a torrent of abuse from right-wing trolls including disgusting racist attacks directed at his adopted Black daughter. Today, he describes himself as a “man without a party” and acts as an all-purpose defender of free speech—someone willing to go to bat for both James Damore and Colin Kaepernick.
The first part of Divided We Fall is a very familiar overview of current trends in partisan polarization: Americans have become much less likely to associate with people with whom they disagree in politics, and increasingly live in overwhelmingly blue or red communities. Politics overwhelm every other form of social, cultural, and religious identification, and people become more extreme as they tailor their views to those of their peers. Partisans don’t want to just defeat one another in argument; they want to destroy one another.

An even more familiar litany of alleged perpetrators—Fox News, overly woke college activists, the NRA, antifa—are trotted out as French decries the vitriol and winner-takes-all spirit that have taken over our democracy. Given the party identification of the White House’s current occupant, and which side is perpetrating the vast majority of political violence in the country today, it seems to me that French is reaching a bit to make both sides seem equally responsible for this state of affairs. Then again, according to his schema, I would think that, so it’s worth just conceding the point to get to the more provocative part of the book, which imagines the end result of these trends.
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Here is another case of mainstream leftwing journalism openly calling for secession and the breakup of the U.S.
Most of this post is just a bunch of self-indulgent blather like one would expect from a communist tabloid like the LA Times, but underscores how in these times leftists are calling for splitting up the US just as much (or more) than rightists. ... t-country
Column: The coronavirus pandemic has made one thing perfectly clear: It’s time to split the country

On Monday night, I was watching TV coverage of the pandemic, first on MSNBC then on Fox News, and a thought occurred.

We are so helplessly, irrevocably divided, it’s time to quit talking about coming together as one and do the only sensible thing.

Roughly 30 years ago, the USSR came to grips with its irreconcilable regional differences and broke apart, splitting into 15 independent republics.

Why can’t we do that here?
I don’t mean to suggest, by the way, that California doesn’t have its own leadership challenges. It ain’t all milk and honey here, by a long shot.

We’ve got a housing crisis we’ve temporarily forgotten about, epic numbers of homeless people and great wealth alongside even greater poverty. The L.A. Unified School District budget is full of holes. L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti says there will be furloughs and even fewer of the basic services he promised. And let’s not forget Newsom’s secretive and suspicious deal to buy $1 billion worth of masks from a Chinese company with a sketchy track record.

But all things considered, we tend to trust science, and, while we’re eager to rediscover our groove, we’re cautious about moving too quickly.

Newsom, if you haven’t noticed, keeps calling us a nation state.

Let’s make it official.

Yet another 2020 piece by leftists openly calling for splitting up the USA: More than a bit distasteful listening to them talking about "winning" two mass-murdering world wars that accomplished nothing but paving the way for yet more mass-murdering communism and global usury, and then claiming the achievements of Operation Paperclip Germans as "American"--- but still underscores the key point that these days it is just as often leftwing whining communists who refer to themselves as "progressive" who are calling for splitting apart the USSA: ... 0918.html
America is over: Let’s just split into different countries | Opinion
Breaking up is hard to do, but what is the point of having the “greatest country in the world” if none of us actually like it?

The country has gone through many periods of strife in my time here: assassinations, recessions, desegregation, inflation, gas crisis, Watergate, hanging chads, the AIDS crisis, 9/11. Maybe it’s the 24-hour news cycle or the immediacy of social media that makes the landscape seem so bleak, but I don’t recall us ever being so divided.

No one in our country seems happy today. The right is angry. The left is despondent. Our nation reminds me of those married couples who try to stay together for “the children” but end up making everyone around them miserable.

Maybe it’s time for a breakup. Yes, I know a few Southern states tried this before and it did not turn out too well. I am thinking about something a little less bloody — like Brexit.

America had a nice run. We won two world wars, gave the world the automobile, nuclear power, the internet, and put men on the moon. But now it just may be time to admit that our country has jumped the shark.

