Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attitude!

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Re: Re:

Post by Guts »

I call bullshit on this. When I was in Taiwan, I was able to meet girls from dating sites just as easily as in the Philippines. After pipelining, I did not go a day without a date for the month that I was there. You need to stop generalizing your personal experience, man. If you are not getting good responses on dating sites, there is only one reason: you are not attractive enough. Taiwanese girls are not like Chinese or Filipinas in poverty who go gaga if you are from the West, they are not looking for providers, they want attractive guys as in both personality AND looks. Let's be realistic here, online girls in affluent countries only care about two things when they look at your profile: Your age and your pictures. If they don't like what they see, of course they will not respond to your message. Get real now.
You sound very elitist. Yeah, if we were all tall and good looking with loads of charm and charisma we'd all be a lot better off. But most men aren't. Winston's description of Taiwanese women sounds a lot like the way South Korean and Japanese women are as well. It's no wonder NE Asia is the most sterile place on Earth and once again proves the 80/20 rule is alive and well. NE Asian women are spoiled brats.

By the way, did any of those dates actually turn into a lasting relationship or were you just mongering?
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by MrBlueLight »

No, his description sounds like how Taiwanese women behave toward STRANGERS. What he thinks is entitlement is just them smelling his sleazy air from miles away. Resistance to pick-up attempt IS NOT entitlement. Winston is just butt-hurt.

And for your information, I am not looking for long-lasting relationship. What is mongering anyways? One thing is for sure, Taiwanese women are as much givers in a relationship as they are receivers, they are the exact opposite of Pinays. I have had Taiwanese women pay for the entire date, buying me gifts, and driving me around the city. These are loyal women and are mostly "good girls". You rarely hear about Taiwanese women cheating on their men. You don't need to be butt-hurt just because you can't get them.
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by chanta76 »


Winston has sexist views in matter of fact many of the posters that come to this site or even Roosh sites have sexist views. I mean that's part of the big reason why many of the guys complain about American women because American women are too strong.

I don't think you and Winston are far apart. I feel that you also have entitlement issues regarding in getting girls. The difference is your probably better looking than Winston with better game and therefore you are able to score better than Winston but that's it. I think.

Again I never been to Taiwan so i can't say how the country is like but from other people reports it's somewhat similar to South korea . I don't know how prevalent it is but even in Taiwan there are local Taiwanese men that go overseas looking for wives. The same applies to South Korea. Granted most of these guys are the social losers but hey you can say it's the same with Western guys that go overseas being the "unwanted in their own country".

Anytime men have to go overseas to look for wives (not sex tours) it spells to me that the women in their own country is too hard to deal with. Granted you dealt with Taiwnese women so you have your personal experience but many of North East Asian women are becoming superficial and spoiled. Go to South Korea you see lots of that type .. I don't think Taiwan is that far behind.
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by green1976 »

chanta76 wrote:Mr.Bluelight,

Winston has sexist views in matter of fact many of the posters that come to this site or even Roosh sites have sexist views. I mean that's part of the big reason why many of the guys complain about American women because American women are too strong.

I don't think you and Winston are far apart. I feel that you also have entitlement issues regarding in getting girls. The difference is your probably better looking than Winston with better game and therefore you are able to score better than Winston but that's it. I think.

Again I never been to Taiwan so i can't say how the country is like but from other people reports it's somewhat similar to South korea .I don't know how prevalent it is but even in Taiwan there are local Taiwanese men that go overseas looking for wives. The same applies to South Korea. Granted most of these guys are the social losers but hey you can say it's the same with Western guys that go overseas being the "unwanted in their own country".

Anytime men have to go overseas to look for wives (not sex tours) it spells to me that the women in their own country is too hard to deal with. Granted you dealt with Taiwnese women so you have your personal experience but many of North East Asian women are becoming superficial and spoiled. Go to South Korea you see lots of that type .. I don't think Taiwan is that far behind.
I agree most of guys who goes overseas are doing this not because it's a hobby or a free's because they don't have the possibility to score women at home.

When i hear the propaganda in France and it should be the same in the US,they paint these guys as men who can get women in their countries but they go abroad because they want more and feel the need to have a submissive woman.
They reverse the story and it end up of guys being bad and western women being left alone.
That's so much a lie and they know it.

Give it to these SK men the possiblity to get less entitled women,most of them would stay at home and don't look abroad.

