All Asian Languages Compared :)

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All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

East and South East Asia are amazing because there's so much strong differentiation of languages in so many nations, even when there's strong strains of shared cultural and genetic history (e.g. Chinese influences, Indian influences, etc).
@Lucas88 is lucky since he is so passionate about Spanish language speaking countries, and I'm not unlucky either since a lot of African or Caribbean countries are fluent in English as a primary language even though they have many older languages, but if you're headed for East or South East Asia, most of those countries have their own distinct language, and few of them are mutually intelligible. :o
This makes them fascinating and they're a pleasure to study, but my theoretic plans to eventually sail around there mean I'll have a lot of basics to brush up on in more than one language for sure. :lol:
Which are your favorites? :)

These samples box the perception in to whoever was chosen to speak in these tiny clips, but subjective impressions, just for fun:

I like Tamil from Sri Lanka. (I had a long post awhile ago about the charms of a curvy Sri Lankan girl in another thread, but that was an Americanized girl and I never heard their interesting language before this.)

Hindi sounded pretty appealing from this short clip...

Mongolian sounds OK but shares those obvious horse barbarian roots that made Mandarin the unfortunate ghastly Frankenstein-like creature it is...

Korean is interesting! Like with Vietnamese, I met a number of people from there and liked them, but never heard their native language until later. Interesting (subjectively) how it has some similarities with Japanese, but still very different...

The Japanese guy here sounds strangely docile and like an android, though as I've said elsewhere, I love Japanese.
I also think it's the ultimate sexual dimorphism language, possibly second to Lucas88's Spanish: It has the potential to be totally masculine when the men speak it at their best, but also totally feminine when the women speak it. ;)

Mandarin as usual is just like being tortured to be forced to hear it even if hot chicks are speaking that utterly awful nasal locust language... But like I said before, I honestly really don't dislike anyone who was cursed with the unfortunate fate of having to speak that god-awful un-Chinese mongol horse barbarian language at all, and good luck to Emperor Xi in smashing the Anal Empire and ZOG Bankers! :mrgreen: Maybe if they achieve a crushing victory against the ZOG bankers and become the saviors of us all, then later they can get back in touch with their real Chinese roots and come to the realization they should be speaking Cantonese, but anyway:

Shanghai, well there's stunningly beautiful girls from there, and it's one of the most amazing places in the world, but yeah, it's about as bad as Mandarin...

Taiwanese is the one where they delude themselves into thinking it's not as bad as the other forms of Mandarin, but it's still at least 90% as bad. @Winston what do you think about that, by the way? I actually think Taiwanese people and Mainlanders are wonderful people, unlike you who get denounced widely by them for your outspoken views, yet the language... well, all I can say is I did enjoy hearing ultra-girly Taiwanese chicks speak it while giggling and balling their fists in the air, but it still sounds a bit too much like Mandarin for comfort...

Teochew sounds like the mixed offspring of Mandarin and something vaguely more Chinese and more palatable, but still sounds too much like Mandarin to deny it's still a form of auditory torture.

Hakka isn't quite as bad. A lot of people who speak that claim it's closer to the old Chinese, but my guess is they're full of it and Cantonese is the one that actually really is closest to that...

Cantonese sounds like pure gold, there's just no language like it, it's the best! This has to be the actual language closes to the classical/middle Chinese, since the Tang poetry and other old poetry rhymes so beautifully in Cantonese, but sounds totally out of whack in these other Chinese languages.....

Thai is cool! :D

Khmer (Cambodian) has a slightly iffy example chosen here but I still think it's pretty cool. I'll get more clips later.

Laos has a really cool interesting language that has an interesting softer edge to it. I love it!

Vietnamese is an awesome language, I'm very into it and am even thinking about learning it since it is such an appealing country. I wouldn't regret it even if I never travelled there. It's also way easier to learn vs many other languages depending on either traditional characters (漢字) or unique scripts, since they just use that handful of diacritics on top of the so-called Latin script.

Filipino (tagalog) I like, but don't think this particular vid had the nicest examples, so I'll try another later...

Malay/Indonesian sounds cool, but that's a totally new one on me. They throw in a lot of English "loan words" in that sample, like "Kongish" (Hong Kong Cantonese loaded with English loan words). :)
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

All right, here's more! :mrgreen:
Asian Languages Part 1 - Which languages sound the best to you?