We used to be the beacon of freedom for the world. Now we are the ones with children in cages, paramilitary on the streets of our cities, and being monitored by Amnesty International. We used to oversee other country’s elections. Now they want to monitor ours. We used to be the place people ran to for safety. Now we are the pariahs of the world, our passports unable to take us almost anywhere.

Honestly, would breaking up the United States really be such a bad thing? California could stand alone. They are already the fifth-largest economy in the world. So could Texas, Florida, and New York. We have seen as the federal coronavirus response failed, states already breaking out into groups for survival. That could be the beginning of something that finally makes us happy.

Our current situation leaves us with a feeling of futility as the ground constantly changes beneath our feet. George W. Bush did not like the Kyoto Protocol and pulled us out. Barack Obama believes in climate change and supported the Paris Accord. Donald Trump does not and pulls us out. Joe Biden will make us reverse course and support it again. The next Republican will most likely pull us back out again. Is this any way to run a government?

And people are just so frustrated. An August NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that 70% of Americans are angry at a political system that is just not working for them. Dissatisfaction with the government may be something we can all agree on, but that seems like the only thing. Some believe we are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, while others think it’s a hoax. There are some who want kids to go back to school in the middle of all this, while others don’t. Some deplore the tearing down of statues and decry the Black Lives Matter effort, while others rejoice in it. Yes, there have always been differences among us but in the ages of QAnon, the Deep State, and other such conspiracy theories, the rift seems insurmountable.

If we broke up into different countries, then perhaps folks could finally find the answers they have been looking for.

Don’t want to have to go to Starbucks without the comfort of your AR-15?

We have a country for that.

Want to have a gun-free environment where your children can go to school without bullet-resistant backpacks?

Yeah, we could have a country for that too.

Just think about it, America. I know breaking up is hard to do. We used to be good together. But what is the point of having the “greatest country in the world” if none of us actually like it?
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by gsjackson »

So sad, when all we have to do is become country number 110, is it? Presto, problems solved.
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by Cornfed »

gsjackson wrote:
February 17th, 2022, 4:57 am
So sad, when all we have to do is become country number 110, is it? Presto, problems solved.
More that at least the problems could commence being solved.
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Interesting fairly recent articles, talking about lots of secession movements gaining momentum in the US:

There are even more of them than I'd ever known about, including a number that would divide up states internally, with some counties joining different political blocs.

This lists 10 of them, in all different states. ... tes.html
Of course the 1st place prize for the awesomest separatist movement goes to the Conch Republic. :)

One from Fox News talking about more secession movements, and how some are attempts for counties to break away within states as well: ... movements ... ZeroHedge
A newly released poll found that two-thirds (66 percent) of Republicans living in southern states, including Texas and Florida, would approve of seceding from the United States to join a union of southern states.

That number is up from 50 percent from a similar poll conducted earlier this year.

Among southern Democrats, 20 percent are in favor of breaking away and forming a new country, according to the latest poll by YouGov and Bright Line Watch of 2,750 Americans.

The Calexit movement in California is another breakaway effort whose goal is to divide the rural portions of the state from the coastal and liberal bastions to create the 51st state.

In Arizona, the liberal-led Baja Arizona movement in 2011 sought to split the state into two separate states over the increasing partisan divide between the more conservative north and liberal southern areas.

The non-binding initiative failed to gather the required number of signatures to place the measure on the 2012 election ballot.

Other lesser known separatist movements in the United States have sprung up in states such as Vermont, Hawaii, and Alaska, though not all currently active movements desire secession from the United States.

The Greater Idaho movement, for example, seeks a political merger of the rural eastern and southern counties in Oregon with neighboring conservative Idaho.

“After Trump was elected the first time, in January 2017 Oregonians submitted a petition to place secession from the U.S. on the state ballot, and were only convinced to retract the petition by death threats,” according to a Greater Idaho statement to The Epoch Times.