And regarding Winston problem of Taiwanese women not liking to be cold approached, I'm on his boat because i dislike conformist society where you cannot flirt or chat with a woman you don't know first.

I think it's a good plus to a society where men and women can meet, even if it's just a relaxing converstion without looking like a weird character.

It's true women in general are way more against meeting strangers than men but for me it's a great possibility to be in a country where women are receptive and nice to talk and not defensive against men.
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by MrBlueLight »

Yes, there are a subset of losers who go abroad to look for wives because you couldn't get any back home. But putting American and Asian women side-by-side and the difference in quality is immediately apparent. So for those who have the option of going abroad, why not?
And for your information, I went abroad to America, not the other way around. Now I am just back home ;)

Like it or not, Taiwan has very low crime rate thanks to its citizens being constantly wary of strangers. It's a fair trade-off, I think.
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by MrMan »

It could be that mainland China women are taught to be very practical about looking for a husband, to find one who earns a good living with a stable job or business, etc. Women from Taiwan are from a nearly developed country. If a mainland Chinese woman finds a husband from the US who earns a developed country wage, she might think he's a good catch. If he's Chinese to boot, there isn't an interracial issue with her mom and dad.
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by MrBlueLight »

Taiwanese women also care much about finding a husband with good earning potential. One of the reasons that = Winston and other sexpats are having so much trouble :D
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attitude!

Post by Winston »

Check this out. Monkro agrees with me that the girls in Mainland China are a lot more engaging, talkative and conversational than the girls in Taiwan, based on his experience too. Why does this big difference exist? And why am i the only one who mentions it on the internet? And how come even expert expats like Rock refuse to admit this even though its obvious and noticeable, as though it were a sin to admit such things? I don't get that.

How do you get Taiwanese girls to open up and be more engaging? They are COLDER than ICE! No joke. Have you noticed that in Mainland China the girls are a lot more engaging and talkative and enthusiastic than Taiwan? It's a very noticeable difference. Why am I the only one who mentions it online?


"I’m not sure how to get TW girls to open up. In the past when I tried meeting TW girls, most were not open to me but a very few were. I didn’t say or do anything different.

I think your right that there are mainland CN girls can be more engaging than TW girls. The vast majority of girls in CN are not into me, but there were a higher percentage there that were more engaging and talkative than in TW."

I asked Zboy1 about this too. His reply:


"Chinese mainland girls are way gentler, sweeter and sexier than cold Taiwanese girls.
I never dated one but I could feel the negative vibes from Taiwanese girls.
It's the same with Korean girls, too.
The fact that Chinese mainlanders are insulated from the outside world kind of helps keep the girls from becoming corrupted like in Taiwan, Singapore or South Korea."

My reply:

Yeah Taiwanese girls definitely have a negative vibe in general. It feels like they will hate or dislike someone for no reason, just for the sake of it. Like they will judge and blow you off for no reason. I hate that. It's kinda creepy. Hard to put into words, but u can feel it.

However you aren't allowed to mention this for some reason even though it's real. It's like saying "the emperor has no clothes". You are expected to not see it, even though it's real and easily noticeable since vibes don't lie and can't be covered up.

Do Japanese girls have the same vibe as Taiwanese and Korean girls?

I've never understood how Taiwanese men connect with Taiwanese women and date or marry them. It seems like an impossible task since u cant even connect with them in a positive healthy manner.

Also those who say Taiwanese are friendly never differentiate between young and old. Because only taiwanese who are elderly or middle age, over 50, are talkative and engaging. But the young Taiwanese crowd are super cold and closed and cliquish to the extreme. Especially young women and girls. The contrast is enormous. Yet no one differentiates and draws this line for some reason. Its odd. How can everyone be so blind or afraid to point out the obvious? This difference is easily noticeable in 5 minutes to anyone that is alive.
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Re: Re:

Post by Winston »

