Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

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Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Like the title says. Are gods and goddesses from the world's religions simply just E.T's who visited Earth with technologies so advanced that to primitive humanity it seemed like magic? If we look at most mythologies from around the world we see evidence of this. In Hindu mythology the gods descended to Earth in flying boats. In ancient Egyptian mythology they also descended in flying boats. In Chinese mythology their gods descended in the belly of fire breathing dragons, the dragons landed and their tongues rolled and the gods walked down the ramp to Earth. In Greek mythology and Christianity the gods descended on flying clouds.

We can see here the gods descended from the "heavens" on something or inside of something. Given the primitive technology humanity had at the time it is reasonable to assume that they misinterpreted these extra terrestrial visitors as gods.

For those who think it is impossible for aliens to visit our planet across the vastness of space I would argue that even the most accomplished physicists on Earth know that we have such a limited grasp of physics. It was Richard P. Feynman, American theoretical physicist, who said: "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics." Also Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre designed a theoretical warp drive which could be theoretically possible if our understanding of physics was better. Now, take a civilisation which is older than ours and millions of years more advanced technologically. In my opinion it is plausible they could visit our planet. Perhaps several of them visited, with different visions for the future of humanity...

What do you guys think?
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 4th, 2022, 5:50 am
Like the title says. Are gods and goddesses from the world's religions simply just E.T's who visited Earth with technologies so advanced that to primitive humanity it seemed like magic? If we look at most mythologies from around the world we see evidence of this. In Hindu mythology the gods descended to Earth in flying boats. In ancient Egyptian mythology they also descended in flying boats. In Chinese mythology their gods descended in the belly of fire breathing dragons, the dragons landed and their tongues rolled and the gods walked down the ramp to Earth. In Greek mythology and Christianity the gods descended on flying clouds.

We can see here the gods descended from the "heavens" on something or inside of something. Given the primitive technology humanity had at the time it is reasonable to assume that they misinterpreted these extra terrestrial visitors as gods.

For those who think it is impossible for aliens to visit our planet across the vastness of space I would argue that even the most accomplished physicists on Earth know that we have such a limited grasp of physics. It was Richard P. Feynman, American theoretical physicist, who said: "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics." Also Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre designed a theoretical warp drive which could be theoretically possible if our understanding of physics was better. Now, take a civilisation which is older than ours and millions of years more advanced technologically. In my opinion it is plausible they could visit our planet. Perhaps several of them visited, with different visions for the future of humanity...

What do you guys think?
Hey Pixel--Dude,

This is a good question and is certainly relevant given the surge of popularity of the Ancient Astronaut Theory in alternative circles within the last decade. Many will say that it is a matter of interpretation with some asserting that supernatural entities of antiquity such as gods, angels and demons were extraterrestrials misinterpreted as the former by ancient men and others making the contrary assertion that what we today call extraterrestrials are rather a modern manifestation of those same ancient supernatural entities (particularly angels and demons given the strong monotheistic bent of most contemporary religions).

I myself have a slightly more nuanced view. I believe that the ancient gods are both extraterrestrial beings in the sense that they originate from another planet within the universe and possess a physical body and at the same time "gods", having achieved a godlike level of evolution through the ascension of the Kundalini and thereby having developed within themselves great psychic powers and full dominion over interdimensional existence.

Let's take a look at the mythological evidence with regard to the nature of those mysterious otherworldly beings.

Many ancient civilizations outright said that the gods came from the Heavens or from the stars. Some could argue that the ancient notion of "Heavens" could refer to another non-physical dimension as Christians and other religionists conceive it but some ancient sources give an exact location in the sky. The Egyptians believed that the great Ptah and other gods and goddesses who founded and once ruled over the earliest and most glorious phase of their civilization came from a part of the sky located in Sahu or the constellation of Orion. Indeed during the time of the Old Kingdom the celestial world of Duat was believed to be located there in the same Sahu. That was before it was relegated to the status of "underworld" in the corrupted belief systems of the Middle and New Kingdoms. Moreover, after the gods had departed from the Earth, in Egypt it was believed that they were now unable to reach the Earth directly due to the immense abyss which separated their world from ours and that the gods could therefore only establish contact with their human children in spirit form through points of energetic connection in the temples. For the Egyptians the gods had physical bodies and once ruled over the Earth in the flesh but could still project their consciousness into our world from time to time after their departure.