Languages from East Asia:
- Mongolian
- Vietnamese
- Chinese
- Thai
- Burmese
- Japanese
- Korean

Hmm, Mongolians into somewhat Westernized fasion trends I guess, but the girls look pretty healthy.

Vietnamese, they gave samples of North and South I guess.
Good looking girl in green chowing down on the Southern Vietnamese food.

Now this time the soft-spoken Mandarin speaking woman made that language sound nice, so that's nice even if it's not my thing.
Then they have a somewhat hesitant sounding Cantonese this time, but I still like that one.

Weird choice to represent Thais, but at least there were no trannies...

Totally adorable Burmese kid. :)
Their language sounds nice.

Japanese has some doofus pop culture TV show that sounds more like how the modern day generations tend to speak it, more or less...

Korean is still one I'm not real familiar with but sounds quite related to Japanese...
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Asian Languages Part 2 - Which languages sound the best to you?

Languages of East Asia:
- Tagalog
- Khmer
- Malay
- Indonesian
- Lao
- Tibetan

Tagalog gets a better showing here than in the other clip. Sounds nice to me. :)

Khmer sounds pretty cool too. Last time I checked Cambodia is one of the few Asian countries that will grant dual citizenships.

LOL, @Oucast9428 what do you think of those good-looking Malaysian women there?


Oh, the Lao one, very polished presentation...

Tibetan is interesting, you can hear some Northern roots there with the Mongols and Northern Chinese maybe...
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 1st, 2022, 2:05 am
East and South East Asia are amazing because there's so much strong differentiation of languages in so many nations, even when there's strong strains of shared cultural and genetic history (e.g. Chinese influences, Indian influences, etc).
@Lucas88 is lucky since he is so passionate about Spanish language speaking countries, and I'm not unlucky either since a lot of African or Caribbean countries are fluent in English as a primary language even though they have many older languages, but if you're headed for East or South East Asia, most of those countries have their own distinct language, and few of them are mutually intelligible. :o
This makes them fascinating and they're a pleasure to study, but my theoretic plans to eventually sail around there mean I'll have a lot of basics to brush up on in more than one language for sure. :lol:
Which are your favorites? :)
Yep, my first and most beloved foreign language is spoken across vast areas of land and in some of the most interesting and most culturally rich countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, much of the Caribbean, and of course Spain. I love the Hispanic world much more than anywhere else and would prioritize Spanish over English any day. I don't care that English is used as a lingua franca in more parts of the globe (or motionless domed plane if you're into that kinda stuff :lol: ). I don't like most countries anyway. I would ideally prefer to live my life exclusively in the Hispanic world.

As for Asian languages, even though I studied Japanese and reached a high level of fluency I'm not a fan of Asian languages at all. I don't think that I'll ever study another one. Mandarin, Japanese and Korean are known as the big three but none of them appeal to me nowadays. Mandarin is the clearest and most straightforward of the big three but isn't very pretty as you've already not-so-subtly pointed out. Japanese is just a mess in terms of its grammar and lexical constitution and suffers from an obvious monotony of sound due to its comparatively small phonological inventory. Korean is even more needlessly convoluted than Japanese. Then you've got the lesser known Asian languages in SEA such as Tagalog and Malay/Indonesian in the insular regions and Thai, Laos, Burmese, Khmer and Vietnamese on the mainland. My impression of Tagalog and Malay/Indonesian is that they are primitive languages which lack the grammatical and lexical richness of European languages, give off an almost "tribal" vibe and are full of Western loanwords due to their underdeveloped state (this is especially noticeable with Tagalog). The mainland languages such as Thai, Laos, Burmese, etc. are spoken in very limited regions and are not worth studying unless you have an obsession with a particular country in the region. In short, no Asian languages interest me.

I'm sorry that I can only give a negative answer but I now have a very Eurocentric view of languages. As chauvinistic as this may sound, I even believe that European languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Greek and even English are more evolved than most non-European languages, although there are some exceptions such as Chinese which also has a long and illustrious history and is the language of a magnificent multi-millennial world civilization. The only Asian language which I love and truly admire (if we are including South Asian languages too) is Sanskrit, the oldest of the Indo-European languages which are spoken from Northern India all the way to Western Europe. I've read a lot about Sanskrit and studied its phonology and grammar as well as some basic vocabulary and like so many others I'm of the view that it is an absolute masterpiece with a level of plasticity and lexical precision unparalleled in any other language. Its words have a special kind of power to them. They almost feel like they are imbued with magic. No wonder Indians call it the language of the gods. I believe that Sanskrit has an extraterrestrial origin and that its earliest form was brought to Earth by an advanced civilization. That would explain its unbelievable level of evolution despite its extreme antiquity.