“One of our concerns is that after an economic depression, or after a more muscular Republican is elected president, conditions might deteriorate to the point that Oregon may choose to secede from the U.S. Eastern and southern Oregon certainly wouldn’t want to join northwestern Oregon in such an adventure, because our counties belong with Idaho.”

The Cascadia secession movement, which proposes a union of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia in Canada as a single “bioregion,” in Oregon is broadly supported, and “held back by the ‘normalcy bias’ of people expecting the future to look like the present,” the Greater Idaho statement added.

“We admit that if the border of Oregon and Idaho were relocated as we propose, that northwestern Oregon would be more likely to be able to secede from the U.S., but that’s a chance we’re willing to take because our counties certainly don’t want to be stuck with [liberal] Portland.”
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Wow, here's a more recent poll citing that 47% of West Coast "Dems" (i.e, communists), and 66% of Southern US Republicans want to secede from the US. :shock: ... s-1609875
Those are pretty impressive figures, so my guess is they're going to do it.
A whopping 80% of Biden voters and 84% of Trump voters agree that elected officials from the other party are “presenting a clear and present danger to American democracy.”
As far as ‘values’ are concerned, almost 90% of Trump voters believe that the Democratic party wants to “eliminate the influence of traditional values in American life and culture,” while 78% of Biden voters feel the same – substituting “progressive” for “traditional.”
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by gsjackson »

Cornfed wrote:
February 17th, 2022, 7:55 am
gsjackson wrote:
February 17th, 2022, 4:57 am
So sad, when all we have to do is become country number 110, is it? Presto, problems solved.
More that at least the problems could commence being solved.
When the messaging is changed completely behavior can change quickly. Look how little time it took the propagandists to turn billions of sheeple into blithering covidiots engaged in self-destructive behavior.

As for balkanization of the U.S., it's kind pf problematic as to how that would break down. I live in a small-to-medium-sized city in Texas where life is completely normal aside from a tiny zombie percentage still roaming around in face diapers. But last I knew there were still 69 school districts defying the governor's prohibition of mask mandates, including all the big cities. Yes, the schools are going to be Satan's last line of defense, but still getting any kind of statewide movement going, even in Texas, doesn't look promising.
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Great article here with a view on what's likely to happen if the US does not break apart fast enough: ... an-kulak/
If one takes the ideologues who rule over America at their word, then the governing principles of this country’s reigning regime are things like fairness, equality, diversity, or “anti-racism.”

But of course, anybody with a brain today isn’t taking America’s rulers at their word. It is obvious, and has been for many years now, that there is no spirit of “fairness” or “anti-racism” in the heart of their ideology. Instead, the spirit at the heart of America’s leadership is bitter, envious, resentful, hateful.

Who is it hateful toward? You know who. The modern American regime is built on explicit, institutionalized hostility to the people who most resemble the great Americans of the past. It is anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-rural, and anti-middle class. The more of these traits a person has, the more worthy of hate they become. The more the Globalist American Empire decays and squanders the inheritance it was given, the more bile and hatred it directs against those who symbolize what came before.

But those on the receiving end of this new discriminatory regime may not appreciate its full scope or the ultimate fate that the Globalist American Empire has planned for them. They may see recent anti-white animus as a temporary spell, or a limited affair that can be waited out.

They are wrong. America’s shrinking white middle class are the target of an ever-intensifying cycle, whose mechanics are ripped straight from another oppressive regime, the Soviet Union of the 1920s and 30s.

The white American middle class have become America’s kulaks — Blamed for every problem, vilified for every success, and deserving of every punishment. Their destruction has become a fundamental goal of American political life.
In short order, kulaks were the catch-all class enemy for the Bolshevik regime. Peasant uprisings were “kulak revolts,” because it was inconceivable that ordinary peasants might rebel against the workers’ paradise. And any ordinary civilians who opposed agricultural collectivization, or were simply seen as a threat to local leaders, were apt to be branded kulaks or kulak-enablers.
There was lots more I'm not quoting, with especially good quotes from nutcase leftwing mainstream media to show how the tone and conclusions of this article are not alarmism.
America’s de-kulakization process is, above all, about breaking and demoralizing Americans so they will no longer demand or expect better, and providing a villain for the Globalist American Empire to project its failures onto.

