Final solution of the Tsar problem

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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by Tsar »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 10th, 2021, 2:05 am
I have done some thinking lately. In no small part because I sometimes experience... a spiritual emptiness in my life. And because I do actually think about subjects such as morality, things beyond our mortality, beyond plain old-fashioned hedonism...

Now I've been thinking of adding another wife. I've chatted some girls online. Some of the sweetest ones that always seem to swipe for me, are Muslim girls from Indonesia. I only talk to the ones I find cute; not the pug-nosed types but the paler, full-lipped, pretty ones. The ones that show signs of admixture with both the native Indonesians, their Muslim conquerors, the Dutch and Chinese traders. At times, the result of this admixture can be stunning. More often, it is not quite stunning, but definitely very pleasing to the eye.

Now Tsar has broadened his horizons a little bit, looking for Chinese girls. Which is great, but when it comes to virginity and Chinese girls, or Vietnamese girls, or Filipinas, Thais or Christian Indonesians, your chances are... less than ideal. But with a Muslima? Damn! You've struck gold, my friend. There is something beautifully simple about them. Purity is all but guaranteed, virginity as holy to them as the name of their Prophet and his supposed virtues...

So I have been chatting this girl for a while. Lovely girl! Very pretty. There's something Chinese about her eye area, but not so awfully slit-eyed either, just a tad bit. Nose, great. Jawline, to die for. Eyebrows gorgeous. Her hair, I can only guess, as she always devoutly covers it with a hijab. I asked her for a selfie yesterday. She said: "Marcos, wait a bit... I have to put on my hijbab first, is it okay?" :D And I dunno, man, but my heart kinda melted a little bit? It's just so... deliciously wholesome. I find it adorable.

She's eighteen years old. She lives with her parents. Studies, but does so from home. When she goes out, there is almost always a chaperone. This girl, my friend, is as pure as the driven snow. And even if she were to not find a husband soon, she'd still be every bit as virginal ten years down the line because she simply is off-limits. Muslim girls are off-f***ing-limits.

Still, as off-limits as they are for fun, Indonesian Muslims are not at all off-limits for serious candidates for marriage. They are a lot more approachable than, say, Afghan or Pakistani girls. Let alone Indian girls, don't get me started on those; the ones abroad quite slutty, the ones back home about as hard to find as a unicorn and will drop you at the blink of an eye from their parents, the slightest hesitation meaning the end of your chances. Not Indonesian girls! They're doable. You can get one, Tsar, provided you approach her respectfully, carefully, and make good conversation with her.

You want some teenage plaything, which is fine and dandy. But you're going to have to think anout your chances here. Be realistic, too. What is the 'next best thing' to you, dying a lonely virgin? You're my friend Tsar, and you're not bad guy, contrary to what anyone here may think. You're solid. But you're also incredibly picky. The fact that you now seem open to Chinese ladies gives me a bit of hope. Because if you'd be open to a Chinese girl, surely you'd be open to an Indonesian one as well?

If virginity is what you are after, by all means, go and research Islam a little bit. They prize and honor virginity more than any other faith, and although many of the Western Muslims have long since turned into degenerates, much virtue is to be found in their overseas comrades. @Fschmidt was on to something when he suggested Islam as a possible solution years ago. I strongly implore you to consider this option, and I think it would be far more agreeable to your temperament and lack of social and romantic experience compared to China. A safer 'hunting ground', too, than Eastern-Europe. Safer, by far. If you play your cards right, that is.

I don't expect or desire any rebuttal here, Tsar. I don't want you to dismiss my words. Just, let it sink in for a bit. Let it marinate in your brain a little. If Chinese girls are now an option for you, Indonesian girls must be added to your list. They are demure, they are innocent, and quite non-threatening for a man of your age, your stature and slight build, not to mention your lack of sexual and romantic advantures to date. Far more suitable for a man such as you, than a statuesque Slavic lady with legs for days and hands twice the size of yours. ;)

Tsar, grow a beard. Dress nicely and modestly. Join some international dating sites and put your settings to "global". Pretend to be a Muslim, learn the lingo; you surely will look the part due to your somewhat swarthy looks. And if Bulgaria, for whatever reason, does not work out, you would have a solid Plan B and a chance to lose your virginity and build up a stable family, as opposed to just masturbating to teenagers for eternity. As your friend, I hope you would consider this as an option. And if you would fail to find "The One" I could even help you in acquiring someone, if needed. Hell, there are even bridal services for this particular situation. Professional matchmakers, taking the pressure off of you.