MrBlueLight wrote:
November 26th, 2014, 10:26 am
Winston wrote:Let me show you all how f***ing impossible it is to get a Taiwanese girl to meet you from a dating site. After writing many messages to this girl on OkCupid, she finally replies. When I ask her why it's so difficult to meet any Taiwanese female from a dating site, she explains why below.
Hey sorry for my late reply, Been so busy for the Xmas performance n the final exam, I'm an Englush teacher in TW. Have been to many countries so far. Used to studied in Aust n worked there for about two years. Been to LA for ten days trip but not very familir wiz the US. Studied in LOndon for about a month then ten days trip in Europe, etc. Anyway I luv to travel n maybe I have more conflicting feeling towards TW.haha I'm wondering how come u have the question about the dating website as u r working on part of the kinda website, rnt u? Sorry if I misunderstood about what ur doing wiz ur job... well if u ask me, probably I would say ppl here are not really for frds. Some bad news about the dating sites on TV news really make ppl feel disappointed n scared. That's why I rarely reply. I only met one person 4 years ago. Then never again. Mostly talked few times on skype then gone. It's hard I think. To be honest, till now I still wonder if ur honest wiz what u wrote or not lol! :) Anyway thank u for the Xmas wish! Merry Xmas to u too. If u like, u can add my FB, but I rarely reply, too busy lately.....
As you can see, she says she does not like to meet guys from dating sites in person. WTF?! If so, then why is she on a dating site? WTF?! Why is it so God damn difficult? Why so many f***ing hang ups?! How is this any better than dating in America? WTF is Rock smoking?! Why does he always say the exact OPPOSITE of what the truth is?! WTF?!
I call bullshit on this. When I was in Taiwan, I was able to meet girls from dating sites just as easily as in the Philippines. After pipelining, I did not go a day without a date for the month that I was there. You need to stop generalizing your personal experience, man. If you are not getting good responses on dating sites, there is only one reason: you are not attractive enough. Taiwanese girls are not like Chinese or Filipinas in poverty who go gaga if you are from the West, they are not looking for providers, they want attractive guys as in both personality AND looks. Let's be realistic here, online girls in affluent countries only care about two things when they look at your profile: Your age and your pictures. If they don't like what they see, of course they will not respond to your message. Get real now.
Well I call bullshit on you @MrBlueLight. You have not been vetted and could be making up stuff or BSing or just an NPC who is programmed to lie. No way can Taiwan be compared to the Philippines. There's no way you could be dating girls everyday in Taiwan, for one simple reason: If a Taiwanese person wants to meet you, they always do it on the weekend, not weekday. They are very prudish and square and normie and normies in NE Asia only go out on weekends, if ever. They are not cool like Russian girls or Filipina girls who can hang out any day of the week and are generous with their time as long as you pay for everything. That's not how Taiwanese or Chinese are. Even in China, women only wanna meet on weekends when they have a day off. Not on weekdays. That's how NE Asian culture is, very SQUARE and STRICT and NARROW and UPTIGHT and RESTRICTIVE.

Heck, in Taiwan you can't even eat a late lunch at 2pm or 3pm, because restaurants close between 2pm and 5pm, which is not the case in China or America where restaurants open all afternoon. So again, everything in Taiwan is very STRICT and UPTIGHT. If you are carefree and relaxed and laid back and fun loving, you will find Taiwan to be a sort of LIVING HELL. No offense, but I don't believe you and you sound like you have never even been to Taiwan and could just be making all this shit up. You don't even sound down to earth or real or authentic. Nothing you say matches reality or common sense.

Even if I was attractive enough for Taiwanese women, the problem is that if they are super shallow and low vibration and have a NEGATIVE vibe and aura, I would not resonate with them anyway. Women especially pick up on it if you are different and not on their frequency and will dislike you immediately, even if you are handsome. That's how they are. It's not all about looks. It's about frequency too. People can tell if you are different, you can't pretend to be like them if you are not.
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by Winston »

MrBlueLight wrote:
November 28th, 2014, 8:45 am
Chinese girls (in the city) are way more pragmatic than Taiwanese girls. It takes longer for Taiwanese girls to warm up, but when they like you, they like you for being you. When Chinese girls like you, they usually want to get something tangible from you. Plus Chinese girls talk loud, act in a masculine way, and most have poor fashion sense. I will take Taiwanese girls any day :)
I'm sorry but you obviously have never been to China. No one who has been there says that Chinese women only like you if they want something from you. That's a false stereotype among narrow minded Taiwanese, which I've heard before but only from the ignorant.

Chinese women are NOT desperate. Anyone who's been there knows that. Ask @yick. He will tell you that they are not desperate at all. That's a false stereotype by ignorant people. It's obvious you know nothing about China and have never been there. So you are not qualified to compare anything.