As for which Asian language in your list sounds best, I don't know. None of them sound particularly pretty to me. Maybe Thai or Northern Vietnamese is a little prettier than the rest.
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 1st, 2022, 9:20 pm
The only Asian language which I love and truly admire (if we are including South Asian languages too) is Sanskrit, the oldest of the Indo-European languages which are spoken from Northern India all the way to Western Europe. I've read a lot about Sanskrit and studied its phonology and grammar as well as some basic vocabulary and like so many others I'm of the view that it is an absolute masterpiece with a level of plasticity and lexical precision unparalleled in any other language. Its words have a special kind of power to them. They almost feel like they are imbued with magic. No wonder Indians call it the language of the gods. I believe that Sanskrit has an extraterrestrial origin and that its earliest form was brought to Earth by an advanced civilization. That would explain its unbelievable level of evolution despite its extreme antiquity.
Ahhh, Sanskrit! There's a rich topic for future discussion! I don't have a personal feel for the language (which is no surprise since I'm just a barbaric churl instinctually inclined toward Germanic languages, but more inexplicably Cantonese for reasons I can't really explain :lol: ), yet I remember I was a young boy in pre-internet days with my jaw hitting the floor reading stuff in old retro paperbacks from Ramayana and other translations from ancient Sanskrit about Vimanas and ancient wars where it sounds like UFOs and ancient equivalents of nuclear weapons were being used, and I became interested in the "Ancient Aliens" concept way, way "before it was cool," LOL. We'd better get back into that topic another time. For the time being I'm just looking at languages with theoretic practical value for my own survival. :mrgreen:
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Wow, here is one with 44 languages in 2 videos:

44 LANGUAGES of ASIA [part 1]

0:09 Tajik, Tajikistan
Damn that's a good looking woman from Tajikstan.

0:32 Mandarin, Taiwan
Yeah there's Taiwanese again kidding themselves their take on Mandarin supposedly isn't as bad, but proves my point about girly-girls from there. Very cute!!!

0:58 Bengali, Bangladesh
Sounds pretty neat... !

1:25 Thai, Thailand
Very pious traditional bow there.
@Outcast9428 you might like this!
A bit formal otherwise but I like it.

1:55 Kazakh, Kazakhstan
Wow, neat, you can hear familial roots with Russian...

2:17 Russian, Kazakhstan
Sounds good, you guys who like both Asian and white chicks can learn this...

2:48 Tetum, Timor-Leste
That's pretty cool sounding!

3:22 Korean, South Korea
Good looking girl there, a bit too youthful and anime-ish for me, but quite pretty. I didn't hear the resemblance to Japanese as much in this one (just subjective).

3:50 Hindi, India

4:14 Malay, Malaysia
Oooh, that's a hot woman in that pretty head-covering... whatever-its-called. I respectfully keep away from Malaysia because I don't want to offend them with my womanizing, but now I'm living on a boat and we're thinking about sailing there I give more thought to looking into visiting that country. (Not to steal their women though, I just think it's wonderful, and approve of legendary former PM Mahathir bin Mohamad and their overall anti-semitism and homophobia, heavens bless Malaysia!!!)

4:36 Dzongkha, Bhutan
Sounds pretty neat, I'm a bit lost in the shuffle though.

5:04 Mongolian, Mongolia
OHH YEAH, @Outcast9428 look at this Asian beauty. I think she must be using a lot of make-up to make herself look that ghost-white, but I like the ruby-red lips and black silky hair, don't you?

5:34 Khmer, Cambodia
Hmm, this clip was a bit businesslike.

6:01 Pashto, Afghanistan
6:25 Dari, Afghanistan

6:50 Indonesian, Indonesia
Sounds pretty cool.

7:21 Korean, North Korea
Oh, so that's North Korean! Interesting...

7:45 Maldivian, Maldives

8:07 Malay, Singapore
I like it, but I'm lost in enough unfamiliar language I don't have exposure to, many are starting to sound similar...

8:35 Mandarin, Singapore
Ahh, wong wa locust language again, LOL!
Well, she looks like a nice girl anyway.