If losing your virginity to a cute girl at the soonest possible opportunity is your main goal in life, and you wish to not be a scumbag about it and live a life of virtue and stability? Consider Indonesia. Consider it, Tsar, and you could be balls-deep in prime Indonesian punani within six months, finally rid of all that pent-up rage and the sexual frustration of over three decades.

Think about it! :mrgreen:
I have thought about going for Asian Muslims in the past or certain Mediterranean Muslim girls like Yick mentioned. Even before I more seriously considered any Asian Girl, I posted maybe back in 2016 about Kyrgyz girls. They're Muslim (or many are secular Muslims), they are a Turkic Asian race with more of an East Asian appearance with more Slavic eyes and a more delicate nose.

Yes, I would be willing to convert to any religion. I'm pragmatic. I'm willing to serve any God or gods, wave any flag, or follow any ideology to get a girl.

I've met Muslims in the United States so I know they're friendly. I think they're probably some of the friendliest people in America. They don't have chips on their shoulder like most people in America seem to have...

I honestly need some society more compatible with my lifestyle and my low income. I need extroverts or any friendly people to integrate me into a society. Bulgaria is great and I will miss some things in Bulgaria. I love Italy too but I couldn't afford to live there.

Europeans inherit generational homes. I am starting at the 0 in Europe with a financial negative not allowing me to be on equal financial standing as European-born Europeans. I would be starting at 0 anywhere. But depending on the cost of living and cost of shelter, I may be able to save $100-$200 a month.

I would appreciate a girl that's talented. If she can cook then that would be great. When a girl cooks for a guy, it shows that she cares and she can get a compliment for her good cooking talent which will make her happy.

I need people who are willing to be friendly or invite me out. I need people to help to integrate me into their nation and their community. I need a helper girlfriend to help me with certain tasks. I'm an introvert by nature and my personality type is probably the most introverted personality.

I want to be social. Introverts are thought to be antisocial, but they're not. I say I do not go to a bar or a nightclub, but that's because I cannot go to one alone. I would be a fish out of water. I wouldn't go for a girl at a bar or nightclub because the girls wouldn't be good matches unless for a FWB fling. I would prefer to meet a random girl at a park (like fate or destiny bringing the meeting together. Right place, right time) or thought a friend (maybe he or she would have a nice looking sister or one of their cousins, or maybe one of their sisters or cousins has a beautiful friend).

I read all the time from expats about how they find the girls in Asia to be sweet or friendly. Some in Vietnam wrote about how one of the girls brought him some Vietnamese Pho when he wasn't feeling well (or had a cold, but I don't remember)? Do people get colds in a tropical climate like Vietnam? I thought colds were a sickness for temperate climates.

I can definitely imagine a (Muslim) girl in Indonesia being just as sweet and friendly. I am fine with chaperoned dates if it was necessary.

I really always did think Asians were cute or hot, or I could go for one. More than Bulgaria. But with Covid-19, my options were limited. Asian girls will probably have skin that doesn't have a tattoo. Too many girls in Bulgaria have at least one tattoo. Most smoke starting as teens. Many kiss other girls for attention on IG or from their boyfriends. So, yeah, this isn't a cultural match for me when it comes to girls but I never seriously wanted a Bulgarian girl and I came to Bulgaria to avoid homelessness and America has product shortages. I learned many things to help me when I get to Russia and I learned that I like walking and city life.

Bulgaria is great. I do want to leave but when I leave, I am going to buy buckwheat, snacks, wine, Rakia, Monin Mint Cream Liqueur (French product), fruit jams, and maybe some other things because overall, I like Bulgaria better than America. I can walk places. The tap water in Sofia is safe enough to drink if boiled. I buy bottled water too but I don't want to carry too much heavy things all the time. Great place. Many parks. I don't do well in the cold or the winter but I was mostly fine this winter. Some 60-66 F days in February. Great climate. What I do not like is how difficult it is to make friends. The girls here aren't likely my type. Bulgaria was on my Question checklist, but now I know. The population birth rate is too small and the girls seem too Westernized.