Those same gods were the Anunnaki of Sumer. Contrary to what many believe, the Sumerian texts don't specify where the Anunnaki came from. It is simply revealed that they descended from the Heavens and created humanity and taught her civilization at some point in the distant past. There is no mention of "Nibiru". What many don't realize is that Zecharia Sitchin was nothing more than a disinformer and many of his ideas such as Nibiru as a distant planet of our solar system with an elliptical orbit and as the moribund home planet of the Anunnaki are simply his own inventions which don't even appear in the Sumerian texts themselves. My own assumption is that Sitchin, who was incidentally a Jewish Freemason, was hired by the elite to create an extravagant version of the Anunnaki story in order to make it seem as ridiculous as possible and thereby discredit it. Anyway, the Sumerian texts say that the Anunnaki descended from the heavens and they are frequently portrayed as physical beings who interacted with human beings and even had sexual intercourse. It was only in the later Akkadian mythology that the Anunnaki came to be interpreted as distant ethereal beings or divinized forces of the cosmic order.

In the apocrypha of the Bible we also find the "angels" or "Watchers" depicted as physical beings who, after abandoning their place in Heaven and descending to the Earth, decide to take the daughters of Adam as wives and produce offspring with them. These offspring are the famous Nephilim. We are told that the teaching of forbidden knowledge and illicit miscegenation on the part of the Watchers caused the proliferation of evil on Earth and that this evil included cannibalism and vampirism and necessitated the "cleansing" of the whole planet by way of the Deluge. But this is simply the Jewish version of the story and Jews are not known for being particularly honest. In reality the Watchers were our original gods, Enki's faction of the Anunnaki, and they taught us occult knowledge and the "secrets of Heaven" for our own spiritual evolution. The tyrant Yahweh hated this and conspired with his allies Michael, Gabriel, Rafael and Sariel to destroy the human race with the Deluge. The story about sin, cannibalism, vampirism and whatnot was made up by Yahweh's people in order to slander the true gods. What is ironic is that Yahweh himself loves animal sacrifice and the aroma of burned flesh but Christians don't really pay attention to this.

The Sumerian texts recount that the human race was created by the Anunnaki (by Enki and Ninhursag in particular). We were actually created and engineered in some way from their essence. Interestingly our species has 23 pairs of chromosomes with a strange fusion which caused us to lose a pair and which distinguishes us from Homo Erectus and all forms of simians which all have 24 pairs. This is possibly the result of genetic engineering on the part of the Anunnaki. In my view such an intervention would suggest that those beings were also physical like ourselves.

Let us now talk about the godhood of those beings.

The gods of antiquity were not mere physical extraterrestrials with advanced technology but also actual gods who had reached godhood (the highest level of biological and spiritual evolution) having ascended their own Kundalini.

You can find evidence of this in the ancient religions. Ever seen reliefs of the Egyptian gods? If so you probably will have noticed that the gods and goddesses are often depicted with a serpent emerging from the forehead and a solar disc above the crown. These symbolize the ascended Kundalini and the full activation of the uppermost chakra which served to divinize those same extraterrestrial beings.

You see the same thing with the Hindu god Shiva who is likewise depicted with a serpent emerging from the forehead and an opened third eye.

Also in Sumerian religion Enki and certain other gods like Marduk and Ningishzidda were associated with the serpent. Enki was even called Ushumgal or "great serpent". This too was a reference to the Kundalini. Those who managed to raise it through occult practices were able to transcend their normal human existence and become gods.