9:02 Nepali, Nepal

9:29 Burmese, Myanmar

9:59 Kyrgyz, Kyrgyzstan

10:24 Russian, Kyrgyzstan
LOL, Asian chicks speaking Russian again. She does have a slightly more macho look than the average Asian chick. :mrgreen:

10:52 Filipino, Philippines
So that's tagalog from these two BBWs, LOL? All those lucky "Western" retirees living it up there are lucky that the little smoking hot babe you claimed was in the top 5% on big butts are so rare there (viewtopic.php?p=375920#p375920), or else if I wound up single I'd definitely be storming over there as soon as I got too tired out to hold my own vs violent younger black men in the Caribbean and so on. :lol:

11:18 Sinhala, Sri Lanka

11:42 Tamil, Sri Lanka
Interesting, sounds very different from the above. I didn't even know about that.

12:06 Vietnamese, Vietnam
AHH, I love Vietnamese!! Good looking girl too. And they show how they just use Latin script with that handful of easy diacritic markers. I love 漢字 (traditional Chinese characters and kanji), but the simplification of Vietnamese sure makes it easier!

12:37 Uzbek, Uzbekistan

13:01 Mandarin, China
Good-looking girls speaking locust language again. :mrgreen:

13:31 Cantonese, China
Interesting cute girl who looks like an extra-terrestrial with some very soft-spoken Cantonese. I'll follow up with some more samples to decisively prove how Cantonese is the greatest, even if this sample doesn't make that clear.

13:54 Turkmen, Turkmenistan

14:20 Lao, Laos
Interesting, I'm ignorant on it but it didn't sound like the other Lao people I've heard speaking their nice language before...

14:50 Urdu, Pakistan

15:10 Malay, Brunei Darussalam
Another good-looking Malay girl.

15:33 Japanese, Japan
Japanese is completely unique: No other languages sound even vaguely related, except Korean which I'm pretty sure is influenced by Japan and not vice-versa.... though I'd better look deeper into the old history.
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

44 LANGUAGES of ASIA [part 2]

This one gets seriously "Middle Eastern" vs what's often thought of as "Asian," but see for yourself:

0:13 Arabic

0:42 Georgian

1:15 Persian

1:40 Azerbaijani

2:06 Hebrew

2:33 Armenian

3:03 Turkish

3:41 Kurdish

4:05 Hokkien
Ohh, cute, LOL! It sounds too much like Mandarin yet here's a surprise oasis of feminity after the brutal displays above, LOL.

4:40 Tibetan

5:09 Hakka

5:43 Punjabi
No clue about this, but from tonality alone she sounds like she's nagging me about a bunch of BS same as the Montanan logger-town babes of my place of origin (before they make the evening switch over from daytime karening to demanding sex), LOL.

6:16 Marathi

6:39 Javanese
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Official languages in Southeast Asia:

They didn't put them in the order listed in the description, but I'll try to rearrange:

◇Philippines: Filipino & English

◇Vietnam: Vietnamese

◇Brunei: Malay

◇Laos: Lao

◇Malaysia: Malay

◇Thailand: Thai

◇Singapore: Malay, Mandarin, Tamil & English
If you're in Singapore, no matter which language you speak, don't forget to stand 6+ feet apart or the robotic social-distancing police-dogs might chase you off the streets!!

◇Myanmar: Burmese
Oh man, that's a great looking woman! Reminds me of Carrie Ng.
@Outcast9428 check her out.
Cool sounding language.
Neat setting too.

◇Indonesia: Indonesian

◇Cambodia: Khmer
This is awesome, great lighting, setting, and makeup, LOL.

◇Timor-Leste: Tetum & Portuguese
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Wow, that was a lot of super-polite hyper-civilized material showing all those other languages. Now here's the first part in what'll probably be a long series proving objectively that Cantonese is the best language, ever!! (Not just among the Asian languages.)

From my VHS tape from the early 1990s:

@Outcast9428 leave this girl to me, her name is "Virgin" but she isn't the type you're after!

Virgin rides shotgun to the gun raid and tries to reach the 'Big O' while Gou Fei drives, then chucks an M26 "Lemon" Hand Grenade into a carful of gun runners who made a rude remark to her after they block the overpass.

Original Cantonese 廣東話 audio (no girly English dub or nasal Mandarin 蝗語 "Locust Language" dub).
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by MrMan »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 2nd, 2022, 12:29 am
Official languages in Southeast Asia:

They didn't put them in the order listed in the description, but I'll try to rearrange:

◇Philippines: Filipino & English

◇Vietnam: Vietnamese

◇Brunei: Malay

◇Laos: Lao

◇Malaysia: Malay

◇Thailand: Thai

◇Singapore: Malay, Mandarin, Tamil & English
If you're in Singapore, no matter which language you speak, don't forget to stand 6+ feet apart or the robotic social-distancing police-dogs might chase you off the streets!!