My main points I make on the forum typically turn out to be true. I won't be pursuing girls in Bulgaria. Maybe for the fun of it, I'll see if I can get at least one girl to meet me for a date. I will just plan my next move in life or my next moves in life.

There are some things relating to what you said that I don't want to post here but I could talk to you about later on one-to-one messaging. Some tie into what you wrote, and I have questions about both the Philippines and Indonesia.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by Cornfed »

gsjackson wrote:
March 11th, 2021, 2:27 am
Do you know of any country where he would be refused treatment for lack of insurance in an emergency situation like that?
Cambodia when I was living there. Maybe things have changed.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by Lucas88 »

Today I spoke to Tsar about how he could get a young virgin girlfriend in Peru since he told me that he thinks that some Latinas are cute.

I believe that Peru could offer various advantages for Tsar:

1. Caucasian men from places like the United States and Europe are practically worshipped in Peru. If you are a decent-looking White foreigner Peruvian women will aggressively pursue you and flirt with you and do all they can to get you to sleep with them or become their boyfriend. Tsar is of Mediterranean ancestry but even with his natural olive skin complexion he will still be considered a White European by Peruvian standards and enjoy the same privileged status as a blond-haired, blue-eyed Northern European. Peru is perhaps the single best place for geo-arbitrage for Caucasian men in the Western hemisphere.

2. Most Peruvian men are on the shorter side in comparison to men from the US and Europe. Tsar's lack of height won't be much of a hindrance if any at all.

3. In Peru the age of consent is 14 and, as a Mediterranean-derived Latin American country, attitudes concerning sex and age difference are much more relaxed in comparison to the prudish and puritanical Anglo and Germanic societies of the North.

I set out a plan for Tsar to start a new life and get the type of girl that he wants:

1. Learn Spanish, first through self-study and then through enrollment in an immersive language school in Peru. Tsar has already studied some Russian and German which are both grammatically conservative languages. Adapting to Spanish shouldn't be too difficult. I could even give him some help via videocalls.

2. After finishing his course at immersive language school, find employment as an English teacher. It's easy for a White American to find employment as an English teacher. Most schools and colleges will hire you as long as you have any kind of degree. Many places won't even bother to check your qualifications and will simply assume that you're the best hire due to your ethnicity and native status.

3. In Peru a guy like Tsar will be pursued by many young girls due to his ethnicity and country of origin. Some of those will be virgins since not all girls start young in Latin America and some are still quite innocent and desire a loving relationship. Tsar doesn't look much older than a teenager himself and nobody would bat an eyelid if he were out in public with a girl around the age of 16-18. It is also likely that the girl's parents wouldn't care too much about the age difference because Tsar is a gringo and many Peruvians simply assume that gringos are better than local men who often have a reputation for being unreliable playboys.

I believe that Peru would be a good option for Tsar if he were willing to learn Spanish.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by Lucas88 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 6th, 2022, 5:09 pm
This sounds great. I know little of Peru beyond "lol panflutes" so I cannot say much of it but your plan sounds solid. Was he receptive to it? Part of my issue with Tsar before is me laying out a potential plan and him just seeing issues with it or responding in a bit of a lukewarm way at best. Perhaps life's copious disappointments have jaded him but I wished he would just... go for it, for once. Give it his all, no holds barred, all-in, balls-deep. I want to see him succeed. Thanks for still trying brother and I hope you can convince him.
He seemed to be receptive to the idea. He asked a lot of questions and even told me that he would like to try out Peru in the near future.

I also showed him some photos and videos of Peruvian women. He seemed to like them since many Peruvian women almost look Asian and others have a more European phenotype. A Peruvian girl might suit him. Peruvian girls tend to be extremely affectionate.

He expressed a desire for somebody to go with him and introduce him to people. That's understandable given his social anxiety. If I decide to revisit Peru and that coincides with Tsar's arrival then I'd be willing to accompany him but I would like to emphasize the importance of immersive language school once in the country. If Tsar does decide to come to Peru I want him to enroll in such a school and study the language intensively. Tsar says that he finds Spanish hard due to the pronunciation and complex verb paradigms but I think that he could learn it with the right materials. He is more intelligent than average. Immersive language school would also have the benefit of allowing Tsar to meet new people and establish a network of friends. He could even do a homestay program with a Peruvian family. The basic idea would be for him to get settled in. In Peru Spanish is indispensable for everyday life and opens up many opportunities.

