Worst States to live in List always dodges California

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Worst States to live in List always dodges California

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

I was going through a list of the worst states to live in, and so many of them ditched putting California on their list :lol: when I tell people that's where I live, they sympathize with me. It's like they know this is a shit state, but a lot of those statistics avoid mentioning the State. They tend to bring up a lot of the obvious ones based on high crime, poverty, lack of opportunities, etc. And it seems as if the whole country is just one big ass failure full of angry people that are borderline miserable as hell.

It's hard to believe people still believe the U.S. is even a first world country anymore at this point with the tent cities, PC/SJW culture, censorship, etc. It sure as hell doesn't feel like one to me. I always thought first world countries were countries that had little to no poverty, cleans streets, very little if any crime at all, reasonable laws that don't make living in said country impossible other than for wealthy people.

I realize a lot of those list also ignore New York too. But the entire country is vulnerable at this point.
I use to get all frustrated with people for mentioning how bad the U.S. is, but now it's hard to even argue anymore about it.
The problem is, there are only a few countries in the world that's liviable. Most nations suffer from the same shit problems we have in the United States. It's just that America love to believe its "The greatest on Earth." Something I never heard liberals or democrats saying but hear conservatives and republicans saying all the damn time.
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Re: Worst States to live in List always dodges California

Post by kangarunner »

At least California has cool shit to do and sunny weather year round. And cool people. I'd rather be in California than boring ass Memphis, TN. Just recently, one guy from my city was so miserable that he went to Fiji with his wife and literally beat her to death in a $3,500 / night resort that her parents paid for. I could go on and on about Memphis but just never come here.

https://abcnews.go.com/US/memphis-man-a ... d=88490458
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Re: Worst States to live in List always dodges California

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

kangarunner wrote:
September 13th, 2022, 12:03 pm
At least California has cool shit to do and sunny weather year round. And cool people. I'd rather be in California than boring ass Memphis, TN. Just recently, one guy from my city was so miserable that he went to Fiji with his wife and literally beat her to death in a $3,500 / night resort that her parents paid for. I could go on and on about Memphis but just never come here.

https://abcnews.go.com/US/memphis-man-a ... d=88490458
I thought you lived in Vietnam? No my man, you don't want to move up here.. Cost of living is impossible even for people with high income who are leaving. Then you have the schools in San Diego teaching kids that heterosexuality is oppression and evil. It's definitely not a state you want to live in. Plus we have a lot of high crime up here also. Especially places like San Fransisco (look up videos and pics, it looks like hell over there right now), Oakland (Crime that can easily rival Chicago and Detroit), it's a horrible state, and that's because democrats control everything up here. I'm surprised people haven't gotten so mad at what liberals did to CA, they aren't running around beating out their brains in frustration. Most of the people with money got up and left. Now there's just a ton of poor people who can barely afford to keep their apartment or house. And I've seen far too many tent cities I've lost complete count.

Galven Newsom got so mad at people that tried to recall his sorry ass that he tried to get revenge on them. First off, he wanted to tax anyone that tried to leave CA, basically trying to force them to stay in a shitty State his kind ruined that nobody can afford to live in anymore other than extremely wealthy people.

And he did some other stuff too, like he wants to legalize baby killings even after they are already born so that more women will vote for him. He even told a bunch of women they were better and superior over men, at one of his rallies when he got scared that Larry Elder was going to beat him and take his spot. So he started lying out his ass like crazy to get people to vote for him. Even threw Trump name out there because he knew that if he brought up Trump? He was going to beat Elder easily. Way too many leftist hate him and way too many of them live up here in CA.

Whats funny is that Nancy Pelocy tried to run off to Florida and buy a house because she realize how bad she f***ed up San Fransisco. People are so afraid to live up there now they have to hire private security which a lot of people can't afford. Then there were gangs breaking into the homes of wealthy people up in L.A. it had got so bad because of the Hispanic and black gangs causing most of the terror that people had to get safe rooms installed in their home which is extremely expensive.
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Re: Worst States to live in List always dodges California

Post by kangarunner »

Mercer wrote:
September 13th, 2022, 7:00 pm
I live in San Francisco. The people in California are anything but cool.
But I thought the word "cool" was invented in California....
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Re: Worst States to live in List always dodges California

Post by Lucas88 »