Chinese women can be very materialistic and pragmatic too, but they are way more NATURAL and SOCIAL. They make eye contact with people and are more social in their personality. They reply to me on WeChat too, and will invite me to go out to places. In contrast, no one replies to me in Taiwan, not even my own Taiwanese cousins who were friendly to me in the 1980s and 1990s. They all ignore my messages. So it cannot be about being a stranger. And the problem cannot be me since I am friendly, open, and likable. Ask anyone who is down to earth and mature and level headed who has met me, and they will tell you that I am a warm likable guy. So the problem cannot be me.

I've never met a Taiwanese girl who liked me for me. Except for one westernized one, but she was different from the norm.

However, even if a Taiwanese girl likes you, what can you do about it? They can't hold a conversation worth shit and are for sure the WORST conversationalists in Asia. NOTHING to talk about. Even if you speak Chinese or they speak English, no difference. It's not about education either. In the Philippines I can hold hours of conversation with girls who are uneducated and speak little English, because I can vibe with them naturally. Not so in Taiwan. Every girl there has NOTHING to say and cannot generate any decent normal conversation at all. I swear to God. Not making it up. It's worse than you think!

So even if you have great social skills or conversation skills, it's useless in Taiwan because the girls are eggheads and have ZERO personality and ZERO conversation skills. They are SHIT, plain and simple. What can you do about that? Nothing? I asked many about this and no one knows. Everyone is clueless.

But then again they are all NPCs for sure, so they are a different species and frequency and soul group then me. Almost like a different reality in fact.

I would never say all this if it weren't true. Ask any guy who knows me. I NEVER make up stuff.
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by Winston »

MrBlueLight wrote:
December 2nd, 2014, 3:05 am
No, his description sounds like how Taiwanese women behave toward STRANGERS. What he thinks is entitlement is just them smelling his sleazy air from miles away. Resistance to pick-up attempt IS NOT entitlement. Winston is just butt-hurt.

And for your information, I am not looking for long-lasting relationship. What is mongering anyways? One thing is for sure, Taiwanese women are as much givers in a relationship as they are receivers, they are the exact opposite of Pinays. I have had Taiwanese women pay for the entire date, buying me gifts, and driving me around the city. These are loyal women and are mostly "good girls". You rarely hear about Taiwanese women cheating on their men. You don't need to be butt-hurt just because you can't get them.
Not true. Even if a Taiwanese woman is introduced to me by a mutual friend, she is still cold and unfriendly and puts out a NEGATIVE UNFRIENDLY vibe. Very weird and creepy and awkward for sure. Their problem, not mine. I am open and social as everyone knows.

Also most of my Taiwanese cousins are cold too and silent and ignore my texts on social media. They do that to my other cousins too, so it's not just me, I was told. How do you explain that? Yet they were friendly to me in the 80s and 90s when they were young. Once they grow up, they become colder than ice and zombie like and soulless and want nothing to do with you. That's sort of how modern people are, very reclusive, but in Taiwan it's taken to an extreme. Like Seattle but 10 times worse. Not my fault. Why do you keep FALSELY trying to pit the blame on me when I'm innocent and did nothing wrong? Totally illogical and dishonest and mean spirited.

Yes Taiwanese are generous about treating you. But that's it. They aren't generous with their time in that they will hang out. They usually don't wanna see you more than once a year, because they are not your real friends, just polite acquaintances.

In the US it's simlar, women are generous with their money but not their time. Unless they like you a lot, they won't wanna hang out with you or show you around. In contrast, in Russia and the Philippines, the women are generous with their time but not their money. They will be glad to hang out and spend time with you and show you around their town, as long as you PAY for everything of course. They won't spend their money on you, so they are stingy with their money. But they are generous with their time, unlike American or Taiwanese women who are super stingy with their time. This is one of many INVERSES between Americans/Taiwanese and Russians/FIlipinos that I've noticed in my experience.

Btw I forgot to mention that in Mainland China, the women are also generous and will treat you to dinner too.
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by Winston »

MrBlueLight wrote:
December 5th, 2014, 10:56 pm
Taiwanese women also care much about finding a husband with good earning potential. One of the reasons that = Winston and other sexpats are having so much trouble :D
That makes no sense. Sorry. If they won't even talk to me or get to know me, how would they know if I'm a millionaire or billionaire? George Lucas dresses like a normal guy too in jeans and t-shirt. So not all rich people show off. Most do not.

However, even if I was super rich and they liked me, we all know that relationships built on money do not last. Especially if the woman is soulless and has no conversation skills and is a dud and awkward person with bad vibes. So again, it wouldn't matter. If you cannot vibe with them, it doesn't matter whether you have money or not. You obviously have no experience in real life relationships, no offense, and are just talking out of your ass to ridicule others. There is ZERO WISDOM or SENSE In anything you say. It's obvious you have no experience in real relationships and don't know how they work. You are just basing it on shallow stereotypes and shallow explanations.