Thank you too Marcos for looking out for Tsar. Thanks to this forum he now has multiple genuine friends and a greater support network than before. We all want him to succeed!
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by Outcast9428 »


Even despite my limited experience with them I would agree with what you said about Peruvian girls. I went on a cruise ship once and a couple girls from Peru were really flirting with me.

I’m really impressed by the lengths you went to to help Tsar. If he sounded receptive to the idea then it’s great to see that he has a real chance. I wouldn’t have thought of Peru but I guess your expertise in Latin America really paid off here.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by Lucas88 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 7th, 2022, 5:49 am
Particularly the whole offer of you potentially guiding him around in a more "boots on the ground" sort of way. That sounds like a dream.
My intention right now is to go to Colombia (perhaps Medellín or some other place in the temperate highlands) once I have recovered from my current health problems but now that I have spoken with Tsar about Peru I feel tempted to first spend an extended vacation in some quieter Peruvian city if not for any other reason than to score with some of the cute indiecitas and mestizas and make their fantasies come true. I know that Outcast wouldn't approve due to his traditionalist views but whenever I'm in Latin America all of the hot Latinas with their golden-brown complexion, big butts and passionate energy bring out a really sexually aggressive side in me and I just feel horny all of the time and want to get on so many of them. If I do go to Peru and Tsar is serious about coming to Peru and also ready to do so logistically then I will certainly receive him and do my best to orient him. The only condition that I put is that he enroll in an immersive language school and study the language seriously. A homestay program with a Peruvian family would be ideal since he would have ample opportunity to socialize and make new connections.

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 7th, 2022, 5:49 am
I, too, am grateful for the new offers to help Tsar. I truly hope they materialize into something, and soon. If not this year, than the next year. A year not traveled or spent by one's lonesome self is a year not truly lived. And at the end of the day, our troubled friend has plenty of good qualities left. Enough to appeal to a Peruvian girl, I'm sure, or an Indonesian were he to take my advice from last year. He looks youthful enough. But he would need to also approach men, I think, to form some sort of friendship. Practice social interaction with the same gender so there's no risk of romance and no fear of "failure", to help Tsar acquire those skills to chat up a stranger when needed.
Tsar does need to practice social skills with people of both genders and I think that a Latin culture could be an ideal training ground for him. In my experience people in Mediterranean/Latin cultures are more tolerant of individual differences. If you are socially awkward you can just be honest about it and most people will understand. Not everywhere is like America or the UK where everybody who is a bit different is quickly dismissed as a "weirdo". I often have conversations with Tsar about this. He asks me if such-and-such is acceptable in X country and I always tell him to forget about American social norms because Continental European is totally different and you are freer to be yourself.

Outcast9428 wrote:
September 6th, 2022, 7:28 pm
@Lucas88I’m really impressed by the lengths you went to to help Tsar. If he sounded receptive to the idea then it’s great to see that he has a real chance. I wouldn’t have thought of Peru but I guess your expertise in Latin America really paid off here.
From what I understand you've also maintained contact with him too and given him advice so you deserve some credit too. Pixel--Dude and I are helping Tsar because he has shown himself to be a great person despite what some people here think about him, and we already regard him as a friend. We knew that our defense of Tsar in light of his ban would get us a lot of heat but we felt that it was the right thing to do.

@MarcosZeitola, this is another reason why I think that Tsar should be allowed back on the forum: here he has a lot of people who really care about him and are willing to help him. To enforce a permanent ban on him would only serve to cut him off from a large part of his online support network.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 7th, 2022, 8:45 am
Lucas88 wrote:
September 7th, 2022, 8:21 am

@MarcosZeitola, this is another reason why I think that Tsar should be allowed back on the forum: here he has a lot of people who really care about him and are willing to help him. To enforce a permanent ban on him would only serve to cut him off from a large part of his online support network.
I actually agree a lot with this. And lately the amount of goodwill shown towards him has been something else, hasn't it? It's almost as if HappierAbroad became "HelpTsarGetHappierAbroad" and it's kind of awesome and wholesome in a way to see that development, especially since this place has kind of a history of people just shitting on each other for no reason.