California might have been one of the best places to live in the 80s and 90s but that California is now long gone and all that remains is the total mess that we see today. I recently watched a video about California and its current problems (I don't know where to find it since I watched it on my brother's YouTube account) and it basically confirmed many of the complaints that California resident @WanderingProtagonist has expressed about the state. The video highlighted the growing poverty throughout California and the extremely high cost of living, the droves of homeless people living in tents, the exodus of Californians to other states, the frequent incidents of shoplifting that go unpunished, the excessive regulations that make business difficult, and the aggressive promotion of leftwing political propaganda and wokeism everywhere. The California that we once knew and idolized is no more. The crypto-Marxists have already taken over and run it into the ground.
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Re: Worst States to live in List always dodges California

Post by Outcast9428 »

kangarunner wrote:
September 13th, 2022, 12:03 pm
At least California has cool shit to do and sunny weather year round. And cool people. I'd rather be in California than boring ass Memphis, TN. Just recently, one guy from my city was so miserable that he went to Fiji with his wife and literally beat her to death in a $3,500 / night resort that her parents paid for. I could go on and on about Memphis but just never come here.

https://abcnews.go.com/US/memphis-man-a ... d=88490458
Cool people? California? What the hell have you been smoking :lol:.

At least Tennessee banned abortion and there’s a strong conservative base there. There’s plenty of hope for Tennessee. California is a lost cause.
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Re: Worst States to live in List always dodges California

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
September 14th, 2022, 8:14 am
California might have been one of the best places to live in the 80s and 90s but that California is now long gone and all that remains is the total mess that we see today. I recently watched a video about California and its current problems (I don't know where to find it since I watched it on my brother's YouTube account) and it basically confirmed many of the complaints that California resident @WanderingProtagonist has expressed about the state. The video highlighted the growing poverty throughout California and the extremely high cost of living, the droves of homeless people living in tents, the exodus of Californians to other states, the frequent incidents of shoplifting that go unpunished, the excessive regulations that make business difficult, and the aggressive promotion of leftwing political propaganda and wokeism everywhere. The California that we once knew and idolized is no more. The crypto-Marxists have already taken over and run it into the ground.
That's why I was saying, people tolerate a lot these days. You would think people would revolt and overthrow the people doing all of this but instead they run off to other states. Realize they don't like those states and then BOOM! They elect the same POS assholes like Newsom because people in the U.S. are just so goddamn ignorant and stupid intentionally. It's not even accidental. You have people saying Texas is going to get converted next, some people say Florida is going to suffer the same fate.

Both states have way too many Californians living in them, and they aren't all conservative people either. Hell some Conservatives will even defend and side with liberals on some issues, like they may believe that LBTQG should have equal rights and all that. Then those same gay people will start demanding more shit, and want to rule over that state just like they did here. Next thing you know? They got people scared to misgender somebody. Some of those Conservative people will betray their own principals and beliefs just because they are worried about being labeled. And when their enemies finally get them to submit to their demands? That's when they start demanding more and more, failure to give it to them will result in force and violence. I even get emails all the time that says "they are trying to control women's bodies." Democrat emails and shit sent to me trying to get me to vote, I just laugh and send it straight to Spam.
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Re: Worst States to live in List always dodges California

Post by kangarunner »

@WanderingProtagonist @Mercer @Outcast9428

You have to consider though that there are still a LOT of people who do want to live in California. Otherwise, no one would be there.

Still, at least people out there in California have a f***ing edge to them. You should come to the boring ass shithole South. These big truck driving rednecks out here are hard-headed, stubborn, and have zero curiosity about the world. There's just 3 things to do here. Guns, Beer, Football Games. Oh and..... all the women here are fat and ugly with tons of tattoos. The South is total shit. I wish I was never born here.

In terms of good places to live in the US, out West (Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico) seems to be a good choice. I was just in Las Vegas and wouldn't mind living there.
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Re: Worst States to live in List always dodges California

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

kangarunner wrote:
September 15th, 2022, 9:41 pm
@WanderingProtagonist @Mercer @Outcast9428

You have to consider though that there are still a LOT of people who do want to live in California. Otherwise, no one would be there.

Still, at least people out there in California have a f***ing edge to them. You should come to the boring ass shithole South. These big truck driving rednecks out here are hard-headed, stubborn, and have zero curiosity about the world. There's just 3 things to do here. Guns, Beer, Football Games. Oh and..... all the women here are fat and ugly with tons of tattoos. The South is total shit. I wish I was never born here.