The American kulak class must understand the nature of the campaign against it, if it is to survive. American kulaks are not participating in ordinary democracy. They are not experiencing ordinary ideological disagreement with a person who has their best interests at heart. They cannot reason with their foes by pointing out all the harm they will suffer from the American regime’s suicidal policies, whether it’s emptying prisons or obliterating the border or replacing mathematics with race propaganda in schools.

American kulaks must realize that the hatred brought against them will not dissipate as the ruling elite’s policies fail. Instead, hatred will intensify, as every year of failure simply shows that America’s bedrock of white male privilege is deeper and more pervasive than previously imagined. New angles of attack will be found, and new discriminatory laws imposed, to deny the kulak opportunity, to make him poorer and more atomized and more addicted.

The American kulak must realize that this struggle can only end in two ways. Either the regime that hates him will be torn down completely — or he will be destroyed.
A quote by one of the commenters:
Is anyone ever going to talk about the fact that the Russian Jews instigated the Russian Revolution, implemented communism under Lenin and Trotsky, then ran away to America when things fell apart and Stalin came to power?

Their grandchildren are literally doing the same thing again: Schiff, Medvedof (Maddow), Leibowitz (Stewart), Blitzer, Raskin, Schumer, on and on…working together with their ethnic brothers to, once again, turn the goyim into livestock, justifying it through the chutzpah of tikkun olam to bring about bolshevism – which is just political Talmudism.
[ Not sure why he didn't mention Rothschilds, Soros, Klaus Schwab and the other Davos/WEF bloodusckers, etc., I guess just because they're the international variety instead of nominally "American," whatever the hell that's supposed to mean these days, LOL. ]
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Hehheh, this just caught my eye when someone posted it to a group about getting out of the collapsing USA on Quora:
Almost 40% Of Americans Would Rather Flee Than Defend The US; New Poll Finds ... poll-finds
The Quinnipiac University poll asked Americans “what would you do if you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, stay and fight or leave the country?”

Only 55 percent said that they would stay and fight for this country. That included only 40 percent of Democrats. Overall 38 percent of Americans said that they would flee.

It appears that this country is facing an existential crisis of faith and we should have a frank discussion about why so comparably few Americans are now willing to pledge their lives in defense of this country.

Quinnipiac has long been relied upon in polling in the United States and is one of the most cited polling outfits for the media.

It is important to note that, while the results were shocking overall, many did say that they would stand and defend the United States from any invader. When asked this question 68 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of Independents say that they would fight. However more than half of Democrats (52%) said they would flee before fighting for their country (Eight percent did not have an answer, a shrug that is equally alarming).
My guess is that if lots of the 52% Democrats (=bolsheviks) claiming they'd fight actually got put the test, they wouldn't fight, and would just run away screaming for police protection and entitlements (even if they were previously in on the "defund the police" fad in recent years). They would jump for joy to see anyone they don't like getting killed on TV or Tiktok videos, but fight themselves? Doubt it. :mrgreen:
Whether Republicans or pro-gun independents would or not depends on where they're from and how bad it gets there.
I've known older gentleman who were once from California and said that they thought it was a great place that could've been saved back in the 80's or 90's, but not even worth trying now.
I also suspect the Jew World Order is going to try some big false flag type of operation like another 9/11 to sucker "conservatives" into supporting a war against China or something along those lines, but only time will tell....
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by flowerthief00 »

Well, what I'm about to write here is more to do with war in general than any particular hypothetical war but...

The thing that I would need to know before I pick up a rifle is Are the women going to fight too? Or is it going to be like literally every war in affair that ends with piles of bodies of young men whose lives were cut short, while the women were hiding in the basement.