Enki wished to teach this knowledge to humanity and indeed revealed its secrets to Adapa (Adam) but Yahweh (or Anu in the Sumerian version) was opposed to it and sought to suppress all true occult knowledge. In his deceptive Bible Yahweh slanders Enki as a deceiver and blames the knowledge which he revealed to Adam for all of the evil in the world. But Yahweh is the true deceiver and after he and his faction banished the original gods and took control of the Earth (see biblical and apocryphal myths about the Watchers and their banishment to the Abyss) those evildoers conspired to rewrite history and portray themselves as the good guys through their various religions and "holy books". The whole religious story about our origins and the conflict between good and evil constitutes a veritable inversion of the truth.

PD - Ever wondered why the Jews or at least an elite faction of them are involved in all kinds of conspiracies and perverse ideologies? That's because they're the people of the evil impostor god Yahweh and are therefore programmed to subvert Gentile societies and subject them to their nefarious New World Order which has Jerusalem for its capital. All of this was outlined in the "prophecy books" of the Old Testament.
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Awesome thread, I wondered about this ancient aliens hypothesis when I was a little lad and started reading the Old Testament out of curiosity. It quickly struck me that I was reading a science fiction story that sounded to me like genetic engineering, and the angry words of "God" sounded to me more like the words of some extraterrestrial.
But I didn't even realize at that time how the pre-Christian history went so much deeper, and I was impressed when I saw those reptilian looking statues representing these ancient Ubaid lizard people.


I eventually discovered an old 1980s printing paperback of some of Erich von Däniken's stuff and became even more interested. The ancient descriptions of the "Vimanas" in the ancient Indian texts and descriptions of "gods" destroying each other with flying craft and what sounded chillingly like nuclear weaponry being used in ancient India impressed me, as did the uncanny astronomical knowledge ancient tribes had, and the many stories amongst Africans, Amerindians, and others who overtly described "star people" descending in flying craft and bringing them advanced knowledge.

I only discovered the Ancient Aliens series recently and think it's great. :o

The mystery of how on earth the Great Pyramids were built, and why they had so many strange internal features that seem hard to fathom any ancient culture building simply for the supposed purpose of burial rituals, is intriguing. (There's some VERY strange features they have inside there, featured in some detail in the Ancient Aliens series, like the very long narrow chutes and deep but small tunnels that researchers were only even able to explore using remote control robots.)
Then there are the more disturbing Aztec pyramids where mass human sacrifices were made to reptillian "gods," and had some fascinating features like the optical illusions showing descending shadows representing these serpent entities descending when the sun was in a certain position...

And the mysterious structures at Puma Punku:
In Search of Aliens: Mystery of Puma Punku Revealed (S1, E7) | Full Episode
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by WilliamSmith »

@Lucas88 awesome post. I didn't know that about Sitchin.

I want to re-read all that and explore this stuff more later (curious about the reference to the "prophecy books" you mentioned), but just wanted to leave the note to concur that there's definitely something to the kundalini and chakra systems, and I've experienced it enough myself to know there's definitely something going on there with both, even though I initially didn't have any knowledge or learning about those things from books when I first experienced them. (Do you do any practices in that regard, e.g. yoga or tantra or chi gong, anything along those lines?) Will be a good discussion for later.
I've experienced a lot of phenomena from some light chi gong practice without attempting anything (so it definitely wasn't from the power of suggestion), and also some rather remarkable energetic phenomena with the ladies (felt like a lightning bolt up the back of my spine once, and another time it felt like waves of energy shooting out my fingertips, LOL).
I really ought to practice chi gong more routinely as a disciplined thing for longer periods of time....

I also think that there's some extradimensional aspect to spirituality too, so I don't think gods and goddesses are purely physical extraterrestrials. (There's a lot of interesting old lore concerning auto-hypnotic scrying or black mirror techniques to communicate with extradimensional beings, and Poke Runyon's "Magick of Solomon" might be of interest on this subject.)

But to me the physical evidence and lore suggesting that some physical extraterrestrials probably also did arrive on earth multiple times (and may have also been considered or called gods by some cultures) is pretty convincing. Multiple times there also seems to be evidence of sudden huge leaps in human genetic advances (in multiple racial groups) that really aren't explained by conventional theories of evolution make me curious if some genetic manipulation of humanoids like us did take place..... An interesting thing to ponder.