Gotta say I'm a little bit bummed out by @Winston for quietly banning Tsar without even notifying the rest of the forum. Usually the procedure when banning a long-standing member is for Winston to make a post in the "Banning and Warning Announcement" thread. He'll frequently cut a member some slack, too, even make posts and polls asking the forum for its imput before kicking someone off permanently, and even then, he'll frequently show mercy at the last minute.

To have him not do so, in this case, is rather odd. I posted in the Banning-topic and asked Winston for his two cents. He doesn't seem to weigh in an awful lot on forum affairs lately, and seems rather absent as far as leaders go. Bit of a disappointment. I hope he'll see all the commotion and finally weigh in with his take on all this, and perhaps rectify things:


For now, we just, do what we can. The Latin America plan sounds great, and while learning Spanish may not be easy, few languages ever are. If you want to truly succeed at anything in life, it will inevitably take work. I don't know what health problem you suffer from, but here's hoping you recover quickly from whatever ails you and find a way to help our buddy in those lands of bronzed bubble butts and brilliantly white smiles! :D
Could just be that he has a very busy life now compared to all those times he had the freedom to be on here. I remember days when I use to visit this site almost every day, even at school just to read what the guy had to say. I didn't even make an account here until this year, but I've always been on the site, just never interacted with anybody or had an account. But I'd say he's probably just extremely busy with a lot of things. Hard to tell. I started viewing HA around 2012-2013 I believe.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by galii »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 7th, 2022, 8:45 am
Lucas88 wrote:
September 7th, 2022, 8:21 am

@MarcosZeitola, this is another reason why I think that Tsar should be allowed back on the forum: here he has a lot of people who really care about him and are willing to help him. To enforce a permanent ban on him would only serve to cut him off from a large part of his online support network.
I actually agree a lot with this. And lately the amount of goodwill shown towards him has been something else, hasn't it? It's almost as if HappierAbroad became "HelpTsarGetHappierAbroad" and it's kind of awesome and wholesome in a way to see that development, especially since this place has kind of a history of people just shitting on each other for no reason.

Gotta say I'm a little bit bummed out by @Winston for quietly banning Tsar without even notifying the rest of the forum. Usually the procedure when banning a long-standing member is for Winston to make a post in the "Banning and Warning Announcement" thread. He'll frequently cut a member some slack, too, even make posts and polls asking the forum for its imput before kicking someone off permanently, and even then, he'll frequently show mercy at the last minute.

To have him not do so, in this case, is rather odd. I posted in the Banning-topic and asked Winston for his two cents. He doesn't seem to weigh in an awful lot on forum affairs lately, and seems rather absent as far as leaders go. Bit of a disappointment. I hope he'll see all the commotion and finally weigh in with his take on all this, and perhaps rectify things:


For now, we just, do what we can. The Latin America plan sounds great, and while learning Spanish may not be easy, few languages ever are. If you want to truly succeed at anything in life, it will inevitably take work. I don't know what health problem you suffer from, but here's hoping you recover quickly from whatever ails you and find a way to help our buddy in those lands of bronzed bubble butts and brilliantly white smiles! :D
In the PH he has not to learn English. He did not go there so why would he do Peru which is 10 times more difficult? Btw if he gets back to the forum he will not change. He loves his 'fantasies'. Winston is I think is in the US and therefore busy with debunking tipping and other important stuff :lol:
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by MrMan »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 7th, 2022, 8:11 am
I appreciate your help a lot, too. Tsar is the one guy on this forum who I sort of felt compelled to help and who has, over the years, become a genuine friend. Which is odd because back in 2014 and 2015, I kind of "mocked" him a little bit. I tried to do the whole "tough love" thing, get him out of his mindset, break down some of his illusions. Didn't help and didn't really feel right to go about it that way. I then approached him, instead, from a position of genuine respect; he's a clever guy, obviously. Troubled, yes, but clever all the same. And I came up with a number of options for him to take. I particularly liked the Indonesia plan because it would require limited effort on his behalf and honestly, from all the people I know who married Indonesian girls, they make dream spouses. I'm sure @MrMan can attest to this: one does not easily get with a woman who can cook you satay babi and soto ajam or nasi goreng and... not love her to absolute pieces. :lol:
Women are women and while there might be some good wife-traits that are more common in Indonesia than in other countries, marrying an Indonesian does not guarantee hapiness, of course.