◇Myanmar: Burmese
Oh man, that's a great looking woman! Reminds me of Carrie Ng.
@Outcast9428 check her out.
Cool sounding language.
Neat setting too.

◇Indonesia: Indonesian

◇Cambodia: Khmer
This is awesome, great lighting, setting, and makeup, LOL.

◇Timor-Leste: Tetum & Portuguese
I could understand the Filipino and Singaporean English, of course. I could also understand Malaysia from Malaysia, Malay from Brunei and the Indonesian clips, but the accents on that first clip for Malaysia were so thick, I had to slow the speed down to .75 and listen to it a couple of times and there were bits I didn't get. They spoke with a thick accent. I'd never heard Brunei Malay that I can recall, and it was good that I could understand it.

Malaysian and Indonesian are sort of mutually intelligible. But if someone goes into a non-standard regional accent, especially one with loan words from many of the other languages, then that can be difficult. Indonesian TV shows often throw in a lot of Betawi words, but these days many Malaysians may be able to decipher what they are saying because Indonesia produces a lot of TV drama. Some dialects of Malaysian sound to me like an Indonesian with a heavy speech impediment trying to speak, like those two women in the interview. But the other Malaysian clip and the Brunei clip sounded normal. Indonesia got the language from the Malay, anyway. But the Malayu in Indonesia often use an 'o' vowel on the endings of words where Indonesian uses and 'a'. And some Malaysian dialects use a something like the /ʌ/ sound, like a tense schwa, a bit like the vowel sound in 'but.' I don't care for that accent.
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 2nd, 2022, 12:45 am
Wow, that was a lot of super-polite hyper-civilized material showing all those other languages. Now here's the first part in what'll probably be a long series proving objectively that Cantonese is the best language, ever!! (Not just among the Asian languages.)

From my VHS tape from the early 1990s:

@Outcast9428 leave this girl to me, her name is "Virgin" but she isn't the type you're after!

Virgin rides shotgun to the gun raid and tries to reach the 'Big O' while Gou Fei drives, then chucks an M26 "Lemon" Hand Grenade into a carful of gun runners who made a rude remark to her after they block the overpass.

Original Cantonese 廣東話 audio (no girly English dub or nasal Mandarin 蝗語 "Locust Language" dub).
Wow! Cantonese does sound a lot smoother and more melodious than Mandarin. I can now see why Cantonese is your favorite Chinese language and why you think that Mandarin is a deviant semi-Mongolian barbarian horseman language (no offense to any Mando speakers but from an aesthetic point of view I agree with WilliamSmith). I also agree that Cantonese needs its own sovereign homeland. Unfortunately in Hong Kong the language is forced to share the stage with English due to former British rule while in the Chinese mainland it is being gradually pushed out by the CCP's Mandarin. :(

I would also like to say that I prefer the southern Chinese/Cantonese/Hongkongese female phenotype to that of nothern Chinese girls. From what I've observed Cantonese girls tend to be a little shorter, stockier and darker and seem to constitute an intermediate form between East Asian and SEA females. They look quite exotic and I think I'd be more than happy to make love to one as long as she is well-built and has booty by Asian standards and even more so if she has a nice pair of silicone knockers in order to bring out the bust which is typically lacking in Asian females.

I also love the 80s action movie vibe. Maybe I should look into some classic Hongkongese ultra-macho 80s action movies. If I can find them with Spanish dub or subtitles I'll be able to watch them with my Mexican girl but I also think that it would be good to watch them with the original Cantonese dialogue since that Chinese language does sound quite cool!

On that note I'd like to change my vote from Thai or Vietnamese to Cantonese 廣東話 for best Asian language. Cantonese also uses hon3 zi6 漢字 and so that makes it even more baddass!
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 2nd, 2022, 12:08 am
44 LANGUAGES of ASIA [part 2]

This one gets seriously "Middle Eastern" vs what's often thought of as "Asian," but see for yourself:
That's an interesting new dimension to the discussion. Most people think of Asian languages as those of the Far East such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean or sometimes also Thai, Vietnamese and "Filipino" (i.e., Tagalog) if they are familiar with South East Asia. Few people talk about South Asian languages which derive from Sanskrit or Dravidian, or the diverse languages of Central Asia which belong to various distinct language families. Even fewer people think about the obscure languages of the Caucasus.