Many women tend to also enjoy these types of subjects, I've noticed. :D
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by MrMan »

Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by Cornfed »

MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:13 am
Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:13 am
Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
A third option is that they are some older terrestrial species.
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by MrMan »

Cornfed wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:26 am
MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:13 am
Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:13 am
Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
A third option is that they are some older terrestrial species.
Are you a Dr. Who fan?

I've read about alien abductions stopping when the victim called on the name of Jesus. Two agnostic scientists, one of whom wrote a report for the US Congress on the UFO phenomenon, commented that reported encounters with aliens are similar to if not identical to reports of encounters with demons.
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
May 5th, 2022, 11:56 pm
@Lucas88 awesome post. I didn't know that about Sitchin.

I want to re-read all that and explore this stuff more later (curious about the reference to the "prophecy books" you mentioned), but just wanted to leave the note to concur that there's definitely something to the kundalini and chakra systems, and I've experienced it enough myself to know there's definitely something going on there with both, even though I initially didn't have any knowledge or learning about those things from books when I first experienced them. (Do you do any practices in that regard, e.g. yoga or tantra or chi gong, anything along those lines?) Will be a good discussion for later.
I've experienced a lot of phenomena from some light chi gong practice without attempting anything (so it definitely wasn't from the power of suggestion), and also some rather remarkable energetic phenomena with the ladies (felt like a lightning bolt up the back of my spine once, and another time it felt like waves of energy shooting out my fingertips, LOL).
I really ought to practice chi gong more routinely as a disciplined thing for longer periods of time....

I also think that there's some extradimensional aspect to spirituality too, so I don't think gods and goddesses are purely physical extraterrestrials. (There's a lot of interesting old lore concerning auto-hypnotic scrying or black mirror techniques to communicate with extradimensional beings, and Poke Runyon's "Magick of Solomon" might be of interest on this subject.)

But to me the physical evidence and lore suggesting that some physical extraterrestrials probably also did arrive on earth multiple times (and may have also been considered or called gods by some cultures) is pretty convincing. Multiple times there also seems to be evidence of sudden huge leaps in human genetic advances (in multiple racial groups) that really aren't explained by conventional theories of evolution make me curious if some genetic manipulation of humanoids like us did take place..... An interesting thing to ponder.

Many women tend to also enjoy these types of subjects, I've noticed. :D
As for Sitchin, there was a video of him dressed in Masonic attire and participating in some kind of ceremony at a lodge. I saw the video and it was clear that it was him. He was also a Jew, born in Azerbaijan and raised in Palestine before immigrating to New York. Sitchin's work is full of blatant inventions as opposed to simple errors. He just made up his own wild theories and mixed them with actual accounts from the Sumerian texts. Yet Sitchin's work was quickly published and sold like crazy. The guy has all of the hallmarks of a disinfo plant.

The Old Testament contains a section called "The Prophets" which includes the likes of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Ezekiel. There's also the minor prophecy books which are related to the former but are not as well-known. These books are a genre of apocalyptic literature which supposedly tells the future of Jews and their fate among the nations. The basic premise is that Yahweh's people will be scattered among the nations as "punishment" for their sins but will later be called back to Israel and be the beneficiaries of a Messianic Age in which the whole world will serve Jerusalem and be subjected to its laws and religion. There are even passages which say that the nations will pay tributes to Israel. Many Christians today see themselves as the new Chosen Ones (see "replacement theology") and interpret all of this as a series of prophecies with regard to the age of the second coming but in reality these are not "prophecies" as naïve Christians believe but rather a conspiratorial blueprint for the Jewish infiltration and subversion of Gentile societies and the subsequent establishment of the New World Order under the Zionist elite.

You might like to check out Tony Malone's work. He talks about this in detail.