Even with Taiwanese prostitutes I have trouble getting hard or ejaculating, because they are SOOOO COLD and REPTILIAN, I cannot get comfortable or warm. Certainly that's NOT my fault. How do you explain that? I swear I am basing all this on my REAL experiences. Your words don't mean shit becuase I know what I see and experience firsthand. Anyone like you can BS online, but I know what I see in real life. So you can't fool me, sorry.
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attitude!

Post by Winston »

To back up everything I've said above, here is the link to my photo album of me in Mainland China, containing 1300 photos. As you can see, the girls there are not as open and fun loving as in the Philippines of course, so it's not a dating paradise. But they are definitely a lot MORE SOCIAL than girls in Taiwan or America. More NORMAL and NATURAL too, not afraid to make eye contact with others (which Taiwanese can't for some odd reason, similar to Japanese), and more down to earth too. You can see it in these photos. There are many pics in this album, around 1300, so take your time to scroll through them.

Again, I'm not saying that China is easy or a dating paradise by any means, not for everyone that is, but the women/girls there are definitely more SOCIAL and NATURAL than in prudish, uptight, cold, cliquish places like Taiwan, that's for sure. More like REAL human beings in other words. Not afraid to make eye contact with others either.

One more thing. It may be slightly inappropriate to flirt in Mainland China, but it doesn't feel like a big taboo the way it does in Taiwan, where it is seen as immoral and wrong and creepy and out of bounds, similar to America where it feels wrong and violating too, as if you are doing something wrong if you flirt with girls.

Photo below of mainland Chinese girls treating me to dinner after chatting with me on the street. This never happens in Taiwan. So you see, I speak from FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCE.

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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by Winston »

MrBlueLight wrote:
December 5th, 2014, 10:56 pm
Taiwanese women also care much about finding a husband with good earning potential. One of the reasons that = Winston and other sexpats are having so much trouble :D
You obviously don't understand people or psychology or relationships. Let me ask you something. Do you have any real close friends that you care about genuinely? If so, do you care if they are rich or poor or what their financial status is? Does their financial status make you like them more or less?

The point is: If you really care about someone or like them, it doesn't matter what their financial status is. It's only if you do NOT like them that you use it against them as an excuse to justify your PRE-EXISTING dislike of them. That's how women work. If they like you, they don't care about your money or status. It's only if they don't like you that they use something to justify it, like your looks or class or income, etc. Any little thing to justify their dislike of you. That's how women work. Didn't you know that? It's basic psychology too.

A couple who is truly in love doesn't care about their status. They try to make things work because they wanna be together.

You also sound like a shallow American who is toxic and always tells people "you're not good enough" and likes to put people down and judge them negatively, which is what we are trying to get away from. Not good.
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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attit

Post by Winston »

MrBlueLight wrote:
December 5th, 2014, 2:17 am
Yes, there are a subset of losers who go abroad to look for wives because you couldn't get any back home. But putting American and Asian women side-by-side and the difference in quality is immediately apparent. So for those who have the option of going abroad, why not?
And for your information, I went abroad to America, not the other way around. Now I am just back home ;)

Like it or not, Taiwan has very low crime rate thanks to its citizens being constantly wary of strangers. It's a fair trade-off, I think.
I disagree. People don't have to be paranoid to be safe. They just have to be peaceful and non-violent. Cambodia is safe too, but people aren't paranoid or closed off like in Taiwan. Same with Vietnam. Paranoia is useless and brings people down to LOW vibrational frequency. All New Agers will tell you that. There is also a thread on the forum that people obsessed with safety are mentally ill. A healthy society is not obsessed with safety.

A sterile safe environment does not allow growth or evolution of soul or mind. It's not natural. We are not meant to live that way. That's what stupid ignorant Taiwanese and you don't understand, because you are not wise or spiritual or evolved or old souls. No offense. A spade is a spade. Unfortunately, there is nothing to grow your mind or soul in Taiwan. Time just passes and is wasted. It is a 100 percent NPC land. If a nuclear bomb destroyed Taiwan, it would be like destroying people in a video game like Grand Theft Auto. lol. No one could be more soulless than Taiwanese. No offense. Just being honest.
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