Because after hearing nothing about equality, equality, equality for the last decades it had better not be like that. There had better damn well be women out there in equal numbers putting their lives on the line, if women are truly equal to men. If a women can do what a man can do, which our culture insists.

Think about it. Why fight for the ideals and culture of your country if those ideals are thrown aside when it counts?

We hold gender equality up as an ideal. Our politicians bleat on about it endlessly. We ostracize, censor, and destroy the careers of those who don't affirm their commitment to the principle. Our popular culture is filled to the brim with the image of the combat-capable woman. We export this ideal to other countries. We effectively sanction countries who aren't doing enough for the cause of gender equality. Clearly this is something we in the West believe in very strongly.

So...IF when the time comes to fight, the women aren't right out there sacrificing their lives alongside the men, what was that ideal all about? Why would you fight for an ideal that is abandoned when it matters? IF the women shy away from the tough shit when tough shit comes knocking, then those ideals would be proven to be absolute rubbish. Ergo there would be nothing to fight for.

Although I'm leaving open the door to be surprised, I may come off as skeptical about the female gender's fighting spirit. Well, that could be because unbelievably, inexplicably, here in the year 2022 in the USA women are STILL not subject to the military draft. Israel and several other nations make women subject to military service. What the hell is taking us so long to catch up with our rhetoric?

Traditional war is misandry. We've been sending 18-year-old boys to die in wars since the beginning of time. Can anyone deny that sending 18-year-old girls to fight and die with the boys would be fair and equal? The use of one gender only as cannon fodder is the biggest injustice in the history of gender-related injustices. If we can't put just this one unfair thing right then "gender equality" means absolutely nothing.

So that's what I would have to see before I'd ever fight for my country or encourage any other man to do the same.
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by flowerthief00 »

And btw which gender do you suppose is being used as fodder in Ukraine? Hint: Women make up less than 5% of the Russian military. Always it's men whose lives are disposable. When will men stand up for their right to life and say no to the misandry of war?
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by Tsar »

Excess men need to somehow die off. The ratio of 105 Males for every 95 Females means that 10 males out of 105 males need to lose their lives everywhere in the world to correct the imbalance.

If half of males died, the population would remain the same or potentially increase if 2 females paired with every surviving male. But if half of females died, the population would see a much more limited amount of growth.

Let's just face the fact that according to Nature, Males are less valuable than Females.

Not fighting is an option as long as a guy is willing to desert his post, surrender to the other nation, or flee to another country.
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Re: Is the US going to break apart (balkanization, secession, etc)?

Post by MrMan »

There are plenty of people in Hawaii who want independence. The US military basically backed a coup against the queen, even though the US had a treaty with Hawaii. The president was favorable toward supporting the queen, but the next president in office wanted the US to have Hawaii. So I could see if the US fell apart that Hawaii might want independence. If the US hadn't taken over, I wonder what the development of the islands would have been like.

I saw one map that suggested Canada combine with the northeast down to California and the rest be a country. I could see Ohio and Idaho being in one country with the southwest and southeast. To be fair, though, this country would need to have some sliver of California. Maybe they could take the red counties in northern California, leaving southern California independent or just as a non-contiguous part of the liberal blue US. The northern border on the east could be somewhere in Virginia south of Washington DC. Pennsylvania could be split with the areas around Philadelphia joining the Liberal States of America and the West joining the Conservative States of America. The conservative country could also get the parts of Washington and Oregon that vote Republican.

Maybe the Conservative states could get some of the central parts of Canada. To make the Liberal country contiguous, they could get some portions of those territories in Canada way up north that are frozen solid while the Conservative part gets the heartland. The Conservative States of America could get Alaska. Hawaii votes democrat, but they might take the split as a way of getting independence.

Chicago could be an island territory in the liberal country while the conservative country gets the rest of Illinois.

Part of the treaty to agree on this could involve the bombing of Hollywood. Everyone gets out of town, but all the studios could just be bombed, along with the porn industry area there in California, and Disney has to surrender all their assets in Florida to the state.
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