The Kundalini and chakra system are both very real indeed. To answer your question, I have practiced Yoga but at the end of 2020 I had a really bad experience with the Kundalini and haven't practiced it since. Long story short, I awakened the Kundalini prematurely, not knowing how sensitive my body was to that kind of practice, and the abrupt awakening shocked my body's meridian system (the energy channels recognized by TCM and Tai Chi) and caused some of them to go into reverse. This naturally gave rise to serious physiological problems. In the end I required many acupuncture sessions to unblock the reversed meridians and restore my body's natural flow of energy.

Kundalini practice is great if done correctly but work with this energy can also be extremely dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. What many people don't understand is that you need to open all of the chakras (in most people they are only ajar) through specific meditation techniques and develop the body's meridians through Hatha Yoga stretches BEFORE you cultivate chi energy or awaken the Kundalini. If you don't do this first then the Kundalini energy will ascend through meridians where it isn't supposed to go and overload them. This can cause dysfunctions, symptoms of psychosis or even reversal of flow as was my case. Don't even attempt to awaken the Kundalini until you have opened all of your chakras and developed the body's meridians sufficiently and really know what you are doing. A premature Kundalini awakening can really mess you up.

What you say about remarkable energetic phenomena with the ladies is also true. Sexual energy is identical to chi energy and therefore to the Kundalini too. I too am able to make orgasmic energy expand through a large part of my both either through sex or masturbation. My body produces chi energy very easily and I am extremely sensitive to it (hence my premature Kundalini awakening). The fact that you are able to have those energetic sensations with only a short practice of Chi Gong and simple sexual stimulation shows that you are already an advanced soul with a high-vibrational frequency and a well-developed energetic system. Most people are unable to cultivate any significant quantity of chi energy even with years of Yoga or Tai Chi.

Many people who practice the occult use the kinds of scrying techniques which you describe to communicate with extradimensional entities but in most cases those are negative beings. Anything to do with theurgy or Jewish/Christian angels has a negative source. This is a deep rabbit hole for many but I am of the view that the New World Order (Jewish) has a supernatural/extraterrestrial/interdimensional level of control (the invisible top of the pyramid if you will) and that members of the Jewish elite simply serve as vehicles for that evil force from above and do its bidding here on Earth.
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by Winston »

MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 8:00 am
Cornfed wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:26 am
MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:13 am
Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:13 am
Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
A third option is that they are some older terrestrial species.
Are you a Dr. Who fan?

I've read about alien abductions stopping when the victim called on the name of Jesus. Two agnostic scientists, one of whom wrote a report for the US Congress on the UFO phenomenon, commented that reported encounters with aliens are similar to if not identical to reports of encounters with demons.
The late great Dr. Karla Turner addressed that. She said that some abductions stop when they call out the name of Jesus. But many do not. It really depends. Christians overgeneralize.

Also, the great author on entities, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, said that demons and greys only respond to the name of Jesus if they are part of the Christian pantheon of deities. If they are part of another pantheon, like the Hindu pantheon, then they do not. So demons and entities and greys are not all the same and do not all respond the same way. They are not cookie cutter beings. They have various differences just like people do.
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by Winston »

Cornfed wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:26 am
MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:13 am
Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:13 am
Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
A third option is that they are some older terrestrial species.
I heard that ancient aliens could be from underground and still are. There is an author who makes a good case for that named William Michael Mott. He did a few interviews on YouTube and laid out some compelling evidence why ancient aliens are from underground, not from outer space. Here is one below. It's very interesting.

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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
May 9th, 2022, 5:14 am
MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 8:00 am
Cornfed wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:26 am
MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:13 am
Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
MrMan wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 6:13 am
Are the supposed gods and goddesses and space aliens who have visited the earth really just created spirit-beings, many of whom are hostile to Yahweh, the creator God?
A third option is that they are some older terrestrial species.
Are you a Dr. Who fan?