My wife made Thai fried rice recently, but skewering the meat is a bit of a hassle. She is a gourmet cook, so we get all kind of variety, and it is really good.

But for Tsar, he'd said if he went for a Filipina, he'd be going for second-best, settling, or whatever. He seemed to really want someone young and white, maybe Ukranian or Russian. At first, and occasionally later, he expressed an interest in a virgin. An 18-year-old eastern European sounded like what he wanted.

But I advised him to get established in a career. Women who are traditional want men to support them, and career women want men who are at least on the same level career-wise, usually.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by MrMan »

The title of this thread seems Hitleresque.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by publicduende »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 7th, 2022, 9:41 pm
[...] What's missing, until now, is proper guidance and a step-by-step course of action.

The man is in his 30s. He should be able to know what steps to take to improve his life, or at least know how to get it, from Google or a few friends. Despite his immaturity and his over-the-top statements, I see he does have a lot people here who seem to care about him doing well.

As @MrMan says, unless he is a model-like stud who is only seen (and f***ed!) at face value, Tsar should try to de-focus from his obsession about getting a hot teenager and get some real-life skills. You know, like learning a profession or trade that allows him to be financially stable. Chicks can always wait, his lack of stability is already damaging his life and the damage will be irreversible if he doesn't take steps now.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by publicduende »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 7th, 2022, 11:30 pm
I actually agree with that completely, and told Tsar as much. All a man needs in this world to get everything he desires, more or less, is some degree of wealth. Tsar is not a bad looking fellow, and unlike some men in their thirties, he is not yet balding. So chances are in ten years, when he's in his forties, he'll still look alright. He would also still be broke, and miserable, if he doesn't start making real money and gaining real life experience.

A man with some solid and stable income, a well-dressed, well-spoken man who maintains somewhat of a social life, will not have any trouble attracting a partner. Even a very young one, if he is so inclined, and knows the right places to go and the right avenues to take. But he'd have to be able to offer the girl something... and he'd have to convince her family, too. Saying: "I'm a self-made businessman/day trader/financial analyst/IT specialist" or what-have-you may pique the interest of his father-in-law-to-be. Whereas "I am 30+ and live off of government benefits from a country, the USA, that I despise" would cause them to lose interest or show him the door almost instantly.
Amen to all of the above!
MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 7th, 2022, 11:30 pm
I don't see him attracting the girl of his dreams right now. But I'd like for him to at the very least get laid, get some degree of experience through any means necessary, so that he would be able to have a sense of "victory" that may put him on a more positive trajectory going forward. He ought to know all of this, but he is stubborn. A psychiatrist might not be a bad idea at this point, either, or some sort of therapy group or something similar. More professional help than people on this forum are qualified to offer him.
That's where, if he really were smart(er) about his way of approaching life, he would act differently. He would forget about trophy teenagers that he would spend only a few weeks with, arguing most days and learning little, and maybe hook up with a nice MILF who can teach him a lot, about sex and more.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by Outcast9428 »

@MrMan @MarcosZeitola and @publicduende my friend and I have tried to tell Tsar many times that simply getting a job would make his life 10x easier. He doesn't need that prestigious of a job but he does need a job. Having a job in general wins you a lot more respect in girls' eyes and especially in the eyes of their family. I just struggle to see him getting any girl, no matter where he goes, telling them that he is living off of disability checks. If he does go to Peru then I really think he should look for a way to get a job in whatever community he chooses to settle into. Getting a job is also a way of settling into the community and getting to know the people there.
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Re: Final solution of the Tsar problem

Post by publicduende »

Outcast9428 wrote:
September 8th, 2022, 12:39 am
@MrMan @MarcosZeitola and @publicduende my friend and I have tried to tell Tsar many times that simply getting a job would make his life 10x easier. He doesn't need that prestigious of a job but he does need a job. Having a job in general wins you a lot more respect in girls' eyes and especially in the eyes of their family. I just struggle to see him getting any girl, no matter where he goes, telling them that he is living off of disability checks. If he does go to Peru then I really think he should look for a way to get a job in whatever community he chooses to settle into. Getting a job is also a way of settling into the community and getting to know the people there.
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