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 2nd, 2022, 12:08 am
0:13 Arabic
Sounds a little bit harsh and angry in the video. However, I like to listen to Arabic music with female vocals (chiefly Egyptian and Lebanese) and it often sounds quite pleasant. The Cairo speech is said to be the smoothest form of Arabic while the dialects of the Arabian peninsula are said to be a little bit harsher. Egyptian and Lebanese women are usually attractive.

Maya Nasri - Akhbarak Eh (Lebanese Arabic)

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 2nd, 2022, 12:08 am
0:42 Georgian
I don't know much about this language other than it being a non-Indo-European language spoken in the Caucasus. It seems quite consonant-heavy yet in the video it still sounds smooth.

From what I've seen Georgian women are hot with their tanned olive skin complexion and their exotic features. They're like the "Latinas" of the former USSR.

Georgian spoken by cute girl:

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 2nd, 2022, 12:08 am
1:15 Persian
A very musical Indo-European language. For some reason Persian with its many millennia of history and culture is barely studied in the West and learning materials for the language are scarce.

Susan Roshan - Nabavari

Tajik is a dialect of Persian which is spoken in the mountainous country of Tajikistan and written with the Cyrillic script due to the influence of the former USSR. It is said to sound harsher than its Iranian counterpart.

Sadriddin Feat Shabnam Suraya - Wafai Delam

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 2nd, 2022, 12:08 am
2:33 Armenian
Mmmm, Armenian just sounds odd to me and I honestly don't know what to make of it.

Here's a longer video of Armenian spoken by natives in Yerevan:

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 2nd, 2022, 12:08 am
1:40 Azerbaijani

3:03 Turkish
I'm not a fan of Turkic languages which I consider crude and uncultured barbarian horseman languages much like how you consider Mandarin. I don't think they compare to the beauty and sophistication of the Indo-European languages. I actually like Turkey and Azerbaijan and think that both of these country have extremely attractive women. Neither "Turks" nor Azerbaijanis are truly Turkic. The people of Turkey are mostly Eastern Mediterraneans whose ancient ancestors spoke the Indo-European Anatolian language of Hittite while Azerbaijanis have more in common with Persians from what I've read. But those peoples were overrun by a Turkic barbarian minority from the east following a period of cultural decay and ended up adopting the Turkic barbarian horseman language as a result.

I still find Turkish and Azerbaijani women sexy though despite their barbarian horseman language:

At least in Azerbaijan a minority of the population still has the sense to give preference to Russian for education and business.

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 2nd, 2022, 12:08 am
5:43 Punjabi
No clue about this, but from tonality alone she sounds like she's nagging me about a bunch of BS same as the Montanan logger-town babes of my place of origin (before they make the evening switch over from daytime karening to demanding sex), LOL.
I asked a Pakistani training buddy of mine about Punjabi since he's from that region (his native language is Urdu) and he told me that it's a rough provincial language. That might be why it sounds like the lady in the video is nagging like a Montanan logger-town karen. :lol:

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 2nd, 2022, 12:08 am
6:16 Marathi
I think that Marathi is the most conservative modern Indian language and is the closest to Sanskrit in terms of grammar and other features. It still preserves the three original genders while Hindi only has masculine and feminine.
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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by galii »

I am a turkish speaker. I was never a big fan of it but it is still better than most languages. Turkish should be seen as different than other turkic languages. Atatürk the great leader chose the Istanbul dialect as it is the most cultured one. The other turkic languages sound like the anatolian turkish. I find the istanbul turkish quite nice. No much horseman stuff there. Turkish is quite a harmonic, logical, melodic language. So not too bad. As it is islamic there is not much motivation to learn it. If you speak Japanese or Hungarian it might be easier to learn it.

Turkish seems to be more popular lately because of the soap operas they produce. The pop music is not too bad.

Btw. I am wondering why in the internet there are so many who are lying that arabic is the most or at least is a beatiful language. Sounds like a joke. Somebody said it sound like a seal with throat issues.

This is the journalist Nagehan. She has some nice Istanbul turkish.

This was a hit song by Tarkan back in the day. You might have heard it many times. The second one is Meyra.

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Re: All Asian Languages Compared :)

Post by galii »

Btw if you want to raise your inner horseman here you have the soundtrack to it. It is honor of the Plevne war. It is my favorite march.

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