I've read about alien abductions stopping when the victim called on the name of Jesus. Two agnostic scientists, one of whom wrote a report for the US Congress on the UFO phenomenon, commented that reported encounters with aliens are similar to if not identical to reports of encounters with demons.
The late great Dr. Karla Turner addressed that. She said that some abductions stop when they call out the name of Jesus. But many do not. It really depends. Christians overgeneralize.
That's consistent with demons also, since traditionally, at least, casting out demons may require saying it more than once. Some demons may not come out if there is unbelief and comes out through fasting and prayer. But also, in some cases people may have success casting out demons in Jesus' name, and then a certain demon realize they don't have the authority-- like the seven sons of Sceva-- and don't come out.
Also, the great author on entities, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, said that demons and greys only respond to the name of Jesus if they are part of the Christian pantheon of deities. If they are part of another pantheon, like the Hindu pantheon, then they do not. So demons and entities and greys are not all the same and do not all respond the same way. They are not cookie cutter beings. They have various differences just like people do.
Christians have cast supposed Greek/Roman gods out of people. That was one of the arguments used in 'apologies'-- defenses of the faith written by Justin Martyr and Tertullian. There are Christians who also cast supposed Hindu gods out of Hindus in India, too.
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by MrMan »

Dr. Hugh Ross is an astrophysicist who has spent many decades studying UFO sightings. He was an amateur astronomer before he studied it academically, and since he knew the night sky, he could dispel some of the 'natural' explanations for UFOs-- things like seeing Venus. So at the universities he studied at, he was the grad student assigned with handling UFO sightings, something he continued on doing as an astrophysicist. But 99% of cases are things like seeing drones, weather balloons, seeing the glare on one's window looking out at the sky, the glare on ones eyes for the first 20 or 30 minutes after being in a lighted area then going outside.

But there is that 1% that cannot be explained away with naturalistic phenomenon. Throughout history, sightings of 'alien' ships and claims of 'aliens' who spoke with them keep up with human technology. In the early 1900's, they travel at 100 miles an hour. They just outperform our technology. Now, they travel at thousands of miles an hour, but violate the laws of physics, without sonic booms, without the burn of entering the atmosphere. They crash and leave a little depression and kill some plant life without leaving any debris.

You can listen to his talk. He considers it to be more of a supernatural phenomenon than a natural one.

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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by WilliamSmith »

Lucas88 wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 8:10 am
What you say about remarkable energetic phenomena with the ladies is also true. Sexual energy is identical to chi energy and therefore to the Kundalini too. I too am able to make orgasmic energy expand through a large part of my both either through sex or masturbation. My body produces chi energy very easily and I am extremely sensitive to it (hence my premature Kundalini awakening). The fact that you are able to have those energetic sensations with only a short practice of Chi Gong and simple sexual stimulation shows that you are already an advanced soul with a high-vibrational frequency and a well-developed energetic system. Most people are unable to cultivate any significant quantity of chi energy even with years of Yoga or Tai Chi.
That was awesome information in your whole post above, @Lucas88.
I want to get back to the wider range of topics later in detail, but on this: I'm pretty darned sure I'm not an advanced soul (even if I'm not that horrible :D ), so even though I'm not any kind of master and am not qualified to give any advice, I wonder if I can think of anything useful that enabled me to get more results without any advanced techniques or the benefit of training under a Chi Gong master...

I'm going to make a thread on it one of these days, but don't want to take us too far off the awesome topic of which ancient gods were possibly just extraterrestrials, so real quick will say:
I think that Chi Gong practice and what they call 'induced chi flow' can help gradually build up a stronger energy body and cultivate chi even if you don't have initial talent for it (though sounds like you might).

The Chinese Chi Gong authors whose works I read and got me some nice results trying to follow their instructions taught basic exercises like Lifting the Sky and Carrying the Moon, but also heavily emphasized the importance of not doing forceful visualizations or breathing if practicing alone, warning that trying to be forceful could lead to blockages or other potentially harmful unintended results (though probably not as much as the yoga you described leading to premature kundalini awakening).

The other big thing that comes to mind was that they taught to be aware of "induced chi flow," in which you're fully conscious and in control of yourself, but in a light trance state where you allow the flowing chi to "do it's own thing" and it causes you to perform certain movements almost as though some hidden spirit ally in the chi is giving you "automated" repair of your energy body by doing things it knows are good for you...
Sounds weird, but I've experienced it for enough years to vouch for it, and pretty sure there's no way to run into the problems you described with the Yoga, since there is no forced visualization or attempt to consciously direct the flow of energy, but it keeps building up more with continued practice (which I really should do for even longer periods every day, even though I always do at least a little every day).