In terms of good places to live in the US, out West (Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico) seems to be a good choice. I was just in Las Vegas and wouldn't mind living there.
No a lot of people don't want to live here, the only people who want to live here are liberal assholes, the ones who f***ed it up to begin with and even some of them don't want to be here anymore. CA is overrated and is no longer what it was. The state loses far more people than it gains, nobody wants to live in this f***ed up ass leftist state full of endless homelessness, crime, and miserable fake woke mutha fuckers and their garbage pronoun culture. America is just a declining country regardless where you go, but some states are so horrific, you can't even live there.

Cost living makes it impossible to even get into a house because most homes now are in the millions including the ones located in the damn ghetto neighborhoods. Some apartments are almost at $4000 a month, they really don't want low income people at all in this state, they think they can just have nothing but wealthy people in CA, and some business have left. Because they're sick of all the regulations.

Not everyone wants to work for the gay ass Big Tech corps around Soyboy employees and pink haired females that believe strongly in censorship either. To live in CA today, you really have to be on survival mode all day every day and night. People can't even retire here, so you have people in their 70s still having to work multiple jobs..That type of madness is hell for young people, but doing that at 70? That's murder. If I honestly knew of somewhere better to go to in the U.S. I would try to get there until I can afford to escape the country. I'm aware of how dull the South is, my grandmother lives in the South. So I would never want to go there.

But it's a myth assuming everyone still wants to live in CA. They don't. Especially not when they have to see thousands of people homeless everyday, that type of scene will make you sick, depressed, and emotionally ill if your one of the type of people that actually care about society and the people living around you. For people like that heartless bag of shit Newsom and the rest of his crew, it doesn't affect them. That's because he's a cold and callous bitch that gets off on seeing people suffer like that. I wouldn't be surprised if he jerks off to homeless porn. And yes it does exist. He didn't even want people to leave CA so he tried to punish them through taxation for trying to escape. That's how evil that SOB is, then he had the nerve to tell women "well I will legalize your right to kill your baby even after they are borned, and the law won't be allowed to arrest or touch you" f**k him and CA. I laugh at anyone that still believe this state is special, it's not. It would be like Tokyo getting hit with a massive wave of homelessness and crime, but people still walking around pretending it's safe and clean.
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Re: Worst States to live in List always dodges California

Post by Outcast9428 »

kangarunner wrote:
September 15th, 2022, 9:41 pm
@WanderingProtagonist @Mercer @Outcast9428

You have to consider though that there are still a LOT of people who do want to live in California. Otherwise, no one would be there.

Still, at least people out there in California have a f***ing edge to them. You should come to the boring ass shithole South. These big truck driving rednecks out here are hard-headed, stubborn, and have zero curiosity about the world. There's just 3 things to do here. Guns, Beer, Football Games. Oh and..... all the women here are fat and ugly with tons of tattoos. The South is total shit. I wish I was never born here.

In terms of good places to live in the US, out West (Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico) seems to be a good choice. I was just in Las Vegas and wouldn't mind living there.
I live in the south myself, I don't get what your problem is with it. The South isn't perfect but its pretty damn nice compared to the rest of the country. If there's one thing my college and going to Florida taught me its that boredom feels like paradise compared to chaos. Back in high school a lot of my peers here in the South kept complaining about how boring it is and that nothing happens here but they have no experience with chaotic environments and have no idea how dysfunctional or downright frightening they are. Even the liberals here tend to imagine more liberal environments as being kind of "controlled chaos" so to speak but the truth is there's no such thing as controlled chaos. Chaos is chaos because you can't control it or predict how its going to bite you in the ass. The reason things are "boring" here is because the people here are actually sane. You don't have random dudes walking up to your girlfriend trying to grope her. You don't have fist fights breaking out in public areas. You don't have people bragging in the office about cheating on their girlfriend/wife. You don't have to deal with rude people talking shit about you at full volume while in line for a pizza somewhere. You don't have to go into CVS stores and ask the cashier for the key to the bathroom because there's been too many drunk people in the past who stumbled in and vomited all over the toilets or vandalized it. You don't have to share the road with people who drive in real life like Grand Theft Auto players do. You don't have to put key codes on your front door or live in gated communities with security cameras mounted on the fence just to feel safe.

After four years at an insane university, and experiencing the nightmare of a culture that is Florida... I am so f***ing thankful for my boring, peaceful hometown you have no idea.
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