I'll make another thread on that topic soon. Keep up the good work guys, I'll be checking out the Youtube videos you posted at some point when I've got time. :D
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
May 9th, 2022, 7:23 pm
Lucas88 wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 8:10 am
What you say about remarkable energetic phenomena with the ladies is also true. Sexual energy is identical to chi energy and therefore to the Kundalini too. I too am able to make orgasmic energy expand through a large part of my both either through sex or masturbation. My body produces chi energy very easily and I am extremely sensitive to it (hence my premature Kundalini awakening). The fact that you are able to have those energetic sensations with only a short practice of Chi Gong and simple sexual stimulation shows that you are already an advanced soul with a high-vibrational frequency and a well-developed energetic system. Most people are unable to cultivate any significant quantity of chi energy even with years of Yoga or Tai Chi.
That was awesome information in your whole post above, @Lucas88.
I want to get back to the wider range of topics later in detail, but on this: I'm pretty darned sure I'm not an advanced soul (even if I'm not that horrible :D ), so even though I'm not any kind of master and am not qualified to give any advice, I wonder if I can think of anything useful that enabled me to get more results without any advanced techniques or the benefit of training under a Chi Gong master...

I'm going to make a thread on it one of these days, but don't want to take us too far off the awesome topic of which ancient gods were possibly just extraterrestrials, so real quick will say:
I think that Chi Gong practice and what they call 'induced chi flow' can help gradually build up a stronger energy body and cultivate chi even if you don't have initial talent for it (though sounds like you might).

The Chinese Chi Gong authors whose works I read and got me some nice results trying to follow their instructions taught basic exercises like Lifting the Sky and Carrying the Moon, but also heavily emphasized the importance of not doing forceful visualizations or breathing if practicing alone, warning that trying to be forceful could lead to blockages or other potentially harmful unintended results (though probably not as much as the yoga you described leading to premature kundalini awakening).

The other big thing that comes to mind was that they taught to be aware of "induced chi flow," in which you're fully conscious and in control of yourself, but in a light trance state where you allow the flowing chi to "do it's own thing" and it causes you to perform certain movements almost as though some hidden spirit ally in the chi is giving you "automated" repair of your energy body by doing things it knows are good for you...
Sounds weird, but I've experienced it for enough years to vouch for it, and pretty sure there's no way to run into the problems you described with the Yoga, since there is no forced visualization or attempt to consciously direct the flow of energy, but it keeps building up more with continued practice (which I really should do for even longer periods every day, even though I always do at least a little every day).

I'll make another thread on that topic soon. Keep up the good work guys, I'll be checking out the Youtube videos you posted at some point when I've got time. :D
By advanced soul I mean that you have a well-developed energetic system and a high level of spiritual power. I'm talking specifically about the constitution of your being as opposed to any moral characteristics. You could have some moral defects and even be a complete womanizer but that wouldn't change anything. You are still an advanced soul in the sense that you have reached a high level of soul evolution relative to other humans.

That said, there are various other factors which can enable easy cultivation of chi:

The first factor is excellent physical fitness. People with an extensive history of martial arts or gymnastics training are often able to cultivate chi easier since through their unique training they have developed the body's meridian system more than the average person. The meridians run primarily through the muscles and so certain movements used in these disciplines serve to stretch and open the meridians. This naturally results in a more efficient flow of energy. You may have noticed that many postures in gymnastics resemble those of Yoga. The only real difference is the lack of breathwork in the former. Conversely a sedentary lifestyle results in more blockages of the meridians and hinders the flow of energy.

The second factor is vegetarianism. I spoke to my Chinese doctor (TCM) about diet and its influence on chi production and he told me that a vegetarian diet favors the cultivation of chi since less energy is expended with the digestion of heavy meat products. I myself am not a vegetarian but rather a pescatarian.

The third factor is abstinence from drugs and other intoxicating substances. Drug use alters the behavior of chi energy. It may stimulate it at first but then continued use will eventually diminish chi production and make its replenishment more difficult. This is why it's not wise to take drugs from a spiritual perspective. Not even so-called "harmless" drugs. Also entheogens like psilocybin and Ayahuasca should be used sparingly if at all. Those who abstain from drug use typically have better chi production and energy flow. That would mean better results from Yoga or Tai Chi practice.

The above are lifestyle-related reasons. The following however is a metaphysical one (and another eccentric rabbit hole for many).

I as an Enkist am of the view that on this planet there exist various distinct soul groups which have different origins and have followed different evolutionary paths:

The first soul group descends from Enki himself (via Adapa) and is therefore naturally equipped with a fully operational Kundalini and a certain facility for spiritual practice. I intuit that I belong to this same soul group. Souls of this kind tend to have unique sensitivity, an affinity for spirituality, noble traits, an insatiable lust for freedom and an innate hatred of tyranny and oppression. Moreover, we usually feel aversion towards Yahweh and his perverse religions since they don't resonate with our soul constitution at all.

The second and most numerous soul group was put here by Yahweh but is not his chosen people. They are the masses of ordinary souls (what some call NPCs or organic portals) who mindlessly follow the religions of Yahweh and the social doctrines of whatever place they reside in. These are the Christians and Muslims who blindly worship Yahweh/Allah despite the obvious evil in the Bible. He is the creator of their group soul after all. This soul group tends to be rather slavish and uncritical. Its members also lack spiritual power.

The third and most perverse soul group is Yahweh's elite. Those are the incarnated demonic souls (in most cases elite Jews) who rule over the nations through their global conspiracy and seek to subjugate and destroy Gentile societies. They despise the first soul group descended from Enki and see the second soul group as simply a herd of human cattle to exploit. These are the souls which have come from another dimension in order to subjugate the Earth as per a certain infamous Jewish rab-eye. They are absolutely loathsome and disgusting and are our sworn enemies. No compassion can be shown to those monsters.

External link about soul groups according to Enkism (not my website but one which I have studied): ... herent-no/

Back to the topic at hand: If you are able to cultivate chi energy so easily it is extremely likely that you belong to the first soul group.

Now, about your own Chi Gong practice, if you feel like what you are doing is safe and you are deriving tangible benefits from it by all means continue. Obviously a full-blown Kundalini awakening produces a greater shock to the meridian system but even Tai Chi done incorrectly can cause a reversal of flow in certain meridians. In fact my Chinese doctor told me about a similar case to mine in which a guy who obsessively practiced Tai Chi ended up causing the chi energy to reverse in one arm and one leg and this caused paralysis in both of these limbs. It took my Chinese doctor 6 months to undo the reversal through acupuncture treatment. Be careful and don't practice too much. You seem like you could be as sensitive to the energy as I am.
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Re: Are gods and goddesses from various religions just aliens who visited Earth?

Post by Winston »

The Divine Secret Garden audiobooks I mentioned in another thread also say that there are 3 types of people here. The majority belong to the cattle group or NPCs and are easily manipulated and do not think but just conform. The other two groups are the seed of the divine Father and Mother, and the seed of Lucifer, which descended from the offspring between Eve and the Serpent who deceived her, which could be Cain and Abel. The ruling elite and their club that runs the world supposedly descends from this "dragon bloodline" and that's why you see the S serpent symbol in the AMA logo, on the dollar sign with the line through it ($), and in the original and first secret society which is the Brotherhood of the Snake. You even see the S logo on Superman's chest, which cannot stand for Superman because in the 1978 movie you can see the same S on Jorel (Superman's father) before Superman came to Earth. So the S has another meaning. However, when you say that the aware and enlightened here are the seed of Enki, it says that it is the seed of the divine Father and Mother, who are outside of this Matrix and beyond Lucifer. So the terms are different from that paradigm you describe. But essentially have similar parallels.

What do you think? You can listen to the DSG audiobooks if you have the time here:

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